Direktori : /home/bitrix/www/bitrix/modules/fileman/classes/general/ |
Current File : //home/bitrix/www/bitrix/modules/fileman/classes/general/snippets.php |
<? class CSnippets { public static function LoadList($Params) { global $CACHE_MANAGER; $template = CFileMan::SecurePathVar($Params["template"]); if ($template == '') $template = '.default'; $arSNIPPETS = false; $CACHE_SNIPPETS = Array(); if ($Params['bClearCache']) CSnippets::ClearCache(); $ttl = 30 * 24 * 60 * 60; // 30 days if($CACHE_MANAGER->Read($ttl, "fileman_snippet_array")) { $CACHE_SNIPPETS = $CACHE_MANAGER->Get("fileman_snippet_array"); if (isset($CACHE_SNIPPETS[$template])) $arSNIPPETS = $CACHE_SNIPPETS[$template]; } if (!$arSNIPPETS || !is_array($arSNIPPETS)) { $arSNIPPETS = Array(); $arTemplateKeys = Array(); //Array contain keys of snippets for each template for correct writing .content.php CSnippets::HandleForTemplate('.default', $arSNIPPETS, $arTemplateKeys); if ($template != '.default') CSnippets::HandleForTemplate($template, $arSNIPPETS, $arTemplateKeys); $CACHE_SNIPPETS[$template] = $arSNIPPETS; $CACHE_MANAGER->Set("fileman_snippet_array", $CACHE_SNIPPETS); } if ($Params['returnArray']) { return $arSNIPPETS; } else { ?><script>window.arSnippets = <?= CUtil::PhpToJSObject($arSNIPPETS)?>; </script><? } } function HandleForTemplate($template, &$arSNIPPETS, &$arTemplateKeys) { $arTemplateKeys[$template] = Array(); CSnippets::ReadDir($arSNIPPETS, $arTemplateKeys[$template], "", $template); if (count($arSNIPPETS) > 0) CSnippets::UpdateContentInfo($arSNIPPETS, $arTemplateKeys[$template], $template); } function ReadDir(&$arSNIPPETS, &$arKeys, $path, $template, $level = 0, $parent = "") { $basePath = self::GetBasePath($template); $io = CBXVirtualIo::GetInstance(); if(!$io->DirectoryExists($basePath)) return; $imagesPath = $basePath."/images"; CSnippets::WriteHtaccess($imagesPath); $bpPath = $basePath.($path == "" ? "" : "/").$path; $d = $io->GetDirectory($bpPath); $arChildren = $d->GetChildren(); foreach ($arChildren as $child) { $file = $child->GetName(); if($file == ".htaccess" || $file == ".content.php" || ($level == 0 && $file == "images")) continue; $filePath = $child->GetPathWithName(); if($child->IsDirectory()) //if this is subfolder { $new_path = "".$path.($path == "" ? "" : "/").$file; CSnippets::ReadDir($arSNIPPETS, $arKeys, $new_path, $template, $level + 1, $file); } else // File { $name = $file; $ext = $child->GetExtension(); // Rename file *.* => *.snp if ($ext != 'snp') { $name = str_replace($ext, "snp", $name); if (strpos($name, ".snp") === false) { $name = $name.".snp"; } if (!$io->FileExists($bpPath."/".$name)) { $io->Rename($filePath, $bpPath."/".$name); } else { for ($n = 1; $n < 256; $n++) { $name_ = str_replace(".snp", "(".$n.").snp", $name); if (!$io->FileExists($bpPath."/".$name_)) { $name = $name_; $io->Rename($filePath, $bpPath."/".$name); break; } } } } $key = $path.($path != '' ? '/' : '').$name; $arSNIPPETS[$key] = Array( 'name' => $name, 'path' => $path, 'title' => $name, 'thumb' => '', 'code' => CSnippets::GetCode($bpPath."/".$name), 'description' => "", 'template' => $template, 'level' => $level, 'parent' => $parent ); $arKeys[$key] = Array( 'name' => $name, 'path' => $path, 'title' => $name, 'description' => "" ); } } } function UpdateContentInfo(&$ar, &$arKeys, $template) { $basePath = self::GetBasePath($template); if (file_exists($basePath."