Direktori : /home/bitrix/www/bitrix/components/bitrix/sale.basket.basket/templates/old_version_17/ |
Current File : //home/bitrix/www/bitrix/components/bitrix/sale.basket.basket/templates/old_version_17/script.js |
BasketPoolQuantity = function() { this.processing = false; this.poolQuantity = {}; this.updateTimer = null; this.currentQuantity = {}; this.lastStableQuantities = {}; this.updateQuantity(); }; BasketPoolQuantity.prototype.updateQuantity = function() { var items = BX('basket_items'); if (basketJSParams['USE_ENHANCED_ECOMMERCE'] === 'Y') { checkAnalytics(this.lastStableQuantities, items); } if (!!items && items.rows.length > 0) { for (var i = 1; items.rows.length > i; i++) { var itemId = items.rows[i].id; this.currentQuantity[itemId] = BX('QUANTITY_' + itemId).value; } } this.lastStableQuantities = BX.clone(this.currentQuantity, true); }; BasketPoolQuantity.prototype.changeQuantity = function(itemId) { var quantity = BX('QUANTITY_' + itemId).value; var isPoolEmpty = this.isPoolEmpty(); if (this.currentQuantity[itemId] && this.currentQuantity[itemId] != quantity) { this.poolQuantity[itemId] = this.currentQuantity[itemId] = quantity; } if (!isPoolEmpty) { this.enableTimer(true); } else { this.trySendPool(); } }; BasketPoolQuantity.prototype.trySendPool = function() { if (!this.isPoolEmpty() && !this.isProcessing()) { this.enableTimer(false); recalcBasketAjax({}); } }; BasketPoolQuantity.prototype.isPoolEmpty = function() { return ( Object.keys(this.poolQuantity).length == 0 ); }; BasketPoolQuantity.prototype.clearPool = function() { this.poolQuantity = {}; }; BasketPoolQuantity.prototype.isProcessing = function() { return (this.processing === true); }; BasketPoolQuantity.prototype.setProcessing = function(value) { this.processing = (value === true); }; BasketPoolQuantity.prototype.enableTimer = function(value) { clearTimeout(this.updateTimer); if (value === false) return; this.updateTimer = setTimeout(function(){ basketPoolQuantity.trySendPool(); }, 1500); }; /** * @param basketItemId * @param {{BASKET_ID : string, BASKET_DATA : { GRID : { ROWS : {} }}, COLUMNS: {}, PARAMS: {}, DELETE_ORIGINAL : string }} res */ function updateBasketTable(basketItemId, res) { var table = BX("basket_items"), rows, newBasketItemId, arItem, lastRow, newRow, arColumns, bShowDeleteColumn = false, bShowDelayColumn = false, bShowPropsColumn = false, bShowPriceType = false, bUseFloatQuantity, origBasketItem, oCellMargin, i, oCellName, imageURL, cellNameHTML, oCellItem, cellItemHTML, bSkip, j, val, propId, arProp, bIsImageProperty, countValues, full, fullWidth, itemWidth, arVal, valId, arSkuValue, selected, valueId, k, arItemProp, oCellQuantity, oCellQuantityHTML, ratio, isUpdateQuantity, oldQuantity, oCellPrice, fullPrice, id, oCellDiscount, oCellWeight, oCellCustom, customColumnVal, propsMap, selectedIndex, counter, marginLeft, createNewItem; if (!table || typeof res !== 'object') { return; } rows = table.rows; lastRow = rows[rows.length - 1]; bUseFloatQuantity = (res.PARAMS.QUANTITY_FLOAT === 'Y'); // insert new row instead of original basket item row if (basketItemId !== null && !!res.BASKET_DATA) { origBasketItem = BX(basketItemId); newBasketItemId = res.BASKET_ID; createNewItem = BX.type.isPlainObject(res.BASKET_DATA.GRID.ROWS[newBasketItemId]); if (createNewItem) { arItem = res.BASKET_DATA.GRID.ROWS[newBasketItemId]; newRow = document.createElement('tr'); newRow.setAttribute('id', res.BASKET_ID); newRow.setAttribute('data-item-name', arItem['NAME']); newRow.setAttribute('data-item-brand', arItem[basketJSParams['BRAND_PROPERTY'] + '_VALUE']); newRow.setAttribute('data-item-price', arItem['PRICE']); newRow.setAttribute('data-item-currency', arItem['CURRENCY']); lastRow.parentNode.insertBefore(newRow, origBasketItem.nextSibling); } if (res.DELETE_ORIGINAL === 'Y') { origBasketItem.parentNode.removeChild(origBasketItem); } if (createNewItem) { // fill row with fields' values oCellMargin = newRow.insertCell(-1); oCellMargin.setAttribute('class', 'margin'); arColumns = res.COLUMNS.split(','); for (i = 0; i < arColumns.length; i++) { if (arColumns[i] === 'DELETE') { bShowDeleteColumn = true; } else if (arColumns[i] === 'DELAY') { bShowDelayColumn = true; } else if (arColumns[i] === 