Direktori : /home/bitrix/www/bitrix/modules/catalog/general/ |
Current File : //home/bitrix/www/bitrix/modules/catalog/general/discount_convert.php |
<? use Bitrix\Main\Localization\Loc, Bitrix\Catalog; Loc::loadMessages(__FILE__); class CCatalogDiscountConvert { public static $intConvertPerStep = 0; public static $intNextConvertPerStep = 0; public static $intConverted = 0; public static $intLastConvertID = 0; public static $boolEmptyList = false; public static $intErrors = 0; public static $arErrors = array(); public static $strSessID = ''; public function __construct() { } public static function InitStep() { if (self::$strSessID == '') self::$strSessID = 'DC'.time(); if (isset($_SESSION[self::$strSessID]) && is_array($_SESSION[self::$strSessID])) { if (isset($_SESSION[self::$strSessID]['ERRORS_COUNT']) && (int)$_SESSION[self::$strSessID]['ERRORS_COUNT'] > 0) self::$intErrors = (int)$_SESSION[self::$strSessID]['ERRORS_COUNT']; if (isset($_SESSION[self::$strSessID]['ERRORS']) && is_array($_SESSION[self::$strSessID]['ERRORS'])) self::$arErrors = $_SESSION[self::$strSessID]['ERRORS']; } } public static function SaveStep() { if (self::$strSessID == '') self::$strSessID = 'DC'.time(); if (!isset($_SESSION[self::$strSessID]) || !is_array($_SESSION[self::$strSessID])) $_SESSION[self::$strSessID] = array(); if (self::$intErrors > 0) { $_SESSION[self::$strSessID]['ERRORS_COUNT'] = self::$intErrors; } if (!empty(self::$arErrors)) { $_SESSION[self::$strSessID]['ERRORS'] = self::$arErrors; } } public static function GetErrors() { return self::$arErrors; } public static function ConvertDiscount($intStep = 100, $intMaxExecutionTime = 15) { global $DBType; global $DB; global $APPLICATION; self::InitStep(); $intStep = (int)$intStep; if ($intStep <= 0) $intStep = 100; $startConvertTime = getmicrotime(); $obDiscount = new CCatalogDiscount(); $strQueryPriceTypes = ''; $strQueryUserGroups = ''; $strTableName = ''; switch (ToUpper($DBType)) { case 'MYSQL': $strQueryPriceTypes = 'select CATALOG_GROUP_ID from b_catalog_discount2cat where DISCOUNT_ID = #ID#'; $strQueryUserGroups = 'select GROUP_ID from b_catalog_discount2group where DISCOUNT_ID = #ID#'; $strTableName = 'b_catalog_discount'; break; case 'MSSQL': $strQueryPriceTypes = 'select CATALOG_GROUP_ID from B_CATALOG_DISCOUNT2CAT where DISCOUNT_ID = #ID#'; $strQueryUserGroups = 'select GROUP_ID from B_CATALOG_DISCOUNT2GROUP where DISCOUNT_ID = #ID#'; $strTableName = 'B_CATALOG_DISCOUNT'; break; case 'ORACLE': $strQueryPriceTypes = 'select CATALOG_GROUP_ID from B_CATALOG_DISCOUNT2CAT where DISCOUNT_ID = #ID#'; $strQueryUserGroups = 'select GROUP_ID from B_CATALOG_DISCOUNT2GROUP where DISCOUNT_ID = #ID#'; $strTableName = 'B_CATALOG_DISCOUNT'; break; } CTimeZone::Disable(); $rsDiscounts = CCatalogDiscount::GetList( array('ID' => 'ASC'), array( 'TYPE' => CCatalogDiscount::ENTITY_ID, 'VERSION' => CCatalogDiscount::OLD_FORMAT ), false, array('nTopCount' => $intStep), array('ID', 'MODIFIED_BY', 'TIMESTAMP_X', 'NAME', 'ACTIVE') ); while ($arDiscount = $rsDiscounts->Fetch()) { $boolActive = true; $arSrcEntity = array(); $arFields = array( 'MODIFIED_BY' => $arDiscount['MODIFIED_BY'], 'ACTIVE' => $arDiscount['ACTIVE'] ); $arPriceTypes = array(); $arUserGroups = array(); $rsPriceTypes = $DB->Query(str_replace('#ID#', $arDiscount['ID'], $strQueryPriceTypes), false, "File: ".