Direktori : /home/bitrix/www/bitrix/js/report/ |
Current File : //home/bitrix/www/bitrix/js/report/construct.js |
var GLOBAL_BX_REPORT_USING_CHARTS = false; // <editor-fold defaultstate="collapsed" desc="period"> function OnTaskIntervalChange(select) { var dateInterval = BX.findNextSibling(select, { "tag": "span", 'className': "filter-date-interval" }); var dayInterval = BX.findNextSibling(select, { "tag": "span", 'className': "filter-day-interval" }); BX.removeClass(dateInterval, "filter-date-interval-after filter-date-interval-before"); BX.removeClass(dayInterval, "filter-day-interval-selected"); if (select.value == "interval") BX.addClass(dateInterval, "filter-date-interval-after filter-date-interval-before"); else if(select.value == "before") BX.addClass(dateInterval, "filter-date-interval-before"); else if(select.value == "after") BX.addClass(dateInterval, "filter-date-interval-after"); else if(select.value == "days") BX.addClass(dayInterval, "filter-day-interval-selected"); } function initIntervalFilter() { BX.ready(function() { BX.prompt = function (input, defaultStr) { BX.bind(input, 'focus', function() { if (input.value == defaultStr) { input.value = ''; input.style.color = '#000000'; } }); BX.bind(input, 'blur', function() { if (input.value == '') { input.value = defaultStr; input.style.color = '#999999'; } }); BX.fireEvent(input, 'blur'); }; BX.prompt(BX('reports-new-title'), BX.message('REPORT_DEFAULT_TITLE')); BX.bind(BX("filter-date-interval-calendar-from"), "click", function(e) { if (!e) e = window.event; var curDate = new Date(); var curTimestamp = Math.round(curDate / 1000) - curDate.getTimezoneOffset()*60; BX.calendar({ node: this, field: BX('REPORT_INTERVAL_F_DATE_FROM'), bTime: false }); BX.PreventDefault(e); }); BX.bind(BX("filter-date-interval-calendar-to"), "click", function(e) { if (!e) e = window.event; var curDate = new Date(); var curTimestamp = Math.round(curDate / 1000) - curDate.getTimezoneOffset()*60; BX.calendar({ node: this, field: BX('REPORT_INTERVAL_F_DATE_TO'), bTime: false }); BX.PreventDefault(e); }); OnTaskIntervalChange(BX('task-interval-filter')); }); } // </editor-fold> // <editor-fold defaultstate="collapsed" desc="select"> function show_add_filcol_popup (_this, contentElem){ var self = _this; if (_this == null) { self = this; } var unique = Math.random(); var popup = BX.PopupWindowManager.create('reports-add_col-popup'+unique, self, { content : contentElem, offsetTop : 2, closeIcon : {/* right: "14px", top: "1px" */}, offsetLeft : -7 }); popup.show(); var reports_popup_nodes = BX.findChildren(contentElem,{tagName:'span', className:'reports-add-popup-arrow'}, true) if(reports_popup_nodes) { for(var i=0; i<reports_popup_nodes.length; i++) { BX.bind(reports_popup_nodes[i].parentNode, 'click', open_close) } } } var LAST_FILCOL_CALLED = null; function show_add_col_popup (_this, contentElem){ var self = _this, i; if (_this == null) { self = this; } var unique = Math.random(); var popup = BX.PopupWindowManager.create('reports-add_col-popup'+unique, self, { content : contentElem, offsetTop : 2, closeIcon : {/* right: "14px", top: "1px" */}, offsetLeft : -7, buttons : [ new BX.PopupWindowButton({ text : BX.message('REPORT_ADD'), className : "popup-window-button-accept", events : { click : function() { var fields = BX.findChildren( contentElem, {tag:'input', attr: {type:'checkbox'}, property: 'checked'}, true ); for (var i in fields) { if (!fields.hasOwnProperty(i)) continue; var ch = fields[i]; // add to list addSelectColumn(ch); // clear //BX.fireEvent(ch, 'click'); ch.checked = false; BX.toggleClass(ch.parentNode.parentNode, 'reports-add-popup-checked'); } this.popupWindow.close(BX.MSLEFT); } } }), new BX.PopupWindowButtonLink({ text : BX.message('REPORT_CANCEL'), className : "popup-window-button-link-cancel", events : { click : function() { var fields = BX.findChildren( contentElem, {tag:'input', attr: {type:'checkbox'}, property: 'checked'}, true ); for (var i in fields) { if (!fields.hasOwnProperty(i)) continue; var ch = fields[i]; // clear //BX.fireEvent(ch, 'click'); ch.checked = false; BX.toggleClass(ch.parentNode.parentNode, 'reports-add-popup-checked'); } this.popupWindow.close(); } } }) ] }); popup.show(); var checkboxesItem = BX.findChildren(contentElem,{tagName:'span', className:'reports-add-popup-checkbox-block'}, true); for(i=0; i<checkboxesItem.length; i++){ BX.bind(checkboxesItem[i].parentNode, 'click', check_uncheck) } var reports_popup_nodes = BX.findChildren(contentElem,{tagName:'span', className:'reports-add-popup-arrow'}, true) if (reports_popup_nodes) { for(i=0; i<reports_popup_nodes.length; i++) { BX.bind(reports_popup_nodes[i].parentNode, 'click', open_close) } } } function check_uncheck(){ var check_box = BX.findChild(this, {tagName:'input', className:'reports-add-popup-checkbox'}, true, false); if(!BX.hasClass(this, 'reports-add-popup-checked') && check_box.checked){ check_box.checked=true; BX.toggleClass(this, 'reports-add-popup-checked'); return false; } BX.toggleClass(this, 'reports-add-popup-checked'); check_box.checked=BX.toggle(check_box.checked,[true, false]) } function open_close(){ BX.toggleClass(this, 'reports-add-popup-arrow-open'); var nextDiv = BX.findNextSibling(this, {tagName : "div"} ); if (BX.hasClass(nextDiv, "reports-add-popup-it-children")) BX.toggleClass(nextDiv, "reports-child-opened"); } function addSelectColumn(checkBox, calc, alias, num, grouping, grouping_subtotal) { if(!checkBox) { return; } var COLUMN_NUM; if (num != null) { COLUMN_NUM = num; if (num > GLOBAL_REPORT_SELECT_COLUMN_COUNT) { GLOBAL_REPORT_SELECT_COLUMN_COUNT = num; } } else { COLUMN_NUM = GLOBAL_REPORT_SELECT_COLUMN_COUNT; } var newCol = BX.clone(BX('reports-forming-column-example'), true); var colContainer = BX('reports-add-columns-block'); var beforeElem = BX('reports-add-column-block'); // remove example stuff newCol.style.display = ''; newCol.setAttribute('id', ''); BX.addClass(newCol, 'reports-forming-column'); // set Title var titleElem = BX.findChild(newCol, {className:'reports-add-col-tit-text'}, true); titleElem.innerHTML = BX.util.htmlspecialchars(checkBox.title); if (parseInt(checkBox.getAttribute('isUF')) === 1) BX.addClass(titleElem, 'uf'); var elem; // set hidden column name elem = BX.findChild(newCol, {attr: {name:'report_select_columns[%s][name]'}}, true); elem.name = elem.name.replace('%s', COLUMN_NUM); elem.value = checkBox.name; elem.title = checkBox.title; // set alias input name elem = BX.findChild(newCol, {attr: {name:'report_select_columns[%s][alias]'}}, true); elem.name = elem.name.replace('%s', COLUMN_NUM); if (alias && alias.length > 0) { // prefill elem.value = alias; elem.parentNode.style.display = 'inline-block'; } // add calc select var isMultiple = (parseInt(checkBox.getAttribute('isMultiple')) === 1); if (isMultiple) { elem = BX.create('SELECT'); } else { elem = BX.clone( BX('report-select-calc-'+ checkBox.name) || BX('report-select-calc-'+ checkBox.getAttribute('fieldType')), true ); } elem.id = ''; elem.name = 'report_select_columns['+COLUMN_NUM+'][calc]'; BX.addClass(elem, 'reports-add-col-select'); BX.addClass(elem, 'reports-add-col-select-calc'); var elemParent, elemSibling; elemParent = BX.findChild(newCol, {className:'reports-add-col-title'}); elemSibling = BX.findChild(elemParent, {className:'reports-add-col-input'}); if (calc > '') { // prefill BX.findChild(newCol, {tag:'input', attr:{type:'checkbox'}}, true).checked = true; elem.style.display = 'inline-block'; elem.disabled = false; setSelectValue(elem, calc); } elemParent.insertBefore(elem, elemSibling); if (elem.options.length < 1) { // disable checkbox BX.findChild(newCol, {tag:'input', attr:{type:'checkbox'}}, true).disabled = true; } // set grouping checkbox name var groupingCheckbox = BX.findChild( BX.findChild(newCol, {tag: 'span', 'className': 'reports-grouping-checkbox'}), {tag: 'input', attr: {type: 'checkbox'}} ); if (groupingCheckbox) { groupingCheckbox.name = 'report_select_columns['+COLUMN_NUM+'][grouping]'; if (!!grouping) { groupingCheckbox.checked = true; GLOBAL_REPORT_GROUPING_COLUMNS_COUNT++; } } // set grouping subtotal checkbox name var groupingSubtotalCheckbox = BX.findChild( BX.findChild(newCol, {tag: 'span', 'className': 'reports-grouping-subtotal-checkbox'}), {tag: 'input', attr: {type: 'checkbox'}} ); if (groupingSubtotalCheckbox) { groupingSubtotalCheckbox.name = 'report_select_columns['+COLUMN_NUM+'][grouping_subtotal]'; if (!!grouping_subtotal) groupingSubtotalCheckbox.checked = true; } // add % controls var prcntSel = BX.clone(BX.findChild(BX('report-select-prcnt-examples'), {className:'reports-add-col-select-prcnt'})); var prcntbySel = BX.clone(BX.findChild(BX('report-select-prcnt-examples'), {className:'reports-add-col-select-prcnt-by'})); prcntSel.name = 'report_select_columns['+COLUMN_NUM+'][prcnt]'; prcntbySel.name = 'report_select_columns['+COLUMN_NUM+'][prcnt]'; elemParent = BX.findChild(newCol, {className:'reports-add-col-title'}); elemSibling = BX.findChild(elemParent, {className:'reports-add-col-input'}); elemParent.insertBefore(prcntSel, elemSibling); elemParent.insertBefore(prcntbySel, elemSibling); BX.bind(prcntSel, "change", function(e) { var parent = this.parentNode; var prcntbySel = BX.findChild(parent, {className:'reports-add-col-select-prcnt-by'}); if (this.value == 'self_column') { prcntbySel.disabled = true; prcntbySel.style.display = 'none'; } else { prcntbySel.disabled = false; prcntbySel.style.display = 'inline-block'; } rebuildPercentView(); rebuildSortSelect(); }); BX.bind(prcntbySel, "change", function(e) { rebuildSortSelect(); }); // add Events // UP button BX.bind(BX.findChild(newCol, {className:"reports-add-col-button-up"}, true), "click", function(e) { var colContainer = this.parentNode.parentNode.parentNode; var colCollection = BX.findChildren(colContainer, {className:'reports-forming-column'}); var butContainer = this.parentNode.parentNode; var prevContainer = null; for (var i in colCollection) { if (!colCollection.hasOwnProperty(i)) continue; if (colCollection[i] == butContainer) { var movingContainer = colCollection[i]; if (prevContainer != null) { colContainer.insertBefore(movingContainer, prevContainer); } } prevContainer = colCollection[i]; } rebuildPercentView(); rebuildSortSelect(); }); // DOWN button BX.bind(BX.findChild(newCol, {className:"reports-add-col-button-down"}, true), "click", function(e) { var butContainer = this.parentNode.parentNode; var nextContainer = BX.findNextSibling(butContainer, {className: butContainer.getAttribute('class')}); if (nextContainer) { BX.fireEvent(BX.findChild(nextContainer, {className: 'reports-add-col-button-up'}, true), 'click'); } rebuildPercentView(); rebuildSortSelect(); return false; }); // % button BX.bind(BX.findChild(newCol, {className:"reports-add-col-tit-prcnt"}, true), "click", function(e) { // reports-add-col-select-prcnt, reports-add-col-select-prcnt-by var isOpen = BX.hasClass(this, 'reports-add-col-tit-prcnt-close'); var prcntSel = BX.findChild(newCol, {className:'reports-add-col-select-prcnt'}, true); var prcntbySel = BX.findChild(newCol, {className:'reports-add-col-select-prcnt-by'}, true); if (isOpen) { disablePrcntView(newCol); } else { if (isColumnPercentable(newCol)) { prcntSel.style.display = 'inline-block'; prcntSel.disabled = false; BX.addClass(this, 'reports-add-col-tit-prcnt-close'); BX.removeClass(this, 'reports-add-col-tit-prcnt'); if (prcntSel.value != 'self_column') { prcntbySel.style.display = 'inline-block'; prcntbySel.disabled = false; } rebuildPercentView(true); } else { // percent view is not available for this column alert(BX.message('REPORT_PRCNT_VIEW_IS_NOT_AVAILABLE')); } } rebuildSortSelect(); return false; }); // remove column buttons BX.bind(BX.findChild(newCol, {className:"reports-add-col-tit-remove"}, true), "click", function(e) { var butContainer = this.parentNode.parentNode; var groupingCheckbox = BX.findChild( BX.findChild(newCol, {tag: 'span', 'className': 'reports-grouping-checkbox'}), {tag: 'input', attr: {type: 'checkbox'}} ); BX.remove(butContainer); rebuildPercentView(); rebuildSortSelect(); if (groupingCheckbox) { if (groupingCheckbox.checked) { if (--GLOBAL_REPORT_GROUPING_COLUMNS_COUNT === 0) enableReportLimit(true); } } return false; }); // edit column name buttons BX.bind(BX.findChild(newCol, {className:"reports-add-col-tit-edit"}, true), "click", function(e) { var butContainer = this.parentNode.parentNode; var aliasInput = BX.findChild(butContainer, {tag:'input', attr:{type:'text'}}, true); aliasInput.parentNode.style.display = 'inline-block'; BX.focus(aliasInput); return false; }); // edit column name inputs BX.bind(BX.findChild(newCol, {tag:'input', attr:{type:'text'}}, true), 'blur', hideAliasInput); BX.bind(BX.findChild(newCol, {tag:'input', attr:{type:'text'}}, true), 'change', hideAliasInput); // calculating checkbox var calcCheckBoxContainer = BX.findChild(newCol, {tag:'span', 'className':'reports-add-col-checkbox'}, true); BX.bind(BX.findChild(calcCheckBoxContainer, {tag:'input', attr:{type:'checkbox'}}, true), 'click', function(e){ var butContainer = this.parentNode.parentNode; var calcSelect = BX.findChild(butContainer, {className:'reports-add-col-select-calc'}, true); calcSelect.style.display = this.checked ? 