Direktori : /home/bitrix/www/bitrix/components/bitrix/report.view/templates/admin/ |
Current File : //home/bitrix/www/bitrix/components/bitrix/report.view/templates/admin/graph.php |
<?php require_once($_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"]."/bitrix/modules/main/include.php"); require_once($_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"]."/bitrix/modules/main/tools.php"); require_once($_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"]."/bitrix/modules/main/img.php"); if (!check_bitrix_sessid()) exit; Bitrix\Main\Localization\Loc::loadMessages(__FILE__); function checkPostChartData(&$postData, $chartXValueTypes, $chartTypes) { $err = 0; // check meta $columnYValueTypes = array(); $nColumns = 0; if (isset($postData['chartData']) && is_array($postData['chartData'])) { $chartData = &$postData['chartData']; $chartTypeIds = array(); foreach ($chartTypes as &$chartTypeInfo) $chartTypeIds[] = $chartTypeInfo['id']; $chartTypesIndexes = array_flip($chartTypeIds); $columnYValueTypes = $chartTypes[$chartTypesIndexes[$chartData['type']]]['value_types']; if (isset($chartData['type']) && in_array($chartData['type'], $chartTypeIds)) { if (isset($chartData['columnTypes']) && is_array($chartData['columnTypes'])) { $nColumns = count($chartData['columnTypes']); if ($nColumns >= 2) { if ($chartData['type'] == 'pie' && $nColumns != 2) $err = 5; else { foreach ($chartData['columnTypes'] as $columnIndex => $columnType) { if (is_int($columnIndex) && $columnIndex >= 0) { if ($columnIndex === 0) { if (!in_array($columnType, $chartXValueTypes)) $err = 7; } else { if (!in_array($columnType, $columnYValueTypes)) $err = 8; } } else $err = 6; if ($err !== 0) break; } } } else $err = 4; } else $err = 3; } else $err = 2; } else $err = 1; // check data if ($err === 0) { if (isset($chartData['data']) && is_array($chartData['data'])) { foreach ($chartData['data'] as $rowIndex => &$dataRow) { if (is_int($rowIndex) && $rowIndex >= 0) { if (is_array($dataRow)) { $nDataColumns = count($dataRow); if ($nDataColumns === $nColumns) { foreach ($dataRow as $columnIndex => &$dataValue) { if (is_int($columnIndex) && $columnIndex >= 0) { // convert type of value switch ($chartData['columnTypes'][$columnIndex]) { case 'boolean': $dataValue = ($dataValue) ? true : false; break; case 'date': case 'datetime': if (!empty($dataValue)) { if (!CheckDateTime($dataValue, CSite::GetDateFormat('SHORT'))) $err = 15; } break; case 'float': if (is_string($dataValue)) $dataValue = str_replace(' ', '', $dataValue); $dataValue = (float)$dataValue; break; case 'integer': if (is_string($dataValue)) $dataValue = str_replace(' ', '', $dataValue); $dataValue = (int)$dataValue; break; case 'string': case 'text': case 'enum': case 'file': case 'disk_file': case 'employee': case 'crm': case 'crm_status': case 'iblock_element': case 'iblock_section': $dataValue = (string)$dataValue; break; default: $err = 14; } } else $err = 13; if ($err !== 0) break; } } else $err = 12; } else $err = 11; } else $err = 10; if ($err !== 0) break; } } else $err = 9; } return $err; } $chartXValueTypes = array('boolean', 'date', 'datetime', 'float', 'integer', 'string', 'text', 'enum', 'file', 'disk_file', 'employee', 'crm', 'crm_status', 'iblock_element', 'iblock_section'); // <editor-fold defaultstate="collapsed" desc="chart types"> $chartTypes = array( array('id' => 'line', 'name' => GetMessage('REPORT_CHART_TYPE_LINE'), 'value_types' => array( /*'boolean', 'date', 'datetime', */ 'float', 'integer'/* , 'string', 'text', 'enum', 'file', 'disk_file', 'employee', 'crm', 'crm_status', 'iblock_element', 'iblock_section'*/)), array('id' => 'bar', 'name' => GetMessage('REPORT_CHART_TYPE_BAR'), 'value_types' => array( /*'boolean', 'date', 'datetime', */ 'float', 'integer'/* , 'string', 'text', 'enum', 'file', 'disk_file', 'employee', 'crm', 'crm_status', 'iblock_element', 'iblock_section'*/)), array('id' => 'pie', 'name' => GetMessage('REPORT_CHART_TYPE_PIE'), 'value_types' => array( /*'boolean', 'date', 