Direktori : /home/bitrix/www/bitrix/modules/calendar/lib/sync/ |
Current File : //home/bitrix/www/bitrix/modules/calendar/lib/sync/googleapipush.php |
<?php namespace Bitrix\Calendar\Sync; use Bitrix\Main\Type; use \Bitrix\Calendar\PushTable; final class GoogleApiPush { const RENEW_LIMIT = 3; const CREATE_LIMIT = 2; const PROCESS_LIMIT = 4; const CLEAR_LIMIT = 6; /** * Checks connection and ability to create push channel * Recommended agent interval = 4h */ public static function renewWatchChannels() { global $DB; $result = $DB->query("SELECT * FROM b_calendar_push WHERE " . \CDatabaseMysql::dateFormatToDB(FORMAT_DATETIME, 'EXPIRES') . " <= '" . \Bitrix\Main\Type\DateTime::createFromTimestamp(strtotime('+1 day')) . "' ORDER BY EXPIRES ASC LIMIT " . self::RENEW_LIMIT); $pushRows = array(); $connectionIds = array(); $sectionIds = array(); while ($row = $result->fetch()) { $pushRows[] = $row; if ($row['ENTITY_TYPE'] == 'CONNECTION') { $connectionIds[] = $row['ENTITY_ID']; } if ($row['ENTITY_TYPE'] == 'SECTION') { $sectionIds[] = $row['ENTITY_ID']; } } if (!empty($pushRows)) { global $DB; $sections = array(); $connections = array(); if (!empty($sectionIds)) { $sectionResult = $DB->query("SELECT * FROM b_calendar_section WHERE ID IN (" . implode(',', $sectionIds) . ")"); while($row = $sectionResult->fetch()) { $sections[$row['ID']] = $row; } } if (!empty($connectionIds)) { $connectionResult = $DB->query("SELECT * FROM b_dav_connections WHERE ID IN (" . implode(',', $connectionIds) . ")"); while($row = $connectionResult->fetch()) { $connections[$row['ID']] = $row; } } foreach ($pushRows as $row) { if ($row['ENTITY_TYPE'] == 'CONNECTION' && !empty($connections[$row['ENTITY_ID']])) { $connectionData = $connections[$row['ENTITY_ID']]; $googleApiConnection = new GoogleApiSync($connectionData['ENTITY_ID']); $channelInfo = $googleApiConnection->startWatchCalendarList($connectionData['NAME']); } elseif ($row['ENTITY_TYPE'] == 'SECTION' && !empty($sections[$row['ENTITY_ID']])) { $section = $sections[$row['ENTITY_ID']]; $googleApiConnection = new GoogleApiSync($section['OWNER_ID']); $channelInfo = $googleApiConnection->startWatchEventsChannel($section['GAPI_CALENDAR_ID']); } else { continue; } $googleApiConnection->stopChannel($row['CHANNEL_ID'], $row['RESOURCE_ID']); PushTable::delete(array('ENTITY_TYPE' => $row['ENTITY_TYPE'], 'ENTITY_ID' => $row['ENTITY_ID'])); if ($channelInfo) { PushTable::add(array( 'ENTITY_TYPE' => $row['ENTITY_TYPE'], 'ENTITY_ID' => $row['ENTITY_ID'], 'CHANNEL_ID' => $channelInfo['id'], 'RESOURCE_ID' => $channelInfo['resourceId'], 'EXPIRES' => $channelInfo['expiration'], 'NOT_PROCESSED' => 'N' )); } } } if (count($pushRows) < 4) { $result = PushTable::getList(array( 'order' => array('EXPIRES' => 'ASC'), 'limit' => 1 )); $row = $result->fetch(); if ($row) { $nextAgentDate = \Bitrix\Main\Type\DateTime::createFromTimestamp(strtotime($row['EXPIRES']) - (60*60*20))->format(\Bitrix\Main\Type\Date::convertFormatToPhp(FORMAT_DATETIME)); } else { $nextAgentDate = \Bitrix\Main\Type\DateTime::createFromTimestamp(strtotime('now') + (60*60*20))->format(\Bitrix\Main\Type\Date::convertFormatToPhp(FORMAT_DATETIME)); } \CAgent::removeAgent("\\Bitrix\\Calendar\\Sync\\GoogleApiPush::renewWatchChannels();", "calendar"); \CAgent::addAgent("\\Bitrix\\Calendar\\Sync\\GoogleApiPush::renewWatchChannels();", "calendar", "N", 900,"", "Y", $nextAgentDate); return false; } return "\\Bitrix\\Calendar\\Sync\\GoogleApiPush::renewWatchChannels();"; } public static function checkSectionsPush($localSections, $userId) { $googleApiConnection = new GoogleApiSync($userId); //Create new channels and refresh old push channels for sections of current connection $sectionIds = array(); foreach ($localSections as $section) { //Skip virtual calendars, because they are not pushable. if (preg_match('/(holiday.calendar.google.com)/', $section['GAPI_CALENDAR_ID']) || preg_match('/(group.v.calendar.google.com)/', $section['GAPI_CALENDAR_ID']) || preg_match('/(@virtual)/', $section['GAPI_CALENDAR_ID'])) continue; $sectionIds[] = $section['ID']; } $sectionsIn = implode(',', $sectionIds); $pushChannels = PushTable::getList(array( 'filter' => array('=ENTITY_TYPE' => 'SECTION', '@ IN (' . $sectionsIn . ')'), )); $inactiveSections = array_flip($sectionIds); while($row = $pushChannels->fetch()) { $diff = strtotime($row['EXPIRES']) - strtotime('now'); if ($diff > GoogleApiSync::ONE_DAY) { unset($inactiveSections[$row['ENTITY_ID']]); continue; } $googleApiConnection->stopChannel($row['CHANNEL_ID'], $row['RESOURCE_ID']); $localCalendarIndex = array_search($row['ENTITY_ID'], array_column($localSections, 'ID')); if ($localCalendarIndex !== false) { $channelInfo = $googleApiConnection->startWatchCalendarList($localSections[$localCalendarIndex]['GAPI_CALENDAR_ID']); if ($channelInfo) { PushTable::update( array( 'ENTITY_TYPE' => $row['ENTITY_TYPE'], 'ENTITY_ID' => $row['ENTITY_ID'] ), array( 'CHANNEL_ID' => $channelInfo['id'], 'RESOURCE_ID' => $channelInfo['resourceId'], 'EXPIRES' => $channelInfo['expiration'], 'NOT_PROCESSED' => 'N' ) ); continue; } } //If we can't create channel or section deleted - we should remove it from sync channels. //It will be recreated at daily agent, if possible. PushTable::delete(array('ENTITY_TYPE' => $row['ENTITY_TYPE'], 'ENTITY_ID' => $row['ENTITY_ID'])); unset($inactiveSections[$row['ENTITY_ID']]); } foreach ($localSections as $section) { if (isset($inactiveSections[$section['ID']])) { $channelInfo = $googleApiConnection->startWatchEventsChannel($section['GAPI_CALENDAR_ID']); if ($channelInfo && isset($channelInfo['id'], $channelInfo['resourceId'])) { PushTable::delete(array("ENTITY_TYPE" => 'SECTION', 'ENTITY_ID' => $section['ID'])); PushTable::add(array( 'ENTITY_TYPE' => 'SECTION', 'ENTITY_ID' => $section['ID'], 'CHANNEL_ID' => $channelInfo['id'], 'RESOURCE_ID' => $channelInfo['resourceId'], 'EXPIRES' => $channelInfo['expiration'], 'NOT_PROCESSED' => 'N' )); } } } } /** * Creates and renew watch channels for connections * Recommended interval = 1 hour, for push enable - recommended interval 3 minutes * * @param int $start * @return string */ public static function createWatchChannels($start = 0) { $pushOptionEnabled = \COption::getOptionString('calendar', 'sync_by_push', false); if (!