'inline-block' : 'none'; calcSelect.disabled = this.checked ? false : true; rebuildPercentView(); rebuildSortSelect(); }); // calculating functions select BX.bind(BX.findChild(newCol, {className:'reports-add-col-select-calc'}, true), 'change', function(e){ rebuildPercentView(); rebuildSortSelect(); }); // grouping checkbox if (groupingCheckbox) { BX.bind(groupingCheckbox, 'click', function(e){ if (groupingCheckbox.checked) { if (++GLOBAL_REPORT_GROUPING_COLUMNS_COUNT === 1) enableReportLimit(false); } else { if (--GLOBAL_REPORT_GROUPING_COLUMNS_COUNT === 0) enableReportLimit(true); } }); } // action colContainer.insertBefore(newCol, beforeElem); // postAction rebuildPercentView(); rebuildSortSelect(); GLOBAL_REPORT_SELECT_COLUMN_COUNT++; } function hideAliasInput(e) { if (BX.util.trim(this.value) == '') { this.value = ''; BX.hide(this.parentNode); } rebuildPercentView(); rebuildSortSelect(); } function rebuildSortSelect() { var sortSelect = BX('reports-sort-select'); var previousSort = sortSelect.value; var chartSelects = null, i; var valueTypes = []; var chartSelectPrevValues = []; while (sortSelect.options.length > 0) { sortSelect.remove(0); } if (GLOBAL_BX_REPORT_USING_CHARTS) { var chartSelectsContainer = BX('report-chart-config'); valueTypes = chartGetYColTypes(); if (chartSelectsContainer) { chartSelects = BX.findChildren( chartSelectsContainer, {tag: 'select', 'className': 'report-chart-select-col'}, true ); for (i in chartSelects) { if (chartSelects.hasOwnProperty(i)) { chartSelectPrevValues[i] = chartSelects[i].value; while (chartSelects[i].options.length > 0) chartSelects[i].remove(0); } } } } // collect new values var newValues = []; var columnList = BX.findChildren(BX('reports-add-columns-block'), {tag:'input', attr:{type:'hidden'}}, true); var yColumnIndex = 0; for (i in columnList) { if (!columnList.hasOwnProperty(i)) continue; if (columnList[i].value != '') { var columnContainer = columnList[i].parentNode; // extract columnt key var found = columnList[i].name.match(/report_select_columns\[(\d+)\]\[name\]/) var key = found[1]; var title, columnInfo; title = null; columnInfo = parseSelectColumnInfo(columnContainer); if (GLOBAL_BX_REPORT_USING_CHARTS) { // generate field title title = getFullColumnTitle(columnContainer); // add options to selects of chart var selectOption, chartType, dataType, validDataType; var chartTypeSelect = BX('report-chart-type'); if (chartSelects) { for (var j in chartSelects) { if (!chartSelects.hasOwnProperty(j)) continue; if (yColumnIndex === 0) chartSelects[j].selectedIndex = 0; selectOption = new Option(title, key); dataType = columnInfo.column_type; selectOption.setAttribute('data_type', columnInfo.column_type); validDataType = true; if (chartTypeSelect) { validDataType = false; chartType = chartTypeSelect.value; if (valueTypes[chartType]) validDataType = (!columnInfo.ismultiple && valueTypes[chartType].indexOf(columnInfo.column_type) >= 0); } if (chartSelects[j].name === 'chart_x' || validDataType) { try { chartSelects[j].add(selectOption, null); } catch (e) { chartSelects[j].add(selectOption); } if (chartSelectPrevValues[j] == key) { chartSelects[j].selectedIndex = chartSelects[j].options.length - 1; } } } } yColumnIndex++; } var notSortedTypes = ["file", "employee", "crm_status", "iblock_section", "iblock_element", "crm"]; if ((columnInfo.calc_enabled && columnInfo.calc == 'GROUP_CONCAT') || (columnInfo.isuf && (columnInfo.ismultiple || notSortedTypes.indexOf(columnInfo.column_type) >= 0))) { continue; } // generate field title if (title === null) title = getFullColumnTitle(columnContainer); // add option to select var option = new Option(title, key); try { sortSelect.add(option, null); } catch (e) { sortSelect.add(option); } if (previousSort == key) { sortSelect.selectedIndex = sortSelect.options.length - 1; } } } rebuildReportPreviewTable(); //rebuildFilterResultColumns(); } function rebuildFilterResultColumns() { BX('report-filter-result-columns-cont').innerHTML = ''; var columnList = BX.findChildren(BX('reports-add-columns-block'), {tag:'input', attr:{type:'hidden'}}, true); var columnInfoList = {}, columnInfo = null, i; for (i in columnList) { if (!columnList.hasOwnProperty(i)) continue; if (columnList[i].value != '') { // build items for popup var columnContainer = columnList[i].parentNode; columnInfo = parseSelectColumnInfo(columnContainer); // rewrite data type if (columnInfo.prcnt) { columnInfo.data_type = 'float'; } else if (columnInfo.calc == 'COUNT_DISTINCT') { columnInfo.data_type = 'integer'; } else if (columnInfo.calc == 'GROUP_CONCAT') { // no filter for grc continue; } columnInfoList[columnInfo.num] = columnInfo; var elemHtml = '<div class="reports-add-popup-item">' + '<span class="reports-add-pop-left-bord"></span>' + '<span class="reports-add-popup-checkbox-block">' + '<input class="reports-add-popup-checkbox" type="checkbox" fieldtype="'+columnInfo.data_type+'" ' + 'title="'+columnInfo.title+'" name="__COLUMN__'+columnInfo.num+'">' + '</span>' + '<span class="reports-add-popup-it-text">'+columnInfo.title+'</span>' + '</div>'; BX('report-filter-result-columns-cont').innerHTML += elemHtml; } } // bind click event for new result columns in filter var fList = BX.findChildren(BX('report-filter-result-columns-cont'), {className:'reports-add-popup-it-text'}, true); for (i in fList) { if (fList.hasOwnProperty(i)) BX.bind(fList[i], 'click', fillFilterColumnEvent); } // remove filters for non existing or data-type-changed result columns // also update column titles on filters for existing columns var filterItems = BX.findChildren(BX('reports-filter-columns-container'), {attr: {fielddefinition:/__COLUMN__\d+/}}, true); for (i in filterItems) { if (!filterItems.hasOwnProperty(i)) continue; var filterItem = filterItems[i].parentNode.parentNode; var column_num = filterItems[i].getAttribute('fielddefinition').match(/\d+/)[0]; columnInfo = columnInfoList[column_num]; var current_data_type = filterItems[i].getAttribute('fieldType'); if (!columnInfo || current_data_type != columnInfo.data_type) { // this column has been deleted from select // or data_type has been changed through prcnt or calc var minusButt = BX.findChild(filterItem, {className:'reports-filter-del-item'}, true); BX.fireEvent(minusButt, 