Direktori : /home/bitrix/www/bitrix/components/bitrix/main.tree.selector/ |
Current File : //home/bitrix/www/bitrix/components/bitrix/main.tree.selector/script.js |
function JCTreeSelectControl(arParams) { var _this = this; this.arParams = arParams; // {ONSELECT, MULTIPLE, VALUE, AJAX_PAGE, AJAX_PARAMS} this.arTreeData = {}; this.multiple = this.arParams.MULTIPLE; if (null != arParams.VALUE) this.SetValue(arParams.VALUE); this.div = null; this._onkeypress = function(e) { if (null == e) e = window.event; if (null == e) return; if (e.keyCode == 27) _this.CloseDialog(); }; // current value and its setter and getter var current_value = []; this.getElementsByName = function(tag_name, control_name) { var result = []; var inputs = document.getElementsByTagName(tag_name); for(var i = 0; i < inputs.length; i++) { if(inputs[i].getAttribute("name") == control_name) result.push(inputs[i]); } return result; }; this.SetValueFromInput = function(input_name) { var values = []; var inp = document.getElementById(input_name); if(inp) { values[values.length] = inp.value; } else { var inputs = this.getElementsByName('INPUT', input_name); if(inputs && inputs.length > 0) { for(var i = 0; i < inputs.length; i++) values[values.length] = inputs[i].value; } else { inputs = this.getElementsByName('INPUT', input_name + '[]'); if(inputs && inputs.length > 0) { for(i = 0; i < inputs.length; i++) values[values.length] = inputs[i].value; } } } this.SetValue(values); }; this.SetValue = function(value) { if (typeof value == 'string' || typeof value == 'object' && value.constructor == String) value = value.split(','); if (typeof value == 'object') { current_value = []; for (var i = 0; i < value.length; i++) { var q = parseInt(value[i]); if (!isNaN(q)) current_value[current_value.length] = q; } } return typeof current_value == 'object'; }; this.GetValue = function(tostring) { if (null == tostring) tostring = false; if (tostring) { if (null != current_value) return current_value.join(','); } return current_value; }; this._control = null; this._timerId = null; this._delay = 500; this._value = ''; this._result = []; this._ajax_error = ''; this._div = null; this._search_focus = -1; this.InitControl = function(control_id) { this._control = document.getElementById(control_id); if (this._control) { this._control.value = _this.arParams.START_TEXT; this._control.value_tmp = this._control.value; this._control.className = 'bx-search-control-empty'; this._control.onfocus = this.__control_focus; this._control.onblur = this.__control_blur; this._control.onkeydown = this.__control_keypress; } }; this.Run = function() { if (null != _this._timerId) clearTimeout(_this._timerId); _this._search_focus = -1; if (_this._control.value && _this._control.value != _this._control.value_tmp) { _this._value = _this._control.value; var url = _this.arParams.AJAX_PAGE+'?MODE=search&win_id=' + _this.arParams.WIN.id + '&search=' + encodeURIComponent(_this._value); if (_this.arParams.AJAX_PARAMS) { for(var param_name in _this.arParams.AJAX_PARAMS) url += '&' + param_name + '=' + encodeURIComponent(_this.arParams.AJAX_PARAMS[param_name]); } BX.ajax.get(url, _this.SetResult); } }; this.SetResult = function(data) { var DATA = []; _this._ajax_error = ''; if (data.length > 0) { if(data.substr(0, 1) == '[') eval('DATA = ' + data); else _this._ajax_error = data; } _this._result = DATA; _this.SearchShow(); }; this.SearchShow = function() { if (null == _this._div) { var _content_div = BX('_f_popup_content'); _content_div.style.position = 'relative'; var pos = BX.pos(_this._control, true); _this._div = _content_div.insertBefore(document.createElement('DIV'), _content_div.firstChild); _this._div.className = 'mts-search-result'; _this._div.style.top = pos.bottom + 'px'; _this._div.style.left = '0px'; /*_this._div.style.zIndex = 1110; */ _this._div.style.zIndex = 111000; jsUtils.addCustomEvent('onTreeSearchClose', _this.__onclose, [], _this); } else { _this._div.innerHTML = ''; } if (_this._result.length > 0) { for (var i = 0; i < _this._result.length; i++) { _this._result[i]._row = _this._div.appendChild(document.createElement('DIV')); _this._result[i]._row.className = 'mts-search-result-row'; _this._result[i]._row.innerHTML = _this._result[i].NAME; _this._result[i]._row.onclick = _this.__result_row_click; _this._result[i]._row.