Direktori : /home/bitrix/www/bitrix/js/fileman/html_editor/ |
Current File : //home/bitrix/www/bitrix/js/fileman/html_editor/html-actions.js |
/** * Bitrix HTML Editor 3.0 * Date: 24.04.13 * Time: 4:23 * * Commands class * Rich Text Query/Formatting Commands */ (function() { function BXEditorActions(editor) { this.editor = editor; this.document = editor.sandbox.GetDocument(); BX.addCustomEvent(this.editor, 'OnIframeReInit', BX.proxy(function(){this.document = this.editor.sandbox.GetDocument();}, this)); this.actions = this.GetActionList(); this.contentActionIndex = { removeFormat: 1, bold: 1, italic: 1, underline: 1, strikeout: 1, fontSize: 1, foreColor: 1, backgroundColor: 1, formatInline: 1, formatBlock: 1, createLink: 1, insertHTML: 1, insertImage: 1, insertLineBreak: 1, removeLink: 1, insertOrderedList: 1, insertUnorderedList: 1, align: 1, indent: 1, outdent: 1, formatStyle: 1, fontFamily: 1, universalFormatStyle: 1, quote: 1, code: 1, sub: 1, sup: 1, insertSmile: 1 }; } BXEditorActions.prototype = { IsSupportedByBrowser: function(action) { // Following actions are supported but contain bugs in some browsers var isIe = BX.browser.IsIE() || BX.browser.IsIE10() || BX.browser.IsIE11(), arBuggyActions = { indent: isIe, outdent: isIe, formatBlock: isIe, insertUnorderedList: BX.browser.IsIE() || BX.browser.IsOpera(), insertOrderedList: BX.browser.IsIE() || BX.browser.IsOpera() }, arSupportedActions = { // Firefox throws some errors for queryCommandSupported... insertHTML: BX.browser.IsFirefox() }; if (!arBuggyActions[action]) { // Firefox throws errors when invoking queryCommandSupported or queryCommandEnabled try { return this.document.queryCommandSupported(action); } catch(e1) {} try { return this.document.queryCommandEnabled(action); } catch(e2) { return !!arSupportedActions[action]; } } return false; }, IsSupported: function(action) { return !!this.actions[action]; }, IsContentAction: function(action) { return this.contentActionIndex[action]; }, Exec: function(action, value, bSilent) { var _this = this, oAction = this.actions[action], func = oAction && oAction.exec, isContentAction = this.IsContentAction(action), result = null; if (!bSilent) { this.editor.On("OnBeforeCommandExec", [isContentAction, action, oAction, value]); } if (isContentAction) { this.editor.Focus(false); } if (func) { result = func.apply(oAction, arguments); } else { try { result = this.document.execCommand(action, false, value); } catch(e){} } if (isContentAction) { setTimeout(function(){_this.editor.Focus(false);}, 1); } if (!bSilent) { this.editor.On("OnAfterCommandExec", [isContentAction, action]); } return result; }, CheckState: function(action, value) { var oAction = this.actions[action], result = null; if (oAction && oAction.state) { result = oAction.state.apply(oAction, arguments); } else { try { result = this.document.queryCommandState(action); } catch(e) { result = false; } } return result; }, /** * Get the current command's value * * @param {String} command The command string which to check (eg. "formatBlock") * @return {String} The command value * @example * var currentBlockElement = commands.value("formatBlock"); */ GetValue: function(command) { var obj = this.commands[command], method = obj && obj.value; if (method) { return method.call(obj, this.composer, command); } else { try { // try/catch for buggy firefox return this.document.queryCommandValue(command); } catch(e) { return null; } } }, GetActionList: function() { this.actions = { changeView: this.GetChangeView(), splitMode: this.GetChangeSplitMode(), fullscreen: this.GetFullscreen(), changeTemplate: this.GetChangeTemplate(), removeFormat: this.GetRemoveFormat(), // Format text bold: this.GetBold(), italic: this.GetItalic(), underline: this.GetUnderline(), strikeout: this.GetStrikeout(), // Size fontSize: this.GetFontSize(), // Color foreColor: this.GetForeColor(), backgroundColor: this.GetBackgroundColor(), // formatInline: this.GetFormatInline(), formatBlock: this.GetFormatBlock(), // Insert createLink: this.GetCreateLink(), insertHTML: this.GetInsertHTML(), insertImage: this.GetInsertImage(), insertLineBreak: this.GetInsertLineBreak(), insertTable: this.GetInsertTable(), removeLink: this.GetRemoveLink(), insertHr: this.GetInsertHr(), // Lists insertOrderedList: this.GetInsertList({bOrdered: true}), insertUnorderedList: this.GetInsertList({bOrdered: false}), align: this.GetAlign(), indent: this.GetIndent(), outdent: this.GetOutdent(), formatStyle: this.GetFormatStyle(), fontFamily: this.GetFontFamily(), universalFormatStyle: this.GetUniversalFormatStyle(), selectNode: this.GetSelectNode(), doUndo: this.GetUndoRedo(true), doRedo: this.GetUndoRedo(false), sub: this.GetSubSup('sub'), sup: this.GetSubSup('sup'), quote: this.GetQuote(), code: this.GetCode(), insertSmile: this.GetInsertSmile(), tableOperation: this.GetTableOperation(), // Bbcodes actions formatBbCode: this.GetFormatBbCode() }; this.editor.On("OnGetActionsList"); return this.actions; }, GetChangeView: function() { var _this = this; return { exec: function() { var value = arguments[1]; if ({'code': 1, 'wysiwyg': 1, 'split': 1}[value]) _this.editor.SetView(value) }, state: function() { return false; }, value: function() {} }; }, GetChangeSplitMode: function() { var _this = this; return { exec: function() { _this.editor.SetSplitMode(arguments[1] == 1); }, state: function() { return _this.editor.GetSplitMode(); }, value: function() {} }; }, GetFullscreen: function() { var _this = this; return { exec: function() { _this.editor.Expand(); }, state: function() { return _this.editor.IsExpanded(); }, value: function() {} }; }, /** * formatInline scenarios for tag "B" (| = caret, |foo| = selected text) * * #1 caret in unformatted text: * abcdefg| * output: * abcdefg<b>|</b> * * #2 unformatted text selected: * abc|deg|h * output: * abc<b>|deg|</b>h * * #3 unformatted text selected across boundaries: * ab|c <span>defg|h</span> * output: * ab<b>|c </b><span><b>defg</b>|h</span> * * #4 formatted text entirely selected * <b>|abc|</b> * output: * |abc| * * #5 formatted text partially selected * <b>ab|c|</b> * output: * <b>ab</b>|c| * * #6 formatted text selected across boundaries * <span>ab|c</span> <b>de|fgh</b> * output: * <span>ab|c</span> de|<b>fgh</b> */ GetFormatInline: function() { var _this = this, TAG_ALIAS = { strong: "b", em: "i", b: "strong", i: "em" }, htmlApplier = {}; function getKey(tagName, style, className) { var key = tagName + ":"; if (className) key += className; if (style) { for (var i in style) if (style.hasOwnProperty(i)) key += i + '=' + style[i] + ';'; } return key; } function getStyler(tagName, style, className) { var key = getKey(tagName, style, className); if (!htmlApplier[key]) { var alias = TAG_ALIAS[tagName]; var tags = alias ? [tagName.toLowerCase(), alias.toLowerCase()] : [tagName.toLowerCase()]; htmlApplier[key] = new _this.editor.HTMLStyler(_this.editor, tags, style, className, true); } return htmlApplier[key]; } return { exec: function(command, value, tagName, arStyle, cssClass, params) { params = (!params || typeof params != 'object') ? {} : params; _this.editor.iframeView.Focus(); var range = _this.editor.selection.GetRange(); if (!range) { return false; } var applier = getStyler(tagName, arStyle, cssClass); if (params.bClear) { range = applier.UndoToRange(range, false); } else { range = applier.ToggleRange(range); } setTimeout(function() { _this.editor.selection.SetSelection(range); // If we format text in the table - we could accidentally broke table, // so now we should check and repair all possible tables (mantis: #66342) var table, i, j, k, cellNode, tables = [], bogusNodes = [], nodes = range.getNodes([1]); for (i = 0; i < nodes.length; i++) { if (BX.util.in_array(nodes[i].nodeName, ['TD', 'TR', 'TH'])) { table = BX.findParent(nodes[i], function(n) { return n.nodeName == "TABLE"; }, _this.editor.GetIframeDoc().body); if (table && !BX.util.in_array(table, tables)) { tables.push(table); } } } // Now we have list of tables. In most cases it will be one node. for (i = 0; i < tables.length; i++) { table = tables[i]; for (j = 0; j < table.rows.length; j++) { for (k = 0; k < table.rows[j].childNodes.length; k++) { cellNode = table.rows[j].childNodes[k]; // If it's cell inside the row, it should at least be on of the table dedicated tag. If not - we will remove it to save html valid. if (cellNode && cellNode.nodeType == 1 && !BX.util.in_array(cellNode.nodeName, _this.editor.TABLE_TAGS)) { bogusNodes.push(cellNode); } } } } // Clean invalid tags inside the table. for (i = 0; i < bogusNodes.length; i++) { BX.cleanNode(bogusNodes[i], true); } var lastCreatedNode = _this.editor.selection.GetSelectedNode(); if (lastCreatedNode && lastCreatedNode.nodeType == 1) { _this.editor.lastCreatedId = Math.round(Math.random() * 1000000); lastCreatedNode.setAttribute('data-bx-last-created-id', _this.editor.lastCreatedId); } }, 10); }, state: function(action, value, tagName, arStyle, cssClass) { var doc = _this.editor.GetIframeDoc(), aliasTagName = TAG_ALIAS[tagName] || tagName; // Check whether the document contains a node with the desired tagName if ( !_this.editor.util.DocumentHasTag(doc, tagName) && (tagName != aliasTagName && !_this.editor.util.DocumentHasTag(doc, aliasTagName)) ) { return false; } var range = _this.editor.selection.GetRange(); if (!range) { return false; } var applier = getStyler(tagName, arStyle, cssClass); return applier.IsAppliedToRange(range, false); }, value: BX.DoNothing }; }, /* * TODO: 1. Clean useless spans when H1-H6 are created * */ GetFormatBlock: function() { var _this = this, DEFAULT_NODE_NAME = "DIV", blockTags = _this.editor.GetBlockTags(), nestedBlockTags = _this.editor.NESTED_BLOCK_TAGS; /** * Remove similiar classes (based on classRegExp) * and add the desired class name */ function _addClass(element, className, classRegExp) { if (element.className) { _removeClass(element, classRegExp); element.className += " " + className; } else { element.className = className; } } function _removeClass(element, classRegExp) { element.className = element.className.replace(classRegExp, ""); } /** * Adds line breaks before and after the given node if the previous and next siblings * aren't already causing a visual line break (block element or <br>) */ function addBrBeforeAndAfter(node) { var nextSibling = _this.editor.util.GetNextNotEmptySibling(node), previousSibling = _this.editor.util.GetPreviousNotEmptySibling(node); if (nextSibling && !isBrOrBlockElement(nextSibling)) { node.parentNode.insertBefore(_this.document.createElement("BR"), nextSibling); } if (previousSibling && !isBrOrBlockElement(previousSibling)) { node.parentNode.insertBefore(_this.document.createElement("BR"), node); } } // Removes line breaks before and after the given node function removeBrBeforeAndAfter(node) { var nextSibling = _this.editor.util.GetNextNotEmptySibling(node), previousSibling = _this.editor.util.GetPreviousNotEmptySibling(node); if (nextSibling && nextSibling.nodeName === "BR") { nextSibling.parentNode.removeChild(nextSibling); } if (previousSibling && previousSibling.nodeName === "BR") { previousSibling.parentNode.removeChild(previousSibling); } } function removeLastChildBr(node) { var lastChild = node.lastChild; if (lastChild && lastChild.nodeName === "BR") { lastChild.parentNode.removeChild(lastChild); } } function isBrOrBlockElement(element) { return element.nodeName === "BR" || _this.editor.util.IsBlockElement(element); } // Execute native query command function execNativeCommand(command, nodeName, className, style) { if (className || style) { // var eventListener = dom.observe(doc, "DOMNodeInserted", function(event) // { // var target = event.target, // displayStyle; // if (target.nodeType !== 1 /* element node */) // return; // // displayStyle = dom.getStyle("display").from(target); // if (displayStyle.substr(0, 6) !== "inline") // { // // Make sure that only block elements receive the given class // target.className += " " + className; // } // }); } _this.document.execCommand(command, false, nodeName); // if (eventListener) // eventListener.stop(); } function _hasClasses(element) { return !element.className || BX.util.trim(element.className) === ''; } function applyBlockElement(node, newNodeName, className, arStyle) { // Rename current block element to new block element and add class if (newNodeName) { if (node.nodeName !