Direktori : /etc/ansible/roles/web/library/ |
Current File : //etc/ansible/roles/web/library/bx_test_site_in_config |
#!/usr/bin/perl # search string in sitename in configs that fits regexp in the basedir # use strict; use warnings; use File::Spec; use File::Basename qw( dirname basename ); use JSON; use Data::Dumper; # search="server_name www.bitrix.ru;" basedir=/etc/nginx/bx/site_avaliable regexp=\.conf$ my $options_file = $ARGV[0]; # parse ansible argv file my $gtn_parse_ansible_argv = parse_ansible_argv ( $options_file ); if ( $gtn_parse_ansible_argv->[0] > 0 ) { print_message( { 'msg' => $gtn_parse_ansible_argv->[1], 'failed' => "true" }, $gtn_parse_ansible_argv->[0], ); } # get list files on config directory my $gtn_file_list = get_file_list( $gtn_parse_ansible_argv->[1]->{'basedir'}, $gtn_parse_ansible_argv->[1]->{'regexp'}, ); if ( $gtn_file_list->[0] > 0 ) { print_message( { 'msg' => $gtn_file_list->[1], 'failed' => "true" }, $gtn_file_list->[0], ); } # search string in founded files my $gtn_file_search = search_string( $gtn_file_list->[1], $gtn_parse_ansible_argv->[1]->{'search'}, $gtn_parse_ansible_argv->[1]->{'basedir'}, ); if ( $gtn_file_search->[0] > 0 ){ print_message( { 'msg' => $gtn_file_search->[1], 'failed' => "true" }, $gtn_file_search->[0], ); } # test found string or not if ( $gtn_file_search->[1] == 0 ){ print_message( { "found" => "0" }, 0 ); }else{ print_message( { "found" => "1" }, 0 ); } exit 0; # print json output for ansible # input: return_hash, exit_code sub print_message { my $rh = shift; my $c = shift; my $json = to_json( $rh, pretty => 1 ); print $json; exit $c; } # parse opt file sub parse_ansible_argv { my $f = shift; my $r = {}; open ( my $fh, $f ) or return [ 1, "Cannot open options file: $!" ]; while ( <$fh> ){ next if ( /^$/ ); if ( /search=(\S+)/ ) { $r->{'search'} = $1 }; if ( /search=[\"\']([^\"\']+)[\"\']/ ) { $r->{'search'} = $1 }; if ( /basedir=(\S+)/ ) { $r->{'basedir'} = $1 }; if ( /regexp=(\S+)/ ) { $r->{'regexp'} = $1 }; } close $fh; if ( ! $r->{'search'} ) { return [ 1, "You must send search_string via search option." ] }; if ( ! $r->{'basedir'} ) { $r->{'basedir'} = "/etc/nginx/bx/site_avaliable" }; if ( ! $r->{'regexp'} ) { $r->{'regexp'} = '\.conf$' }; return [ 0, $r ]; } # get file list from directory # input: /path/to/dircetory regexp # return: [0, [list_files] ] OR [ 1, error_message ] sub get_file_list { my $dir = shift; my $rg = shift; if ( $rg =~ /^$/ ){ $rg = '\.conf$'; } opendir ( my $dh, $dir ) or return [ 1, "Cannot open $dir: $!" ]; my @files = grep { /$rg/ && -f File::Spec->catfile( $dir, $_ ) } readdir( $dh ); close $dh; my $count_files = @files; if ( $count_files == 0 ) { return [ 1, "Not found files '$rg' in $dir" ] ; } return [ 0, \@files ]; } # search string in file # input: [ list_files ], string # output: [ 0, 1|0 ], 1 - found, 0 - not found # [ 1, error_message ] sub search_string { my $fl = shift; my $st = shift; my $bd = shift; my $if = 0; foreach my $f ( @$fl ){ my $fp = File::Spec->catfile( $bd, $f ); open ( my $fh, $fp ) or return [ 1, "Cannot open $fp: $!" ]; while ( <$fh> ){ next if ( /^#/ ); next if ( /^$/ ); if ( /$st/ ){ $if=1 } } close $fh; if ( $if == 1 ) { return [ 0, 1] }; } return [ 0, 0 ]; }