Direktori : /home/bitrix/www/bitrix/modules/currency/general/ |
Current File : //home/bitrix/www/bitrix/modules/currency/general/currency_lang.php |
<? use Bitrix\Main\Localization\Loc, Bitrix\Currency; Loc::loadMessages(__FILE__); class CAllCurrencyLang { const SEP_EMPTY = 'N'; const SEP_DOT = 'D'; const SEP_COMMA = 'C'; const SEP_SPACE = 'S'; const SEP_NBSPACE = 'B'; static protected $arSeparators = array( self::SEP_EMPTY => '', self::SEP_DOT => '.', self::SEP_COMMA => ',', self::SEP_SPACE => ' ', self::SEP_NBSPACE => ' ' ); static protected $arDefaultValues = array( 'FORMAT_STRING' => '#', 'DEC_POINT' => '.', 'THOUSANDS_SEP' => ' ', 'DECIMALS' => 2, 'THOUSANDS_VARIANT' => self::SEP_SPACE, 'HIDE_ZERO' => 'N' ); static protected $arCurrencyFormat = array(); static protected $useHideZero = 0; public static function enableUseHideZero() { if (defined('ADMIN_SECTION') && ADMIN_SECTION === true) return; self::$useHideZero++; } public static function disableUseHideZero() { if (defined('ADMIN_SECTION') && ADMIN_SECTION === true) return; self::$useHideZero--; } public static function isAllowUseHideZero() { return (!(defined('ADMIN_SECTION') && ADMIN_SECTION === true) && self::$useHideZero >= 0); } public static function checkFields($action, &$fields, $currency = '', $language = '', $getErrors = false) { global $DB, $USER, $APPLICATION; $getErrors = ($getErrors === true); $action = strtoupper($action); if ($action != 'ADD' && $action != 'UPDATE') return false; if (!is_array($fields)) return false; if ($action == 'ADD') { if (isset($fields['CURRENCY'])) $currency = $fields['CURRENCY']; if (isset($fields['LID'])) $language = $fields['LID']; } $currency = Currency\CurrencyManager::checkCurrencyID($currency); $language = Currency\CurrencyManager::checkLanguage($language); if ($currency === false || $language === false) return false; $errorMessages = array(); $clearFields = array( '~CURRENCY', '~LID', 'TIMESTAMP_X', 'DATE_CREATE', '~DATE_CREATE', '~MODIFIED_BY', '~CREATED_BY', '~FORMAT_STRING', '~FULL_NAME', '~DEC_POINT', '~THOUSANDS_SEP', '~DECIMALS', '~THOUSANDS_VARIANT', '~HIDE_ZERO' ); if ($action == 'UPDATE') { $clearFields[] = 'CREATED_BY'; $clearFields[] = 'CURRENCY'; $clearFields[] = 'LID'; } $fields = array_filter($fields, 'CCurrencyLang::clearFields'); foreach ($clearFields as $fieldName) { if (isset($fields[$fieldName])) unset($fields[$fieldName]); } unset($fieldName, $clearFields); if ($action == 'ADD') { $defaultValues = self::$arDefaultValues; unset($defaultValues['FORMAT_STRING']); $fields = array_merge($defaultValues, $fields); unset($defaultValues); if (!isset($fields['FORMAT_STRING']) || empty($fields['FORMAT_STRING'])) { $errorMessages[] = array( 'id' => 'FORMAT_STRING', 'text' => Loc::getMessage('BT_CUR_LANG_ERR_FORMAT_STRING_IS_EMPTY', array('#LANG#' => $language)) ); } if (empty($errorMessages)) { $fields['CURRENCY'] = $currency; $fields['LID'] = $language; } } if (empty($errorMessages)) { if (isset($fields['FORMAT_STRING']) && empty($fields['FORMAT_STRING'])) { $errorMessages[] = array( 'id' => 'FORMAT_STRING', 'text' => Loc::getMessage('BT_CUR_LANG_ERR_FORMAT_STRING_IS_EMPTY', array('#LANG#' => $language)) ); } if (isset($fields['DECIMALS'])) { $fields['DECIMALS'] = (int)$fields['DECIMALS']; if ($fields['DECIMALS'] < 0) $fields['DECIMALS'] = self::$arDefaultValues['DECIMALS']; } $validateCustomSeparator = false; if (isset($fields['THOUSANDS_VARIANT'])) { if (empty($fields['THOUSANDS_VARIANT']) || !isset(self::$arSeparators[$fields['THOUSANDS_VARIANT']])) { $fields['THOUSANDS_VARIANT'] = false; $validateCustomSeparator = true; } else { $fields['THOUSANDS_SEP'] = self::$arSeparators[$fields['THOUSANDS_VARIANT']]; } } else { if (isset($fields['THOUSANDS_SEP'])) $validateCustomSeparator = true; } if ($validateCustomSeparator) { if (!isset($fields['THOUSANDS_SEP']) || $fields['THOUSANDS_SEP'] == '') { $errorMessages[] = array( 'id' => 'THOUSANDS_SEP', 'text' => Loc::getMessage( 'BT_CUR_LANG_ERR_THOUSANDS_SEP_IS_EMPTY', array('#LANG#' => $language) ) ); } else { if (!preg_match('/^&(#[x]{0,1}[0-9a-zA-Z]+|[a-zA-Z]+);$/', $fields['THOUSANDS_SEP'])) { $errorMessages[] = array( 'id' => 'THOUSANDS_SEP', 'text' => Loc::getMessage( 'BT_CUR_LANG_ERR_THOUSANDS_SEP_IS_NOT_VALID', array('#LANG#' => $language) ) ); } } } unset($validateCustomSeparator); if (isset($fields['HIDE_ZERO'])) $fields['HIDE_ZERO'] = ($fields['HIDE_ZERO'] == 'Y' ? 'Y' : 'N'); } $intUserID = 0; $boolUserExist = CCurrency::isUserExists(); if ($boolUserExist) $intUserID = (int)$USER->GetID(); $strDateFunction = $DB->GetNowFunction(); $fields['~TIMESTAMP_X'] = $strDateFunction; if ($boolUserExist) { if (!isset($fields['MODIFIED_BY'])) $fields['MODIFIED_BY'] = $intUserID; $fields['MODIFIED_BY'] = (int)$fields['MODIFIED_BY']; if ($fields['MODIFIED_BY'] <= 0) $fields['MODIFIED_BY'] = $intUserID; } if ($action == 'ADD') { $fields['~DATE_CREATE'] = $strDateFunction; if ($boolUserExist) { if (!isset($arFields['CREATED_BY'])) $fields['CREATED_BY'] = $intUserID; $fields['CREATED_BY'] = (int)$fields['CREATED_BY']; if ($fields['CREATED_BY'] <= 0) $fields['CREATED_BY'] = $intUserID; } } if (empty($errorMessages)) { if ($action == 'ADD') { if (!empty($fields['THOUSANDS_VARIANT']) && isset(self::$arSeparators[$fields['THOUSANDS_VARIANT']])) { if ($fields['DEC_POINT'] == self::$arSeparators[$fields['THOUSANDS_VARIANT']]) { $errorMessages[] = array( 'id' => 'DEC_POINT', 'text' => Loc::getMessage( 'BT_CUR_LANG_ERR_DEC_POINT_EQUAL_THOUSANDS_SEP', array('#LANG#' => $language) ) ); } } } else { if ( isset($fields['DEC_POINT']) || (isset($fields['THOUSANDS_VARIANT']) && isset(self::$arSeparators[$fields['THOUSANDS_VARIANT']])) ) { $copyFields = $fields; $needFields = []; if (!isset($copyFields['DEC_POINT'])) $needFields[] = 'DEC_POINT'; if (!isset($copyFields['THOUSANDS_VARIANT'])) $needFields[] = 'THOUSANDS_VARIANT'; if (!empty($needFields)) { $row = Currency\CurrencyLangTable::getList([ 'select' => $needFields, 'filter' => ['=CURRENCY' => $currency, '=LID' => $language] ])->fetch(); if (!empty($row)) { $copyFields = array_merge($copyFields, $row); $needFields = []; } unset($row); } if ( empty($needFields) && (!empty($copyFields['THOUSANDS_VARIANT']) && isset(self::$arSeparators[$copyFields['THOUSANDS_VARIANT']])) && ($copyFields['DEC_POINT'] == self::$arSeparators[$copyFields['THOUSANDS_VARIANT']]) ) { $errorMessages[] = array( 'id' => 'DEC_POINT', 'text' => Loc::getMessage( 'BT_CUR_LANG_ERR_DEC_POINT_EQUAL_THOUSANDS_SEP', array('#LANG#' => $language) ) ); } unset($needFields, $copyFields); } } } if (!empty($errorMessages)) { if ($getErrors) return $errorMessages; $obError = new CAdminException($errorMessages); $APPLICATION->ResetException(); $APPLICATION->ThrowException($obError); return false; } return true; } public static function Add($arFields) { global $DB; if (!self::checkFields('ADD', $arFields)) return false; $arInsert = $DB->PrepareInsert("b_catalog_currency_lang", $arFields); $strSql = "insert into b_catalog_currency_lang(".