Direktori : /home/bitrix/www/bitrix/modules/calendar/classes/general/ |
Current File : //home/bitrix/www/bitrix/modules/calendar/classes/general/calendar_restservice.php |
<? if(!\Bitrix\Main\Loader::includeModule('rest') || !\Bitrix\Main\Loader::includeModule('calendar')) { return; } use Bitrix\Main; use Bitrix\Rest\RestException; use Bitrix\Calendar\Internals; use Bitrix\Main\Localization\Loc; IncludeModuleLangFile(__FILE__); /** * This class used for internal use only, not a part of public API. * It can be changed at any time without notification. * * @access private */ final class CCalendarRestService extends IRestService { const SCOPE_NAME = 'calendar'; const PLACEMENT_GRID_VIEW = 'CALENDAR_GRIDVIEW'; public static function OnRestServiceBuildDescription() { $methods = [ //Methods list "calendar.event.get" => [__CLASS__, "EventGet"], "calendar.event.add" => [__CLASS__, "EventAdd"], "calendar.event.update" => [__CLASS__, "EventUpdate"], "calendar.event.delete" => [__CLASS__, "EventDelete"], "calendar.event.get.nearest" => [__CLASS__, "EventGetNearest"], "calendar.section.get" => [__CLASS__, "SectionGet"], "calendar.section.add" => [__CLASS__, "SectionAdd"], "calendar.section.update" => [__CLASS__, "SectionUpdate"], "calendar.section.delete" => [__CLASS__, "SectionDelete"], "calendar.resource.list" => [__CLASS__, "ResourceList"], "calendar.resource.add" => [__CLASS__, "ResourceAdd"], "calendar.resource.update" => [__CLASS__, "ResourceUpdate"], "calendar.resource.delete" => [__CLASS__, "ResourceDelete"], "calendar.resource.booking.list" => [__CLASS__, "ResourceBookingList"], // "calendar.resource.booking.add" => [__CLASS__, "ResourceBookingAdd"], // "calendar.resource.booking.update" => [__CLASS__, "ResourceBookingUpdate"], // "calendar.resource.booking.delete" => [__CLASS__, "ResourceBookingDelete"], "calendar.meeting.status.set" => [__CLASS__, "MeetingStatusSet"], "calendar.meeting.status.get" => [__CLASS__, "MeetingStatusGet"], "calendar.meeting.params.set" => [__CLASS__, "MeetingParamsSet"], "calendar.accessibility.get" => [__CLASS__, "MeetingAccessibilityGet"], "calendar.settings.get" => [__CLASS__, "SettingsGet"], "calendar.user.settings.get" => [__CLASS__, "UserSettingsGet"], "calendar.user.settings.set" => [__CLASS__, "UserSettingsSet"], // End methods list //Placements list \CRestUtil::PLACEMENTS => [ self::PLACEMENT_GRID_VIEW => [] ], //End placements list // Events \CRestUtil::EVENTS => [ 'OnCalendarEntryAdd' => array( 'calendar', 'OnAfterCalendarEntryAdd', array(__CLASS__, 'PrepareOnCalendarEntryEvent'), array( "sendRefreshToken" => true, ) ), 'OnCalendarEntryUpdate' => array( 'calendar', 'OnAfterCalendarEntryUpdate', array(__CLASS__, 'PrepareOnCalendarEntryEvent'), array( "sendRefreshToken" => true, ) ), 'OnCalendarEntryDelete' => array( 'calendar', 'OnAfterCalendarEventDelete', array(__CLASS__, 'PrepareOnCalendarEntryEvent'), array( "sendRefreshToken" => true, ) ), 'OnCalendarSectionAdd' => array( 'calendar', 'OnAfterCalendarSectionAdd', array(__CLASS__, 'PrepareOnCalendarSectionEvent'), array( "sendRefreshToken" => true, ) ), 'OnCalendarSectionUpdate' => array( 'calendar', 'OnAfterCalendarSectionUpdate', array(__CLASS__, 'PrepareOnCalendarSectionEvent'), array( "sendRefreshToken" => true, ) ), 'OnCalendarSectionDelete' => array( 'calendar', 'OnAfterCalendarSectionDelete', array(__CLASS__, 'PrepareOnCalendarSectionEvent'), array( "sendRefreshToken" => true, ) ) ] ]; return array(self::SCOPE_NAME => $methods); } /* * Returns array of events * * @param array $params - incomoning params: * $params['type'] - (required) calendar type ('user'|'group') * $params['ownerId'] - owner id * $params['from'] - datetime, "from" limit, default value - 1 month before current date * $params['to'] - datetime, "to" limit, default value - 3 month after current date * $params['section'] - inline or array of sections * @return array of events * @throws \Bitrix\Rest\RestException * * @example (Javascript) * BX24.callMethod("calendar.event.get", * { * type: 'user', * ownerId: '1', * from: '2013-06-20', * to: '2013-08-20', * section: [21, 44] * }); * */ public static function EventGet($params = array(), $nav = null, $server = null) { $userId = CCalendar::GetCurUserId(); $methodName = "calendar.event.get"; $necessaryParams = array('type'); foreach ($necessaryParams as $param) { if (!isset($params[$param]) || empty($params[$param])) throw new RestException(Loc::getMessage('CAL_REST_PARAM_EXCEPTION', array('#PARAM_NAME#' => $param,'#REST_METHOD#' => $methodName))); } $type = $params['type']; $ownerId = intval($params['ownerId']); $from = false; $to = false; if (isset($params['from'])) $from = CRestUtil::unConvertDateTime($params['from']); if (isset($params['to'])) $to = CRestUtil::unConvertDateTime($params['to']); // Default values for from-to period if ($from === false && $to === false) { // Limits $ts = time(); $pastDays = 30; $futureDays = 90; $from = CCalendar::Date($ts - CCalendar::DAY_LENGTH * $pastDays, false); $to = CCalendar::Date($ts + CCalendar::DAY_LENGTH * $futureDays, false); } elseif($from !== false && $to === false) { $to = CCalendar::Date(CCalendar::GetMaxTimestamp(), false); } $arSectionIds = array(); $sections = CCalendarSect::GetList(array('arFilter' => array('CAL_TYPE' => $type,'OWNER_ID' => $ownerId))); foreach($sections as $section) { if ($section['PERM']['view_full'] || $section['PERM']['view_title'] || $section['PERM']['view_time']) $arSectionIds[] = $section['ID']; } if (isset($params['section'])) { if (!is_array($params['section']) && $params['section'] > 0) $params['section'] = array($params['section']); $arSectionIds = array_intersect($arSectionIds, $params['section']); } $params = array( 'type' => $type, 'ownerId' => $ownerId, 'userId' => $userId, 'section' => $arSectionIds, 'fromLimit' => $from, 'toLimit' => $to ); $arAttendees = array(); $arEvents = CCalendar::GetEventList($params, $arAttendees); return $arEvents; } /* * Add new event * * @param array $params - incomoning params: * $params['type'] - (required), number, calendar type * $params['ownerId'] - (required), number, owner id * $params['from'] - (required) datetime, "from" limit * $params['to'] - (required) datetime, "to" limit * $params['from_ts'] - timestamp, "from" limit, can be set instead of $params['from'] * $params['to_ts'] - timestamp, "to" limit, can be set instead of $params['to'] * $params['section'] - (required), number, id of the section * $params['name'] - (required), string, name of the event * $params['skip_time'] - "Y"|"N", * $params['description'] - string, description