__bx_data = _this._result[i]; } } else { if(_this._ajax_error.length > 0) _this._div.innerHTML = '<i>' + _this._ajax_error + '</i>'; else _this._div.innerHTML = '<i>' + _this.arParams['NO_SEARCH_RESULT_TEXT'] + '</i>'; } _this._div.style.display = 'block'; }; this._openSection = function(SECTION_ID, bScrollToSection) { if (null == bScrollToSection) bScrollToSection = false; var obSectionDiv = document.getElementById('mts_section_' + SECTION_ID); if (null != obSectionDiv) { var obParentSection = obSectionDiv.parentNode; if (null != obParentSection) { obParentSection = obParentSection.previousSibling; if (null != obParentSection && obParentSection.id && obParentSection.id.substr(0, 20) == 'mts_section_') { _this._openSection(parseInt(obParentSection.id.substr(20))); } } _this.LoadSection(SECTION_ID, true, bScrollToSection); } }; this.__result_row_click = function() { _this._openSection(this.__bx_data.SECTION_ID, true); var obUserRow = document.getElementById('mts_' + this.__bx_data.ID); if (null != obUserRow) { if (obUserRow.className != 'mts-row mts-selected') { obUserRow.onclick(); } } else { if(_this.multiple) current_selected[current_selected.length] = parseInt(this.__bx_data.ID); else current_selected[0] = parseInt(this.__bx_data.ID); } }; this.__onclose = function() { if (null != _this._div) _this._div.parentNode.removeChild(_this._div); if (null != _this._timerId) clearTimeout(_this._timerId); jsUtils.removeCustomEvent('onTreeSearchClose', _this.__onclose); }; this.__control_keypress = function(e) { if (null == e) e = window.event; // 40 - down, 38 - up, 13 - enter switch (e.keyCode) { case 13: //enter if (_this._search_focus < 0) _this.Run(); else { _this._control.onblur(); _this._control.blur(); _this._result[_this._search_focus]._row.onclick(); } break; case 40: //down if (_this._result.length > 0 && _this._search_focus < _this._result.length-1) { if (_this._search_focus >= 0) _this._result[_this._search_focus]._row.className = 'mts-search-result-row'; _this._search_focus++; _this._result[_this._search_focus]._row.className = 'mts-search-result-row mts-search-result-row-selected'; } break; case 38: //up if (_this._result.length > 0 && _this._search_focus > -1) { _this._result[_this._search_focus]._row.className = 'mts-search-result-row'; _this._search_focus--; if (_this._search_focus >= 0) _this._result[_this._search_focus]._row.className = 'mts-search-result-row mts-search-result-row-selected'; } break; default: if (null != _this._timerId) clearTimeout(_this._timerId); _this._timerId = setTimeout(_this.Run, _this._delay); break; } }; this.__control_focus = function() { if (this.value == this.value_tmp) { this.value = ''; this.className = ''; } if (null != this._div) this._div.style.display = 'block'; }; this.__control_blur = function() { if (_this.value == '') { _this.value = _this.value_tmp; _this.className = 'bx-search-control-empty'; } if (null != _this._div) { setTimeout(function() { _this._div.style.display = 'none'; }, 300); } }; this.OnSelect = function() { if (null != this.arParams.ONSELECT) { var value = this.GetValue(); if (this.arParams.GET_FULL_INFO) { var new_value = []; for (var i = 0; i < value.length; i++) { new_value[new_value.length] = this.arTreeData[value[i]]; } value = new_value; this.arParams.ONSELECT(value); } else { this.arParams.ONSELECT(value); } } }; this.Show = function(arParams) { if(null != this.div) return; var _this = this; if (null == arParams) arParams = {}; if (null == arParams.id) arParams.id = 'tree_selector_select_control'; if (null == arParams.className) arParams.className = ''; this.arParams.WIN = arParams; CHttpRequest.Action = function(result) {_this._ShowWindow(result)}; var url = this.arParams.AJAX_PAGE+'?win_id=' +this.arParams.WIN.id; if (this.arParams.AJAX_PARAMS) { for(var param_name in this.arParams.AJAX_PARAMS) url += '&' + param_name + '=' + encodeURIComponent(this.arParams.AJAX_PARAMS[param_name]); } if(this.arParams.INPUT_NAME) this.SetValueFromInput(this.arParams.INPUT_NAME); var value = this.GetValue(true); if ((this.multiple ? value.length : value) > 0) url += '&value=' + value; if (this.multiple) url += '&multiple=Y'; ShowWaitWindow(); CHttpRequest.Send(url); }; this._ShowWindow = function(result) { CloseWaitWindow(); var _this = this; this.div = document.body.appendChild(document.createElement("DIV")); this.div.id = this.arParams.WIN.id; this.div.className = "settings-float-form" + (this.arParams.WIN && this.arParams.WIN.className ? ' ' + this.arParams.WIN.className : ''); this.div.style.position = 'absolute'; /*this.div.style.zIndex = '1100'; */ this.div.style.zIndex = '110000'; this.div.innerHTML = result; this.div.