Direktori : /home/bitrix/www/bitrix/js/main/kanban/ |
Current File : //home/bitrix/www/bitrix/js/main/kanban/grid.js |
;(function() { "use strict"; BX.namespace("BX.Kanban"); /** * * @param {object} options * @param {Element} options.renderTo * @param {BX.Kanban.Column[]} [options.columns] * @param {BX.Kanban.Item[]} [options.items] * @param {BX.Kanban.DropZone[]} [options.dropzones] * @param {object} [options.events] * @param {string} [options.itemType] * @param {string} [options.columnType] * @param {boolean} [options.canAddColumn] * @param {boolean} [options.canEditColumn] * @param {boolean} [options.canSortColumn] * @param {boolean} [options.canRemoveColumn] * @param {boolean} [options.canAddItem] * @param {boolean} [options.canSortItem] * @param {string} [options.dropZoneType] * @param {number} [options.dropZoneTimeout] * @param {string} [options.bgColor] * @param {object} [options.data] Custom Data For Grid * @param {object} [options.messages] Custom Messages For Grid * @constructor */ BX.Kanban.Grid = function(options) { if (!BX.type.isPlainObject(options)) { throw new Error("BX.Kanban.Grid: 'options' is not an object."); } this.options = options; if (!BX.type.isDomNode(options.renderTo)) { throw new Error("BX.Kanban.Grid: 'renderTo' is not a DOMNode."); } this.renderTo = options.renderTo; this.rendered = false; this.layout = { outerContainer: null, innerContainer: null, gridContainer: null, earLeft: null, earRight: null, emptyStub: null, loader: null }; this.itemType = this.getItemType(options.itemType); this.columnType = this.getColumnType(options.columnType); this.messages = BX.type.isPlainObject(options.messages) ? options.messages : Object.create(null); this.columns = Object.create(null); this.columnsOrder = []; /** @type {Object.<string, BX.Kanban.Item>} */ this.items = Object.create(null); this.data = BX.type.isPlainObject(options.data) ? options.data : Object.create(null); this.bgColor = BX.Kanban.Utils.isValidColor(options.bgColor) || options.bgColor === "transparent" ? options.bgColor : "ffffff"; this.earTimer = null; this.firstRenderComplete = null; this.dragMode = BX.Kanban.DragMode.NONE; /** @private **/ this.canAddColumn = false; /** @private **/ this.canEditColumn = false; /** @private **/ this.canSortColumn = false; /** @private **/ this.canRemoveColumn = false; /** @private **/ this.canAddItem = false; /** @private **/ this.canSortItem = false; this.dropZoneArea = new BX.Kanban.DropZoneArea(this, { dropZoneType: options.dropZoneType, dropZoneTimeout: options.dropZoneTimeout }); this.data = Object.create(null); this.setData(options.data); this.loadData(options); if (options.events) { for (var eventName in options.events) { if (options.events.hasOwnProperty(eventName)) { BX.addCustomEvent(this, eventName, options.events[eventName]); } } } BX.addCustomEvent(this, "Kanban.Grid:onItemDragStart", BX.delegate(this.onItemDragStart, this)); BX.addCustomEvent(this, "Kanban.Grid:onItemDragStop", BX.delegate(this.onItemDragStop, this)); BX.addCustomEvent(this, "Kanban.Grid:onColumnDragStart", BX.delegate(this.onColumnDragStart, this)); BX.addCustomEvent(this, "Kanban.Grid:onColumnDragStop", BX.delegate(this.onColumnDragStop, this)); }; /** * * @enum {number} */ BX.Kanban.DragMode = { NONE: 0, ITEM: 1, COLUMN: 2 }; BX.Kanban.Grid.prototype = { /** * * @param {object} options * @returns {BX.Kanban.Column|null} */ addColumn: function(options) { options = options || {}; if (this.getColumn(options.id) !== null) { return null; } var columnType = this.getColumnType(options.type); var column = new columnType(options); if (!