of the event * $params['color'] - background color of the event * $params['text_color'] - text color of the event * $params['accessibility'] - 'busy'|'quest'|'free'|'absent' - accessibility for user * $params['importance'] - 'high' | 'normal' | 'low' - importance for the event * $params['private_event'] - "Y" | "N" * $params['rrule'] - array of the recurence Rule * $params['is_meeting'] - "Y" | "N" * $params['location'] - location * $params['remind'] - array( * array( * 'type' => 'min'|'hour'|'day', type of reminder * 'count' => count of time * ) * ) - reminders * $params['attendees'] - array of the attendees for meeting if ($params['is_meeting'] == "Y") * $params['host'] - host of the event * $params['meeting'] = array( 'text' => inviting text, 'open' => true|false if meeting is open, 'notify' => true|false, 'reinvite' => true|false ) * @return id of the new event. * @throws \Bitrix\Rest\RestException * * @example (Javascript) * BX24.callMethod("calendar.event.add", * { * type: 'user', * ownerId: '2', * name: 'New Event Name', * description: 'Description for event', * from: '2013-06-14', * to: '2013-06-14', * skip_time: 'Y', * section: 5, * color: '#9cbe1c', * text_color: '#283033', * accessibility: 'absent', * importance: 'normal', * is_meeting: 'Y', * private_event: 'N', * remind: [{type: 'min', count: 20}], * location: 'Kaliningrad', * attendees: [1, 2, 3], * host: 2, * meeting: { * text: 'inviting text', * open: true, * notify: true, * reinvite: false * } * }); */ public static function EventAdd($params = array(), $nav = null, $server = null) { $userId = CCalendar::GetCurUserId(); $methodName = "calendar.event.add"; if (isset($params['from'])) $params['from'] = CRestUtil::unConvertDateTime($params['from']); if (isset($params['to'])) $params['to'] = CRestUtil::unConvertDateTime($params['to']); if (isset($params['from_ts']) && !isset($params['from'])) $params['from'] = CCalendar::Date($params['from_ts']); if (isset($params['to_ts']) && !isset($params['to'])) $params['to'] = CCalendar::Date($params['to_ts']); $necessaryParams = array('from', 'to', 'name', 'ownerId', 'type', 'section'); foreach ($necessaryParams as $param) { if (!isset($params[$param]) || empty($params[$param])) throw new RestException(Loc::getMessage('CAL_REST_PARAM_EXCEPTION', array('#PARAM_NAME#' => $param,'#REST_METHOD#' => $methodName))); } $type = $params['type']; $ownerId = intval($params['ownerId']); $sectionId = $params['section']; $res = CCalendarSect::GetList(array('arFilter' => array('CAL_TYPE' => $type,'OWNER_ID' => $ownerId, 'ID' => $sectionId))); if ($res && is_array($res) && isset($res[0])) { if (!$res[0]['PERM']['add']) throw new RestException(Loc::getMessage('CAL_REST_ACCESS_DENIED')); } else { throw new RestException('CAL_REST_SECTION_ERROR'); } $arFields = array( "CAL_TYPE" => $type, "OWNER_ID" => $ownerId, "NAME" => trim($params['name']), "DATE_FROM" => $params['from'], "DATE_TO" => $params['to'], "SECTIONS" => $sectionId ); if (isset($params['skip_time'])) $arFields["SKIP_TIME"] = $params['skip_time'] == 'Y'; if (isset($params['skipTime'])) $arFields["SKIP_TIME"] = $params['skipTime'] == 'Y'; if (isset($params['description'])) $arFields["DESCRIPTION"] = trim($params['description']); if (isset($params['color'])) { $color = CCalendar::Color($params['color']); if ($color) $arFields["COLOR"] = $color; } if (isset($params['text_color'])) { $color = CCalendar::Color($params['text_color']); if ($color) $arFields["TEXT_COLOR"] = $color; } if (isset($params['accessibility'])) $arFields["ACCESSIBILITY"] = $params['accessibility']; if (isset($params['importance'])) $arFields["IMPORTANCE"] = $params['importance']; if (isset($params['private_event'])) $arFields["PRIVATE_EVENT"] = $params['private_event'] == "Y"; if (isset($params['rrule'])) $arFields["RRULE"] = $params['rrule']; if (isset($params['is_meeting'])) $arFields["IS_MEETING"] = $params['is_meeting'] == "Y"; if (isset($params['location'])) $arFields["LOCATION"] = $params['location']; if (isset($params['remind'])) $arFields["REMIND"] = $params['remind']; $saveParams = array(); if ($arFields['IS_MEETING']) { $arFields['ATTENDEES'] = (isset($params['attendees']) && is_array($params['attendees'])) ? $params['attendees'] : false; $arFields['ATTENDEES_CODES'] = array(); if (is_array($arFields['ATTENDEES'])) { foreach($arFields['ATTENDEES'] as $attendeeId) { $code = 'U'.intval($attendeeId); if (in_array($code, $arFields['ATTENDEES_CODES'])) { $arFields['ATTENDEES_CODES'][] = $code; } } } $meeting = isset($params['meeting']) ? $params['meeting'] : array(); $arFields['MEETING_HOST'] = isset($params['host']) ? intVal($params['host']) : $userId; $arFields['MEETING'] = array( 'HOST_NAME' => CCalendar::GetUserName($arFields['MEETING_HOST']), 'TEXT' => $meeting['text'], 'OPEN' => (boolean) $meeting['open'], 'NOTIFY' => (boolean) $meeting['notify'], 'REINVITE' => (boolean) $meeting['reinvite'] ); $saveParams['userId'] = $arFields['MEETING_HOST']; } $saveParams['arFields'] = $arFields; $newId = CCalendar::SaveEvent($saveParams); if (!$newId) throw new RestException(Loc::getMessage("CAL_REST_EVENT_NEW_ERROR")); return $newId; } /* * Edit existent event * * @param array $params - incomoning params: * $params['id'] - (required) event id, * $params['type'] - number, (required) calendar type * $params['ownerId'] - number, owner id * $params['from'] - datetime, "from" limit * $params['to'] - datetime, "to" limit * $params['from_ts'] - timestamp, "from" limit, * $params['to_ts'] - timestamp, "to" limit * $params['section'] - number,(required) id of the section * $params['name'] - string, (required) name of the event * $params['skip_time'] - "Y"|"N", * $params['description'] - string, description of the event * $params['color'] - background color of the event * $params['text_color'] - text color of the event * $params['accessibility'] - 'busy'|'quest'|'free'|'absent' - accessibility for user * $params['importance'] - 'high' | 'normal' | 'low' - importance for the event * $params['private_event'] - "Y" | "N" * $params['rrule'] - array of the recurence Rule * $params['is_meeting'] - "Y" | "N" * $params['location'] - location * $params['remind'] - array( * array( * 'type' => 'min'|'hour'|'day', type of reminder * 'count' => count of time * ) * ) - reminders * $params['attendees'] - array of the attendees for meeting if ($params['is_meeting'] == "Y") * $params['host'] - host of the event * $params['meeting'] = array( * 'text' => inviting text, * 'open' => true|false if meeting