'PROPS') { bShowPropsColumn = true; } else if (arColumns[i] === 'TYPE') { bShowPriceType = true; } } for (i = 0; i < arColumns.length; i++) { switch (arColumns[i]) { case 'PROPS': case 'DELAY': case 'DELETE': case 'TYPE': break; case 'NAME': // first <td> - image and brand oCellName = newRow.insertCell(-1); imageURL = ''; cellNameHTML = ''; oCellName.setAttribute('class', 'itemphoto'); if (arItem.PREVIEW_PICTURE_SRC.length > 0) { imageURL = arItem.PREVIEW_PICTURE_SRC; } else if (arItem.DETAIL_PICTURE_SRC.length > 0) { imageURL = arItem.DETAIL_PICTURE_SRC; } else { imageURL = basketJSParams.TEMPLATE_FOLDER + '/images/no_photo.png'; } if (arItem.DETAIL_PAGE_URL.length > 0) { cellNameHTML = '<div class="bx_ordercart_photo_container">\ <a href="' + arItem.DETAIL_PAGE_URL + '">\ <div class="bx_ordercart_photo" style="background-image:url(\'' + imageURL + '\')"></div>\ </a>\ </div>'; } else { cellNameHTML = '<div class="bx_ordercart_photo_container">\ <div class="bx_ordercart_photo" style="background-image:url(\'' + imageURL + '\')"></div>\ </div>'; } if (arItem.BRAND && arItem.BRAND.length > 0) { cellNameHTML += '<div class="bx_ordercart_brand">\ <img alt="" src="' + arItem.BRAND + '"/>\ </div>'; } oCellName.innerHTML = cellNameHTML; // second <td> - name, basket props, sku props oCellItem = newRow.insertCell(-1); cellItemHTML = ''; oCellItem.setAttribute('class', 'item'); if (arItem['DETAIL_PAGE_URL'].length > 0) cellItemHTML += '<h2 class="bx_ordercart_itemtitle"><a href="' + arItem['DETAIL_PAGE_URL'] + '">' + arItem['NAME'] + '</a></h2>'; else cellItemHTML += '<h2 class="bx_ordercart_itemtitle">' + arItem['NAME'] + '</h2>'; cellItemHTML += '<div class="bx_ordercart_itemart">'; if (bShowPropsColumn) { for (j = 0; j < arItem['PROPS'].length; j++) { val = arItem['PROPS'][j]; if (arItem.SKU_DATA) { bSkip = false; for (propId in arItem.SKU_DATA) { if (arItem.SKU_DATA.hasOwnProperty(propId)) { arProp = arItem.SKU_DATA[propId]; if (arProp['CODE'] === val['CODE']) { bSkip = true; break; } } } if (bSkip) continue; } cellItemHTML += BX.util.htmlspecialchars(val['NAME']) + ': <span>' + val['VALUE'] + '</span><br/>'; } } cellItemHTML += '</div>'; if (arItem.SKU_DATA) { propsMap = {}; for (k = 0; k < arItem['PROPS'].length; k++) { arItemProp = arItem['PROPS'][k]; propsMap[arItemProp['CODE']] = (BX.type.isNotEmptyString(arItemProp['~VALUE']) ? arItemProp['~VALUE'] : arItemProp['VALUE']); } for (propId in arItem.SKU_DATA) { if (arItem.SKU_DATA.hasOwnProperty(propId)) { selectedIndex = 0; arProp = arItem.SKU_DATA[propId]; bIsImageProperty = false; countValues = BX.util.array_keys(arProp['VALUES']).length; if (countValues > 5) { full = 'full'; fullWidth = (countValues*20) + '%'; itemWidth = (100/countValues) + '%'; } else { full = ''; fullWidth = '100%'; itemWidth = '20%'; } counter = 0; for (valId in arProp['VALUES']) { counter++; arVal = arProp['VALUES'][valId]; if (BX.type.isNotEmptyString(propsMap[arProp['CODE']])) { if (propsMap[arProp['CODE']] == arVal['NAME'] || propsMap[arProp['CODE']] == arVal['XML_ID']) selectedIndex = counter; } if (!!arVal && typeof arVal === 'object' && !!arVal['PICT']) { bIsImageProperty = true; } } marginLeft = '0'; if (full !== '' && selectedIndex > 5) marginLeft = ((5 - selectedIndex) * 20) + '%'; // sku property can contain list of images or values if (bIsImageProperty) { cellItemHTML += '<div class="bx_item_detail_scu_small_noadaptive ' + full + '">'; cellItemHTML += '<span class="bx_item_section_name_gray">' + BX.util.htmlspecialchars(arProp['NAME']) + '</span>'; cellItemHTML += '<div class="bx_scu_scroller_container">'; cellItemHTML += '<div class="bx_scu">'; cellItemHTML += '<ul id="prop_' + arProp['CODE'] + '_' + arItem['ID'] + '" style="width: ' + fullWidth + '; margin-left: ' + marginLeft + ';" class="sku_prop_list">'; counter = 0; for (valueId in arProp['VALUES']) { counter++; arSkuValue = arProp['VALUES'][valueId]; selected = (selectedIndex == counter ? ' bx_active' : ''); cellItemHTML += '<li style="width: ' + itemWidth + '; padding-top: ' + itemWidth + ';"\ class="sku_prop' + selected + '" \ data-sku-selector="Y" \ data-value-id="' + arSkuValue['XML_ID'] + '" \ data-sku-name="' + BX.util.htmlspecialchars(arSkuValue['NAME']) + '" \ data-element="' + arItem['ID'] + '" \ data-property="' + arProp['CODE'] + '"\ >\ <a href="javascript:void(0)" class="cnt"><span class="cnt_item" style="background-image:url(' + arSkuValue['PICT']['SRC'] + '"></span></a>\ </li>'; } cellItemHTML += '</ul>'; cellItemHTML += '</div>'; cellItemHTML += '<div class="bx_slide_left" onclick="leftScroll(\'' + arProp['CODE'] + '\', ' + arItem['ID'] + ', ' + BX.util.array_keys(arProp['VALUES']).length + ');"></div>'; cellItemHTML += '<div class="bx_slide_right" onclick="rightScroll(\'' + arProp['CODE'] + '\', ' + arItem['ID'] + ', ' + BX.util.array_keys(arProp['VALUES']).length + ');"></div>'; cellItemHTML += '</div>'; cellItemHTML += '</div>'; } else // not image { cellItemHTML += '<div class="bx_item_detail_size_small_noadaptive ' + full + '">'; cellItemHTML += '<span class="bx_item_section_name_gray">' + BX.util.htmlspecialchars(arProp['NAME']) + '</span>'; cellItemHTML += '<div class="bx_size_scroller_container">'; cellItemHTML += '<div class="bx_size">'; cellItemHTML += '<ul id="prop_' + arProp['CODE'] + '_' + arItem['ID'] + '" style="width: ' + fullWidth + '; margin-left: ' + marginLeft + ';" class="sku_prop_list">'; counter = 0; for (valueId in arProp['VALUES']) { counter++; arSkuValue = arProp['VALUES'][valueId]; selected = (selectedIndex == counter ? ' bx_active' : ''); cellItemHTML += '<li style="width: ' + itemWidth + ';"\ class="sku_prop ' + selected + '" \ data-sku-selector="Y" \ data-value-id="' + (arProp['TYPE'] === 'S' && arProp['USER_TYPE'] === 'directory' ? arSkuValue['XML_ID'] : BX.util.htmlspecialchars(arSkuValue['NAME'])) + '" \ data-sku-name="' + BX.util.htmlspecialchars(arSkuValue['NAME']) + '" \ data-element="' + arItem['ID'] + '" \ data-property="' + arProp['CODE'] + '" \ >\ <a href="javascript:void(0)" class="cnt">' + BX.util.htmlspecialchars(arSkuValue['NAME']) + '</a>\ </li>'; } cellItemHTML += '</ul>'; cellItemHTML += '</div>'; cellItemHTML += '<div class="bx_slide_left" onclick="leftScroll(\'' + arProp['CODE'] + '\', ' + arItem['ID'] + ', ' + BX.util.array_keys(arProp['VALUES']).length + ');"></div>'; cellItemHTML += '<div class="bx_slide_right" onclick="rightScroll(\'' + arProp['CODE'] + '\', ' + arItem['ID'] + ', ' + BX.util.array_keys(arProp['VALUES']).length + ');"></div>'; cellItemHTML += '</div>'; cellItemHTML += '</div>'; } } } } oCellItem.innerHTML = cellItemHTML; break; case 'QUANTITY': oCellQuantity = newRow.insertCell(-1); oCellQuantityHTML = ''; ratio = (parseFloat(arItem['MEASURE_RATIO']) > 0) ? arItem['MEASURE_RATIO'] : 1; isUpdateQuantity = false; if (ratio != 0 && ratio != '') { oldQuantity = arItem['QUANTITY']; arItem['QUANTITY'] = getCorrectRatioQuantity(arItem['QUANTITY'], ratio, bUseFloatQuantity); if (oldQuantity != arItem['QUANTITY']) { isUpdateQuantity = true; } } oCellQuantity.setAttribute('class', 'custom'); oCellQuantityHTML += '<span>' + getColumnName(res, arColumns[i]) + ':</span>'; oCellQuantityHTML += '<div class="centered">'; oCellQuantityHTML += '<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" class="counter">'; oCellQuantityHTML += '<tr>'; oCellQuantityHTML += '<td>'; oCellQuantityHTML += '<input type="text" size="3" id="QUANTITY_INPUT_' + arItem['ID'] + '"\ name="QUANTITY_INPUT_' + arItem['ID'] + '"\ style="max-width: 50px"\ value="' + arItem['QUANTITY'] + '"\ onchange="updateQuantity(\'QUANTITY_INPUT_' + arItem['ID'] + '\',\'' + arItem['ID'] + '\', ' + ratio + ',' + bUseFloatQuantity + ')"\ >'; oCellQuantityHTML += '</td>'; if (ratio != 0 && ratio != '' ) // if not Set parent, show quantity control { oCellQuantityHTML += '<td id="basket_quantity_control">\ <div class="basket_quantity_control">\ <a href="javascript:void(0);" class="plus" onclick="setQuantity(' + arItem['ID'] + ', ' + ratio + ', \'up\', ' + bUseFloatQuantity + ');"></a>\ <a href="javascript:void(0);" class="minus" onclick="setQuantity(' + arItem['ID'] + ', ' + ratio + ', \'down\', ' + bUseFloatQuantity + ');"></a>\ </div>\ </td>'; } if (arItem.hasOwnProperty('MEASURE_TEXT') && arItem['MEASURE_TEXT'].length > 0) oCellQuantityHTML += '<td style="text-align: left">' + BX.util.htmlspecialchars(arItem['MEASURE_TEXT']) + '</td>'; oCellQuantityHTML += '</tr>'; oCellQuantityHTML += '</table>'; oCellQuantityHTML += '</div>'; oCellQuantityHTML += '<input type="hidden" id="QUANTITY_' + arItem['ID'] + '" name="QUANTITY_' + arItem['ID'] + '" value="' + arItem['QUANTITY'] + '" />'; oCellQuantity.innerHTML = oCellQuantityHTML; if (isUpdateQuantity) { updateQuantity('QUANTITY_INPUT_' + arItem['ID'], arItem['ID'], ratio, bUseFloatQuantity); } break; case 'PRICE': oCellPrice = newRow.insertCell(-1); fullPrice = (arItem['DISCOUNT_PRICE_PERCENT'] > 0) ? arItem['FULL_PRICE_FORMATED'] : ''; oCellPrice.setAttribute('class', 'price'); oCellPrice.innerHTML = '<div class="current_price" id="current_price_' + arItem['ID'] + '">' + arItem['PRICE_FORMATED'] + '</div>' + '<div class="old_price" id="old_price_' + arItem['ID'] + '">' + fullPrice + '</div>'; if (bShowPriceType && arItem['NOTES'].length > 0) { oCellPrice.innerHTML += '<div class="type_price">' + basketJSParams['SALE_TYPE'] + '</div>'; oCellPrice.innerHTML += '<div class="type_price_value">' + arItem['NOTES'] + '</div>'; } break; case 'DISCOUNT': oCellDiscount = newRow.insertCell(-1); oCellDiscount.setAttribute('class', 'custom'); oCellDiscount.innerHTML = '<span>' + getColumnName(res, arColumns[i]) + ':</span>'; oCellDiscount.innerHTML += '<div id="discount_value_' + arItem['ID'] + '">' + arItem['DISCOUNT_PRICE_PERCENT_FORMATED'] + '</div>'; break; case 'WEIGHT': oCellWeight = newRow.insertCell(-1); oCellWeight.setAttribute('class', 'custom'); oCellWeight.innerHTML = '<span>' + getColumnName(res, arColumns[i]) + ':</span>'; oCellWeight.innerHTML += arItem['WEIGHT_FORMATED']; break; default: oCellCustom = newRow.insertCell(-1); customColumnVal = ''; oCellCustom.setAttribute('class', 'custom'); oCellCustom.innerHTML = '<span>' + getColumnName(res, arColumns[i]) + ':</span>'; if (arColumns[i] == 'SUM') customColumnVal += '<div id="sum_' + arItem['ID'] + '">'; if (typeof(arItem[arColumns[i]]) != 'undefined') { customColumnVal += arItem[arColumns[i]]; } if (arColumns[i] == 'SUM') customColumnVal += '</div>'; oCellCustom.innerHTML += customColumnVal; break; } } if (bShowDeleteColumn || bShowDelayColumn) { var oCellControl = newRow.insertCell(-1); oCellControl.setAttribute('class', 'control'); if (bShowDeleteColumn) oCellControl.innerHTML = '<a href="' + basketJSParams['DELETE_URL'].replace('#ID#', arItem['ID']) + '">' + basketJSParams['SALE_DELETE'] + '</a><br />'; if (bShowDelayColumn) oCellControl.innerHTML += '<a href="' + basketJSParams['DELAY_URL'].replace('#ID#', arItem['ID']) + '">' + basketJSParams['SALE_DELAY'] + '</a>'; } var oCellMargin2 = newRow.insertCell(-1); oCellMargin2.setAttribute('class', 'margin'); } } // update product params after recalculation if (!!res.BASKET_DATA) { for (id in res.BASKET_DATA.GRID.ROWS) { if (res.BASKET_DATA.GRID.ROWS.hasOwnProperty(id)) { var item = res.BASKET_DATA.GRID.ROWS[id]; if (BX('discount_value_' + id)) BX('discount_value_' + id).innerHTML = item.DISCOUNT_PRICE_PERCENT_FORMATED; if (BX('current_price_' + id)) BX('current_price_' + id).innerHTML = item.PRICE_FORMATED; if (BX('old_price_' + id)) BX('old_price_' + id).innerHTML = (item.DISCOUNT_PRICE_PERCENT > 0) ? item.FULL_PRICE_FORMATED : ''; if (BX('sum_' + id)) BX('sum_' + id).innerHTML = item.SUM; // if the quantity was set by user to 0 or was too much, we need to show corrected quantity value from ajax response if (BX('QUANTITY_' + id)) { BX('QUANTITY_INPUT_' + id).value = item.QUANTITY; BX('QUANTITY_INPUT_' + id).defaultValue = item.QUANTITY; BX('QUANTITY_' + id).value = item.QUANTITY; } } } } // update coupon info if (!!res.BASKET_DATA) couponListUpdate(res.BASKET_DATA); // update warnings if any if (res.hasOwnProperty('WARNING_MESSAGE')) { var warningText = ''; for (i = res['WARNING_MESSAGE'].length - 1; i >= 0; i--) warningText += res['WARNING_MESSAGE'][i] + '<br/>'; BX('warning_message').innerHTML = warningText; } // update total basket values if (!!res.BASKET_DATA) { if (BX('allWeight_FORMATED')) BX('allWeight_FORMATED').innerHTML = res['BASKET_DATA']['allWeight_FORMATED'].replace(/\s/g, ' '); if (BX('allSum_wVAT_FORMATED')) BX('allSum_wVAT_FORMATED').innerHTML = res['BASKET_DATA']['allSum_wVAT_FORMATED'].replace(/\s/g, ' '); if (BX('allVATSum_FORMATED')) BX('allVATSum_FORMATED').innerHTML = res['BASKET_DATA']['allVATSum_FORMATED'].replace(/\s/g, ' '); if (BX('allSum_FORMATED')) BX('allSum_FORMATED').innerHTML = res['BASKET_DATA']['allSum_FORMATED'].replace(/\s/g, ' '); if (BX('PRICE_WITHOUT_DISCOUNT')) { var showPriceWithoutDiscount = (res['BASKET_DATA']['PRICE_WITHOUT_DISCOUNT'] != res['BASKET_DATA']['allSum_FORMATED']); BX('PRICE_WITHOUT_DISCOUNT').innerHTML = showPriceWithoutDiscount ? res['BASKET_DATA']['PRICE_WITHOUT_DISCOUNT'].replace(/\s/g, ' ') : ''; BX.style(BX('PRICE_WITHOUT_DISCOUNT').parentNode, 'display', (showPriceWithoutDiscount ? 