Direktori : /home/bitrix/www/bitrix/modules/catalog/lib/ |
Current File : //home/bitrix/www/bitrix/modules/catalog/lib/catalogviewedproduct.php |
<?php namespace Bitrix\Catalog; use Bitrix\Main, Bitrix\Main\Application, Bitrix\Main\Config\Option, Bitrix\Main\Localization\Loc, Bitrix\Iblock, Bitrix\Catalog; Loc::loadMessages(__FILE__); class CatalogViewedProductTable extends Main\Entity\DataManager { /** * Returns DB table name for entity. * * @return string */ public static function getTableName() { return 'b_catalog_viewed_product'; } /** * Returns entity map definition. * * @return array */ public static function getMap() { return array( 'ID' => new Main\Entity\IntegerField('ID', array( 'primary' => true, 'autocomplete' => true, 'title' => Loc::getMessage('VIEWED_PRODUCT_ENTITY_ID_FIELD') )), 'FUSER_ID' => new Main\Entity\IntegerField('FUSER_ID', array( 'title' => Loc::getMessage('VIEWED_PRODUCT_ENTITY_FUSER_ID_FIELD') )), 'DATE_VISIT' => new Main\Entity\DatetimeField('DATE_VISIT', array( 'default_value' => function(){ return new Main\Type\DateTime(); }, 'title' => Loc::getMessage('VIEWED_PRODUCT_ENTITY_DATE_VISIT_FIELD') )), 'PRODUCT_ID' => new Main\Entity\IntegerField('PRODUCT_ID', array( 'title' => Loc::getMessage('VIEWED_PRODUCT_ENTITY_PRODUCT_ID_FIELD') )), 'ELEMENT_ID' => new Main\Entity\IntegerField('ELEMENT_ID', array( 'title' => Loc::getMessage('VIEWED_PRODUCT_ENTITY_ELEMENT_ID_FIELD') )), 'SITE_ID' => new Main\Entity\StringField('SITE_ID', array( 'validation' => array(__CLASS__, 'validateSiteId'), 'title' => Loc::getMessage('VIEWED_PRODUCT_ENTITY_SITE_ID_FIELD') )), 'VIEW_COUNT' => new Main\Entity\IntegerField('VIEW_COUNT', array( 'title' => Loc::getMessage('VIEWED_PRODUCT_ENTITY_VIEW_COUNT_FIELD') )), 'RECOMMENDATION' => new Main\Entity\StringField('RECOMMENDATION', array( 'validation' => array(__CLASS__, 'validateRecommendation'), 'title' => Loc::getMessage('VIEWED_PRODUCT_ENTITY_RECOMMENDATION_FIELD') )), 'ELEMENT' => new Main\Entity\ReferenceField( 'ELEMENT', '\Bitrix\Iblock\Element', array('=this.PRODUCT_ID' => 'ref.ID'), array('join_type' => 'INNER') ), 'PRODUCT' => new Main\Entity\ReferenceField( 'PRODUCT', '\Bitrix\Sale\Internals\Product', array('=this.PRODUCT_ID' => 'ref.ID'), array('join_type' => 'INNER') ), 'PARENT_ELEMENT' => new Main\Entity\ReferenceField( 'PARENT_ELEMENT', '\Bitrix\Iblock\Element', array('=this.ELEMENT_ID' => 'ref.ID'), array('join_type' => 'INNER') ), 'FUSER' => new Main\Entity\ReferenceField( 'FUSER', '\Bitrix\Sale\Internals\Fuser', array('=this.FUSER_ID' => 'ref.ID'), array('join_type' => 'LEFT') ) ); } /** * Returns validators for SITE_ID field. * * @return array */ public static function validateSiteId() { return array( new Main\Entity\Validator\Length(null, 2), ); } /** * Returns validators for RECOMMENDATION field. * * @return array */ public static function validateRecommendation() { return array( new Main\Entity\Validator\Length(null, 40), ); } /** * Common function, used to update/insert any product. * * @param int $productId Id of product. * @param int $fuserId User basket id. * @param string|mixed $siteId Site id. * @param int $elementId Parent id. * @param string $recommendationId Bigdata recommendation id. * * @return int */ public static function