is open, * 'notify' => true|false, * 'reinvite' => true|false * ) * @return id of edited event * @throws \Bitrix\Rest\RestException * * @example (Javascript) * BX24.callMethod("calendar.event.update", * { * id: 699 * type: 'user', * ownerId: '2', * name: 'Changed Event Name', * description: 'New description for event', * from: '2013-06-17', * to: '2013-06-17', * skip_time: 'Y', * section: 5, * color: '#9cbe1c', * text_color: '#283033', * accessibility: 'free', * importance: 'normal', * is_meeting: 'N', * private_event: 'Y', * remind: [{type: 'min', count: 10}] * }); */ public static function EventUpdate($params = array(), $nav = null, $server = null) { $userId = CCalendar::GetCurUserId(); $methodName = "calendar.event.update"; $necessaryParams = array('id', 'ownerId', 'type'); foreach ($necessaryParams as $param) { if (!isset($params[$param]) || empty($params[$param])) throw new RestException(Loc::getMessage('CAL_REST_PARAM_EXCEPTION', array('#PARAM_NAME#' => $param,'#REST_METHOD#' => $methodName))); } $id = intVal($params['id']); $type = $params['type']; $ownerId = intval($params['ownerId']); if (isset($params['from'])) $params['from'] = CRestUtil::unConvertDateTime($params['from']); if (isset($params['to'])) $params['to'] = CRestUtil::unConvertDateTime($params['to']); if (isset($params['from_ts']) && !isset($params['from'])) $params['from'] = CCalendar::Date($params['from_ts']); if (isset($params['to_ts']) && !isset($params['to'])) $params['to'] = CCalendar::Date($params['to_ts']); $arFields = array( "ID" => $id, "DATE_FROM" => $params['from'], "DATE_TO" => $params['to'] ); if (isset($params['skipTime'])) $arFields["SKIP_TIME"] = $params['skipTime'] == 'Y'; if (isset($params['skip_time'])) $arFields["SKIP_TIME"] = $params['skip_time'] == 'Y'; if (isset($params['name'])) $arFields["NAME"] = trim($params['name']); if (isset($params['description'])) $arFields["DESCRIPTION"] = trim($params['description']); if (isset($params['section'])) { $sectionId = $params['section']; $arFields["SECTIONS"] = array($sectionId); $res = CCalendarSect::GetList(array('arFilter' => array('CAL_TYPE' => $type,'OWNER_ID' => $ownerId, 'ID' => $params['section']))); if ($res && is_array($res) && isset($res[0])) { if (!$res[0]['PERM']['edit']) throw new RestException(Loc::getMessage('CAL_REST_ACCESS_DENIED')); } else { throw new RestException('CAL_REST_SECTION_ERROR'); } } if (isset($params['color'])) { $color = CCalendar::Color($params['color']); if ($color) $arFields["COLOR"] = $color; } if (isset($params['text_color'])) { $color = CCalendar::Color($params['text_color']); if ($color) $arFields["TEXT_COLOR"] = $color; } if (isset($params['accessibility'])) $arFields["ACCESSIBILITY"] = $params['accessibility']; if (isset($params['importance'])) $arFields["IMPORTANCE"] = $params['importance']; if (isset($params['private_event'])) $arFields["PRIVATE_EVENT"] = $params['private_event'] == "Y"; if (isset($params['rrule'])) $arFields["RRULE"] = $params['rrule']; if (isset($params['is_meeting'])) $arFields["IS_MEETING"] = $params['is_meeting'] == "Y"; if (isset($params['location'])) $arFields["LOCATION"] = $params['LOCATION']; if (isset($params['remind'])) $arFields["REMIND"] = $params['remind']; $saveParams = array(); if ($arFields['IS_MEETING']) { $arFields['ATTENDEES'] = (isset($params['attendees']) && is_array($params['attendees'])) ? $params['attendees'] : false; $arFields['ATTENDEES_CODES'] = array(); if (is_array($arFields['ATTENDEES'])) { foreach($arFields['ATTENDEES'] as $attendeeId) { $code = 'U'.intval($attendeeId); if (in_array($code, $arFields['ATTENDEES_CODES'])) { $arFields['ATTENDEES_CODES'][] = $code; } } } $meeting = isset($params['meeting']) ? $params['meeting'] : array(); $arFields['MEETING_HOST'] = isset($params['host']) ? intVal($params['host']) : $userId; $arFields['MEETING'] = array( 'HOST_NAME' => CCalendar::GetUserName($arFields['MEETING_HOST']), 'TEXT' => $meeting['text'], 'OPEN' => (boolean) $meeting['open'], 'NOTIFY' => (boolean) $meeting['notify'], 'REINVITE' => (boolean) $meeting['reinvite'] ); $saveParams['userId'] = $arFields['MEETING_HOST']; } $saveParams['arFields'] = $arFields; $newId = CCalendar::SaveEvent($saveParams); if (!$newId) throw new RestException(Loc::getMessage("CAL_REST_EVENT_UPDATE_ERROR")); return $newId; } /* * Delete event * * @param array $params - incomoning params: * $params['type'] (required) calendar type * $params['ownerId'] (required) owner id * $params['id'] (required) event id * @return true if everything ok * @throws \Bitrix\Rest\RestException * * @example (Javascript) * BX24.callMethod("calendar.event.delete", * { * id: 698 * type: 'user', * ownerId: '2' * }); */ public static function EventDelete($params = array(), $nav = null, $server = null) { $methodName = "calendar.event.delete"; if (isset($params['id']) && intVal($params['id']) > 0) $id = intVal($params['id']); else throw new RestException(Loc::getMessage('CAL_REST_EVENT_ID_EXCEPTION')); $res = CCalendar::DeleteEvent($id); if ($res !== true) { if ($res === false) throw new RestException(Loc::getMessage('CAL_REST_EVENT_DELETE_ERROR')); else throw new RestException($res); } return $res; } /* * Return array of bearest events for current user * * @param array $params - incomoning params: * $params['ownerId'] - owner id * $params['type'] - calendar type * $params['days'] - future days count (default - 60) * $params['forCurrentUser'] - true/false - list of nearest events for current user * $params['maxEventsCount'] - maximum events count * $params['detailUrl'] - url for calendar * * @return array of events * * @throws \Bitrix\Rest\RestException * * @example (Javascript) * BX24.callMethod("calendar.event.get.nearest", * { * type: 'user', * ownerId: '2', * days: 10, * forCurrentUser: true, * detailUrl: '/company/personal/user/#user_id#/calendar/' * }); * */ public static function EventGetNearest($params = array(), $nav = null, $server = null) { $userId = CCalendar::GetCurUserId(); $methodName = "calendar.event.get.nearest"; if (!isset($params['type'], $params['ownerId']) || $params['forCurrentUser']) { $params['type'] = 'user'; $params['ownerId'] = $userId; $params['forCurrentUser'] = true; } if (!isset($params['days'])) $params['days'] = 60; // Limits $ts = time(); $fromLimit = CCalendar::Date($ts, false); $toLimit = CCalendar::Date($ts + CCalendar::DAY_LENGTH * $params['days'], false); $arEvents = CCalendar::GetNearestEventsList( array( 'bCurUserList' => !!