Direktori : /home/bitrix/www/bitrix/modules/calendar/classes/general/ |
Current File : //home/bitrix/www/bitrix/modules/calendar/classes/general/calendar_request.php |
<? use \Bitrix\Calendar\Ui\CalendarFilter; use Bitrix\Main\Localization\Loc; class CCalendarRequest { private static $request, $reqId, $calendar; public static function Process($action = '', CCalendar $calendar) { global $APPLICATION; self::$request = \Bitrix\Main\Context::getCurrent()->getRequest()->toArray(); if ($_REQUEST['skip_unescape'] !== 'Y') { CUtil::decodeURIComponent(self::$request); CUtil::JSPostUnEscape(); } self::$calendar = $calendar; // Export calendar if ($action == 'export') { // We don't need to check access couse we will check security SIGN from the URL $sectId = intVal($_GET['sec_id']); if ($_GET['check'] == 'Y') // Just for access check from calendar interface { $APPLICATION->RestartBuffer(); if (CCalendarSect::CheckSign($_GET['sign'], intVal($_GET['user']), $sectId > 0 ? $sectId : 'superposed_calendars')) echo 'BEGIN:VCALENDAR'; CMain::FinalActions(); die(); } if (CCalendarSect::CheckAuthHash() && $sectId > 0) { // We don't need any warning in .ics file error_reporting(E_COMPILE_ERROR|E_ERROR|E_CORE_ERROR|E_PARSE); CCalendarSect::ReturnICal(array( 'sectId' => $sectId, 'userId' => intVal($_GET['user']), 'sign' => $_GET['sign'], 'type' => $_GET['type'], 'ownerId' => intVal($_GET['owner']) )); } } else { // Check the access if (!CCalendarType::CanDo('calendar_type_view', CCalendar::GetType()) || !check_bitrix_sessid()) { $APPLICATION->ThrowException(Loc::getMessage("EC_ACCESS_DENIED")); return false; } $APPLICATION->ShowAjaxHead(); $APPLICATION->RestartBuffer(); self::$reqId = intVal($_REQUEST['reqId']); switch ($action) { case 'edit_event': self::editEntry(); break; case 'simple_save_entry': self::simpleSaveEntry(); break; case 'delete_entry': self::deleteEntry(); break; case 'move_event_to_date': self::moveEventToDate(); break; case 'delete': self::DeleteEvent(); break; case 'load_entries': self::LoadEntries(); break; case 'section_edit': self::EditSection(); break; case 'section_delete': self::DeleteSection(); break; case 'section_caldav_hide': self::HideCaldavSection(); break; case 'save_settings': self::SaveSettings(); break; case 'set_meeting_status': self::SetStatus(); break; case 'get_group_members': self::GetGroupMemberList(); break; case 'get_accessibility': self::GetAccessibility(); break; case 'get_mr_accessibility': self::GetMeetingRoomAccessibility(); break; case 'check_meeting_room': self::CheckMeetingRoom(); break; case 'connections_edit': self::EditConnections(); break; case 'disconnect_google': self::DisconnectGoogle(); break; case 'clear_sync_info': self::ClearSynchronizationInfo(); break; case 'exchange_sync': self::SyncExchange(); break; // case 'get_view_event_dialog': // self::GetViewEventDialog(); // break; // case 'get_edit_event_dialog': // self::GetEditEventDialog(); // break; case 'get_planner': self::GetPlanner(); break; case 'update_planner': self::UpdatePlanner(); break; case 'change_recurcive_event_until': self::ChangeRecurciveEventUntil(); break; case 'exclude_recursion_date': self::AddExcludeRecursionDate(); break; case 'get_edit_slider': self::GetEditSlider(); break; case 'get_view_slider': self::GetViewSlider(); break; case 'update_location_list': self::updateLocationList(); break; case 'get_tracking_sections': self::getTrackingSections(); break; case 'set_tracking_sections': self::setTrackingSections(); break; case 'get_settings_slider': self::getSettingsSlider(); break; case 'get_destination_items': self::getDestinationItems(); break; case 'get_filter_data': self::getFilterData(); break; } } if($ex = $APPLICATION->GetException()) ShowError($ex->GetString()); CMain::FinalActions(); die(); } public static function OutputJSRes($reqId = false, $res = false) { if ($res === false) return; if ($reqId === false) $reqId = intVal($_REQUEST['reqId']); if (!$reqId) return; ?> <script>top.BXCRES['<?= $reqId?>'] = <?= CUtil::PhpToJSObject($res)?>;</script> <? } public static function simpleSaveEntry() { $locationBusyWarning = false; if (CCalendar::GetReadonlyMode() || !CCalendarType::CanDo('calendar_type_view', CCalendar::GetType())) { return CCalendar::ThrowError(Loc::getMessage('EC_ACCESS_DENIED')); } $sectId = intVal(self::$request['section']); if (CCalendar::GetType() != 'user' || CCalendar::GetOwnerId() != CCalendar::GetUserId()) // Personal user's calendar { if (!CCalendarSect::CanDo('calendar_add', $sectId, CCalendar::GetUserId())) { return CCalendar::ThrowError(Loc::getMessage('EC_ACCESS_DENIED')); } } // Default name for events $name = trim(self::$request['name']); if ($name == '') { $name = Loc::getMessage('EC_DEFAULT_EVENT_NAME'); } $remind = array(); if (is_array(self::$request['remind'])) { foreach (self::$request['remind'] as $remindValue) { $remind[] = array('type' => 'min', 'count' => intval($remindValue)); } } // Date & Time $dateFrom = self::$request['date_from']; $dateTo = self::$request['date_to']; // Timezone $tzFrom = self::$request['tz_from']; $tzTo = self::$request['tz_to']; if (!$tzFrom && isset(self::$request['default_tz'])) { $tzFrom = self::$request['default_tz']; } if (!$tzTo && isset(self::$request['default_tz'])) { $tzTo = self::$request['default_tz']; } if (isset(self::$request['default_tz']) && self::$request['default_tz'] != '') { CCalendar::SaveUserTimezoneName(CCalendar::GetUserId(), self::$request['default_tz']); } $location = isset(self::$request['location']) ? self::$request['location'] : ''; $arFields = array( "DATE_FROM" => $dateFrom, "DATE_TO" => $dateTo, 'TZ_FROM' => $tzFrom, "SKIP_TIME" => false, 'TZ_TO' => $tzTo, 'NAME' => $name, 'SECTIONS' => $sectId, 'LOCATION' => array("NEW" => $location), "REMIND" => $remind, "IS_MEETING" => !!self::$request['is_meeting'] ); if ($location && !CCalendarLocation::checkAccessibility(trim(self::$request['location']), array('fields' => $arFields))) { $arFields['LOCATION'] = ''; $locationBusyWarning = true; } $arAccessCodes = array(); if (isset(self::$request['access_codes']) && is_array(self::$request['access_codes'])) { $arAccessCodes = self::$request['access_codes']; if (!count($arAccessCodes) || CCalendar::GetType() != 'user' || CCalendar::IsPersonal()) { $arAccessCodes[] = 'U'.CCalendar::GetUserId(); } $arAccessCodes = array_unique($arAccessCodes); } $arFields['IS_MEETING'] = !empty($arAccessCodes) && $arAccessCodes != array('U'.CCalendar::GetUserId()); if ($arFields['IS_MEETING']) { $arFields['ATTENDEES_CODES'] = $arAccessCodes; $arFields['ATTENDEES'] = CCalendar::GetDestinationUsers($arAccessCodes); } if (self::$request['exclude_users'] && count($arFields['ATTENDEES']) > 0) { $excludeUsers = explode(",", self::$request['exclude_users']); $arFields['ATTENDEES_CODES'] = array(); if (count($excludeUsers) > 0) { $arFields['ATTENDEES'] = array_diff($arFields['ATTENDEES'], $excludeUsers); foreach ($arFields['ATTENDEES'] as $userId) { $arFields['ATTENDEES_CODES'][] = 'U'.intval($userId); } } } $arFields['MEETING_HOST'] = CCalendar::GetType() == 'user' && CCalendar::GetOwnerId() != CCalendar::GetUserId() ? CCalendar::GetOwnerId() : CCalendar::GetUserId(); $arFields['MEETING'] = array( 'HOST_NAME' => CCalendar::GetUserName($arFields['MEETING_HOST']), 'NOTIFY' => self::$request['meeting_notify'] === 'Y', 'ALLOW_INVITE' => self::$request['meeting_allow_invite'] === 'Y', 'MEETING_CREATOR' => CCalendar::GetUserId() ); $newId = CCalendar::SaveEvent(array( 'arFields' => $arFields, 'silentErrorMode' => false )); $entries = array(); $arAttendees = array(); $eventIds = array($newId); if ($newId) { $arFilter = array( "ID" => $newId, "FROM_LIMIT" => CCalendar::Date(CCalendar::Timestamp($arFields["DATE_FROM"]) - CCalendar::DAY_LENGTH * 10, false), "TO_LIMIT" => CCalendar::Date(CCalendar::Timestamp($arFields["DATE_TO"]) + CCalendar::DAY_LENGTH * 90, false) ); $entries = CCalendarEvent::GetList( array( 'arFilter' => $arFilter, 'parseRecursion' => true, 'fetchAttendees' => true, 'userId' => CCalendar::GetUserId() ) ); if ($arFields['IS_MEETING']) { \Bitrix\Main\FinderDestTable::merge(array( "CONTEXT" => "CALENDAR", "CODE" => \Bitrix\Main\FinderDestTable::convertRights($arAccessCodes, array('U'.CCalendar::GetUserId())) )); } } self::OutputJSRes(self::$reqId, array( 'id' => $newId, 'entries' => $entries, 'attendees' => $arAttendees, 'eventIds' => array_unique($eventIds), 'location_busy_warning' => $locationBusyWarning )); } public static function editEntry() { if (CCalendar::GetReadonlyMode() || !CCalendarType::CanDo('calendar_type_view', CCalendar::GetType())) return CCalendar::ThrowError(Loc::getMessage('EC_ACCESS_DENIED')); $id = intVal(self::$request['id']); if (isset(self::$request['section'])) { $sectId = intVal(self::$request['section']); self::$request['sections'] = array($sectId); } else { $sectId = intVal(self::$request['sections'][0]); } if (CCalendar::GetType() != 'user' || CCalendar::GetOwnerId() != CCalendar::GetUserId()) // Personal user's calendar { if (!$id && !CCalendarSect::CanDo('calendar_add', $sectId, CCalendar::GetUserId())) return CCalendar::ThrowError(Loc::getMessage('EC_ACCESS_DENIED')); if ($id && !CCalendarSect::CanDo('calendar_edit', $sectId, CCalendar::GetUserId())) return CCalendar::ThrowError(Loc::getMessage('EC_ACCESS_DENIED')); } // Default name for events self::$request['name'] = trim(self::$request['name']); if (self::$request['name'] == '') self::$request['name'] = Loc::getMessage('EC_DEFAULT_EVENT_NAME'); $remind = array(); if (isset(self::$request['reminder'])) { foreach (self::$request['reminder'] as $remindValue) $remind[] = array('type' => 'min', 'count' => intval($remindValue)); //$remind[] = array('type' => self::$request['remind']['type'], 'count' => intval(self::$request['remind']['count'])); } $rrule = self::$request['EVENT_RRULE']; if (self::$request['rrule_endson'] == 'never') { unset($rrule['COUNT']); unset($rrule['UNTIL']); } elseif (self::$request['rrule_endson'] == 'count') { if (intval($rrule['COUNT']) <= 0) $rrule['COUNT'] = 10; unset($rrule['UNTIL']); } elseif (self::$request['rrule_endson'] == 'until') { unset($rrule['COUNT']); } // Date & Time $dateFrom = self::$request['date_from']; $dateTo = self::$request['date_to']; $skipTime = isset(self::$request['skip_time']) && self::$request['skip_time'] == 'Y'; if (!$skipTime) { $dateFrom .= ' '.self::$request['time_from_real']; $dateTo .= ' '.self::$request['time_to_real']; } $dateFrom = trim($dateFrom); $dateTo = trim($dateTo); // Timezone $tzFrom = self::$request['tz_from']; $tzTo = self::$request['tz_to']; if (!$tzFrom && isset(self::$request['default_tz'])) { $tzFrom = self::$request['default_tz']; } if (!$tzTo && isset(self::$request['default_tz'])) { $tzTo = self::$request['default_tz']; } if (isset(self::$request['default_tz']) && self::$request['default_tz'] != '') { CCalendar::SaveUserTimezoneName(CCalendar::GetUserId(), self::$request['default_tz']); } $arFields = array( "ID" => $id, "DATE_FROM" => $dateFrom, "DATE_TO" => $dateTo, 'TZ_FROM' => $tzFrom, 'TZ_TO' => $tzTo, 'NAME' => self::$request['name'], 'DESCRIPTION' => trim(self::$request['desc']), 'SECTIONS' => self::$request['sections'], 'COLOR' => self::$request['color'], 'ACCESSIBILITY' => self::$request['accessibility'], 'IMPORTANCE' => isset(self::$request['importance']) ? self::$request['importance'] : 'normal', 'PRIVATE_EVENT' => self::$request['private_event'] == 'Y', 'RRULE' => $rrule, 'LOCATION' => array( "OLD" => self::$request['location_old'], "NEW" => self::$request['location_new'] ), "REMIND" => $remind, "IS_MEETING" => !!self::$request['is_meeting'], "SKIP_TIME" => $skipTime ); $arAccessCodes = array(); if (isset(self::$request['EVENT_DESTINATION'])) { foreach(self::$request["EVENT_DESTINATION"] as $v => $k) { if(strlen($v) > 0 && is_array($k) && !empty($k)) { foreach($k as $vv) { if(strlen($vv) > 0) { $arAccessCodes[] = $vv; } } } } if (!count($arAccessCodes) || CCalendar::GetType() != 'user' || CCalendar::IsPersonal()) $arAccessCodes[] = 'U'.CCalendar::GetUserId(); $arAccessCodes = array_unique($arAccessCodes); } $arFields['IS_MEETING'] = !empty($arAccessCodes) && $arAccessCodes != array('U'.CCalendar::GetUserId()); if ($arFields['IS_MEETING']) { $arFields['ATTENDEES_CODES'] = $arAccessCodes; $arFields['ATTENDEES'] = CCalendar::GetDestinationUsers($arAccessCodes); } if (self::$request['exclude_users'] && count($arFields['ATTENDEES']) > 0) { $excludeUsers = explode(",", self::$request['exclude_users']); $arFields['ATTENDEES_CODES'] = array(); if (count($excludeUsers) > 0) { $arFields['ATTENDEES'] = array_diff($arFields['ATTENDEES'], $excludeUsers); foreach ($arFields['ATTENDEES'] as $userId) { $arFields['ATTENDEES_CODES'][] = 'U'.intval($userId); } } } if (CCalendar::GetType() == 'user' && CCalendar::GetOwnerId() != CCalendar::GetUserId()) { $arFields['MEETING_HOST'] = CCalendar::GetOwnerId(); } else { $arFields['MEETING_HOST'] = CCalendar::GetUserId(); } $arFields['MEETING'] = array( 'HOST_NAME' => CCalendar::GetUserName($arFields['MEETING_HOST']), 'NOTIFY' => self::$request['meeting_notify'] === 'Y', 'REINVITE' => self::$request['meeting_reinvite'] === 'Y', 'ALLOW_INVITE' => self::$request['allow_invite'] === 'Y', 'MEETING_CREATOR' => CCalendar::GetUserId() ); // Userfields for event $arUFFields = array(); foreach (self::$request as $field => $value) { if (substr($field, 0, 3) == "UF_") { $arUFFields[$field] = $value; } } $newId = CCalendar::SaveEvent(array( 'arFields' => $arFields, 'UF' => $arUFFields, 'silentErrorMode' => false, 'recursionEditMode' => $_REQUEST['rec_edit_mode'], 'currentEventDateFrom' => CCalendar::Date(CCalendar::Timestamp(self::$request['current_date_from']), false) )); $arEvents = array(); $arAttendees = array(); $eventIds = array($newId); if ($newId) { $arFilter = array( "ID" => $newId, "FROM_LIMIT" => CCalendar::Date(CCalendar::Timestamp($arFields["DATE_FROM"]) - CCalendar::DAY_LENGTH * 10, false), "TO_LIMIT" => CCalendar::Date(CCalendar::Timestamp($arFields["DATE_TO"]) + CCalendar::DAY_LENGTH * 90, false) ); $arEvents = CCalendarEvent::GetList( array( 'arFilter' => $arFilter, 'parseRecursion' => true, 'fetchAttendees' => true, 'userId' => CCalendar::GetUserId() ) ); if ($arFields['IS_MEETING']) { \Bitrix\Main\FinderDestTable::merge(array( "CONTEXT" => "CALENDAR", "CODE" => \Bitrix\Main\FinderDestTable::convertRights($arAccessCodes, array('U'.CCalendar::GetUserId())) )); } if ($arEvents && $arFields['IS_MEETING']) $arAttendees = CCalendarEvent::GetLastAttendees(); if (in_array($_REQUEST['rec_edit_mode'], array('this', 'next'))) { unset($arFilter['ID']); $arFilter['RECURRENCE_ID'] = ($arEvents && $arEvents[0] && $arEvents[0]['RECURRENCE_ID']) ? $arEvents[0]['RECURRENCE_ID'] : $newId; $resRelatedEvents = CCalendarEvent::GetList( array( 'arFilter' => $arFilter, 'parseRecursion' => true, 'fetchAttendees' => true, 'userId' => CCalendar::GetUserId() ) ); foreach ($resRelatedEvents as $ev) { $eventIds[] = $ev['ID']; } $arEvents = array_merge($arEvents, $resRelatedEvents); } elseif ($id && $arEvents && $arEvents[0] && CCalendarEvent::CheckRecurcion($arEvents[0])) { $recId = $arEvents[0]['RECURRENCE_ID'] ? $arEvents[0]['RECURRENCE_ID'] : $arEvents[0]['ID']; if ($arEvents[0]['RECURRENCE_ID'] && $arEvents[0]['RECURRENCE_ID'] !== $arEvents[0]['ID']) { unset($arFilter['RECURRENCE_ID']); $arFilter['ID'] = $arEvents[0]['RECURRENCE_ID']; $resRelatedEvents = CCalendarEvent::GetList( array( 'arFilter' => $arFilter, 'parseRecursion' => true, 'fetchAttendees' => true, 'userId' => CCalendar::GetUserId() ) ); $eventIds[] = $arEvents[0]['RECURRENCE_ID']; $arEvents = array_merge($arEvents, $resRelatedEvents); } if ($recId) { unset($arFilter['ID']); $arFilter['RECURRENCE_ID'] = $recId; $resRelatedEvents = CCalendarEvent::GetList( array( 'arFilter' => $arFilter, 'parseRecursion' => true, 'fetchAttendees' => true, 'userId' => CCalendar::GetUserId() ) ); foreach ($resRelatedEvents as $ev) { $eventIds[] = $ev['ID']; } $arEvents = array_merge($arEvents, $resRelatedEvents); } } } echo \Bitrix\Main\Web\Json::encode(array( 'id' => $newId, 'entries' => $arEvents, 'attendees' => $arAttendees, 'eventIds' => array_unique($eventIds) )); } public static function moveEventToDate() { if (CCalendar::GetReadonlyMode() || !CCalendarType::CanDo('calendar_type_view', CCalendar::GetType())) return CCalendar::ThrowError(Loc::getMessage('EC_ACCESS_DENIED')); $id = intVal($_POST['id']); $sectId = intVal($_POST['section']); $reload = $_POST['recursive'] === 'Y'; $locationBusyWarning = false; $busyWarning = false; if (CCalendar::GetType() != 'user' || CCalendar::GetOwnerId() != CCalendar::GetUserId()) // Personal user's calendar { if (!$id && !CCalendarSect::CanDo('calendar_add', $sectId, CCalendar::GetUserId())) return CCalendar::ThrowError(Loc::getMessage('EC_ACCESS_DENIED')); if ($id && !CCalendarSect::CanDo('calendar_edit', $sectId, CCalendar::GetUserId())) return CCalendar::ThrowError(Loc::getMessage('EC_ACCESS_DENIED')); } $skipTime = isset($_POST['skip_time']) && $_POST['skip_time'] == 'Y'; $arFields = array( "ID" => $id, "DATE_FROM" => CCalendar::Date(CCalendar::Timestamp($_POST['date_from']), !$skipTime), "SKIP_TIME" => $skipTime ); if (isset($_POST['date_to'])) $arFields["DATE_TO"] = CCalendar::Date(CCalendar::Timestamp($_POST['date_to']), !$skipTime); $timezone = $_POST['timezone']; if (!$skipTime && $_POST['set_timezone'] == 'Y' && $_POST['timezone']) { $arFields["TZ_FROM"] = $_POST['timezone']; $arFields["TZ_TO"] = $_POST['timezone']; } if (isset(self::$request['location']) && !CCalendarLocation::checkAccessibility(trim(self::$request['location']), array('fields' => $arFields))) { $locationBusyWarning = true; $reload = true; } if ($_POST['is_meeting'] === 'Y' && is_array($_POST['attendees'])) { $usersToCheck = array(); foreach ($_POST['attendees'] as $attId) { if ($attId !