== newNodeName) { node = _this.editor.util.RenameNode(node, newNodeName); } if (className) { node.className = className; } if (arStyle && arStyle.length > 0) { _this.editor.util.SetCss(node, arStyle); } } else // Get rid of node { // Insert a line break afterwards and beforewards when there are siblings // that are not of type line break or block element addBrBeforeAndAfter(node); _this.editor.util.ReplaceWithOwnChildren(node); } } return { exec: function(command, nodeName, className, arStyle, params) { params = params || {}; nodeName = typeof nodeName === "string" ? nodeName.toUpperCase() : nodeName; var childBlockNodes, i, createdBlockNodes, range = params.range || _this.editor.selection.GetRange(), blockElement = nodeName ? _this.actions.formatBlock.state(command, nodeName, className, arStyle) : false, selectedNode; if (params.range) _this.editor.selection.RestoreBookmark(); if (blockElement) // Same block element { var wholeBlockSelected = range.startContainer == blockElement.firstChild && range.endContainer == blockElement.lastChild; // Divs and blockquotes can be inside each other if (nodeName && BX.util.in_array(nodeName, nestedBlockTags) && params.nestedBlocks !== false) { // create new div blockElement = _this.document.createElement(nodeName || DEFAULT_NODE_NAME); if (className) { blockElement.className = className; } // Select line with wrap _this.editor.selection.Surround(blockElement); _this.editor.selection.SelectNode(blockElement); _this.editor.util.SetCss(blockElement, arStyle); var nextBr = _this.editor.util.GetNextNotEmptySibling(blockElement); if (nextBr && nextBr.nodeName == 'BR') BX.remove(nextBr); setTimeout(function() { if (blockElement) { _this.editor.selection.SelectNode(blockElement); } }, 50); } else if (params && params.splitBlock && !wholeBlockSelected) { var childBlock = _this.document.createElement(nodeName || DEFAULT_NODE_NAME); _this.editor.selection.Surround(childBlock); _this.editor.selection.SelectNode(childBlock); if (className) childBlock.className = className; _this.editor.util.SetCss(childBlock, arStyle); if (blockElement && blockElement.lastChild) { var _range = range.cloneRange(); _range.setStartAfter(childBlock); _range.setEndAfter(blockElement.lastChild); var afterBlock = blockElement.cloneNode(false); _this.editor.selection.SetSelection(_range); _this.editor.selection.Surround(afterBlock); var firstBr = _this.editor.selection._GetNonTextFirstChild(afterBlock); if (firstBr && firstBr.nodeName == 'BR') BX.remove(firstBr); } _this.editor.selection.SetSelection(range); setTimeout(function() { if (childBlock) { _this.editor.selection.SelectNode(childBlock); } }, 50); } else { _this.editor.util.SetCss(blockElement, arStyle); if (className) { blockElement.className = className; // Bug workaround for bug with rendering in Firefox if (BX.browser.IsFirefox()) { var tmpId = "bx-editor-temp-" + Math.round(Math.random() * 1000000); blockElement.id = tmpId; blockElement.parentNode.innerHTML = blockElement.parentNode.innerHTML; blockElement = _this.editor.GetIframeElement(tmpId); if (blockElement) blockElement.removeAttribute("id"); } } setTimeout(function() { if (blockElement) { _this.editor.selection.SelectNode(blockElement); } }, 50); } } else { // Find other block element and rename it (<h2></h2> => <h1></h1>) if (nodeName === null || BX.util.in_array(nodeName, blockTags)) { blockElement = false; selectedNode = _this.editor.selection.GetSelectedNode(); if (selectedNode) { if (selectedNode.nodeType == 1 && BX.util.in_array(selectedNode.nodeName, blockTags)) { blockElement = selectedNode; } else { blockElement = BX.findParent(selectedNode, function(n) { return BX.util.in_array(n.nodeName, blockTags); }, _this.document.body); } } else { var commonAncestor = _this.editor.selection.GetCommonAncestorForRange(range); if (commonAncestor && commonAncestor.nodeName !== 'BODY' && BX.util.in_array(commonAncestor.nodeName, blockTags)) { blockElement = commonAncestor; } } if (blockElement && !_this.actions.quote.checkNode(blockElement)) { _this.editor.selection.ExecuteAndRestoreSimple(function() { applyBlockElement(blockElement, nodeName, className, arStyle); }); return true; } } blockElement = BX.create(nodeName || DEFAULT_NODE_NAME, {}, _this.document); if (className) { blockElement.className = className; } _this.editor.util.SetCss(blockElement, arStyle); if (range.collapsed || selectedNode && selectedNode.nodeType == 3 /* text node*/) { // Select node _this.editor.selection.SelectNode(selectedNode); } else if (range.collapsed) { // Select line with wrap _this.editor.selection.SelectLine(); } _this.editor.selection.Surround(blockElement, range); removeBrBeforeAndAfter(blockElement); removeLastChildBr(blockElement); // Used in align action if (params.leaveChilds) { return blockElement; } if (nodeName && !BX.util.in_array(nodeName, nestedBlockTags)) { range = _this.editor.selection.GetRange(); createdBlockNodes = range.getNodes([1]); // 1. Find all child "P" and remove them if (nodeName == 'P') { childBlockNodes = blockElement.getElementsByTagName(nodeName); // Clean empty bogus H1, H2, H3... for (i = 0; i < createdBlockNodes.length; i++) { if (arStyle && _this.editor.util.CheckCss(createdBlockNodes[i], arStyle, false) && _this.editor.util.IsEmptyNode(createdBlockNodes[i], true, true)) { BX.remove(createdBlockNodes[i]); } } while (childBlockNodes[0]) { addBrBeforeAndAfter(childBlockNodes[0]); _this.editor.util.ReplaceWithOwnChildren(childBlockNodes[0]); } } else if (nodeName.substr(0, 1) == 'H') { // Clean empty bogus H1, H2, H3... for (i = 0; i < createdBlockNodes.length; i++) { if (createdBlockNodes[i].nodeName !== nodeName && _this.editor.util.IsEmptyNode(createdBlockNodes[i], true, true)) { BX.remove(createdBlockNodes[i]); } } var childHeaders = BX.findChild(blockElement, function(n) { return BX.util.in_array(n.nodeName, blockTags) && n.nodeName.substr(0, 1) == 'H'; }, true, true); for (i = 0; i < childHeaders.length; i++) { addBrBeforeAndAfter(childHeaders[i]); _this.editor.util.ReplaceWithOwnChildren(childHeaders[i]); } } } if (blockElement && params.bxTagParams && typeof params.bxTagParams == 'object') { _this.editor.SetBxTag(blockElement, params.bxTagParams); } if (blockElement && blockElement.parentNode) { var parent = blockElement.parentNode; if (parent.nodeName == 'UL' || parent.nodeName == 'OL') { // 1. Clean empty LI before and after var li = _this.editor.util.GetPreviousNotEmptySibling(blockElement); if (_this.editor.util.IsEmptyLi(li)) { BX.remove(li); } li = _this.editor.util.GetNextNotEmptySibling(blockElement); if (_this.editor.util.IsEmptyLi(li)) { BX.remove(li); } // 2. If parent list doesn't have other items - put it inside blockquote if (!_this.editor.util.GetPreviousNotEmptySibling(blockElement) && !_this.editor.util.GetNextNotEmptySibling(blockElement)) { var blockElementNew = blockElement.cloneNode(false); parent.parentNode.insertBefore(blockElementNew, parent); _this.editor.util.ReplaceWithOwnChildren(blockElement); blockElementNew.appendChild(parent); } } if (blockElement.firstChild && blockElement.firstChild.nodeName == 'BLOCKQUOTE') { var prev = _this.editor.util.GetPreviousNotEmptySibling(blockElement); if (prev && prev.nodeName == 'BLOCKQUOTE' && _this.editor.util.IsEmptyNode(prev)) { BX.remove(prev); } } if ((blockElement.nodeName == 'BLOCKQUOTE' || blockElement.nodeName == 'PRE') && _this.editor.util.IsEmptyNode(blockElement)) { blockElement.innerHTML = ''; var br = _this.document.createElement("br"); blockElement.appendChild(br); _this.editor.selection.SetAfter(br); } } setTimeout(function() { if (blockElement) { _this.editor.selection.SelectNode(blockElement); } }, 10); return true; } }, state: function(command, nodeName, className, style) { nodeName = typeof(nodeName) === "string" ? nodeName.toUpperCase() : nodeName; var result = false, selectedNode = _this.editor.selection.GetSelectedNode(); if (selectedNode && selectedNode.nodeName) { if (selectedNode.nodeName != nodeName) { selectedNode = BX.findParent(selectedNode, function(n) { return n.nodeName == nodeName; }, _this.document.body); } result = (selectedNode && selectedNode.tagName == nodeName) ? selectedNode : false; } else { var range = _this.editor.selection.GetRange(), commonAncestor = _this.editor.selection.GetCommonAncestorForRange(range); if (commonAncestor.nodeName == nodeName) { result = commonAncestor; } } return result; }, value: BX.DoNothing, removeBrBeforeAndAfter: removeBrBeforeAndAfter, addBrBeforeAndAfter: addBrBeforeAndAfter }; }, GetRemoveFormat: function() { var FORMAT_NODES_INLINE = { "B": 1, "STRONG": 1, "I": 1, "EM": 1, "U": 1, "DEL": 1, "S": 1, "STRIKE": 1, "A": 1, "SPAN" : 1, "CODE" : 1, "NOBR" : 1, "Q" : 1, "FONT" : 1, "CENTER": 1, "CITE": 1 }, FORMAT_NODES_BLOCK = { "H1": 1, "H2": 1, "H3": 1, "H4": 1, "H5": 1, "H6": 1, "DIV": 1, "P": 1, "LI": 1, "UL" : 1, "OL" : 1, "MENU" : 1, "BLOCKQUOTE": 1, "PRE": 1 }, _this = this; function checkAndCleanNode(node, doc) { if (!node) return; var nodeName = node.nodeName; if (FORMAT_NODES_INLINE[nodeName]) { _this.editor.util.ReplaceWithOwnChildren(node); } else if (FORMAT_NODES_BLOCK[nodeName]) { _this.actions.formatBlock.addBrBeforeAndAfter(node); _this.editor.util.ReplaceWithOwnChildren(node); } else { node.removeAttribute("style"); node.removeAttribute("class"); node.removeAttribute("align"); if (_this.editor.bbCode && node.nodeName == 'TABLE') { node.removeAttribute('align'); } } } function checkTableNode(node) { return BX.findParent(node, function(n) { return n.nodeName == "TABLE"; }, _this.editor.GetIframeDoc().body); } function getUnitaryParent(textNode) { var prevSibling, nextSibling, parent = textNode.parentNode; while (parent && parent.nodeName !== 'BODY') { prevSibling = parent.previousSibling && !_this.editor.util.IsEmptyNode(parent.previousSibling); nextSibling = parent.nextSibling && !_this.editor.util.IsEmptyNode(parent.nextSibling); if (prevSibling || nextSibling || parent.parentNode.nodeName == 'BODY') { break; } parent = parent.parentNode; } return parent; } function checkParentList(node) { var doc = _this.editor.GetIframeDoc(), list = BX.findParent(node, function(n) { return n.nodeName == "UL" || n.nodeName == "OL" || n.nodeName == "MENU"; }, doc.body); if (list) { var i, child, listBefore = list.cloneNode(false), listAfter = list.cloneNode(false), before = true; BX.cleanNode(listBefore); BX.cleanNode(listAfter); for (i = 0; i < list.childNodes.length; i++) { child = list.childNodes[i]; if (child == node) { before = false; } if (child.nodeName == 'LI') { if (!_this.editor.util.IsEmptyNode(child, true, true)) { (before ? listBefore : listAfter).appendChild(child.cloneNode(true)); } } } if (listBefore.childNodes.length > 0) { list.parentNode.insertBefore(listBefore, list); } list.parentNode.insertBefore(node, list); if (listAfter.childNodes.length > 0) { list.parentNode.insertBefore(listAfter, list); } BX.remove(list); return true; } return false; } function cleanNodes(nodes, doc) { if (nodes && nodes.length > 0) { var i, len, sorted = []; for (i = 0, len = nodes.length; i < len; i++) { if (!