/.content.php")) { @include($basePath."/.content.php"); $arK = array_keys($SNIPPETS); for ($i=0, $len = count($arK); $i<$len;$i++) { $name = $arK[$i]; $pos = strrpos($name,"."); $f_name = ($pos !== FALSE) ? substr($name,0,$pos) : $name; if ($ar[$f_name.".snp"]) { $ar[$f_name.".snp"]['title'] = stripslashes($SNIPPETS[$name]['title']); $ar[$f_name.".snp"]['description'] = stripslashes($SNIPPETS[$name]['description']); } } } } function WriteHtaccess($path) { $io = CBXVirtualIo::GetInstance(); if($io->DirectoryExists($path) && !$io->FileExists($path."/.htaccess")) $GLOBALS['APPLICATION']->SaveFileContent($path."/.htaccess", "Allow from All"); } function ClearCache() { global $CACHE_MANAGER; $CACHE_MANAGER->Clean("fileman_snippet_array"); $CACHE_MANAGER->Clean("fileman_snippet_group"); } function GetCode($path) { $io = CBXVirtualIo::GetInstance(); return $io->FileExists($path) ? $GLOBALS['APPLICATION']->GetFileContent($path) : ''; } function Edit($Params) { global $APPLICATION; $name = CFileMan::SecurePathVar($Params['name']); $title = $Params['title']; $description = $Params['description']; $path = CFileMan::SecurePathVar($Params['path']); $template = CFileMan::SecurePathVar($Params['template']); $site = $Params['site']; $code = $Params['code']; $basePath = self::GetBasePath($template); $templatePath = substr($basePath, 0, -9); $thumb = $Params['thumb'] === false ? false : CFileMan::SecurePathVar($Params['thumb']); if (!file_exists($templatePath)) { ?><script>alert('Error: Incorrect template Id: <?= CUtil::JSEscape($template)?>');</script><? return; } if ($Params['bNew']) { $location = CUtil::addslashes(CFileMan::SecurePathVar($Params["location"])); $newGroup = CUtil::addslashes(CFileMan::SecurePathVar($Params["newGroup"])); $path = trim(($location ? $location.'/' : '').($newGroup ? $newGroup.'/' : ''), ' /'); if ($name == '') { $name = CSnippets::GetDefaultFileName($basePath."/".$path); ?><script>window.__bx_res_sn_filename = "<?= CUtil::JSEscape($name);?>";</script><? } $name = $name.'.snp'; } $key = $path.($path != '' ? '/' : '').$name; // 1. Save new snippet with new content if ($code) $APPLICATION->SaveFileContent($basePath.'/'.$key, $code); // 2. Rewrite title & description in .content.php if ($title || $description) { if (file_exists($basePath."/.content.php")) @include($basePath."/.content.php"); else $SNIPPETS = array(); if ($title) $SNIPPETS[$key]['title'] = $title; if ($description) $SNIPPETS[$key]['description'] = $description; $contentSrc = '<?if(!defined("B_PROLOG_INCLUDED") || B_PROLOG_INCLUDED!==true)die();?>'.chr(10); $contentSrc .= '<?'.chr(10).'$SNIPPETS = Array();'.chr(10); foreach ($SNIPPETS as $k=>$_arSn) { if (CSnippets::CheckFile(array('site' => $Params["site"], 'template' => $Params['template'], 'path' => $k))) $contentSrc .= '$SNIPPETS[\''.CUtil::addslashes($k).'\'] = Array("title"=>\''.Cutil::addslashes($_arSn['title']).'\', "description"=>\''.Cutil::addslashes($_arSn['description']).'\');'.chr(10); } $contentSrc .= '?>'; $APPLICATION->SaveFileContent($basePath."/.content.php", $contentSrc); } CSnippets::ClearCache(); // 3. Handle thumbnail if ($thumb !