refresh($productId, $fuserId, $siteId = SITE_ID, $elementId = 0, $recommendationId = '') { $rowId = -1; $productId = (int)$productId; $fuserId = (int)$fuserId; $siteId = (string)$siteId; $elementId = (int)$elementId; $recommendationId = (string)$recommendationId; if ($productId <= 0 || $fuserId <= 0 || $siteId == '') return $rowId; if (!Catalog\Product\Basket::isNotCrawler()) return $rowId; $filter = array('=FUSER_ID' => $fuserId, '=SITE_ID' => $siteId); $connection = Application::getConnection(); $helper = $connection->getSqlHelper(); $sqlSiteId = $helper->forSql($siteId); if ($elementId > 0) { $filter["=ELEMENT_ID"] = $elementId; // Delete parent product id (for capability) if ($elementId != $productId) $connection->query( "delete from b_catalog_viewed_product where PRODUCT_ID = ".$elementId." and FUSER_ID = ".$fuserId." and SITE_ID = '".$sqlSiteId."'" ); } else { /** @noinspection PhpMethodOrClassCallIsNotCaseSensitiveInspection */ $productInfo = \CCatalogSku::getProductInfo($productId); // Real SKU ID if (!empty($productInfo)) { $elementId = $productInfo['ID']; $siblings = array(); // Delete parent product id (for capability) $connection->query("delete from b_catalog_viewed_product where PRODUCT_ID = ".$productInfo['ID']." and FUSER_ID = ".$fuserId." and SITE_ID = '" .$sqlSiteId. "'" ); $skus = \CIBlockElement::getList( array(), array('IBLOCK_ID' => $productInfo['OFFER_IBLOCK_ID'], '=PROPERTY_'.$productInfo['SKU_PROPERTY_ID'] => $productInfo['ID']), false, false, array('ID', 'IBLOCK_ID') ); /** @noinspection PhpMethodOrClassCallIsNotCaseSensitiveInspection */ while ($oneSku = $skus->fetch()) $siblings[] = $oneSku['ID']; unset($oneSku, $skus); $filter['@PRODUCT_ID'] = $siblings; } else { $elementId = $productId; $filter['=PRODUCT_ID'] = $productId; } } // recommendation if (!empty($elementId)) { global $APPLICATION; $recommendationCookie = $APPLICATION->get_cookie(Main\Analytics\Catalog::getCookieLogName()); if (!empty($recommendationCookie)) { $recommendations = Main\Analytics\Catalog::decodeProductLog($recommendationCookie); if (is_array($recommendations) && isset($recommendations[$elementId])) $recommendationId = $recommendations[$elementId][0]; } } $iterator = static::getList(array( 'select' => array('ID', 'FUSER_ID', 'DATE_VISIT', 'PRODUCT_ID', 'SITE_ID', 'VIEW_COUNT'), 'filter' => $filter )); if ($row = $iterator->fetch()) { $update = array( "PRODUCT_ID" => $productId, "DATE_VISIT" => new Main\Type\DateTime, 'VIEW_COUNT' => $row['VIEW_COUNT'] + 1, "ELEMENT_ID" => $elementId ); if (!empty($recommendationId)) $update["RECOMMENDATION"] = $recommendationId; $result = static::update($row['ID'], $update); } else { $result = static::add(array( "FUSER_ID" => $fuserId, "DATE_VISIT" => new Main\Type\DateTime(), "PRODUCT_ID" => $productId, "ELEMENT_ID" => $elementId, "SITE_ID" => $siteId, "VIEW_COUNT" => 1, "RECOMMENDATION" => $recommendationId )); } if ($result->isSuccess(true)) { $rowId = $result->getId(); self::truncateUserViewedProducts($fuserId, $siteId); } return $rowId; } /** * Returns ids map: SKU_PRODUCT_ID => PRODUCT_ID. * * @param array $originalIds Input products ids. * @return array */ public static function getProductsMap(array $originalIds = array()) { if (empty($originalIds) && !is_array($originalIds)) return