_this.editor.util.CheckSurrogateNode(nodes[i])) { sorted.push({node: nodes[i], nesting: _this.editor.util.GetNodeDomOffset(nodes[i])}); } } sorted = sorted.sort(function(a, b){return b.nesting - a.nesting}); for (i = 0, len = sorted.length; i < len; i++) { checkAndCleanNode(sorted[i].node, doc); } } } function _selectAndGetNodes(node) { var i, found = false, range = _this.editor.selection.SelectNode(node), nodes = range.getNodes([1]); if (node.nodeType == 1) { for (i = 0; i < nodes.length; i++) { if (nodes[i] == node) { found = true; break; } } if (!found) { nodes = [node].concat(nodes); } } if (!nodes || typeof nodes != 'object' || nodes.length == 0) { nodes = [node]; } return nodes; } function getNodesFromTo(nodeStart, nodeEnd) { var list = []; if (nodeStart && (!nodeEnd || nodeStart == nodeEnd)) { list.push(nodeStart); } else if (!nodeStart && nodeEnd) { list.push(nodeEnd); } return list; } return { exec: function(action, value) { var range = _this.editor.selection.GetRange(); if (!range || _this.editor.iframeView.IsEmpty()) return; var bSurround = true, i, textNodes, textNode, node, tmpNode, nodes = range.getNodes([1]), doc = _this.editor.GetIframeDoc(); // Range is collapsed or text node is selected if (nodes.length == 0) { textNodes = range.getNodes([3]); if (textNodes && textNodes.length == 1) { textNode = textNodes[0]; } if (!textNode && range.startContainer == range.endContainer) { if (range.startContainer.nodeType == 3) { textNode = range.startContainer; } else { bSurround = false; nodes = _selectAndGetNodes(range.startContainer); } } if (textNode && nodes.length == 0) { node = getUnitaryParent(textNode); if (node && (node.nodeName != 'BODY' || range.collapsed)) { bSurround = false; nodes = _selectAndGetNodes(node); } } } else { var updateSel = false, clearRanges = [], startTableCheck = checkTableNode(range.startContainer), endTableCheck = checkTableNode(range.endContainer); if (startTableCheck) { clearRanges.push( { startContainer: range.startContainer, startOffset: range.startOffset, end: startTableCheck } ); range.setStartAfter(startTableCheck); updateSel = true; } if (endTableCheck) { updateSel = true; clearRanges.push( { start: endTableCheck, endContainer: range.endContainer, endOffset: range.endOffset } ); range.setEndBefore(endTableCheck); } var startList = _this.editor.util.FindParentEx(range.startContainer, function(n){return n.nodeName == "UL" || n.nodeName == "OL" || n.nodeName == "MENU";}, doc.body), endList = _this.editor.util.FindParentEx(range.endContainer, function(n){return n.nodeName == "UL" || n.nodeName == "OL" || n.nodeName == "MENU";}, doc.body); //listNodes = getNodesFromTo(startList, endList); if (startList) { range.setStartBefore(startList); if (!endList) range.setEndAfter(startList); updateSel = true; } if (endList) { updateSel = true; range.setEndAfter(endList); if (!startList) range.setStartBefore(endList); } if (updateSel) { _this.editor.selection.SetSelection(range); nodes = range.getNodes([1]); } } if (bSurround) { tmpNode = doc.createElement("span"); _this.editor.selection.Surround(tmpNode, range); nodes = _selectAndGetNodes(tmpNode); } if (nodes && nodes.length > 0) { _this.editor.selection.ExecuteAndRestoreSimple(function() { cleanNodes(nodes, doc); }); } if (clearRanges && clearRanges.length > 0) { var _range = range.cloneRange(); for (i = 0; i < clearRanges.length; i++) { if (clearRanges[i].start) { _range.setStartBefore(clearRanges[i].start); } else { _range.setStart(clearRanges[i].startContainer, clearRanges[i].startOffset); } if (clearRanges[i].end) { _range.setEndAfter(clearRanges[i].end); } else { _range.setEnd(clearRanges[i].endContainer, clearRanges[i].endOffset); } _this.editor.selection.SetSelection(_range); cleanNodes(_range.getNodes([1]), doc); } _this.editor.selection.SetSelection(range); } if (bSurround && tmpNode && tmpNode.parentNode) { if (checkParentList(tmpNode)) { _this.editor.selection.SelectNode(tmpNode); } _this.editor.selection.ExecuteAndRestoreSimple(function() { _this.editor.util.ReplaceWithOwnChildren(tmpNode); }); } if (!_this.editor.iframeView.IsEmpty(true)) { _this.actions.formatBlock.exec('formatBlock', null); } }, state: BX.DoNothing, value: BX.DoNothing }; }, GetBold: function() { var _this = this; return { exec: function(action, value) { // Iframe if (!_this.editor.bbCode || !_this.editor.synchro.IsFocusedOnTextarea()) { return _this.actions.formatInline.exec(action, value, "b"); } else // BBCode mode { return _this.actions.formatBbCode.exec(action, {tag: 'B'}); } }, state: function(action, value) { return _this.actions.formatInline.state(action, value, "b"); }, value: BX.DoNothing }; }, GetItalic: function() { var _this = this; return { exec: function(action, value) { // Iframe if (!_this.editor.bbCode || !_this.editor.synchro.IsFocusedOnTextarea()) { return _this.actions.formatInline.exec(action, value, "i"); } else { return _this.actions.formatBbCode.exec(action, {tag: 'I'}); } }, state: function(action, value) { return _this.actions.formatInline.state(action, value, "i"); }, value: BX.DoNothing }; }, GetUnderline: function() { var _this = this; return { exec: function(action, value) { // Iframe if (!_this.editor.bbCode || !_this.editor.synchro.IsFocusedOnTextarea()) { return _this.actions.formatInline.exec(action, value, "u"); } else { return _this.actions.formatBbCode.exec(action, {tag: 'U'}); } }, state: function(action, value) { return _this.actions.formatInline.state(action, value, "u"); }, value: BX.DoNothing }; }, GetStrikeout: function() { var _this = this; return { exec: function(action, value) { // Iframe if (!_this.editor.bbCode || !_this.editor.synchro.IsFocusedOnTextarea()) { return _this.actions.formatInline.exec(action, value, "del"); } else { return _this.actions.formatBbCode.exec(action, {tag: 'S'}); } }, state: function(action, value) { return _this.actions.formatInline.state(action, value, "del"); }, value: BX.DoNothing }; }, GetFontSize: function() { var _this = this; return { exec: function(action, value) { var res; // Iframe if (!_this.editor.bbCode || !_this.editor.synchro.IsFocusedOnTextarea()) { if (value > 0) // Format res = _this.actions.formatInline.exec(action, value, "span", {fontSize: value + 'pt'}); else // Clear font-size format res = _this.actions.formatInline.exec(action, value, "span", {fontSize: null}, null, {bClear: true}); } else // textarea + bbcode { res = _this.actions.formatBbCode.exec(action, {tag: 'SIZE', value: value + 'pt'}); } return res; }, state: function(action, value) { return _this.actions.formatInline.state(action, value, "span", {fontSize: value + 'pt'}); }, value: BX.DoNothing }; }, GetForeColor: function() { var _this = this; function checkListItemColor() { var doc = _this.editor.GetIframeDoc(), i, item, res = [], range = _this.editor.selection.GetRange(); if (range) { var nodes = range.getNodes([1]); if (nodes.length == 0 && range.startContainer == range.endContainer && range.startContainer.nodeName != 'BODY') { nodes = [range.startContainer]; } for (i = 0; i < nodes.length; i++) { item = BX.findParent(nodes[i], function(n){ return n.nodeName == 'LI' && n.style && n.style.color; }, doc.body); if (item) { res.push(item); } } } return res.length === 0 ? false : res; } function checkAndApplyColorListItems(value) { var doc = _this.editor.GetIframeDoc(), node = _this.editor.selection.GetSelectedNode(), i, j, spans, range, span, li, nodes; if (node && (node.nodeType === 3 || node.nodeName == 'SPAN')) { span = node.nodeName == 'SPAN' ? node : BX.findParent(node, {tag: 'span'}, doc.body); if (span && span.style.color) { li = BX.findParent(span, {tag: 'li'}, doc.body); if (li) { if (li.childNodes.length == 1 && li.firstChild == span) { _this.editor.selection.ExecuteAndRestoreSimple(function() { li.style.color = value; span.style.color = ''; if (BX.util.trim(span.style.cssText) == '') { _this.editor.util.ReplaceWithOwnChildren(span); } }); } } } } else { if (!node) { range = _this.editor.selection.GetRange(); nodes = range.getNodes([1]); } else { nodes = [node]; } for (i = 0; i < nodes.length; i++) { if (nodes[i] && nodes[i].nodeName == "LI" && !_this.editor.bbCode) { // 1. Add color to LI nodes[i].style.color = value; // Find and clear all spans created by action spans = BX.findChild(nodes[i], function(n) { return n.nodeName == "SPAN"; }, true, true); _this.editor.selection.ExecuteAndRestoreSimple(function() { for (j = 0; j < spans.length; j++) { if (spans[j] && spans[j].parentNode && spans[j].parentNode.parentNode && spans[j].parentNode.parentNode.parentNode) { try{ spans[j].style.color = ''; if (BX.util.trim(spans[j].style.cssText) == '') { _this.editor.util.ReplaceWithOwnChildren(spans[j]); } } catch(e) {} } } }); } } } } return { exec: function(action, value) { var res; // Iframe if (!_this.editor.bbCode || !_this.editor.synchro.IsFocusedOnTextarea()) { if (value == '') { res = _this.actions.formatInline.exec(action, value, "span", {color: null}, null, {bClear: true}); } else { res = _this.actions.formatInline.exec(action, value, "span", {color: value}); checkAndApplyColorListItems(value); } } else if (value) // textarea + bbcode { res = _this.actions.formatBbCode.exec(action, {tag: 'COLOR', value: value}); } return res; }, state: function(action, value) { var state = _this.actions.formatInline.state(action, value, "span", {color: value}); if (!state) { state = checkListItemColor(); } return state; }, value: BX.DoNothing }; }, GetBackgroundColor: function() { var _this = this; return { exec: function(action, value) { var res; if (value == '') { res = _this.actions.formatInline.exec(action, value, "span", {backgroundColor: null}, null, {bClear: true}); } else { res = _this.actions.formatInline.exec(action, value, "span", {backgroundColor: value}); } return res; }, state: function(action, value) { return _this.actions.formatInline.state(action, value, "span", {backgroundColor: value}); }, value: BX.DoNothing }; }, GetCreateLink: function() { var ATTRIBUTES = ['title', 'id', 'name', 'target', 'rel'], _this = this; return { exec: function(action, value) { // Only for bbCode == true if (_this.editor.bbCode && _this.editor.synchro.IsFocusedOnTextarea()) { _this.editor.textareaView.Focus(); var linkHtml = "[URL=" + _this.editor.util.spaceUrlEncode(value.href) + "]" + (value.text || value.href) + "[/URL]"; _this.editor.textareaView.WrapWith(false, false, linkHtml); } else { _this.editor.iframeView.Focus(); var nodeToSetCarret, params = (value && typeof(value) === "object") ? value : {href: value}, i, link, linksCount = 0, lastLink, links; function applyAttributes(link, params) { var attr; link.removeAttribute("class"); link.removeAttribute("target"); for (attr in params) { if (params.hasOwnProperty(attr) && BX.util.in_array(attr, ATTRIBUTES)) { if (params[attr] == '' || params[attr] == undefined) { link.removeAttribute(attr); } else { link.setAttribute(attr, params[attr]); } } } if (params.className) link.className = params.className; link.href = _this.editor.util.spaceUrlEncode(params.href) || ''; if (params.noindex) { link.setAttribute("data-bx-noindex", "Y"); } else { link.removeAttribute("data-bx-noindex"); } } links = value.node ? [value.node] : _this.actions.formatInline.state(action, value, "a"); if (links) { // Selection contains links for (i = 0; i < links.length; i++) { link = links[i]; if (link) { applyAttributes(link, params); lastLink = link; linksCount++; } } if (linksCount === 1 && lastLink && (lastLink.querySelector && !lastLink.querySelector("*")) && params.text != '') { _this.editor.util.SetTextContent(lastLink, params.text); } nodeToSetCarret = lastLink; if (nodeToSetCarret) _this.editor.selection.SetAfter(nodeToSetCarret); setTimeout(function() { if (nodeToSetCarret) _this.editor.selection.SetAfter(nodeToSetCarret); }, 10); } else { var tmpClass = "_bx-editor-temp-" + Math.round(Math.random() * 1000000), invisText, isEmpty, textContent; // Create LINKS _this.actions.formatInline.exec(action, value, "A", false, tmpClass); if (_this.document.querySelectorAll) { links = _this.document.querySelectorAll("A." + tmpClass); } else { links = []; } for (i = 0; i < links.length; i++) { link = links[i]; if (link) { applyAttributes(link, params); } } nodeToSetCarret = link; // last link if (links.length === 1) { textContent = _this.editor.util.GetTextContent(link); isEmpty = textContent === "" || textContent === _this.editor.INVISIBLE_SPACE; if (textContent != params.text) { _this.editor.util.SetTextContent(link, params.text || params.href); } if (link.querySelector && !link.querySelector("*") && isEmpty) // Link is empty { _this.editor.util.SetTextContent(link, params.text || params.href); } } if (link) { if (link.nextSibling && link.nextSibling.nodeType == 3 && _this.editor.util.IsEmptyNode(link.nextSibling)) { invisText = link.nextSibling; } else { invisText = _this.editor.util.GetInvisibleTextNode(); } _this.editor.util.InsertAfter(invisText, link); nodeToSetCarret = invisText; } if (nodeToSetCarret) _this.editor.selection.SetAfter(nodeToSetCarret); setTimeout(function() { if (nodeToSetCarret) _this.editor.selection.SetAfter(nodeToSetCarret); }, 10); } } }, state: function(action, value) { return _this.actions.formatInline.state(action, value, "a"); }, value: BX.DoNothing }; }, GetRemoveLink: function() { var _this = this; return { exec: function(action, value) { _this.editor.iframeView.Focus(); var i, link, links; if (value && typeof value == 'object') { links = value; } else { links = _this.actions.formatInline.state(action, value, "a"); } if (links) { // Selection contains links _this.editor.selection.ExecuteAndRestoreSimple(function() { for (i = 0; i < links.length; i++) { link = links[i]; if (link) { _this.editor.util.ReplaceWithOwnChildren(links[i]); } } }); } }, state: function(action, value) { //return _this.actions.formatInline.state(action, value, "a"); }, value: BX.DoNothing }; }, GetInsertHTML: function() { var _this = this; return { exec: function(action, html) { _this.editor.iframeView.Focus(); if (_this.IsSupportedByBrowser(action)) _this.document.execCommand(action, false, html); else _this.editor.selection.InsertHTML(html); }, state: function() { return false; }, value: BX.DoNothing }; }, GetInsertImage: function() { var ATTRIBUTES = ['title', 'alt', 'width', 'height', 'align'], _this = this; return { exec: function(action, value) { if (value.src == '') return; value.src = _this.editor.util.spaceUrlEncode(value.src); // Only for bbCode == true if (_this.editor.bbCode && _this.editor.synchro.IsFocusedOnTextarea()) { _this.editor.textareaView.Focus(); var size = ''; if (value.width) size += ' WIDTH=' + parseInt(value.width); if (value.height) size += ' HEIGHT=' + parseInt(value.height); var imgHtml = "[IMG" + size + "]" + value.src + "[/IMG]"; _this.editor.textareaView.WrapWith(false, false, imgHtml); return; } _this.editor.iframeView.Focus(); var params = (value && typeof(value) === "object") ? value : {src: value}, image = value.image || _this.actions.insertImage.state(action, value), invisText, sibl; function applyAttributes(image, params) { var attr, appAttr; image.removeAttribute("class"); image.setAttribute('data-bx-orig-src', params.src || ''); for (attr in params) { if (params.hasOwnProperty(attr) && BX.util.in_array(attr, ATTRIBUTES)) { if (params[attr] == '' || params[attr] == undefined) { image.removeAttribute(attr); } else { appAttr = image.getAttribute('data-bx-app-ex-' + attr); if (!appAttr || _this.editor.phpParser.AdvancedPhpGetFragmentByCode(appAttr, true) != params[attr]) { image.setAttribute(attr, params[attr]); if (appAttr) { image.removeAttribute('data-bx-app-ex-' + attr); } } } } } if (params.className) { image.className = params.className; } appAttr = image.getAttribute('data-bx-app-ex-src'); if (!appAttr || _this.editor.phpParser.AdvancedPhpGetFragmentByCode(appAttr, true) != params.src) { image.src = params.src || ''; if (appAttr) { image.removeAttribute('data-bx-app-ex-src'); } } } if (!image) { image = _this.document.createElement('IMG'); applyAttributes(image, params); _this.editor.selection.InsertNode(image); } else { applyAttributes(image, params); } var nodeToSetCarret = image, parentLink = (image.parentNode && image.parentNode.nodeName == 'A') ? image.parentNode : null; if (params.link) { if (parentLink) { // Just change url parentLink.href = params.link; } else { // Add surrounding link parentLink = _this.document.createElement('A'); parentLink.href = params.link; image.parentNode.insertBefore(parentLink, image); parentLink.appendChild(image); } nodeToSetCarret = parentLink; } else if (parentLink) { // Remove parent link _this.editor.util.ReplaceWithOwnChildren(parentLink); } // For IE it's impssible to set the caret after an <img> if it's the lastChild in the document if (BX.browser.IsIE()) { _this.editor.selection.SetAfter(image); sibl = image.nextSibling; if (sibl && sibl.nodeType == 3 && _this.editor.util.IsEmptyNode(sibl)) invisText = sibl; else invisText = _this.editor.util.GetInvisibleTextNode(); _this.editor.selection.InsertNode(invisText); nodeToSetCarret = invisText; } _this.editor.selection.SetAfter(nodeToSetCarret); _this.editor.util.Refresh(); }, state: function() { var selectedNode, text, selectedImg; if (!_this.editor.util.DocumentHasTag(_this.document, 'IMG')) return false; selectedNode = _this.editor.selection.GetSelectedNode(); if (!selectedNode) return false; if (selectedNode.nodeName === 'IMG') return selectedNode; if (selectedNode.nodeType !== 1 /* element node */) return false; text = BX.util.trim(_this.editor.selection.GetText()); if (text && text != _this.editor.INVISIBLE_SPACE) return false; selectedImg = _this.editor.selection.GetNodes(1, function(node) { return node.nodeName === "IMG"; }); // Works only for one image if (selectedImg.length !== 1) return false; return selectedImg[0]; }, value: BX.DoNothing // value: function(composer) { // var image = this.state(composer); // return image && image.src; // } }; }, GetInsertLineBreak: function() { var _this = this, br = "<br>" + (BX.browser.IsOpera() ? " " : ""); return { exec: function(action) { if (_this.IsSupportedByBrowser(action)) { _this.document.execCommand(action, false, null); } else { _this.actions.insertHTML.exec("insertHTML", br); } if (BX.browser.IsChrome() || BX.browser.IsSafari() || BX.browser.IsIE10()) { _this.editor.selection.ScrollIntoView(); } }, state: BX.DoNothing, value: BX.DoNothing }; }, GetInsertHr: function() { var _this = this, html = "<hr>" + (BX.browser.IsOpera() ? " " : ""); return { exec: function(action) { _this.actions.insertHTML.exec("insertHTML", html); if (BX.browser.IsChrome() || BX.browser.IsSafari() || BX.browser.IsIE10()) { _this.editor.selection.ScrollIntoView(); } }, state: BX.DoNothing, value: BX.DoNothing }; }, GetInsertTable: function() { var _this = this, ATTRIBUTES = ['title', 'id', 'border', 'cellSpacing', 'cellPadding', 'align']; function replaceTdByTh(td) { var //i, attribute, th = _this.document.createElement('TH'); while (td.firstChild) th.appendChild(td.firstChild); //for (i = 0; i < td.attributes.length; i++) //{ // attribute = td.attributes[i]; // th.setAttribute(td.getAttribute()); //} _this.editor.util.ReplaceNode(td, th); } function replaceThByTd(th) { var td = _this.document.createElement('TD'); while (th.firstChild) td.appendChild(th.firstChild); _this.editor.util.ReplaceNode(th, td); } function applyAttributes(table, params) { var attr; table.removeAttribute("class"); for (attr in params) { if (params.hasOwnProperty(attr) && BX.util.in_array(attr, ATTRIBUTES)) { if (params[attr] === '' || params[attr] == undefined) { table.removeAttribute(attr); } else { table.setAttribute(attr, params[attr]); } } } if (params.className) { table.className = params.className; } table.removeAttribute("data-bx-no-border"); if (table.getAttribute("border") == 0 || !table.getAttribute("border")) { table.removeAttribute("border"); table.setAttribute("data-bx-no-border", "Y"); } if (params.width) { if (parseInt(params.width) == params.width) { params.width = params.width + 'px'; } if (table.getAttribute("width")) { table.setAttribute("width", params.width); } else { table.style.width = params.width; } } if (params.height) { if (parseInt(params.height) == params.height) { params.height = params.height + 'px'; } if (table.getAttribute("height")) { table.setAttribute("height", params.height); } else { table.style.height = params.height; } } var r, c, pCell; for(r = 0; r < table.rows.length; r++) { for(c = 0; c < table.rows[r].cells.length; c++) { pCell = table.rows[r].cells[c]; if ( ((params.headers == 'top' || params.headers == 'topleft') && r == 0) || ((params.headers == 'left' || params.headers == 'topleft') && c == 0) ) { replaceTdByTh(pCell); } else if (pCell.nodeName == 'TH') { replaceThByTd(pCell); } } } var pCaption = BX.findChild(table, {tag: 'CAPTION'}, false); if (params.caption) { if (pCaption) { pCaption.innerHTML = BX.util.htmlspecialchars(params.caption); } else { pCaption = _this.document.createElement('CAPTION'); pCaption.innerHTML = BX.util.htmlspecialchars(params.caption); table.insertBefore(pCaption, table.firstChild); } } else if (pCaption) { BX.remove(pCaption); } } return { exec: function(action, params) { // Iframe if (!_this.editor.bbCode || !_this.editor.synchro.IsFocusedOnTextarea()) { if (!params || !params.rows || !params.cols) { return false; } _this.editor.iframeView.Focus(); var table = params.table || _this.actions.insertTable.state(action, params); params.rows = parseInt(params.rows) || 1; params.cols = parseInt(params.cols) || 1; if (params.align == 'left' || _this.editor.bbCode) { params.align = ''; } if (!table) { table = _this.document.createElement('TABLE'); var tbody = table.appendChild(_this.document.createElement('TBODY')), r, c, row, cell; params.rows = parseInt(params.rows) || 1; params.cols = parseInt(params.cols) || 1; for(r = 0; r < params.rows; r++) { row = tbody.insertRow(-1); for(c = 0; c < params.cols; c++) { cell = BX.adjust(row.insertCell(-1), {html: ' '}); } } applyAttributes(table, params); _this.editor.selection.InsertNode(table); var nextNode = _this.editor.util.GetNextNotEmptySibling(table); if (!nextNode) { _this.editor.util.InsertAfter(BX.create('BR', {}, _this.document), table); } if (nextNode && nextNode.nodeName == 'BR' && !nextNode.nextSibling) { _this.editor.util.InsertAfter(_this.editor.util.GetInvisibleTextNode(), nextNode); } } else { applyAttributes(table, params); } var nodeToSetCarret = table.rows[0].cells[0].firstChild; if (nodeToSetCarret) { _this.editor.selection.SetAfter(nodeToSetCarret); } // For Firefox refresh white markers setTimeout(function(){_this.editor.util.Refresh(table);}, 10); } else // bbcode + textarea { _this.editor.textareaView.Focus(); var tbl = '', i, j, cellHTML = _this.editor.INVISIBLE_SPACE; if (params.rows > 0 && params.cols > 0) { tbl += "[TABLE]\n"; for(i = 0; i < params.rows; i++) { tbl += "\t[TR]\n"; for(j = 0; j < params.cols; j++) { tbl += "\t\t[TD]" + cellHTML + "[/TD]\n"; } tbl += "\t[/TR]\n"; } tbl += "[/TABLE]\n"; } _this.editor.textareaView.WrapWith(false, false, tbl); } }, state: function(action, value) { var selectedNode, selectedTable; if (!_this.editor.util.DocumentHasTag(_this.document, 'TABLE')) { return false; } selectedNode = _this.editor.selection.GetSelectedNode(); if (!selectedNode) { return false; } if (selectedNode.nodeName === 'TABLE') { return selectedNode; } if (selectedNode.nodeType !== 1 /* element node */) { return false; } selectedTable = _this.editor.selection.GetNodes(1, function(node) { return node.nodeName === "TABLE"; }); // Works only for one table if (selectedTable.length !== 1) { return false; } return selectedTable[0]; }, value: BX.DoNothing }; }, // GetInsertList: function(params) { var _this = this; var bOrdered = !!params.bOrdered, listTag = bOrdered ? 'OL' : 'UL', otherListTag = bOrdered ? 'UL' : 'OL'; function getNextNotEmptySibling(node) { var nextSibling = node.nextSibling; while (nextSibling && nextSibling.nodeType == 3 && _this.editor.util.IsEmptyNode(nextSibling, true)) { nextSibling = nextSibling.nextSibling; } return nextSibling; } function removeList(list) { if (list.nodeName !== "MENU" && list.nodeName !== "UL" && list.nodeName !== "OL") { return; } var frag = _this.document.createDocumentFragment(), previousSibling = list.previousSibling, firstChild, lastChild, bAppendBr, listItem; if (previousSibling && !_this.editor.util.IsBlockElement(previousSibling) && !_this.editor.util.IsEmptyNode(previousSibling, true)) { frag.appendChild(_this.document.createElement("BR")); } while (listItem = list.firstChild) { lastChild = listItem.lastChild; while (firstChild = listItem.firstChild) { // Custom bullit items if (firstChild.nodeName == 'I' && firstChild.innerHTML == '' && firstChild.className != '') { BX.remove(firstChild); firstChild = listItem.firstChild; if (!firstChild) break; } bAppendBr = firstChild === lastChild && !_this.editor.util.IsBlockElement(firstChild) && firstChild.nodeName !