Direktori : /home/bitrix/www/bitrix/js/report/js/dashboard/ |
Current File : //home/bitrix/www/bitrix/js/report/js/dashboard/row.js |
;(function() { "use strict"; BX.namespace("BX.Report.Dashboard"); /** * @param options.widgets * @param options.id * @param options.weight * @param options.layoutMap * @param options.pseudo * @param options.draggable * @param options.loaded * @constructor */ BX.Report.Dashboard.Row = function(options) { this.id = options.id; this.weight = options.weight || 0; this.layoutMap = options.layoutMap || ''; this.widgetsOrder = []; this.pseudo = options.pseudo || false; if (BX.type.isArray(options.widgets)) { this.addWidgets(options.widgets); } this.draggable = options.draggable || true; this.loaded = options.loaded || false; this.timer = null; this.isScrollingUp = false; this.isScrollingDown = false; this.timer = null; this.rectArea = null; this.board = {}; this.rowLayout = new BX.Report.Dashboard.Row.LayoutFabric({ row: this, map: this.layoutMap }); this.layout = { rowContainer: null, rowMoveControlButton: null, rowWrapper: null, rowAddButton: null, rowRemoveButton: null, controlsContainer: null, contentContainer: null, actionMenuOpenButton: null }; this.pseudoRowsList = []; }; BX.Report.Dashboard.Row.prototype = { isPseudo: function () { return this.pseudo; }, removePseudo: function() { this.pseudo = false; if (this.isRendered()) { this.getRowContainer().classList.remove('report-visualconstructor-dashboard-pseudo-row'); } }, getWidgetClass: function(className) { var classFn = BX.Report.Dashboard.Utils.getClass(className); if (BX.type.isFunction(classFn)) { return classFn; } return BX.Report.Dashboard.Widget; }, getRowContainer: function() { if (this.layout.rowContainer) { return this.layout.rowContainer; } this.layout.rowContainer = BX.create('div', { attrs: { className: 'report-visualconstructor-dashboard-row-container', "data-id": this.getId(), "data-weight": this.getWeight(), "data-type": "row-container" } }); if (this.isPseudo()) { this.layout.rowContainer.classList.add('report-visualconstructor-dashboard-pseudo-row'); } else { jsDD.registerDest(this.layout.rowContainer, 31); } this.makeDraggable(); return this.layout.rowContainer; }, getRowWrapper: function () { if (this.layout.rowWrapper) { return this.layout.rowWrapper; } this.layout.rowWrapper = BX.create('div', { attrs: { className: 'report-visualconstructor-dashboard-row-wrapper', "data-id": this.getId(), "data-type": "row-wrapper" } }); return this.layout.rowWrapper; }, getRowMoveControlButton: function() { if (this.layout.rowMoveControlButton) { return this.layout.rowMoveControlButton; } this.layout.rowMoveControlButton = BX.create('div', { text: '^', props: { className: 'report-visualconstructor-dashboard-row-move-control' } }); return this.layout.rowMoveControlButton; }, getRowAddButton: function() { if (this.layout.rowAddButton) { return this.layout.rowAddButton; } this.layout.rowAddButton = BX.create('div', { text: '+', props: { className: 'report-visualconstructor-dashboard-row-add-control' }, events: { click: this.rowAddButtonClickHandler.bind(this) } }); return this.layout.rowAddButton; }, // getRowRemoveButton: function() // { // if (this.layout.rowRemoveButton) // { // return this.layout.rowRemoveButton; // } // this.layout.rowRemoveButton = BX.create('div', { // text: 'X', // props: { // className: 'report-visualconstructor-dashboard-row-remove-control' // }, // events: { // click: this.remove.bind(this) // } // }); // return this.layout.rowRemoveButton; // }, getRowLayoutChooseContent: function() { var linearOneCell = new BX.Report.Dashboard.Row.HorizontalLinear({ row: this, cellCount: 1 }); var linearTwoCell = new BX.Report.Dashboard.Row.HorizontalLinear({ row: this, cellCount: 2 }); var linearThreeCell = new BX.Report.Dashboard.Row.HorizontalLinear({ row: this, cellCount: 3 }); var linearFourCell = new BX.Report.Dashboard.Row.HorizontalLinear({ row: this, cellCount: 