Direktori : /home/bitrix/www/bitrix/modules/catalog/lib/product/ |
Current File : //home/bitrix/www/bitrix/modules/catalog/lib/product/propertycatalogfeature.php |
<?php namespace Bitrix\Catalog\Product; use Bitrix\Main, Bitrix\Main\Loader, Bitrix\Main\Localization\Loc, Bitrix\Iblock; Loc::loadMessages(__FILE__); if (Loader::includeModule('iblock')) { class PropertyCatalogFeature extends Iblock\Model\PropertyFeature { const FEATURE_ID_BASKET_PROPERTY = 'IN_BASKET'; // property added to basket const FEATURE_ID_OFFER_TREE_PROPERTY = 'OFFER_TREE'; // property is used to select offers /** * Event handler. Returns catalog feature list for iblock. * * @param Main\Event $event Event data. * @return Main\EventResult */ public static function handlerPropertyFeatureBuildList(Main\Event $event) { $list = []; $property = $event->getParameter('property'); $description = $event->getParameter('description'); if (self::checkBasketProperty($property, $description)) { $list[] = [ 'MODULE_ID' => 'catalog', 'FEATURE_ID' => self::FEATURE_ID_BASKET_PROPERTY, 'FEATURE_NAME' => Loc::getMessage('PROPERTY_CATALOG_FEATURE_NAME_BASKET_PROPERTY') ]; } if (self::checkOfferTreeProperty($property, $description)) { $list[] = [ 'MODULE_ID' => 'catalog', 'FEATURE_ID' => self::FEATURE_ID_OFFER_TREE_PROPERTY, 'FEATURE_NAME' => Loc::getMessage('PROPERTY_CATALOG_FEATURE_NAME_SKU_TREE_PROPERTY') ]; } unset($description, $property); return new Main\EventResult(Main\EventResult::SUCCESS, $list); } /** * Unified method to get properties added to basket. * * @param int $iblockId Iblock identifier. * @param array $parameters Options * keys are case sensitive: * <ul> * <li>CODE Return symbolic code as identifier (Y/N, default N). * </ul> * @return array|null * @throws Main\ArgumentException * @throws Main\ArgumentNullException * @throws Main\ArgumentOutOfRangeException * @throws Main\ObjectPropertyException * @throws Main\SystemException */ public static function getBasketPropertyCodes($iblockId, array $parameters = []) { $iblockId = (int)$iblockId; if ($iblockId <= 0) return null; $catalog = \CCatalogSku::GetInfoByIBlock($iblockId); if (empty($catalog)) return null; if (!self::isEnabledFeatures()) return self::getBasketPropertyByTypes($catalog, $parameters); $filter = null; switch ($catalog['CATALOG_TYPE']) { case \CCatalogSku::TYPE_CATALOG: case \CCatalogSku::TYPE_PRODUCT: case \CCatalogSku::TYPE_FULL: $filter = [ [ 'LOGIC' => 'OR', [ '=PROPERTY.MULTIPLE' => 'Y', '@PROPERTY.PROPERTY_TYPE' => [ Iblock\PropertyTable::TYPE_ELEMENT, Iblock\PropertyTable::TYPE_SECTION, Iblock\PropertyTable::TYPE_LIST, Iblock\PropertyTable::TYPE_NUMBER, Iblock\PropertyTable::TYPE_STRING ] ], [ '=PROPERTY.MULTIPLE' => 'N', '@PROPERTY.PROPERTY_TYPE' => [ Iblock\PropertyTable::TYPE_ELEMENT, Iblock\PropertyTable::TYPE_LIST ] ] ] ]; break; case \CCatalogSku::TYPE_OFFERS: $filter = [ '!=PROPERTY.PROPERTY_TYPE' => Iblock\PropertyTable::TYPE_FILE, '!=ID' => $catalog['SKU_PROPERTY_ID'] ]; break; } unset($catalog); if ($filter === null) return null; $filter['=MODULE_ID'] = 'catalog'; $filter['=FEATURE_ID'] = self::FEATURE_ID_BASKET_PROPERTY; return self::getFilteredPropertyCodes($iblockId, $filter, $parameters); } /** * Unified method for obtaining properties used to select offers. * * @param int $iblockId Iblock identifier. * @param array $parameters Options * keys are case sensitive: * <ul> * <li>CODE Return symbolic code as identifier (Y/N, default N). * </ul> * @return array|null * @throws Main\ArgumentException * @throws Main\ArgumentNullException * @throws