$arInsert[0].") values(".$arInsert[1].")"; $DB->Query($strSql, false, "File: ".__FILE__."<br>Line: ".__LINE__); Currency\CurrencyManager::clearCurrencyCache($arFields['LID']); return true; } public static function Update($currency, $lang, $arFields) { global $DB; $currency = Currency\CurrencyManager::checkCurrencyID($currency); $lang = Currency\CurrencyManager::checkLanguage($lang); if ($currency === false || $lang === false) return false; if (!self::checkFields('UPDATE', $arFields, $currency, $lang)) return false; $strUpdate = $DB->PrepareUpdate("b_catalog_currency_lang", $arFields); if (!empty($strUpdate)) { $strSql = "update b_catalog_currency_lang set ".$strUpdate." where CURRENCY = '".$DB->ForSql($currency)."' and LID='".$DB->ForSql($lang)."'"; $DB->Query($strSql, false, "File: ".__FILE__."<br>Line: ".__LINE__); Currency\CurrencyManager::clearCurrencyCache($lang); } return true; } public static function Delete($currency, $lang) { global $DB; $currency = Currency\CurrencyManager::checkCurrencyID($currency); $lang = Currency\CurrencyManager::checkLanguage($lang); if ($currency === false || $lang === false) return false; Currency\CurrencyManager::clearCurrencyCache($lang); $strSql = "delete from b_catalog_currency_lang where CURRENCY = '".$DB->ForSql($currency)."' and LID = '".$DB->ForSql($lang)."'"; $DB->Query($strSql, false, "File: ".__FILE__."<br>Line: ".__LINE__); return true; } public static function GetByID($currency, $lang) { global $DB; $currency = Currency\CurrencyManager::checkCurrencyID($currency); $lang = Currency\CurrencyManager::checkLanguage($lang); if ($currency === false || $lang === false) return false; $strSql = "select * from b_catalog_currency_lang where CURRENCY = '".$DB->ForSql($currency)."' and LID = '".$DB->ForSql($lang)."'"; $db_res = $DB->Query($strSql, false, "File: ".__FILE__."<br>Line: ".__LINE__); if ($res = $db_res->Fetch()) return $res; return false; } public static function GetCurrencyFormat($currency, $lang = LANGUAGE_ID) { /** @global CStackCacheManager $stackCacheManager */ global $stackCacheManager; if (defined("CURRENCY_SKIP_CACHE") && CURRENCY_SKIP_CACHE) { $arCurrencyLang = CCurrencyLang::GetByID($currency, $lang); } else { $cacheTime = CURRENCY_CACHE_DEFAULT_TIME; if (defined("CURRENCY_CACHE_TIME")) $cacheTime = (int)CURRENCY_CACHE_TIME; $strCacheKey = $currency."_".$lang; $stackCacheManager->SetLength("currency_currency_lang", 20); $stackCacheManager->SetTTL("currency_currency_lang", $cacheTime); if ($stackCacheManager->Exist("currency_currency_lang", $strCacheKey)) { $arCurrencyLang = $stackCacheManager->Get("currency_currency_lang", $strCacheKey); } else { $arCurrencyLang = CCurrencyLang::GetByID($currency, $lang); $stackCacheManager->Set("currency_currency_lang", $strCacheKey, $arCurrencyLang); } } return $arCurrencyLang; } public static function GetList(&$by, &$order, $currency = "") { global $DB; $strSql = "select CURL.* from b_catalog_currency_lang CURL "; if ('' != $currency) $strSql .= "where CURL.CURRENCY = '".$DB->ForSql($currency, 3)."' "; if (strtolower($by) == "currency") $strSqlOrder = " order by CURL.CURRENCY "; elseif (strtolower($by) == "name") $strSqlOrder = " order by CURL.FULL_NAME "; else { $strSqlOrder = " order BY CURL.LID "; $by = "lang"; } if ($order=="desc") $strSqlOrder .= " desc "; else $order = "asc"; $strSql .= $strSqlOrder; $res = $DB->Query($strSql, false, "File: ".