'click'); } else { // column still exists, but it may need to update title filterItems[i].title = columnInfo.title; filterItems[i].innerHTML = columnInfo.title; } } } function rebuildHtmlSelect(obj, newValues) { var previousValue = obj.value; // clean while (obj.options.length > 0) { obj.remove(0); } // fill var i, option; for (i in newValues) { if (!newValues.hasOwnProperty(i)) continue; option = new Option(newValues[i], i); try { obj.add(option, null); } catch (e) { obj.add(option); } if (previousValue == i) { obj.selectedIndex = obj.options.length - 1; } } } function getFullColumnTitle(columnContainer) { var title = ''; var mainInput = BX.findChild(columnContainer, {tag:'input', attr:{type:'hidden'}, name:/report_select_columns\[\d+\]\[name\]/}); var match = /\[(\d+)\]/.exec(mainInput.name); var colId = match[1]; // check if alias exists var aliasInput = BX.findChild(columnContainer, {attr: {name: 'report_select_columns['+colId+'][alias]'}}, true); if (aliasInput.value != '') { title = aliasInput.value; } else { // base title title = mainInput.title; // check if calculate function exists var calcCheckbox = null; var calcCheckboxContainer = BX.findChild( columnContainer, {tag: 'span', 'className': 'reports-add-col-checkbox'}, true ); if (calcCheckboxContainer) { calcCheckbox = BX.findChild( calcCheckboxContainer, {tag: 'input', attr: {type: 'checkbox'}, property: 'checked'}, true ); } if (calcCheckbox != null) { var calcSelect = BX.findChild(columnContainer, {className: 'reports-add-col-select-calc'}, true); if (calcSelect.value != '') { title += ' ('+calcSelect.options[calcSelect.selectedIndex].text+')'; } } // check if prcnt exists var prcntSel = BX.findChild(columnContainer, {className:'reports-add-col-select-prcnt'}, true); if (prcntSel.disabled == false) { if (prcntSel.value == 'self_column') { title += ' (%)'; } else { var prcntbySel = BX.findChild(columnContainer, {className:'reports-add-col-select-prcnt-by'}, true); if (prcntbySel.selectedIndex >= 0) { var byTitle = prcntbySel.options[prcntbySel.selectedIndex].innerHTML; title += ' (' + BX.message('REPORT_PRCNT_BUTTON_TITLE') +' '+byTitle+')'; } } } } return title; } function parseSelectColumnType(columnContainer) { var mainInput, checkbox, dataType; var calcCheckbox, calcEnabled, calcSelect, calc; var prcntSelect, prcntBySel, prcnt; dataType = null; mainInput = BX.findChild(columnContainer, {tag:'input', attr:{type:'hidden'}, name:/report_select_columns\[\d+\]\[name\]/}); checkbox = BX.findChild(BX('reports-add_col-popup-cont'), {attr:{type:'checkbox', name: mainInput.value}}, true); dataType = checkbox.getAttribute('fieldType'); calcCheckbox = BX.findChild(columnContainer, {'className': 'reports-checkbox', attr:{type:'checkbox'}}, true); calcEnabled = calcCheckbox.checked; calcSelect = BX.findChild(columnContainer, {className: 'reports-add-col-select-calc'}, true); calc = null; if (calcSelect.value != '') calc = calcSelect.value; prcntSelect = BX.findChild(columnContainer, {className:'reports-add-col-select-prcnt'}, true); prcnt = null; if (prcntSelect.disabled == false) { if (prcntSelect.value == 'self_column') prcnt = prcntSelect.value; else { prcntBySel = BX.findChild(columnContainer, {className:'reports-add-col-select-prcnt-by'}, true); if (prcntBySel.selectedIndex >= 0) prcnt = prcntBySel.value; } } if (prcnt) dataType = 'float'; else if (calcEnabled) { if (calc == 'COUNT_DISTINCT') dataType = 'integer'; else if (calc == 'GROUP_CONCAT') dataType = 'string'; else if (dataType == 'boolean') { if (calc == 'MIN' || calc == 'AVG' || calc == 'MAX' || calc == 'SUM' || calc == 'COUNT_DISTINCT') { dataType = 'integer'; } } } return dataType; } function parseSelectColumnInfo(columnContainer) { var result = { num: null, name: null, title: null, data_type: null, calc_enabled: null, calc: null, prcnt: null, column_type: null, isgrc: null, isuf: null, ufid: null, ismultiple: null, ufname: null }; var mainInput = BX.findChild( columnContainer, {tag:'input', attr:{type:'hidden'}, name:/report_select_columns\[\d+\]\[name\]/} ); var match = /\[(\d+)\]/.exec(mainInput.name); result.num = match[1]; result.name = mainInput.value; var checkbox = BX.findChild(BX('reports-add_col-popup-cont'), {attr:{type:'checkbox', name:result.name}}, true); result.column_type = result.data_type = checkbox.getAttribute('fieldType'); result.title = getFullColumnTitle(columnContainer); // check if calculate function exists var calcCheckbox = BX.findChild( columnContainer, {tag: 'input', attr: {type: 'checkbox'}, property: 'checked'}, true ); if (calcCheckbox != null) { var calcSelect = BX.findChild(columnContainer, {className: 'reports-add-col-select-calc'}, true); if (calcSelect.value != '') { result.calc = calcSelect.value; } result.calc_enabled = calcCheckbox.checked; } // check if prcnt exists var prcntSel = BX.findChild(columnContainer, {className:'reports-add-col-select-prcnt'}, true); if (prcntSel.disabled == false) { if (prcntSel.value == 'self_column') { result.prcnt = prcntSel.value; } else { var prcntbySel = BX.findChild(columnContainer, {className:'reports-add-col-select-prcnt-by'}, true); if (prcntbySel.selectedIndex >= 0) { result.prcnt = prcntbySel.value; } } } if (result.prcnt) { result.column_type = 'float'; } else if (result.calc_enabled) { if (result.calc == 'COUNT_DISTINCT') { result.column_type = 'integer'; } else if (result.calc == 'GROUP_CONCAT') { result.column_type = 'string'; } else if (result.column_type == 'boolean') { if (result.calc == 'MIN' || result.calc == 'AVG' || result.calc == 'MAX' || result.calc == 'SUM' || result.calc == 'COUNT_DISTINCT') { result.column_type = 'integer'; } } } result.isuf = (parseInt(checkbox.getAttribute('isuf')) === 1); if (result.isuf) { result.ufid = checkbox.getAttribute('ufid'); result.ismultiple = (parseInt(checkbox.getAttribute('ismultiple')) === 1); result.ufname = checkbox.getAttribute('ufname'); } return result; } function isColumnPercentable(col) { /* 1. any integer 2. any float 3. boolean with aggr 4. any with COUNT_DISTINCT aggr */ var fieldName = BX.findChild(col, {attr:{name:/report_select_columns\[\d+\]\[name\]/}}).value; var iCheckbox = BX.findChild(BX('reports-add_col-popup-cont'), {attr:{type:'checkbox', name: fieldName}}, true); var fieldType = iCheckbox.getAttribute('fieldType'); var isUF = (parseInt(iCheckbox.getAttribute('isUF')) === 1); var isMultiple = (parseInt(iCheckbox.getAttribute('isMultiple')) === 1); var aggr = null; var calcSelect = BX.findChild(col, {className:'reports-add-col-select-calc'}, true); if (!calcSelect.disabled) { aggr = calcSelect.value; } if (aggr == 'GROUP_CONCAT') { return false; } else { return ( ((fieldType == 'integer' || fieldType == 'float') && (!isUF || !isMultiple)) || (fieldType == 'boolean' && aggr != null) || aggr == 'COUNT_DISTINCT' ); } } function rebuildPercentView(withAlert) { /* prcnt:"self_column" prcnt:"1" */ var cols = BX.findChildren(BX('reports-add-columns-block'), {className:'reports-forming-column'}); var i, col, isPrcntViewOpen; var prcntByList = {length:0}; var colIdByColNum = {}; var prcntSel; // generate array with possible "% of" variants for (i in cols) { if (!cols.hasOwnProperty(i)) continue; col = cols[i]; if (isColumnPercentable(col)) { // also deny columns with self_columnt prcnt // it counts only after total select prcntSel = BX.findChild(col, {className:'reports-add-col-select-prcnt'}, true); if (!prcntSel.disabled && prcntSel.value == 'self_column') { continue; } var idElem = BX.findChild(col, {attr:{name:/report_select_columns\[\d+\]\[name\]/}}); var match = /\[(\d+)\]/.exec(idElem.name); var colId = match[1]; var colTitle = getFullColumnTitle(col); prcntByList[colId] = colTitle; prcntByList.length++; colIdByColNum[i] = colId; } } // rebuild prcnt views for (i in cols) { if (!cols.hasOwnProperty(i)) continue; col = cols[i]; isPrcntViewOpen = BX.findChild(col, {className:'reports-add-col-tit-prcnt-close'}, true); if (!isPrcntViewOpen) { // prcnt view is not active, nothing interesting here continue; } if (!isColumnPercentable(col)) { // this column is no more percentable. disable prcnt view! // kill! kill! kill! disablePrcntView(col); continue; } prcntSel = BX.findChild(col, {className:'reports-add-col-select-prcnt'}, true); var prcntBySel = BX.findChild(col, {className:'reports-add-col-select-prcnt-by'}, true); var prcntType = prcntSel.value; // enable/disable other_field prcnt if (prcntByList.length < 2) { prcntSel.options[1].disabled = true; prcntBySel.style.display = 'none'; prcntBySel.disabled = true; rebuildHtmlSelect(prcntBySel, []); } else { prcntSel.options[1].disabled = false; if (prcntType != 'self_column') { prcntBySel.style.display = 'inline-block'; prcntBySel.disabled = false; } } // enable/disable self_column prcnt var aggrSel = BX.findChild(col, {className:'reports-add-col-select-calc'}, true); if (aggrSel.disabled || (!aggrSel.disabled && (aggrSel.value == 'SUM' || aggrSel.value == 'COUNT_DISTINCT')) ) { // ok prcntSel.options[0].disabled = false; } else { prcntSel.options[0].disabled = true; } // check if (prcntSel.options[0].disabled && prcntSel.options[1].disabled) { // kill! kill! kill! disablePrcntView(col); if (withAlert) { alert(BX.message('REPORT_PRCNT_VIEW_IS_NOT_AVAILABLE')); } return; } if (prcntType == 'self_column') { if (prcntSel.options[0].disabled) { setSelectValue(prcntSel, 'other_field'); disablePrcntView(col); } } else { // check if (prcntByList.length < 2) { // disable prct view, there is no more variants except self setSelectValue(prcntSel, 'self_column'); // kill! kill! kill! disablePrcntView(col); } else { // rebuild columns select from prcntByList var prevValue = prcntBySel.value; // exclude self from list var _prcntByList = BX.clone(prcntByList); delete _prcntByList[colIdByColNum[i]]; delete _prcntByList['length']; rebuildHtmlSelect(prcntBySel, _prcntByList); var currValue = prcntBySel.value; //if (prevValue != '' && prcntByList[prevValue] && prevValue != currValue) if (prevValue != '' && prevValue != currValue) { // if previous value did not reincarnated - kill! kill! kill! setSelectValue(prcntSel, 'self_column'); disablePrcntView(col); } } } } } function disablePrcntView(col) { var button = BX.findChild(col, {className:"reports-add-col-tit-prcnt"}, true) || BX.findChild(col, {className:"reports-add-col-tit-prcnt-close"}, true); var isOpen = BX.hasClass(button, 'reports-add-col-tit-prcnt-close'); var prcntSel = BX.findChild(col, {className:'reports-add-col-select-prcnt'}, true); var prcntbySel = BX.findChild(col, {className:'reports-add-col-select-prcnt-by'}, true); // close BX.removeClass(button, 'reports-add-col-tit-prcnt-close'); BX.addClass(button, 'reports-add-col-tit-prcnt'); prcntSel.style.display = 'none'; prcntSel.disabled = true; prcntbySel.style.display = 'none'; prcntbySel.disabled = true; } function rebuildReportPreviewTable() { var oldtable = BX.findChild(BX('reports-preview-table-report'), {tag:'table'}, true); var options = BX('reports-sort-select').options; // create new var table = BX.create('TABLE'); table.cellSpacing = 0; BX.addClass(table, "reports-list-table"); // fill var row = table.createTHead().insertRow(-1); var i, title, cell; for (i=0; i<options.length; i++) { title = options[i].innerHTML; cell = BX.create('TH'); if (i == 0) { // first column style BX.addClass(cell, 'reports-first-column'); BX.addClass(cell, 'reports-head-cell-top'); } else if (i == options.length-1) { // last column style BX.addClass(cell, 'reports-last-column'); } cell.innerHTML = '<div class="reports-head-cell">' + '<span class="reports-head-cell-title">' + title + '</span></div>'; row.appendChild(cell); } // replace oldtable.parentNode.replaceChild(table, oldtable); } function setSelectValue(select, value) { var i, j; var bFirstSelected = false; var bMultiple = !!(select.getAttribute('multiple')); if (!(value instanceof Array)) value = [value]; for (i=0; i<select.options.length; i++) { for (j in value) { if (!value.hasOwnProperty(j)) continue; if (select.options[i].value == value[j]) { if (!bFirstSelected) {bFirstSelected = true; select.selectedIndex = i;} select.options[i].selected = true; break; } } if (!bMultiple && bFirstSelected) break; } } function setPrcntView(colId, value) { var col = BX.findChild(BX('reports-add-columns-block'), {attr:{name:'report_select_columns['+colId+'][name]'}}, true).parentNode; if (value != null && value != '') { // press button var button = BX.findChild(col, {className:"reports-add-col-tit-prcnt"}, true); BX.addClass(button, 'reports-add-col-tit-prcnt-close'); BX.removeClass(button, 'reports-add-col-tit-prcnt'); // show first select var prcntSel = BX.findChild(col, {className:'reports-add-col-select-prcnt'}, true); prcntSel.style.display = 'inline-block'; prcntSel.disabled = false; if (value != 'self_column') { // show second select var prcntbySel = BX.findChild(col, {className:'reports-add-col-select-prcnt-by'}, true); prcntbySel.style.display = 'inline-block'; prcntbySel.disabled = false; // set values