Main\ArgumentOutOfRangeException * @throws Main\ObjectPropertyException * @throws Main\SystemException */ public static function getOfferTreePropertyCodes($iblockId, array $parameters = []) { $iblockId = (int)$iblockId; if ($iblockId <= 0) return null; $catalog = \CCatalogSku::GetInfoByOfferIBlock($iblockId); if (empty($catalog)) return null; if (!self::isEnabledFeatures()) return self::getOfferTreePropertyByTypes($catalog, $parameters); $filter = [ '=MODULE_ID' => 'catalog', '=FEATURE_ID' => self::FEATURE_ID_OFFER_TREE_PROPERTY, '=PROPERTY.MULTIPLE' => 'N', '!=PROPERTY.ID' => $catalog['SKU_PROPERTY_ID'], [ 'LOGIC' => 'OR', [ '@PROPERTY.PROPERTY_TYPE' => [ Iblock\PropertyTable::TYPE_ELEMENT, Iblock\PropertyTable::TYPE_LIST ] ], [ '=PROPERTY.PROPERTY_TYPE' => Iblock\PropertyTable::TYPE_STRING, '=PROPERTY.USER_TYPE' => 'directory' ] ] ]; return self::getFilteredPropertyCodes($iblockId, $filter, $parameters); } /** * Getting properties added to basket when feature engine is off. * Internal method. * * @param array $catalog Catalog description. * @param array $parameters Options * keys are case sensitive: * <ul> * <li>CODE Return symbolic code as identifier (Y/N, default N). * </ul> * @return array|null * @throws Main\ArgumentException * @throws Main\ObjectPropertyException * @throws Main\SystemException */ private static function getBasketPropertyByTypes(array $catalog, array $parameters = []) { $result = []; $getCode = (isset($parameters['CODE']) && $parameters['CODE'] == 'Y'); $filter = []; switch ($catalog['CATALOG_TYPE']) { case \CCatalogSku::TYPE_CATALOG: $filter = [ '=IBLOCK_ID' => $catalog['IBLOCK_ID'], [ 'LOGIC' => 'OR', [ '=MULTIPLE' => 'Y', '@PROPERTY_TYPE' => [ Iblock\PropertyTable::TYPE_ELEMENT, Iblock\PropertyTable::TYPE_SECTION, Iblock\PropertyTable::TYPE_LIST, Iblock\PropertyTable::TYPE_NUMBER, Iblock\PropertyTable::TYPE_STRING ] ], [ '=MULTIPLE' => 'N', '@PROPERTY_TYPE' => [ Iblock\PropertyTable::TYPE_ELEMENT, Iblock\PropertyTable::TYPE_LIST ] ] ] ]; break; case \CCatalogSku::TYPE_PRODUCT: case \CCatalogSku::TYPE_FULL: $filter = [ '=IBLOCK_ID' => $catalog['PRODUCT_IBLOCK_ID'], [ 'LOGIC' => 'OR', [ '=MULTIPLE' => 'Y', '@PROPERTY_TYPE' => [ Iblock\PropertyTable::TYPE_ELEMENT, Iblock\PropertyTable::TYPE_SECTION, Iblock\PropertyTable::TYPE_LIST, Iblock\PropertyTable::TYPE_NUMBER, Iblock\PropertyTable::TYPE_STRING ] ], [ '=MULTIPLE' => 'N', '@PROPERTY_TYPE' => [ Iblock\PropertyTable::TYPE_ELEMENT, Iblock\PropertyTable::TYPE_LIST ] ] ] ]; break; case \CCatalogSku::TYPE_OFFERS: $filter = [ '=IBLOCK_ID' => $catalog['IBLOCK_ID'], '!=PROPERTY_TYPE' => Iblock\PropertyTable::TYPE_FILE, '!=ID' => $catalog['SKU_PROPERTY_ID'] ]; break; } $filter['=ACTIVE'] = 'Y'; $iterator = Iblock\PropertyTable::getList([ 'select' => ['ID', 'CODE', 'SORT'], 'filter' => $filter, 'order' => ['SORT' => 'ASC', 'ID' => 'ASC'] ]); while ($row = $iterator->fetch()) $result[(int)$row['ID']] = self::getPropertyCode($row, $getCode); unset($row, $iterator); unset($filter, $getCode); return (!empty($result) ? array_values($result) : null); } /** * Getting the properties used to select offers when feature engine is off. * Internal method. * * @param array $catalog Catalog description. * @param array $parameters Options * keys are case sensitive: * <ul> * <li>CODE Return symbolic code as identifier (Y/N, default N). * </ul> * @return array|null * @throws Main\ArgumentException * @throws Main\ObjectPropertyException * @throws Main\SystemException */ private static function getOfferTreePropertyByTypes(array $catalog, array $parameters = []) { $result = []; $getCode = (isset($parameters['CODE']) && $parameters['CODE'] == 'Y'); $filter = [ '=IBLOCK_ID' => $catalog['IBLOCK_ID'], '!