== CCalendar::GetUserId()) { $userSettings = CCalendarUserSettings::Get(intval($attId)); if($userSettings && $userSettings['denyBusyInvitation']) { $usersToCheck[] = intval($attId); } } } if (count($usersToCheck) > 0) { $fromTs = CCalendar::Timestamp($arFields["DATE_FROM"]); $toTs = CCalendar::Timestamp($arFields["DATE_TO"]); $fromTs = $fromTs - CCalendar::GetTimezoneOffset($timezone, $fromTs); $toTs = $toTs - CCalendar::GetTimezoneOffset($timezone, $toTs); $dateFromUtc = CCalendar::Date($fromTs); $dateToUtc = CCalendar::Date($toTs); $accessibility = CCalendar::GetAccessibilityForUsers(array( 'users' => $usersToCheck, 'from' => $dateFromUtc, // date or datetime in UTC 'to' => $dateToUtc, // date or datetime in UTC 'curEventId' => $id, 'getFromHR' => true, 'checkPermissions' => false )); foreach($accessibility as $userId => $entries) { foreach($entries as $entry) { $entFromTs = CCalendar::Timestamp($entry["DATE_FROM"]); $entToTs = CCalendar::Timestamp($entry["DATE_TO"]); $entFromTs -= CCalendar::GetTimezoneOffset($entry['TZ_FROM'], $entFromTs); $entToTs -= CCalendar::GetTimezoneOffset($entry['TZ_TO'], $entToTs); if ($entFromTs < $toTs && $entToTs > $fromTs) { $busyWarning = true; $reload = true; break; } } if ($busyWarning) break; } } } if (!$busyWarning && !$locationBusyWarning) { if ($_POST['recursive'] === 'Y') { CCalendar::SaveEventEx(array( 'arFields' => $arFields, 'silentErrorMode' => false, 'recursionEditMode' => 'this', 'currentEventDateFrom' => CCalendar::Date(CCalendar::Timestamp($_POST['current_date_from']), false) )); } else { $id = CCalendar::SaveEvent(array( 'arFields' => $arFields, 'silentErrorMode' => false )); } } self::OutputJSRes(self::$reqId, array( 'id' => $id, 'reload' => $reload, 'busy_warning' => $busyWarning, 'location_busy_warning' => $locationBusyWarning )); } public static function deleteEntry() { if (CCalendar::GetReadonlyMode() || !CCalendarType::CanDo('calendar_type_view', CCalendar::GetType())) return CCalendar::ThrowError(Loc::getMessage('EC_ACCESS_DENIED')); $res = CCalendar::DeleteEvent(intVal(self::$request['entry_id']), true, array('recursionMode' => self::$request['recursion_mode']) ); if ($res !== true) return CCalendar::ThrowError(strlen($res) > 0 ? $res : Loc::getMessage('EC_EVENT_DEL_ERROR')); self::OutputJSRes(self::$reqId, true); } public static function DeleteEvent() { if (CCalendar::GetReadonlyMode() || !CCalendarType::CanDo('calendar_type_view', CCalendar::GetType())) return CCalendar::ThrowError(Loc::getMessage('EC_ACCESS_DENIED')); $res = CCalendar::DeleteEvent(intVal($_POST['id']), true, array('recursionMode' => $_REQUEST['rec_mode'])); if ($res !== true) return CCalendar::ThrowError(strlen($res) > 0 ? $res : Loc::getMessage('EC_EVENT_DEL_ERROR')); self::OutputJSRes(self::$reqId, true); } public static function LoadEntries() { $arHiddenSect = array(); $finish = false; $monthFrom = intVal(self::$request['month_from']); $yearFrom = intVal(self::$request['year_from']); $monthTo = intVal(self::$request['month_to']); $yearTo = intVal(self::$request['year_to']); $parseRecursion = true; $params = array( 'type' => CCalendar::GetType(), 'section' => array(), 'fromLimit' => $monthFrom ? CCalendar::Date(mktime(0, 0, 0, $monthFrom, 1, $yearFrom), false) : false, 'toLimit' => $monthTo ? CCalendar::Date(mktime(0, 0, 0, $monthTo, 1, $yearTo), false) : false, ); $connections = false; if (self::$request['loadNext'] == 'Y' || self::$request['loadPrevious'] == 'Y') { $params['limit'] = intVal(self::$request['loadLimit']); $parseRecursion = false; } if ($_REQUEST['cal_dav_data_sync'] == 'Y' && CCalendar::IsCalDAVEnabled()) { $isGoogleApiEnabled = CCalendar::isGoogleApiEnabled(); $JSConfig = array(); CCalendar::InitExternalCalendarsSyncParams($JSConfig); CDavGroupdavClientCalendar::DataSync("user", CCalendar::GetOwnerId()); if ($isGoogleApiEnabled) { $dbConnections = CDavConnection::GetList( array("SYNCHRONIZED" => "ASC"), array('ACCOUNT_TYPE' => 'google_api_oauth', 'ENTITY_TYPE' => 'user', 'ENTITY_ID' => CCalendar::GetOwnerId()), false, false, array('ID', 'ENTITY_TYPE', 'ENTITY_ID', 'ACCOUNT_TYPE', 'SERVER_SCHEME', 'SERVER_HOST', 'SERVER_PORT', 'SERVER_USERNAME', 'SERVER_PASSWORD', 'SERVER_PATH', 'SYNCHRONIZED', 'SYNC_TOKEN') ); if ($connection = $dbConnections->Fetch()) { $connection['forceSync'] = true; CCalendarSync::dataSync($connection); } CCalendar::InitExternalCalendarsSyncParams($JSConfig); } if ($JSConfig['connections']) $connections = $JSConfig['connections']; } $bGetTask = false; if (is_array($_REQUEST['active_sect'])) { foreach($_REQUEST['active_sect'] as $sectId) { if ($sectId == 'tasks') $bGetTask = true; elseif (intval($sectId) > 0) $params['section'][] = intval($sectId); } } if (is_array($_REQUEST['hidden_sect'])) { foreach($_REQUEST['hidden_sect'] as $sectId) { if ($sectId == 'tasks') $arHiddenSect[] = 'tasks'; elseif(intval($sectId) > 0) $arHiddenSect[] = intval($sectId); } } $arAttendees = array(); // List of attendees for each event Array([ID] => Array(), ..,); $entries = array(); $activeSections = []; if (count($params['section']) > 0) { $sect = CCalendarSect::GetList(array( 'arFilter' => array( 'ID'=> $params['section'], 'ACTIVE' => 'Y' ) ) ); foreach($sect as $section) { $activeSections[] = $section['ID']; } $params['section'] = $activeSections; } if (count($params['section']) > 0) { $arFilter = array( 'OWNER_ID' => CCalendar::GetOwnerId(), 'SECTION' => $params['section'] ); CCalendarEvent::SetLastAttendees(false); if (isset($params['fromLimit'])) { $arFilter["FROM_LIMIT"] = $params['fromLimit']; } if (isset($params['toLimit'])) { $arFilter["TO_LIMIT"] = $params['toLimit']; } if ($params['type'] == 'user') { $fetchMeetings = in_array(CCalendar::GetMeetingSection($arFilter['OWNER_ID']), $params['section']); } else { $fetchMeetings = in_array(CCalendar::GetCurUserMeetingSection(), $params['section']); if ($params['type']) { $arFilter['CAL_TYPE'] = $params['type']; } } $res = CCalendarEvent::GetList( array( 'arFilter' => $arFilter, 'parseRecursion' => $parseRecursion, 'fetchAttendees' => true, 'userId' => CCalendar::GetCurUserId(), 'fetchMeetings' => $fetchMeetings, 'setDefaultLimit' => false, 'limit' => $params['limit'] ) ); $finish = $params['limit'] && count($res) < $params['limit']; $entries = array(); $lastDateTimestamp = 0; $firstDateTimestamp = INF; foreach($res as $entry) { if(in_array($entry['SECT_ID'], $params['section'])) { $entries[] = $entry; if (self::$request['loadNext'] == 'Y' && !CCalendarEvent::CheckRecurcion($entry) && $entry['DATE_TO_TS_UTC'] > $lastDateTimestamp) { $lastDateTimestamp = $entry['DATE_TO_TS_UTC']; } elseif(self::$request['loadPrevious'] == 'Y' && !CCalendarEvent::CheckRecurcion($entry) && $entry['DATE_FROM_TS_UTC'] < $lastDateTimestamp) { $firstDateTimestamp = $entry['DATE_FROM_TS_UTC']; } } } if (self::$request['loadNext'] == 'Y') { $params['toLimit'] = CCalendar::Date($lastDateTimestamp); } if (self::$request['loadPrevious'] == 'Y') { $params['fromLimit'] = CCalendar::Date($firstDateTimestamp); } if(!