== false) { if (substr($thumb,0,1) == '/') $thumb = substr($thumb,1); $pos = strrpos($name,"."); if ($pos === FALSE) return true; //delete existent thumbnail $f_name = substr($name, 0, $pos); $img_path1 = BX_PERSONAL_ROOT.'/templates/'.$template.'/snippets/images/'.$path.($path == '' ? '' : '/').$f_name; $DOC_ROOT = CSite::GetSiteDocRoot($site); $arExt = array("gif", "jpg", "jpeg", "png", "bmp"); for ($i = 0, $c = count($arExt); $i < $c; $i++) { $p_ = $img_path1.".".$arExt[$i]; if(file_exists($DOC_ROOT.$p_)) CFileman::DeleteFile(Array($site, $p_)); } if (empty($thumb) || strrpos($thumb, '.') === FALSE) return true; // Copy Thumbnail $path_from_1 = $DOC_ROOT."/".$thumb; $path_from = '/'.$thumb; if (file_exists($path_from_1)) { $pos = strrpos($thumb,"."); $f_ext = ($pos !== FALSE) ? strtolower(substr($thumb, $pos + 1)) : ''; if (in_array($f_ext, $arExt)) { $path_to = $img_path1.'.'.$f_ext; $strWarning_tmp = CFileMan::CopyEx(Array($site, $path_from), Array($site, $path_to)); } } } } function Delete($Params) { global $APPLICATION; $io = CBXVirtualIo::GetInstance(); if($io->DirectoryExists($_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"]."/local/templates/".$Params['template']."/snippets")) { $snPath = "/local/templates/".$Params['template']."/snippets"; } else { $snPath = BX_PERSONAL_ROOT."/templates/".$Params['template']."/snippets"; } $basePath = $_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"].$snPath; $path = CFileMan::SecurePathVar($Params["path"]); $key = $Params["path"].($Params["path"] == '' ? '' : '/').CFileMan::SecurePathVar($Params["name"]); //Delete snippet file CFileman::DeleteFile(Array($Params["site"], $snPath.'/'.$key)); //Delete thumbnail if ($Params["thumb"] != '') { CFileman::DeleteFile(Array($Params["site"], $snPath.'/images/'.$path.($path == '' ? '' : '/').CFileMan::SecurePathVar($Params["thumb"]))); } if (file_exists($basePath."/.content.php")) { @include($basePath."/.content.php"); $contentSrc = '<?if(!defined("B_PROLOG_INCLUDED") || B_PROLOG_INCLUDED!==true)die();?>'.chr(10); $contentSrc .= '<?'.chr(10).'$SNIPPETS = Array();'.chr(10); foreach ($SNIPPETS as $k=>$_arSn) { if ($k != $key && CSnippets::CheckFile(array('site' => $Params["site"], 'template' => $Params['template'], 'path' => $k))) $contentSrc .= '$SNIPPETS[\''.CUtil::JSEscape($k).'\'] = Array("title"=>\''.CUtil::JSEscape($_arSn['title']).'\', "description"=>\''.CUtil::JSEscape($_arSn['description']).'\');'.chr(10); } $contentSrc .= '?>'; $APPLICATION->SaveFileContent($basePath."/.content.php", $contentSrc); } CSnippets::ClearCache(); ?> <script> window.operation_success = true; </script> <? } function CheckFile($params) { $basePath = self::GetBasePath($params['template']); return file_exists(CFileMan::SecurePathVar($basePath.'/'.$params['path'])); } public static function GetGroups($Params) { $template = CFileMan::SecurePathVar($Params['template']); $arSnGroups = Array(); CSnippets::InspectDir($arSnGroups, "", $template); CSnippets::DisplayJSGroups($template, $arSnGroups); } public static function GetGroupList($Params) { global $CACHE_MANAGER; $template = CFileMan::SecurePathVar($Params['template']); $arGroups = false; $CACHE_SNIPPETS = Array(); if ($Params['bClearCache']) CSnippets::ClearCache(); $ttl = 30 * 24 * 60 * 60; // 30 days if($CACHE_MANAGER->Read($ttl, "fileman_snippet_group")) { $CACHE_SNIPPETS = $CACHE_MANAGER->Get("fileman_snippet_group"); if (isset($CACHE_SNIPPETS[$template])) $arGroups = $CACHE_SNIPPETS[$template]; } if (!