$params['forCurrentUser'], 'fromLimit' => $fromLimit, 'toLimit' => $toLimit, 'type' => $params['CALENDAR_TYPE'], 'sectionId' => $params['CALENDAR_SECTION_ID'] )); if ($arEvents == 'access_denied' || $arEvents == 'inactive_feature') { throw new RestException(Loc::getMessage('CAL_REST_ACCESS_DENIED')); } elseif (is_array($arEvents)) { if (isset($params['detailUrl'])) { if (strpos($params['detailUrl'], '?') !== FALSE) $params['detailUrl'] = substr($params['detailUrl'], 0, strpos($params['detailUrl'], '?')); $params['detailUrl'] = str_replace('#user_id#', $userId, strtolower($params['detailUrl'])); for ($i = 0, $l = count($arEvents); $i < $l; $i++) { $arEvents[$i]['~detailUrl'] = CHTTP::urlAddParams($params['detailUrl'], ['EVENT_ID' => $arEvents[$i]['ID'], 'EVENT_DATE' => $arEvents[$i]['DATE_FROM']]); } } if (isset($params['maxEventsCount'])) array_splice($arEvents, intVal($params['maxEventsCount'])); } return $arEvents; } /* * Return list of sections * * @param array $params - incomoning params: * $params['type'] (required) calendar type * $params['ownerId'] (required) owner id * * @return array of sections * * @throws \Bitrix\Rest\RestException * * @example (Javascript) * BX24.callMethod("calendar.section.get", * { * type: 'user', * ownerId: '1' * }); */ public static function SectionGet($params = array(), $nav = null, $server = null) { $userId = CCalendar::GetCurUserId(); $methodName = "calendar.section.get"; if (isset($params['type'])) $type = $params['type']; else throw new RestException(Loc::getMessage('CAL_REST_PARAM_EXCEPTION', array('#REST_METHOD#' => $methodName, '#PARAM_NAME#' => 'type'))); if (isset($params['ownerId'])) $ownerId = intval($params['ownerId']); elseif($type == 'user') $ownerId = $userId; else throw new RestException(Loc::getMessage('CAL_REST_PARAM_EXCEPTION', array('#REST_METHOD#' => $methodName, '#PARAM_NAME#' => 'ownerId'))); $arFilter = array( 'CAL_TYPE' => $type, 'OWNER_ID' => $ownerId, 'ACTIVE' => "Y" ); $res = CCalendarSect::GetList(array('arFilter' => $arFilter)); foreach($res as $i => $section) { unset( $res[$i]['OUTLOOK_JS'], $res[$i]['DAV_EXCH_CAL'], $res[$i]['DAV_EXCH_MOD'], $res[$i]['SORT'], $res[$i]['PARENT_ID'], $res[$i]['IS_EXCHANGE'], $res[$i]['EXTERNAL_ID'], $res[$i]['ACTIVE'], $res[$i]['CAL_DAV_MOD'], $res[$i]['CAL_DAV_CAL'], $res[$i]['XML_ID'] ); } return $res; } /* * Add new section * * @param array $params - incomoning params: * $params['type'] - (required), number, calendar type * $params['ownerId'] - (required), number, owner id * $params['name'] - string, (required) name of the section * $params['description'] - string, description of the section * $params['color'] * $params['text_color'] * $params['export'] = array( 'ALLOW' => true|false, 'SET' => array ) * $params['access'] - array of access data * * @return id of created section * * @throws \Bitrix\Rest\RestException * * @example (Javascript) * BX24.callMethod("calendar.section.add", * { * type: 'user', * ownerId: '2', * name: 'New Section', * description: 'Description for section', * color: '#9cbeee', * text_color: '#283000', * export: [{ALLOW: false}] * access: { * 'D114': 17, * 'G2': 13, * 'U2':15 * } * }); */ public static function SectionAdd($params = array(), $nav = null, $server = null) { $userId = CCalendar::GetCurUserId(); $methodName = "calendar.section.add"; $DEFAULT_COLOR = '#E6A469'; $DEFAULT_TEXT_COLOR = '#000000'; if (isset($params['type'])) $type = $params['type']; else throw new RestException(Loc::getMessage('CAL_REST_PARAM_EXCEPTION', array('#REST_METHOD#' => $methodName, '#PARAM_NAME#' => 'type'))); if (isset($params['ownerId'])) $ownerId = intval($params['ownerId']); elseif($type == 'user') $ownerId = $userId; else throw new RestException(Loc::getMessage('CAL_REST_PARAM_EXCEPTION', array('#REST_METHOD#' => $methodName, '#PARAM_NAME#' => 'ownerId'))); $perm = CCalendar::GetPermissions(array( 'type' => $type, 'ownerId' => $ownerId, 'userId' => $userId, 'setProperties' => false )); if (($type == 'group' || $type == 'user')) { if (!$perm['section_edit']) throw new RestException(Loc::getMessage('CAL_REST_ACCESS_DENIED')); } else // other types { if (!CCalendarType::CanDo('calendar_type_edit_section')) throw new RestException(Loc::getMessage('CAL_REST_ACCESS_DENIED')); } $arFields = Array( 'CAL_TYPE' => $type, 'OWNER_ID' => $ownerId, 'NAME' => (isset($params['name']) && trim($params['name']) != '') ? trim($params['name']) : '', 'DESCRIPTION' => (isset($params['description']) && trim($params['description']) != '') ? trim($params['description']) : '' ); if (isset($params['export']) && isset($params['export']['ALLOW']) && isset($params['export']['SET'])) { $arFields['EXPORT'] = array( 'ALLOW' => !!$params['export']['ALLOW'], 'SET' => $params['export']['SET'] ); } if (isset($params['color'])) $arFields['COLOR'] = CCalendar::Color($params['color'], $DEFAULT_COLOR); else $arFields['COLOR'] = $DEFAULT_COLOR; if (isset($params['text_color'])) $arFields['TEXT_COLOR'] = CCalendar::Color($params['text_color'], $DEFAULT_TEXT_COLOR); else $arFields['TEXT_COLOR'] = $DEFAULT_TEXT_COLOR; if (isset($params['access']) && is_array($params['access'])) $arFields['ACCESS'] = $params['access']; $id = CCalendar::SaveSection( array( 'bAffectToDav' => false, 'arFields' => $arFields ) ); if (!$id) throw new RestException(Loc::getMessage('CAL_REST_SECTION_NEW_ERROR')); CCalendarSect::SetClearOperationCache(true); return $id; } /* * Update section * * @param array $params - incomoning params: * $params['id'] - (required) number, calendar type * $params['type'] - (required) number, calendar type * $params['ownerId'] - (required) number, owner id * $params['name'] - string, name of the section * $params['description'] - string, description of the section * $params['color'] * $params['text_color'] * $params['export'] = array( 'ALLOW' => true|false, 'SET' => array ) * $params['access'] - array of access data * * @return id of modified section * * @throws \Bitrix\Rest\RestException * * @example (Javascript) * BX24.callMethod("calendar.section.update", * { * id: 325, * type: 'user', * ownerId: '2', * name: 'Changed Section Name', * description: 'New description for section', * color: '#9cbeAA', * text_color: '#283099', * export: [{ALLOW: false}] * access: { * 'D114': 17, * 'G2': 13, * 'U2':15 * } * }); */ public static function SectionUpdate($params = array(), $nav = null, $server = null) { $userId = CCalendar::GetCurUserId(); $methodName = "calendar.section.update"; if (isset($params['type'])) $type = $params['type']; else throw new RestException(Loc::getMessage('CAL_REST_PARAM_EXCEPTION', array('#REST_METHOD#' => $methodName, '#PARAM_NAME#' => 