setSelectValue(prcntSel, 'other_field'); rebuildPercentView(); setSelectValue(prcntbySel, value); } rebuildSortSelect(); } } function initSelectColumnButton() { BX.ready(function() { BX.bind(BX("reports-add-select-column-button"), 'click', function() { show_add_col_popup(this, BX("reports-add_col-popup-cont")); }); }); } // </editor-fold> // <editor-fold defaultstate="collapsed" desc="filters"> function addFilterColumn(fcContainer, afterElem) { var newCol = BX.clone(BX('reports-filter-item-example'), true); // remove example stuff newCol.style.display = ''; newCol.setAttribute('id', ''); BX.addClass(newCol, 'reports-filter-item'); var level = fcContainer.getAttribute('level') - 0 + 1; if (level > 2) { BX.addClass(newCol, 'reports-filter-sub-lev'); BX.addClass(newCol, 'reports-filter-' + (level - 1) + '-lev'); } // show root andor if (level == 2) { var root_has_children = BX.findChildren(BX('reports-filter-columns-container')); if (root_has_children) { BX.show(BX('reports-filter-base-andor-selector')); } } // add Events var fChoose = BX.findChild(newCol, {className:'reports-filter-item-name'}, true); BX.bind(fChoose, 'click', function(e) { show_add_filcol_popup(this, BX("reports-add_filcol-popup-cont")); LAST_FILCOL_CALLED = this; }); var plusButt = BX.findChild(newCol, {className:'reports-filter-add-item'}, true); BX.bind(plusButt, 'click', function(e) { var col = this.parentNode.parentNode; // if add in root if (col.parentNode.getAttribute('level') == '1') { BX.show(BX('reports-filter-base-andor-selector')); } var parent = col.parentNode; addFilterColumn(parent, col); }); var minusButt = BX.findChild(newCol, {className:'reports-filter-del-item'}, true); BX.bind(minusButt, 'click', function(e) { var col = this.parentNode.parentNode; // if last in root if (col.parentNode.getAttribute('level') == '1' && col.parentNode.childNodes.length == 1) { // replace by new empty filter addFilterColumn(BX('reports-filter-columns-container')); } if (col.parentNode.getAttribute('level') == '1' && col.parentNode.childNodes.length == 2) { // base andor selector BX.hide(BX('reports-filter-base-andor-selector')); } // remove andor if it's empty and not root var andorChildCount = BX.findChildren(col.parentNode, {tag:'div', className:'reports-filter-item'}).length; if (col.parentNode.getAttribute('level') != '1' && andorChildCount == 1) { //var andorMinusButt = col.parentNode.findChild(newCol, {className:'reports-filter-del-item'}, true); var andorMinusButt = BX.findChild(col.parentNode, {className:'reports-filter-del-item'}, true); BX.fireEvent(andorMinusButt, 'click'); return false; } BX.remove(col); }); var andorButt = BX.findChild(newCol, {className:'reports-filter-and-or'}, true); if (level > 4) { BX.addClass(andorButt, 'reports-filter-and-or-disable'); } else { BX.bind(andorButt, 'click', function(e) { var col = this.parentNode.parentNode; // if add in root if (col.parentNode.getAttribute('level') == '1') { BX.show(BX('reports-filter-base-andor-selector')); } addFilterAndor(col, 2); }); } // add column to page if (afterElem == null) { //beforeElem = BX.findChild(fcContainer, {className:'reports-filter-checkbox-title'}); //fcContainer.insertBefore(newCol, beforeElem); fcContainer.appendChild(newCol); } else { BX.insertAfter(fcContainer, newCol, afterElem); } return newCol; } function addFilterAndor(afterElem, sumColumnsCount) { var newCol = BX.clone(BX('reports-filter-andor-container-example'), true); var fcContainer = afterElem ? afterElem.parentNode : BX('reports-filter-columns-container'); // filter columns container var level = fcContainer.getAttribute('level') - 0 + 1; if (BX.type.isDomNode(afterElem) && afterElem.tagName === "SPAN" && BX.hasClass(afterElem, "report-filter-stub")) { BX.remove(afterElem); afterElem = null; } if (level > 4) { alert('too much'); return false; } // remove example stuff newCol.style.display = ''; newCol.setAttribute('id', ''); newCol.setAttribute('level', level); if (level > 2) { BX.addClass(newCol, 'reports-filter-sub-lev'); BX.addClass(newCol, 'reports-filter-' + (level - 1) + '-lev'); } // show root andor if (level == 2) { BX.show(BX('reports-filter-base-andor-selector')); } // add Events var plusButt = BX.findChild(newCol, {className:'reports-filter-add-item'}, true); BX.bind(plusButt, 'click', function(e) { var col = this.parentNode.parentNode.parentNode; var parent = col.parentNode; addFilterColumn(parent, col); }); var minusButt = BX.findChild(newCol, {className:'reports-filter-del-item'}, true); BX.bind(minusButt, 'click', function(e) { var col = this.parentNode.parentNode; var andorContainer = col.parentNode; // if not last in root if (andorContainer.parentNode.getAttribute('level') == '1' && andorContainer.parentNode.childNodes.length == 1) { return false; } if (andorContainer.parentNode.getAttribute('level') == '1' && andorContainer.parentNode.childNodes.length == 2) { // base andor selector BX.hide(BX('reports-filter-base-andor-selector')); } BX.remove(andorContainer); }); var andorButt = BX.findChild(newCol, {className:'reports-filter-and-or'}, true); if (level > 3) { BX.addClass(andorButt, 'reports-filter-and-or-disable'); } else { BX.bind(andorButt, 'click', function(e) { var col = this.parentNode.parentNode.parentNode; addFilterAndor(col, 2); }); } var andorSelector = BX.findChild(newCol, {tag:'select'}, true); BX.bind(andorSelector, 'change', function(){ BX.findNextSibling(this, {className:'reports-limit-res-select-lable-or'}).style.display = this.value == 'OR' ? 'inline-block' : 'none'; BX.findNextSibling(this, {className:'reports-limit-res-select-lable-and'}).style.display = this.value == 'AND' ? 'inline-block' : 'none'; }); andorSelector.setAttribute('filterId', GLOBAL_REPORT_FILTER_COUNT++); // add column to page BX.insertAfter(fcContainer, newCol, afterElem); // add first column to andor container //BX.fireEvent(plusButt, 'click'); // ^ runs 2 times in IE 7-9 // bug #21157 var i; for (i=0; i<sumColumnsCount;i++) { addFilterColumn(plusButt.parentNode.parentNode.parentNode, plusButt.parentNode.parentNode); } return newCol; } function baseSelectorChangeEvent(e, select) { var obj = select || this; BX('reports-filter-base-andor-selector-text-or').style.display = obj.value == 'OR' ? 'inline-block' : 'none'; BX('reports-filter-base-andor-selector-text-and').style.display = obj.value == 'AND' ? 