$parseRecursion) { foreach($entries as $entry) { if (in_array($entry['SECT_ID'], $params['section'])) { if (CCalendarEvent::CheckRecurcion($entry)) { CCalendarEvent::ParseRecursion($entries, $entry, array( 'fromLimit' => $params['fromLimit'], 'toLimit' => $params['toLimit'], 'instanceCount' => false, 'preciseLimits' => true )); } } } } $arAttendees = CCalendarEvent::GetLastAttendees(); } if (is_array($_REQUEST['sup_sect'])) { $arDisplayedSPSections = array(); foreach($_REQUEST['sup_sect'] as $sectId) { $arDisplayedSPSections[] = intval($sectId); } if (count($arDisplayedSPSections) > 0) { $arSuperposedEvents = CCalendarEvent::GetList( array( 'arFilter' => array( "FROM_LIMIT" => $params['fromLimit'], "TO_LIMIT" => $params['toLimit'], "SECTION" => $arDisplayedSPSections ), 'parseRecursion' => true, 'fetchAttendees' => true, 'userId' => CCalendar::GetUserId() ) ); $entries = array_merge($entries, $arSuperposedEvents); } } // **** GET TASKS **** if ($bGetTask) { $tasksEntries = CCalendar::getTaskList( array( 'type' => CCalendar::GetType(), 'ownerId' => CCalendar::GetOwnerId() ) ); if(count($tasksEntries) > 0) { $entries = array_merge($entries, $tasksEntries); } } self::OutputJSRes(self::$reqId, array( 'entries' => $entries, 'attendees' => $arAttendees, 'connections' => $connections, 'finish' => $finish )); } public static function EditSection() { $id = intVal($_POST['id']); $bNew = (!isset($id) || $id == 0); if ($bNew) // For new sections { if (CCalendar::GetType() == 'group') { // It's for groups if (!CCalendarType::CanDo('calendar_type_edit_section', 'group')) return CCalendar::ThrowError('[se01]'.Loc::getMessage('EC_ACCESS_DENIED')); } else if (CCalendar::GetType() == 'user') { if (!CCalendar::IsPersonal()) // If it's not owner of the group. return CCalendar::ThrowError('[se02]'.Loc::getMessage('EC_ACCESS_DENIED')); } else // other types { if (!CCalendarType::CanDo('calendar_type_edit_section', CCalendar::GetType())) return CCalendar::ThrowError('[se03]'.Loc::getMessage('EC_ACCESS_DENIED')); } } // For existent sections elseif (!CCalendar::IsPersonal() && !$bNew && !CCalendarSect::CanDo('calendar_edit_section', $id, CCalendar::GetUserId())) { return CCalendar::ThrowError(Loc::getMessage('[se02]EC_ACCESS_DENIED')); } $type = CCalendar::GetType(); $arFields = Array( 'CAL_TYPE' => $type, 'ID' => $id, 'NAME' => trim($_POST['name']), 'COLOR' => $_POST['color'], 'OWNER_ID' => ($type == 'user' || $type == 'group') ? CCalendar::GetOwnerId() : '', 'ACCESS' => is_array($_POST['access']) ? $_POST['access'] : array() ); if ($bNew) { $arFields['IS_EXCHANGE'] = $_POST['is_exchange'] == 'Y'; } $id = intVal(CCalendar::SaveSection(array('arFields' => $arFields))); if ($id > 0) { CCalendarSect::SetClearOperationCache(true); $oSect = CCalendarSect::GetById($id, true, true); if (!$oSect) return CCalendar::ThrowError(Loc::getMessage('EC_CALENDAR_SAVE_ERROR')); if (CCalendar::GetType() == 'user' && isset($_POST['is_def_meet_calendar']) && $_POST['is_def_meet_calendar'] == 'Y') { $set = CCalendarUserSettings::Get(CCalendar::GetOwnerId()); $set['meetSection'] = $id; CCalendarUserSettings::Set($set, CCalendar::GetOwnerId()); } self::OutputJSRes(self::$reqId, array('calendar' => $oSect, 'accessNames' => CCalendar::GetAccessNames())); } if ($id <= 0) return CCalendar::ThrowError(Loc::getMessage('EC_CALENDAR_SAVE_ERROR')); } public static function DeleteSection() { $sectId = intVal($_REQUEST['id']); if (!CCalendar::IsPersonal() && !CCalendarSect::CanDo('calendar_edit_section', $sectId, CCalendar::GetUserId())) return CCalendar::ThrowError(Loc::getMessage('EC_ACCESS_DENIED')); CCalendar::DeleteSection($sectId); self::OutputJSRes(self::$reqId, array('result' => true)); } public static function HideCaldavSection() { $sectId = intVal($_REQUEST['id']); if (!CCalendar::IsPersonal() && !CCalendarSect::CanDo('calendar_edit_section', $sectId, CCalendar::GetUserId())) { return CCalendar::ThrowError(Loc::getMessage('EC_ACCESS_DENIED')); } $connectionRemoved = false; $oSect = CCalendarSect::GetById($sectId); // For exchange we change only calendar name if ($oSect && $oSect['CAL_DAV_CON']) { CCalendarSect::Edit(array( 'arFields' => array( "ID" => $sectId, "ACTIVE" => "N" ))); // Check if it's last section from connection - remove it $sections = CCalendarSect::GetList( array('arFilter' => array( 'CAL_DAV_CON' => $oSect['CAL_DAV_CON'], 'ACTIVE' => 'Y' ))); if(!$sections || count($sections) == 0) { CCalendar::RemoveConnection(array('id' => intval($oSect['CAL_DAV_CON']), 'del_calendars' => 'Y')); $connectionRemoved = true; } } self::OutputJSRes(self::$reqId, array( 'result' => true, 'refreshView' => $connectionRemoved )); } public static function SaveSettings() { // Personal CCalendarUserSettings::Set($_REQUEST['user_settings']); // Save access for type if (CCalendarType::CanDo('calendar_type_edit_access', CCalendar::GetType())) { // General if (is_array($_REQUEST['settings'])) { $_REQUEST['settings']['week_holidays'] = implode('|',$_REQUEST['settings']['week_holidays']); CCalendar::SetSettings($_REQUEST['settings']); } CCalendarType::Edit(array( 'arFields' => array( 'XML_ID' => CCalendar::GetType(), 'ACCESS' => $_REQUEST['type_access'] ) )); } if (isset($_POST['user_timezone_name'])) { CCalendar::SaveUserTimezoneName(CCalendar::GetUserId(), $_POST['user_timezone_name']); } self::OutputJSRes(self::$reqId, array('result' => true)); } public static function SetStatus() { CCalendarEvent::SetMeetingStatusEx(array( 'attendeeId' => CCalendar::GetUserId(), 'eventId' => intVal($_REQUEST['event_id']), 'parentId' => intVal($_REQUEST['parent_id']), 'status' => in_array($_REQUEST['status'], array('Q', 'Y', 'N')) ? $_REQUEST['status'] : 'Q', 'reccurentMode' => in_array($_REQUEST['reccurent_mode'], array('this', 'next', 'all')) ? $_REQUEST['reccurent_mode'] : false, 