'table-row' : 'none')); } BX.onCustomEvent('OnBasketChange'); } } /** * @param couponBlock * @param {COUPON: string, JS_STATUS: string} oneCoupon - new coupon. */ function couponCreate(couponBlock, oneCoupon) { var couponClass = 'disabled'; if (!BX.type.isElementNode(couponBlock)) return; if (oneCoupon.JS_STATUS === 'BAD') couponClass = 'bad'; else if (oneCoupon.JS_STATUS === 'APPLYED') couponClass = 'good'; couponBlock.appendChild(BX.create( 'div', { props: { className: 'bx_ordercart_coupon' }, children: [ BX.create( 'input', { props: { className: couponClass, type: 'text', value: oneCoupon.COUPON, name: 'OLD_COUPON[]' }, attrs: { disabled: true, readonly: true } } ), BX.create( 'span', { props: { className: couponClass }, attrs: { 'data-coupon': oneCoupon.COUPON } } ), BX.create( 'div', { props: { className: 'bx_ordercart_coupon_notes' }, html: oneCoupon.JS_CHECK_CODE } ) ] } )); } /** * @param {COUPON_LIST : []} res */ function couponListUpdate(res) { var couponBlock, couponClass, fieldCoupon, couponsCollection, couponFound, i, j, key; if (!!res && typeof res !== 'object') { return; } couponBlock = BX('coupons_block'); if (!!couponBlock) { if (!!res.COUPON_LIST && BX.type.isArray(res.COUPON_LIST)) { fieldCoupon = BX('coupon'); if (!!fieldCoupon) { fieldCoupon.value = ''; } couponsCollection = BX.findChildren(couponBlock, { tagName: 'input', property: { name: 'OLD_COUPON[]' } }, true); if (!!couponsCollection) { if (BX.type.isElementNode(couponsCollection)) { couponsCollection = [couponsCollection]; } for (i = 0; i < res.COUPON_LIST.length; i++) { couponFound = false; key = -1; for (j = 0; j < couponsCollection.length; j++) { if (couponsCollection[j].value === res.COUPON_LIST[i].COUPON) { couponFound = true; key = j; couponsCollection[j].couponUpdate = true; break; } } if (couponFound) { couponClass = 'disabled'; if (res.COUPON_LIST[i].JS_STATUS === 'BAD') couponClass = 'bad'; else if (res.COUPON_LIST[i].JS_STATUS === 'APPLYED') couponClass = 'good'; BX.adjust(couponsCollection[key], {props: {className: couponClass}}); BX.adjust(couponsCollection[key].nextSibling, {props: {className: couponClass}}); BX.adjust(couponsCollection[key].nextSibling.nextSibling, {html: res.COUPON_LIST[i].JS_CHECK_CODE}); } else { couponCreate(couponBlock, res.COUPON_LIST[i]); } } for (j = 0; j < couponsCollection.length; j++) { if (typeof (couponsCollection[j].couponUpdate) === 'undefined' || !couponsCollection[j].couponUpdate) { BX.remove(couponsCollection[j].parentNode); couponsCollection[j] = null; } else { couponsCollection[j].couponUpdate = null; } } } else { for (i = 0; i < res.COUPON_LIST.length; i++) { couponCreate(couponBlock, res.COUPON_LIST[i]); } } } } couponBlock = null; } function skuPropClickHandler() { var target = this, basketItemId, property, property_values = {}, postData = {}, action_var, all_sku_props, i, sku_prop_value, m; if (!!target && target.hasAttribute('data-value-id')) { BX.showWait(); basketItemId = target.getAttribute('data-element'); property = target.getAttribute('data-property'); action_var = BX('action_var').value; property_values[property] = BX.util.htmlspecialcharsback(target.getAttribute('data-value-id')); // if already selected element is clicked if (BX.hasClass(target, 'bx_active')) { BX.closeWait(); return; } // get other basket item props to get full unique set of props of the new product all_sku_props = BX.findChildren(BX(basketItemId), {tagName: 'ul', className: 'sku_prop_list'}, true); if (!!all_sku_props && all_sku_props.length > 0) { for (i = 0; all_sku_props.length > i; i++) { if (all_sku_props[i].id !