'type'))); if (isset($params['ownerId'])) $ownerId = intval($params['ownerId']); elseif($type == 'user') $ownerId = $userId; else throw new RestException(Loc::getMessage('CAL_REST_PARAM_EXCEPTION', array('#REST_METHOD#' => $methodName, '#PARAM_NAME#' => 'ownerId'))); if (isset($params['id']) && intVal($params['id']) > 0) $id = intVal($params['id']); else throw new RestException(Loc::getMessage('CAL_REST_SECT_ID_EXCEPTION')); if (!CCalendar::IsPersonal($type, $ownerId, $userId) && !CCalendarSect::CanDo('calendar_edit_section', $id, $userId)) throw new RestException(Loc::getMessage('CAL_REST_ACCESS_DENIED')); $arFields = Array( 'ID' => $id, 'CAL_TYPE' => $type, 'OWNER_ID' => $ownerId ); if (isset($params['name']) && trim($params['name']) != '') $arFields['NAME'] = trim($params['name']); if (isset($params['description']) && trim($params['description']) != '') $arFields['DESCRIPTION'] = trim($params['description']); if (isset($params['color'])) $arFields['COLOR'] = CCalendar::Color($params['color']); if (isset($params['text_color'])) $arFields['TEXT_COLOR'] = CCalendar::Color($params['text_color']); if (isset($params['access']) && is_array($params['access'])) $arFields['ACCESS'] = $params['access']; $id = intVal(CCalendar::SaveSection( array( 'bAffectToDav' => false, 'arFields' => $arFields ) )); if (!$id) throw new RestException(Loc::getMessage('CAL_REST_SECTION_SAVE_ERROR')); return $id; } /* * Delete section * * @param array $params - incomoning params: * $params['type'] (required) calendar type * $params['ownerId'] (required) owner id * $params['id'] (required) section id * * @return true if everything ok * * @throws \Bitrix\Rest\RestException * * @example (Javascript) * BX24.callMethod("calendar.section.delete", * { * type: 'user', * ownerId: '2', * id: 521 * }); */ public static function SectionDelete($params = array(), $nav = null, $server = null) { $userId = CCalendar::GetCurUserId(); $methodName = "calendar.section.delete"; if (isset($params['type'])) $type = $params['type']; else throw new RestException(Loc::getMessage('CAL_REST_PARAM_EXCEPTION', array('#REST_METHOD#' => $methodName, '#PARAM_NAME#' => 'type'))); if (isset($params['ownerId'])) $ownerId = intval($params['ownerId']); elseif($type == 'user') $ownerId = $userId; else throw new RestException(Loc::getMessage('CAL_REST_PARAM_EXCEPTION', array('#REST_METHOD#' => $methodName, '#PARAM_NAME#' => 'ownerId'))); if (isset($params['id']) && intVal($params['id']) > 0) $id = intVal($params['id']); else throw new RestException(Loc::getMessage('CAL_REST_SECT_ID_EXCEPTION')); if (!CCalendar::IsPersonal($type, $ownerId, $userId) && !CCalendarSect::CanDo('calendar_edit_section', $id, $userId)) throw new RestException(Loc::getMessage('CAL_REST_ACCESS_DENIED')); $res = CCalendar::DeleteSection($id); if (!$res) throw new RestException(Loc::getMessage('CAL_REST_SECTION_DELETE_ERROR')); return $res; } /* * Set meeting status for current user * * @param array $params - incomoning params: * $params['eventId'] - event id * $params['status'] = 'Y' | 'N' | 'Q' * * @return true if everything ok * * @throws \Bitrix\Rest\RestException * * @example (Javascript) * BX24.callMethod("calendar.meeting.status.set", * { * eventId: '651', * status: 'Y' * }); */ public static function MeetingStatusSet($params = array(), $nav = null, $server = null) { $userId = CCalendar::GetCurUserId(); $methodName = "calendar.meeting.status.set"; $necessaryParams = array('eventId', 'status'); foreach ($necessaryParams as $param) { if (!isset($params[$param]) || empty($params[$param])) throw new RestException(Loc::getMessage('CAL_REST_PARAM_EXCEPTION', array('#PARAM_NAME#' => $param,'#REST_METHOD#' => $methodName))); } $params['status'] = strtoupper($params['status']); if (!in_array($params['status'], array('Y', 'N', 'Q'))) throw new RestException(Loc::getMessage('CAL_REST_PARAM_ERROR', array('#PARAM_NAME#'))); CCalendarEvent::SetMeetingStatus(array( 'userId' => $userId, 'eventId' => $params['eventId'], 'status' => $params['status'] )); return true; } /* * Return meeting status for current user for given event * * @param array $params - incomoning params: * $params['eventId'] - (required) event id * * @return status - "Y" | "N" | "Q" * * @throws \Bitrix\Rest\RestException * * @example (Javascript) * BX24.callMethod("calendar.meeting.status.get", * { * eventId: '651' * }); */ public static function MeetingStatusGet($params = array(), $nav = null, $server = null) { $userId = CCalendar::GetCurUserId(); $methodName = "calendar.meeting.status.get"; $necessaryParams = array('eventId'); foreach ($necessaryParams as $param) { if (!isset($params[$param]) || empty($params[$param])) throw new RestException(Loc::getMessage('CAL_REST_PARAM_EXCEPTION', array('#PARAM_NAME#' => $param,'#REST_METHOD#' => $methodName))); } $status = CCalendarEvent::GetMeetingStatus( $userId, $params['eventId'], $params['status'] ); if ($status === false) throw new RestException(Loc::getMessage('CAL_REST_GET_STATUS_ERROR')); return $status; } /* * Set meeting params for current user * * @param array $params - incomoning params: * $params['eventId'] - event id * $params['accessibility'] * $params['remind'] * * @return true if everything ok * * @throws \Bitrix\Rest\RestException * * @example (Javascript) * BX24.callMethod("calendar.meeting.params.set", * { * eventId: '651', * accessibility: 'free', * remind: [{type: 'min', count: 20}] * }); */ public static function MeetingParamsSet($params = array(), $nav = null, $server = null) { $userId = CCalendar::GetCurUserId(); $methodName = "calendar.meeting.params.set"; $necessaryParams = array('eventId'); foreach ($necessaryParams as $param) { if (!isset($params[$param]) || empty($params[$param])) throw new RestException(Loc::getMessage('CAL_REST_PARAM_EXCEPTION', array('#PARAM_NAME#' => $param,'#REST_METHOD#' => $methodName))); } $result = CCalendarEvent::SetMeetingParams( $userId, intVal($params['eventId']), array( 'ACCESSIBILITY' => $params['accessibility'], 'REMIND' => $params['remind'] ) ); if (!