'currentDateFrom' => CCalendar::Date(CCalendar::Timestamp($_REQUEST['current_date_from']), false) )); self::OutputJSRes(self::$reqId, true); } public static function SetMeetingParams() { CCalendarEvent::SetMeetingParams( CCalendar::GetUserId(), intVal($_REQUEST['event_id']), array( 'ACCESSIBILITY' => $_REQUEST['accessibility'], 'REMIND' => $_REQUEST['remind'] ) ); self::OutputJSRes(self::$reqId, true); } public static function GetGroupMemberList() { if (CCalendar::GetType() == 'group') self::OutputJSRes(self::$reqId, array('users' => CCalendar::GetGroupMembers(CCalendar::GetOwnerId()))); } public static function GetAccessibility() { $res = CCalendar::GetAccessibilityForUsers(array( 'users' => $_POST['users'], 'from' => CCalendar::Date(CCalendar::Timestamp($_POST['from'])), 'to' => CCalendar::Date(CCalendar::Timestamp($_POST['to'])), 'curEventId' => intVal($_POST['cur_event_id']), 'getFromHR' => true )); self::OutputJSRes(self::$reqId, array('data' => $res)); } public static function GetMeetingRoomAccessibility() { $res = CCalendar::GetAccessibilityForMeetingRoom(array( 'id' => intVal($_POST['id']), 'from' => CCalendar::Date(CCalendar::Timestamp($_POST['from'])), 'to' => CCalendar::Date(CCalendar::Timestamp($_POST['to'])), 'curEventId' => intVal($_POST['cur_event_id']) )); self::OutputJSRes(self::$reqId, array('data' => $res)); } public static function CheckMeetingRoom() { $from = CCalendar::Date(CCalendar::Timestamp($_POST['from'])); $to = CCalendar::Date(CCalendar::Timestamp($_POST['to'])); $loc_old = $_POST['location_old'] ? CCalendar::ParseLocation(trim($_POST['location_old'])) : false; $loc_new = CCalendar::ParseLocation(trim($_POST['location_new'])); $Params = array( 'dateFrom' => $from, 'dateTo' => $to, 'regularity' => 'NONE', 'members' => isset($_POST['guest']) ? $_POST['guest'] : false, ); if (intVal($_POST['id']) > 0) $Params['ID'] = intVal($_POST['id']); $settings = CCalendar::GetSettings(array('request' => false)); $Params['RMiblockId'] = $settings['rm_iblock_id']; $Params['mrid'] = $loc_new['mrid']; $Params['mrevid_old'] = $loc_old ? $loc_old['mrevid'] : 0; $check = CCalendar::CheckMeetingRoom($Params); self::OutputJSRes(self::$reqId, array('check' => $check)); } public static function EditConnections() { if (CCalendar::GetType() == 'user' && CCalendar::IsCalDAVEnabled()) { $res = CCalendar::ManageConnections($_POST['connections']); if ($res !== true) CCalendar::ThrowError($res == '' ? 'Edit connections error' : $res); else self::OutputJSRes(self::$reqId, array('result' => true)); } } public static function DisconnectGoogle() { if (CCalendar::GetType() == 'user' && (CCalendar::IsCalDAVEnabled() || CCalendar::isGoogleApiEnabled())) { CCalendar::RemoveConnection(array('id' => intval($_POST['connectionId']), 'del_calendars' => 'Y')); self::OutputJSRes(self::$reqId, array('result' => true)); } } public static function ClearSynchronizationInfo() { CCalendar::ClearSyncInfo(CCalendar::GetUserId(), $_POST['sync_type']); self::OutputJSRes(self::$reqId, array('result' => true)); } public static function SyncExchange() { if (CCalendar::GetType() == 'user' && CCalendar::IsExchangeEnabled(CCalendar::GetOwnerId())) { $error = ""; $res = CDavExchangeCalendar::DoDataSync(CCalendar::GetOwnerId(), $error); if ($res === true || $res === false) self::OutputJSRes(self::$reqId, array('result' => true)); else CCalendar::ThrowError($error); } } // public static function GetViewEventDialog() // { // global $APPLICATION; // $APPLICATION->ShowAjaxHead(); // // $jsId = $color = preg_replace('/[^\d|\w]/', '', $_REQUEST['js_id']); // $eventId = intval($_REQUEST['event_id']); // $fromTs = CCalendar::Timestamp($_REQUEST['date_from']) - $_REQUEST['date_from_offset']; // // $event = CCalendarEvent::GetList( // array( // 'arFilter' => array( // "ID" => $eventId, // "DELETED" => "N", // "FROM_LIMIT" => CCalendar::Date($fromTs), // "TO_LIMIT" => CCalendar::Date($fromTs) // ), // 'parseRecursion' => true, // 'maxInstanceCount' => 1, // 'preciseLimits' => true, // 'fetchAttendees' => true, // 'checkPermissions' => true, // 'setDefaultLimit' => false // ) // ); // // if (!$event || !is_array($event[0])) // { // $event = CCalendarEvent::GetList( // array( // 'arFilter' => array( // "ID" => $eventId, // "DELETED" => "N" // ), // 'parseRecursion' => true, // 'maxInstanceCount' => 1, // 'fetchAttendees' => true, // 'checkPermissions' => true, // 'setDefaultLimit' => false // ) // ); // } // // if ($event && is_array($event[0])) // { // $event = $event[0]; // if ($event['IS_MEETING'] && $event['PARENT_ID'] != $event['ID']) // { // $parentEvent = CCalendarEvent::GetById(intval($event['PARENT_ID'])); // if($parentEvent['DELETED'] == 'Y') // { // CCalendarEvent::CleanEventsWithDeadParents(); // $event = false; // } // } // } // // if ($event) // { // CCalendarSceleton::DialogViewEvent(array( // 'id' => $jsId, // 'event' => $event, // 'sectionName' => $_REQUEST['section_name'], // 'bIntranet' => CCalendar::IsIntranetEnabled(), // 'bSocNet' => CCalendar::IsSocNet(), // 'AVATAR_SIZE' => 21 // )); // } // // require($_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"].BX_ROOT."/modules/main/include/epilog_after.php"); // } // public static function GetEditEventDialog() // { // global $APPLICATION; // $APPLICATION->ShowAjaxHead(); // // $jsId = $color = preg_replace('/[^\d|\w]/', '', $_REQUEST['js_id']); // $event_id = intval($_REQUEST['event_id']); // // if ($event_id > 0) // { // $Event = CCalendarEvent::GetList( // array( // 'arFilter' => array( // "ID" => $event_id // ), // 'parseRecursion' => false, // 'fetchAttendees' => true, // 'checkPermissions' => true, // 'setDefaultLimit' => false // ) // ); // // $Event = $Event && is_array($Event[0]) ? $Event[0] : false; // } // else // { // $Event = array(); // } // // if (!$event_id || !empty($Event)) // { // CCalendarSceleton::DialogEditEvent(array( // 'id' => $jsId, // 'event' => $Event, // 'type' => CCalendar::GetType(), // 'bIntranet' => CCalendar::IsIntranetEnabled(), // 'bSocNet' => CCalendar::IsSocNet(), // 'AVATAR_SIZE' => 21 // )); // } // // require($_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"].BX_ROOT."