Direktori : /home/bitrix/www/bitrix/modules/calendar/lib/sync/ |
Current File : //home/bitrix/www/bitrix/modules/calendar/lib/sync/googleapisync.php |
<? namespace Bitrix\Calendar\Sync; use Bitrix\Main\Type; use \Bitrix\Main\Web\Uri; use Bitrix\Main\Application; /** * Class GoogleApiSync * * @package Bitrix\Calendar\Sync */ final class GoogleApiSync { const MAXIMUM_CONNECTIONS_TO_SYNC = 3; const ONE_DAY = 86400; //60*60*24; /** * @var GoogleApiTransport */ private $syncTransport; private $eventsSyncToken = '', $defaultTimezone = '', $userId = 0, $calendarList = array(), $defaultReminderData = array(), $calendarColors = false, $eventColors = false, $eventMapping = array( 'DAV_XML_ID' => 'iCalUID', 'NAME' => 'summary', 'DESCRIPTION' => 'description', 'CAL_DAV_LABEL' => 'etag' ); /** * Closes watch channel and asking google to stop pushes * * @param $channelId * @param $resourceId */ public function stopChannel($channelId, $resourceId) { $this->syncTransport->stopChannel($channelId, $resourceId); } /** * Creates watch channel for connection * @param $name * @return array */ public function startWatchCalendarList($name) { $channel = $this->syncTransport->openCalendarListChannel($this->makeChannelParams($name, 'BX_CALENDAR_CON_')); if (!$this->syncTransport->getErrors()) { $channel['expiration'] = Type\DateTime::createFromTimestamp($channel['expiration']/1000); return $channel; } return array(); } private function makeChannelParams($inputSecretWord, $type) { if (defined('BX24_HOST_NAME') && BX24_HOST_NAME) { $externalUrl = 'https://www.bitrix24.com/controller/google_calendar_push.php?target_host=' . BX24_HOST_NAME; } else { $server = \Bitrix\Main\Application::getInstance()->getContext()->getServer(); $domain = $server['HTTP_HOST']; $externalUrl = 'https://' . $domain . '/bitrix/tools/calendar/push.php'; } $channelId = $type . md5($inputSecretWord . strtotime('now')); $requestParams = array( 'id' => $channelId, 'type' => 'web_hook', 'address' => $externalUrl, ); return $requestParams; } /** * Creates watch channel for new events * * @param string $calendarId * @return array|bool */ public function startWatchEventsChannel($calendarId = 'primary') { $channel = $this->syncTransport->openEventsWatchChannel($calendarId, $this->makeChannelParams($calendarId, 'BX_CALENDAR_SECT_')); if (!$this->syncTransport->getErrors()) { $channel['expiration'] = Type\DateTime::createFromTimestamp($channel['expiration']/1000); return $channel; } return false; } /** * GoogleApiSync constructor. * * @param int $userId */ public function __construct($userId = 0) { if (!$userId) { $userId = \CCalendar::GetUserId(); } $this->userId = $userId; $this->syncTransport = new GoogleApiTransport($userId); } /** * Test ability to establish google api connection * @return bool */ public function testConnection() { $this->setColors(); if ($this->getTransportErrors()) { return false; } return true; } /** * Check if errors from transport exists * @return array */ public function getTransportErrors() { return $this->syncTransport->getErrors(); } private function setColors() { if ($this->calendarColors === false || $this->eventColors === false) { $cacheTime = 86400 * 7; $colorData = null; if ($cacheTime) { $cache = \Bitrix\Main\Data\Cache::createInstance(); $cacheId = "google_colors"; $cachePath = 'googlecolors'; if ($cache->initCache($cacheTime, $cacheId, $cachePath)) { $res = $cache->getVars(); $colorData = $res["colorData"]; } } if (!