Direktori : /home/bitrix/www/bitrix/components/bitrix/iblock.tv/templates/flv/ |
Current File : //home/bitrix/www/bitrix/components/bitrix/iblock.tv/templates/flv/script.js |
if(!jsPublicTVCollector) var jsPublicTVCollector = { tv: [], list: [], add: [], files: [], StatEvent: function(player, oldstate, newstate) { if( (oldstate == 'BUFFERING' && newstate == 'PLAYING') //flv || (oldstate == 'Closed' && newstate == 'Playing') //wmv || (oldstate == 'Opening' && newstate == 'Playing') //wmv ) { var cur_file = player.getPlaylistItem ? player.getPlaylistItem().file/*flv*/ : player.getConfig().file/*wmv*/; for(var file in this.files) { if(file == cur_file) { BX.ajax.post( '/bitrix/components/bitrix/iblock.tv/stat.php', {id: this.files[file]}, function(data){} ); delete this.files[file]; } } } } } function jsPublicTV() { this.DescriptionBlockID = null; this.DescriptionValues = { title: true, description: true, duration: true, file: true }; this.Sections = []; this.Prefix = ''; this.LanguagePhrases = {}; this.TreeBlockID = null; this.TreeNodes = null; this.TreeStyleCodes = {}; this.TreeRoll = { id:'-roll', styles:['bitrix-tv-section-closed','bitrix-tv-section-title'] }; this.ShowPreviewImage = true; this.ShowPreviewImageSize = [64, 48]; this.Player = {wmv_state_listener_added: false}; this.PlayerConfig = {}; this.PlayOrder = false; this.CurrentItem = false; this.GatherStatistics = false; this.SavedState = ''; this.ArListeners = []; //effect variables this.EffectOverlay = null; this.EffectTvBlock = null; this.EffectTvBlockPadding = [15,15]; //init sign this.Inited = null; //delay functions this.MaxWaitTime = 1000; } /* Work With Player */ jsPublicTV.prototype.Init = function(arValues, TBID, DBID, arStart) { this.PlayerListeners('BEFORE_INIT'); //handler to set own element in Init this.TreeStyleCodes = { description_start:'<div class="player_description_text">', description_end:'</div>', tree_image_start:'<div class="bitrix-tv-small-image">', tree_image_end:'</div>', tree_description_start:'<div class="bitrix-tv-tree-item-description">', tree_description_end:'</div>', description_file_start:'<a target="_blank" href="', description_file_end:'">' + this.LanguagePhrases.download + '</a>' }; this.Sections = arValues; this.TreeBlockID = BX(TBID); this.DescriptionBlockID = BX(DBID); //prepare player params if(this.CurrentItem===false) { var nextItem = this.GetNextItem(); if(nextItem) this.CurrentItem = {Section:nextItem.Section, Item:nextItem.Item}; } if(this.CurrentItem !== false) { this.PlayerConfig.file = this['Sections'][this.CurrentItem.Section]['Items'][this.CurrentItem.Item].File; this.PlayerConfig.image = this['Sections'][this.CurrentItem.Section]['Items'][this.CurrentItem.Item].BigImage; this.PlayerConfig.link = this['Sections'][this.CurrentItem.Section]['Items'][this.CurrentItem.Item].File; this.PlayerConfig.autostart = 'false'; this.PlayerConfig.width = (arStart.width>0)?arStart.width:640; this.PlayerConfig.height = (arStart.height>0)?arStart.height:480; this.PlayerConfig.block_id = arStart.block_id; this.PlayerConfig.obj_id = arStart.obj_id; this.PlayerConfig.logo = arStart.logo; this.PlayerConfig.windowless = 'true'; //create player this.GeneratePlayer(); //set description this.SetDescription(this.CurrentItem.Section, this.CurrentItem.Item); //set inited this.Inited = true; } } jsPublicTV.prototype.GeneratePlayer = function() { var _this = this; var curItem = this['Sections'][this.CurrentItem.Section]['Items'][this.CurrentItem.Item]; if(this.PlayerConfig.width && this.PlayerConfig.height && this.PlayerConfig.obj_id[curItem.Type]) { if(curItem.Type == 'wmv') //WMV { BX.ready(function(){ var wmv = BX(_this.PlayerConfig.block_id.wmv); var flv = BX(_this.PlayerConfig.block_id.flv); wmv.style.display = "block"; if (flv) flv.style.display = "none"; }); this.PlayerConfig.height -=4; //height fix this.Player.wmv = new jeroenwijering.Player(BX(this.PlayerConfig.obj_id.wmv), '/bitrix/components/bitrix/player/wmvplayer/wmvplayer.xaml', this.PlayerConfig); this.PlayerConfig.height +=4; //height fix //state listener this.RunDelayFunction(function(){_this.SetListener('STATE', function(oldstate, newstate){_this.StateListener(oldstate, newstate);}, 'wmv')}, 50, 0); } else if(curItem.Type == 'flv') //FLW { BX.ready(function(){ var wmv = BX(_this.PlayerConfig.block_id.wmv); var flv = BX(_this.PlayerConfig.block_id.flv); if (wmv) wmv.style.display = "none"; flv.style.display = "block"; }); var addStatHandler = function() { if (window.jwplayer) { _this.Player.oJw = jwplayer(_this.PlayerConfig.obj_id.flv); // Add onplay event handler for statistic if (_this.GatherStatistics) { _this.RunDelayFunction(function () { _this.Player.oJw.onPlay(function (state) { jsPublicTVCollector.StatEvent(_this.Player.oJw, state.oldstate, 'PLAYING'); }); }, 50, 0); } } else { setTimeout(addStatHandler, 200); } }; addStatHandler(); } } } jsPublicTV.prototype.RunDelayFunction = function(func, repeatTime, CurrentTime, delay) { if(CurrentTime >= this.MaxWaitTime) return; var _this = this; if(0 < delay) //delay func return setTimeout(function(){_this.RunDelayFunction(func, repeatTime, CurrentTime);}, delay); try { func(); } catch(e) { setTimeout(function(){_this.RunDelayFunction(func, repeatTime, (CurrentTime + repeatTime));}, repeatTime); } } /* Work With Item List */ jsPublicTV.prototype.BuildTree = function(kill) { if(kill) this.KillTree(); //build for(i=0; i<this.Sections.length; i++) this.BuildBlock(i); } jsPublicTV.prototype.KillTree = function() { this.TreeNodes = null; this.CurrentItem = false; for(i=0, n=this.TreeBlockID.childNodes.length; i<n; i++) this.TreeBlockID.removeChild(this.TreeBlockID.childNodes[0]); } jsPublicTV.prototype.BuildBlock = function(i) { var CurLevel = this['Sections'][i]['Depth'] ?this['Sections'][i]['Depth'] :0, _this = this, ParentBlock, blockTitle, block, j; //get parent if(CurLevel==1 || CurLevel==0) ParentBlock = this.TreeBlockID; else if(this['Sections'][i]['Depth'] == this['Sections'][i-1]['Depth']) ParentBlock = BX(this.Prefix + 'bx-tv-section-' + (i-1)).parentNode; else ParentBlock = BX(this.Prefix + 'bx-tv-section-' + (i-1)); //build block if(CurLevel>0) { //title blockTitle = ParentBlock.appendChild(document.createElement('DIV')); blockTitle.innerHTML = '<div style="clear:both"></div>' + this['Sections'][i]['Name']; blockTitle.onclick = function(){_this.TreeExpand(i)}; blockTitle.className = 'bitrix-tv-section-title'; //block block = ParentBlock.appendChild(document.createElement('DIV')); block.id = this.Prefix + 'bx-tv-section-' + i; //set style block.className = 'bitrix-tv-section-closed'; } //build items if(this['Sections'][i]['Items'].length >0) { for(j=0;j<this['Sections'][i]['Items'].length;j++) this.BuildItem(i,j); } } jsPublicTV.prototype.BuildItem = function(i,j) { var _this = this; var ParentBlock = (this['Sections'][i]['Depth']==0) ? this.TreeBlockID : BX(this.Prefix + 'bx-tv-section-' + i); if(ParentBlock) { var item = ParentBlock.appendChild(document.createElement('DIV')); item.id = this.Prefix + 'bx-tv-s' + i + 'i' + j; item.className = 'bitrix-tv-tree-item'; var txt = this.TreeStyleCodes.tree_description_start + '<a>' + this['Sections'][i]['Items'][j]['Name'] + '</a><br>' + (this.LanguagePhrases['duration'] ? this.LanguagePhrases['duration'] : '') + this['Sections'][i]['Items'][j]['Duration'] + this.TreeStyleCodes.tree_description_end; if(this['Sections'][i]['Items'][j]['SmallImage']!