(column instanceof BX.Kanban.Column)) { throw new Error("Column type must be an instance of BX.Kanban.Column"); } column.setGrid(this); this.columns[column.getId()] = column; var targetColumn = this.getColumn(options.targetId); var targetIndex = BX.util.array_search(targetColumn, this.columnsOrder); if (targetIndex >= 0) { this.columnsOrder.splice(targetIndex, 0, column); } else { this.columnsOrder.push(column); } if (this.isRendered()) { if (targetColumn) { this.getGridContainer().insertBefore(column.render(), targetColumn.getContainer()); } else { this.getGridContainer().appendChild(column.render()); } } return column; }, /** * * @param {BX.Kanban.Column|string|number} column * @returns {boolean} */ removeColumn: function(column) { column = this.getColumn(column); if (!column) { return false; } this.removeColumnItems(column); this.columnsOrder = this.columnsOrder.filter(function(element) { return column !== element; }); delete this.columns[column.getId()]; BX.remove(column.getContainer()); return true; }, updateColumn: function(column, options) { column = this.getColumn(column); if (!column) { return false; } column.setOptions(options); column.render(); return true; }, /** * * @param {BX.Kanban.Column} currentColumn * @returns {BX.Kanban.Column} */ getNextColumnSibling: function(currentColumn) { var columnIndex = this.getColumnIndex(currentColumn); var columns = this.getColumns(); return columnIndex !== -1 && columns[columnIndex + 1] ? columns[columnIndex + 1] : null; }, /** * * @param {BX.Kanban.Column} currentColumn * @returns {BX.Kanban.Column} */ getPreviousColumnSibling: function(currentColumn) { var columnIndex = this.getColumnIndex(currentColumn); var columns = this.getColumns(); return columnIndex > 0 && columns[columnIndex - 1] ? columns[columnIndex - 1] : null; }, /** * * @param {object} options * @param {string|number} options.id * @param {string|number} options.columnId * @param {string} [options.type] * @param {string|number} [options.targetId] * @returns {BX.Kanban.Item|null} */ addItem: function(options) { options = options || {}; var column = this.getColumn(options.columnId); if (!column) { return null; } var itemType = this.getItemType(options.type); var item = new itemType(options); if (!(item instanceof BX.Kanban.Item)) { throw new Error("Item type must be an instance of BX.Kanban.Item"); } if (this.items[item.getId()]) { return null; } item.setGrid(this); this.items[item.getId()] = item; var targetItem = this.getItem(options.targetId); column.addItem(item, targetItem); return item; }, /** * * @param {BX.Kanban.Item|string|number} itemId * @returns {BX.Kanban.Item} */ removeItem: function(itemId) { var item = this.getItem(itemId); if (item) { var column = item.getColumn(); delete this.items[item.getId()]; column.removeItem(item); item.dispose(); } return item; }, removeColumnItems: function(column) { column = this.getColumn(column); var items = column.getItems(); column.removeItems(); items.forEach(function(item) { this.removeItem(item); }, this); }, removeItems: function() { this.getColumns().forEach(function(column) { this.removeColumnItems(column); }, this); }, updateItem: function(item, options) { item = this.getItem(item); if (!item) { return false; } if (BX.Kanban.Utils.isValidId(options.columnId) && options.columnId !== item.getColumn().getId()) { this.moveItem(item, this.getColumn(options.columnId), this.getItem(options.targetId)); } var eventArgs = ['UPDATE', { task: item, options: options }]; BX.onCustomEvent(window, 'tasksTaskEvent', eventArgs); item.setOptions(options); item.render(); return true; }, /** * * @param {BX.Kanban.Item|string|number} item * @returns {boolean} */ hideItem: function(item) { item = this.getItem(item); if (!item || !item.isVisible()) { return false; } item.setOptions({ visible: false }); if (item.isCountable()) { item.getColumn().decrementTotal(); } item.getColumn().render(); return true; }, /** * * @param {BX.Kanban.Item|string|number} item * @returns {boolean} */ unhideItem: function(item) { item = this.getItem(item); if (!item || item.isVisible()) { return