$result) throw new RestException(Loc::getMessage('CAL_REST_GET_DATA_ERROR')); return true; } /* * Allow to get user's accessibility * * @param array $params - incomoning params: * $params['users'] - (required) array of user ids * $params['from'] - (required) date, from limit * $params['to'] - (required) date, to limit * * @return array - array('user_id' => array()) - information about accessibility for each asked user * * @throws \Bitrix\Rest\RestException * * @example (Javascript) * BX24.callMethod("calendar.accessibility.get", * { * from: '2013-06-20', * to: '2013-12-20', * users: [1, 2, 34] * }); */ public static function MeetingAccessibilityGet($params = array(), $nav = null, $server = null) { $userId = CCalendar::GetCurUserId(); $methodName = "calendar.accessibility.get"; $necessaryParams = array('from', 'to', 'users'); foreach ($necessaryParams as $param) { if (!isset($params[$param]) || empty($params[$param])) throw new RestException(Loc::getMessage('CAL_REST_PARAM_EXCEPTION', array('#PARAM_NAME#' => $param,'#REST_METHOD#' => $methodName))); } $from = CRestUtil::unConvertDate($params['from']); $to = CRestUtil::unConvertDate($params['to']); $res = CCalendar::GetAccessibilityForUsers(array( 'users' => $params['users'], 'from' => $from, 'to' => $to, 'getFromHR' => true )); return $res; } /* * Return calendar general settings * * @return array of settings * * @example (Javascript) * BX24.callMethod("calendar.settings.get", {}); */ public static function SettingsGet($params = array(), $nav = null, $server = null) { $userId = CCalendar::GetCurUserId(); $methodName = "calendar.settings.get"; $settings = CCalendar::GetSettings(); return $settings; } /* * Set calendar settings * * @param array $params - incomoning params: * $params['settings'] - (required) array of user's settings * * @return true if everything ok * * @throws \Bitrix\Rest\RestException * * @example (Javascript) * BX24.callMethod("calendar.settings.set", * { * settings: { * work_time_start: 9, * work_time_end: 19, * year_holidays: '1.01,2.01,7.01,23.02,8.03,1.05,9.05,12.06,4.11,12.12,03.04,05.04', * week_holidays:['SA','SU'], * week_start: 'MO' * } * }); */ public static function SettingsSet($params = array(), $nav = null, $server = null) { global $USER; $methodName = "calendar.settings.set"; if (!$USER->CanDoOperation('bitrix24_config') && !$USER->CanDoOperation('edit_php')) throw new RestException(Loc::getMessage('CAL_REST_ACCESS_DENIED')); if (!isset($params['settings'])) throw new RestException(Loc::getMessage('CAL_REST_PARAM_EXCEPTION', array('#PARAM_NAME#' => 'settings','#REST_METHOD#' => $methodName))); CCalendar::SetSettings($params['settings']); return true; } /* * Clears calendar settings * * @return true if everything ok * * @throws \Bitrix\Rest\RestException * * @example (Javascript) * BX24.callMethod("calendar.settings.clear",{}); */ public static function SettingsClear() { global $USER; $methodName = "calendar.settings.clear"; if (!$USER->CanDoOperation('bitrix24_config') && !$USER->CanDoOperation('edit_php')) throw new RestException(Loc::getMessage('CAL_REST_ACCESS_DENIED')); CCalendar::SetSettings(array(), true); return true; } /* * Returns user's settings * * @return array of settings * * @example (Javascript) * BX24.callMethod("calendar.user.settings.get",{}); */ public static function UserSettingsGet($params = array(), $nav = null, $server = null) { $userId = CCalendar::GetCurUserId(); $methodName = "calendar.user.settings.get"; $settings = CCalendar::GetUserSettings($userId); return $settings; } /* * Saves user's settings * * @param array $params - incomoning params: * $params['settings'] - (required) array of user's settings * * @return true if everything ok * * @throws \Bitrix\Rest\RestException * * @example (Javascript) * BX24.callMethod("calendar.user.settings.set", * { * settings: { * tabId: 'month', * meetSection: '23', * blink: true, * showDeclined: false, * showMuted: true * } * }); */ public static function UserSettingsSet($params = array(), $nav = null, $server = null) { $userId = CCalendar::GetCurUserId(); $methodName = "calendar.user.settings.set"; if (!isset($params['settings'])) throw new RestException(Loc::getMessage('CAL_REST_PARAM_EXCEPTION', array('#PARAM_NAME#' => 'settings','#REST_METHOD#' => $methodName))); CCalendarUserSettings::Set($params['settings'], $userId); return true; } /* * Return list of all resources * * @return array of resources * * @throws \Bitrix\Rest\RestException * * @example (Javascript) * BX24.callMethod("calendar.resource.list"); */ public static function ResourceList() { $methodName = "calendar.resource.list"; $resources = []; $resourceList = Internals\SectionTable::getList( array( "filter" => [ "=ACTIVE" => 'Y', "=CAL_TYPE" => 'resource' ], "select" => ["ID", "NAME", "CREATED_BY"] ) ); while ($resource = $resourceList->fetch()) { $resources[] = $resource; } return $resources; } /* * Add new resource * * @param array $params - incomoning params: * $params['name'] - string, (required) name of the resource * * @return id of created resource * * @throws \Bitrix\Rest\RestException * * @example (Javascript) * BX24.callMethod("calendar.resource.add", * { * name: 'My resource title' * }); */ public static function ResourceAdd($params = array(), $nav = null, $server = null) { $methodName = "calendar.resource.add"; $type = 'resource'; if (!isset($params['name']) || empty($params['name'])) { throw new RestException(Loc::getMessage('CAL_REST_PARAM_EXCEPTION', array('#REST_METHOD#' => $methodName, '#PARAM_NAME#' => 'name'))); } if (!CCalendarType::CanDo('calendar_type_edit_section')) { throw new RestException(Loc::getMessage('CAL_REST_ACCESS_DENIED')); } $id = \CCalendarSect::edit([ 'arFields' => [ 'CAL_TYPE' => $type, 'NAME' => $params['name'], 'ACCESS' => [] ] ]); if (!$id) { throw new RestException(Loc::getMessage('CAL_REST_RESOURCE_NEW_ERROR')); } CCalendarSect::SetClearOperationCache(true); return $id; } /* * Update resource * * @param array $params - incomoning params: * $params['resourceId'] - (required) number, * $params['name'] - string, name of the resource * * @return id of modified section * * @throws \Bitrix\Rest\RestException * * @example (Javascript) * BX24.callMethod("calendar.resource.update", * { * resourceId: 325, * name: 'Changed Resource Name' * }); */ public static function ResourceUpdate($params = array(), $nav = null, $server = null) { $methodName = "calendar.resource.update"; $type = 'resource'; if (isset($params['resourceId']) && intVal($params['resourceId']) > 0) { $id = intVal($params['resourceId']); } else { throw new RestException(Loc::getMessage('CAL_REST_PARAM_EXCEPTION', array('#REST_METHOD#' => $methodName, '#PARAM_NAME#' => 'id'))); } if (!isset($params['name']) || empty($params['name'])) { throw new RestException(Loc::getMessage('CAL_REST_PARAM_EXCEPTION', array('#REST_METHOD#' => $methodName, '#PARAM_NAME#' => 'name'))); } if (!CCalendarType::CanDo('calendar_type_edit_section')) { throw new RestException(Loc::getMessage('CAL_REST_ACCESS_DENIED')); } $id = \CCalendarSect::edit([ 'arFields' => [ 'ID' => $id, 'CAL_TYPE' => $type, 'NAME' => $params['name'], 'ACCESS' => [] ] ]); if (!