Direktori : /home/bitrix/www/bitrix/modules/currency/general/ |
Current File : //home/bitrix/www/bitrix/modules/currency/general/currency_rate.php |
<? use Bitrix\Currency; IncludeModuleLangFile(__FILE__); class CAllCurrencyRates { protected static $currentCache = array(); public static function CheckFields($ACTION, &$arFields, $ID = 0) { global $APPLICATION, $DB; $arMsg = array(); if ('UPDATE' != $ACTION && 'ADD' != $ACTION) return false; if (array_key_exists('ID', $arFields)) unset($arFields['ID']); if ('UPDATE' == $ACTION && 0 >= intval($ID)) $arMsg[] = array('id' => 'ID','text' => GetMessage('BT_MOD_CURR_ERR_RATE_ID_BAD')); if (!isset($arFields["CURRENCY"])) $arMsg[] = array('id' => 'CURRENCY','text' => GetMessage('BT_MOD_CURR_ERR_RATE_CURRENCY_ABSENT')); else $arFields["CURRENCY"] = substr($arFields["CURRENCY"],0,3); if (empty($arFields['DATE_RATE'])) $arMsg[] = array('id' => 'DATE_RATE','text' => GetMessage('BT_MOD_CURR_ERR_RATE_DATE_ABSENT')); elseif (!$DB->IsDate($arFields['DATE_RATE'])) $arMsg[] = array('id' => 'DATE_RATE','text' => GetMessage('BT_MOD_CURR_ERR_RATE_DATE_FORMAT_BAD')); if (is_set($arFields, 'RATE_CNT') || 'ADD' == $ACTION) { if (!isset($arFields['RATE_CNT'])) { $arMsg[] = array('id' => 'RATE_CNT', 'text' => GetMessage('BT_MOD_CURR_ERR_RATE_RATE_CNT_ABSENT')); } else { $arFields['RATE_CNT'] = (int)$arFields['RATE_CNT']; if ($arFields['RATE_CNT'] <= 0) $arMsg[] = array('id' => 'RATE_CNT', 'text' => GetMessage('BT_MOD_CURR_ERR_RATE_RATE_CNT_BAD')); } } if (is_set($arFields['RATE']) || 'ADD' == $ACTION) { if (!isset($arFields['RATE'])) { $arMsg[] = array('id' => 'RATE','text' => GetMessage('BT_MOD_CURR_ERR_RATE_RATE_ABSENT')); } else { $arFields['RATE'] = (float)$arFields['RATE']; if (!($arFields['RATE'] > 0)) { $arMsg[] = array('id' => 'RATE','text' => GetMessage('BT_MOD_CURR_ERR_RATE_RATE_BAD')); } } } if ($ACTION == 'ADD') { if ($arFields['CURRENCY'] == Currency\CurrencyManager::getBaseCurrency()) { $arMsg[] = array('id' => 'CURRENCY', 'text' => GetMessage('BT_MOD_CURR_ERR_RATE_FOR_BASE_CURRENCY')); } else { if (!isset($arFields['BASE_CURRENCY']) || !Currency\CurrencyManager::checkCurrencyID($arFields['BASE_CURRENCY'])) $arFields['BASE_CURRENCY'] = Currency\CurrencyManager::getBaseCurrency(); } if ($arFields['CURRENCY'] == $arFields['BASE_CURRENCY']) { $arMsg[] = array('id' => 'CURRENCY', 'text' => GetMessage('BT_MOD_CURR_ERR_RATE_FOR_SELF_CURRENCY')); } } if (!empty($arMsg)) { $obError = new CAdminException($arMsg); $APPLICATION->ResetException(); $APPLICATION->ThrowException($obError); return false; } return true; } public static function Add($arFields) { global $DB; global $APPLICATION; /** @global CStackCacheManager $stackCacheManager */ global $stackCacheManager; $arMsg = array(); foreach (GetModuleEvents("currency", "OnBeforeCurrencyRateAdd", true) as $arEvent) { if (ExecuteModuleEventEx($arEvent, array(&$arFields))===false) return false; } if (!CCurrencyRates::CheckFields("ADD", $arFields)) return false; $db_result = $DB->Query("SELECT 'x' FROM b_catalog_currency_rate WHERE CURRENCY = '".