== "BR"; frag.appendChild(firstChild); if (bAppendBr) { frag.appendChild(_this.document.createElement("BR")); } } listItem.parentNode.removeChild(listItem); } var nextSibling = _this.editor.util.GetNextNotEmptySibling(list); if (nextSibling && nextSibling.nodeName == 'BR' && frag.lastChild && frag.lastChild.nodeName == 'BR') { // Remove unnecessary BR BX.remove(frag.lastChild); } list.parentNode.replaceChild(frag, list); } function convertToList(element, listType) { if (!element || !element.parentNode) return false; var nodeName = element.nodeName.toUpperCase(); if (nodeName === "UL" || nodeName === "OL" || nodeName === "MENU") { return element; } var list = _this.document.createElement(listType), childNode, currentLi; while (element.firstChild) { currentLi = currentLi || list.appendChild(_this.document.createElement("li")); childNode = element.firstChild; if (_this.editor.util.IsBlockElement(childNode)) { currentLi = currentLi.firstChild ? list.appendChild(_this.document.createElement("li")) : currentLi; currentLi.appendChild(childNode); currentLi = null; continue; } if (childNode.nodeName === "BR") { currentLi = currentLi.firstChild ? null : currentLi; element.removeChild(childNode); continue; } currentLi.appendChild(childNode); } element.parentNode.replaceChild(list, element); return list; } function isListNode(n) { return n.nodeName == 'OL' || n.nodeName == 'UL' || n.nodeName == 'MENU' } function getSelectedList(tag, node) { if (!node) { node = _this.editor.selection.GetSelectedNode(); } if (!node || node.nodeName == 'BODY') { var range = _this.editor.selection.GetRange(), commonAncestor = _this.editor.selection.GetCommonAncestorForRange(range); if (commonAncestor && isListNode(commonAncestor)) { node = commonAncestor; } else { var i, onlyList = true, list, parentList, nodes = range.getNodes([1]), l = nodes.length; if (commonAncestor) { list = parentList = BX.findParent(commonAncestor, isListNode, _this.document.body); } if (!parentList) { for (i = 0; i < l; i++) { parentList = BX.findParent(nodes[i], isListNode, commonAncestor); if (!parentList || (list && parentList != list)) { onlyList = false; break; } list = parentList; } } if (!list) { var _list = false; for (i = 0; i < l; i++) { if (isListNode(nodes[i])) { _list = nodes[i]; break; } } if (_list) { var ok = true; for (i = 0; i < l; i++) { if (nodes[i] == _list || BX.findParent(nodes[i], function(n){return n === _list;}, _this.document.body) || nodes[i].nodeName == 'BR' || _this.editor.util.IsEmptyNode(nodes[i]) ) { } else { ok = false; break; } } if (ok) { list = _list; } } } if (list) { node = list; } } } return node && node.nodeName == tag ? node : BX.findParent(node, {tagName: tag}, _this.document.body); } function customBullit(list, bullitParams) { if (!list) return false; if (!bullitParams) bullitParams = {tag: 'I', remove: true}; var i, node, fch, doc = list.ownerDocument; for (i = 0; i < list.childNodes.length; i++) { node = list.childNodes[i]; if (node && node.nodeType == 1 && node.nodeName == 'LI') { fch = node.firstChild; // Custom bullit already here if (fch.nodeName == bullitParams.tag && fch.innerHTML == '') { if (bullitParams.remove) BX.remove(fch); else fch.className = bullitParams.className; } else // Add custom bullits to the list { node.insertBefore(BX.create(bullitParams.tag, {props: {className: bullitParams.className}}, doc), fch); } } } } function getCustomBullitClass(list) { if (!list) return false; var i, node, fch; for (i = 0; i < list.childNodes.length; i++) { node = list.childNodes[i]; if (node && node.nodeType == 1 && node.nodeName == 'LI') { fch = node.firstChild; if (fch && fch.nodeName == 'I' && fch.innerHTML == '' && fch.className !== '') { return fch.className; } } } return false; } function checkCustomBullitList(list, bullitClass, setFocusAfterLastBullit) { if (list && (list.nodeName == 'UL' || list.nodeName == 'OL')) { var i, node, fch, doc = list.ownerDocument, lastBullit; for (i = 0; i < list.childNodes.length; i++) { node = list.childNodes[i]; if (node && node.nodeType == 1 && node.nodeName == 'LI' && node.firstChild) { fch = node.firstChild; if (fch.nodeName == 'I' && fch.innerHTML == '' && fch.className !== '') { if (!bullitClass) bullitClass = fch.className; } else if (fch.nodeName == 'I' && fch.innerHTML == '' && bullitClass) { fch.className = bullitClass; lastBullit = fch; } else if(fch && bullitClass) { lastBullit = node.insertBefore(BX.create('I', {props: {className: bullitClass}}, doc), fch); } } } if (setFocusAfterLastBullit && lastBullit) _this.editor.selection._MoveCursorAfterNode(lastBullit); } } return { exec: function(action, params) { // Iframe if (!_this.editor.bbCode || !_this.editor.synchro.IsFocusedOnTextarea()) { var range = _this.editor.selection.GetRange(); if (_this.IsSupportedByBrowser(action) && range.collapsed) { _this.document.execCommand(action, false, null); } else { var selectedNode = _this.editor.selection.GetSelectedNode(), list = getSelectedList(listTag, selectedNode), otherList = getSelectedList(otherListTag, selectedNode), isEmpty, tempElement; if (list) { _this.editor.selection.ExecuteAndRestoreSimple(function() { removeList(list); }); } else if (otherList) { _this.editor.selection.ExecuteAndRestoreSimple(function() { _this.editor.util.RenameNode(otherList, listTag); }); } else { tempElement = _this.document.createElement("span"); _this.editor.selection.Surround(tempElement); isEmpty = tempElement.innerHTML === "" || tempElement.innerHTML === _this.editor.INVISIBLE_SPACE; _this.editor.selection.ExecuteAndRestoreSimple(function() { // mantis #54087 var i, spans = tempElement.getElementsByTagName('SPAN'); for (i = spans.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { // Clean spans without classes styles and id's if (!spans[i].className && !spans[i].id && !spans[i].style.cssText) { _this.editor.util.ReplaceWithOwnChildren(spans[i]); } } list = convertToList(tempElement, listTag); }); if (list) { var i = 0, item; while (i < list.childNodes.length) { item = list.childNodes[i]; if (item.nodeName == 'LI') { if (_this.editor.util.IsEmptyNode(item, true, true)) { BX.remove(item); continue; } i++; } else if (item.nodeType == 1) { BX.remove(item); } } // Mantis: #53646, #53820 var prevSib = _this.editor.util.GetPreviousNotEmptySibling(list); if (prevSib && ( prevSib.nodeName == 'BLOCKQUOTE' || prevSib.nodeName == 'PRE' || prevSib.nodeName == 'UL' || prevSib.nodeName == 'OL' ) && list.childNodes[0] && BX.findChild(list.childNodes[0], {tag: prevSib.nodeName})) { if (BX.util.trim(_this.editor.util.GetTextContent(prevSib)) == '') { BX.remove(prevSib); } } } if (isEmpty && list && list.querySelector) { _this.editor.selection.SelectNode(list.querySelector("li")); } } } } else // bbcode + textarea { if (params && params.items) { _this.editor.textareaView.Focus(); var lst = '[LIST' + (bOrdered ? '=1' : '')+ ']\n', it; for(it = 0; it < params.items.length; it++) { lst += "\t[*]" + params.items[it] + "\n"; } lst += "[/LIST]\n"; _this.editor.textareaView.WrapWith(false, false, lst); } } }, state: function() { return getSelectedList(listTag) || false; }, value: BX.DoNothing, customBullit: customBullit, getCustomBullitClass: getCustomBullitClass, checkCustomBullitList: checkCustomBullitList }; }, GetAlign: function() { var CLASS_NAME_TMP = 'bx-align-tmp', LIST_ALIGN_ATTR = 'data-bx-checked-align-list', DEFAULT_VALUE = 'left', TABLE_NODES = {TD: 1, TR: 1, TH: 1, TABLE: 1, TBODY: 1, CAPTION: 1, COL: 1, COLGROUP: 1, TFOOT: 1, THEAD: 1}, ALIGN_NODES = {IMG: 1, P: 1, DIV: 1, TABLE: 1, H1: 1, H2: 1, H3: 1, H4: 1, H5: 1, H6: 1}, _this = this; function checkNodeAlign(n) { var nodeName = n.nodeName, align, res = false; if (n.nodeType === 1) { align = n.style.textAlign; if (n.style.textAlign) { res = {node: n, style: align}; } if (ALIGN_NODES[nodeName]) { align = n.getAttribute('align'); if (align) { if (res) { res.attribute = align; } else { res = {node: n, attribute: align}; } } } } return res; } function isCell(n) { return n && (n.nodeName == 'TD' || n.nodeName == 'TH'); } function alignTableNode(n, value) { n.setAttribute('data-bx-tmp-align', value); n.style.textAlign = value; } function alignTable(n, value) { if (value == 'left' || value == 'justify' || _this.editor.bbCode) { n.removeAttribute('align'); } else { n.setAttribute('align', value); } } function checkAlignTable(table, value) { var ths, i, res = true, tds = table.getElementsByTagName("TD"); for (i = 0; i < tds.length; i++) { if (tds[i].getAttribute('data-bx-tmp-align') != value) { res = false; break; } } if (res) { ths = table.getElementsByTagName("TH"); for (i = 0; i < ths.length; i++) { if (ths[i].getAttribute('data-bx-tmp-align') != value) { res = false; break; } } } if (res) { alignTable(table, value); } } function createAlignNodeInside(node, value) { var alignNode = BX.create("DIV", {style: {textAlign: value}, html: node.innerHTML}, _this.editor.GetIframeDoc()); node.innerHTML = ''; node.appendChild(alignNode); return alignNode; } function createAlignNodeOutside(node, value) { var alignNode = BX.create("DIV", {style: {textAlign: value}}, _this.editor.GetIframeDoc()); node.parentNode.insertBefore(alignNode, node); alignNode.appendChild(node); return alignNode; } function checkListItemsAlign(list, item, value) { var doc = _this.editor.GetIframeDoc(), bb = _this.editor.bbCode; if (!list && item) { list = BX.findParent(item, function(n) { return n.nodeName == 'OL' || n.nodeName == 'UL' || n.nodeName == 'MENU'; }, doc); } if (list && !list.getAttribute(LIST_ALIGN_ATTR)) { var i, clean = true, lis = list.getElementsByTagName('LI'); for (i = 0; i < lis.length; i++) { if (lis[i].style.textAlign !== value) { clean = false; break; } } if (bb) { list.style.textAlign = ''; if (list.style.cssText == '') { list.removeAttribute('style'); } cleanListItemsAlign(list); createAlignNodeOutside(list, value); } else if (clean) { list.style.textAlign = value; cleanListItemsAlign(list); } list.setAttribute(LIST_ALIGN_ATTR, 'Y'); return list; } return false; } function cleanListItemsAlign(list) { var i, lis = list.getElementsByTagName('LI'); for (i = 0; i < lis.length; i++) { lis[i].style.textAlign = ''; if (lis[i].style.cssText == '') { lis[i].removeAttribute('style'); } } } function pushTable(arr, newTable) { if (newTable && newTable.nodeName == 'TABLE') { var i, found = false; for (i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) { if (arr[i] == newTable) { found = true; break; } } if (!found) { arr.push(newTable); } } return arr; } return { exec: function(action, value) { var res; // Iframe if (!_this.editor.bbCode || !_this.editor.synchro.IsFocusedOnTextarea()) { var i, tagName = 'P', range = _this.editor.selection.GetRange(), blockElement = false, tableElement = false, listNode = false, bookmark = _this.editor.selection.GetBookmark(), selectedNode = _this.editor.selection.GetSelectedNode(); if (selectedNode) { if (_this.editor.util.IsBlockNode(selectedNode)) { blockElement = selectedNode; } else if (selectedNode.nodeType == 1 && TABLE_NODES[selectedNode.nodeName]) { tableElement = selectedNode; res = true; setTimeout(function(){ _this.editor.selection.SelectNode(tableElement); if (tableElement.nodeName == 'TABLE') { alignTable(tableElement, value); } }, 10); } else { if (selectedNode.nodeName == 'LI') { listNode = selectedNode; } else if (selectedNode.nodeName == 'OL' || selectedNode.nodeName == 'UL' || selectedNode.nodeName == 'MENU') { if (_this.editor.bbCode) { createAlignNodeOutside(selectedNode, value); selectedNode.style.textAlign = ''; } else { selectedNode.style.textAlign = value; } res = true; cleanListItemsAlign(selectedNode); setTimeout(function(){_this.editor.selection.SelectNode(selectedNode);}, 10); } else { listNode = BX.findParent(selectedNode, function(n) { return n.nodeName == 'LI'; }, _this.document.body); } if (listNode) { if (_this.editor.bbCode) { createAlignNodeInside(listNode, value); listNode.style.textAlign = ''; } else { listNode.style.textAlign = value; } res = true; setTimeout(function(){_this.editor.selection.SelectNode(listNode);}, 10); } else { blockElement = BX.findParent(selectedNode, function(n) { return _this.editor.util.IsBlockNode(n) && !