__FILE__."<br>Line: ".__LINE__); while ($arPrice = $rsPriceTypes->Fetch()) { $arPrice['CATALOG_GROUP_ID'] = (int)$arPrice['CATALOG_GROUP_ID']; if ($arPrice['CATALOG_GROUP_ID'] > 0) $arPriceTypes[] = $arPrice['CATALOG_GROUP_ID']; } if (!empty($arPriceTypes)) { $arPriceTypes = array_values(array_unique($arPriceTypes)); } else { $arPriceTypes = array(-1); } $rsUserGroups = $DB->Query(str_replace('#ID#', $arDiscount['ID'], $strQueryUserGroups), false, "File: ".__FILE__."<br>Line: ".__LINE__); while ($arGroup = $rsUserGroups->Fetch()) { $arGroup['GROUP_ID'] = (int)$arGroup['GROUP_ID']; if ($arGroup['GROUP_ID'] > 0) $arUserGroups[] = $arGroup['GROUP_ID']; } if (!empty($arUserGroups)) { $arUserGroups = array_values(array_unique($arUserGroups)); } else { $arUserGroups = array(-1); } $arFields['CATALOG_GROUP_IDS'] = $arPriceTypes; $arFields['GROUP_IDS'] = $arUserGroups; $arIBlockList = array(); $arSectionList = array(); $arElementList = array(); $arConditions = array( 'CLASS_ID' => 'CondGroup', 'DATA' => array( 'All' => 'AND', 'True' => 'True', ), 'CHILDREN' => array(), ); $intEntityCount = 0; $boolEmpty = true; $arSrcList = array(); $rsIBlocks = CCatalogDiscount::GetDiscountIBlocksList(array(), array('DISCOUNT_ID' => $arDiscount['ID']), false, false, array('IBLOCK_ID')); while ($arIBlock = $rsIBlocks->Fetch()) { $boolEmpty = false; $arSrcList[] = $arIBlock['IBLOCK_ID']; $arIBlock['IBLOCK_ID'] = (int)$arIBlock['IBLOCK_ID']; if ($arIBlock['IBLOCK_ID'] > 0) { $strName = CIBlock::GetArrayByID($arIBlock['IBLOCK_ID'], 'NAME'); if ($strName !== false && $strName !== null) { $arIBlockList[] = $arIBlock['IBLOCK_ID']; } } } if (!empty($arIBlockList)) { $arIBlockList = array_values(array_unique($arIBlockList)); $intEntityCount++; } else { if (!$boolEmpty) { $boolActive = false; $arSrcEntity[] = str_replace('#IDS#', implode(', ', $arSrcList), Loc::getMessage('BT_MOD_CAT_DSC_CONV_ENTITY_IBLOCK_ERR')); } } $boolEmpty = true; $arSrcList = array(); $rsSections = CCatalogDiscount::GetDiscountSectionsList(array(), array('DISCOUNT_ID' => $arDiscount['ID']), false, false, array('SECTION_ID')); while ($arSection = $rsSections->Fetch()) { $boolEmpty = false; $arSrcList[] = $arSection['SECTION_ID']; $arSection['SECTION_ID'] = (int)$arSection['SECTION_ID']; if ($arSection['SECTION_ID'] > 0) $arSectionList[] = $arSection['SECTION_ID']; } if (!empty($arSectionList)) { $arSectionList = array_values(array_unique($arSectionList)); $rsSections = CIBlockSection::GetList(array(), array('ID' => $arSectionList), false, array('ID')); $arCheckResult = array(); while ($arSection = $rsSections->Fetch()) { $arCheckResult[] = (int)$arSection['ID']; } if (!empty($arCheckResult)) { $arSectionList = $arCheckResult; $intEntityCount++; } else { $arSectionList = array(); } } if (empty($arSectionList)) { if (!