false; } item.setOptions({ visible: true }); if (item.isCountable()) { item.getColumn().incrementTotal(); } item.getColumn().render(); return true; }, /** * * @param {BX.Kanban.Column|string|number} column * @returns {BX.Kanban.Column} */ getColumn: function(column) { var columnId = column instanceof BX.Kanban.Column ? column.getId() : column; return this.columns[columnId] ? this.columns[columnId] : null; }, /** * * @returns {BX.Kanban.Column[]} */ getColumns: function() { return this.columnsOrder; }, /** * @returns {number} */ getColumnsCount: function() { return this.columnsOrder.length; }, /** * * @param column * @returns {number} */ getColumnIndex: function(column) { column = this.getColumn(column); return BX.util.array_search(column, this.getColumns()); }, /** * * @param {string|number} item * @returns {BX.Kanban.Item} */ getItem: function(item) { var itemId = item instanceof BX.Kanban.Item ? item.getId() : item; return this.items[itemId] ? this.items[itemId] : null; }, /** * * @param {Element} itemNode * @returns {BX.Kanban.Item|null} */ getItemByElement: function(itemNode) { if (BX.type.isDomNode(itemNode) && itemNode.dataset.id && itemNode.dataset.type === "item") { return this.getItem(itemNode.dataset.id); } return null; }, /** * * @returns {Object.<string, BX.Kanban.Item>} */ getItems: function() { return this.items; }, /** * * @param {string} [className] * @returns {BX.Kanban.Item} */ getItemType: function(className) { var classFn = BX.Kanban.Utils.getClass(className); if (BX.type.isFunction(classFn)) { return classFn; } return this.itemType || BX.Kanban.Item; }, /** * * @param {string} [className] * @returns {BX.Kanban.Column} */ getColumnType: function(className) { var classFn = BX.Kanban.Utils.getClass(className); if (BX.type.isFunction(classFn)) { return classFn; } return this.columnType || BX.Kanban.Column; }, /** * * @returns {BX.Kanban.DropZoneArea} */ getDropZoneArea: function() { return this.dropZoneArea; }, /** * * @returns {object} */ getData: function() { return this.data; }, setData: function(data) { if (BX.type.isPlainObject(data)) { this.data = data; } }, getBgColor: function() { return this.bgColor; }, getBgColorStyle: function() { return this.getBgColor() === "transparent" ? this.getBgColor() : "#" + this.getBgColor(); }, /** * * @returns {object} */ getOptions: function() { return this.options; }, /** * * @param {object} json * @param {BX.Kanban.Column[]} [json.columns] * @param {BX.Kanban.Item[]} [json.items] * @param {BX.Kanban.DropZone[]} [json.dropZones] */ loadData: function(json) { var needToDraw = this.isRendered(); this.setRenderStatus(false); var boolOptions = [ "canAddColumn", "canEditColumn", "canSortColumn", "canRemoveColumn", "canAddItem", "canSortItem" ]; boolOptions.forEach(function(boolOption) { if (BX.type.isBoolean(json[boolOption])) { this[boolOption] = json[boolOption]; } }, this); if (BX.type.isArray(json.columns)) { json.columns.forEach(function(column) { if (column && BX.Kanban.Utils.isValidId(column.id) && this.getColumn(column.id)) { this.updateColumn(column.id, column); } else { this.addColumn(column); } }, this); } if (BX.type.isArray(json.items)) { json.items.forEach(function(item) { if (item && BX.Kanban.Utils.isValidId(item.id) && this.getItem(item.id)) { this.updateItem(item.id, item); } else { this.addItem(item); } }, this); } if (BX.type.isArray(json.dropZones)) { json.dropZones.forEach(function(dropzone) { if (dropzone && BX.Kanban.Utils.isValidId(dropzone.id) && this.getDropZoneArea().getDropZone(dropzone.id)) { this.getDropZoneArea().updateDropZone(dropzone.id, dropzone); } else { this.getDropZoneArea().addDropZone(dropzone); } }, this); } if (needToDraw) { this.draw(); } }, /** * Draws Kanban on the page * */ draw: function() { var docFragment = document.createDocumentFragment(); var columns = this.getColumns(); for (var i = 0; i < columns.length; i++) { var column = columns[i]; docFragment.appendChild(column.render()); } BX.cleanNode(this.getGridContainer()); this.getGridContainer().appendChild(docFragment); this.getDropZoneArea().render(); if (!this.isRendered()) { this.renderLayout(); this.adjustLayout(); this.setRenderStatus(true); BX.onCustomEvent(this, "Kanban.Grid:onFirstRender", [this]); } else { this.adjustLayout(); } this.adjustEmptyStub(); BX.onCustomEvent(this, "Kanban.Grid:onRender", [this]); this.firstRenderComplete = true; }, renderLayout: function() { if (this.getOuterContainer().parentNode) { return; } var innerContainer = this.getInnerContainer(); innerContainer.appendChild(this.getEmptyStub()); innerContainer.appendChild(this.getLeftEar()); innerContainer.appendChild(this.getRightEar()); innerContainer.appendChild(this.getDropZoneArea().getContainer()); innerContainer.appendChild(this.getLoader()); innerContainer.appendChild(this.getGridContainer()); var outerContainer = this.getOuterContainer(); outerContainer.appendChild(innerContainer); this.renderTo.appendChild(this.getOuterContainer()); BX.bind(window, "resize", this.adjustLayout.bind(this)); BX.bind(window, "scroll", this.adjustHeight.bind(this)); }, isRendered: function() { return this.rendered; }, setRenderStatus: function(status) { if (BX.type.isBoolean(status)) { this.rendered = status; } }, /** * * @returns {Element} */ getLeftEar: function() { if (this.layout.earLeft) { return this.layout.earLeft; } this.layout.earLeft = BX.create("div", { attrs: { className: "main-kanban-ear-left" }, events: { mouseenter: this.scrollToLeft.bind(this), mouseleave: this.stopAutoScroll.bind(this) } }); return this.layout.earLeft; }, /** * * @returns {Element} */ getRightEar: function() { if (this.layout.earRight) { return this.layout.earRight; } this.layout.earRight = BX.create("div", { attrs: { className: "main-kanban-ear-right" }, events: { mouseenter: this.scrollToRight.bind(this), mouseleave: this.stopAutoScroll.bind(this) } }); return this.layout.earRight; }, /** * * @returns {Element} */ getRenderToContainer: function() { return this.renderTo; }, /** * * @returns {Element} */ getOuterContainer: function() { if (this.layout.outerContainer) { return this.layout.outerContainer; } this.layout.outerContainer = BX.create("div", { props: { className: "main-kanban" }, style: { backgroundColor: this.getBgColorStyle() } }); return this.layout.outerContainer; }, /** * * @returns {Element} */ getInnerContainer: function() { if (this.layout.innerContainer) { return this.layout.innerContainer; } this.layout.innerContainer = BX.create("div", { props: { className: "main-kanban-inner" }, style: { backgroundColor: this.getBgColorStyle() } }); return this.layout.innerContainer; }, /** * * @returns {Element} */ getGridContainer: function() { if (this.layout.gridContainer) { return this.layout.gridContainer; } this.layout.gridContainer = BX.create("div", { props: { className: "main-kanban-grid" }, events: { scroll: this.adjustEars.bind(this) } }); return this.layout.gridContainer; }, /** * * @returns {Element} */ getEmptyStub: function() { if (this.layout.emptyStub) { return this.layout.emptyStub; } this.layout.emptyStub = BX.create("div", { attrs: { className: "main-kanban-no-data" }, children: [ BX.create("div", { attrs: { className: "main-kanban-no-data-inner" }, children: [ BX.create("div", { attrs: { className: "main-kanban-no-data-image" } }), BX.create("div", { attrs: { className: "main-kanban-no-data-text" }, text: this.getMessage("NO_DATA") }) ] }) ] }); return this.layout.emptyStub; }, getLoader: function() { if (this.layout.loader) { return this.layout.loader; } this.layout.loader = BX.create("div", { props: { className: "main-kanban-loader-container" }, html: '<svg class="main-kanban-loader-circular" viewBox="25 