_this.actions.quote.checkNode(n); }, _this.document.body); } } } else { // In Chrome when we select some parts of table we apply align for tds, but if entire table was selected - we trying to continue align other elements. var tables = [], tableIsHere = false, arLists = [], arLis = [], nodes = range.getNodes([1]); for (i = 0; i < nodes.length; i++) { if (isCell(nodes[i])) { tables = pushTable(tables, BX.findParent(nodes[i], {tagName: 'TABLE'})); alignTableNode(nodes[i], value); res = true; } if (nodes[i].nodeName == 'TABLE') { tables = pushTable(tables, nodes[i]); tableIsHere = true; } else if (nodes[i].nodeName == 'OL' || nodes[i].nodeName == 'UL' || nodes[i].nodeName == 'MENU') { nodes[i].style.textAlign = value; arLists.push(nodes[i]); res = true; } else if (nodes[i].nodeName == 'LI') { nodes[i].style.textAlign = value; res = true; arLis.push(nodes[i]); } } for (i = 0; i < tables.length; i++) { checkAlignTable(tables[i], value); } // Example: ctra+a was pressed if (res) { var commonAncestor = _this.editor.selection.GetCommonAncestorForRange(range); if (commonAncestor && commonAncestor.nodeName == 'BODY') { res = false; } } for (i = 0; i < arLists.length; i++) { cleanListItemsAlign(arLists[i]); } var arCheckedLists = [], checkedList; for (i = 0; i < arLis.length; i++) { checkedList = checkListItemsAlign(false, arLis[i], value); if (checkedList) { arCheckedLists.push(checkedList); } } for (i = 0; i < arCheckedLists.length; i++) { arCheckedLists[i].removeAttribute(LIST_ALIGN_ATTR); } } if (!res) { // Simple situation - we inside of the block element - just add text-align to it... if (blockElement) { if (_this.editor.bbCode) { createAlignNodeInside(blockElement, value); blockElement.style.textAlign = ''; } else { // Accept all block tags except DIVs tagName = blockElement.tagName != 'DIV' ? blockElement.tagName : 'P'; res = _this.actions.formatBlock.exec('formatBlock', tagName, null, {textAlign: value}); } _this.editor.util.Refresh(blockElement); } else if(tableElement) { if (isCell(tableElement)) { alignTableNode(tableElement, value); } else { var tds = BX.findChild(tableElement, isCell, true, true), ths = BX.findChild(tableElement, isCell, true, true); for (i = 0; i < tds.length; i++) { alignTableNode(tds[i], value); } for (i = 0; i < ths.length; i++) { alignTableNode(ths[i], value); } } } else if (range.collapsed) { res = _this.actions.formatBlock.exec('formatBlock', 'P', CLASS_NAME_TMP, {textAlign: value}); // Selection workaround mantis:53937 var focusNode, alignNodes = _this.document.querySelectorAll("." + CLASS_NAME_TMP); for (i = 0; i <= alignNodes.length; i++) { BX.removeClass(alignNodes[i], CLASS_NAME_TMP); if (i == 0) { focusNode = alignNodes[i].firstNode; if (!focusNode) focusNode = alignNodes[i].appendChild(_this.editor.util.GetInvisibleTextNode()); setTimeout(function() { if (focusNode) _this.editor.selection.SetAfter(focusNode); }, 100); } } } else { // Image selected var image = _this.actions.insertImage.state(); if (!res && false) { var onlyPar = true; nodes = range.getNodes([1]); if (nodes && nodes.length > 0) { for (i = 0; i < nodes.length; i++) { if (nodes[i].nodeName == "P") { nodes[i].style.textAlign = value; } else { onlyPar = false; } } res = onlyPar; } } // Mixed content if (!res) { tagName = _this.editor.bbCode ? 'DIV' : 'P'; res = _this.actions.formatBlock.exec('formatBlock', tagName, null, {textAlign: value}, {leaveChilds: true, splitBlock: true}); if (res && typeof res == 'object' && res.nodeName == tagName) { var iter = 0, maxIter = 2000, prev, child, newPar, createNewPar = false; // mantis:#54026 if (res.firstChild && res.firstChild.nodeName == 'BLOCKQUOTE') { prev = _this.editor.util.GetPreviousNotEmptySibling(res); if (prev && prev.nodeName == 'BLOCKQUOTE' && _this.editor.util.IsEmptyNode(prev)) { BX.remove(prev); } } i = 0; while (i < res.childNodes.length || iter > maxIter) { child = res.childNodes[i]; if(_this.editor.util.IsBlockNode(child)) { child.style.textAlign = value; createNewPar = true; i++; } else { if (!newPar || createNewPar) { newPar = _this.document.createElement(tagName); newPar.style.textAlign = value; res.insertBefore(newPar, child); i++; } newPar.appendChild(child); createNewPar = false; } iter++; } // Clean useless <p></p> before and after if (res.previousSibling && res.previousSibling.nodeName == "P" && _this.editor.util.IsEmptyNode(res.previousSibling, true, true)) { BX.remove(res.previousSibling); } if (res.nextSibling && res.nextSibling.nodeName == "P" && _this.editor.util.IsEmptyNode(res.nextSibling, true, true)) { BX.remove(res.nextSibling); } _this.editor.util.ReplaceWithOwnChildren(res); // Selection workaround mantis:53937 setTimeout(function() { if (newPar) _this.editor.selection.SelectNode(newPar); }, 100); } } if (image) { // For Firefox _this.editor.util.Refresh(image); } } } setTimeout(function(){_this.editor.selection.SetBookmark(bookmark);}, 10); } else // bbcode + textarea { if (value) { res = _this.actions.formatBbCode.exec(action, {tag: value.toUpperCase()}); } } return res; }, state: function(action, value) { var alignRes, node, selectedNode = _this.editor.selection.GetSelectedNode(); if (selectedNode) { alignRes = checkNodeAlign(selectedNode); if (!alignRes) { node = BX.findParent(selectedNode, function(n) { alignRes = checkNodeAlign(n); return alignRes; }, _this.document.body); } return { node: alignRes ? alignRes.node : null, value: alignRes ? (alignRes.style || alignRes.attribute) : DEFAULT_VALUE, res: alignRes }; } else { var result = {node: null, value: DEFAULT_VALUE, res: true}, range = _this.editor.selection.GetRange(); if (!range.collapsed) { var alRes, curValue = '', i, nodes = range.getNodes([1]); for (i = 0; i < nodes.length; i++) { if (!_this.editor.util.CheckSurrogateNode(nodes[i]) && nodes[i].nodeName !== 'BR' && _this.editor.util.GetNodeDomOffset(nodes[i]) == 0 ) { alRes = checkNodeAlign(nodes[i]); value = alRes ? (alRes.style || alRes.attribute) : DEFAULT_VALUE; if (!curValue) { curValue = value; } if (value != curValue) { result.res = false; break; } } } if (result.res) { result.value = curValue; } } else { result.res = false; } return result; } }, value: BX.DoNothing }; }, GetIndent: function() { var _this = this; return { exec: function(action) { // Mantis bug workaround: #59811 var rng = _this.editor.selection.GetRange(); if (rng && rng.collapsed && rng.endContainer == rng.startContainer && BX.util.in_array(rng.startContainer.nodeName, ['TD', 'TR', 'TH']) && arguments[1] !== rng.startContainer.nodeName) { var id = 'bxed_bogus_node_59811', focusNode = rng.startContainer.appendChild(BX.create('SPAN', {props: {id: id}, html: ' '}, _this.document));is_text = _this.editor.util.GetInvisibleTextNode(); if (focusNode) { rng.setStartBefore(focusNode); rng.setEndAfter(focusNode); _this.editor.selection.SetSelection(rng); return setTimeout(function() { _this.actions.indent.exec(action, rng.startContainer.nodeName); var focusNode = _this.editor.GetIframeElement(id); if (focusNode) { _this.editor.selection.SetAfter(focusNode); BX.remove(focusNode); } }, 0); } } if (_this.IsSupportedByBrowser(action)) { _this.document.execCommand(action); } else { _this.actions.formatBlock.exec('formatBlock', 'BLOCKQUOTE'); } var range = _this.editor.selection.GetRange(); if (range) { var bqCnt = 0, i, nodes = range.getNodes([1]); for (i = 0; i < nodes.length; i++) { if (nodes[i].nodeName == 'BLOCKQUOTE') { bqCnt++; nodes[i].removeAttribute('style'); } } if (range.startContainer) { var invis_text, bq = false, node = range.startContainer; while (node) { node = BX.findParent(node, {tag: 'BLOCKQUOTE'}, _this.document.body); if (node) { if (!bq) bq = node; node.removeAttribute('style'); } } if (bq) { invis_text = _this.editor.util.GetInvisibleTextNode(); bq.appendChild(invis_text); _this.editor.selection.SetAfter(invis_text); } } } }, state: function(action, value) { var res = false, range = _this.editor.selection.GetRange(); if (range) { var commonAncestor = _this.editor.selection.GetCommonAncestorForRange(range); if (commonAncestor && commonAncestor.nodeType == 1 && commonAncestor.nodeName === 'BLOCKQUOTE') { res = commonAncestor; } } return res; }, value: BX.DoNothing }; }, GetOutdent: function() { var _this = this; return { exec: function(action, value) { var i, attr = 'data-bx-tmp-flag', doc = _this.editor.GetIframeDoc(), blockNodes = doc.getElementsByTagName('BLOCKQUOTE'); //if (blockNodes && blockNodes.length > 0) { var parNodesToClear = [], parNodes = doc.getElementsByTagName('P'); for (i = 0; i < parNodes.length; i++) { parNodes[i].setAttribute(attr, 'Y'); } _this.document.execCommand(action); parNodes = doc.getElementsByTagName('P'); for (i = 0; i < parNodes.length; i++) { if (!parNodes[i].getAttribute(attr)) { parNodesToClear.push(parNodes[i]); } else { parNodes[i].removeAttribute(attr); } } _this.editor.selection.ExecuteAndRestoreSimple(function() { for (i = 0; i < parNodesToClear.length; i++) { _this.actions.formatBlock.addBrBeforeAndAfter(parNodesToClear[i]); _this.editor.util.ReplaceWithOwnChildren(parNodesToClear[i]); } }); } }, state: function(action, value) { var range = _this.editor.selection.GetRange(); return false; }, value: BX.DoNothing }; }, GetFontFamily: function() { var _this = this; return { exec: function(action, value) { var res; // Iframe if (!_this.editor.bbCode || !_this.editor.synchro.IsFocusedOnTextarea()) { if (value) res = _this.actions.formatInline.exec(action, value, "span", {fontFamily: value}); else // Clear fontFamily format res = _this.actions.formatInline.exec(action, value, "span", {fontFamily: null}, null, {bClear: true}); } else // textarea + bbcode { return _this.actions.formatBbCode.exec(action, {tag: 'FONT', value: value}); } return res; }, state: function(action, value) { return _this.actions.formatInline.state(action, value, "span", {fontFamily: value}); }, value: BX.DoNothing }; }, GetFormatStyle: function() { var _this = this, styleSel = this.editor.toolbar.controls.StyleSelector, classList = styleSel ? styleSel.checkedClasses : [], tagList = styleSel ? styleSel.checkedTags : []; function isNodeSuitable(node) { if (node && node.nodeType == 1 && node.nodeName !== 'BODY' && ( BX.util.in_array(node.nodeName, tagList) || BX.util.in_array(node.className, classList) )) { return !_this.editor.GetBxTag(node.id).tag; } return false; } return { exec: function(action, value) { if (!value) // Clear font style { return _this.actions.removeFormat.exec('removeFormat'); } else if (typeof value === 'string') // Tag name - H1, H2 { return _this.actions.formatBlock.exec('formatBlock', value); } else if (typeof value === 'object') // class name from template-s css { // Handle font awesome list if (value.tag == 'UL') { var list = _this.actions.insertUnorderedList.state(); if (list && value.className && value.className.indexOf('~~') !== -1) { var cn = value.className.split('~~'); if (cn && cn.length >=2 ) { var listClass = cn[0], bullitClass = cn[1]; list.className = listClass; _this.actions.insertUnorderedList.customBullit(list, {tag: 'I', className: bullitClass, html: ''}); } } else if (list) { list.className = value.className || ''; _this.actions.insertUnorderedList.customBullit(list, false); } } else if (value.tag) { var className = value.className, tag = value.tag.toUpperCase(); // Inline if (tag == 'SPAN') { //command, value, tagName, arStyle, cssClass, params) _this.actions.formatInline.exec(action, value, tag, false, className); } else //if (tag == 'P') { _this.actions.formatBlock.exec('formatBlock', tag, className, null, {nestedBlocks: false}); } } if (!_this.editor.util.FirstLetterSupported()) { _this.editor.parser.FirstLetterCheckNodes('', '', true); } } }, state: function(action, value) { var result = false, selectedNode = _this.editor.selection.GetSelectedNode(); if (selectedNode) { if (isNodeSuitable(selectedNode)) { result = selectedNode; } else { result = BX.findParent(selectedNode, isNodeSuitable, _this.document.body); } } else { var range = _this.editor.selection.GetRange(), commonAncestor = _this.editor.selection.GetCommonAncestorForRange(range); if (isNodeSuitable(commonAncestor)) { result = commonAncestor; } } return result; }, value: BX.DoNothing }; }, GetChangeTemplate: function() { var _this = this; return { exec: function(action, value) { _this.editor.ApplyTemplate(value); }, state: function(action, value) { return _this.editor.GetTemplateId(); }, value: BX.DoNothing }; }, GetSelectNode: function() { var _this = this; return { exec: function(action, node) { if (!_this.editor.iframeView.IsFocused()) { _this.editor.iframeView.Focus(); } if (node === false || (node && node.nodeName == 'BODY')) // Select all { if (_this.IsSupportedByBrowser('SelectAll')) { _this.document.execCommand('SelectAll'); } else { _this.editor.selection.SelectNode(node); } } else { _this.editor.selection.SelectNode(node); } }, state: BX.DoNothing, value: BX.DoNothing }; }, GetUndoRedo: function(bUndo) { var _this = this; return { exec: function(action) { if (action == 'doUndo') { _this.editor.undoManager.Undo(); } else if(action == 'doRedo') { _this.editor.undoManager.Redo(); } }, state: BX.DoNothing, value: BX.DoNothing }; }, GetUniversalFormatStyle: function() { var TEMP_CLASS = 'bx-tmp-ufs-class', STATUS_ATTR = 'data-bx-tmp-status', _this = this; function getAncestorNodes(nodes) { var result = []; if (nodes && nodes.length > 0) { var i, len, sorted = [], node, status; for (i = 0, len = nodes.length; i < len; i++) { if (!