$id) { throw new RestException(Loc::getMessage('CAL_REST_RESOURCE_UPDATE_ERROR')); } CCalendarSect::SetClearOperationCache(true); return $id; } /* * Delete resource * * @param array $params - incomoning params: * $params['resourceId'] (required) resource id * * @return true if everything ok * * @throws \Bitrix\Rest\RestException * * @example (Javascript) * BX24.callMethod("calendar.resource.delete", * { * resourceId: 521 * }); */ public static function ResourceDelete($params = array(), $nav = null, $server = null) { $userId = CCalendar::GetCurUserId(); $methodName = "calendar.resource.delete"; if (isset($params['resourceId']) && intVal($params['resourceId']) > 0) { $id = intVal($params['resourceId']); } else { throw new RestException(Loc::getMessage('CAL_REST_PARAM_EXCEPTION', array('#REST_METHOD#' => $methodName, '#PARAM_NAME#' => 'resourceId'))); } if (!CCalendarSect::CanDo('calendar_edit_section', $id, $userId)) throw new RestException(Loc::getMessage('CAL_REST_ACCESS_DENIED')); $res = CCalendar::DeleteSection($id); if (!$res) { throw new RestException(Loc::getMessage('CAL_REST_SECTION_DELETE_ERROR')); } return $res; } /* * Return list of booking for resources by id or by resource types * * @param array $params - incomoning params: * $params['filter'] - array of ids of resource bookings * $params['filter']['resourceIdList'] - array of ids of resource bookings, if this parameter is specified other filter params (resourceTypeIdList, from, to) in filter are not used. * $params['filter']['resourceTypeIdList'] - array, list of resource type ids. Required if resourceIdList is not specified. * $params['filter']['from'] - datetime, "from" limit, default value - 1 month before current date * $params['filter']['to'] - datetime, "to" limit, default value - 3 month after current date * @return array of booking for resources * * @throws \Bitrix\Rest\RestException * * @example (Javascript) * BX24.callMethod("calendar.resource.booking.list", { * filter: { * resourceTypeIdList: [10852, 10888, 10873, 10871, 10853] * from: '2013-06-20', * to: '2013-08-20', * } * }; * * @example (Javascript) * BX24.callMethod("calendar.resource.booking.list", { * filter: { * resourceIdList: [10, 18, 17] * } * }; */ public static function ResourceBookingList($params = []) { $type = 'resource'; $methodName = "calendar.resource.booking.list"; $userId = CCalendar::GetCurUserId(); $idList = $params['filter']['resourceIdList']; if (isset($idList)) { if(!is_array($idList) && $idList > 0) { $idList = [$idList]; } if (!empty($idList)) { $userId = CCalendar::GetCurUserId(); $resourseList = \Bitrix\Calendar\UserField\ResourceBooking::getResourceEntriesList($idList); $entries = []; $eventIdList = []; $bookingIndex = []; if (is_array($resourseList) && isset($resourseList['ENTRIES']) && is_array($resourseList['ENTRIES'])) { foreach($resourseList['ENTRIES'] as $resEntry) { $eventIdList[] = $resEntry['EVENT_ID']; $bookingIndex[$resEntry['EVENT_ID']] = intval($resEntry['ID']); } if (count($eventIdList) > 0) { $entries = CCalendarEvent::GetList( array( 'arFilter' => array( 'ID' => $eventIdList ), 'parseRecursion' => true, 'fetchAttendees' => false, 'userId' => $userId, 'fetchMeetings' => false, 'setDefaultLimit' => false ) ); } foreach($entries as $k => $entry) { $entries[$k]['RESOURCE_BOOKING_ID'] = $bookingIndex[$entry['ID']]; } } return $entries; } } $resourceTypeIdList = $params['filter']['resourceTypeIdList']; if (!isset($resourceTypeIdList) || !is_array($resourceTypeIdList) || !count($resourceTypeIdList)) { throw new RestException(Loc::getMessage('CAL_REST_PARAM_EXCEPTION', array('#PARAM_NAME#' => 'filter[\'resourceTypeIdList\']', '#REST_METHOD#' => $methodName))); } $from = false; $to = false; if (isset($params['filter']['from'])) $from = CRestUtil::unConvertDateTime($params['filter']['from']); if (isset($params['filter']['to'])) $to = CRestUtil::unConvertDateTime($params['filter']['to']); // Default values for from-to period if ($from === false && $to === false) { // Limits $ts = time(); $pastDays = 30; $futureDays = 90; $from = CCalendar::Date($ts - CCalendar::DAY_LENGTH * $pastDays, false); $to = CCalendar::Date($ts + CCalendar::DAY_LENGTH * $futureDays, false); } elseif($from !== false && $to === false) { $to = CCalendar::Date(CCalendar::GetMaxTimestamp(), false); } $attendees = []; $entries = CCalendar::GetEventList([ 'type' => $type, 'userId' => $userId, 'section' => $resourceTypeIdList['resourceTypeIdList'], 'fromLimit' => $from, 'toLimit' => $to ], $attendees); return $entries; } /* * Books given resource * * @param array $params - incomoning params: * $params['resourceType'] - (required) string, type of the resource could be 'user' or 'resource' * $params['resourceId'] - (required) number, id of the resource or user * $params['from'] - (required) datetime, "from" * $params['to'] - (required) datetime, "to" limit * $params['timezone'] - string, timezone, dafault value - timezone of current user * $params['skipTime'] - is it booking for whole day(s) "Y"|"N" deafault value - "N", * $params['bookingName'] - string, name of the booking event * $params['serviceName'] - string, name of the booking event * $params['bindingEntityType'] - string, type of entity binded to the booking (example CRM_LEAD) * $params['bindingEntityId'] - number, id of entity binded to the booking * * @return array of booking for esources * * @throws \Bitrix\Rest\RestException * * @example (Javascript) * BX24.callMethod("calendar.resource.booking.add", { * resourceTypeIdList: [10852, 10888, 10873, 10871, 10853] * from: '2013-06-20', * to: '2013-08-20', * }; */ // public static function ResourceBookingAdd($params = array()) // { // $userId = CCalendar::GetCurUserId(); // $methodName = "calendar.resource.booking.add"; // // $necessaryParams = array('resourceType', 'resourceId', 'from', 'to'); // // if (isset($params['from'])) // { // $params['from'] = CRestUtil::unConvertDateTime($params['from']); // } // // if (isset($params['to'])) // { // $params['to'] = CRestUtil::unConvertDateTime($params['to']); // } // // if (isset($params['resourceId'])) // { // $params['resourceId'] = intval($params['resourceId']); // } // // $params['bindingEntityType'] = isset($params['bindingEntityType']) ? $params['bindingEntityType'] : 'REST'; // $params['bindingEntityId'] = isset($params['bindingEntityId']) ? intval($params['bindingEntityId']) : 0; // // foreach ($necessaryParams as $param) // { // if (!isset($params[$param]) || empty($params[$param])) // { // throw new RestException(Loc::getMessage('CAL_REST_PARAM_EXCEPTION', array('#PARAM_NAME#' => $param,'#REST_METHOD#' => $methodName))); // } // } // // if (!in_array($params['resourceType'], ['user', 'resource'])) // { // throw new RestException(Loc::getMessage('CAL_REST_RES_TYPE_ERROR', array('#ALLOWED_TYPES#' => 'user|resource'))); // } // // $entryFields = array( // "DATE_FROM" => $params['from'], // "DATE_TO" => $params['to'], // "SKIP_TIME" => $params['skip_time'], // "NAME" => !empty($params['bookingName']) ? $params['bookingName'] : Loc::getMessage('CAL_REST_RES_BOOKING_DEFAULT_VALUE') // ); // // if ($params['serviceName'] !