$boolEmpty) { $boolActive = false; $arSrcEntity[] = str_replace('#IDS#', implode(', ', $arSrcList), Loc::getMessage('BT_MOD_CAT_DSC_CONV_ENTITY_SECTION_ERR')); } } $boolEmpty = true; $arSrcList = array(); $rsElements = CCatalogDiscount::GetDiscountProductsList(array(), array('DISCOUNT_ID' => $arDiscount['ID']), false, false, array('PRODUCT_ID')); while ($arElement = $rsElements->Fetch()) { $boolEmpty = false; $arSrcList[] = $arElement['PRODUCT_ID']; $arElement['PRODUCT_ID'] = (int)$arElement['PRODUCT_ID']; if ($arElement['PRODUCT_ID'] > 0) $arElementList[] = $arElement['PRODUCT_ID']; } if (!empty($arElementList)) { $arElementList = array_values(array_unique($arElementList)); $rsItems = CIBlockElement::GetList(array(), array('ID' => $arElementList), false, false, array('ID')); $arCheckResult = array(); while ($arItem = $rsItems->Fetch()) { $arCheckResult[] = (int)$arItem['ID']; } if (!empty($arCheckResult)) { $arElementList = $arCheckResult; $intEntityCount++; } else { $arElementList = array(); } } if (empty($arElementList)) { if (!$boolEmpty) { $boolActive = false; $arSrcEntity[] = str_replace('#IDS#', implode(', ', $arSrcList), Loc::getMessage('BT_MOD_CAT_DSC_CONV_ENTITY_ELEMENT_ERR')); } } if (!empty($arIBlockList)) { if (1 < count($arIBlockList)) { $arList = array(); foreach ($arIBlockList as &$intItemID) { $arList[] = array( 'CLASS_ID' => 'CondIBIBlock', 'DATA' => array( 'logic' => 'Equal', 'value' => $intItemID ), ); } if (isset($intItemID)) unset($intItemID); if (1 == $intEntityCount) { $arConditions = array( 'CLASS_ID' => 'CondGroup', 'DATA' => array( 'All' => 'OR', 'True' => 'True', ), 'CHILDREN' => $arList, ); } else { $arConditions['CHILDREN'][] = array( 'CLASS_ID' => 'CondGroup', 'DATA' => array( 'All' => 'OR', 'True' => 'True', ), 'CHILDREN' => $arList, ); } } else { $arConditions['CHILDREN'][] = array( 'CLASS_ID' => 'CondIBIBlock', 'DATA' => array( 'logic' => 'Equal', 'value' => current($arIBlockList) ), ); } } if (!empty($arSectionList)) { if (1 < count($arSectionList)) { $arList = array(); foreach ($arSectionList as &$intItemID) { $arList[] = array( 'CLASS_ID' => 'CondIBSection', 'DATA' => array( 'logic' => 'Equal', 'value' => $intItemID ), ); } if (isset($intItemID)) unset($intItemID); if (1 == $intEntityCount) { $arConditions = array( 'CLASS_ID' => 'CondGroup', 'DATA' => array( 'All' => 'OR', 'True' => 'True', ), 'CHILDREN' => $arList, ); } else { $arConditions['CHILDREN'][] = array( 'CLASS_ID' => 'CondGroup', 'DATA' => array( 'All' => 'OR', 'True' => 'True', ), 'CHILDREN' => $arList, ); } } else { $arConditions['CHILDREN'][] = array( 'CLASS_ID' => 'CondIBSection', 'DATA' => array( 'logic' => 'Equal', 'value' => current($arSectionList) ), ); } } if (!empty($arElementList)) { if (1 < count($arElementList)) { $arList = array(); foreach ($arElementList as &$intItemID) { $arList[] = array( 'CLASS_ID' => 'CondIBElement', 'DATA' => array( 'logic' => 'Equal', 'value' => $intItemID ), ); } if (isset($intItemID)) unset($intItemID); if (1 == $intEntityCount) { $arConditions = array( 