== 'prop_' + property + '_' + basketItemId) { sku_prop_value = BX.findChildren(BX(all_sku_props[i].id), {tagName: 'li', className: 'bx_active'}, true); if (!!sku_prop_value && sku_prop_value.length > 0) { for (m = 0; sku_prop_value.length > m; m++) { if (sku_prop_value[m].hasAttribute('data-value-id')) { property_values[sku_prop_value[m].getAttribute('data-property')] = BX.util.htmlspecialcharsback(sku_prop_value[m].getAttribute('data-value-id')); } } } } } } postData = { 'basketItemId': basketItemId, 'sessid': BX.bitrix_sessid(), 'site_id': BX.message('SITE_ID'), 'props': property_values, 'action_var': action_var, 'select_props': BX('column_headers').value, 'offers_props': BX('offers_props').value, 'quantity_float': BX('quantity_float').value, 'price_vat_show_value': BX('price_vat_show_value').value, 'hide_coupon': BX('hide_coupon').value, 'use_prepayment': BX('use_prepayment').value }; postData[action_var] = 'select_item'; BX.ajax({ url: '/bitrix/components/bitrix/sale.basket.basket/ajax.php', method: 'POST', data: postData, dataType: 'json', onsuccess: function(result) { BX.closeWait(); updateBasketTable(basketItemId, result); } }); } } function getColumnName(result, columnCode) { if (BX('col_' + columnCode)) { return BX.util.trim(BX('col_' + columnCode).innerHTML); } else { return ''; } } function leftScroll(prop, id, count) { count = parseInt(count, 10); var el = BX('prop_' + prop + '_' + id); if (el) { var curVal = parseInt(el.style.marginLeft, 10); if (curVal <= -20) el.style.marginLeft = curVal + 20 + '%'; } } function rightScroll(prop, id, count) { count = parseInt(count, 10); var el = BX('prop_' + prop + '_' + id); if (el) { var curVal = parseInt(el.style.marginLeft, 10); if (curVal > (5 - count)*20) el.style.marginLeft = curVal - 20 + '%'; } } function checkOut() { if (!!BX('coupon')) BX('coupon').disabled = true; BX("basket_form").submit(); return true; } function updateBasket() { recalcBasketAjax({}); } function enterCoupon() { var newCoupon = BX('coupon'); if (!!newCoupon && !!newCoupon.value) recalcBasketAjax({'coupon' : newCoupon.value}); } // check if quantity is valid // and update values of both controls (text input field for PC and mobile quantity select) simultaneously function updateQuantity(controlId, basketId, ratio, bUseFloatQuantity) { var oldVal = BX(controlId).defaultValue, newVal = parseFloat(BX(controlId).value) || 0, bIsCorrectQuantityForRatio = false, autoCalculate = ((BX("auto_calculation") && BX("auto_calculation").value == "Y") || !BX("auto_calculation")); if (ratio === 0 || ratio == 1) { bIsCorrectQuantityForRatio = true; } else { var newValInt = newVal * 10000, ratioInt = ratio * 10000, reminder = newValInt % ratioInt, newValRound = parseInt(newVal); if (reminder === 0) { bIsCorrectQuantityForRatio = true; } } var bIsQuantityFloat = false; if (parseInt(newVal) != parseFloat(newVal)) { bIsQuantityFloat = true; } newVal = (bUseFloatQuantity === false && bIsQuantityFloat === false) ? parseInt(newVal) : parseFloat(newVal).toFixed(4); newVal = correctQuantity(newVal); if (bIsCorrectQuantityForRatio) { BX(controlId).defaultValue = newVal; BX("QUANTITY_INPUT_" + basketId).value = newVal; // set hidden real quantity value (will be used in actual calculation) BX("QUANTITY_" + basketId).value = newVal; if (autoCalculate) { basketPoolQuantity.changeQuantity(basketId); } } else { newVal = getCorrectRatioQuantity(newVal, ratio, bUseFloatQuantity); newVal = correctQuantity(newVal); if (newVal != oldVal) { BX("QUANTITY_INPUT_" + basketId).value = newVal; BX("QUANTITY_" + basketId).value = newVal; if (autoCalculate) { basketPoolQuantity.changeQuantity(basketId); } }else { BX(controlId).value = oldVal; } } } // used when quantity is changed by clicking on arrows function setQuantity(basketId, ratio, sign, bUseFloatQuantity) { var curVal = parseFloat(BX("QUANTITY_INPUT_" + basketId).value), newVal; newVal = (sign == 'up') ? curVal + ratio : curVal - ratio; if (newVal < 0) newVal = 0; if (bUseFloatQuantity) { newVal = parseFloat(newVal).toFixed(4); } newVal = correctQuantity(newVal); if (ratio > 0 && newVal < ratio) { newVal = ratio; } if (!bUseFloatQuantity && newVal != newVal.toFixed(4)) { newVal = parseFloat(newVal).toFixed(4); } newVal = getCorrectRatioQuantity(newVal, ratio, bUseFloatQuantity); newVal = correctQuantity(newVal); BX("QUANTITY_INPUT_" + basketId).value = newVal; BX("QUANTITY_INPUT_" + basketId).defaultValue = newVal; updateQuantity('QUANTITY_INPUT_' + basketId, basketId, ratio, bUseFloatQuantity); } function getCorrectRatioQuantity(quantity, ratio, bUseFloatQuantity) { var newValInt = quantity * 10000, ratioInt = ratio * 10000, reminder = (quantity / ratio - ((quantity / ratio).toFixed(0))).toFixed(6), result = quantity, bIsQuantityFloat = false, i; ratio = parseFloat(ratio); if (reminder == 0) { return result; } if (ratio !