Direktori : /home/bitrix/www/bitrix/modules/catalog/lib/ |
Current File : //home/bitrix/www/bitrix/modules/catalog/lib/subscribe.php |
<?php namespace Bitrix\Catalog; use Bitrix\Main\Entity, Bitrix\Main\Type\DateTime, Bitrix\Main\Application, Bitrix\Main\Event, Bitrix\Main\EventManager, Bitrix\Main\Localization\Loc, Bitrix\Sale, Bitrix\Main\Config\Option; Loc::loadMessages(__FILE__); /** * Class SubscribeTable * * Fields: * <ul> * <li> ID int mandatory * <li> DATE_FROM datetime mandatory * <li> DATE_TO datetime optional * <li> USER_CONTACT string mandatory * <li> CONTACT_TYPE int mandatory * <li> USER_ID int optional * <li> USER reference to {@link \Bitrix\Main\UserTable} * <li> ITEM_ID int mandatory * <li> PRODUCT reference to {@link ProductTable} * <li> IBLOCK_ELEMENT reference to {@link \Bitrix\Iblock\ElementTable} * <li> NEED_SENDING bool default=N * <li> SITE_ID int mandatory * </ul> * * @package Bitrix\Catalog * **/ class SubscribeTable extends Entity\DataManager { const EVENT_ADD_CONTACT_TYPE = 'onAddContactType'; const CONTACT_TYPE_EMAIL = 1; const LIMIT_SEND = 50; const AGENT_TIME_OUT = 10; const AGENT_INTERVAL = 10; private static $oldProductAvailable = array(); private static $agentNoticeCreated = false; private static $agentRepeatedNoticeCreated = false; /** * Returns DB table name for entity. * * @return string */ public static function getTableName() { return 'b_catalog_subscribe'; } /** * Returns entity map definition. * * @return array */ public static function getMap() { return array( 'ID' => array( 'data_type' => 'integer', 'primary' => true, 'autocomplete' => true, ), 'DATE_FROM' => array( 'data_type' => 'datetime', 'required' => true, 'default_value' => new DateTime(), ), 'DATE_TO' => array( 'data_type' => 'datetime', ), 'USER_CONTACT' => array( 'data_type' => 'string', 'required' => true, ), 'CONTACT_TYPE' => array( 'data_type' => 'integer', 'required' => true, ), 'USER_ID' => array( 'data_type' => 'integer', ), 'USER' => array( 'data_type' => 'Bitrix\Main\UserTable', 'reference' => array('=this.USER_ID' => 'ref.ID'), ), 'ITEM_ID' => array( 'data_type' => 'integer', ), 'PRODUCT' => array( 'data_type' => 'Bitrix\Catalog\ProductTable', 'reference' => array('=this.ITEM_ID' => 'ref.ID'), ), 'IBLOCK_ELEMENT' => array( 'data_type' => 'Bitrix\Iblock\ElementTable', 'reference' => array('=this.ITEM_ID' => 'ref.ID'), ), 'NEED_SENDING' => array( 'data_type' => 'boolean', 'values' => array('N', 'Y'), 'default_value' => 'N', 'validation' => array(__CLASS__, 'validateNeedSending'), ), 'SITE_ID' => array( 'data_type' => 'string', 'required' => true, 'validation' => array(__CLASS__, 'validateSiteId'), ), ); } /** * Returns validators for NEED_SENDING field. * * @return array */ public static function validateNeedSending() { return array( new Entity\Validator\Length(null, 1), ); } /** * Returns validators for SITE_ID field. * * @return array */ public static function validateSiteId() { return array( new Entity\Validator\Length(null, 2), ); } /** * Handler onUserDelete for change subscription data when removing a user. * * @param integer $userId Id user. * @return bool */ public static function onUserDelete($userId) { $userId = (int)$userId; if ($userId <= 0) return false; $connection = Application::getConnection(); $helper = $connection->getSqlHelper(); $connection->queryExecute('update '.$helper->quote(static::getTableName()).' set ' .$helper->quote('DATE_TO').' = '.$helper->getCurrentDateTimeFunction().', ' .$helper->quote('USER_ID').' = \'NULL\' where '.$helper->quote('USER_ID').' = '.$userId ); return true; } /** * Handler onIblockElementDelete for delete the data on the subscription in case of removal of product. * * @param integer $productId Id product. * @return bool */ public static function onIblockElementDelete($productId) { $productId = (int)$productId; if ($productId <= 0) return true; $connection = Application::getConnection(); $helper = $connection->getSqlHelper(); $connection->queryExecute('delete from '.