4 }); return BX.create('div', { attrs: { className: 'report-visualconstructor-dashboard-row-miniature-popup-content' }, children: [ linearOneCell.getMiniatureContainer(), linearTwoCell.getMiniatureContainer(), linearThreeCell.getMiniatureContainer(), linearFourCell.getMiniatureContainer() ] }) }, rowAddButtonClickHandler: function() { this.openRowLayoutChoosePopup(); }, openRowLayoutChoosePopup: function() { this.addRowPopup = new BX.PopupWindow('report-visualconstructor-dashboard-add-row-popup-' + this.getId(), this.getRowAddButton(), { title: 'Select Row Layout', closeIcon: {right: "20px", top: "10px"}, angle: true, autoHide: true, content: this.getRowLayoutChooseContent(), events: { onPopupClose: this.unpinRowAddButton.bind(this) } }); this.addRowPopup.show(); this.pinRowAddButton(); }, pinRowAddButton: function() { this.getRowAddButton().classList.add('report-visualconstructor-dashboard-add-row-popup-opened'); }, unpinRowAddButton: function() { this.getRowAddButton().classList.remove('report-visualconstructor-dashboard-add-row-popup-opened'); }, render: function () { var rowContainer = this.getRowContainer(); var rowWrapper = this.getRowWrapper(); rowWrapper.appendChild(this.getRowLayout().render()); rowContainer.appendChild(rowWrapper); rowContainer.appendChild(this.getRowMoveControlButton()); rowContainer.appendChild(this.getRowAddButton()); //rowContainer.appendChild(this.getRowRemoveButton()); this.setRenderStatus(true); return rowContainer; }, getId: function () { return this.id; }, setId: function (id) { if (this.isRendered()) { this.getRowContainer().setAttribute('data-id', id); this.getRowWrapper().setAttribute('data-id', id); } this.id = id; }, getWeight: function () { return this.weight; }, setWeight: function (weight) { this.weight = weight; if (this.isRendered()) { this.getRowContainer().setAttribute("data-weight", weight); } }, getBoard: function () { return this.board; }, setBoard: function(board) { this.board = board; }, getWidget: function(param) { var widgetId = param instanceof BX.Report.Dashboard.Widget ? param.getId() : param; for (var i = 0; i < this.widgetsOrder.length; i++) { if (this.widgetsOrder[i] instanceof BX.Report.Dashboard.Widget && this.widgetsOrder[i].getId() === widgetId) { return this.widgetsOrder[i]; } } return null; }, getWidgets: function () { return this.widgetsOrder; }, /** * @param {object} options */ addWidget: function (options) { var widget; if (BX.type.isPlainObject(options) && !(options instanceof BX.Report.Dashboard.Widget)) { var widgetClass = this.getWidgetClass(options.className); widget = new widgetClass(options); } else if (options instanceof BX.Report.Dashboard.Widget) { widget = options } else { throw new Error("Unable to create or get widget object"); } widget.setRowId(this.getId()); widget.setRow(this); this.widgetsOrder.push(widget); if (this.isRendered()) { if (!widget.getCell()) { var emptyCell = this.getRowLayout().getFirstEmptyCell(); widget.setCell(emptyCell); } widget.getCell().setWidget(widget); } return widget; }, /** * @param {object[]} options */ addWidgets: function(options) { options.forEach(function(option){ this.addWidget(option); }.bind(this)) }, moveWidget: function(widget, targetWidget) { if (targetWidget.getHeight() > widget.getCell().getHeight() || widget.getHeight() > targetWidget.getCell().getHeight()) { return; } if (!targetWidget.isDraggable()) { return; } var widgetCell = widget.getCell(); var targetCell = targetWidget.getCell(); var targetCellRowLayout = this.getRowLayout(); var cellsInRow = targetCellRowLayout.getCells(); var startCell = null; if (widget.getRow() === this) { startCell = widgetCell; } else { startCell = this.getRowLayout().getFirstEmptyCell(); } if (startCell) { var startCellIndex = BX.util.array_search(startCell, cellsInRow); var targetCellIndex = BX.util.array_search(targetCell, cellsInRow); targetCell.getContainer().classList.add('report-visualconstructor-dashboard-empty-cell-droppable'); targetCell.getContainer().classList.add('report-visualconstructor-dashboard-empty-cell-droppable-active'); var isMoved = true; //targetCell.getContainer().style.minHeight = widget.getHeight() + 'px'; if (startCellIndex > targetCellIndex) { //move right for (var i = startCellIndex; i > targetCellIndex; i--) { if (cellsInRow[i - 1].getWidget() && cellsInRow[i - 1].getWidget().getHeight() <= cellsInRow[i].getHeight()) { cellsInRow[i].setWidget(cellsInRow[i - 1].getWidget()); } else { isMoved = false; break; } } if (isMoved) { targetCell.clear(); widget.setCell(targetCell); } } else { //move left for (var p = startCellIndex; p < targetCellIndex; p++) { if (cellsInRow[p+1].getWidget() && cellsInRow[p+1].getWidget().getHeight() <= cellsInRow[p].getHeight()) { cellsInRow[p].setWidget(cellsInRow[p+1].getWidget()); } else { isMoved = false; break; } } if (isMoved) { targetCell.clear(); widget.setCell(targetCell); } } if (isMoved) { targetCell.setHeight(widget.getHeight()); // targetCell.getContainer().style.minHeight = widget.getHeight() + 'px'; var widgetIndex = BX.util.array_search(widget, this.widgetsOrder); this.widgetsOrder.splice(widgetIndex, 1); var targetWidgetIndex = BX.util.array_search(targetWidget, this.widgetsOrder); if (targetWidgetIndex >= 0) { this.widgetsOrder.splice(targetWidgetIndex, 0, widget); } else { this.widgetsOrder.push(widget); } } } }, removeWidget: function (widget) { var widgetIndex = BX.util.array_search(widget, this.widgetsOrder); this.widgetsOrder.splice(widgetIndex, 1); if (this.getWidgets().length === 0) { this.getBoard().removeRow(this); } }, remove: function () { this.destroy(); }, destroy: function() { jsDD.unregisterDest(this.layout.rowContainer); this.setRenderStatus(false); BX.remove(this.getRowContainer()); this.getRowLayout().destroy(); }, getRowLayout: function () { return this.rowLayout; }, setRenderStatus: function(status) { if (BX.type.isBoolean(status)) { this.rendered = status; } else { throw Error('Render status might be boolean'); } }, isRendered: function () { return this.rendered; }, isDraggable: function () { return this.draggable; }, makeDraggable: function() { if (!this.isDraggable()) { return; } //main events this.getRowMoveControlButton().onbxdragstart = BX.delegate(this.onDragStart, this); this.getRowMoveControlButton().onbxdrag = BX.delegate(this.onDrag, this); this.getRowMoveControlButton().onbxdragstop = BX.delegate(this.onDragStop, this); jsDD.registerObject(this.getRowMoveControlButton()); }, onDragStart: function() { this.getRowContainer().classList.add('report-visualconstructor-dashboard-row-drag'); this.dragRowOffset = jsDD.start_y; this.dragRowId = BX.util.array_search(this, this.getBoard().getRows()); this.dragTargetRow = this.dragTargetRow || this; }, onDrag: function(x, y) { this.verticalAutoScroll(y); this.moveVisuallyRows(y); }, onDragStop: function() { var success = this.getBoard().moveRow(this, this.dragTargetRow); if (success) { BX.onCustomEvent(this.getBoard(), "BX.Report.Dashboard.Board:afterRowMoved", [this.getBoard().getRows()]); } this.getRowContainer().classList.remove('report-visualconstructor-dashboard-row-drag'); var rows = this.getBoard().getRows(); for (var rowId in rows) { if (!rows.hasOwnProperty(rowId)) { continue; } var row = rows[rowId]; var rowContainer = row.getRowContainer(); row.resetRectArea(); rowContainer.style.removeProperty("transition"); rowContainer.style.removeProperty("transform"); } this.stopScroll(); //this.stopScroll(); //todo fire custom event that row set changed, and send new row list }, /** * @returns {ClientRect} */ getRectArea: function() { this.rectArea = BX.pos(this.getRowContainer()); this.rectArea.middle = this.rectArea.top + this.rectArea.height / 2; return this.rectArea; }, moveVisuallyRows: function(mouseCurrentYPosition) { this.getRowContainer().style.transform = "translateY(" + (mouseCurrentYPosition - this.dragRowOffset) + "px)"; var rows = this.getBoard().getRows(); var rowHeight = this.getRectArea().height; var currentPastWeight; for (var rowId in rows) { if (!rows.hasOwnProperty(rowId)) { continue; } var row = rows[rowId]; if (row === this) { continue; } var rowContainer = row.getRowContainer(); var rowRectArea = row.getRectArea(); var rowMiddle = rowRectArea.middle; if ( mouseCurrentYPosition > rowMiddle && rowId > this.dragRowId && rowContainer.style.transform !