Direktori : /home/bitrix/www/bitrix/js/mobileapp/ |
Current File : //home/bitrix/www/bitrix/js/mobileapp/mobile_webrtc.js |
var WebRTCPlugin = function () { /** * * @type {Window.BXCordovaPlugin} */ this.plugin = this.UI.plugin = new BXCordovaPlugin("MobileWebRTC"); this.CallBackExecute = function(){ this.plugin.CallBackExecute.apply(this.plugin, arguments); } }; WebRTCPlugin.prototype = { UI: { state: { "OUTGOING_CALL": "outgoing_call", "INCOMING_CALL": "incoming_call", "CONVERSATION": "conversation", "FAIL_CALL": "fail_call" }, exec: function (func, params) { console.log(this); this.plugin.exec(func, params); }, show: function (state, options) { var params = options || {}; params.state = state; return this.exec("showUi", params); }, close: function (params) { return this.plugin.exec("closeUi", params); }, showLocalVideo: function (params) { return this.plugin.exec("showLocalVideo", params); } }, createPeerConnection: function (params) { return this.plugin.exec("createPeerConnection", params); }, createOffer: function (params) { return this.plugin.exec("createOffer", params); }, createAnswer: function (params) { return this.plugin.exec("createAnswer", params); }, addIceCandidates:function (params) { return this.plugin.exec("addIceCandidates", params); }, setRemoteDescription:function (params) { return this.plugin.exec("setRemoteDescription", params); }, getUserMedia:function (params) { return this.plugin.exec("getUserMedia", params); }, onReconnect:function (params) { return this.plugin.exec("onReconnect", params); }, setEventListeners:function (params) { return this.plugin.exec("setEventListeners", params); } }; window.webrtc = webrtc = new WebRTCPlugin(); MobileWebrtc = function () { this.siteDir = (typeof mobileSiteDir == "undefined" ? "/" : mobileSiteDir); this.signalingLink = this.siteDir + 'mobile/ajax.php?mobile_action=calls&'; this.initiator = false; this.callUserId = 0; this.debug = false; this.eventTimeRange = 30; this.incomingCallTimeOut = 2; this.delayedIncomingCall = {}; this.incomingCallTimeOutId = null; this.callBackUserId = 0; this.callChatId = 0; this.callToGroup = false; this.waitTimeout = false; this.callGroupUsers = []; this.callInit = false; this.callActive = false; this.ready = false; this.pcStart = {}; this.connected = {}; this.sessionDescription = {}; this.remoteSessionDescription = {}; this.iceCandidates = []; this.iceCandidatesToSend = []; this.iceCandidateTimeout = 0; this.peerConnectionInited = false; this.utcOffest = BX.localStorage.get("bxUTCOffset"); if (this.utcOffest == null) { this.utcOffest = 0; BX.ajax({ url: this.siteDir + "mobile/?mobile_action=service&service_id=server_utc", method: 'GET', dataType: 'json', timeout: 30, async: true, onsuccess: BX.proxy(function (json) { if (json) { var localUtcTimeStamp = Math.round((new Date).getTime() / 1000); this.utcOffest = json.server_utc_time - localUtcTimeStamp; BX.localStorage.set("bxUTCOffset", this.utcOffest, 43200); } }, this), onfailure: BX.proxy(function () { }, this) }); } webrtc.setEventListeners( { //UI callbacks "onAnswer": BX.proxy(this.onAnswer, this), "onDecline": BX.proxy(this.onDecline, this), "onCallback": BX.proxy(this.onCallback, this), "onClose": BX.proxy(this.onClose, this), //WebRTC callbacks "onUserMediaSuccess": BX.proxy(this.onUserMediaSuccess, this), "onDisconnect": BX.proxy(this.onDisconnect, this), "onPeerConnectionCreated": BX.proxy(this.onPeerConnectionCreated, this), "onIceCandidateDiscovered": BX.proxy(this.onIceCandidateDiscovered, this), "onLocalSessionDescriptionCreated": BX.proxy(this.onLocalSessionDescriptionCreated, this), "onIceConnectionStateChanged": BX.proxy(this.onIceConnectionStateChanged, this), "onIceGatheringStateChanged": BX.proxy(this.onIceGatheringStateChanged, this), "onSignalingStateChanged": BX.proxy(this.onSignalingStateChanged, this), "onError": BX.proxy(this.onError, this) } ); }; MobileWebrtc.prototype.attachListeners = function () { webrtc.setEventListeners( { //UI callbacks "onAnswer": BX.proxy(this.onAnswer, this), "onDecline": BX.proxy(this.onDecline, this), "onCallback": BX.proxy(this.onCallback, this), "onClose": BX.proxy(this.onClose, this), //WebRTC callbacks "onUserMediaSuccess": BX.proxy(this.onUserMediaSuccess, this), "onDisconnect": BX.proxy(this.onDisconnect, this), "onPeerConnectionCreated": BX.proxy(this.onPeerConnectionCreated, this), "onIceCandidateDiscovered": BX.proxy(this.onIceCandidateDiscovered, this), "onLocalSessionDescriptionCreated": BX.proxy(this.onLocalSessionDescriptionCreated, this), "onIceConnectionStateChanged": BX.proxy(this.onIceConnectionStateChanged, this), "onIceGatheringStateChanged": BX.proxy(this.onIceGatheringStateChanged, this), "onSignalingStateChanged": BX.proxy(this.onSignalingStateChanged, this), "onError": BX.proxy(this.onError, this) } ); }; /** * Returns identifier of the current user */ MobileWebrtc.prototype.getUserId = function () { return BX.message('USER_ID'); }; /** * Invites user * @param userId * @param video * @param repeat */ MobileWebrtc.prototype.callInvite = function (userId, video, repeat) { if (userId == this.getUserId() || this.callInit) return; if (this.delayedIncomingCall.chatId && this.delayedIncomingCall.senderId == userId) { this.clearDelayedCallData(); } var callVideo = !(typeof video != "undefined" && video === false); var isRepeatCall = (repeat === true); this.callInit = true; this.video = callVideo; this.initiator = true; this.isConversationUIReady = false; this.ajaxCall("CALL_INVITE", { 'COMMAND': 'invite', 'CHAT_ID': userId, 'CHAT': 'N', 'VIDEO': (callVideo ? "Y" : "N") }, BX.delegate(function (params) { if (params.ERROR) { if (isRepeatCall) { this.resetState(); this.callInit = false; this.finishDialog(); } else if (params.ERROR == "SESSION_ERROR") { BX.message.bitrix_sessid = params.BITRIX_SESSID; this.callInit = false; this.callInvite(userId, video, true); } else if (params.ERROR == 'AUTHORIZE_ERROR') { app.BasicAuth({ success: BX.delegate(function () { this.callInit = false; this.callInvite(userId, video, true); }, this) }); } return; } this.isConversationUIReady = true; this.initiator = true; this.callChatId = params.CHAT_ID; this.callToGroup = params.CALL_TO_GROUP; this.callUserId = userId; this.attachListeners(); webrtc.UI.show( webrtc.UI.state.OUTGOING_CALL, { "data": params, "video": callVideo, "recipient": { "avatar": params["HR_PHOTO"][this.callUserId], "name": params["USERS"][this.callUserId]["name"] }, "caller": { "avatar": params["HR_PHOTO"][this.getUserId()], "name": params["USERS"][this.getUserId()]["name"] } } ); BX.onCustomEvent("onMobileRTCReadyToConversation"); }, this), BX.delegate(function (params) { //TODO error handling this.resetState(); this.callInit = false; this.finishDialog(); }, this) ); }; /** * Shows incoming call screen * @param params */ MobileWebrtc.prototype.showIncomingCall = function (params) { this.callChatId = params.chatId; this.callToGroup = false; this.callUserId = params.senderId; this.initiator = false; this.callInit = true; this.callCommand(this.callChatId, 