$DB->ForSql($arFields["CURRENCY"])."' ". " AND DATE_RATE = ".$DB->CharToDateFunction($DB->ForSql($arFields["DATE_RATE"]), "SHORT")); if ($db_result->Fetch()) { $arMsg[] = array("id"=>"DATE_RATE", "text"=> GetMessage("ERROR_ADD_REC2")); $e = new CAdminException($arMsg); $APPLICATION->ThrowException($e); return false; } else { $stackCacheManager->Clear("currency_rate"); $isMsSql = strtolower($DB->type) == 'mssql'; if ($isMsSql) CTimeZone::Disable(); $ID = $DB->Add("b_catalog_currency_rate", $arFields); if ($isMsSql) CTimeZone::Enable(); unset($isMsSql); Currency\CurrencyManager::updateBaseRates($arFields['CURRENCY']); Currency\CurrencyManager::clearTagCache($arFields['CURRENCY']); self::$currentCache = array(); foreach (GetModuleEvents("currency", "OnCurrencyRateAdd", true) as $arEvent) ExecuteModuleEventEx($arEvent, array($ID, $arFields)); return $ID; } } public static function Update($ID, $arFields) { global $DB; global $APPLICATION; /** @global CStackCacheManager $stackCacheManager */ global $stackCacheManager; $ID = (int)$ID; if ($ID <= 0) return false; $arMsg = array(); foreach (GetModuleEvents("currency", "OnBeforeCurrencyRateUpdate", true) as $arEvent) { if (ExecuteModuleEventEx($arEvent, array($ID, &$arFields))===false) return false; } if (!CCurrencyRates::CheckFields("UPDATE", $arFields, $ID)) return false; $db_result = $DB->Query("SELECT 'x' FROM b_catalog_currency_rate WHERE CURRENCY = '".$DB->ForSql($arFields["CURRENCY"])."' ". " AND DATE_RATE = ".$DB->CharToDateFunction($DB->ForSql($arFields["DATE_RATE"]), "SHORT")." AND ID<>".$ID." "); if ($db_result->Fetch()) { $arMsg[] = array("id"=>"DATE_RATE", "text"=> GetMessage("ERROR_ADD_REC2")); $e = new CAdminException($arMsg); $APPLICATION->ThrowException($e); return false; } else { $isMsSql = strtolower($DB->type) == 'mssql'; if ($isMsSql) CTimeZone::Disable(); $strUpdate = $DB->PrepareUpdate("b_catalog_currency_rate", $arFields); if ($isMsSql) CTimeZone::Enable(); unset($isMsql); if (!empty($strUpdate)) { $strSql = "UPDATE b_catalog_currency_rate SET ".$strUpdate." WHERE ID = ".$ID; $DB->Query($strSql, false, "File: ".__FILE__."<br>Line: ".__LINE__); $stackCacheManager->Clear("currency_rate"); Currency\CurrencyManager::updateBaseRates($arFields['CURRENCY']); Currency\CurrencyManager::clearTagCache($arFields['CURRENCY']); self::$currentCache = array(); } foreach (GetModuleEvents("currency", "OnCurrencyRateUpdate", true) as $arEvent) ExecuteModuleEventEx($arEvent, array($ID, $arFields)); } return true; } public static function Delete($ID) { global $DB; global $APPLICATION; /** @global CStackCacheManager $stackCacheManager */ global $stackCacheManager; $ID = (int)$ID; if ($ID <= 0) return false; foreach(GetModuleEvents("currency", "OnBeforeCurrencyRateDelete", true) as $arEvent) { if(ExecuteModuleEventEx($arEvent, array($ID))===false) return false; } $arFields = CCurrencyRates::GetByID($ID); if (!is_array($arFields)) { $arMsg = array('id' => 'ID', 'text' => GetMessage('BT_MOD_CURR_ERR_RATE_CANT_DELETE_ABSENT_ID')); $e = new CAdminException($arMsg); $APPLICATION->ThrowException($e); return false; } $stackCacheManager->Clear("currency_rate"); $strSql = "DELETE FROM b_catalog_currency_rate WHERE ID = ".