== "translateY(" + (-rowHeight) + "px)" ) { currentPastWeight = this.getWeight(); this.setWeight(row.getWeight()); row.setWeight(currentPastWeight); //move down rowContainer.style.transition = "300ms"; rowContainer.style.transform = "translateY(" + (-rowHeight) + "px)"; this.dragTargetRow = this.getBoard().getNextRowSibling(row); row.resetRectArea(); } if ( mouseCurrentYPosition < rowMiddle && rowId < this.dragRowId && rowContainer.style.transform !== "translateY("+(rowHeight)+"px)" ) { currentPastWeight = this.getWeight(); this.setWeight(row.getWeight()); row.setWeight(currentPastWeight); //move up rowContainer.style.transition = "300ms"; rowContainer.style.transform = "translateY(" + rowHeight + "px)"; this.dragTargetRow = row; row.resetRectArea(); } var moveBackDown = mouseCurrentYPosition < rowMiddle && rowId > this.dragRowId && rowContainer.style.transform !== "" && rowContainer.style.transform !== "translateY(0px)"; var moveBackUp = mouseCurrentYPosition > rowMiddle && rowId < this.dragRowId && rowContainer.style.transform !== "" && rowContainer.style.transform !== "translateY(0px)"; if (moveBackDown || moveBackUp) { //move to the start position rowContainer.style.transition = "300ms"; rowContainer.style.transform = "translateY(0px)"; this.dragTargetRow = moveBackDown ? row : this.getBoard().getNextRowSibling(row); row.resetRectArea(); } } }, resetRectArea: function() { this.rectArea = null; }, lazyLoadWidgets: function() { if (!this.loaded) { var widgets = this.getWidgets(); widgets.forEach(function(widget) { widget.lazyLoad() }); this.loaded = true; } }, verticalAutoScroll: function (mouseCurrentYPosition) { var scrollTop = window.pageYOffset || document.documentElement.scrollTop; var clientHeight = document.documentElement.clientHeight; var pointerPosition = mouseCurrentYPosition - scrollTop; if (pointerPosition >= (clientHeight - 50)) { this.scrollDown(mouseCurrentYPosition); } else if (pointerPosition <= 50) { //auto scroll up this.scrollUp(mouseCurrentYPosition); } else { this.stopScroll(); } }, scrollUp: function(mouseCurrentYPosition) { if (this.isScrollingUp) { return; } this.isScrollingUp = true; this.timer = setInterval(BX.delegate(function() { var scrollTop = window.pageYOffset || document.documentElement.scrollTop; window.scrollTo(0, scrollTop - 10); mouseCurrentYPosition -= 10; this.moveVisuallyRows(mouseCurrentYPosition) }, this), 20); }, scrollDown: function(mouseCurrentYPosition) { if (this.isScrollingDown) { return; } this.isScrollingDown = true; this.timer = setInterval(BX.delegate(function() { var scrollTop = window.pageYOffset || document.documentElement.scrollTop; window.scrollTo(0, scrollTop + 10); mouseCurrentYPosition += 10; this.moveVisuallyRows(mouseCurrentYPosition) }, this), 20); }, stopScroll: function() { this.isScrollingUp = false; this.isScrollingDown = false; clearInterval(this.timer); }, removeTopPseudoRows: function() { for (var i = 0; i < this.pseudoRowsList.top.length; i++) { if (this.pseudoRowsList.top[i] instanceof BX.Report.Dashboard.Row && this.pseudoRowsList.top[i].isPseudo()) { this.getBoard().removeRow(this.pseudoRowsList.top[i]); } } this.pseudoRowsList.top = []; }, removeBottomPseudoRows: function() { for (var i = 0; i < this.pseudoRowsList.bottom.length; i++) { if (this.pseudoRowsList.bottom[i] instanceof BX.Report.Dashboard.Row && this.pseudoRowsList.bottom[i].isPseudo()) { this.getBoard().removeRow(this.pseudoRowsList.bottom[i]); } } this.pseudoRowsList.bottom = []; } } })();