$arGroups || !is_array($arGroups)) { $arGroups = Array(); CSnippets::InspectDir($arGroups, "", $template); $CACHE_SNIPPETS[$template] = $arGroups; $CACHE_MANAGER->Set("fileman_snippet_group", $CACHE_SNIPPETS); } return $arGroups; } public static function SaveGroupList($Params) { } function InspectDir(&$arSnGroups, $path, $template, $level = 0, $parent = '') { $io = CBXVirtualIo::GetInstance(); $basePath = self::GetBasePath($template); if(!$io->DirectoryExists($basePath)) return; $bpPath = $basePath.($path == "" ? "" : "/").$path; if (!$level) $level = 0; $d = $io->GetDirectory($bpPath); $arChildren = $d->GetChildren(); foreach ($arChildren as $child) { $file = $child->GetName(); if($file == ".htaccess" || $file == ".content.php" || ($level == 0 && $file == "images") || !$child->IsDirectory()) continue; $filePath = $child->GetPathWithName(); $arSnGroups[] = Array ( 'path' => $path, 'name' => $file, 'level' => $level, 'default_name' => CSnippets::GetDefaultFileName($filePath) ); $new_path = "".$path.($path == "" ? "" : "/").$file; CSnippets::InspectDir($arSnGroups, $new_path, $template, $level + 1, $parent); } } function GetDefaultFileName($path) { $io = CBXVirtualIo::GetInstance(); for ($i = 1; $i <= 9999; $i++) { $name = 'snippet'.str_pad($i, 4, "0", STR_PAD_LEFT); if (!$io->FileExists($path.'/'.$name.'.snp')) break; } return $name; } function DisplayJSGroups($template, $ar = array()) { $template = CUtil::JSEscape(htmlspecialcharsex($template)); $basePath = self::GetBasePath($template); ?><script> window.arSnGroups['<?= $template?>'] = {}; window.rootDefaultName['<?= $template?>'] = '<?= CSnippets::GetDefaultFileName($basePath)?>'; <? for($i=0,$len = count($ar); $i < $len; $i++) { $key = CUtil::JSEscape($ar[$i]['path'].($ar[$i]['path'] != '' ? '/' : '').$ar[$i]['name']); ?> window.arSnGroups['<?=$template?>']['<?= $key?>'] = { name: '<?=CUtil::JSEscape($ar[$i]['name'])?>', path: '<?=CUtil::JSEscape($ar[$i]['path'])?>', level: '<?=CUtil::JSEscape($ar[$i]['level'])?>', default_name: '<?=CUtil::JSEscape($ar[$i]['default_name'])?>' }; <? } ?></script><? } /** * Adds a new snippet * * @param array - list of params * @return bool or object - result */ public static function Add($params = array()) { $params['new'] = true; return self::Update($params); } /** * Updates existent snippet * * @param array - list of params * @return bool or object - result */ public static function Update($params = array()) { global $APPLICATION; $res = false; $title = $params['title']; $description = $params['description']; $currentPath = $params['new'] ? '' : CFileMan::SecurePathVar($params['current_path']); $path = CFileMan::SecurePathVar($params['path']); $template = CFileMan::SecurePathVar($params['template']); $code = $params['code']; $basePath = self::GetBasePath($template); $snippetPath = $basePath.($path == '' ? '' : '/'.$path); $io = CBXVirtualIo::GetInstance(); if(!$io->DirectoryExists($basePath)) { $io->CreateDirectory($basePath); } if ($params['new']) { $fileName = CSnippets::GetDefaultFileName($snippetPath).'