'CLASS_ID' => 'CondGroup', 'DATA' => array( 'All' => 'OR', 'True' => 'True', ), 'CHILDREN' => $arList, ); } else { $arConditions['CHILDREN'][] = array( 'CLASS_ID' => 'CondGroup', 'DATA' => array( 'All' => 'OR', 'True' => 'True', ), 'CHILDREN' => $arList, ); } } else { $arConditions['CHILDREN'][] = array( 'CLASS_ID' => 'CondIBElement', 'DATA' => array( 'logic' => 'Equal', 'value' => current($arElementList) ), ); } } $arFields['CONDITIONS'] = $arConditions; if (!$boolActive) { $arFields['ACTIVE'] = 'N'; self::$intErrors++; self::$arErrors[] = array( 'ID' => $arDiscount['ID'], 'NAME' => $arDiscount['NAME'], 'ERROR' => Loc::getMessage('BT_MOD_CAT_DSC_CONV_INACTIVE').' '.implode('; ', $arSrcEntity), ); } $mxRes = $obDiscount->Update($arDiscount['ID'], $arFields); if (!$mxRes) { self::$intErrors++; $strError = ''; if ($ex = $APPLICATION->GetException()) { $strError = $ex->GetString(); } if (empty($strError)) $strError = Loc::getMessage('BT_MOD_CAT_DSC_FORMAT_ERR'); self::$arErrors[] = array( 'ID' => $arDiscount['ID'], 'NAME' => $arDiscount['NAME'], 'ERROR' => $strError, ); } else { $arTimeFields = array('~TIMESTAMP_X' => $DB->CharToDateFunction($arDiscount['TIMESTAMP_X'], "FULL")); $strUpdate = $DB->PrepareUpdate($strTableName, $arTimeFields); if (!empty($strUpdate)) { $strQuery = "UPDATE ".$strTableName." SET ".$strUpdate." WHERE ID = ".$arDiscount['ID']." AND TYPE = ".CCatalogDiscount::ENTITY_ID; $DB->Query($strQuery, false, "File: ".__FILE__."<br>Line: ".__LINE__); } self::$intConverted++; self::$intConvertPerStep++; } if ($intMaxExecutionTime > 0 && (getmicrotime() - $startConvertTime > $intMaxExecutionTime)) break; } CTimeZone::Enable(); if ($intMaxExecutionTime > (2*(getmicrotime() - $startConvertTime))) self::$intNextConvertPerStep = $intStep*2; else self::$intNextConvertPerStep = $intStep; self::SaveStep(); } public static function ConvertFormatDiscount($intStep = 20, $intMaxExecutionTime = 15) { global $DBType; global $DB; global $APPLICATION; self::InitStep(); $intStep = (int)$intStep; if ($intStep <= 0) $intStep = 20; $startConvertTime = getmicrotime(); $obDiscount = new CCatalogDiscount(); $strTableName = ''; switch (ToUpper($DBType)) { case 'MYSQL': $strTableName = 'b_catalog_discount'; break; case 'MSSQL': $strTableName = 'B_CATALOG_DISCOUNT'; break; case 'ORACLE': $strTableName = 'B_CATALOG_DISCOUNT'; break; } if (!CCatalogDiscountConvertTmp::CreateTable()) { return false; } if (self::$intLastConvertID <= 0) self::$intLastConvertID = CCatalogDiscountConvertTmp::GetLastID(); CTimeZone::Disable(); self::$boolEmptyList = true; $rsDiscounts = CCatalogDiscount::GetList( array('ID' => 'ASC'), array( '>ID' => self::$intLastConvertID, 'TYPE' => CCatalogDiscount::ENTITY_ID, 'VERSION' => CCatalogDiscount::CURRENT_FORMAT ), false, array('nTopCount' => $intStep), array('ID', 'MODIFIED_BY', 'TIMESTAMP_X', 'CONDITIONS', 'NAME', 'ACTIVE') ); while ($arDiscount = $rsDiscounts->Fetch()) { $mxExist = CCatalogDiscountConvertTmp::IsExistID($arDiscount['ID']); if (false === $mxExist) { self::$intErrors++; return