$helper->quote(static::getTableName()).' where ' .$helper->quote('ITEM_ID').' = '.$productId ); return true; } /** * Handler OnSaleOrderSaved to unsubscribe when ordering. * * @param Event $event Object event. * @return void * @throws \Bitrix\Main\ArgumentException */ public static function onSaleOrderSaved(Event $event) { if(!$event->getParameter('IS_NEW')) return; $order = $event->getParameter('ENTITY'); if($order instanceof Sale\Order) { $userId = $order->getUserId(); $siteId = $order->getSiteId(); $basketObject = $order->getBasket(); $listProductId = array(); /** @var \Bitrix\Sale\BasketItem $item */ foreach ($basketObject->getBasketItems() as $item) $listProductId[] = $item->getProductId(); if(!$userId || empty($listProductId)) return; $user = \CUser::getList($by = 'ID', $order = 'ASC', array('ID' => $userId) , array('FIELDS' => array('EMAIL')) )->fetch(); if($user['EMAIL']) { $listSubscribe = static::getList(array( 'select' => array('ID'), 'filter' => array( '=USER_CONTACT' => $user['EMAIL'], '=SITE_ID' => $siteId, 'ITEM_ID' => $listProductId, ), ))->fetchAll(); $listSubscribeId = array(); foreach($listSubscribe as $subscribe) $listSubscribeId[] = $subscribe['ID']; static::unSubscribe($listSubscribeId); } } } /** * The method returns an array of available types and allows you to add a type using an event. * When you add a new type of need to add a 'RULE' to validate the field 'USER_CONTACT'. * And also a function that will send messages to the specified type. * * @return array array(typeId=>array(ID => typeId, NAME => typeName, RULE => validateRule, HANDLER => function())). */ public static function getContactTypes() { $contactTypes = array(); $event = new Event('catalog', static::EVENT_ADD_CONTACT_TYPE, array(&$contactTypes)); $event->send(); if(!is_array($contactTypes)) return array(); $availableFields = array('ID', 'NAME', 'RULE', 'HANDLER'); foreach($contactTypes as $typeId => $typeData) { $currentFields = array_keys($typeData); $divergenceFields = array_diff($availableFields, $currentFields); if(!empty($divergenceFields)) { unset($contactTypes[$typeId]); continue; } if(!is_string($typeData['NAME']) || !is_string($typeData['RULE']) || !is_callable($typeData['HANDLER'])) { unset($contactTypes[$typeId]); } } return $contactTypes; } /** * Handler onAddContactType. Adding a new contact type. * * @param array &$contactTypes Contact type. * @return void */ public static function onAddContactType(&$contactTypes) { $contactTypes[static::CONTACT_TYPE_EMAIL] = array( 'ID' => static::CONTACT_TYPE_EMAIL, 'NAME' => Loc::getMessage('CONTACT_TYPE_EMAIL_NAME'), 'RULE' => '/@/i', 'HANDLER' => function(Event $event) { $eventData = $event->getParameters(); $eventObject = new \CEvent; foreach($eventData as $userContact => $dataList) { foreach($dataList as $data) { $eventObject->send($data['EVENT_NAME'], $data['SITE_ID'], $data); } } return true; } ); } /** * @deprecated deprecated since catalog 17.6.0 * Method for send a notification to subscribers about positive change available. * * @param integer $productId Id product. * @param array $fields An array of event data. * @return bool */ public static function onProductUpdate($productId, $fields) { return static::checkOldProductAvailable($productId, $fields); } /** * Method OnProductSetAvailableUpdate for send a notification to subscribers about positive change available. * * @param integer $productId Id product. * @param array $fields An array of event data. * @return bool */ public static function onProductSetAvailableUpdate($productId, $fields) { return static::checkOldProductAvailable($productId, $fields); } /** * The method runs the agent to send notifications to subscribers. * * @param integer $productId Id product. * @return bool */ public static function runAgentToSendNotice($productId) { $productId = (int)$productId; if ($productId <= 0) return false; $connection = Application::getConnection(); $helper = $connection->getSqlHelper(); $connection->queryExecute('update '.