$ID; $DB->Query($strSql, false, "File: ".__FILE__."<br>Line: ".__LINE__); Currency\CurrencyManager::updateBaseRates($arFields['CURRENCY']); Currency\CurrencyManager::clearTagCache($arFields['CURRENCY']); self::$currentCache = array(); foreach(GetModuleEvents("currency", "OnCurrencyRateDelete", true) as $arEvent) ExecuteModuleEventEx($arEvent, array($ID)); return true; } public static function GetByID($ID) { global $DB; $ID = (int)$ID; if ($ID <= 0) return false; $strSql = "SELECT C.*, ".$DB->DateToCharFunction("C.DATE_RATE", "SHORT")." as DATE_RATE FROM b_catalog_currency_rate C WHERE ID = ".$ID; $db_res = $DB->Query($strSql, false, "File: ".__FILE__."<br>Line: ".__LINE__); if ($res = $db_res->Fetch()) return $res; return false; } public static function GetList(&$by, &$order, $arFilter=array()) { global $DB; $mysqlEdition = strtolower($DB->type) === 'mysql'; $arSqlSearch = array(); if(!is_array($arFilter)) $filter_keys = array(); else $filter_keys = array_keys($arFilter); for ($i=0, $intCount = count($filter_keys); $i < $intCount; $i++) { $val = (string)$DB->ForSql($arFilter[$filter_keys[$i]]); if ($val === '') continue; $key = $filter_keys[$i]; if ($key[0]=="!") { $key = substr($key, 1); $bInvert = true; } else $bInvert = false; switch(strtoupper($key)) { case "CURRENCY": $arSqlSearch[] = "C.CURRENCY = '".$val."'"; break; case "DATE_RATE": $arSqlSearch[] = "(C.DATE_RATE ".($bInvert?"<":">=")." ".($mysqlEdition ? "CAST(" : "" ).$DB->CharToDateFunction($DB->ForSql($val), "SHORT").($mysqlEdition ? " AS DATE)" : "" ).($bInvert?"":" OR C.DATE_RATE IS NULL").")"; break; } } $strSqlSearch = ""; for($i=0, $intCount = count($arSqlSearch); $i < $intCount; $i++) { if($i>0) $strSqlSearch .= " AND "; else $strSqlSearch = " WHERE "; $strSqlSearch .= " (".$arSqlSearch[$i].") "; } $strSql = "SELECT C.ID, C.CURRENCY, C.RATE_CNT, C.RATE, ".$DB->DateToCharFunction("C.DATE_RATE", "SHORT")." as DATE_RATE FROM b_catalog_currency_rate C ". $strSqlSearch; if (strtolower($by) == "curr") $strSqlOrder = " ORDER BY C.CURRENCY "; elseif (strtolower($by) == "rate") $strSqlOrder = " ORDER BY C.RATE "; else { $strSqlOrder = " ORDER BY C.DATE_RATE "; $by = "date"; } if (strtolower($order)=="desc") $strSqlOrder .= " desc "; else $order = "asc"; $strSql .= $strSqlOrder; $res = $DB->Query($strSql, false, "File: ".__FILE__."<br>Line: ".__LINE__); return $res; } public static function ConvertCurrency($valSum, $curFrom, $curTo, $valDate = "") { return (float)$valSum * static::GetConvertFactorEx($curFrom, $curTo, $valDate); } /** * @deprecated deprecated since currency 16.0.0 * @see CCurrencyRates::GetConvertFactorEx * * @param float|int $curFrom * @param float|int $curTo * @param string $valDate * @return float|int */ public static function GetConvertFactor($curFrom, $curTo, $valDate = "") { return static::GetConvertFactorEx($curFrom, $curTo, $valDate); } /** * @param float|int $curFrom * @param float|int $curTo * @param string $valDate * @return float|int */ public static function GetConvertFactorEx($curFrom, $curTo, $valDate = "") { /** @global CStackCacheManager $stackCacheManager */ global $stackCacheManager; $curFrom = (string)$curFrom; $curTo = (string)$curTo; if($curFrom === '' || $curTo === '') return 0; if ($curFrom == $curTo) return 1; $valDate = (string)$valDate; if ($valDate === '') $valDate = date("Y-m-d"); list($dpYear, $dpMonth, $dpDay) = explode("-", $valDate, 3); $dpDay += 1; if($dpYear < 2038 && $dpYear > 1970) $valDate = date("Y-m-d", mktime(0, 0, 0, $dpMonth, $dpDay, $dpYear)); else $valDate = date("Y-m-d"); $curFromRate = 0; $curFromRateCnt = 0; $curToRate = 1; $curToRateCnt = 1; if (defined("CURRENCY_SKIP_CACHE") && CURRENCY_SKIP_CACHE) { if ($res = static::_get_last_rates($valDate, $curFrom)) { $curFromRate = (float)$res["RATE"]; $curFromRateCnt = (int)$res["RATE_CNT"]; if ($curFromRate <= 0) { $curFromRate = (float)$res["AMOUNT"]; $curFromRateCnt = (int)$res["AMOUNT_CNT"]; } } if ($res = static::_get_last_rates($valDate, $curTo)) { $curToRate = (float)$res["RATE"]; $curToRateCnt = (int)$res["RATE_CNT"]; if ($curToRate <= 0) { $curToRate = (float)$res["AMOUNT"]; $curToRateCnt = (int)$res["AMOUNT_CNT"]; } } } else { $cacheTime = CURRENCY_CACHE_DEFAULT_TIME; if (defined("CURRENCY_CACHE_TIME")) $cacheTime = (int)CURRENCY_CACHE_TIME; $cacheKey = 'C_R_'.$valDate.'_'.$curFrom.'_'.$curTo; $stackCacheManager->SetLength("currency_rate", 10); $stackCacheManager->SetTTL("currency_rate", $cacheTime); if ($stackCacheManager->Exist("currency_rate", $cacheKey)) { $arResult = $stackCacheManager->Get("currency_rate", $cacheKey); } else { if (!isset(self::$currentCache[$cacheKey])) { if ($res = static::_get_last_rates($valDate, $curFrom)) { $curFromRate = (float)$res["RATE"]; $curFromRateCnt = (int)$res["RATE_CNT"]; if ($curFromRate <= 0) { $curFromRate = (float)$res["AMOUNT"]; $curFromRateCnt = (int)$res["AMOUNT_CNT"]; } } if ($res = static::_get_last_rates($valDate, $curTo)) { $curToRate = (float)$res["RATE"]; $curToRateCnt = (int)$res["RATE_CNT"]; if ($curToRate <= 0) { $curToRate = (float)$res["AMOUNT"]; $curToRateCnt = (int)$res["AMOUNT_CNT"]; } } self::$currentCache[$cacheKey] = array( "curFromRate" => $curFromRate, "curFromRateCnt" => $curFromRateCnt, "curToRate" => $curToRate, "curToRateCnt" => $curToRateCnt ); $stackCacheManager->Set("currency_rate", $cacheKey, self::$currentCache[$cacheKey]); } $arResult = self::$currentCache[$cacheKey]; } $curFromRate = $arResult["curFromRate"]; $curFromRateCnt = $arResult["curFromRateCnt"]; $curToRate = $arResult["curToRate"]; $curToRateCnt = $arResult["curToRateCnt"]; } if ($curFromRate == 0 || $curToRateCnt == 0 || $curToRate == 0 || $curFromRateCnt == 0) return 0; return $curFromRate*$curToRateCnt/$curToRate/$curFromRateCnt; } public static function _get_last_rates($valDate, $cur) { return false; } }