$cacheTime || empty($colorData)) { $colorData = $this->syncTransport->getColors(); if ($cacheTime && isset($cache, $cacheId, $cachePath)) { $cache->startDataCache($cacheTime, $cacheId, $cachePath); $cache->endDataCache(array( "colorData" => $colorData )); } } $this->calendarColors = array(); $this->eventColors = array(); if (is_array($colorData) && !empty($colorData['calendar']) && !empty($colorData['event'])) { foreach ($colorData['calendar'] as $key => $color) { $this->calendarColors[$key] = $color; } foreach ($colorData['event'] as $key => $color) { $this->eventColors[$key] = $color; } } } } /** * @param int $colorId * @param bool $background * @return string */ private function getCalendarColor($colorId, $background = true) { $calendarColors = is_array($this->calendarColors) ? $this->calendarColors : array(); return $calendarColors[$colorId][($background ? 'background' : 'foreground')]; } /** * @param int $colorId * @param bool $background * @return string */ private function getEventColor($colorId, $background = true) { $eventColors = is_array($this->eventColors) ? $this->eventColors : array(); return $eventColors[$colorId][($background ? 'background' : 'foreground')]; } /** * Returns connection error code in message; * * @return array */ public function getTransportConnectionError() { $connectionError = $this->syncTransport->getErrorByCode('CONNECTION'); if ($connectionError) { return $connectionError['message']; } return array(); } /** * get calendar list from google * * @param string $syncToken * @return array */ public function getCalendarItems() { $this->setColors(); $calendarList = array(); if (empty($this->calendarList)) { $calendarList = $this->syncTransport->getCalendarList(); } if (!empty($calendarList['items'])) { foreach($calendarList['items'] as $calendarItem) { $calendarItem['backgroundColor'] = $this->getCalendarColor($calendarItem['colorId']); $calendarItem['textColor'] = $this->getCalendarColor($calendarItem['colorId'], true); $this->calendarList[] = $calendarItem; } } return $this->calendarList; } /** * @return string */ public function getEventsSyncToken() { return $this->eventsSyncToken; } /** * get google calendar events list. * By default selecting primary calendar * @param array $calendarData * @param bool $extIdAsKey * @param bool $firstTry * @return array */ public function getEvents($calendarData = array(), $extIdAsKey = true, $firstTry = true) { $this->setColors(); $eventsList = array(); // in a case for events count > 250 (google default page limit) $getEventsRequestParams = array( 'pageToken' => '', 'syncToken' => $calendarData['SYNC_TOKEN'], 'showDeleted' => 'true' ); $syncToken = $calendarData['SYNC_TOKEN']; do { $results = $this->syncTransport->getEvents($calendarData['GAPI_CALENDAR_ID'], $getEventsRequestParams); // If error (410) occured just remove SYNC_TOKEN and try again ONCE if (!$results && $firstTry) { unset($calendarData['SYNC_TOKEN']); return $this->getEvents($calendarData, $extIdAsKey, false); } $this->defaultReminderData = (!empty($results['defaultReminders'])) ? $results['defaultReminders'] : $this->defaultReminderData; $this->defaultTimezone = (!empty($results['timeZone'])) ? $results['timeZone'] : $this->defaultTimezone; $syncToken = (!empty($results['nextSyncToken'])) ? $results['nextSyncToken'] : $syncToken; if (empty($results['items']) && empty($results['nextPageToken'])) break; foreach ($results['items'] as $result) $eventsList[] = $this->prepareEvent($result); } while ((!empty($results['nextPageToken']) && $getEventsRequestParams['pageToken'] = $results['nextPageToken'])); $this->eventsSyncToken = $syncToken; if ($extIdAsKey) foreach($eventsList as $key => $eventData) { $eventsList[$eventData['DAV_XML_ID']] = $eventData; unset($eventsList[$key]); } return $eventsList; } /** * get id of Primary (main) calendar * * @return string */ public function getPrimaryId() { $calendar = $this->getCalendarById('primary'); return !empty($calendar) ? $calendar['id'] : ''; } /** * Get calendar data by provided ID * * @param $calendarId * @return array */ private function getCalendarById($calendarId) { $this->getCalendarItems(); foreach ($this->calendarList as $calendar) { if (($calendar['id'] == $calendarId) || (isset($calendar['primary']) && $calendarId == 'primary')) { return $calendar; } } return array(); } /** * Delete event from specified google calendar * * @param $eventId * @param $calendarId * @return array|mixed */ public function deleteEvent($eventId, $calendarId) { return $this->syncTransport->deleteEvent(preg_replace('/(@google.com)/', '', $eventId), urlencode($calendarId)); } /** * publishes event to google calendar, returns iCalUid field or false * * @param $eventData * @param $calendarId * @return string */ public function saveEvent($eventData, $calendarId) { $newEvent = array(); $newEvent['summary'] = $eventData['NAME']; $newEvent['description'] = $eventData['DESCRIPTION']; if (!empty($eventData['ACCESSIBILITY']) && $eventData['ACCESSIBILITY'] == 'busy') { $newEvent['transparency'] = 'opaque'; } else { $newEvent['transparency'] = 'transparent'; } if (!empty($eventData['LOCATION']['NEW'])) { $newEvent['location'] = \CCalendar::GetTextLocation($eventData['LOCATION']['NEW']); } if (!empty($eventData['REMIND'])) { $newEvent['reminders'] = array(); $newEvent['reminders']['useDefault'] = false; $newEvent['reminders']['overrides'] = array(); foreach($eventData['REMIND'] as $remindRule) { $minutes = $remindRule['count']; if ($remindRule['type'] == 'min') { } elseif ($remindRule['type'] == 'hour') { $minutes = 60 * $remindRule['count']; } elseif ($remindRule['type'] == 'day') { $minutes = 24 * 60 * $remindRule['count']; } $newEvent['reminders']['overrides'][] = array( 'minutes' => $minutes, 'method' => 'popup', //todo - should able to be changed in settings ); } } if ($eventData['DT_SKIP_TIME'] == "Y") { $startDate = new Type\Date($eventData['DATE_FROM']); $newEvent['start']['date'] = $startDate->format('Y-m-d'); $endDate = new Type\Date($eventData['DATE_TO']); $newEvent['end']['date'] = $endDate->add('+1 day')->format('Y-m-d'); if (!empty($eventData['DAV_XML_ID']) && stripos($eventData['DAV_XML_ID'], '@google.com') !== false) { $newEvent['start']['dateTime'] = null; $newEvent['end']['dateTime'] = null; $newEvent['start']['timeZone'] = null; $newEvent['end']['timeZone'] = null; } } else { if (!empty($eventData['TZ_FROM']) && $eventData['TZ_FROM'] != 'false') { $dateTimeZoneFrom = new \DateTimeZone($eventData['TZ_FROM']); } else { $dateTimeZoneFrom = new \DateTimeZone("UTC"); } $eventStartDateTime = new Type\DateTime($eventData['DATE_FROM'], Type\Date::convertFormatToPhp(FORMAT_DATETIME), $dateTimeZoneFrom); $newEvent['start']['dateTime'] = $eventStartDateTime->format(\DateTime::RFC3339); $newEvent['start']['timeZone'] = $dateTimeZoneFrom->getName(); if (!empty($eventData['TZ_TO']) && $eventData['TZ_TO'] != 'false') { $dateTimeZoneTo = new \DateTimeZone($eventData['TZ_TO']); } else { $dateTimeZoneTo = new \DateTimeZone("UTC"); } $eventEndDateTime = new Type\DateTime($eventData['DATE_TO'], Type\Date::convertFormatToPhp(FORMAT_DATETIME), $dateTimeZoneTo); $newEvent['end']['dateTime'] = $eventEndDateTime->format(\DateTime::RFC3339); $newEvent['end']['timeZone'] = $dateTimeZoneTo->getName(); if (!empty($eventData['DAV_XML_ID']) && stripos($eventData['DAV_XML_ID'], '@google.com') !