/modules/main/include/epilog_after.php"); // } public static function GetEditSlider() { global $APPLICATION; $APPLICATION->ShowAjaxHead(); $jsId = preg_replace('/[^\d|\w\_]/', '', $_REQUEST['unique_id']); $formType = preg_replace('/[^\d|\w\_]/', '', $_REQUEST['form_type']); $entryId = intval($_REQUEST['event_id']); if ($entryId > 0) { $entry = CCalendarEvent::GetList( array( 'arFilter' => array( "ID" => $entryId ), 'parseRecursion' => false, 'fetchAttendees' => true, 'checkPermissions' => true, 'setDefaultLimit' => false ) ); $entry = $entry && is_array($entry[0]) ? $entry[0] : false; } else { $entry = array(); } if (!$entryId || !empty($entry) && CCalendarSceleton::CheckBitrix24Limits(array('id' => $jsId))) { $APPLICATION->IncludeComponent("bitrix:calendar.edit.slider", "", array( 'id' => $jsId, 'event' => $entry, 'formType' => $formType, 'type' => CCalendar::GetType(), 'bIntranet' => CCalendar::IsIntranetEnabled(), 'bSocNet' => CCalendar::IsSocNet(), 'AVATAR_SIZE' => 21 )); } require($_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"].BX_ROOT."/modules/main/include/epilog_after.php"); } public static function GetViewSlider() { global $APPLICATION; $APPLICATION->ShowAjaxHead(); $jsId = preg_replace('/[^\d|\w\_]/', '', $_REQUEST['unique_id']); $eventId = intval($_REQUEST['entry_id']); $fromTs = CCalendar::Timestamp($_REQUEST['date_from']) - $_REQUEST['date_from_offset']; $event = CCalendarEvent::GetList( array( 'arFilter' => array( "ID" => $eventId, "DELETED" => "N", "FROM_LIMIT" => CCalendar::Date($fromTs), "TO_LIMIT" => CCalendar::Date($fromTs) ), 'parseRecursion' => true, 'maxInstanceCount' => 1, 'preciseLimits' => true, 'fetchAttendees' => true, 'checkPermissions' => true, 'setDefaultLimit' => false ) ); if (!$event || !is_array($event[0])) { $event = CCalendarEvent::GetList( array( 'arFilter' => array( "ID" => $eventId, "DELETED" => "N" ), 'parseRecursion' => true, 'maxInstanceCount' => 1, 'fetchAttendees' => true, 'checkPermissions' => true, 'setDefaultLimit' => false ) ); } // Here we can get events with wrong RRULE ('parseRecursion' => false) if (!$event || !is_array($event[0])) { $event = CCalendarEvent::GetList( array( 'arFilter' => array( "ID" => $eventId, "DELETED" => "N" ), 'parseRecursion' => false, 'fetchAttendees' => true, 'checkPermissions' => true, 'setDefaultLimit' => false ) ); } if ($event && is_array($event[0])) { $event = $event[0]; if ($event['IS_MEETING'] && $event['PARENT_ID'] != $event['ID']) { $parentEvent = CCalendarEvent::GetById(intval($event['PARENT_ID'])); if($parentEvent['DELETED'] == 'Y') { CCalendarEvent::CleanEventsWithDeadParents(); $event = false; } } } $APPLICATION->IncludeComponent("bitrix:calendar.view.slider", "", array( 'id' => $jsId, 'event' => $event, 'type' => CCalendar::GetType(), 'sectionName' => $_REQUEST['section_name'], 'bIntranet' => CCalendar::IsIntranetEnabled(), 'bSocNet' => CCalendar::IsSocNet(), 'AVATAR_SIZE' => 21 )); require($_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"].BX_ROOT."/modules/main/include/epilog_after.php"); } public static function GetPlanner() { global $APPLICATION; $APPLICATION->ShowAjaxHead(); $plannerId = $_REQUEST['planner_id']; ?><?CCalendarPlanner::Init(array('id' => $plannerId));?><? require($_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"].BX_ROOT."/modules/main/include/epilog_after.php"); } public static function UpdatePlanner() { $curEventId = intVal(self::$request['cur_event_id']); $curUserId = CCalendar::GetCurUserId(); $codes = false; if (isset(self::$request['codes']) && is_array(self::$request['codes'])) { $codes = array(); foreach(self::$request['codes'] as $code) { if($code) $codes[] = $code; } if(self::$request['add_cur_user_to_list'] === 'Y' || count($codes) <= 0) { $codes[] = 'U'.$curUserId; } } $result = CCalendarPlanner::PrepareData(array( 'entry_id' => $curEventId, 'user_id' => $curUserId, 'codes' => $codes, 'entries' => self::$request['entries'], 'date_from' => CCalendar::Date(CCalendar::Timestamp(self::$request['date_from']), false), 'date_to' => CCalendar::Date(CCalendar::Timestamp(self::$request['date_to']), false), 'timezone' => self::$request['timezone'], 'location' => trim(self::$request['location']), 'roomEventId' => intval(self::$request['roomEventId']) )); self::OutputJSRes(self::$reqId, $result); } public static function ChangeRecurciveEventUntil() { if (CCalendar::GetReadonlyMode() || !CCalendarType::CanDo('calendar_type_view', CCalendar::GetType())) return CCalendar::ThrowError(Loc::getMessage('EC_ACCESS_DENIED')); $res = array('result' => false); $event = CCalendarEvent::GetById(intval($_POST['event_id'])); $untilTimestamp = CCalendar::Timestamp($_POST['until_date']); $recId = false; if ($event) { if (CCalendarEvent::CheckRecurcion($event)) { $event['RRULE'] = CCalendarEvent::ParseRRULE($event['RRULE']); $event['RRULE']['UNTIL'] = CCalendar::Date($untilTimestamp, false); if (isset($event['RRULE']['COUNT'])) unset($event['RRULE']['COUNT']); $id = CCalendar::SaveEvent(array( 'arFields' => array( "ID" => $event["ID"], "RRULE" => $event['RRULE'] ), 'silentErrorMode' => false, 'recursionEditMode' => 'skip' )); $recId = $event["ID"]; $res['id'] = $id; } if($event["RECURRENCE_ID"] > 0) { $recParentEvent = CCalendarEvent::GetById($event["RECURRENCE_ID"]); if ($recParentEvent && CCalendarEvent::CheckRecurcion($recParentEvent)) { $recParentEvent['RRULE'] = CCalendarEvent::ParseRRULE($recParentEvent['RRULE']); if ($recParentEvent['RRULE']['UNTIL'] && CCalendar::Timestamp($recParentEvent['RRULE']['UNTIL']) > $untilTimestamp) { $recParentEvent['RRULE']['UNTIL'] = CCalendar::Date($untilTimestamp, false); $id = CCalendar::SaveEvent(array( 'arFields' => array( "ID" => $recParentEvent["ID"], "RRULE" => $recParentEvent['RRULE'] ), 'silentErrorMode' => false, 'recursionEditMode' => 'skip' )); $res['id'] = $id; } } $recId = $event["RECURRENCE_ID"]; } if ($recId) { $recRelatedEvents = CCalendarEvent::GetEventsByRecId($recId, false); foreach($recRelatedEvents as $ev) { if(CCalendar::Timestamp($ev['DATE_FROM']) > $untilTimestamp) { CCalendar::DeleteEvent(intVal($ev['ID']), true, array('recursionMode' => 'this')); } } } $res['result'] = true; } self::OutputJSRes(self::$reqId, $res); } public static function AddExcludeRecursionDate() { if (CCalendar::GetReadonlyMode() || !CCalendarType::CanDo('calendar_type_view', CCalendar::GetType())) return CCalendar::ThrowError(Loc::getMessage('EC_ACCESS_DENIED')); CCalendarEvent::ExcludeInstance($_POST['event_id'], $_POST['exclude_date']); self::OutputJSRes(self::$reqId, array('result' => true)); } public static function updateLocationList() { if (CCalendar::GetReadonlyMode() || !CCalendarType::CanDo('calendar_type_view', CCalendar::GetType())) return CCalendar::ThrowError(Loc::getMessage('EC_ACCESS_DENIED')); $locationList = self::$request['data']; foreach($locationList as $location) { if ($location['id'] && ($location['deleted'] == 'Y' || $location['name'] === '')) { CCalendarLocation::delete($location['id']); } elseif ((!