=ID' => $catalog['SKU_PROPERTY_ID'], '=ACTIVE' => 'Y', '=MULTIPLE' => 'N', [ 'LOGIC' => 'OR', [ '@PROPERTY_TYPE' => [ Iblock\PropertyTable::TYPE_ELEMENT, Iblock\PropertyTable::TYPE_LIST ] ], [ '=PROPERTY_TYPE' => Iblock\PropertyTable::TYPE_STRING, '=USER_TYPE' => 'directory' ] ] ]; $iterator = Iblock\PropertyTable::getList([ 'select' => ['ID', 'CODE', 'SORT'], 'filter' => $filter, 'order' => ['SORT' => 'ASC', 'ID' => 'ASC'] ]); while ($row = $iterator->fetch()) $result[(int)$row['ID']] = self::getPropertyCode($row, $getCode); unset($row, $iterator); unset($filter, $getCode); return (!empty($result) ? array_values($result) : null); } /** * Check - can the property be added to the basket. * Internal method. * * @param array $property Property description. * @param array $description Additional description. * @return bool */ private static function checkBasketProperty(array $property, array $description) { if (!isset($property['IBLOCK_ID'])) return false; $catalogType = null; if ((int)$property['IBLOCK_ID'] > 0) { $catalog = \CCatalogSku::GetInfoByIBlock($property['IBLOCK_ID']); if (empty($catalog)) return false; $catalogType = $catalog['CATALOG_TYPE']; } else { return false; } if ($catalogType === null) return false; if (!isset($property['PROPERTY_TYPE'])) return false; if (!isset($property['MULTIPLE'])) return false; switch ($catalogType) { case \CCatalogSku::TYPE_PRODUCT: case \CCatalogSku::TYPE_CATALOG: case \CCatalogSku::TYPE_FULL: if ($property['MULTIPLE'] == 'Y') { if ( $property['PROPERTY_TYPE'] !== Iblock\PropertyTable::TYPE_ELEMENT && $property['PROPERTY_TYPE'] !== Iblock\PropertyTable::TYPE_SECTION && $property['PROPERTY_TYPE'] !== Iblock\PropertyTable::TYPE_LIST && $property['PROPERTY_TYPE'] !== Iblock\PropertyTable::TYPE_NUMBER && $property['PROPERTY_TYPE'] !== Iblock\PropertyTable::TYPE_STRING ) return false; } elseif ($property['MULTIPLE'] == 'N') { if ( $property['PROPERTY_TYPE'] !== Iblock\PropertyTable::TYPE_ELEMENT && $property['PROPERTY_TYPE'] !== Iblock\PropertyTable::TYPE_LIST ) return false; } else { return false; } break; case \CCatalogSku::TYPE_OFFERS: if ($property['PROPERTY_TYPE'] == Iblock\PropertyTable::TYPE_FILE) return false; break; } return true; } /** * Check - can the property be used to select trade offers. * Internal method. * * @param array $property Property description. * @param array $description Additional description. * @return bool */ private static function checkOfferTreeProperty(array $property, array $description) { if (!isset($property['IBLOCK_ID'])) return false; if ((int)$property['IBLOCK_ID'] > 0) { $catalog = \CCatalogSku::GetInfoByOfferIBlock($property['IBLOCK_ID']); if (empty($catalog)) return false; } else { return false; } if ( !isset($property['PROPERTY_TYPE']) || ( $property['PROPERTY_TYPE'] != Iblock\PropertyTable::TYPE_ELEMENT && $property['PROPERTY_TYPE'] != Iblock\PropertyTable::TYPE_LIST && $property['PROPERTY_TYPE'] != Iblock\PropertyTable::TYPE_STRING ) ) return false; if ($property['PROPERTY_TYPE'] == Iblock\PropertyTable::TYPE_ELEMENT) { if (isset($property['USER_TYPE']) && $property['USER_TYPE'] == \CIBlockPropertySKU::USER_TYPE) return false; } if ($property['PROPERTY_TYPE'] == Iblock\PropertyTable::TYPE_STRING) { if (!isset($property['USER_TYPE']) || $property['USER_TYPE'] != 'directory') return false; } if (!isset($property['MULTIPLE']) || $property['MULTIPLE'] != 'N') return false; return true; } } }