'inline-block' : 'none'; } function restoreSubFilter(parent, filter) { var filters = GLOBAL_PRE_FILTERS; var container = parent || BX('reports-filter-columns-container'); var andor = parent ? BX.findChild(container, {className:'reports-filter-andor-item'}) : BX('reports-filter-base-andor-selector'); setSelectValue(BX.findChild(andor, {tag:'select'}), filter['LOGIC']); var lastElem = null; var newCol = null; var i; for (i in filter) { if (!filter.hasOwnProperty(i)) continue; if (i == 'LOGIC') { continue; } var subFilter = filter[i]; if (subFilter.type == 'field') { // add empty column newCol = addFilterColumn(container); // fill column name var iCheckbox = BX.findChild(BX('reports-add_filcol-popup-cont'), {attr:{type:'checkbox', name: subFilter.name}}, true); var fControl = BX.findChild(iCheckbox.parentNode.parentNode, {className:'reports-add-popup-it-text'}, true); var fChoose = BX.findChild(newCol, {className:'reports-filter-item-name'}, true); LAST_FILCOL_CALLED = fChoose; fillFilterColumnEvent(null, fControl); // fill column compare var sel = BX.findChild(newCol, {attr:{name:'compare'}}); setSelectValue(sel, subFilter.compare); // fill column value. fffuuuu var vControl = BX.findChild(newCol, {attr:{name:'value'}}, true); if (vControl) { if (vControl.getAttribute('type') == 'hidden') { vControl = vControl.parentNode; } switch (vControl.nodeName.toLowerCase()) { case 'input': vControl.value = subFilter.value; break; case 'select': setSelectValue(vControl, subFilter.value); break; default: if (vControl.getAttribute('callback') != null) { var callBack = vControl.getAttribute('callback'); var callerName = callBack + '_LAST_CALLER'; var cFunc = callBack + 'Catch'; var caller = BX.findChild(vControl, {attr:'caller'}, true); window[callerName] = caller; window[cFunc](subFilter.value); } } } else { var dashed, ufSelector, isUF, ufId, ufName, ufSelectorIndex; if (BX.hasClass(newCol, 'reports-filter-item')) { dashed = BX.findChild(newCol, {className:'reports-dashed'}, true); ufSelector = null; isUF = (dashed && parseInt(dashed.getAttribute('isUF')) === 1); if (isUF) { ufId = dashed.getAttribute('ufId'); ufName = dashed.getAttribute('ufName'); ufSelectorIndex = parseInt(dashed.getAttribute('ufSelectorIndex')); if (ufId && ufName) { if (BX.Report && BX.Report.FilterFieldSelectorManager) ufSelector = BX.Report.FilterFieldSelectorManager.getSelector(ufId, ufName); if (ufSelector) ufSelector.setFilterValue(ufSelectorIndex, subFilter.value); } } } } // fill changeable flag BX.findChild(newCol, {attr: {name: 'changeable'}}, true).checked = !!parseInt(subFilter.changeable); // yay! lastElem = newCol; } else if (subFilter.type == 'filter') { if (lastElem === null) { lastElem = BX.create("SPAN", {attrs: {className: "report-filter-stub"}}); container.appendChild(lastElem); } newCol = addFilterAndor(lastElem); restoreSubFilter(newCol, filters[subFilter.name]); lastElem = newCol; } } } function startSubFilterRestore() { if (GLOBAL_PRE_FILTERS != null) { var filters = GLOBAL_PRE_FILTERS; restoreSubFilter(null, filters[0]); } else { // add empty filter column addFilterColumn(BX('reports-filter-columns-container')); } } function setReportLimit(checked, num) { var limitCheckbox = BX('report-filter-limit-checkbox'); var limitInput = BX('report-filter-limit-input'); if (arguments.length > 0) { limitCheckbox.checked = !!checked; if (arguments.length === 2) limitInput.value = parseInt(num); // set limit number } if (limitCheckbox.checked) { limitInput.disabled = false; limitInput.style.backgroundColor = '#ffffff'; //BX.focus(limitInput); } else { limitInput.disabled = true; limitInput.style.backgroundColor = '#eeeeee'; } } function enableReportLimit(flag) { var limitCheckbox = BX('report-filter-limit-checkbox'); var limitInput = BX('report-filter-limit-input'); limitCheckbox.disabled = !flag; limitInput.disabled = !flag; } function initFilterControls() { BX.ready(function() { BX.insertAfter = function(parentNode, newElement, referenceElement) { var beforeElem = null; var found = false; for (var i=0; i<=parentNode.childNodes.length; i++) { if (found) { beforeElem = parentNode.childNodes[i]; break; } if (parentNode.childNodes[i] == referenceElement) { found = true; } } if (beforeElem != null) { parentNode.insertBefore(newElement, beforeElem); } else if (found) { parentNode.appendChild(newElement); } return newElement; }; // initialize filter columns BX('reports-filter-columns-container').setAttribute('level', 1); // base andor selector logic var sel = BX.findChild(BX('reports-filter-base-andor-selector'), {tag:'select'}, true); BX.bind(sel, 'change', baseSelectorChangeEvent); // limit results BX.bind(BX('report-filter-limit-checkbox'), 'click', function(e) { setReportLimit(); BX.focus(BX('report-filter-limit-input')); }); }); } // </editor-fold> // <editor-fold defaultstate="collapsed" desc="save"> function createHiddenInput(name, value) { return BX.create('input', {props:{type:'hidden', name:name, value:value}}); } function parseFilterElems(fContainer, filters, fNum) { var fElems = BX.findChildren(fContainer, {tag:'div'}); var fElemCount = 0; var fValue = null, dashed = null; var isUF, ufId, ufName, ufSelector, ufSelectorIndex; var i, fElem, compareControl; for (i in fElems) { if (!fElems.hasOwnProperty(i)) continue; fElem = {}; if (BX.hasClass(fElems[i], 'reports-filter-item')) { fElem.type = 'field'; dashed = BX.findChild(fElems[i], {className:'reports-dashed'}, true); fElem.name = dashed.getAttribute('fieldDefinition'); if (fElem.name == null) { continue; } ufSelector = null; isUF = (parseInt(dashed.getAttribute('isUF')) === 1); if (isUF) { ufId = dashed.getAttribute('ufId'); ufName = dashed.getAttribute('ufName'); ufSelectorIndex = parseInt(dashed.getAttribute('ufSelectorIndex')); if (ufId && ufName) { if (BX.Report && BX.Report.FilterFieldSelectorManager) ufSelector = BX.Report.FilterFieldSelectorManager.getSelector(ufId, ufName); } } compareControl = BX.findChild(fElems[i], {attr:{name:'compare'}}, true); if (!compareControl) { continue; } fElem.compare = compareControl.value; fValue = BX.findChild(fElems[i], {attr:{name:'value'}}, true); if (fValue) { if (fValue.tagName === 'SELECT' && fValue.getAttribute('multiple') === 'multiple') { var opts = fValue.options; var arVal = []; var valIndex = 0; for (var optIndex = 0; optIndex < opts.length; optIndex++) { if (opts[optIndex].selected) arVal[valIndex++] = opts[optIndex].value; } fElem.value = (arVal.length > 0) ? arVal : ''; } else fElem.value = fValue.value; } else if (ufSelector) { fElem.value = ufSelector.getFilterValue(ufSelectorIndex); } fElem.changeable = BX.findChild(fElems[i], {attr:{name:'changeable'}}, true).checked ? "1" : "0"; } else