Direktori : /etc/ansible/roles/monitor/tasks/ |
Current File : //etc/ansible/roles/monitor/tasks/install.yml |
--- ######## role is fits for monitoring server and monitored nodes # configure: # munin # munin-node # nagios # nrpe ######## ## package installation - name: debug commands shell: yum --version ; yum list installed | grep -e '(nagios|nrpe)' register: yum_info ignore_errors: true - name: debug output debug: msg="{{ yum_info }}" - name: install monitoring agents and plugins yum: pkg={{ item }} state=latest update_cache=yes with_items: - munin-common - munin-node - nrpe - nagios-plugins - nagios-plugins-http - nagios-plugins-disk - nagios-plugins-load - nagios-plugins-procs - nagios-plugins-swap - nagios-plugins-users - nagios-plugins-mysql - perl-Cache-Memcached - net-tools tags: package when: "inventory_hostname != monitoring_server" - name: install monitoring servers yum: pkg={{ item }} state=latest update_cache=yes with_items: - munin - munin-common - munin-node - nagios - nagios-plugins-nrpe - nagios-plugins-tcp - nagios-plugins-http - nagios-plugins-ping - nagios-plugins-ssh - nrpe - nagios-plugins - nagios-plugins-http - nagios-plugins-disk - nagios-plugins-load - nagios-plugins-procs - nagios-plugins-swap - nagios-plugins-users - nagios-plugins-mysql - perl-Cache-Memcached - net-tools tags: package when: "inventory_hostname == monitoring_server" ## create users - name: create user for munin and munin-node services user: state=present system=yes name={{ munin_server_user }} group={{ munin_server_group }} comment="{{ munin_server_user }} monitoring user" tags: users - name: create user for nrpe service user: state=present system=yes name={{ nrpe_server_user }} group={{ nrpe_server_group }} comment="{{ nrpe_server_user }} monitoring user" tags: users - name: create user for nagios service user: state=present system=yes name={{ nagios_server_user }} group={{ nagios_server_group }} comment="{{ nagios_server_user }} monitoring user" tags: users when: "'bitrix-mgmt' in group_names" - name: update apache user user: state=present append=yes groups={{ apache_group }} name={{ apache_user }} tags: users when: "'bitrix-mgmt' in group_names" - name: set access rights for munin and munin-node service - log dir file: state=directory path={{ item }} owner={{ munin_server_user }} group={{ munin_server_group }} mode=0775 recurse=yes with_items: - "{{ munin_server_logs_dir }}" - "{{ munin_client_logs_dir }}" - "{{ munin_server_data_dir }}" - "{{ munin_server_data_dir }}/{{ munin_plugins_state_dir }}" - "{{ munin_server_data_dir }}/{{ munin_graph_group }}" tags: dirs - name: test if host folder existen on monitoring server shell: test -d "{{ munin_server_data_dir }}/{{ inventory_hostname }}" && echo "FolderExist" || echo "FolderNotExist" delegate_to: "{{ monitoring_server }}" tags: dirs register: host_dir_status ignore_errors: True - name: move old content to new folder shell: rsync -a "{{ munin_server_data_dir }}/{{ inventory_hostname }}/" "{{ munin_server_data_dir }}/{{ munin_graph_group }}/" delegate_to: "{{ monitoring_server }}" tags: dirs when: "'FolderExist' in host_dir_status.stdout" - name: delete old content file: path="{{ munin_server_data_dir }}/{{ inventory_hostname }}" state=absent delegate_to: "{{ monitoring_server }}" tags: dirs when: "'FolderExist' in host_dir_status.stdout" - name: create symbolic link from group folder file: src="{{ munin_server_data_dir }}/{{ munin_graph_group }}" dest="{{ munin_server_data_dir }}/{{ inventory_hostname }}" state=link delegate_to: "{{ monitoring_server }}" tags: dirs - name: set access rights for nrpe service file: state=directory path={{ nrpe_server_data_dir }} owner={{ nrpe_server_user }} group={{ nrpe_server_user }} mode=0775 recurse=yes tags: dirs - name: set access rights for nagios service file: state=directory path={{ item }} owner={{ nagios_server_user }} group={{ nagios_server_group }} mode=0775 recurse=yes tags: dirs with_items: - "{{ nagios_server_data_dir }}" - "{{ nagios_server_data_dir }}/checkresults" when: "'bitrix-mgmt' in group_names" ## configure munin-node ( monitoring agents ) - name: munin - create plugins directory file: path=/etc/munin/{{ item }} state=directory owner={{ munin_server_user }} group={{ munin_server_group }} mode=0775 with_items: - plugins - plugin-conf.d tags: configure_monitor_agents - name: munin - additional plugins for munin copy: src={{ item }} dest=/usr/share/munin/plugins/ owner=root group=root mode=0755 with_items: - process_status_ - df_size - memcached_ tags: configure_monitor_agents - name: munin - enable munitoring plugins file: src=/usr/share/munin/plugins/{{ item }} dest=/etc/munin/plugins/{{ item }} state=link with_items: - iostat - load - memory - netstat - open_files - processes - swap - threads - df_size - meminfo tags: configure_monitor_agents - name: munin - create link for iface plugin file: src=/usr/share/munin/plugins/if_ dest=/etc/munin/plugins/if_{{ iface }} state=link tags: config_munin_node - name: munin - enable munitoring plugins - db servers file: src=/usr/share/munin/plugins/{{ item }} dest=/etc/munin/plugins/{{ item }} state=link with_items: - mysql_bytes - mysql_queries - mysql_slowqueries - mysql_threads tags: configure_monitor_agents when: "'bitrix-mysql' in group_names" - name: munin - enable munitoring plugins - db servers - bitrix plugins file: src=/usr/share/munin/plugins/{{ item }} dest=/etc/munin/plugins/{{ item }}mysqld state=link with_items: - process_status_ tags: configure_monitor_agents when: "'bitrix-mysql' in group_names" - name: copy apache status config to httpd dir template: src=bx_apache_status.conf.j2 dest=/etc/httpd/bx/conf/bx_apache_status.conf owner=bitrix group=root mode=0644 tags: configure_monitor_agents when: "'bitrix-web' in group_names" notify: restart httpd - name: copy nginx status config to nginx dir template: src=nginx_server_status.conf.j2 dest=/etc/nginx/bx/site_avaliable/nginx_server_status.conf owner=bitrix group=root mode=0644 tags: configure_monitor_agents when: "'bitrix-web' in group_names" - name: enable nginx status for server file: src=/etc/nginx/bx/site_avaliable/nginx_server_status.conf dest=/etc/nginx/bx/site_enabled/nginx_server_status.conf state=link tags: configure_monitor_agents when: "'bitrix-web' in group_names" notify: restart nginx - name: munin - enable munitoring plugins - httpd servers file: src=/usr/share/munin/plugins/{{ item }} dest=/etc/munin/plugins/{{ item }} state=link with_items: - apache_accesses - apache_processes - apache_volume - nginx_request - nginx_status tags: configure_monitor_agents when: "'bitrix-web' in group_names" - name: munin - enable munitoring plugins - httpd servers - bitrix plugins file: src=/usr/share/munin/plugins/{{ item }} dest=/etc/munin/plugins/{{ item }}httpd state=link with_items: - process_status_ tags: configure_monitor_agents when: "'bitrix-web' in group_names" - name: munin - enable munitoring plugins - httpd servers - bitrix plugins file: src=/usr/share/munin/plugins/{{ item }} dest=/etc/munin/plugins/{{ item }}nginx state=link with_items: - process_status_ tags: configure_monitor_agents when: "'bitrix-web' in group_names" - name: munin - enable munitoring plugins - memcached servers - bitrix plugins file: src=/usr/share/munin/plugins/{{ item }} dest=/etc/munin/plugins/{{ item }}memcached state=link with_items: - process_status_ tags: configure_monitor_agents when: "'bitrix-memcached' in group_names" - name: munin - enable munitoring plugins - memcached service - instance monitoring file: src=/usr/share/munin/plugins/memcached_ dest=/etc/munin/plugins/memcached_{{ item }} state=link with_items: - bytes - counters - rates tags: configure_monitor_agents when: "'bitrix-memcached' in group_names" - name: munin - enable munitoring plugins - serachd servers - bitrix plugins file: src=/usr/share/munin/plugins/{{ item }} dest=/etc/munin/plugins/{{ item }}searchd state=link with_items: - process_status_ tags: configure_monitor_agents when: "'bitrix-searchd' in group_names" - name: munin - bitrix configuration for plugins template: src=plugin-conf.d/{{ item }}.j2 dest=/etc/munin/plugin-conf.d/{{ item }} owner={{ munin_server_user }} group={{ munin_server_group }} mode=0664 with_items: - bx tags: configure_monitor_agents - name: munin - additional configs for plugins copy: src=plugin-conf.d/{{ item }} dest=/etc/munin/plugin-conf.d/{{ item }} owner={{ munin_server_user }} group={{ munin_server_group }} mode=0664 with_items: - df - fw_ - hddtemp_smartctl - munin-node - postfix - sendmail tags: configure_monitor_agents - name: Create munin-tmpfiles config copy: src: munin.conf dest: /etc/tmpfiles.d/munin.conf when: inventory_hostname == monitoring_server and ansible_distribution == "CentOS" and ansible_distribution_major_version == "7" - name: Re-run systemd-tmpfiles shell: systemd-tmpfiles --create /etc/tmpfiles.d/munin.conf when: inventory_hostname == monitoring_server and ansible_distribution == "CentOS" and ansible_distribution_major_version == "7" - name: munin - disable munin crontab for client nodes copy: src=crond_munin_disable dest=/etc/cron.d/munin tags: configure_monitor_agents when: "'bitrix-mgmt' not in group_names" - name: munin - create agent configuration file template: src=munin-node.conf.j2 dest=/etc/munin/munin-node.conf owner={{ munin_server_user }} group={{ munin_server_group }} mode=0664 tags: config_munin_node - name: munin - ensure service started in system service: name=munin-node state=started enabled=yes tags: service - name: munin - restart munin-node service: name=munin-node state=restarted tags: service ### configuration nrpe agents # Nagios Remote Plugin Executor - name: nrpe - create additional config directory file: path={{ nrpe_server_include_dir }} state=directory tags: configure_monitor_agents - name: nrpe - create nrpe config template: src=nrpe.cfg.j2 dest=/etc/nagios/nrpe.cfg tags: configure_monitor_agents - name: nrpe - ensure service started in system service: name=nrpe state=started enabled=yes tags: service - name: nrpe - restart nrpe service: name=nrpe state=restarted tags: service ### configure munin server ( monitoring server ) # munin master is responsible for gathering data from munin nodes - name: munin-master - create munin-master config template: src=munin.conf.j2 dest=/etc/munin/munin.conf owner={{ munin_server_user }} group={{ munin_server_group }} mode=0664 tags: configure_monitor_servers when: "'bitrix-mgmt' in group_names" - name: munin-master - create directory for additional configs file: path=/etc/munin/conf.d state=directory owner={{ munin_server_user }} group={{ munin_server_group }} mode=0775 tags: configure_monitor_servers when: "'bitrix-mgmt' in group_names" - name: munin-master - add all hosts from default group on monitoring template: src=munin-hosts.conf.j2 dest=/etc/munin/conf.d/munin-hosts.conf owner={{ munin_server_user }} group={{ munin_server_group }} mode=0664 tags: configure_monitor_servers when: "'bitrix-mgmt' in group_names" ### nagios monitoring server # Nagios offers monitoring and alerting services for servers, switches, applications, and services. - name: nagios - create config template: src=nagios.cfg.j2 dest=/etc/nagios/nagios.cfg owner={{ nagios_server_user }} group={{ nagios_server_group }} mode=0640 tags: configure_monitor_servers when: "'bitrix-mgmt' in group_names" - name: nagios - create bitrix-pool directory file: path={{ nagios_server_include_dir }} state=directory owner={{ nagios_server_user }} group={{ nagios_server_group }} mode=0750 tags: configure_monitor_servers when: "'bitrix-mgmt' in group_names" - name: nagios - replace default localhost file template: src=nagios-localhost.cfg.j2 dest=/etc/nagios/objects/localhost.cfg owner={{ nagios_server_user }} group={{ nagios_server_group }} mode=0644 tags: configure_monitor_servers when: "'bitrix-mgmt' in group_names" - name: nagios - create conf.d directory file: path: "/etc/nagios/conf.d" state: directory owner: "{{ nagios_server_user }}" group: "{{ nagios_server_group }}" when: "'bitrix-mgmt' in group_names" - name: nagios - create commands and default tests definitions template: src=nagios-{{ item }}.j2 dest=/etc/nagios/conf.d/{{ item }} owner={{ nagios_server_user }} group={{ nagios_server_group }} mode=0644 with_items: - check_nrpe_commands.cfg - default_tests_for_servers.cfg - email_commands.cfg tags: configure_monitor_servers when: "'bitrix-mgmt' in group_names" - name: nagios - define variables set_fact: nagios_ip: "{{ bx_netaddr }}" nagios_alias: "{{ inventory_hostname }}" nagios_host: "{{ bx_host|default(inventory_hostname) }}" tags: facts - name: nagios - create hosts configuration delegate_to: template: src=nagios-host.cfg.j2 dest={{ nagios_server_include_dir }}/{{ nagios_alias }}.cfg owner={{ nagios_server_user }} group={{ nagios_server_group }} mode=0644 tags: configure_monitor_servers - name: nagios - configure contacts template: src=contacts.cfg.j2 dest=/etc/nagios/objects/contacts.cfg owner={{ nagios_server_user }} group={{ nagios_server_group }} mode=0644 tags: configure_monitor_servers when: "'bitrix-mgmt' in group_names" - name: nagios - configure web interface template: src=cgi.cfg.j2 dest=/etc/nagios/cgi.cfg owner={{ nagios_server_user }} group={{ nagios_server_group }} mode=0644 tags: configure_monitor_servers when: "'bitrix-mgmt' in group_names" - name: nagios - change access for config file: path=/etc/nagios state=directory owner={{ nagios_server_user }} group={{ nagios_server_group }} recurse=yes tags: configure_monitor_servers - name: nagios - change access for log files file: path={{ nagios_server_log_dir }} state=directory owner={{ nagios_server_user }} group={{ nagios_server_group }} tags: configure_monitor_servers - name: nagios - configure msmtp template: src=nagios-msmtprc.j2 dest={{ nagios_msmtp_config }} owner={{ nagios_server_user }} group={{ nagios_server_group }} mode=0600 tags: configure_monitor_servers when: "monitoring_status == 'enable' and 'bitrix-mgmt' in group_names" - name: nagios - ensure service started service: name=nagios state=started enabled=yes tags: service when: "'bitrix-mgmt' in group_names" - name: nagios - restart service service: name=nagios state=restarted tags: configure_monitor_servers when: "'bitrix-mgmt' in group_names" ### http access on monitoring server for # munin # nagios - name: munin-master - remove existen login from httpasswd file htpasswd: path={{ munin_server_htpasswd }} name={{ munin_server_login }} owner=root group=bitrix mode=0640 state=absent tags: configure_basic_access when: "'bitrix-mgmt' in group_names" - name: munin-master - add login to httpasswd file htpasswd: path={{ munin_server_htpasswd }} name={{ munin_server_login }} password={{ munin_server_password|string }} owner=root group=bitrix mode=0640 state=present create=yes tags: configure_basic_access when: "'bitrix-mgmt' in group_names" - name: nagios - remove existen login from httpasswd file htpasswd: path={{ nagios_server_htpasswd }} name={{ nagios_server_login }} owner=root group=bitrix mode=0640 state=absent tags: configure_basic_access when: "'bitrix-mgmt' in group_names" - name: nagios - add login to httpasswd file htpasswd: path={{ nagios_server_htpasswd }} name={{ nagios_server_login }} password={{ nagios_server_password|string }} owner=root group=bitrix mode=0640 state=present create=yes tags: configure_basic_access when: "'bitrix-mgmt' in group_names" - name: apache - create config for monitoring locations template: src=apache-nagios.conf.j2 dest=/etc/httpd/bx/conf/nagios.conf tags: configure_web_service when: "'bitrix-mgmt' in group_names" - name: apache - restart service: name=httpd state=restarted tags: configure_web_service when: "'bitrix-mgmt' in group_names" - name: nginx - create config for monitoring locations template: src=nginx_server_monitor.conf.j2 dest=/etc/nginx/bx/conf/server_monitor.conf tags: configure_web_service when: "'bitrix-mgmt' in group_names" - name: nginx - enable monitor config file: dest=/etc/nginx/bx/server_monitor.conf src=/etc/nginx/bx/conf/server_monitor.conf state=link force=yes tags: configure_web_service when: "'bitrix-mgmt' in group_names" - name: nginx - restart service service: name=nginx state=restarted tags: configure_web_service when: "'bitrix-mgmt' in group_names" # group_vars: bitrix-hosts - name: update group variables delegate_to: "{{ cluster_web_server }}" bx_conf: group=hosts state=update monitoring_status=enable nagios_server_login={{ nagios_server_login }} nagios_server_password={{ nagios_server_password }} munin_server_login={{ munin_server_login }} munin_server_password={{ munin_server_password }} when: "'bitrix-mgmt' in group_names" tags: ansible_hosts - name: update group variables for email settings delegate_to: "{{ cluster_web_server }}" bx_conf: group=hosts state=update notify_nagios={{ notify_nagios }} monitor_email={{ monitor_email }} when: "notify_nagios is defined and notify_nagios and 'bitrix-mgmt' in group_names" tags: ansible_hosts