='' && this.ShowPreviewImage) txt = this.TreeStyleCodes.tree_image_start + '<img width="' + this.ShowPreviewImageSize[0] + 'px" height="' + this.ShowPreviewImageSize[1] + 'px" src="' + this['Sections'][i]['Items'][j]['SmallImage'] + '">' + this.TreeStyleCodes.tree_image_end + txt; var listen = this.PlayerListeners('BUILD_ITEM', [txt, i, j]); if(typeof listen != "undefined" && listen!='') { item.innerHTML = listen; return; } item.innerHTML = txt; item.onclick = function(){_this.SetDescription(i,j); _this.PlayFile(i,j,true);}; } } jsPublicTV.prototype.TreeExpand = function(i) { var block = BX(this.Prefix + 'bx-tv-section-' + (i)); if(block) { if(block.style.display == 'block') block.style.display = 'none'; else block.style.display = 'block'; } } jsPublicTV.prototype.TreeExpandUp = function(i) { var block = BX(this.Prefix + 'bx-tv-section-' + (i)), j; if(block) { j=0; //max_depth 25 while(this.TreeBlockID.id != block.id) { block.style.display = 'block'; block = block.parentNode; if(j++>25) break; } } } /* Play File From List */ jsPublicTV.prototype.PlayFile = function(i, j, autoplay, handle) { this.SavedState = ''; if("undefined" == typeof(this['Sections'][i]['Items'][j])) return; //prepare params var params = { file: this['Sections'][i]['Items'][j]['File'], image: this['Sections'][i]['Items'][j]['BigImage'], link: this['Sections'][i]['Items'][j]['File'], width: this['Sections'][i]['Items'][j]['Width'], height: this['Sections'][i]['Items'][j]['Height'], type: this['Sections'][i]['Items'][j]['Type'] }; //old values var old_i = this.CurrentItem.Section; var old_j = this.CurrentItem.Item; //set current item this.CurrentItem = {Section:i, Item:j}; if(old_i==i && old_j==j && handle!==true) // dublicate call return; //event var listen = this.PlayerListeners('BEFORE_PLAY_FILE', [i, j, old_i, old_j]); if(typeof listen != "undefined" && listen!='') return; //expand menu this.TreeExpandUp(i); var _this = this, wmv = BX(this.PlayerConfig.block_id.wmv), flv = BX(this.PlayerConfig.block_id.flv); if(params.type == 'wmv') { if(this.Player.oJw && flv.style.display != 'none') //if current not wmv, stop flv this.Player.oJw.stop(); this.PlayerConfig.image = params.image; this.PlayerConfig.link = params.link; this.PlayerConfig.file = params.file; this.PlayerConfig.autostart = autoplay ? "true" : "false"; this.GeneratePlayer(); if(flv) flv.style.display = 'none'; } else if (params.type == 'flv') { if(this.Player.wmv && wmv.style.display != 'none') //if current not flv, stop wmv this.RunDelayFunction(function(){_this.Player.wmv.sendEvent("STOP");}, 50, 0); if(!this.Player.oJw) //generate FLV if not exists this.GeneratePlayer(); if(this.Player.oJw) { if(flv.style.display != 'block') //flv hidden { if(wmv) wmv.style.display = 'none'; if(flv) flv.style.display = 'block'; } var flvparams = { file: params.file, link: params.file, image: params.image }; this.Player.oJw.onPlaylist(function() { _this.Player.oJw.play(!!autoplay); }); this.Player.oJw.load(flvparams); /* setTimeout(function() { _this.Player.oJw.play(!!autoplay); }, 500); */ } } } /* Play Order */ jsPublicTV.prototype.SetPlayOrder = function(order) { this.PlayOrder = order; } /* Set Description */ jsPublicTV.prototype.SetDescription = function(i,j) { if(this.DescriptionBlockID) { var txt = this.TreeStyleCodes.description_start; if(this.DescriptionValues.title===true) txt += (this.LanguagePhrases['title'] ? this.LanguagePhrases['title'] : '') + this['Sections'][i]['Items'][j]['Name'] + "<br>\n"; if(this.DescriptionValues.description===true) txt += (this.LanguagePhrases['description'] ? this.LanguagePhrases['description'] : '') + this['Sections'][i]['Items'][j]['Description'] + "<br>\n"; if(this.DescriptionValues.duration===true) txt += (this.LanguagePhrases['duration'] ? this.LanguagePhrases['duration'] : '') + this['Sections'][i]['Items'][j]['Duration'] + "<br>\n"; if(this.DescriptionValues.file===true) txt += (this.LanguagePhrases['file'] ? this.LanguagePhrases['file'] : '') + this.TreeStyleCodes.description_file_start + this['Sections'][i]['Items'][j]['File'] + this.TreeStyleCodes.description_file_end + "<br>\n"; txt += this.TreeStyleCodes.description_end; var listen = this.PlayerListeners('SET_DESCRIPTION', [txt, i, j]); if(typeof listen != "undefined" && listen!='') txt = listen; this.DescriptionBlockID.innerHTML = txt; } } /* Roll List */ jsPublicTV.prototype.Roll = function() { if(!this.TreeNodes) this.TreeNodes = this.TreeBlockID.getElementsByTagName('DIV'); for(i=0; i<this.TreeNodes.length; i++) { for(j=0; j<this.TreeRoll.styles.length; j++) { if (this.TreeNodes[i].className.indexOf(this.TreeRoll.styles[j] + this.TreeRoll.id)!=-1) { this.TreeNodes[i].className = this.TreeNodes[i].className.replace(this.TreeRoll.styles[j] + this.TreeRoll.id, this.TreeRoll.styles[j]); break; } else if (this.TreeNodes[i].className.indexOf(this.TreeRoll.styles[j])!=-1) { this.TreeNodes[i].className = this.TreeNodes[i].className.replace(this.TreeRoll.styles[j], this.TreeRoll.styles[j] + this.TreeRoll.id); break; } } } } /* Walk By Items */ jsPublicTV.prototype.GetNextItem = function(in_section) { if(!this.CurrentItem) //GetFirst { for(i=0; i<this.Sections.length; i++) { if(this['Sections'][i]['Items'].length > 0) return {Section:i, Item:0}; } } else //GetNext { if(this['Sections'][this.CurrentItem.Section]['Items'].length > this.CurrentItem.Item + 1) //inside section return {Section:this.CurrentItem.Section, Item:this.CurrentItem.Item+1}; else if(true!=in_section) //at all { for(i = this.CurrentItem.Section + 1; i < this.Sections.length; i++) { if(this['Sections'][i]['Items'].length>0) return {Section:i, Item:0}; } } } this.PlayerListeners('END_PLAY_LIST'); return false; } jsPublicTV.prototype.PlayNextItem = function() { var nextItem = this.GetNextItem(); var _this = this; if(nextItem===false) return; if(this.CurrentItem!==false) { setTimeout( function() { _this.PlayFile(nextItem.Section, nextItem.Item, true); _this.SetDescription(nextItem.Section, nextItem.Item); } ,1000); } } jsPublicTV.prototype.SeekByRealParams = function(section_id, element_id) { if(typeof(section_id) != 'undefined' && typeof(element_id) != 'undefined' && false != section_id) // look by section&element id { for(i=0, n=this.Sections.length; i<n; i++) { if(section_id == this.Sections[i].Id) { for (ii=0, nn=this.Sections[i]['Items'].length; ii<nn; ii++) { if(element_id == this.Sections[i]['Items'][ii].Id) return {section:i, element:ii}; } } } } else if(typeof(section_id) != 'undefined' && false != section_id) //look by section -> return only section { for(i=0, n=this.Sections.length; i<n; i++) { if(section_id == this.Sections[i].Id) return {section:i, element:false}; } } else if(typeof(element_id) != 'undefined') //look by elementID in blind { for(i=0, n=this.Sections.length; i<n; i++) { for (ii=0, nn=this.Sections[i]['Items'].length; ii<nn; ii++) { if(element_id == this.Sections[i]['Items'][ii].Id) return {section:i, element:ii}; } } } return {section:false, element:false}; } jsPublicTV.prototype.TreeMerge = function(arrToMerge) { if(arrToMerge.length<=0) return false; } /* Listeners */ jsPublicTV.prototype.SetListener = function(type, func, playertype) { if('wmv' == playertype) { if(this.Player.wmv) { if(this.Player.wmv.view) { this.Player.wmv.addListener(type, func); this.Player.wmv_state_listener_added = true; } else { throw 'NotReady'; } } } else if('flv' == playertype) { if(this.Player[playertype]) this.Player[playertype].addModelListener(type, func); } } jsPublicTV.prototype.StateListener = function(oldstate, newstate) { var complState = oldstate + '+' + newstate; if('Completed' == newstate && this.SavedState != complState) { if(this.PlayOrder !== false) { if(this.PlayOrder == 'section' || this.PlayOrder=='all') this.PlayNextItem(); } } if(this.GatherStatistics && this.Player.wmv && this.SavedState != complState) jsPublicTVCollector.StatEvent(this.Player.wmv, oldstate, newstate); this.SavedState = complState; } /* Own Listenerss */ //END_PLAY_LIST //BEFORE_INIT //SET_DESCRIPTION, in\out text of description //BUILD_ITEM //BEFORE_PLAY_FILE jsPublicTV.prototype.PlayerListeners = function(type, args) { for(var i=0; i<this.ArListeners.length; i++) { if(this.ArListeners[i]['type'].toUpperCase() == type) return this.ArListeners[i]['func'].apply(null, args); } } jsPublicTV.prototype.AddPlayerListener = function(type, func) { if(typeof type != "undefined" && typeof func != "undefined") this.ArListeners.push({type:type,func:func}); } /*Effects*/ jsPublicTV.prototype.EffectCreateOverlay = function() { var windowSize = this.EffectGetWindowScrollSize(); var posSize = this.EffectGetWindowScrollPos(); if(this.EffectTvBlock) { this.EffectTvBlock.style.display = "block"; this.EffectTvBlock.style.top = this.EffectTvBlockPadding[1] + posSize.scrollTop + 'px'; this.EffectTvBlock.style.left = this.EffectTvBlockPadding[0] + 'px'; } if (!this.EffectOverlay && this.EffectGetOpacityProperty()) { var doc = this.EffectTvBlock ? this.EffectTvBlock.parentNode : document.body; this.EffectOverlay = doc.appendChild(document.createElement("DIV")); this.EffectOverlay.className = "bitrix-tv-overlay"; this.EffectOverlay.id = 'bitrix-tv-overlay'; this.EffectOverlay.style.width = windowSize.scrollWidth + "px"; this.EffectOverlay.style.height = windowSize.scrollHeight + "px"; this.EffectOverlay.style.display = "block"; } if(this.Inited==true && !BX.browser.IsIE() && this['Sections'][this.CurrentItem.Section]['Items'][this.CurrentItem.Item].Type == 'flv') //for FF,Safari { var _this = this; this.RunDelayFunction(function(){_this.Player.oJw.load(_this['Sections'][_this.CurrentItem.Section]['Items'][_this.CurrentItem.Item].File);}, 50, 0, 50 + (BX.browser.IsSafari() ? 100 : 0)); //FF +50, Safari +150 } //prepare close esc var _this = this; BX.bind(document, 'keydown', function(e){_this.escEffectRemoveOverlay(e);}); } jsPublicTV.prototype.escEffectRemoveOverlay = function(e) { if (!e) e = window.event if (!e) return; if (e.keyCode == 27) { this.EffectRemoveOverlay(); var _this = this; BX.unbind(document, 'keydown', _this.escEffectRemoveOverlay); } } jsPublicTV.prototype.EffectRemoveOverlay = function() { if(this.Player.wmv && BX(this.PlayerConfig.block_id.wmv).style.display!