.snp'; } else { $currentPath = $basePath.'/'.$currentPath; $oldSnippetPath = $io->ExtractPathFromPath($currentPath); if ($snippetPath !== $oldSnippetPath && $io->FileExists($currentPath)) { $io->Delete($currentPath); $fileName = CSnippets::GetDefaultFileName($snippetPath).'.snp'; } else { $fileName = $io->ExtractNameFromPath($currentPath); } } $key = ($path === '' ? '' : $path.'/').$fileName; if (!$io->ValidatePathString($snippetPath.'/'.$fileName) || IsFileUnsafe($snippetPath.'/'.$fileName) || HasScriptExtension($snippetPath.'/'.$fileName)) { return false; } // 1. Save new snippet with new content if ($code) { $APPLICATION->SaveFileContent($snippetPath.'/'.$fileName, $code); } // 2. Rewrite title & description in .content.php if ($title || $description) { $SNIPPETS = array(); if ($io->FileExists($basePath."/.content.php")) @include($basePath."/.content.php"); if ($title) $SNIPPETS[$key]['title'] = $title; if ($description) $SNIPPETS[$key]['description'] = $description; $contentSrc = '<?if(!defined("B_PROLOG_INCLUDED") || B_PROLOG_INCLUDED!==true)die();?>'.chr(10); $contentSrc .= '<?'.chr(10).'$SNIPPETS = Array();'.chr(10); foreach ($SNIPPETS as $k => $snip) { if($io->FileExists(CFileMan::SecurePathVar($basePath.'/'.$k))) { $contentSrc .= '$SNIPPETS[\''.CUtil::addslashes($k).'\'] = Array('; if (isset($snip['title']) && $snip['title'] !== '') { $contentSrc .= '\'title\' => \''.Cutil::addslashes($snip['title']).'\''; if (isset($snip['description']) && $snip['description'] !== '') $contentSrc .= ', '; } if (isset($snip['description']) && $snip['description'] !== '') { $contentSrc .= '\'description\' => \''.Cutil::addslashes($snip['description']).'\''; } $contentSrc .= ');'.chr(10); } } $contentSrc .= '?>'; $APPLICATION->SaveFileContent($basePath."/.content.php", $contentSrc); } $res = array('result' => true); CSnippets::ClearCache(); return $res; } /** * Removes snippet * * @param array - list of params (template, path) * @return bool - result */ public static function Remove($params = array()) { global $APPLICATION; $res = false; $template = CFileMan::SecurePathVar($params['template']); $path = CFileMan::SecurePathVar($params["path"]); $basePath = self::GetBasePath($template); $snippetPath = $basePath.($path == '' ? '' : '/'.$path); $io = CBXVirtualIo::GetInstance(); if (!$io->ValidatePathString($path) || IsFileUnsafe($path) || HasScriptExtension($path)) { return false; } //Delete snippet file if($io->FileExists($snippetPath)) { $res = $io->Delete($snippetPath); } $SNIPPETS = array(); if ($io->FileExists($basePath."/.content.php")) @include($basePath."/.content.php"); $contentSrc = '<?if(!defined("B_PROLOG_INCLUDED") || B_PROLOG_INCLUDED!==true)die();?>'.chr(10); $contentSrc .= '<?'.chr(10).'$SNIPPETS = Array();'.chr(10); foreach ($SNIPPETS as $k => $snip) { if($io->FileExists(CFileMan::SecurePathVar($basePath.'/'.$k))) { $contentSrc .= '$SNIPPETS[\''.CUtil::addslashes($k).'\'] = Array('; if (isset($snip['title']) && $snip['title'] !== '') { $contentSrc .= '\'title\' => \''.Cutil::addslashes($snip['title']).'\''; if (isset($snip['description']) && $snip['description'] !== '') $contentSrc .= ', '; } if (isset($snip['description']) && $snip['description'] !