== false) { $newEvent['start']['date'] = null; $newEvent['end']['date'] = null; } } if (!empty($eventData['RRULE']) && $eventData['RRULE']['FREQ'] != 'NONE') { $rRuleData = \CCalendarEvent::ParseRRULE($eventData['RRULE']); $rRule = 'RRULE:'; $rRule .= 'FREQ=' .$rRuleData['FREQ']; $rRule .= !empty($rRuleData['INTERVAL']) ? ';INTERVAL=' . $rRuleData['INTERVAL'] : ''; $rRule .= !empty($rRuleData['BYDAY']) ? ';BYDAY=' . $rRuleData['BYDAY'] : ''; if (!empty($rRuleData['COUNT'])) { $rRule .= ';COUNT=' . $rRuleData['COUNT']; } elseif (!empty($rRuleData['UNTIL'])) { $tsTo = strtotime($rRuleData['UNTIL']); if ($eventData['DT_SKIP_TIME'] == "N") { $tsTo += self::ONE_DAY; } $rRule .= ';UNTIL=' . date('Ymd\THis\Z', $tsTo); } $newEvent['recurrence'][] = $rRule; if (!empty($eventData['EXDATE'])) { $exDates = explode(';', $eventData['EXDATE']); foreach ($exDates as $exDate) { if ($eventData['DT_SKIP_TIME'] == "Y") { $newEvent['recurrence'][] = 'EXDATE;VALUE=DATE:' . date('Ymd', strtotime($exDate)); } else { $exDateStr = 'EXDATE;TZID=UTC:' . date("Ymd", strtotime($exDate)) . Type\DateTime::createFromUserTime($eventData['DATE_FROM'])->setTimeZone(new \DateTimeZone('UTC'))->format('\\THis\\Z'); $newEvent['recurrence'][] = $exDateStr; } } } } if (!empty($eventData['DAV_XML_ID']) && stripos($eventData['DAV_XML_ID'], '@google.com') !== false) { $externalEvent = $this->syncTransport->updateEvent($newEvent, urlencode($calendarId), $eventData['DAV_XML_ID']); } else { $externalEvent = $this->syncTransport->insertEvent($newEvent, urlencode($calendarId)); } return ($externalEvent) ? $externalEvent['iCalUID'] : ''; } /** * Prepearing event for future use * * @param $event * @return array */ private function prepareEvent($event) { $returnData = array(); foreach ($this->eventMapping as $internalKey => $externalKey) { $returnData[$internalKey] = (isset($event[$externalKey]) ? $event[$externalKey] : ''); } $returnData['DAV_XML_ID'] = $event['id'] . '@google.com'; $returnData['iCalUID'] = $event['iCalUID']; if (empty($event['summary'])) { $returnData['NAME'] = GetMessage('EC_T_NEW_EVENT'); } if (!empty($event['transparency']) && $event['transparency'] == 'transparent') { $returnData['ACCESSIBILITY'] = 'free'; } else { $returnData['ACCESSIBILITY'] = 'busy'; } $returnData['OWNER_ID'] = $this->userId; $returnData['CREATED_BY'] = $this->userId; $returnData['CAL_TYPE'] = 'user'; if (!empty($event['start']['dateTime']) && !empty($event['end']['dateTime'])) { if (!empty($event['start']['timeZone'])) $returnData['TZ_FROM'] = $event['start']['timeZone']; else $returnData['TZ_FROM'] = $this->defaultTimezone; if (!empty($event['end']['timeZone'])) $returnData['TZ_TO'] = $event['end']['timeZone']; else $returnData['TZ_TO'] = $this->defaultTimezone; $eventStartDateTime = new Type\DateTime($event['start']['dateTime'], \DateTime::RFC3339, new \DateTimeZone($this->defaultTimezone)); $returnData['DATE_FROM'] = \CCalendar::Date(\CCalendar::Timestamp($eventStartDateTime->setTimeZone(new \DateTimeZone($returnData['TZ_FROM']))->format(Type\Date::convertFormatToPhp(FORMAT_DATETIME)))); $eventStartDateTime = new Type\DateTime($event['end']['dateTime'], \DateTime::RFC3339, new \DateTimeZone($this->defaultTimezone)); $returnData['DATE_TO'] = \CCalendar::Date(\CCalendar::Timestamp($eventStartDateTime->setTimeZone(new \DateTimeZone($returnData['TZ_TO']))->format(Type\Date::convertFormatToPhp(FORMAT_DATETIME)))); } if (!empty($event['start']['date'])) { $returnData['DATE_FROM'] = \CCalendar::Date(strtotime($event['start']['date']), false); } if (!empty($event['end']['date'])) { if ($event['end']['date'] == $event['start']['date']) { $dateStr = strtotime($event['end']['date']); } else { $dateStr = strtotime($event['end']['date']) - self::ONE_DAY; } $returnData['DATE_TO'] = \CCalendar::Date($dateStr, false); $returnData['DT_SKIP_TIME'] = 'Y'; } else { $returnData['DT_SKIP_TIME'] = 'N'; } $returnData['DATE_CREATE'] = \CCalendar::Date(strtotime($event['created'])); if (!empty($event['colorId'])) { $returnData['COLOR'] = $this->getEventColor($event['colorId']); $returnData['TEXT_COLOR'] = $this->getEventColor($event['colorId'], false); } $returnData['DATE_CREATE'] = \CCalendar::Date(time()); $returnData['status'] = $event['status']; $returnData['hasMoved'] = "N"; $returnData['isRecurring'] = "N"; $exDates = array(); if ($event['recurrence']) { foreach ($event['recurrence'] as $recurrence) { if (preg_match('/(RRULE)/', $recurrence)) { $rRuleData = preg_replace('/(RRULE\:)/', '', $recurrence); $rRuleList = explode(';', $rRuleData); $rRuleSet = array(); foreach ($rRuleList as $rRuleElement) { list($rRuleProp, $rRuleVal) = explode('=', $rRuleElement); switch ($rRuleProp) { case 'FREQ': if (in_array($rRuleVal, array('HOURLY', 'DAILY', 'WEEKLY', 'MONTHLY', 'YEARLY'))) { $rRuleSet['FREQ'] = $rRuleVal; } break; case 'COUNT': $rRuleSet['COUNT'] = $rRuleVal; break; case 'INTERVAL': $rRuleSet['INTERVAL'] = $rRuleVal; break; case 'BYDAY': $rRuleByDay = array(); foreach(explode(',', $rRuleVal) as $day) { $matches = array(); if (preg_match('/((\-|\+)?\d+)?(MO|TU|WE|TH|FR|SA|SU)/', $day, $matches)) $rRuleByDay[$matches[1] == '' ? $matches[3] : $matches[1]] = $matches[1] == '' ? $matches[3] : $matches[1]; } if (!empty($rRuleByDay)) { $rRuleSet['BYDAY'] = $rRuleByDay; } break; case 'UNTIL': $untilTs = strtotime($rRuleVal); $rRuleSet['UNTIL'] = \CCalendar::Date($untilTs, false, false); break; } } $returnData["RRULE"] = \CCalendarEvent::CheckRRULE($rRuleSet); } elseif (preg_match('/(\d{4}-?\d{2}-?\d{2})(Z)?/', $recurrence, $date)) { if (!empty($date[1])) { $exDates[] = \CCalendar::Date(strtotime($date[1]), false); } } } } if (!empty($event['recurringEventId'])) { $returnData['isRecurring'] = "Y"; if ($event['status'] == 'cancelled') { $exDates[] = date('d.m.Y', strtotime(!empty($event['originalStartTime']['dateTime']) ? $event['originalStartTime']['dateTime'] : $event['originalStartTime']['date'])); } elseif ($event['status'] == 'confirmed' && !empty($event['originalStartTime'])) { $returnData['hasMoved'] = "Y"; $exDates[] = date('d.m.Y', strtotime(!empty($event['originalStartTime']['dateTime']) ? $event['originalStartTime']['dateTime'] : $event['originalStartTime']['date'])); } $returnData['recurringEventId'] = $event['recurringEventId'] . '@google.com'; } if (!empty($exDates)) { $returnData['EXDATE'] = implode(';', $exDates); } $returnData['REMIND'] = array(); if (!empty($event['reminders']['overrides'])) { foreach ($event['reminders']['overrides'] as $remindData) { $remindTimeout = $remindData['minutes']; $returnData['REMIND'][] = array( 'type' => 'min', 'count' => $remindTimeout ); } } if (!empty($event['reminders']['useDefault']) && !empty($this->defaultReminderData) && $event['reminders']['useDefault'] == 1) { foreach ($this->defaultReminderData as $remindData) { $remindTimeout = $remindData['minutes']; $returnData['REMIND'][] = array( 'type' => 'min', 'count' => $remindTimeout ); } } if (!empty($event['location'])) { $returnData['LOCATION'] = \CCalendar::UnParseTextLocation($event['location']); } return $returnData; } }