$helper->quote(static::getTableName()).' set ' .$helper->quote('NEED_SENDING').' = \'Y\' where '.$helper->quote('ITEM_ID').' = '.$productId .' and ('.$helper->quote('DATE_TO').' is null or '.$helper->quote('DATE_TO').' > ' .$helper->getCurrentDateTimeFunction().')' ); if (!static::$agentNoticeCreated) { $t = DateTime::createFromTimestamp(time() + static::AGENT_TIME_OUT); static::$agentNoticeCreated = true; \CAgent::AddAgent( '\Bitrix\Catalog\SubscribeTable::sendNotice();', 'catalog', 'N', static::AGENT_INTERVAL, '', 'Y', $t->toString(), 100, false, false ); } return true; } /** * The method runs the agent to send repeated notifications to subscribers. * * @param integer $productId Id product. * @return bool */ public static function runAgentToSendRepeatedNotice($productId) { $productId = (int)$productId; if ($productId <= 0 || (string)Option::get('catalog', 'subscribe_repeated_notify') != 'Y') return false; $connection = Application::getConnection(); $helper = $connection->getSqlHelper(); $connection->queryExecute('update '.$helper->quote(static::getTableName()).' set ' .$helper->quote('NEED_SENDING').' = \'Y\' where '.$helper->quote('ITEM_ID').' = '.$productId .' and ('.$helper->quote('DATE_TO').' is null or '.$helper->quote('DATE_TO').' > ' .$helper->getCurrentDateTimeFunction().')' ); if (!static::$agentRepeatedNoticeCreated) { $t = DateTime::createFromTimestamp(time() + static::AGENT_TIME_OUT); static::$agentRepeatedNoticeCreated = true; \CAgent::AddAgent( 'Bitrix\Catalog\SubscribeTable::sendRepeatedNotice();', 'catalog', 'N', static::AGENT_INTERVAL, '', 'Y', $t->toString(), 100, false, false ); } return true; } /** * The method checks permission the subscription for the product. * * @param string $subscribe The field value SUBSCRIBE of the product. * @return bool * @throws \Bitrix\Main\ArgumentNullException */ public static function checkPermissionSubscribe($subscribe) { return $subscribe == 'Y' || ($subscribe == 'D' && (string)Option::get('catalog', 'default_subscribe') == 'Y'); } /** * The method stores the value of availability of product before updating. * * @param integer $productId Product id. * @param string $available The field value AVAILABLE of the product. * @return bool */ public static function setOldProductAvailable($productId, $available) { if(!$productId || !$available) { return false; } static::$oldProductAvailable[$productId]['AVAILABLE'] = $available; return true; } /** * Agent function. Get the necessary data and send notifications to users. * * @return string */ public static function sendNotice() { if(static::checkLastUpdate()) return '\Bitrix\Catalog\SubscribeTable::sendNotice();'; list($listSubscribe, $totalCount) = static::getSubscriptionsData(); if(empty($listSubscribe)) { static::$agentNoticeCreated = false; return ''; } $anotherStep = (int)$totalCount['CNT'] > static::LIMIT_SEND; list($dataSendToNotice, $listNotifiedSubscribeId) = static::prepareDataForNotice($listSubscribe, 'CATALOG_PRODUCT_SUBSCRIBE_NOTIFY'); static::startEventNotification($dataSendToNotice); if($listNotifiedSubscribeId) static::setNeedSending($listNotifiedSubscribeId); if($anotherStep) { return '\Bitrix\Catalog\SubscribeTable::sendNotice();'; } else { static::$agentNoticeCreated = false; return ''; } } /** * Agent function. Get the necessary data and send notifications to users. * * @return string */ public static function sendRepeatedNotice() { if(static::checkLastUpdate()) return 'Bitrix\Catalog\SubscribeTable::sendRepeatedNotice();'; list($listSubscribe, $totalCount) = static::getSubscriptionsData(); if(empty($listSubscribe)) { static::$agentRepeatedNoticeCreated = false; return ''; } $anotherStep = (int)$totalCount['CNT'] > static::LIMIT_SEND; list($dataSendToNotice, $listNotifiedSubscribeId) = static::prepareDataForNotice($listSubscribe, 'CATALOG_PRODUCT_SUBSCRIBE_NOTIFY_REPEATED'); static::startEventNotification($dataSendToNotice); if($listNotifiedSubscribeId) static::setNeedSending($listNotifiedSubscribeId); if($anotherStep) { return 'Bitrix\Catalog\SubscribeTable::sendRepeatedNotice();'; } else { static::$agentRepeatedNoticeCreated = false; return ''; } } /** * The method checks the old and new product availability. * * @param integer $productId Id product. * @param array $fields An array of event data. * @return bool */ protected static function checkOldProductAvailable($productId, $fields) { $productId = (int)$productId; if ($productId <= 0 || (empty(static::$oldProductAvailable[$productId])) || !static::checkPermissionSubscribe($fields['SUBSCRIBE'])) { return false; } if(static::$oldProductAvailable[$productId]['AVAILABLE'] == ProductTable::STATUS_NO && $fields['AVAILABLE'] == ProductTable::STATUS_YES) { static::runAgentToSendNotice($productId); } elseif(static::$oldProductAvailable[$productId]['AVAILABLE'] == ProductTable::STATUS_YES && $fields['AVAILABLE'] == ProductTable::STATUS_NO) { static::runAgentToSendRepeatedNotice($productId); } unset(static::$oldProductAvailable[$productId]); return true; } /** * Return true, if the last update products was completed less than self::AGENT_TIME_OUT seconds ago. * * @return bool */ protected static function checkLastUpdate() { $lastUpdate = ProductTable::getList( array( 'select' => array('TIMESTAMP_X'), 'order' => array('TIMESTAMP_X' => 'DESC'), 'limit' => 1 ) )->fetch(); if (empty($lastUpdate) || !($lastUpdate['TIMESTAMP_X'] instanceof DateTime)) return true; return (time() - $lastUpdate['TIMESTAMP_X']->getTimestamp() < static::AGENT_TIME_OUT); } protected static function getSubscriptionsData() { global $DB; $filter = array( '=NEED_SENDING' => 'Y', '!=PRODUCT.SUBSCRIBE' => 'N', array( 'LOGIC' => 'OR', array('=DATE_TO' => false), array('>DATE_TO' => date($DB->dateFormatToPHP(\CLang::getDateFormat('FULL')), time())) ) ); /* Compatibility with the sale subscribe option */ $notifyOption = Option::get('sale', 'subscribe_prod'); $notify = array(); if(strlen($notifyOption) > 0) $notify = unserialize($notifyOption); if(is_array($notify)) { $listSiteId = array(); foreach($notify as $siteId => $data) { if($data['use'] != 'Y') $listSiteId[] = $siteId; } if($listSiteId) $filter['!=SITE_ID'] = $listSiteId; } $listSubscribe = static::getList(array( 'select'=>array( 'ID', 'USER_CONTACT', 'CONTACT_TYPE', 'DATE_TO', 'PRODUCT_NAME' => 'IBLOCK_ELEMENT.NAME', 'DETAIL_PAGE_URL' => 'IBLOCK_ELEMENT.IBLOCK.DETAIL_PAGE_URL', 'IBLOCK_ID' => 'IBLOCK_ELEMENT.IBLOCK_ID', 'TYPE' => 'PRODUCT.TYPE', 'ITEM_ID', 'SITE_ID', 'USER_NAME' => 'USER.NAME', 'USER_LAST_NAME' => 'USER.LAST_NAME', ), 'filter' => $filter, 'limit' => static::LIMIT_SEND, ))->fetchAll(); $totalCount = static::getList(array( 'select' => array('CNT'), 'filter' => $filter, 'runtime' => array(new Entity\ExpressionField('CNT', 'COUNT(*)')) ))->fetch(); return array($listSubscribe, $totalCount); } protected static function prepareDataForNotice(array $listSubscribe, $eventName) { /* Preparation of data for the mail template */ $currentApplication = Application::getInstance(); $context = $currentApplication->getContext(); if ($context->getServer()->getServerName()) { $protocol = ($context->getRequest()->isHttps() ? 'https://' : 'http://'); } else { $protocol = Option::get('main', 'mail_link_protocol', 'https'); if (strrpos($protocol, '://') === false) $protocol .