25 50 50">' + '<circle class="main-kanban-loader-path" cx="50" cy="50" r="20" fill="none" stroke-miterlimit="10"/>' + '</svg>' }); return this.layout.loader; }, adjustLayout: function() { this.adjustWidth(); this.adjustHeight(); this.adjustEars(); }, adjustEars: function() { var grid = this.getGridContainer(); var scroll = grid.scrollLeft; var isLeftVisible = scroll > 0; var isRightVisible = grid.scrollWidth > (Math.round(scroll + grid.offsetWidth)); this.getOuterContainer().classList[isLeftVisible ? "add" : "remove"]("main-kanban-left-ear-shown"); this.getOuterContainer().classList[isRightVisible ? "add" : "remove"]("main-kanban-right-ear-shown"); }, adjustWidth: function() { this.getOuterContainer().style.width = this.renderTo.offsetWidth + "px"; }, adjustHeight: function() { var outerContainer = this.getOuterContainer(); var innerContainer = this.getInnerContainer(); if (outerContainer.getBoundingClientRect().top >= 15) //@see .main-kanban-fixed:top { var height = document.documentElement.clientHeight - innerContainer.getBoundingClientRect().top; innerContainer.style.height = height + "px"; if (innerContainer.classList.contains("main-kanban-fixed")) { BX.onCustomEvent(this, "Kanban.Grid:onFixedModeEnd", [this]); } outerContainer.style.minHeight = document.documentElement.clientHeight + "px"; innerContainer.style.removeProperty("top"); innerContainer.style.removeProperty("left"); innerContainer.style.removeProperty("width"); innerContainer.classList.remove("main-kanban-fixed"); } else { if (!innerContainer.classList.contains("main-kanban-fixed")) { BX.onCustomEvent(this, "Kanban.Grid:onFixedModeStart", [this]); } var rectArea = this.renderTo.getBoundingClientRect(); innerContainer.style.left = rectArea.left + "px"; innerContainer.style.width = rectArea.width + "px"; innerContainer.style.removeProperty("height"); innerContainer.classList.add("main-kanban-fixed"); } }, adjustEmptyStub: function() { var isVisible = true; var items = this.getItems(); for (var itemId in items) { var item = items[itemId]; if (item.isVisible()) { isVisible = false; break; } } this.getInnerContainer().classList[isVisible ? "add" : "remove"]("main-kanban-no-data-mode"); }, moveItem: function(item, targetColumn, beforeItem) { item = this.getItem(item); targetColumn = this.getColumn(targetColumn); beforeItem = this.getItem(beforeItem); if (!item || !targetColumn || item === beforeItem) { return false; } var currentColumn = item.getColumn(); currentColumn.removeItem(item); targetColumn.addItem(item, beforeItem); return true; }, /** * * @param {BX.Kanban.Column|string|number} column * @param {BX.Kanban.Column|string|number} [targetColumn] * @returns {boolean} */ moveColumn: function(column, targetColumn) { column = this.getColumn(column); targetColumn = this.getColumn(targetColumn); if (!column || column === targetColumn) { return false; } var columnIndex = BX.util.array_search(column, this.columnsOrder); this.columnsOrder.splice(columnIndex, 1); var targetIndex = BX.util.array_search(targetColumn, this.columnsOrder); if (targetIndex >= 0) { this.columnsOrder.splice(targetIndex, 0, column); if (this.isRendered()) { column.getContainer().parentNode.insertBefore(column.getContainer(), targetColumn.getContainer()); } } else { this.columnsOrder.push(column); if (this.isRendered()) { column.getContainer().parentNode.appendChild(column.getContainer()); } } return true; }, /** * * @returns {boolean} */ canAddColumns: function() { return this.canAddColumn; }, /** * * @returns {boolean} */ canEditColumns: function() { return this.canEditColumn; }, /** * * @returns {boolean} */ canSortColumns: function() { return this.canSortColumn; }, /** * * @returns {boolean} */ canRemoveColumns: function() { return this.canRemoveColumn; }, /** * * @returns {boolean} */ canAddItems: function() { return