'datetime', */ 'float', 'integer'/* , 'string', 'text', 'enum', 'file', 'disk_file', 'employee', 'crm', 'crm_status', 'iblock_element', 'iblock_section'*/)), ); // </editor-fold> CUtil::JSPostUnescape(); $errorCode = checkPostChartData($_POST, $chartXValueTypes, $chartTypes); if ($errorCode === 0) { $chartData = &$_POST['chartData']; // chart size $minWidth = 192; $minHeight = 120; $maxWidth = 10000; $maxHeight = 6250; $baseColor = '6699CC'; $backgroundColor = 'FFFFFF'; if (isset($chartData['width'])) { $width = intval($chartData['width']); if ($width < $minWidth) $width = $minWidth; if ($width > $maxWidth) $width = $maxWidth; } else $width = 670; if (isset($chartData['height'])) { $height = intval($chartData['height']); if ($height < $minHeight) $height = $minHeight; if ($height > $maxHeight) $height = $maxHeight; } else $height = 420; if ($chartData['type'] === 'line') { if (count($chartData['data']) >= 2) { // <editor-fold defaultstate="collapsed" desc="prepare data for line chart"> $arXLabels = array(); $arXValues = array(); $arYValues = array(); $minX = null; $maxX = null; $minY = null; $maxY = null; $arYAll = array(); foreach ($chartData['data'] as $rowIndex => $dataRow) { foreach ($dataRow as $columnIndex => $dataValue) { if ($rowIndex === 0) { if ($columnIndex > 0) $arYValues[$columnIndex-1] = array(); } if ($columnIndex === 0) { $arXLabels[$rowIndex] = $dataValue; $arXValues[$rowIndex] = $rowIndex + 1; if ($rowIndex === 0) $maxX = $minX = $arXValues[$rowIndex]; else { $minX = min($minX, $arXValues[$rowIndex]); $maxX = max($maxX, $arXValues[$rowIndex]); } } else { $arYAll[] = $arYValues[$columnIndex-1][$rowIndex] = $dataValue; if ($rowIndex === 0 && $columnIndex === 1) $maxY = $minY = $dataValue; else { $minY = min($minY, $dataValue); $maxY = max($maxY, $dataValue); } } } } // </editor-fold> // <editor-fold defaultstate="collapsed" desc="paint line chart"> $imageHandle = $ImageHandle = CreateImageHandle($width, $height); $arYNorm = GetArrayY($arYAll, $minY, $maxY); $arrTTF_FONT = array( 'X' => array( 'FONT_PATH' => '/bitrix/components/bitrix/report.view/ttf/verdana.ttf', 'FONT_SIZE' => 8, 'FONT_SHIFT' => 12, 'FONT_BASE' => 3 ), 'Y' => array( 'FONT_PATH' => '/bitrix/components/bitrix/report.view/ttf/verdana.ttf', 'FONT_SIZE' => 8, 'FONT_SHIFT' => 12, 'FONT_BASE' => 3 ) ); DrawCoordinatGrid($arXLabels, $arYNorm, $width, $height, $imageHandle, $backgroundColor, 'B1B1B1', '000000', 10, 2, $arrTTF_FONT); $nColors = count($arYValues); $color = $baseColor; $arLegendInfo = array(); foreach ($arYValues as $columnIndex => $arY) { $arLegendInfo[$columnIndex] = $color; Graf($arXValues, $arY, $imageHandle, $minX, $maxX, $minY, $maxY, $color); $color = GetNextRGB($color, $nColors); } // </editor-fold> } else $errorCode = 42; // At least two rows of values are required } else if ($chartData['type'] === 'bar') { if (count($chartData['data']) >= 2) { // <editor-fold defaultstate="collapsed" desc="prepare data for bar chart"> $arXLabels = array(); $arXValues = array(); $arData = array(); $minX = null; $maxX = null; $minY = null; $maxY = null; $arYAll = array(); $color = $baseColor; $nColors = count($chartData['columnTypes']); $arLegendInfo = array(); foreach ($chartData['data'] as $rowIndex => $dataRow) { $arData[$rowIndex] = array('DATA' => array(), 'COLORS' => array()); foreach ($dataRow as $columnIndex => $dataValue) { if ($columnIndex === 0) { $arXLabels[$rowIndex] = $dataValue; $arXValues[$rowIndex] = $rowIndex + 1; if ($rowIndex === 0) { $maxX = $minX = $arXValues[$rowIndex]; $arYAll[] = $maxY = $minY = 0; } else { $minX = min($minX, $arXValues[$rowIndex]); $maxX = max($maxX, $arXValues[$rowIndex]); } $color = $baseColor; } else { $arYAll[] = $arData[$rowIndex]['DATA'][$columnIndex-1] = ($dataValue < 0) ? 