__FILE__."<br>Line: ".__LINE__); return $res; } public static function GetDefaultValues() { return self::$arDefaultValues; } public static function GetSeparators() { return self::$arSeparators; } public static function GetSeparatorTypes($boolFull = false) { $boolFull = (true == $boolFull); if ($boolFull) { return array( self::SEP_EMPTY => Loc::getMessage('BT_CUR_LANG_SEP_VARIANT_EMPTY'), self::SEP_DOT => Loc::getMessage('BT_CUR_LANG_SEP_VARIANT_DOT'), self::SEP_COMMA => Loc::getMessage('BT_CUR_LANG_SEP_VARIANT_COMMA'), self::SEP_SPACE => Loc::getMessage('BT_CUR_LANG_SEP_VARIANT_SPACE'), self::SEP_NBSPACE => Loc::getMessage('BT_CUR_LANG_SEP_VARIANT_NBSPACE') ); } return array( self::SEP_EMPTY, self::SEP_DOT, self::SEP_COMMA, self::SEP_SPACE, self::SEP_NBSPACE ); } public static function GetFormatTemplates() { $installCurrencies = Currency\CurrencyManager::getInstalledCurrencies(); $templates = array(); $templates[] = array( 'TEXT' => '$1.234,10', 'FORMAT' => '$#', 'DEC_POINT' => ',', 'THOUSANDS_VARIANT' => self::SEP_DOT, 'DECIMALS' => '2' ); $templates[] = array( 'TEXT' => '$1 234,10', 'FORMAT' => '$#', 'DEC_POINT' => ',', 'THOUSANDS_VARIANT' => self::SEP_SPACE, 'DECIMALS' => '2' ); $templates[] = array( 'TEXT' => '1.234,10 USD', 'FORMAT' => '# USD', 'DEC_POINT' => ',', 'THOUSANDS_VARIANT' => self::SEP_DOT, 'DECIMALS' => '2' ); $templates[] = array( 'TEXT' => '1 234,10 USD', 'FORMAT' => '# USD', 'DEC_POINT' => ',', 'THOUSANDS_VARIANT' => self::SEP_SPACE, 'DECIMALS' => '2' ); $templates[] = array( 'TEXT' => '€2.345,20', 'FORMAT' => '€#', 'DEC_POINT' => ',', 'THOUSANDS_VARIANT' => self::SEP_DOT, 'DECIMALS' => '2' ); $templates[] = array( 'TEXT' => '€2 345,20', 'FORMAT' => '€#', 'DEC_POINT' => ',', 'THOUSANDS_VARIANT' => self::SEP_SPACE, 'DECIMALS' => '2' ); $templates[] = array( 'TEXT' => '2.345,20 EUR', 'FORMAT' => '# EUR', 'DEC_POINT' => ',', 'THOUSANDS_VARIANT' => self::SEP_DOT, 'DECIMALS' => '2' ); $templates[] = array( 'TEXT' => '2 345,20 EUR', 'FORMAT' => '# EUR', 'DEC_POINT' => ',', 'THOUSANDS_VARIANT' => self::SEP_SPACE, 'DECIMALS' => '2' ); if (in_array('RUB', $installCurrencies)) { $rubTitle = Loc::getMessage('BT_CUR_LANG_CURRENCY_RUBLE'); $templates[] = array( 'TEXT' => '3.456,70 '.$rubTitle, 'FORMAT' => '# '.$rubTitle, 'DEC_POINT' => ',', 'THOUSANDS_VARIANT' => self::SEP_DOT, 'DECIMALS' => '2' ); $templates[] = array( 'TEXT' => '3 456,70 '.$rubTitle, 'FORMAT' => '# '.$rubTitle, 'DEC_POINT' => ',', 'THOUSANDS_VARIANT' => self::SEP_SPACE, 'DECIMALS' => '2' ); } return $templates; } public static function GetFormatDescription($currency) { $boolAdminSection = (defined('ADMIN_SECTION') && ADMIN_SECTION === true); $currency = (string)$currency; if (!isset(self::$arCurrencyFormat[$currency])) { $arCurFormat = CCurrencyLang::GetCurrencyFormat($currency); if ($arCurFormat === false) { $arCurFormat = self::$arDefaultValues; $arCurFormat['FULL_NAME'] = $currency; } else { if (!isset($arCurFormat['DECIMALS'])) $arCurFormat['DECIMALS'] = self::$arDefaultValues['DECIMALS']; $arCurFormat['DECIMALS'] = (int)$arCurFormat['DECIMALS']; if (!isset($arCurFormat['DEC_POINT'])) $arCurFormat['DEC_POINT'] = self::$arDefaultValues['DEC_POINT']; if (!empty($arCurFormat['THOUSANDS_VARIANT']) && isset(self::$arSeparators[$arCurFormat['THOUSANDS_VARIANT']])) { $arCurFormat['THOUSANDS_SEP'] = self::$arSeparators[$arCurFormat['THOUSANDS_VARIANT']]; } elseif (!isset($arCurFormat['THOUSANDS_SEP'])) { $arCurFormat['THOUSANDS_SEP'] = self::$arDefaultValues['THOUSANDS_SEP']; } if (!isset($arCurFormat['FORMAT_STRING'])) { $arCurFormat['FORMAT_STRING'] = self::$arDefaultValues['FORMAT_STRING']; } elseif ($boolAdminSection) { $arCurFormat["FORMAT_STRING"] = strip_tags(preg_replace( '#<script[^>]*?