this.canAddItem; }, /** * * @returns {boolean} */ canSortItems: function() { return this.canSortItem; }, scrollToRight: function() { this.earTimer = setInterval(function() { this.getGridContainer().scrollLeft += 10; }.bind(this), 20) }, scrollToLeft: function() { this.earTimer = setInterval(function() { this.getGridContainer().scrollLeft -= 10; }.bind(this), 20) }, stopAutoScroll: function() { clearInterval(this.earTimer); //? jsDD.refreshDestArea(); }, /** * * @returns {BX.Kanban.DragMode} */ getDragMode: function() { return this.dragMode; }, getDragModeCode: function(mode) { for (var code in BX.Kanban.DragMode) { if (BX.Kanban.DragMode[code] === mode) { return code; } } return null; }, /** * * @param {BX.Kanban.DragMode} mode */ setDragMode: function(mode) { var code = this.getDragModeCode(mode); if (code !== null) { this.getOuterContainer().classList.add("main-kanban-drag-mode-" + code.toLowerCase()); this.dragMode = mode; } }, resetDragMode: function() { var code = this.getDragModeCode(this.getDragMode()); if (code !== null) { this.getOuterContainer().classList.remove("main-kanban-drag-mode-" + code.toLowerCase()); } this.dragMode = BX.Kanban.DragMode.NONE; }, onItemDragStart: function(item) { this.setDragMode(BX.Kanban.DragMode.ITEM); var items = this.getItems(); for (var itemId in items) { items[itemId].enableDropping(); } this.getColumns().forEach(function(/*BX.Kanban.Column*/column) { column.enableDropping(); }); this.getDropZoneArea().emptyAll(); this.getDropZoneArea().show(); }, onItemDragStop: function(item) { this.resetDragMode(); this.getDropZoneArea().hide(); //@see onItemDragEnd // var items = this.getItems(); // for (var itemId in items) // { // items[itemId].disableDropping(); // } // // this.getColumns().forEach(function(/*BX.Kanban.Column*/column) { // column.disableDropping(); // }); }, onColumnDragStart: function(column) { this.setDragMode(BX.Kanban.DragMode.COLUMN); }, onColumnDragStop: function(column) { this.resetDragMode(); }, /** * * @param {string} eventName * @param {array} eventArgs * @param {function} onFulfilled * @param {function} onRejected */ getEventPromise: function(eventName, eventArgs, onFulfilled, onRejected) { var promises = []; eventArgs = BX.type.isArray(eventArgs) ? eventArgs : []; BX.onCustomEvent(this, eventName, [promises].concat(eventArgs)); var promise = new BX.Promise(); var firstPromise = promise; for (var i = 0; i < promises.length; i++) { promise = promise.then(promises[i]); } promise.then( BX.type.isFunction(onFulfilled) ? onFulfilled : null, BX.type.isFunction(onRejected) ? onRejected : null ); return firstPromise; }, fadeOut: function() { this.getOuterContainer().classList.add("main-kanban-faded"); }, fadeIn: function() { this.getOuterContainer().classList.remove("main-kanban-faded"); }, getMessage: function(messageId) { return messageId in this.messages ? this.messages[messageId] : BX.message("MAIN_KANBAN_" + messageId); } }; BX.Kanban.DragEvent = function(options) { this.item = null; this.targetColumn = null; this.targetItem = null; this.action = true; }; BX.Kanban.DragEvent.prototype = { allowAction: function() { this.action = true; }, denyAction: function() { this.action = false; }, isActionAllowed: function() { return this.action; }, /** * * @param {BX.Kanban.Item} item */ setItem: function(item) { this.item = item; }, /** * * @returns {BX.Kanban.Item} */ getItem: function() { return this.item; }, /** * * @param {BX.Kanban.Item} item */ setTargetItem: function(item) { this.targetItem = item; }, /** * * @returns {BX.Kanban.Item} */ getTargetItem: function() { return this.targetItem; }, /** * * @param {BX.Kanban.Column} targetColumn */ setTargetColumn: function(targetColumn) { this.targetColumn = targetColumn; }, /** * * @returns {BX.Kanban.Column} */ getTargetColumn: function() { return this.targetColumn; } }; })();