0 : $dataValue; $minY = min($minY, $dataValue); $maxY = max($maxY, $dataValue); $arData[$rowIndex]['COLORS'][$columnIndex-1][0] = $color; if ($rowIndex === 0) $arLegendInfo[$columnIndex-1] = $color; $color = GetNextRGB($color, $nColors); } } } // </editor-fold> // <editor-fold defaultstate="collapsed" desc="paint bar diagram"> $imageHandle = $ImageHandle = CreateImageHandle($width, $height); $arYNorm = GetArrayY($arYAll, $minY, $maxY); $arrTTF_FONT = array( 'type' => 'bar', 'X' => array( 'FONT_PATH' => '/bitrix/components/bitrix/report.view/ttf/verdana.ttf', 'FONT_SIZE' => 8, 'FONT_SHIFT' => 12, 'FONT_BASE' => 3 ), 'Y' => array( 'FONT_PATH' => '/bitrix/components/bitrix/report.view/ttf/verdana.ttf', 'FONT_SIZE' => 8, 'FONT_SHIFT' => 12, 'FONT_BASE' => 3 ) ); $gridInfo = DrawCoordinatGrid($arXLabels, $arYNorm, $width, $height, $imageHandle, $backgroundColor, 'B1B1B1', '000000', 10, 2, $arrTTF_FONT); Bar_Diagram($imageHandle, $arData, $minY, $maxY, $gridInfo); // </editor-fold> } else $errorCode = 43; // At least one row of values is required } else if ($chartData['type'] === 'pie') { if (count($chartData['data']) >= 1) { // <editor-fold defaultstate="collapsed" desc="prepare data for pie chart"> $arConsolidated = array(); foreach ($chartData['data'] as $rowIndex => $dataRow) { $index = $dataRow[0]; $arConsolidated[$index] += $dataRow[1]; } $sumAll = 0.0; foreach ($arConsolidated as $k => $v) { if ($v <= 0.0) unset($arConsolidated[$k]); else $sumAll += $v; } $arCounting = $arConsolidated; $nValues = count($arCounting); if ($nValues > 0) { $sumAllPrcnt = 0; foreach ($arCounting as $k => $v) { $arCounting[$k] = $v * 100 / $sumAll; $sumAllPrcnt =+ $arCounting[$k]; } if (arsort($arCounting, SORT_NUMERIC)) { $arTrifle = array(); $averageValuePrcnt = $sumAllPrcnt/$nValues; $trifleFactor = max($averageValuePrcnt/50, 1.0); $i = 0; $prcntCount = 0.0; $offset = 0; foreach ($arCounting as $k => $v) { if ($v < $trifleFactor) { $offset = $i; break; } else $prcntCount += $v; $i++; } $sumTrifle = 0; if ($offset > 0) { $arTrifle = array_slice($arCounting, $offset, null, true); $arCounting = array_slice($arCounting, 0, $offset, true); foreach (array_keys($arTrifle) as $k) $sumTrifle += $arConsolidated[$k]; } if (round($prcntCount,2) < 100.0) { $arCounting['__trifle__'] = 100.0 - $prcntCount; $arConsolidated['__trifle__'] = $sumTrifle; $nValues++; } $arData = array(); $arLegendInfo = array(); $i = 0; $color = $baseColor; foreach ($arCounting as $k => $v) { $arData[$i]['COUNTER'] = intval($v*100); $arData[$i]['COLOR'] = $color; $arLegendInfo[$i] = array( 'color' => $color, 'label' => CharsetConverter::ConvertCharset($k, LANG_CHARSET, 'UTF-8'), 'value' => $arConsolidated[$k], 'prcnt' => round($v,2) ); $color = GetNextRGB($color, $nValues); $i++; } } else $errorCode = 46; } else $errorCode = 45; // </editor-fold> // <editor-fold defaultstate="collapsed" desc="paint pie diagram"> if ($errorCode === 0) { $diameter = min($width, $height); $imageHandle = $ImageHandle = CreateImageHandle($diameter, $diameter); Circular_Diagram($imageHandle, $arData, $backgroundColor, $diameter, round($diameter/2), round($diameter/2)); $h = $diameter * 0.6; $dh = 15; $imageHandleTemp = CreateImageHandle($diameter, $h+$dh); imagecopy($imageHandleTemp, $imageHandle, 0, 0, 0, ($diameter-$h)/2-$dh, $diameter, $h+$dh); imagedestroy($imageHandle); $imageHandle = $imageHandleTemp; } // </editor-fold> } else $errorCode = 44; // At least one value is required } else $errorCode = 41; if ($errorCode === 0) { // <editor-fold defaultstate="collapsed" desc="render chart"> ob_start(); ShowImageHeader($imageHandle); $img_base64 = base64_encode(ob_get_contents()); ob_end_clean(); if (substr($img_base64, 0, 5) === 'iVBOR') { $imageData = 'data:image/png;base64,'.PHP_EOL.chunk_split($img_base64); $response = array( 'errorCode' => 0, 'errorMessage' => '', 'imageData' => $imageData, 'legendInfo' => $arLegendInfo ); } // </editor-fold> } } if ($errorCode > 0) { $response = array( 'errorCode' => $errorCode, 'errorMessage' => CharsetConverter::ConvertCharset( GetMessage('REPORT_CHART_ERR_'.sprintf('%02d', $errorCode)), LANG_CHARSET, 'UTF-8' ) ); } header("Content-type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8"); echo CUtil::PhpToJSObject($response); ?>