$pushOptionEnabled && !\CCalendar::isBitrix24()) { return null; } $lastId = $start; \Bitrix\Main\Loader::includeModule('dav'); $davConnections = \CDavConnection::getList( array("ID" => "ASC"), array( 'ACCOUNT_TYPE' => 'google_api_oauth', '>ID' => $start ), false, array('nTopCount' => self::CREATE_LIMIT) ); $connections = array(); $pushConnectionIds = array(); while($row = $davConnections->fetch()) { $lastId = $row['ID']; $connections[] = $row; $pushConnectionIds[] = $row['ID']; } if (!empty($connections)) { $result = PushTable::getList(array( 'filter' => array( '=ENTITY_TYPE' => 'CONNECTION', '=ENTITY_ID' => '@ IN (' . implode(',', $pushConnectionIds) . ')' ), )); $pushChannels = array(); while($row = $result->fetch()) { $pushChannels[$row['ENTITY_ID']] = $row; } foreach($connections as $davConnection) { $googleApiConnection = new GoogleApiSync($davConnection['ENTITY_ID']); if (empty($pushChannels[$davConnection['ID']])) { $channelInfo = $googleApiConnection->startWatchCalendarList($connections['NAME']); if ($channelInfo && isset($channelInfo['id'], $channelInfo['resourceId'])) { PushTable::delete(array("ENTITY_TYPE" => 'CONNECTION', 'ENTITY_ID' => $davConnection['ID'])); PushTable::add(array( 'ENTITY_TYPE' => 'CONNECTION', 'ENTITY_ID' => $davConnection['ID'], 'CHANNEL_ID' => $channelInfo['id'], 'RESOURCE_ID' => $channelInfo['resourceId'], 'EXPIRES' => $channelInfo['expiration'], 'NOT_PROCESSED' => 'N' )); } } unset($googleApiConnection); } } if ($lastId == $start) { \CAgent::removeAgent("\\Bitrix\\Calendar\\Sync\\GoogleApiPush::createWatchChannels(" . $start . ");", "calendar"); \CAgent::removeAgent("\\Bitrix\\Calendar\\Sync\\GoogleApiPush::createWatchChannels(0);", "calendar"); \CAgent::addAgent("\\Bitrix\\Calendar\\Sync\\GoogleApiPush::createWatchChannels(0);", "calendar", "N", 3600, "", "Y", Type\DateTime::createFromTimestamp(strtotime('+1 hour'))->format(Type\Date::convertFormatToPhp(FORMAT_DATETIME))); return null; } else { return "\\Bitrix\\Calendar\\Sync\\GoogleApiPush::createWatchChannels(" . $lastId . ");"; } } public static function stopChannel($row = array(), $ownerId = 0) { if ($row) { if ($row['ENTITY_TYPE'] == 'CONNECTION') { if ($ownerId == 0) { $connectionData = \CDavConnection::getById($row['ENTITY_ID']); $ownerId = $connectionData['ENTITY_ID']; } if ($ownerId > 0) { $googleApiConnection = new GoogleApiSync($ownerId); $googleApiConnection->stopChannel($row['CHANNEL_ID'], $row['RESOURCE_ID']); } } elseif ($row['ENTITY_TYPE'] == 'SECTION') { if ($ownerId == 0) { $section = \CCalendarSect::getById($row['ENTITY_ID']); $ownerId = $section['OWNER_ID']; } if ($ownerId > 0) { $googleApiConnection = new GoogleApiSync($ownerId); $googleApiConnection->stopChannel($row['CHANNEL_ID'], $row['RESOURCE_ID']); } } PushTable::delete(array("ENTITY_TYPE" => $row['ENTITY_TYPE'], 'ENTITY_ID' => $row['ENTITY_ID'])); } } /** * Stop all push channels agent * Recommended interval - 60 sec. Response from google not required * * @return null|string */ public static function clearPushChannels() { \Bitrix\Main\Loader::includeModule('dav'); $result = PushTable::getList(array( 'limit' => self::CLEAR_LIMIT )); $hasRows = false; while ($row = $result->fetch()) { $hasRows = true; self::stopChannel($row); } if ($hasRows) return "\\Bitrix\\Calendar\\Sync\\GoogleApiPush::clearPushChannels();"; else return null; } /** * @param $channelId * @return bool */ public static function receivePushSignal($channelId, $resourceId) { $result = PushTable::getList(array( 'filter' => array( '=NOT_PROCESSED' => 'N', '=CHANNEL_ID' => $channelId, '=RESOURCE_ID' => $resourceId ), )); if ($row = $result->fetch()) { PushTable::update( array( 'ENTITY_TYPE' => $row['ENTITY_TYPE'], 'ENTITY_ID' => $row['ENTITY_ID'] ), array( 'NOT_PROCESSED' => 'Y', 'FIRST_PUSH_DATE' => Type\DateTime::createFromTimestamp(strtotime('now')) ) ); return true; } return false; } /** * Synchronize sections and connections on push signal receive * Recommended agent interval = 3 minutes * * @return string */ public static function processPush() { \Bitrix\Main\Loader::includeModule('dav'); $result = PushTable::getList(array( 'filter' => array('=NOT_PROCESSED' => 'Y'), 'order' => array('FIRST_PUSH_DATE' => 'ASC'), 'limit' => self::PROCESS_LIMIT )); $pushRows = array(); while ($row = $result->fetch()) { $pushRows[] = $row; if ($row['ENTITY_TYPE'] == 'CONNECTION') { $connectionIds[] = $row['ENTITY_ID']; } if ($row['ENTITY_TYPE'] == 'SECTION') { $sectionIds[] = $row['ENTITY_ID']; } } if (!empty($pushRows)) { global $DB; $sections = array(); $connections = array(); if (!empty($sectionIds)) { $sectionResult = $DB->query("SELECT * FROM b_calendar_section WHERE ID IN (" . implode(',', $sectionIds) . ")"); while ($row = $sectionResult->fetch()) { $sections[$row['ID']] = $row; } } if (!empty($connectionIds)) { $connectionResult = $DB->query("SELECT * FROM b_dav_connections WHERE ID IN (" . implode(',', $connectionIds) . ")"); while ($row = $connectionResult->fetch()) { $connections[$row['ID']] = $row; } } foreach($pushRows as $row) { $resynced = false; $eventsSyncToken = false; if ($row['ENTITY_TYPE'] == 'CONNECTION') { if (!empty($connections[$row['ENTITY_ID']])) { $resynced = \CCalendarSync::syncConnection($connections[$row['ENTITY_ID']]); } } elseif ($row['ENTITY_TYPE'] == 'SECTION') { if (!empty($sections[$row['ENTITY_ID']])) { $eventsSyncToken = \CCalendarSync::syncCalendarEvents($sections[$row['ENTITY_ID']]); if ($eventsSyncToken) { \CCalendarSect::edit(array( 'arFields' => array( 'ID' => $sections[$row['ENTITY_ID']]['ID'], 'SYNC_TOKEN' => $eventsSyncToken ) )); } } } if (($resynced && $row['ENTITY_TYPE'] == 'CONNECTION') || ($eventsSyncToken && $row['ENTITY_TYPE'] == 'SECTION')) { PushTable::update( array( 'ENTITY_TYPE' => $row['ENTITY_TYPE'], 'ENTITY_ID' => $row['ENTITY_ID'] ), array( 'NOT_PROCESSED' => 'N', 'FIRST_PUSH_DATE' => null ) ); } else { //PushTable::delete(array("ENTITY_TYPE" => $row['ENTITY_TYPE'], 'ENTITY_ID' => $row['ENTITY_ID'])); } } \CCalendar::clearCache(); } return "\\Bitrix\\Calendar\\Sync\\GoogleApiPush::processPush();"; } }