Direktori : /etc/ansible/roles/common/tasks/ |
Current File : //etc/ansible/roles/common/tasks/update.yml |
--- # This role contains common plays that will run on all nodes in bitrix-hosts ##### collect information on the current network configuration servers ## - name: gathring facts about intreface and ip addreess bx_net: bx_netaddr={{ bx_netaddr }} tags: net_configs - name: gathring facts about host bx_generate_host_vars: "host_name={{ inventory_hostname }} host_id={{ host_id |default('NOT_DEFINED') }} host_pass={{ host_pass | default('NOT_DEFINED') }} bx_netname={{ bx_netname | default('NOT_DEFINED') }}" tags: host_configs - name: set variables for client IP and interfaces set_fact: bx_ether_client: "{{ hostvars[inventory_hostname]['bx_network']['interface'] }}" bx_netaddr_client: "{{ bx_netaddr }}" bx_netaddr_server: "{{ monitoring_server_netaddr }}" bx_hostname_server: "{{ monitoring_server }}" tags: net_configs - name: debug info debug: msg="bx_ether_client={{ bx_ether_client }} bx_netaddr_client={{ bx_netaddr_client }} bx_netaddr_server={{ bx_netaddr_server }} host_id={{ host_id }} host_pass={{ host_pass }} bx_netname={{ bx_netname }} bx_host={{ bx_host| default(bx_hostname) }}" tags: net_configs ## ##### /collect information on the current network configuration servers ##### install packages (if add old machine) ## - name: install packages yum: pkg={{ item }} state=latest update_cache=yes tags: packages with_items: - etckeeper - bzip2 - psmisc ## ##### / install packages (if add old machine) - name: configure virtualization type set_fact: virtualization_type: "{{ ansible_virtualization_type|default('unknown') }}" ##### iptables/firewalld settings ## - include: configure_firewall_service.yml when: configure_firewall ## ##### iptables/firewalld settings ##### hostname and network settings ## - include: hostnames.yml vars: hostname: "{{ inventory_hostname }}" when: bx_host is undefined - include: hostnames.yml vars: hostname: "{{ bx_host }}" when: bx_host is defined ## ##### / network settings ##### sudoers ## - name: update sudoers template: src=bitrix_hosts.j2 dest=/etc/sudoers.d/bitrix_hosts mode=0440 owner=root tags: sudoers - name: delete BXANSIBLE lineinfile: dest=/etc/sudoers.d/bitrix regexp="BXANSIBLE" state=absent tags: sudoers ##### /sudoers ## ## ##### client configuration ## - name: pool information for child template: src=ansible-roles.j2 dest=/etc/ansible/ansible-roles owner=root group=root mode=0640 tags: pool_configuration - name: configuration profile.d template: src=profiled-bitrix.sh.j2 dest=/etc/profile.d/bitrix.sh owner=root group=root mode=0644 tags: profile - name: update host config by ether and netaddr delegate_to: bx_conf: "hostname={{ inventory_hostname }} state=update bx_netaddr={{ bx_netaddr_client }} iface={{ bx_ether_client }} ifaddr={{ bx_netaddr_client }} host_id={{ host_id }} host_pass={{ host_pass }} bx_netname={{ bx_netname }}" tags: network ## ##### / client configuration ##### time settings ## - include: time.yml ## ##### / time settings ##### mysql - include: mysql.yml ##### /mysql ##### nginx configuration for master server ## - name: configure nginx server template: src=pool_manager.conf.j2 dest=/etc/nginx/bx/site_avaliable/pool_manager.conf owner=root group=root mode=0644 tags: nginx when: inventory_hostname == monitoring_server notify: restart nginx - name: enable config for nginx file: src=/etc/nginx/bx/site_avaliable/pool_manager.conf dest=/etc/nginx/bx/site_enabled/pool_manager.conf state=link tags: nginx when: inventory_hostname == monitoring_server notify: restart nginx - name: create http password file delegate_to: htpasswd: path={{ pool_passwords }} name={{ host_id }} password={{ host_pass }} state=present create=yes tags: nginx notify: restart nginx - name: create certificate file shell: openssl req -new -x509 -days 3650 -nodes -out {{ pool_certificate }} -keyout {{ pool_certificate}} -config /etc/nginx/openssl.cnf creates={{ pool_certificate }} tags: nginx when: inventory_hostname == monitoring_server - name: set access rights for nginx configs file: path={{ item }} owner=bitrix group=root mode=0640 with_items: - "{{ pool_certificate }}" - "{{ pool_passwords }}" tags: nginx when: inventory_hostname == monitoring_server - name: create cron task for update network settings on client template: src=cron-bx_network_updater.j2 dest=/etc/cron.d/bx_network_updater owner=root group=root mode=0644 tags: network when: inventory_hostname == monitoring_server - name: test system files and create backup crontask for clients shell: /opt/webdir/bin/update_network.sh ## ##### /nginx configuration for master server ##### etckeeper configuration ## - name: deploy etckeeper config template: src=etckeeper.conf.j2 dest=/etc/etckeeper/etckeeper.conf tags: etckeeper - name: init etckeeper shell: /usr/bin/etckeeper init creates=/etc/.hg/hgrc tags: etckeeper - name: check if the directory contains uncommitted changes shell: /usr/bin/etckeeper unclean && echo "True" || echo "False" register: hgstatus ignore_errors: True tags: etckeeper - name: count commit date shell: date +"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S" register: commitdate tags: etckeeper when: "'True' in hgstatus.stdout" - name: commit changes by etckeeper shell: /usr/bin/etckeeper commit "commit from ansible task at {{ commitdate.stdout }}" tags: etckeeper when: "'True' in hgstatus.stdout" ## ##### /etckeeper configuration