>.*?</script[^>]*?>#is', '', $arCurFormat["FORMAT_STRING"] )); } if (!isset($arCurFormat['HIDE_ZERO']) || empty($arCurFormat['HIDE_ZERO'])) $arCurFormat['HIDE_ZERO'] = self::$arDefaultValues['HIDE_ZERO']; } self::$arCurrencyFormat[$currency] = $arCurFormat; } else { $arCurFormat = self::$arCurrencyFormat[$currency]; } return $arCurFormat; } public static function CurrencyFormat($price, $currency, $useTemplate = true) { static $eventExists = null; $useTemplate = !!$useTemplate; if ($useTemplate) { if ($eventExists === true || $eventExists === null) { foreach (GetModuleEvents('currency', 'CurrencyFormat', true) as $arEvent) { $eventExists = true; $result = ExecuteModuleEventEx($arEvent, array($price, $currency)); if ($result != '') return $result; } if ($eventExists === null) $eventExists = false; } } if (!isset($price) || $price === '') return ''; $currency = Currency\CurrencyManager::checkCurrencyID($currency); if ($currency === false) return ''; $price = (float)$price; $arCurFormat = (isset(self::$arCurrencyFormat[$currency]) ? self::$arCurrencyFormat[$currency] : self::GetFormatDescription($currency)); $intDecimals = $arCurFormat['DECIMALS']; if (self::isAllowUseHideZero() && $arCurFormat['HIDE_ZERO'] == 'Y') { if (round($price, $arCurFormat["DECIMALS"]) == round($price, 0)) $intDecimals = 0; } $price = number_format($price, $intDecimals, $arCurFormat['DEC_POINT'], $arCurFormat['THOUSANDS_SEP']); return ( $useTemplate ? self::applyTemplate($price, $arCurFormat['FORMAT_STRING']) : $price ); } public static function applyTemplate($value, $template) { return preg_replace('/(^|[^&])#/', '${1}'.$value, $template); } public static function checkLanguage($language) { return Currency\CurrencyManager::checkLanguage($language); } public static function isExistCurrencyLanguage($currency, $language) { global $DB; $currency = Currency\CurrencyManager::checkCurrencyID($currency); $language = Currency\CurrencyManager::checkLanguage($language); if ($currency === false || $language === false) return false; $query = "select LID from b_catalog_currency_lang where CURRENCY = '".$DB->ForSql($currency)."' and LID = '".$DB->ForSql($language)."'"; $searchIterator = $DB->Query($query, false, 'File: '.__FILE__.'<br>Line: '.__LINE__); if ($result = $searchIterator->Fetch()) { return true; } return false; } public static function getParsedCurrencyFormat($currency) { $arCurFormat = (isset(self::$arCurrencyFormat[$currency]) ? self::$arCurrencyFormat[$currency] : self::GetFormatDescription($currency) ); $result = preg_split('/(?<!&)(#)/', $arCurFormat['FORMAT_STRING'], -1, PREG_SPLIT_DELIM_CAPTURE); if (!is_array($result)) return null; $resultCount = count($result); if ($resultCount > 1) { $needSlice = false; $offset = 0; $count = $resultCount; if ($result[0] == '') { $needSlice = true; $offset = 1; $count--; } if ($result[$resultCount-1] == '') { $needSlice = true; $count--; } if ($needSlice) $result = array_slice($result, $offset, $count); unset($count, $offset, $needSlice); } unset($resultCount); return $result; } protected static function clearFields($value) { return ($value !== null); } } class CCurrencyLang extends CAllCurrencyLang { }