Direktori : /home/bitrix/www/bitrix/modules/blog/lib/ |
Current File : //home/bitrix/www/bitrix/modules/blog/lib/bloguser.php |
<?php /** * Bitrix Framework * @package bitrix * @subpackage blog * @copyright 2001-2012 Bitrix */ namespace Bitrix\Blog; use Bitrix\Main\ArgumentNullException; use Bitrix\Main\Localization\Loc; use Bitrix\Main\Data\Cache; use Bitrix\Main\SystemException; use Bitrix\Main\UserConsent\Internals\ConsentTable; use Bitrix\Main\Application; use Bitrix\Main\Type\DateTime; Loc::loadMessages(__FILE__); class BlogUser { const CACHE_ID = 'BLOG_USERS'; private $blogId = NULL; // this values was be hardcoded in components. If we want customization - need add settings and remake private $avatarSizes = array( 'COMMENT' => array('WIDTH' => 30, 'HEIGHT' => 30), 'POST' => array('WIDTH' => 100, 'HEIGHT' => 100), ); private $cacheTime = 0; public function addAvatarSize($width, $height, $key = "") { $width = intval($width); $height = intval($height); // overwrite params if key exist or create new $key = strlen($key) > 0 ? $key : "IMG_" . (count($this->avatarSizes) + 1); $this->avatarSizes[$key] = array('WIDTH' => $width, 'HEIGHT' => $height); } /** * Blog users can be saved in cache or get from DB. To cached - set cacheTime * * BlogUser constructor. * @param int $cacheTime - integer - value of cache TTL */ public function __construct($cacheTime = 0) { if ($cacheTime > 0) $this->cacheTime = intval($cacheTime); } /** * Blog ID using to separate cache for different blogs * @param $id */ public function setBlogId($id) { $this->blogId = intval($id); } public function setCacheTime($cacheTime) { if ($cacheTime > 0) $this->cacheTime = $cacheTime; } /** * Get users from cache (if set cache time) or from DB. * * @param array $ids - array of users ids * @return array|bool */ public function getUsers($ids = array()) { if (empty($ids)) return array(); if ($this->cacheTime > 0) { $result = $this->getUsersFromCache($ids); } else { $result = $this->getUsersFromDB($ids); } return $result; } /** * Get blog users data from cache. If them not exist on cache - get new data from DB and write on cache. * False if error. * * @return array|bool */ private function getUsersFromCache($ids) { $cache = Cache::createInstance(); if ($cache->initCache($this->cacheTime, self::createCacheId($ids), self::createCacheDir($this->blogId))) { $result = $cache->getVars(); } elseif ($cache->startDataCache()) { $result = self::getUsersFromDB($ids); $cache->endDataCache($result); } else { $result = false; } return $result; } /** * Delete all data from blog users cache * * @return mixed */ public static function cleanCache($blogId = NULL) { $cache = Cache::createInstance(); return $cache->cleanDir(self::CACHE_ID, self::createCacheDir($blogId)); } private static function createCacheDir($blogId = NULL) { $dir = '/' . SITE_ID; $dir .= $blogId ? '/BLOG_ID_' . $blogId : '/BLOGS_ALL'; return $dir; } /** * Get only unique IDs, sorting them and glue in string. It is will unique string for this chunk of users * * @param $ids * @return string */ private static function createCacheId($ids) { $ids = array_unique($ids); asort($ids); return self::CACHE_ID . '_' . implode('_', $ids); } /** * Catch data from CUser, CBlogUser and formatted them to array to save in cache */ private function getUsersFromDB($ids = array()) { $result = array(); // BLOG users $filter = array(); if (!empty($ids)) $filter["=USER_ID"] = $ids; $resBlogUsers = Internals\BlogUserTable::getList(array( 'select' => array( 'ID', 'USER_ID', 'ALIAS', 'DESCRIPTION', 'AVATAR', 'INTERESTS', 'LAST_VISIT', 'DATE_REG', 'ALLOW_POST', 'USER.PERSONAL_PHOTO', 'USER.LOGIN', 'USER.NAME', 'USER.LAST_NAME' ), 'filter' => $filter, )); // find Users then not exists as BlogUser