'wait'); this.attachListeners(); webrtc.UI.show( webrtc.UI.state.INCOMING_CALL, { "data": params, "video": params.video, "caller": { "name": params["users"][params.senderId]["name"], "avatar": params["hrphoto"][params.senderId] } } ); }; /** * Clears data for delayed incoming call */ MobileWebrtc.prototype.clearDelayedCallData = function () { clearTimeout(this.incomingCallTimeOutId); this.incomingCallTimeOutId = null; this.delayedIncomingCall = {}; }; /** * Resets all variables, connection data and states */ MobileWebrtc.prototype.resetState = function () { this.connected = {}; this.initiator = false; this.callInit = false; this.video = false; this.callActive = false; this.callChatId = 0; this.callUserId = 0; this.isMobile = false; this.peerConnectionInited = false; this.iceCandidates = []; this.iceCandidatesToSend = []; this.isConversationUIReady = false; }; /** * Signaling * Sends signals to user with passed commands and params * @param userID * @param params */ MobileWebrtc.prototype.callSignaling = function (userID, params) { this.ajaxCall("CALL_SIGNALING", { 'COMMAND': 'signaling', 'CHAT_ID': this.callChatId, 'RECIPIENT_ID': userID, 'PEER': JSON.stringify(params) }); }; /** * Send command to chat with chatId * * Available commands and them meaning: * <pre> * busy - you are already have the conversation with someone and can't pick up the phone * busy_self - informs the partner that you already have the conversation with him * ready - informs the partner you have front camera and microphone, local video stream is created and you are ready for the peerdata exchange * wait - informs the partner to keep waiting for the answer for the 30 seconds * decline - informs the partner that you've declined his incoming call or hung up while the call was active * </pre> * @param chatId * @param command * @param params * @param async */ MobileWebrtc.prototype.callCommand = function (chatId, command, params, async) { chatId = parseInt(chatId); params = typeof(params) == 'object' ? params : {}; if (chatId > 0) { this.ajaxCall( "CALL_SHARED", {'COMMAND': command, 'CHAT_ID': chatId, 'RECIPIENT_ID': this.callUserId, 'PARAMS': JSON.stringify(params)} ); } }; /** * Finishes the conversation with closing UI */ MobileWebrtc.prototype.finishDialog = function () { webrtc.UI.close(); }; /** * Handles peer data signals * * @param userId * @param peerData */ MobileWebrtc.prototype.signalingPeerData = function (userId, peerData) { var signal = JSON.parse(peerData); if (signal.type === 'offer') { this.remoteSessionDescription = signal["sdp"]; webrtc.createPeerConnection(); } else if (signal.type === 'answer') { webrtc.setRemoteDescription(signal); } else if (signal.type === 'candidate') { if (this.peerConnectionInited) { webrtc.addIceCandidates(signal.candidates); } else { for (var i = 0; i < signal.candidates.length; i++) this.iceCandidates.push(signal.candidates[i]); } } }; /** * @param reqParam - request param for the ajax request * @param reqData - post data * @param onfailure - failure callback function * @param onsuccess - success callback function */ MobileWebrtc.prototype.ajaxCall = function (reqParam, reqData, onsuccess, onfailure) { var data = reqData; data["MOBILE"] = "Y"; data["IS_MOBILE"] = "Y"; data["IM_CALL"] = "Y"; data["IM_AJAX_CALL"] = "Y"; data["sessid"] = BX.bitrix_sessid(); BX.ajax({ url: this.signalingLink + reqParam, method: 'POST', dataType: 'json', timeout: 30, async: true, data: data, onsuccess: onsuccess, onfailure: onfailure }); }; /** * Returns absolute diff between incoming date (in UTC) and local date * @returns {number} */ MobileWebrtc.prototype.getUTCOffset = function () { return this.utcOffest * 1000; }; MobileWebrtc.prototype.getTimeDiff = function (utcDate) { var localTimestamp = (new Date).getTime() + this.getUTCOffset(); var incomingTimestamp = Date.parse(utcDate); return Math.abs((localTimestamp - incomingTimestamp) / 1000); }; MobileWebrtc.prototype.timesUp = function (utcDate) { return ((Math.abs((new Date).getTime() + this.getUTCOffset() - utcDate) / 1000) >= this.eventTimeRange); }; MobileWebrtc.prototype.onDecline = function (params) { this.callCommand(this.callChatId, 'decline', { "ACTIVE": (this.callActive) ? "Y" : "N", "INITIATOR": (this.initiator) ? "Y" : "N" }); this.resetState(); }; MobileWebrtc.prototype.onAnswer = function (params) { webrtc.UI.show( webrtc.UI.state.CONVERSATION ); webrtc.getUserMedia({video: params.video}); this.waitTimeout = false; this.callToGroup = false; this.callChatId = params.chatId; this.callUserId = params.senderId; this.callActive = true; this.initiator = false; this.ajaxCall( "CALL_ANSWER", { 'COMMAND': 'answer', 'CHAT_ID': this.callChatId, 'CALL_TO_GROUP': this.callToGroup ? 'Y' : 'N', 'RECIPIENT_ID': this.callUserId } ); }; MobileWebrtc.prototype.onCallback = function () { if (this.callBackUserId > 0) this.callInvite(this.callBackUserId); }; MobileWebrtc.prototype.onClose = function () { this.callBackUserId = 0; this.resetState(); }; MobileWebrtc.prototype.onDisconnect = function () { this.peerConnectionInited = false; //send reconnect }; MobileWebrtc.prototype.onIceCandidateDiscovered = function (params) { this.iceCandidatesToSend.push({ type: 'candidate', label: params.candidate.sdpMLineIndex, id: params.candidate.sdpMid, candidate: params.candidate.candidate }); clearTimeout(this.iceCandidateTimeout); this.iceCandidateTimeout = setTimeout(BX.delegate(function () { if (this.iceCandidatesToSend.length === 0) return false; this.onIceCandidate(this.callUserId, {'type': 'candidate', 'candidates': this.iceCandidatesToSend}); this.iceCandidatesToSend = []; }, this), 250); }; MobileWebrtc.prototype.onPeerConnectionCreated = function () { this.peerConnectionInited = true; if (this.initiator) { webrtc.createOffer(); } else { webrtc.createAnswer({ "sdp": this.remoteSessionDescription }); } }; MobileWebrtc.prototype.onIceCandidate = function (userID, candidates) { this.callSignaling(userID, candidates); }; MobileWebrtc.prototype.onIceConnectionStateChanged = function (params) { //TODO to do something }; MobileWebrtc.prototype.onIceGatheringStateChanged = function (params) { //TODO to do something }; MobileWebrtc.prototype.onSignalingStateChanged = function (params) { //TODO to do something }; MobileWebrtc.prototype.onLocalSessionDescriptionCreated = function (params) { this.sessionDescription = params; if (this.iceCandidates.length > 0) { webrtc.addIceCandidates(this.iceCandidates); this.iceCandidates = []; } this.callSignaling(this.callUserId, this.sessionDescription); }; MobileWebrtc.prototype.onUserMediaSuccess = function (params) { webrtc.UI.showLocalVideo(); this.connected[this.getUserId()] = true; this.callCommand(this.callChatId, "ready"); if (this.connected[this.callUserId] && this.initiator) { webrtc.createPeerConnection(); } }; MobileWebrtc.prototype.onError = function (errorData) { //TODO handle error this.resetState(); }; window.mwebrtc = new MobileWebrtc(); BX.addCustomEvent("onPullEvent-im", BX.proxy(function (command, params) { /** * If the call ringing was started 30 sec ago * it too late to pick up the phone * @type {boolean} */ var isTooLate = this.getTimeDiff(params.SERVER_TIME) >= this.eventTimeRange; if (command == 'call') { if (params.command == 'ready') { this.connected[params.senderId] = true; if (this.connected[this.getUserId()] && this.initiator == true) { webrtc.createPeerConnection(); } } else if (params.command == 'decline' || params.command == 'end_call') { if (this.callInit) { if (this.callChatId == params.chatId) { if (this.initiator && !this.connected[this.callUserId]) { this.callBackUserId = this.callUserId; webrtc.UI.show( webrtc.UI.state.FAIL_CALL, { 'message': BX.message("MOBILEAPP_CALL_DECLINE") } ); } else { webrtc.UI.close(); } this.resetState() } } else if (this.delayedIncomingCall.chatId == params.chatId) { this.clearDelayedCallData(); } } else if (params.command == 'end_call') { if ((this.delayedIncomingCall.chatId && this.delayedIncomingCall.chatId == params.chatId)) { if (this.delayedIncomingCall.chatId == params.chatId) { clearTimeout(this.incomingCallTimeOutId); this.incomingCallTimeOutId = null; this.delayedIncomingCall = {}; } } } else if (params.command == 'waitTimeout') { if (this.callChatId == params.chatId) { this.resetState(); this.finishDialog(); } } else if (!isTooLate && (params.command == 'invite' || params.command == 'invite_join')) { if(params.callToGroup) { console.log("Call to group"); return; } if (!this.callInit) { if (this.incomingCallTimeOutId == null) { this.delayedIncomingCall = params; this.incomingCallTimeOutId = setTimeout(BX.proxy(function () { this.showIncomingCall(this.delayedIncomingCall); this.delayedIncomingCall = {}; this.incomingCallTimeOutId = null; }, this), this.incomingCallTimeOut * 1000); } } else if (params.command == 'invite') { if (this.callChatId == params.chatId) { this.callCommand(params.chatId, 'busy_self'); } else { this.ajaxCall("CALL_BUSY", { 'COMMAND': 'busy', 'CHAT_ID': params.chatId, 'RECIPIENT_ID': params.senderId, 'VIDEO': params.video ? 'Y' : 'N' }); } } else if (this.initiator && this.callChatId == params.chatId && !this.callActive) { this.onAnswer(params); } } else if (params.command == 'answer' && this.initiator == true) { if (!this.isConversationUIReady) { var handler = function () { BX.onCustomEvent("onPullEvent-im", [command, params]); BX.removeCustomEvent("onMobileRTCReadyToConversation", handler); }; BX.addCustomEvent("onMobileRTCReadyToConversation", handler); return; } if (this.callInit) { this.initiator = true; this.callActive = true; webrtc.UI.show( webrtc.UI.state.CONVERSATION ); if (typeof params.video == "undefined") { params.video = this.video; } webrtc.getUserMedia({video: params.video}); } } else if (params.command == 'decline_self' && this.callChatId == params.chatId || params.command == 'answer_self' && !this.callActive) { if (this.delayedIncomingCall.chatId == params.chatId) { this.clearDelayedCallData(); } this.resetState(); this.finishDialog(); } else if (this.callInit && this.callChatId == params.chatId) { if (params.command == 'signaling' && this.connected[this.getUserId()]) { if (this.callInit && this.callChatId == params.chatId) this.signalingPeerData(params.senderId, params.peer); } else if (params.command == 'busy') { if (this.callInit && this.callChatId == params.chatId) { this.callBackUserId = this.callUserId; webrtc.UI.show( webrtc.UI.state.FAIL_CALL, { 'message': BX.message("MOBILEAPP_CALL_BUSY") } ); this.resetState(); } } else if (params.command == 'errorAccess') { if (this.callInit && this.callChatId == params.chatId) { this.callBackUserId = this.callUserId; webrtc.UI.show( webrtc.UI.state.FAIL_CALL, { 'message': BX.message('MOBILEAPP_CALL_NO_ACCESS') } ); this.callInit = false; } } else if (params.command == 'reconnect') { this.initiator = false; webrtc.onReconnect(); } } } }, mwebrtc));