__object = this; var obSize = BX.GetWindowSize(); var left = parseInt(obSize.scrollLeft + obSize.innerWidth/2 - this.div.offsetWidth/2); var top = parseInt(obSize.scrollTop + obSize.innerHeight/2 - this.div.offsetHeight/2); jsFloatDiv.Show(this.div, left, top); jsUtils.onCustomEvent('onTreeSearchShow', {div: this.div}); jsUtils.onCustomEvent('onTreeSearchShow', {div: this.div}); BX.bind(document, "keypress", this._onkeypress); }; this.CloseDialog = function() { BX.unbind(document, "keypress", this._onkeypress); jsUtils.onCustomEvent('onTreeSearchClose', {div: this.div}); this._div = null; jsFloatDiv.Close(this.div); this.div.parentNode.removeChild(this.div); this.div = null; }; this.LoadSection = function(SECTION_ID, bShowOnly, bScrollToSection) { if (null == bShowOnly) bShowOnly = false; if (null == bScrollToSection) bScrollToSection = false; SECTION_ID = parseInt(SECTION_ID); var obSection = document.getElementById('mts_section_' + SECTION_ID); if (null == obSection.BX_LOADED) { var url = this.arParams.AJAX_PAGE+'?MODE=section&win_id=' + this.arParams.WIN.id + '&SECTION_ID=' + SECTION_ID; if (this.arParams.AJAX_PARAMS) { for(var param_name in this.arParams.AJAX_PARAMS) url += '&' + param_name + '=' + encodeURIComponent(this.arParams.AJAX_PARAMS[param_name]); } if (bScrollToSection) { BX.ajax.get(url, function(data){ _this.ShowSection(data); document.getElementById('mts_search_layout').scrollTop = document.getElementById('mts_section_' + SECTION_ID).offsetTop - 40; }); } else { BX.ajax.get(url, this.ShowSection); } } else if (bScrollToSection) { document.getElementById('mts_search_layout').scrollTop = document.getElementById('mts_section_' + SECTION_ID).offsetTop - 40; } var obChildren = document.getElementById('bx_children_' + SECTION_ID); if (bShowOnly || obChildren.style.display == 'none') { obSection.firstChild.className = obSection.firstChild.className.replace('mts-closed', 'mts-opened'); obChildren.style.display = 'block'; } else { obSection.firstChild.className = obSection.firstChild.className.replace('mts-opened', 'mts-closed'); obChildren.style.display = 'none'; } }; this.ElementSet = function() { if (!!this.arParams.SET_ALWAYS || current_selected.length > 0) { this.SetValue(current_selected); this.OnSelect(); } this.CloseDialog(); }; this.ElementSelect = function() { if(_this.multiple) { var bFound = false; for (var i = 0; i < current_selected.length; i++) { if (current_selected[i] == this.BX_ID) { bFound = true; break; } } if (bFound) { this.className = 'mts-row'; current_selected = current_selected.slice(0, i).concat(current_selected.slice(i + 1)); this.firstChild.checked = false; } else { current_selected[current_selected.length] = this.BX_ID; this.className = 'mts-row mts-selected'; this.firstChild.checked = true; } } else { for (i = 0; i < current_selected.length; i++) { var row = document.getElementById('mts_' + current_selected[i]); if(row) { row.className = 'mts-row'; row.firstChild.checked = false; } } current_selected = [this.BX_ID]; this.className = 'mts-row mts-selected'; this.firstChild.checked = true; } }; this.ShowSection = function (data) { var DATA = []; if (data.length > 0) eval('DATA = ' + data); var SECTION_ID = DATA.SECTION_ID; var arElements = DATA.arElements; var obSection = document.getElementById('mts_section_' + SECTION_ID); if (!obSection.BX_LOADED) { obSection.BX_LOADED = true; var obSectionDiv = document.getElementById('mts_elements_' + SECTION_ID); if (obSectionDiv) { obSectionDiv.innerHTML = ''; for (var i = 0; i < arElements.length; i++) { _this.arTreeData[arElements[i].ID] = { ID: arElements[i].ID, NAME: arElements[i].NAME }; var obUserRow = document.createElement('DIV'); obUserRow.id = 'mts_' + arElements[i].ID; obUserRow.className = 'mts-row'; obUserRow.BX_ID = arElements[i].ID; if (_this.multiple) { var obCheckbox = document.createElement('INPUT'); obCheckbox.type = 'checkbox'; obCheckbox.id = 'mts_check_' + arElements[i].ID; obCheckbox.defaultChecked = false; for (var j = 0; j < current_selected.length; j++) { if (obUserRow.BX_ID == current_selected[j]) { obCheckbox.defaultChecked = true; obUserRow.className += ' mts-selected'; break; } } } else { for (j = 0; j < current_selected.length; j++) { if (obUserRow.BX_ID == current_selected[j]) { obUserRow.className += ' mts-selected'; break; } } obUserRow.ondblclick = function(){ _this.ElementSet() }; } obUserRow.onclick = _this.ElementSelect; obUserRow.innerHTML = arElements[i].CONTENT; if (_this.multiple) { obUserRow.insertBefore(obCheckbox, obUserRow.firstChild); } obSectionDiv.appendChild(obUserRow); } var obClearer = obSectionDiv.appendChild(document.createElement('DIV')); obClearer.style.clear = 'both'; } } } }