array(); $result = array(); $productList = \CCatalogSku::getProductList($originalIds); if ($productList === false) $productList = array(); foreach ($originalIds as $oneId) $result[$oneId] = (isset($productList[$oneId]) ? $productList[$oneId]['ID'] : $oneId); unset($oneId, $productList); return $result; } /** * Returns product map: array('PRODUCT_ID' => 'ELEMENT_ID'). * * @param int $iblockId Iblock Id. * @param int $sectionId Section Id. * @param int $fuserId Sale user Id. * @param int $excludeProductId Exclude item Id. * @param int $limit Max count. * @param int $depth Depth level. * @param string|null $siteId Site identifier. * @return array */ public static function getProductSkuMap($iblockId, $sectionId, $fuserId, $excludeProductId, $limit, $depth = 0, $siteId = null) { $map = array(); $iblockId = (int)$iblockId; $sectionId = (int)$sectionId; $fuserId = (int)$fuserId; $excludeProductId = (int)$excludeProductId; $limit = (int)$limit; $depth = (int)$depth; if ($iblockId <= 0 || $depth < 0 || $fuserId <= 0) return $map; if (empty($siteId)) { $context = Application::getInstance()->getContext(); $siteId = $context->getSite(); } if (empty($siteId)) return $map; $subSections = array(); if ($depth > 0) { $parentSectionId = Product\Viewed::getParentSection($sectionId, $depth); if ($parentSectionId !== null) $subSections[$parentSectionId] = $parentSectionId; unset($parentSectionId); } if (empty($subSections) && $sectionId <= 0) { $getListParams = array( 'select' => array('PRODUCT_ID', 'ELEMENT_ID', 'DATE_VISIT'), 'filter' => array( '=FUSER_ID' => $fuserId, '=SITE_ID' => $siteId, '=PARENT_ELEMENT.IBLOCK_ID' => $iblockId, '=PARENT_ELEMENT.WF_STATUS_ID' => 1, '=PARENT_ELEMENT.WF_PARENT_ELEMENT_ID' => null ), 'order' => array('DATE_VISIT' => 'DESC') ); if ($excludeProductId > 0) $getListParams['filter']['!=PARENT_ELEMENT.ID'] = $excludeProductId; if ($limit > 0) $getListParams['limit'] = $limit; $iterator = static::getList($getListParams); unset($getListParams); } else { if (empty($subSections)) $subSections[$sectionId] = $sectionId; $sectionQuery = new Main\Entity\Query(Iblock\SectionTable::getEntity()); $sectionQuery->setTableAliasPostfix('_parent'); $sectionQuery->setSelect(array('ID', 'LEFT_MARGIN', 'RIGHT_MARGIN')); $sectionQuery->setFilter(array('@ID' => $subSections)); $subSectionQuery = new Main\Entity\Query(Iblock\SectionTable::getEntity()); $subSectionQuery->setTableAliasPostfix('_sub'); $subSectionQuery->setSelect(array('ID')); $subSectionQuery->setFilter(array('=IBLOCK_ID' => $iblockId)); $subSectionQuery->registerRuntimeField( '', new Main\Entity\ReferenceField( 'BS', Main\Entity\Base::getInstanceByQuery($sectionQuery), array('>=this.LEFT_MARGIN' => 'ref.LEFT_MARGIN', '<=this.RIGHT_MARGIN' => 'ref.RIGHT_MARGIN'), array('join_type' => 'INNER') ) ); $sectionElementQuery = new Main\Entity\Query(Iblock\SectionElementTable::getEntity()); $sectionElementQuery->setSelect(array('IBLOCK_ELEMENT_ID')); $sectionElementQuery->setGroup(array('IBLOCK_ELEMENT_ID')); $filter = array('=ADDITIONAL_PROPERTY_ID' => null); if ($excludeProductId > 0) $filter['!