$location['id'] || $location['changed'] == 'Y') && $location['name'] !== '') { CCalendarLocation::update(array( 'id' => $location['id'], 'name' => $location['name'] )); } } CCalendarLocation::clearCache(); self::OutputJSRes(self::$reqId, array( 'result' => true, 'locationList' => CCalendarLocation::getList() ) ); } public static function getTrackingSections() { $request = \Bitrix\Main\Context::getCurrent()->getRequest(); $codes = $request->get('codes'); $mode = $request->get('type'); $users = array(); if ($mode == 'users') { $userIds = array(); $users = CCalendar::GetDestinationUsers($codes, true); foreach($users as $user) { $userIds[] = $user['ID']; } $sections = CCalendarSect::GetSuperposedList(array( 'USERS' => $userIds )); } elseif($mode == 'groups') { $groupIds = array(); foreach($codes as $code) { if (substr($code, 0, 2) === 'SG') { $groupIds[] = intval(substr($code, 2)); } } $sections = CCalendarSect::GetSuperposedList(array( 'GROUPS' => $groupIds )); } else { $types = array(); $typesRes = CCalendarType::GetList(); foreach($typesRes as $type) { if ($type['XML_ID'] != 'user' && $type['XML_ID'] !== 'group' && $type['XML_ID'] !== 'location') { $types[] = $type['XML_ID']; } } $sections = CCalendarSect::GetSuperposedList(array( 'TYPES' => $types )); } self::OutputJSRes(self::$reqId, array( 'result' => true, 'users' => $users, 'sections' => $sections ) ); } public static function setTrackingSections() { $userId = CCalendar::GetCurUserId(); if (self::$request['type'] == 'users') { $codes = self::$request['codes']; $users = CCalendar::GetDestinationUsers($codes); CCalendarUserSettings::setTrackingUsers($userId, $users); } elseif(self::$request['type'] == 'groups') { $codes = self::$request['codes']; $groupIds = array(); foreach($codes as $code) { if (substr($code, 0, 2) === 'SG') { $groupIds[] = intval(substr($code, 2)); } } CCalendarUserSettings::setTrackingGroups($userId, $groupIds); } CCalendar::SetDisplayedSuperposed($userId, self::$request['sect']); self::OutputJSRes(self::$reqId, array('result' => true)); } public static function getSettingsSlider() { global $APPLICATION; $APPLICATION->ShowAjaxHead(); $jsId = preg_replace('/[^\d|\w\_]/', '', self::$request['unique_id']); $APPLICATION->IncludeComponent("bitrix:calendar.settings.slider", "", array( 'id' => $jsId, 'is_personal' => self::$request['is_personal'] == 'Y', 'show_general_settings' => self::$request['show_general_settings'] == 'Y' )); require($_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"].BX_ROOT."/modules/main/include/epilog_after.php"); } public static function getDestinationItems() { self::OutputJSRes(self::$reqId, array( 'result' => true, 'destinationItems' => CCalendar::GetSocNetDestination(false, self::$request['codes']) ) ); } public static function getFilterData() { $fields = CalendarFilter::resolveFilterFields(CalendarFilter::getFilterId(CCalendar::GetType(), CCalendar::GetOwnerId(), CCalendar::GetCurUserId())); $parseRecursion = false; $counters = false; $arFilter = array( 'OWNER_ID' => CCalendar::GetOwnerId(), 'CAL_TYPE' => CCalendar::GetType() ); if (isset($fields['fields']['IS_MEETING'])) { $arFilter['IS_MEETING'] = $fields['fields']['IS_MEETING'] == 'Y'; } if (isset($fields['fields']['MEETING_STATUS'])) if (isset($fields['fields']['MEETING_STATUS'])) { $arFilter['MEETING_STATUS'] = $fields['fields']['MEETING_STATUS']; $arFilter['IS_MEETING'] = true; if ($fields['presetId'] == 'filter_calendar_meeting_status_q') { $arFilter['FROM_LIMIT'] = CCalendar::Date(time(), false); $arFilter['TO_LIMIT'] = CCalendar::Date(time() + CCalendar::DAY_LENGTH * 90, false); CCalendar::UpdateCounter(array(CCalendar::GetOwnerId())); $counters = array( 'invitation' => CUserCounter::GetValue($arFilter['OWNER_ID'], 'calendar') ); } } if (isset($fields['fields']['CREATED_BY'])) { unset($arFilter['OWNER_ID'], $arFilter['CAL_TYPE']); $arFilter['MEETING_HOST'] = $fields['fields']['CREATED_BY']; // mantis: 93743 $arFilter['CREATED_BY'] = CCalendar::GetCurUserId(); $arFilter['IS_MEETING'] = true; } if (isset($fields['fields']['ATTENDEES'])) { $arFilter['OWNER_ID'] = $fields['fields']['ATTENDEES']; $arFilter['IS_MEETING'] = true; } $fromTs = 0; $toTs = 0; if (isset($fields['fields']['DATE_FROM'])) { $fromTs = CCalendar::Timestamp($fields['fields']['DATE_FROM'], true, false); $arFilter['FROM_LIMIT'] = CCalendar::Date($fromTs, false); } if (isset($fields['fields']['DATE_TO'])) { $toTs = CCalendar::Timestamp($fields['fields']['DATE_TO'], true, false); $arFilter['TO_LIMIT'] = CCalendar::Date($toTs, false); if ($fromTs && $toTs < $fromTs) { $arFilter['TO_LIMIT'] = $arFilter['FROM_LIMIT']; } } if ($fromTs && $toTs && $fromTs <= $toTs) { $parseRecursion = true; } if (isset($fields['search']) && $fields['search']) { $arFilter[(CCalendarEvent::isFullTextIndexEnabled() ? '*' : '*%').'SEARCHABLE_CONTENT'] = CCalendarEvent::prepareToken($fields['search']); } $entries = CCalendarEvent::GetList( array( 'arFilter' => $arFilter, 'fetchAttendees' => true, 'parseRecursion' => $parseRecursion, 'maxInstanceCount' => 50, 'preciseLimits' => $parseRecursion, 'userId' => CCalendar::GetCurUserId(), 'fetchMeetings' => true, 'setDefaultLimit' => false ) ); self::OutputJSRes(self::$reqId, array( 'result' => true, 'entries' => $entries, 'counters' => $counters ) ); } } ?>