='none') this.Player.wmv.sendEvent('STOP'); if(this.EffectTvBlock) this.EffectTvBlock.style.display = "none"; if(this.EffectOverlay) { this.EffectOverlay.parentNode.removeChild(this.EffectOverlay); this.EffectOverlay = null; } } jsPublicTV.prototype.EffectGetWindowScrollSize = function(pDoc) { var width, height; if (!pDoc) pDoc = document; if ( (pDoc.compatMode && pDoc.compatMode == "CSS1Compat")) { width = pDoc.documentElement.scrollWidth; height = pDoc.documentElement.scrollHeight; } else { if (pDoc.body.scrollHeight > pDoc.body.offsetHeight) height = pDoc.body.scrollHeight; else height = pDoc.body.offsetHeight; if (pDoc.body.scrollWidth > pDoc.body.offsetWidth || (pDoc.compatMode && pDoc.compatMode == "BackCompat") || (pDoc.documentElement && !pDoc.documentElement.clientWidth) ) width = pDoc.body.scrollWidth; else width = pDoc.body.offsetWidth; } return {scrollWidth : width, scrollHeight : height}; } jsPublicTV.prototype.EffectGetWindowScrollPos = function(pDoc) { var left, top; if (!pDoc) pDoc = document; if (self.pageYOffset) { left = self.pageXOffset; top = self.pageYOffset; } else if (pDoc.documentElement && pDoc.documentElement.scrollTop) { left = document.documentElement.scrollLeft; top = document.documentElement.scrollTop; } else if (pDoc.body) { left = pDoc.body.scrollLeft; top = pDoc.body.scrollTop; } return {scrollLeft : left, scrollTop : top}; } jsPublicTV.prototype.EffectGetOpacityProperty = function() { if (typeof document.body.style.opacity == 'string') return 'opacity'; else if (typeof document.body.style.MozOpacity == 'string') return 'MozOpacity'; else if (typeof document.body.style.KhtmlOpacity == 'string') return 'KhtmlOpacity'; else if (document.body.filters && navigator.appVersion.match(/MSIE ([\d.]+);/)[1]>=5.5) return 'filter'; return false; } /*float class*/ //add if not exists if(!window.JCFloatDiv) { JCFloatDiv = function () { var _this = this; this.floatDiv = null; this.x = this.y = 0; this.Show = function(div, left, top, dxShadow, restrictDrag) { var zIndex = parseInt(div.style.zIndex); if(zIndex <= 0 || isNaN(zIndex)) zIndex = 100; div.style.zIndex = zIndex; if (left < 0) left = 0; if (top < 0) top = 0; div.style.left = left + "px"; div.style.top = top + "px"; if(BX.browser.IsIE()) { var frame = BX(div.id+"_frame"); if(!frame) { frame = document.createElement("IFRAME"); frame.src = "javascript:''"; frame.id = div.id+"_frame"; frame.style.position = 'absolute'; frame.style.zIndex = zIndex-1; document.body.appendChild(frame); } frame.style.width = div.offsetWidth + "px"; frame.style.height = div.offsetHeight + "px"; frame.style.left = div.style.left; 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BX.bind(document, "mousemove", this.MoveDrag); document.onmouseup = this.StopDrag; if(document.body.setCapture) document.body.setCapture(); var b = document.body; b.ondrag = BX.False; b.onselectstart = BX.False; b.style.MozUserSelect = _this.floatDiv.style.MozUserSelect = 'none'; b.style.cursor = 'move'; } this.StopDrag = function(e) { if(document.body.releaseCapture) document.body.releaseCapture(); BX.unbind(document, "mousemove", _this.MoveDrag); document.onmouseup = null; this.floatDiv = null; var b = document.body; b.ondrag = null; b.onselectstart = null; b.style.MozUserSelect = _this.floatDiv.style.MozUserSelect = ''; b.style.cursor = ''; } this.MoveDrag = function(e) { var x = e.clientX + document.body.scrollLeft; var y = e.clientY + document.body.scrollTop; if(_this.x == x && _this.y == y) return; _this.Move(_this.floatDiv, (x - _this.x), (y - _this.y)); _this.x = x; _this.y = y; } } } var jsPlayerFloatDiv = new JCFloatDiv();