=IBLOCK_ELEMENT_ID'] = $excludeProductId; $sectionElementQuery->setFilter($filter); unset($filter); $sectionElementQuery->registerRuntimeField( '', new Main\Entity\ReferenceField( 'BSUB', Main\Entity\Base::getInstanceByQuery($subSectionQuery), array('=this.IBLOCK_SECTION_ID' => 'ref.ID'), array('join_type' => 'INNER') ) ); $elementQuery = new Main\Entity\Query(Iblock\ElementTable::getEntity()); $elementQuery->setSelect(array('ID')); $filter = array('=IBLOCK_ID' => $iblockId, '=WF_STATUS_ID' => 1, '=WF_PARENT_ELEMENT_ID' => null); if ($excludeProductId > 0) $filter['!=ID'] = $excludeProductId; $elementQuery->setFilter($filter); unset($filter); $elementQuery->registerRuntimeField( '', new Main\Entity\ReferenceField( 'BSE', Main\Entity\Base::getInstanceByQuery($sectionElementQuery), array('=this.ID' => 'ref.IBLOCK_ELEMENT_ID'), array('join_type' => 'INNER') ) ); $query = static::query(); $query->setSelect(array('PRODUCT_ID', 'ELEMENT_ID', 'DATE_VISIT')); $query->setFilter(array('=FUSER_ID' => $fuserId, '=SITE_ID' => $siteId)); $query->setOrder(array('DATE_VISIT' => 'DESC')); $query->registerRuntimeField( '', new Main\Entity\ReferenceField( 'BE', Main\Entity\Base::getInstanceByQuery($elementQuery), array('=this.ELEMENT_ID' => 'ref.ID'), array('join_type' => 'INNER') ) ); if ($limit > 0) $query->setLimit($limit); $iterator = $query->exec(); unset($query, $elementQuery, $sectionElementQuery, $subSectionQuery, $sectionQuery); } while ($row = $iterator->fetch()) $map[$row['PRODUCT_ID']] = $row['ELEMENT_ID']; unset($row, $iterator); unset($subSections); return $map; } /** * Clear old records. * * @param int $liveTime Live time (in days). * @return void */ public static function clear($liveTime = 10) { $liveTime = (int)$liveTime; if ($liveTime <= 0) return; $connection = Application::getConnection(); $helper = $connection->getSqlHelper(); $liveTo = $helper->addSecondsToDateTime($liveTime * 86400, $helper->quote('DATE_VISIT')); $connection->query( 'delete from '.$helper->quote(self::getTableName()). ' where '.$liveTo.' < '.$helper->getCurrentDateTimeFunction() ); unset($liveTo, $helper, $connection); } /** * For agent. * * @return string */ public static function clearAgent() { self::clear((int)Option::get('catalog', 'viewed_time')); return '\Bitrix\Catalog\CatalogViewedProductTable::clearAgent();'; } private static function truncateUserViewedProducts($fuserId, $siteId) { $fuserId = (int)$fuserId; $siteId = (string)$siteId; if ($fuserId <= 0 || $siteId == '') return; $maxCount = (int)Main\Config\Option::get('catalog', 'viewed_count'); if ($maxCount <= 0) return; $iterator = self::getList(array( 'select' => array('DATE_VISIT', 'FUSER_ID', 'SITE_ID'), 'filter' => array('=FUSER_ID' => $fuserId, '=SITE_ID' => $siteId), 'order' => array('FUSER_ID' => 'ASC', 'SITE_ID' => 'ASC', 'DATE_VISIT' => 'DESC'), 'limit' => 1, 'offset' => $maxCount )); $row = $iterator->fetch(); unset($iterator); if (!empty($row) && $row['DATE_VISIT'] instanceof Main\Type\DateTime) { $connection = Application::getConnection(); $helper = $connection->getSqlHelper(); $query = 'delete from '.$helper->quote(self::getTableName()). ' where '.$helper->quote('FUSER_ID').' = '.$fuserId. ' and '.$helper->quote('SITE_ID').' = \''.$helper->forSql($siteId).'\''. ' and '.$helper->quote('DATE_VISIT').' <= '.$helper->convertToDbDateTime($row['DATE_VISIT']); $connection->query($query); unset($query, $helper, $connection); } unset($row); } }