== '') // { // $entryFields["DESCRIPTION"] = Loc::getMessage("CAL_REST_RES_BOOKING_SERVICE_LABEL").': '.$params['serviceName']; // } // // if (strtoupper($params['skipTime']) !== 'Y') // { // $userTimezoneName = \CCalendar::getUserTimezoneName($userId, true); // if($userTimezoneName) // { // $entryFields['TZ_FROM'] = $userTimezoneName; // $entryFields['TZ_TO'] = $userTimezoneName; // } // } // // $resourceBookingId = \Bitrix\Calendar\UserField\ResourceBooking::saveResource( // false, // $params['resourceType'], // $params['resourceId'], // $entryFields, // [ // 'serviceName' => $params['serviceName'], // 'bindingEntityType' => $params['bindingEntityType'], // 'bindingEntityId' => $params['bindingEntityId'], // 'bindingUserfieldId' => $params['bindingUserfieldId'] // ] // ); // // if (!$resourceBookingId) // { // throw new RestException(Loc::getMessage("CAL_REST_RESOURCE_BOOKING_ADD_ERROR")); // } // // return $resourceBookingId; // } /* * Edit resource booking * * @param array $params - incomoning params: * $params['id'] - (required) numper, booking id, * $params['resourceType'] - (required) string, type of the resource could be 'user' or 'resource' * $params['resourceId'] - (required) number, id of the resource or user * $params['from'] - (required) datetime, "from" * $params['to'] - (required) datetime, "to" limit * $params['timezone'] - string, timezone, dafault value - timezone of current user * $params['skipTime'] - is it booking for whole day(s) "Y"|"N" deafault value - "N", * $params['bookingName'] - string, name of the booking event * $params['serviceName'] - string, name of the booking event * $params['bindingEntityType'] - string, type of entity binded to the booking (example CRM_LEAD) * $params['bindingEntityId'] - number, id of entity binded to the booking * * @return array of booking for esources * * @throws \Bitrix\Rest\RestException * * @example (Javascript) * BX24.callMethod("calendar.resource.booking.update", { * id: * resourceTypeIdList: [10852, 10888, 10873, 10871, 10853] * from: '2013-06-20', * to: '2013-08-20', * }; */ // public static function ResourceBookingUpdate($params = array()) // { // $userId = CCalendar::GetCurUserId(); // $methodName = "calendar.resource.booking.update"; // // $necessaryParams = array('id', 'resourceType', 'resourceId', 'from', 'to'); // // if (isset($params['id'])) // { // $params['id'] = intval($params['id']); // } // // if (isset($params['from'])) // { // $params['from'] = CRestUtil::unConvertDateTime($params['from']); // } // // if (isset($params['to'])) // { // $params['to'] = CRestUtil::unConvertDateTime($params['to']); // } // // if (isset($params['resourceId'])) // { // $params['resourceId'] = intval($params['resourceId']); // } // // $params['bindingEntityType'] = isset($params['bindingEntityType']) ? $params['bindingEntityType'] : 'REST'; // $params['bindingEntityId'] = isset($params['bindingEntityId']) ? intval($params['bindingEntityId']) : 0; // // foreach ($necessaryParams as $param) // { // if (!isset($params[$param]) || empty($params[$param])) // { // throw new RestException(Loc::getMessage('CAL_REST_PARAM_EXCEPTION', array('#PARAM_NAME#' => $param,'#REST_METHOD#' => $methodName))); // } // } // // if (!in_array($params['resourceType'], ['user', 'resource'])) // { // throw new RestException(Loc::getMessage('CAL_REST_RES_TYPE_ERROR', array('#ALLOWED_TYPES#' => 'user|resource'))); // } // // $entryFields = array( // "DATE_FROM" => $params['from'], // "DATE_TO" => $params['to'], // "SKIP_TIME" => $params['skip_time'], // "NAME" => !empty($params['bookingName']) ? $params['bookingName'] : Loc::getMessage('CAL_REST_RES_BOOKING_DEFAULT_VALUE') // ); // // if ($params['serviceName'] !== '') // { // $entryFields["DESCRIPTION"] = Loc::getMessage("CAL_REST_RES_BOOKING_SERVICE_LABEL").': '.$params['serviceName']; // } // // if (strtoupper($params['skipTime']) !== 'Y') // { // $userTimezoneName = \CCalendar::getUserTimezoneName($userId, true); // if($userTimezoneName) // { // $entryFields['TZ_FROM'] = $userTimezoneName; // $entryFields['TZ_TO'] = $userTimezoneName; // } // } // // $resourceBookingId = \Bitrix\Calendar\UserField\ResourceBooking::saveResource( // $params['id'], // $params['resourceType'], // $params['resourceId'], // $entryFields, // [ // 'serviceName' => $params['serviceName'], // 'bindingEntityType' => $params['bindingEntityType'], // 'bindingEntityId' => $params['bindingEntityId'], // 'bindingUserfieldId' => $params['bindingUserfieldId'] // ] // ); // // if (!$resourceBookingId) // { // throw new RestException(Loc::getMessage("CAL_REST_RESOURCE_BOOKING_ADD_ERROR")); // } // // return $resourceBookingId; // } // public static function ResourceBookingDelete($params = array()) // { // $userId = CCalendar::GetCurUserId(); // $methodName = "calendar.resource.booking.delete"; // // \CCalendar::deleteEvent(intVal($entry['EVENT_ID']), false, array('checkPermissions' => false)); // Internals\ResourceTable::delete($entry['ID']); // } /* * Clears user's settings * * @return true if everything ok * * @example (Javascript) * BX24.callMethod("calendar.settings.clear",{}); */ public static function UserSettingsClear($params = array(), $nav = null, $server = null) { $userId = CCalendar::GetCurUserId(); $methodName = "calendar.user.settings.clear"; CCalendarUserSettings::Set(false, $userId); return true; } /* * Filters data fields about entry for event handlers * * @return array - array('id' => number) - id of entry which triggered event */ public static function PrepareOnCalendarEntryEvent($params, $handler) { return ['id' => $params[0]]; } /* * Filters data fields about section for event handlers * * @return array - array('id' => number) - id of section which triggered event */ public static function PrepareOnCalendarSectionEvent($params, $handler) { return ['id' => $params[0]]; } }