= '://'; } unset($currentApplication); $itemIdGroupByIblock = array(); foreach($listSubscribe as $key => $subscribeData) $itemIdGroupByIblock[$subscribeData['IBLOCK_ID']][$subscribeData['ITEM_ID']] = $subscribeData['ITEM_ID']; $detailPageUrlGtoupByItemId = array(); if(!empty($itemIdGroupByIblock)) { foreach($itemIdGroupByIblock as $iblockId => $listItemId) { $queryObject = \CIBlockElement::getList(array('ID'=>'ASC'), array('IBLOCK_ID' => $iblockId, 'ID' => $listItemId), false, false, array('DETAIL_PAGE_URL')); while($result = $queryObject->getNext()) $detailPageUrlGtoupByItemId[$result['ID']] = $result['DETAIL_PAGE_URL']; } } $dataSendToNotice = array(); $listNotifiedSubscribeId = array(); foreach($listSubscribe as $key => $subscribeData) { $serverName = ''; $iterator = \CSite::GetByID($subscribeData['SITE_ID']); $site = $iterator->fetch(); unset($iterator); if (!empty($site)) $serverName = (string)$site['SERVER_NAME']; unset($site); if ($serverName == '') { $serverName = (defined('SITE_SERVER_NAME') && SITE_SERVER_NAME != '' ? SITE_SERVER_NAME : (string)Option::get('main', 'server_name', '', $subscribeData['SITE_ID']) ); if ($serverName == '') $serverName = $context->getServer()->getServerName(); } $listNotifiedSubscribeId[] = $subscribeData['ID']; $subscribeData['DETAIL_PAGE_URL'] = ''; if(!empty($detailPageUrlGtoupByItemId[$subscribeData['ITEM_ID']])) $subscribeData['DETAIL_PAGE_URL'] = $detailPageUrlGtoupByItemId[$subscribeData['ITEM_ID']]; $cardProduct = $protocol.$serverName.$subscribeData['DETAIL_PAGE_URL']; $subscribeData['EVENT_NAME'] = $eventName; $subscribeData['USER_NAME'] = $subscribeData['USER_NAME'] ? $subscribeData['USER_NAME'] : Loc::getMessage('EMAIL_TEMPLATE_USER_NAME'); $subscribeData['EMAIL_TO'] = $subscribeData['USER_CONTACT']; $subscribeData['NAME'] = $subscribeData['PRODUCT_NAME']; $subscribeData['PAGE_URL'] = $cardProduct; $subscribeData['PRODUCT_ID'] = $subscribeData['ITEM_ID']; $subscribeData['CHECKOUT_URL'] = \CHTTP::urlAddParams($cardProduct, array( 'action' => 'BUY', 'id' => $subscribeData['PRODUCT_ID'])); $subscribeData['CHECKOUT_URL_PARAMETERS'] = \CHTTP::urlAddParams('', array( 'action' => 'BUY', 'id' => $subscribeData['PRODUCT_ID'])); $subscribeData['UNSUBSCRIBE_URL'] = \CHTTP::urlAddParams($protocol.$serverName.'/personal/subscribe/', array('unSubscribe' => 'Y', 'subscribeId' => $subscribeData['ID'], 'userContact' => $subscribeData['USER_CONTACT'], 'productId' => $subscribeData['PRODUCT_ID'])); $subscribeData['UNSUBSCRIBE_URL_PARAMETERS'] = \CHTTP::urlAddParams('', array('unSubscribe' => 'Y', 'subscribeId' => $subscribeData['ID'], 'userContact' => $subscribeData['USER_CONTACT'], 'productId' => $subscribeData['PRODUCT_ID'])); $dataSendToNotice[$subscribeData['CONTACT_TYPE']][$subscribeData['USER_CONTACT']][$key] = $subscribeData; } unset($context); return array($dataSendToNotice, $listNotifiedSubscribeId); } protected static function startEventNotification(array $dataSendToNotice) { $contactTypes = static::getContactTypes(); foreach($contactTypes as $typeId => $typeData) { $eventKey = EventManager::getInstance() ->addEventHandler('catalog', 'OnSubscribeSubmit', $typeData['HANDLER']); $event = new Event('catalog', 'OnSubscribeSubmit', $dataSendToNotice[$typeId]); $event->send(); EventManager::getInstance()->removeEventHandler('catalog', 'OnSubscribeSubmit', $eventKey); } } private static function setNeedSending(array $listSubscribeId, $needSending = 'N') { if(empty($listSubscribeId)) return; $connection = Application::getConnection(); $helper = $connection->getSqlHelper(); $connection->queryExecute('update '.$helper->quote(static::getTableName()).' set ' .$helper->quote('NEED_SENDING').' = \''.$needSending.'\' where ' .$helper->quote('ID').' in ('.implode(',', $listSubscribeId).')' ); } private static function unSubscribe(array $listSubscribeId) { if(empty($listSubscribeId)) return; $connection = Application::getConnection(); $helper = $connection->getSqlHelper(); $connection->queryExecute('update '.$helper->quote(static::getTableName()).' set ' .$helper->quote('NEED_SENDING').' = \'N\', '.$helper->quote('DATE_TO').' =' .$helper->getCurrentDateTimeFunction().' where ' .$helper->quote('ID').' in ('.implode(',', $listSubscribeId).')' ); } }