if (BX.hasClass(fElems[i], 'reports-filter-andor-container')) { fElem.type = 'filter'; fElem.name = BX.findChild(fElems[i], {tag:'select'}, true).getAttribute('filterId'); filters[fElem.name] = {}; var logicContainer = BX.findChild(fElems[i], {className:'reports-filter-andor-item'}); filters[fElem.name]['logic'] = BX.findChild(logicContainer, {tag:'select'}).value; parseFilterElems(fElems[i], filters, fElem.name); } else { continue; } filters[fNum][fElemCount++] = fElem; } } function initSaveButton() { BX.ready(function() { BX.bind(BX('report-save-button'), 'click', function (e){ BX.PreventDefault(e); var filters = {}; // build filters scheme // root filter var fContainer = BX('reports-filter-columns-container'); filters[0] = {}; filters[0]['logic'] = BX.findChild(BX('reports-filter-base-andor-selector'), {tag:'select'}).value; // root elems and other filters parseFilterElems(fContainer, filters, 0); // insert values into form var form = BX('task-filter-form'); var i, j, k, l; var fId, fElems, fElem, fVals; for (i in filters) { if (!filters.hasOwnProperty(i)) continue; fId = i; fElems = filters[i]; for (j in fElems) { if (!fElems.hasOwnProperty(j)) continue; fElem = fElems[j]; if (j == 'logic') { form.appendChild(createHiddenInput('filters['+i+']['+j+']', fElem)); } else { for (k in fElem) { if (!fElem.hasOwnProperty(k)) continue; if (fElem[k] instanceof Array) { fVals = fElem[k]; for (l in fVals) { if (fVals.hasOwnProperty(l)) { form.appendChild( createHiddenInput('filters['+i+']['+j+']['+k+']['+l+']', fVals[l]) ); } } } else form.appendChild(createHiddenInput('filters['+i+']['+j+']['+k+']', fElem[k])); } } } } BX('task-filter-form').submit(); }); }); } // </editor-fold> // <editor-fold defaultstate="collapsed" desc="filter popup"> function fillFilterColumnEvent(e, popupElem) { var obj = popupElem || this; var isUF, fieldType, ufId, ufName; var iCheckBox = BX.findChild(obj.parentNode, {tag:'input', attr:{type:'checkbox'}}, true); isUF = (parseInt(iCheckBox.getAttribute('isUF')) === 1); fieldType = iCheckBox.getAttribute('fieldType'); if (isUF) { ufId = iCheckBox.getAttribute('ufId'); ufName = iCheckBox.getAttribute('ufName'); } var dashed = BX.findChild(LAST_FILCOL_CALLED, {className:'reports-dashed'}); dashed.innerHTML = BX.util.htmlspecialchars(iCheckBox.title); dashed.title = iCheckBox.title; dashed.setAttribute('fieldDefinition', iCheckBox.name); dashed.setAttribute('fieldType', fieldType); if (isUF && ufId) { dashed.setAttribute('isUF', "1"); dashed.setAttribute('ufId', ufId); dashed.setAttribute('ufName', ufName); } // remove existing compare controls and value controls var colContainer = LAST_FILCOL_CALLED.parentNode; var currSelects = BX.findChildren(colContainer, {className:'reports-filter-column-helper'}); for (var i in currSelects) { if (currSelects.hasOwnProperty(i)) BX.remove(currSelects[i]); } // replace "compare type" select var cpSelect = BX.clone( BX('report-filter-compare-'+iCheckBox.name) || BX('report-filter-compare-'+iCheckBox.getAttribute('fieldType')), true ); //var cpSelect = ; if (!cpSelect) { return; } cpSelect.id = ''; cpSelect.name = 'compare'; BX.addClass(cpSelect, 'reports-filter-column-helper'); var beforeSibling = BX.findChild(colContainer, {className:'reports-filter-butt-wrap'}); colContainer.insertBefore(cpSelect, beforeSibling); var cpControl = null; var tipicalControl = true; if (isUF && (fieldType === 'enum' || fieldType === "crm" || fieldType === "crm_status" || fieldType === "iblock_element" || fieldType === "iblock_section")) { var filterFieldSelector = null; if (BX.Report && BX.Report.FilterFieldSelectorManager) filterFieldSelector = BX.Report.FilterFieldSelectorManager.getSelector(ufId, ufName); if (filterFieldSelector) { cpControl = filterFieldSelector.makeFilterField(colContainer, beforeSibling); if (cpControl) { tipicalControl = false; var selectorIndex = cpControl.getAttribute("ufSelectorIndex"); if (selectorIndex.length > 0) dashed.setAttribute("ufSelectorIndex", selectorIndex); } } } if (!cpControl) { // replace value control // search in `examples-custom` by name or type // then search in `examples` by type cpControl = BX.clone( BX.findChild( BX('report-filter-value-control-examples-custom'), {attr:{name:'report-filter-value-control-'+iCheckBox.name}} ) || BX.findChild( BX('report-filter-value-control-examples-custom'), {attr:{name:'report-filter-value-control-'+fieldType}} ) || BX.findChild( BX('report-filter-value-control-examples'), {attr:{name:'report-filter-value-control-'+fieldType}} ), true ); } BX.addClass(cpControl, 'reports-filter-column-helper'); if (cpControl.getAttribute('callback') != null) { var cbFuncName = cpControl.getAttribute('callback'); window[cbFuncName](cpControl); } if (iCheckBox.getAttribute('fieldType') == 'datetime') { var calButt = BX.findChild(cpControl, {tag:'img'}); BX.bind(calButt, "click", function(e) { if (!e) e = window.event; var valueInput = BX.findChild(this.parentNode, {attr:{name:'value'}}); var curDate = new Date(); var curTimestamp = Math.round(curDate / 1000) - curDate.getTimezoneOffset()*60; BX.calendar({ node: this, field: valueInput, bTime: false }); BX.PreventDefault(e); }); } if (tipicalControl) colContainer.insertBefore(cpControl, beforeSibling); // close popup var p = BX.findParent(obj, {callback: function(o){ return (o.id.substr(0, 21) == 'reports-add_col-popup'); }}); var closeButt = BX.findChild(p, {className:'popup-window-close-icon'}); try { BX.fireEvent(closeButt, 'click'); } catch (e) {} } function initFilterPopupItems() { BX.ready(function() { var fList = BX.findChildren(BX('reports-add_filcol-popup-cont'), {className:'reports-add-popup-it-text'}, true); var iCheckBox, cpSelect, doHide = true; for (var i in fList) { if (!fList.hasOwnProperty(i)) continue; if (BX.hasClass(fList[i].parentNode, 'reports-add-popup-it-node')) { // ignore branch heads continue; } doHide = true; iCheckBox = BX.findChild(fList[i].parentNode, {tag:'input', attr:{type:'checkbox'}}, true); if (iCheckBox) { cpSelect = BX.clone( BX('report-filter-compare-'+iCheckBox.name) || BX('report-filter-compare-'+iCheckBox.getAttribute('fieldType')), true ); if (cpSelect) { doHide = false; BX.bind(fList[i], 'click', fillFilterColumnEvent); } } // hide elements without controls for compare if (doHide) { fList[i].parentNode.style.display = "none"; } } }); } // </editor-fold> function initReportControls() { initIntervalFilter(); initSelectColumnButton(); initFilterControls(); initSaveButton(); initFilterPopupItems(); }