if (is_array($ids) && !empty($ids)) $notExistingUsersIds = array_combine($ids, $ids); // set keys = value in new array while ($row = $resBlogUsers->fetch()) { unset($notExistingUsersIds[$row["USER_ID"]]); // specialchars only needed fields $row["BLOG_USER_ID"] = $row["ID"]; // rename for understandability // make correctly BlogUser structure to use in old components $row["BlogUser"] = array( "ALIAS" => $row["ALIAS"], "DESCRIPTION" => $row["DESCRIPTION"], "INTERESTS" => $row["INTERESTS"], ); $row["BlogUser"] = \CBlogTools::htmlspecialcharsExArray($row["BlogUser"]); if($row["DATE_REG"]) $row["BlogUser"]["DATE_REG"] = FormatDate("FULL", $row["DATE_REG"]->getTimestamp()); if($row["LAST_VISIT"]) $row["BlogUser"]["LAST_VISIT"] = FormatDate("FULL", $row["LAST_VISIT"]->getTimestamp()); $row["BlogUser"]["ID"] = $row["ID"]; $row["BlogUser"]["USER_ID"] = $row["USER_ID"]; $row["BlogUser"]["AVATAR"] = $row["AVATAR"]; $row["BlogUser"]["ALLOW_POST"] = $row["ALLOW_POST"]; // Avatars for post and for comments $row["BlogUser"]["AVATAR_file"] = intval($row["AVATAR"]) > 0 ? \CFile::GetFileArray($row["AVATAR"]) : \CFile::GetFileArray($row["BLOG_INTERNALS_BLOG_USER_USER_PERSONAL_PHOTO"]); if ($row["BlogUser"]["AVATAR_file"] !== false) { foreach ($this->avatarSizes as $key => $avatarSize) { $row["BlogUser"]["Avatar_resized"][$avatarSize['WIDTH'] . '_' . $avatarSize['HEIGHT']] = \CFile::ResizeImageGet( $row["BlogUser"]["AVATAR_file"], array("width" => $avatarSize['WIDTH'], "height" => $avatarSize['HEIGHT']), BX_RESIZE_IMAGE_EXACT, false ); $row["BlogUser"]["AVATAR_img"][$avatarSize['WIDTH'] . '_' . $avatarSize['HEIGHT']] = \CFile::ShowImage( $row["BlogUser"]["Avatar_resized"][$avatarSize['WIDTH'] . '_' . $avatarSize['HEIGHT']]["src"], $avatarSize['WIDTH'], $avatarSize['HEIGHT'], "border=0 align='right'" ); } } // create correct name from alias, login and names $row["AUTHOR_NAME"] = self::GetUserName( $row["ALIAS"], $row["BLOG_INTERNALS_BLOG_USER_USER_NAME"], $row["BLOG_INTERNALS_BLOG_USER_USER_LAST_NAME"], $row["BLOG_INTERNALS_BLOG_USER_USER_LOGIN"] ); $row["~AUTHOR_NAME"] = htmlspecialcharsex($row["AUTHOR_NAME"]); // array for User data $row["arUser"] = array( "ID" => $row["USER_ID"], "NAME" => $row["BLOG_INTERNALS_BLOG_USER_USER_NAME"], "LAST_NAME" => $row["BLOG_INTERNALS_BLOG_USER_USER_LAST_NAME"], "LOGIN" => $row["BLOG_INTERNALS_BLOG_USER_USER_LOGIN"], ); $row["arUser"] = \CBlogTools::htmlspecialcharsExArray($row["arUser"]); // we need work with main user ID - is may be not equal blog user ID $result[$row["arUser"]['ID']] = $row; } // create new empty BlogUsers for not existing Users if (!empty($notExistingUsersIds)) $result = $result + $this->addNotExistingUsers($notExistingUsersIds); return $result; } private function addNotExistingUsers($ids = array()) { global $APPLICATION, $DB; // get Users data $rsUsers = \CUser::GetList( $by = 'id', $order = 'asc', array('ID' => implode('|', $ids)), array('FIELDS' => array('ID', 'DATE_REGISTER'/*, 'NAME', 'LAST_NAME', 'LOGIN'*/)) ); while ($user = $rsUsers->Fetch()) { // todo: use new BlogUser class, when finish them // check correctly date if (!is_set($user, "DATE_REGISTER") || (!$DB->IsDate($user["DATE_REGISTER"], false, LANG, "FULL"))) $user["DATE_REGISTER"] = new DateTime(); $resId = \CBlogUser::Add( array( 'USER_ID' => $user['ID'], 'DATE_REG' => $user["DATE_REGISTER"], ) ); // during ADD process we can catch errors. If not process them - we get infinity cicle between getUsersFromDB>addNotExistingUsers if(!$resId) if($ex = $APPLICATION->GetException()) throw new SystemException($ex->GetString()); } // get created BlogUsers from DB return $this->getUsersFromDB($ids); } /** * Return users ids of post author and comments authors (for this post) * * @param $postId */ public static function getCommentAuthorsIdsByPostId($postId) { if (!