== 0 && ratio != 1) { for (i = ratio, max = parseFloat(quantity) + parseFloat(ratio); i <= max; i = parseFloat(parseFloat(i) + parseFloat(ratio)).toFixed(4)) { result = i; } }else if (ratio === 1) { result = quantity | 0; } if (parseInt(result, 10) != parseFloat(result)) { bIsQuantityFloat = true; } result = (bUseFloatQuantity === false && bIsQuantityFloat === false) ? parseInt(result, 10) : parseFloat(result).toFixed(4); result = correctQuantity(result); return result; } function correctQuantity(quantity) { return parseFloat((quantity * 1).toString()); } /** * * @param {} params */ function recalcBasketAjax(params) { if (basketPoolQuantity.isProcessing()) { return false; } BX.showWait(); var property_values = {}, action_var = BX('action_var').value, items = BX('basket_items'), delayedItems = BX('delayed_items'), postData, i; postData = { 'sessid': BX.bitrix_sessid(), 'site_id': BX.message('SITE_ID'), 'props': property_values, 'action_var': action_var, 'select_props': BX('column_headers').value, 'offers_props': BX('offers_props').value, 'quantity_float': BX('quantity_float').value, 'price_vat_show_value': BX('price_vat_show_value').value, 'hide_coupon': BX('hide_coupon').value, 'use_prepayment': BX('use_prepayment').value }; postData[action_var] = 'recalculate'; if (!!params && typeof params === 'object') { for (i in params) { if (params.hasOwnProperty(i)) postData[i] = params[i]; } } if (!!items && items.rows.length > 0) { for (i = 1; items.rows.length > i; i++) postData['QUANTITY_' + items.rows[i].id] = BX('QUANTITY_' + items.rows[i].id).value; } if (!!delayedItems && delayedItems.rows.length > 0) { for (i = 1; delayedItems.rows.length > i; i++) postData['DELAY_' + delayedItems.rows[i].id] = 'Y'; } basketPoolQuantity.setProcessing(true); basketPoolQuantity.clearPool(); BX.ajax({ url: '/bitrix/components/bitrix/sale.basket.basket/ajax.php', method: 'POST', data: postData, dataType: 'json', onsuccess: function(result) { BX.closeWait(); basketPoolQuantity.setProcessing(false); if(params.coupon) { //hello, gifts! if(!!result && !!result.BASKET_DATA && !!result.BASKET_DATA.NEED_TO_RELOAD_FOR_GETTING_GIFTS) { BX.reload(); } } if (basketPoolQuantity.isPoolEmpty()) { updateBasketTable(null, result); basketPoolQuantity.updateQuantity(); } else { basketPoolQuantity.enableTimer(true); } } }); } function showBasketItemsList(val) { BX.removeClass(BX("basket_toolbar_button"), "current"); BX.removeClass(BX("basket_toolbar_button_delayed"), "current"); BX.removeClass(BX("basket_toolbar_button_subscribed"), "current"); BX.removeClass(BX("basket_toolbar_button_not_available"), "current"); BX("normal_count").style.display = 'inline-block'; BX("delay_count").style.display = 'inline-block'; BX("subscribe_count").style.display = 'inline-block'; BX("not_available_count").style.display = 'inline-block'; if (val == 2) { if (BX("basket_items_list")) BX("basket_items_list").style.display = 'none'; if (BX("basket_items_delayed")) { BX("basket_items_delayed").style.display = 'block'; BX.addClass(BX("basket_toolbar_button_delayed"), "current"); BX("delay_count").style.display = 'none'; } if (BX("basket_items_subscribed")) BX("basket_items_subscribed").style.display = 'none'; if (BX("basket_items_not_available")) BX("basket_items_not_available").style.display = 'none'; } else if(val == 3) { if (BX("basket_items_list")) BX("basket_items_list").style.display = 'none'; if (BX("basket_items_delayed")) BX("basket_items_delayed").style.display = 'none'; if (BX("basket_items_subscribed")) { BX("basket_items_subscribed").style.display = 'block'; BX.addClass(BX("basket_toolbar_button_subscribed"), "current"); BX("subscribe_count").style.display = 