_this.editor.util.CheckSurrogateNode(nodes[i]) && nodes[i].nodeName !== 'BR') { nodes[i].setAttribute(STATUS_ATTR, 'Y'); sorted.push({node: nodes[i], nesting: _this.editor.util.GetNodeDomOffset(nodes[i])}); } } sorted = sorted.sort(function(a, b){return a.nesting - b.nesting}); for (i = 0, len = sorted.length; i < len; i++) { node = sorted[i].node; status = node.getAttribute(STATUS_ATTR); if (status == 'Y' && !findUnIncludedNodes(node)) { // Prevent including all childs of this node to result BX.findChild(node, function(n) { if (n.nodeType == 1 && n.nodeName !== 'BR' && n.setAttribute) { n.setAttribute(STATUS_ATTR, n.className == TEMP_CLASS ? 'GET_RID_OF' : 'SKIP'); } return false; }, true, true); result.push(node); } } } return result; } function findUnIncludedNodes(node) { var res = BX.findChild(node, function(n) { return n.nodeType == 1 && n.nodeName !== 'BR' && n.getAttribute && n.getAttribute(STATUS_ATTR) !== 'Y'; }, true, false); return !!res; } function adjustNodeStyle(node, className, style) { try { if (className !== false) { if (className == '') { node.removeAttribute('class'); } else { node.className = className; } } if (style !== false) { if (style == '') { node.removeAttribute('style'); } else { node.style.cssText = style; } } } catch(e) {} } return { exec: function(action, value) { if (value.nodes && value.nodes.length > 0) { for (i = 0; i < value.nodes.length; i++) { adjustNodeStyle(value.nodes[i], value.className, value.style); } } else { _this.actions.formatInline.exec(action, value, "span", false, TEMP_CLASS); if (document.querySelectorAll) { var tmpSpanNodes = _this.editor.GetIframeDoc().querySelectorAll('.' + TEMP_CLASS); if (tmpSpanNodes) { for (i = 0; i < tmpSpanNodes.length; i++) { node = tmpSpanNodes[i]; if (BX.util.trim(node.innerHTML) == '') { _this.editor.util.ReplaceWithOwnChildren(node); } } } } var i, node, nodes = _this.actions.universalFormatStyle.state(action), existNodes = getAncestorNodes(nodes); for (i = 0; i < existNodes.length; i++) { adjustNodeStyle(existNodes[i], value.className, value.style); } if (document.querySelectorAll) { tmpSpanNodes = _this.editor.GetIframeDoc().querySelectorAll('.' + TEMP_CLASS); if (tmpSpanNodes) { for (i = 0; i < tmpSpanNodes.length; i++) { node = tmpSpanNodes[i]; if (node.getAttribute(STATUS_ATTR) == 'GET_RID_OF') { _this.editor.util.ReplaceWithOwnChildren(tmpSpanNodes[i]); } else { adjustNodeStyle(tmpSpanNodes[i], value.className, value.style); } } } } } }, state: function(action) { var range = _this.editor.selection.GetRange(); if (range) { var textNodes, textNode, node, nodes = range.getNodes([1]); // Range is collapsed or text node is selected if (nodes.length == 0) { textNodes = range.getNodes([3]); if (textNodes && textNodes.length == 1) { textNode = textNodes[0]; } if (!textNode && range.startContainer == range.endContainer) { if (range.startContainer.nodeType == 3) { textNode = range.startContainer; } else { _this.editor.selection.SelectNode(range.startContainer); nodes = [range.startContainer]; } } if (textNode && nodes.length == 0) { node = textNode.parentNode; if (node) { nodes = [node]; } } } return nodes; } }, value: BX.DoNothing }; }, GetSubSup: function(type) { var _this = this; type = type == 'sup' ? 'sup' : 'sub'; return { exec: function(action, value) { return _this.actions.formatInline.exec(action, value, type); }, state: function(action, value) { return _this.actions.formatInline.state(action, value, type); }, value: BX.DoNothing }; }, GetQuote: function() { var range, externalSelection, _this = this; function checkNode(n) { return n && n.className == 'bxhtmled-quote' && n.nodeName == 'BLOCKQUOTE'; } function setExternalSelection(text) { externalSelection = text; } function getExternalSelection() { return externalSelection; } function setRange(rng) { return range = rng; } function setExternalSelectionFromRange(range) { range = range || _this.editor.selection.GetRange(_this.editor.selection.GetSelection(document)); if (range) { var tmpDiv; // mantis:64329 if (range.startContainer == range.endContainer && range.startOffset == 0 && range.endOffset == range.endContainer.length && range.startContainer.parentNode && range.startContainer.parentNode.nodeName == 'A' && range.startContainer.parentNode.href) { tmpDiv = BX.create('DIV', {html: range.startContainer.parentNode.href}, _this.editor.GetIframeDoc()); } else { var html = range.toHtml(); html = html.replace(/<br.*?>/ig, "#BX_BR#"); tmpDiv = BX.create('DIV', {html: BX.util.htmlspecialchars(html)}, _this.editor.GetIframeDoc()); } var extSel = _this.editor.util.GetTextContentEx(tmpDiv); extSel = extSel.replace(/#BX_BR#/ig, "<br>"); setExternalSelection(extSel); BX.remove(tmpDiv); } else { setExternalSelection(''); } } function checkSpaceAfterQuotes(target) { var i, quote, quotes = target.querySelectorAll("blockquote.bxhtmled-quote"); for (i = 0; i < quotes.length; i++) { quote = quotes[i]; if (quote.nextSibling === null) { _this.editor.util.InsertAfter(_this.editor.util.GetInvisibleTextNode(), quote); } } } return { exec: function(action) { var res = false, sel = getExternalSelection(); if (_this.editor.bbCode && _this.editor.synchro.IsFocusedOnTextarea()) { _this.editor.textareaView.Focus(); if(sel) { res = _this.editor.textareaView.WrapWith(false, false, "[QUOTE]" + sel + "[/QUOTE]"); } else { res = _this.actions.formatBbCode.exec(action, {tag: 'QUOTE'}); } } else { if (!range && _this.editor.selection.lastCheckedRange && _this.editor.selection.lastCheckedRange.range) { range = _this.editor.selection.lastCheckedRange.range; } _this.editor.iframeView.Focus(); if (range) { _this.editor.selection.SetSelection(range); } if(sel) { var quoteId = 'bxq_' + Math.round(Math.random() * 1000000); _this.editor.InsertHtml('<blockquote id="' + quoteId + '" class="bxhtmled-quote">' + sel + '</blockquote>' + _this.editor.INVISIBLE_SPACE, range); setTimeout(function() { var quote = _this.editor.GetIframeElement(quoteId); if (quote) { var prev = quote.previousSibling; if (prev && prev.nodeType == 3 && _this.editor.util.IsEmptyNode(prev) && prev.previousSibling && prev.previousSibling.nodeName == 'BR') { BX.remove(prev); } quote.removeAttribute('id'); } }, 0); } else { if (!range && _this.editor.selection.lastRange) range = _this.editor.selection.lastRange; res = _this.actions.formatBlock.exec('formatBlock', 'blockquote', 'bxhtmled-quote', false, {range: range}); } if(!sel) _this.editor.selection.ScrollIntoView(); } range = null; return res; }, state: function() { return _this.actions.formatBlock.state('formatBlock', 'blockquote', 'bxhtmled-quote'); }, value: BX.DoNothing, setExternalSelectionFromRange : setExternalSelectionFromRange, setExternalSelection : setExternalSelection, getExternalSelection : getExternalSelection, checkSpaceAfterQuotes: checkSpaceAfterQuotes, setRange : setRange, checkNode: checkNode }; }, GetCode: function() { var _this = this; return { exec: function(action) { // Iframe if (!_this.editor.bbCode || !_this.editor.synchro.IsFocusedOnTextarea()) { var codeElement = _this.actions.code.state(); if (codeElement) { var innerHtml = BX.util.trim(codeElement.innerHTML); if (innerHtml == '<br>' || innerHtml === '') { _this.editor.selection.SetAfter(codeElement); BX.remove(codeElement); } else { _this.editor.selection.ExecuteAndRestoreSimple(function() { codeElement.className = ''; codeElement = _this.editor.util.RenameNode(codeElement, 'P'); }); } } else { _this.actions.formatBlock.exec('formatBlock', 'pre', 'bxhtmled-code'); } } else // bbcode + textarea { return _this.actions.formatBbCode.exec(action, {tag: 'CODE'}); } }, state: function() { return _this.actions.formatBlock.state('formatBlock', 'pre', 'bxhtmled-code'); }, value: BX.DoNothing }; }, GetInsertSmile: function() { var _this = this; return { exec: function(action, value) { var smile = _this.editor.smilesIndex[value]; if (_this.editor.bbCode && _this.editor.synchro.IsFocusedOnTextarea()) { _this.editor.textareaView.Focus(); _this.editor.textareaView.WrapWith(false, false, " " + smile.code + " "); } else { _this.editor.iframeView.Focus(); if (smile) { var smileImg = BX.create("IMG", {props: { src: smile.path, title: smile.name || smile.code }}, _this.editor.iframeView.document); _this.editor.SetBxTag(smileImg, {tag: "smile", params: smile}); if (smile.width) smileImg.style.width = parseInt(smile.width) + 'px'; if (smile.height) smileImg.style.height = parseInt(smile.height) + 'px'; _this.editor.selection.InsertNode(smileImg); var textBefore = _this.editor.iframeView.document.createTextNode(' '); smileImg.parentNode.insertBefore(textBefore, smileImg); var textAfer = BX.create("SPAN", {html: ' '}, _this.editor.iframeView.document); _this.editor.util.InsertAfter(textAfer, smileImg); _this.editor.selection.SetAfter(textAfer); setTimeout(function(){_this.editor.selection.SetAfter(textAfer);}, 10); } } }, state: BX.DoNothing, value: BX.DoNothing }; }, GetTableOperation: function() { var _this = this, newCellHtml = ' '; function createTableMatrix(oTable) { var aRows = oTable.rows; // Row and Column counters. var arMatrix = [], i, // index c, j, oCell, rs, cs, iColSpan, iRowSpan, r = -1; // row for (i = 0; i < aRows.length; i++) { r++; if (!arMatrix[r]) { arMatrix[r] = []; } c = -1; for (j = 0; j < aRows[i].cells.length; j++) { oCell = aRows[i].cells[j]; c++; while (arMatrix[r][c]) { c++; } iColSpan = isNaN(oCell.colSpan) ? 1 : oCell.colSpan; iRowSpan = isNaN(oCell.rowSpan) ? 1 : oCell.rowSpan; for(rs = 0; rs < iRowSpan; rs++) { if (!arMatrix[r + rs]) { arMatrix[r + rs] = []; } for (cs = 0; cs < iColSpan; cs++) { arMatrix[r + rs][c + cs] = aRows[i].cells[j]; } } c += iColSpan - 1; } } return arMatrix; } function getIndexes(oCell, arMatrix) { var i, j, arIndexes = []; for (i = 0; i < arMatrix.length; i++) { for (j = 0, l = arMatrix[i].length; j < l; j++) { if (arMatrix[i][j] == oCell) { arIndexes.push({r : i, c : j}); } } } return arIndexes; } function getCellIndexInfo(ind) { var rows = [], cols = [], indInfo = { cells: 0 }, ii; for(ii = 0; ii < ind.length; ii++) { indInfo.cells++; indInfo.maxRow = ii === 0 ? ind[ii].r : Math.max(ind[ii].r, indInfo.maxRow); indInfo.minRow = ii === 0 ? ind[ii].r : Math.min(ind[ii].r, indInfo.minRow); indInfo.maxCol = ii === 0 ? ind[ii].c : Math.max(ind[ii].c, indInfo.maxCol); indInfo.minCol = ii === 0 ? ind[ii].c : Math.min(ind[ii].c, indInfo.minCol); if (!BX.util.in_array(ind[ii].r, rows)) rows.push(ind[ii].r); if (!BX.util.in_array(ind[ii].c, cols)) cols.push(ind[ii].c); } indInfo.rows = rows.length; indInfo.cols = cols.length; return indInfo; } function findAndPushAndUniqueCell(cells, node, table) { if (node) { node = getParentCell(node, table); if (node && !BX.util.in_array(node, cells)) cells.push(node); } return cells; } function getSelectedCells(range, table) { var cells = [], cell; if (BX.browser.IsFirefox()) { var i, rng, start, end, sel = rangy.getNativeSelection(_this.editor.sandbox.GetWindow()); for (i = 0; i < sel.rangeCount; i++) { rng = sel.getRangeAt(i); start = rng.startContainer.nodeType === 1 ? rng.startContainer.childNodes[rng.startOffset] : rng.startContainer; end = rng.endContainer.nodeType === 1 ? rng.endContainer.childNodes[rng.endOffset] : rng.endContainer; cells = findAndPushAndUniqueCell(cells, start, table); cells = findAndPushAndUniqueCell(cells, end, table); } } else { if (range.collapsed) { cell = getParentCell(range.startContainer); cells = findAndPushAndUniqueCell(cells, cell, table); } else { var nodes = range.getNodes([1]); for (i = 0; i < nodes.length; i++) { if (nodes[i].nodeName == 'TD' || nodes[i].nodeName == 'TH') { cells = findAndPushAndUniqueCell(cells, nodes[i], table); } } } } return cells; } function insertColumn(element, table, actionType) { var td = BX.findParent(element, {tag: 'TD'}); if (!td) return; var tr = td.parentNode, cellInd = actionType == 'insertColumnLeft' ? td.cellIndex : td.cellIndex + 1, rowInd = tr.rowIndex, mtx = createTableMatrix(table), arInd = getIndexes(td, mtx); tr.insertCell(cellInd).innerHTML = newCellHtml; var r, ind, i, c, j, curFullCellInd = actionType == 'insertColumnLeft' ? arInd[0].c : arInd[0].c + 1; for (j = 0; j < table.rows.length; j++) { r = table.rows[j]; if (r.rowIndex == rowInd) { continue; } ind = 0; i = 0; for(i = 0; i < r.cells.length; i++) { c = r.cells[i]; arInd = getIndexes(c, mtx); if (arInd[0].c >= curFullCellInd) { ind = c.cellIndex; break; } ind = i + 1; } r.insertCell(ind).innerHTML = ' '; } } function insertRow(element, table, actionType) { var tr = BX.findParent(element, {tag: 'TR'}); if (!tr || !table) return; var i, newCell, rowInd = actionType == 'insertRowUpper' ? tr.rowIndex : tr.rowIndex + 1, newRow = table.insertRow(rowInd); for(i = 0; i < tr.cells.length; i++) { newCell = newRow.insertCell(i); newCell.innerHTML = newCellHtml; newCell.colSpan = tr.cells[i].colSpan; } } function insertCell(element, table, actionType) { var td = getParentCell(element, table); if (!td || !table) return; var tr = td.parentNode, cellInd = actionType == 'insertCellLeft' ? td.cellIndex : td.cellIndex + 1; tr.insertCell(cellInd).innerHTML = newCellHtml; } function getParentCell(node, table) { if (node.nodeName == 'TD' || node.nodeName == 'TH') return node; return BX.findParent(node, function(n) { return n.nodeName == 'TD' || n.nodeName == 'TH' }, table); } function getMergeState(cells, table) { var indInfo, i, mtx = createTableMatrix(table), firstIndInfo = getCellIndexInfo(getIndexes(cells[0], mtx)), lastIndInfo = firstIndInfo, gaps = false, sameRow = true, sameCol = true; for(i = 1; i < cells.length; i++) { indInfo = getCellIndexInfo(getIndexes(cells[i], mtx)); sameRow = sameRow && indInfo.rows == firstIndInfo.rows && indInfo.maxRow == firstIndInfo.maxRow && indInfo.minRow == firstIndInfo.minRow; sameCol = sameCol && indInfo.cols == firstIndInfo.cols && indInfo.maxCol == firstIndInfo.maxCol && indInfo.minCol == firstIndInfo.minCol; gaps = gaps || (sameRow && Math.abs(indInfo.minCol - lastIndInfo.maxCol) > 1) || (sameCol && Math.abs(indInfo.minRow - lastIndInfo.maxRow) > 1) || !sameRow && !sameCol; lastIndInfo = indInfo; } return { sameCol : sameCol, sameRow: sameRow, gaps: gaps }; } function canBeMerged(cells, range, table) { if (!cells) cells = getSelectedCells(range, table); if (!cells || cells.length < 2) return false; var mergeState = getMergeState(cells, table); return !mergeState.gaps && (!mergeState.sameRow && mergeState.sameCol || mergeState.sameRow && !mergeState.sameCol); } function canBeMergedWithRight(range, table) { var cells = getSelectedCells(range, table); if (!cells || cells.length !== 1) return false; var mtx = createTableMatrix(table), ind = getIndexes(cells[0], mtx); if (ind.length < 1) return false; var i, rightTd, maxCol = ind[ind.length - 1].c, // Max col res = true, c; for (i = 0; i < ind.length; i++) { if (ind[i].c == maxCol) { if (mtx[ind[i].r] && mtx[ind[i].r][ind[i].c + 1]) { c = mtx[ind[i].r][ind[i].c + 1]; if (rightTd === undefined) rightTd = c; else if (rightTd !== c) res = false; } else { res = false; } } } res = res && rightTd && canBeMerged([cells[0], rightTd], range, table); return res; } function canBeMergedWithBottom(range, table) { var cells = getSelectedCells(range, table); if (!cells || cells.length !== 1) return false; var mtx = createTableMatrix(table), ind = getIndexes(cells[0], mtx); if (ind.length < 1) return false; var i, bottomTd, maxRow = ind[ind.length - 1].r, // Max row res = true, c; for (i = 0; i < ind.length; i++) { if (ind[i].r == maxRow) { if (mtx[maxRow + 1] && mtx[maxRow + 1][ind[i].c]) { c = mtx[maxRow + 1][ind[i].c]; if (bottomTd === undefined) bottomTd = c; else if (bottomTd !== c) res = false; } else { res = false; } } } res = res && bottomTd && canBeMerged([cells[0], bottomTd], range, table); return res; } function mergeCells(range, table, cells) { if (!cells) cells = getSelectedCells(range, table); if (cells.length < 2) return; var mergeState = getMergeState(cells, table), i, tr, newCellColSpan = 0, newCellRowSpan = 0, newCellContent = ''; // Horizontal cells if (mergeState.sameRow && !mergeState.sameCol && !mergeState.gaps) { for(i = 0; i < cells.length; i++) { newCellContent += ' ' + BX.util.trim(cells[i].innerHTML); tr = cells[i].parentNode; newCellColSpan += cells[i].colSpan; if (i > 0) tr.removeChild(cells[i]); } cells[0].colSpan = newCellColSpan; cells[0].innerHTML = BX.util.trim(newCellContent); } // vertical cells else if (!mergeState.sameRow && mergeState.sameCol && !mergeState.gaps) { for(i = 0; i < cells.length; i++) { newCellContent += ' ' + BX.util.trim(cells[i].innerHTML); tr = cells[i].parentNode; newCellRowSpan += cells[i].rowSpan; if (i > 0) tr.removeChild(cells[i]); } cells[0].rowSpan = newCellRowSpan; cells[0].innerHTML = BX.util.trim(newCellContent); } else { alert(BX.message('BXEdTableMergeError')); } } function mergeRightCell(range, table) { var cells = getSelectedCells(range, table); if (!cells || cells.length !== 1) return false; var tr = BX.findParent(cells[0], {tag: 'TR'}, table); if (cells[0].cellIndex < tr.cells.length - 1) { cells.push(tr.cells[cells[0].cellIndex + 1]); } return mergeCells(range, table, cells); } function mergeBottomCell(range, table) { var cells = getSelectedCells(range, table); if (!cells || cells.length !== 1) return false; var mtx = createTableMatrix(table), ind = getIndexes(cells[0], mtx), i, bottomTd, maxRow = ind[ind.length - 1].r, // Max row res = true, c; for (i = 0; i < ind.length; i++) { if (ind[i].r == maxRow) { if (mtx[maxRow + 1] && mtx[maxRow + 1][ind[i].c]) { c = mtx[maxRow + 1][ind[i].c]; if (bottomTd === undefined) bottomTd = c; else if (bottomTd !== c) res = false; } else { res = false; } } } if (res) { cells.push(bottomTd); return mergeCells(range, table, cells); } } function mergeRow(range, table) { var cells = getSelectedCells(range, table); if (!cells || cells.length !== 1) return false; var i, newCells = [], tr = cells[0].parentNode; for(i = 0; i < tr.cells.length; i++) { newCells.push(tr.cells[i]); } return mergeCells(range, table, newCells); } function mergeColumn(range, table) { var cells = getSelectedCells(range, table); if (!cells || cells.length !== 1) return false; var i, j, newCells = [], mtx = createTableMatrix(table), indInfo = getCellIndexInfo(getIndexes(cells[0], mtx)); for (i = 0; i < mtx.length; i++) { for (j = indInfo.minCol; j <= indInfo.minCol; j++) { newCells = findAndPushAndUniqueCell(newCells, mtx[i][j], table); } } return mergeCells(range, table, newCells); } function splitHorizontally(range, table) { var cells = getSelectedCells(range, table); if (!cells || cells.length != 1) return false; var i, j, realInd = 0, realIndI, trI, newCell, colSpan = cells[0].colSpan, rowSpan = cells[0].rowSpan, tr = cells[0].parentNode; for(i = 0; i <= cells[0].cellIndex; i++) realInd += tr.cells[i].colSpan; if (colSpan > 1) { cells[0].colSpan--; } else { for(j = 0; j < table.rows.length; j++) { if (j == tr.rowIndex || j >= tr.rowIndex && j < tr.rowIndex + rowSpan) continue; realIndI = 0; trI = table.rows[j]; i = 0; while (realIndI < realInd && i < trI.cells.length) realIndI += trI.cells[i++].colSpan; i--; trI.cells[i].colSpan += 1; // mantis: 71909 if (trI.cells[i].rowSpan > 1) j = j + trI.cells[i].rowSpan - 1; } } newCell = tr.insertCell(cells[0].cellIndex + 1); newCell.rowSpan = cells[0].rowSpan; newCell.innerHTML = newCellHtml; } function splitVertically(range, table) { var cells = getSelectedCells(range, table); if (!cells || cells.length != 1) return false; var i, r, c, row, cell, indI, fullRowInd, realCellInd, mtx = createTableMatrix(table), ind = getIndexes(cells[0], mtx), tr = cells[0].parentNode, //maxCellCount = arTMX[0].length; //max count of cell in table curRowIndex = tr.rowIndex, curCellIndex = cells[0].cellIndex, curFullRowInd = ind[0].r, curFullCellInd = ind[0].c, bOneW = true, bOneH = true; for(i = 1; i < ind.length; i++) { if (ind[i].r != curFullRowInd) bOneH = false; if (ind[i].c != curFullCellInd) bOneW = false; } if (bOneH) // if rowSpan == 1 and we have to split this cell { var newRow = table.insertRow(tr.rowIndex + 1), newCell = newRow.insertCell(-1); newCell.innerHTML = newCellHtml; if (!bOneW) newCell.colSpan = cells[0].colSpan; for(r = 0; r <= curFullRowInd; r++) { row = table.rows[r]; for(c = 0; c < row.cells.length; c++) { cell = row.cells[c]; if (r == curRowIndex && c == curCellIndex) continue; fullRowInd = r; // oRow.rowIndex if (cell.rowSpan > 1) fullRowInd += cell.rowSpan - 1; if (fullRowInd >= curFullRowInd) cell.rowSpan++; } } } else // If cell has rowspan > 1 { row = table.rows[curRowIndex + --cells[0].rowSpan]; realCellInd = false; for(c = 0; c < row.cells.length; c++) { indI = getIndexes(row.cells[c], mtx); for(i = 0; i < indI.length; i++) { if (indI[i].c > curCellIndex) realCellInd = 0; else if (indI[i].c + 1 == curCellIndex) realCellInd = row.cells[c].cellIndex + 1; if (realCellInd !== false) break; } } newCell = row.insertCell(realCellInd); newCell.innerHTML = newCellHtml; if (!bOneW) newCell.colSpan = cells[0].colSpan; } } // Remove function removeColumn(range, table) { var cells = getSelectedCells(range, table); if (!cells || cells.length != 1) return false; var cell = cells[0]; if (!cell) return false; var tr, td, mtx = createTableMatrix(table), ind = getIndexes(cell, mtx), j; for (j = 0; j < mtx.length; j++) { td = mtx[j][ind[0].c]; if (td && td.parentNode) { tr = td.parentNode; BX.remove(td); if (tr.cells.length == 0) BX.remove(tr); } } if (table.rows.length == 0) BX.remove(table); } function removeRow(range, table) { var cells = getSelectedCells(range, table); if (!cells || cells.length != 1) return false; var cell = cells[0]; if (!cell) return false BX.remove(cell.parentNode); if (table.rows.length == 0) BX.remove(table); } function removeCell(range, table, cell) { if (!cell) { var cells = getSelectedCells(range, table); if (!cells || cells.length != 1) return false; cell = cells[0]; } if (!cell) return false; var tr = cell.parentNode; BX.remove(cell); if (tr.cells.length == 0) BX.remove(tr); if (table.rows.length == 0) BX.remove(table); } function removeSelectedCells(range, table) { var cells = getSelectedCells(range, table); if (!cells || cells.length == 1) return false; var i, tr; for (i = 0; i < cells.length; i++) { tr = cells[i].parentNode; BX.remove(cells[i]); if (tr.cells.length == 0) BX.remove(tr); } if (table.rows.length == 0) BX.remove(table); } return { exec: function(action, value) { var node = value.range.commonAncestorContainer; switch (value.actionType) { // Insert case 'insertColumnLeft': case 'insertColumnRight': insertColumn(node, value.tableNode, value.actionType); break; case 'insertRowUpper': case 'insertRowLower': insertRow(node, value.tableNode, value.actionType); break; case 'insertCellLeft': case 'insertCellRight': insertCell(node, value.tableNode, value.actionType); break; // Remove case 'removeColumn': removeColumn(value.range, value.tableNode); break; case 'removeRow': removeRow(value.range, value.tableNode); break; case 'removeCell': removeCell(value.range, value.tableNode); break; case 'removeSelectedCells': removeSelectedCells(value.range, value.tableNode); break; // Merge case 'mergeSelectedCells': mergeCells(value.range, value.tableNode); break; case 'mergeRightCell': mergeRightCell(value.range, value.tableNode); break; case 'mergeBottomCell': mergeBottomCell(value.range, value.tableNode); break; case 'mergeRow': mergeRow(value.range, value.tableNode); break; case 'mergeColumn': mergeColumn(value.range, value.tableNode); break; // split case 'splitHorizontally': splitHorizontally(value.range, value.tableNode); break; case 'splitVertically': splitVertically(value.range, value.tableNode); break; } }, state: BX.DoNothing, value: BX.DoNothing, getSelectedCells: getSelectedCells, canBeMerged: canBeMerged, canBeMergedWithRight: canBeMergedWithRight, canBeMergedWithBottom: canBeMergedWithBottom }; }, GetFormatBbCode: function() { var _this = this; return { view: 'textarea', exec: function(action, params) { var value = params.value, tag = params.tag.toUpperCase(), tag_end = tag; if (tag == 'FONT' || tag == 'COLOR' || tag == 'SIZE') { tag += "=" + value; } if(params.singleTag === true) _this.editor.textareaView.WrapWith("[", "]", tag); else _this.editor.textareaView.WrapWith("[" + tag + "]", "[/" + tag_end + "]"); }, state: BX.DoNothing, value: BX.DoNothing }; } }; window.BXEditorActions = BXEditorActions; })();