== '') { $contentSrc .= '\'description\' => \''.Cutil::addslashes($snip['description']).'\''; } $contentSrc .= ');'.chr(10); } } $contentSrc .= '?>'; $APPLICATION->SaveFileContent($basePath."/.content.php", $contentSrc); CSnippets::ClearCache(); return $res; } public static function CreateCategory($params = array()) { $res = false; if (is_array($params) && isset($params['name'])) { $name = CFileMan::SecurePathVar($params['name']); $template = (isset($params['template']) && $params['template'] !== '') ? CFileMan::SecurePathVar($params['template']) : '.default'; $basePath = self::GetBasePath($template); $templatePath = substr($basePath, 0, -9); $io = CBXVirtualIo::GetInstance(); if($io->DirectoryExists($templatePath)) { if(!$io->DirectoryExists($basePath)) { $io->CreateDirectory($basePath); } $parentPath = (isset($params['parent']) && $params['parent'] !== '') ? '/'.CFileMan::SecurePathVar($params['parent']) : ''; $categoryPath = $basePath.$parentPath.'/'.$name; if (!$io->DirectoryExists($categoryPath)) { $res = $io->CreateDirectory($categoryPath); } } CSnippets::ClearCache(); } return $res; } public static function RenameCategory($params) { global $APPLICATION; $res = false; if (is_array($params) && isset($params['path'], $params['new_name'])) { $path = CFileMan::SecurePathVar($params['path']); $template = (isset($params['template']) && $params['template'] !== '') ? CFileMan::SecurePathVar($params['template']) : '.default'; $basePath = self::GetBasePath($template); $categoryPath = $basePath.'/'.$path; $io = CBXVirtualIo::GetInstance(); $newCategoryPath = $io->ExtractPathFromPath($categoryPath).'/'.$params['new_name']; if($io->DirectoryExists($categoryPath) && !$io->DirectoryExists($newCategoryPath)) { $res = $io->Rename($categoryPath, $newCategoryPath); } $io = CBXVirtualIo::GetInstance(); if($io->FileExists($basePath."/.content.php")) { $contentSrc = $APPLICATION->GetFileContent($basePath."/.content.php"); $newPath = ltrim($io->ExtractPathFromPath($path).'/'.$params['new_name'], '/'); $contentSrc = preg_replace("/\\\$SNIPPETS\\['".$path."\\//", '$SNIPPETS[\''.$newPath.'/', $contentSrc); $APPLICATION->SaveFileContent($basePath."/.content.php", $contentSrc); } CSnippets::ClearCache(); } return $res; } public static function RemoveCategory($params) { $res = false; if (is_array($params) && isset($params['path'])) { $path = CFileMan::SecurePathVar($params['path']); $template = (isset($params['template']) && $params['template'] !== '') ? CFileMan::SecurePathVar($params['template']) : '.default'; $basePath = self::GetBasePath($template); $categoryPath = $basePath.'/'.$path; $io = CBXVirtualIo::GetInstance(); if($io->DirectoryExists($categoryPath)) { $res = $io->Delete($categoryPath); } CSnippets::ClearCache(); } return $res; } private static function GetBasePath($template) { $io = CBXVirtualIo::GetInstance(); if($io->DirectoryExists($_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"]."/local/templates/".$template."/snippets")) { $basePath = $_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"]."/local/templates/".$template."/snippets"; } else { $basePath = $_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"].BX_PERSONAL_ROOT."/templates/".$template."/snippets"; } return $basePath; } } ?>