$postId) throw new ArgumentNullException('post ID'); $postId = intval($postId); $result = array(); $resComment = \CBlogComment::GetList(array(), array("POST_ID" => $postId), false, false, array("AUTHOR_ID")); while ($comment = $resComment->Fetch()) { if ($comment["AUTHOR_ID"]) $result[$comment["AUTHOR_ID"]] = $comment["AUTHOR_ID"]; } return $result; } /** * Return users ids of blog posts * @param $blogId */ public static function getPostAuthorsIdsByBlogId($blogId) { if (!$blogId) throw new ArgumentNullException('blog ID'); $blogId = intval($blogId); $result = array(); $resPost = \CBlogPost::GetList(array(), array("BLOG_ID" => $blogId), false, false, array("AUTHOR_ID")); while ($post = $resPost->Fetch()) if ($post["AUTHOR_ID"]) $result[$post["AUTHOR_ID"]] = $post["AUTHOR_ID"]; return $result; } /** * Return IDs of post authors by custom selection * * @param $arFilter * @return array * @throws ArgumentNullException */ public static function getPostAuthorsIdsByDbFilter($arFilter) { if (!$arFilter) throw new ArgumentNullException('blog ID'); if(!is_array($arFilter)) return array(); $result = array(); $resPost = \CBlogPost::GetList(array(), $arFilter, false, false, array("AUTHOR_ID")); while ($post = $resPost->Fetch()) if ($post["AUTHOR_ID"]) $result[$post["AUTHOR_ID"]] = $post["AUTHOR_ID"]; return $result; } /** * Creat correctly blog user name from name, alias and login * * @param $alias * @param $name * @param $lastName * @param $login * @param string $secondName * @return string * */ public static function GetUserName($alias, $name, $lastName, $login, $secondName = "") { $result = ""; $canUseAlias = \COption::GetOptionString("blog", "allow_alias", "Y"); if ($canUseAlias == "Y") $result = $alias; if (strlen($result) <= 0) { $result = \CUser::FormatName( \CSite::GetNameFormat(false), array("NAME" => $name, "LAST_NAME" => $lastName, "SECOND_NAME" => $secondName, "LOGIN" => $login), true, false ); } return $result; } public static function GetUserNameEx($user, $blogUser, $params) { $result = ""; if (!$params["bSoNet"]) { $canUseAlias = \COption::GetOptionString("blog", "allow_alias", "Y"); if ($canUseAlias == "Y") $result = $blogUser["ALIAS"]; } if (strlen($result) <= 0) { $params["NAME_TEMPLATE"] = $params["NAME_TEMPLATE"] ? $params["NAME_TEMPLATE"] : \CSite::GetNameFormat(); $params["NAME_TEMPLATE"] = str_replace( array("#NOBR#", "#/NOBR#"), array("", ""), $params["NAME_TEMPLATE"] ); $isUseLogin = $params["SHOW_LOGIN"] != "N" ? true : false; $result = \CUser::FormatName( $params["NAME_TEMPLATE"], $user, $isUseLogin, false ); } return $result; } /** * Check, is user given consent for current agreement ever in the past. * Consent checked based on component URL, it means, that if URL will be changed, result will be false again. * * @param $userId - ID of main user (not blog user!) */ public static function isUserGivenConsent($userId, $agreementId) { if (!$userId || $userId <= 0) throw new ArgumentNullException('User ID'); if (!$agreementId || $agreementId <= 0) throw new ArgumentNullException('Agreement ID'); // Find root URL for current component. We will check this URL in consents table. // URL will be common for any constnt in this component $request = Application::getInstance()->getContext()->getRequest(); $url = $request->getHttpHost() . $request->getScriptFile(); $urlDir = pathinfo($url); $urlDir = $urlDir['dirname']; $filter = array( "=USER_ID" => $userId, "%=URL" => "%$urlDir%", "=AGREEMENT_ID" => $agreementId, ); $isGivenAgreement = false; $consents = ConsentTable::getList(array('filter' => $filter)); if ($consents->fetch()) $isGivenAgreement = true; return $isGivenAgreement; } }