false; } self::$boolEmptyList = false; if (0 < $mxExist) { self::$intConverted++; self::$intConvertPerStep++; self::$intLastConvertID = $arDiscount['ID']; continue; } $iterator = Catalog\DiscountCouponTable::getList(array( 'select' => array('DISCOUNT_ID'), 'filter' => array('=DISCOUNT_ID' => (int)$arDiscount['ID']), 'limit' => 1 )); $existRow = $iterator->fetch(); unset($iterator); $arFields = array( 'MODIFIED_BY' => $arDiscount['MODIFIED_BY'], 'CONDITIONS' => $arDiscount['CONDITIONS'], 'ACTIVE' => $arDiscount['ACTIVE'], 'USE_COUPONS' => (!empty($existRow) ? 'Y' : 'N') ); unset($existRow); $mxRes = $obDiscount->Update($arDiscount['ID'], $arFields); if (!$mxRes) { self::$intErrors++; $strError = ''; if ($ex = $APPLICATION->GetException()) { $strError = $ex->GetString(); } if (empty($strError)) $strError = Loc::getMessage('BT_MOD_CAT_DSC_FORMAT_ERR'); self::$arErrors[] = array( 'ID' => $arDiscount['ID'], 'NAME' => $arDiscount['NAME'], 'ERROR' => $strError, ); if (!CCatalogDiscountConvertTmp::SetID($arDiscount['ID'])) { return false; } self::$intConverted++; self::$intConvertPerStep++; self::$intLastConvertID = $arDiscount['ID']; } else { $arTimeFields = array('~TIMESTAMP_X' => $DB->CharToDateFunction($arDiscount['TIMESTAMP_X'], "FULL")); $strUpdate = $DB->PrepareUpdate($strTableName, $arTimeFields); if (!empty($strUpdate)) { $strQuery = "UPDATE ".$strTableName." SET ".$strUpdate." WHERE ID = ".$arDiscount['ID']." AND TYPE = ".CCatalogDiscount::ENTITY_ID; $DB->Query($strQuery, false, "File: ".__FILE__."<br>Line: ".__LINE__); } if (!CCatalogDiscountConvertTmp::SetID($arDiscount['ID'])) { return false; } self::$intConverted++; self::$intConvertPerStep++; self::$intLastConvertID = $arDiscount['ID']; } if ($intMaxExecutionTime > 0 && (getmicrotime() - $startConvertTime > $intMaxExecutionTime)) break; } CTimeZone::Enable(); if ($intMaxExecutionTime > (2*(getmicrotime() - $startConvertTime))) self::$intNextConvertPerStep = $intStep*2; else self::$intNextConvertPerStep = $intStep; self::SaveStep(); return true; } public static function GetCountOld() { global $DBType; global $DB; $strSql = ''; switch(ToUpper($DBType)) { case 'MYSQL': $strSql = "SELECT COUNT(*) CNT FROM b_catalog_discount WHERE TYPE=".CCatalogDiscount::ENTITY_ID." AND VERSION=".CCatalogDiscount::OLD_FORMAT; break; case 'MSSQL': $strSql = "SELECT COUNT(*) CNT FROM B_CATALOG_DISCOUNT WHERE TYPE=".CCatalogDiscount::ENTITY_ID." AND VERSION=".CCatalogDiscount::OLD_FORMAT; break; case 'ORACLE': $strSql = "SELECT COUNT(*) CNT FROM B_CATALOG_DISCOUNT WHERE TYPE=".CCatalogDiscount::ENTITY_ID." AND VERSION=".CCatalogDiscount::OLD_FORMAT; break; } $res = $DB->Query($strSql, false, "File: ".__FILE__."<br>Line: ".__LINE__); if (!$res) return 0; if ($row = $res->Fetch()) return (int)$row['CNT']; return 0; } public static function GetCountFormat() { if (!CCatalogDiscountConvertTmp::CreateTable()) return false; return CCatalogDiscountConvertTmp::GetNeedConvert(self::$intLastConvertID); } public static function FormatComplete() { return CCatalogDiscountConvertTmp::DropTable(); } } ?>