'none'; } if (BX("basket_items_not_available")) BX("basket_items_not_available").style.display = 'none'; } else if (val == 4) { if (BX("basket_items_list")) BX("basket_items_list").style.display = 'none'; if (BX("basket_items_delayed")) BX("basket_items_delayed").style.display = 'none'; if (BX("basket_items_subscribed")) BX("basket_items_subscribed").style.display = 'none'; if (BX("basket_items_not_available")) { BX("basket_items_not_available").style.display = 'block'; BX.addClass(BX("basket_toolbar_button_not_available"), "current"); BX("not_available_count").style.display = 'none'; } } else { if (BX("basket_items_list")) { BX("basket_items_list").style.display = 'block'; BX.addClass(BX("basket_toolbar_button"), "current"); BX("normal_count").style.display = 'none'; } if (BX("basket_items_delayed")) BX("basket_items_delayed").style.display = 'none'; if (BX("basket_items_subscribed")) BX("basket_items_subscribed").style.display = 'none'; if (BX("basket_items_not_available")) BX("basket_items_not_available").style.display = 'none'; } } function deleteCoupon() { var target = this, value; if (BX.type.isElementNode(target) && target.hasAttribute('data-coupon')) { value = target.getAttribute('data-coupon'); if (BX.type.isNotEmptyString(value)) { recalcBasketAjax({'delete_coupon' : value}); } } } function deleteProductRow(target) { var targetRow = BX.findParent(target, {tagName: 'TR'}), quantityNode, delItem; if (targetRow) { quantityNode = BX('QUANTITY_' + targetRow.id); if (quantityNode) { delItem = getCurrentItemAnalyticsInfo(targetRow, quantityNode.value); } } setAnalyticsDataLayer([], [delItem]); document.location.href = target.href; return false; } function checkAnalytics(currentQuantity, newItems) { if (!currentQuantity || !newItems || BX.util.array_values(currentQuantity).length === 0) return; var itemId, diff, current = {}, addItems = [], delItems = [], i; if (!!newItems && newItems.rows.length) { for (i = 1; newItems.rows.length > i; i++) { itemId = newItems.rows[i].id; diff = BX('QUANTITY_' + itemId).value - currentQuantity[itemId]; if (diff != 0) { current = getCurrentItemAnalyticsInfo(newItems.rows[i], diff); if (diff > 0) { addItems.push(current); } else { delItems.push(current); } } } } if (addItems.length || delItems.length) { setAnalyticsDataLayer(addItems, delItems); } } function getCurrentItemAnalyticsInfo(row, diff) { if (!row) return; var temp, k, variants = []; var current = { 'name': row.getAttribute('data-item-name') || '', 'id': row.id, 'price': row.getAttribute('data-item-price') || 0, 'brand': (row.getAttribute('data-item-brand') || '').split(', ').join('/'), 'variant': '', 'quantity': Math.abs(diff) }; temp = row.querySelectorAll('.bx_active[data-sku-name]'); for (k = 0; k < temp.length; k++) { variants.push(temp[k].getAttribute('data-sku-name')); } current.variant = variants.join('/'); return current; } function setAnalyticsDataLayer(addItems, delItems) { window[basketJSParams['DATA_LAYER_NAME']] = window[basketJSParams['DATA_LAYER_NAME']] || []; if (addItems && addItems.length) { window[basketJSParams['DATA_LAYER_NAME']].push({ 'event': 'addToCart', 'ecommerce': { 'currencyCode': getCurrencyCode(), 'add': { 'products': addItems } } }); } if (delItems && delItems.length) { window[basketJSParams['DATA_LAYER_NAME']].push({ 'event': 'removeFromCart', 'ecommerce': { 'currencyCode': getCurrencyCode(), 'remove': { 'products': delItems } } }); } } function getCurrencyCode() { var root = BX('basket_items'), node, currency = ''; if (root) { node = root.querySelector('[data-item-currency'); node && (currency = node.getAttribute('data-item-currency')); } return currency; } BX.ready(function() { basketPoolQuantity = new BasketPoolQuantity(); var couponBlock = BX('coupons_block'), basketItems = BX('basket_items'); if (BX.type.isElementNode(couponBlock)) BX.bindDelegate(couponBlock, 'click', { 'attribute': 'data-coupon' }, deleteCoupon); if (BX.type.isElementNode(basketItems)) BX.bindDelegate(basketItems, 'click', {tagName: 'li', 'attr': { 'data-sku-selector': 'Y' }}, skuPropClickHandler); if (BX.type.isNotEmptyString(basketJSParams['EVENT_ONCHANGE_ON_START']) && basketJSParams['EVENT_ONCHANGE_ON_START'] == "Y") BX.onCustomEvent('OnBasketChange'); });