Direktori : /home/bitrix/www/bitrix/modules/forum/lib/comments/ |
Current File : //home/bitrix/www/bitrix/modules/forum/lib/comments/baseobject.php |
<?php namespace Bitrix\Forum\Comments; use \Bitrix\Forum\Internals\Error\ErrorCollection; use \Bitrix\Forum\Internals\Error\Error; use Bitrix\Main\Localization\Loc; use \Bitrix\Main\ArgumentTypeException; use \Bitrix\Main\ArgumentException; use \Bitrix\Main\Event; use Bitrix\Main\Loader; use Bitrix\Main\SystemException; Loc::loadMessages(__FILE__); abstract class BaseObject { const ERROR_PARAMS_FORUM_ID = 'params0001'; const ERROR_PARAMS_TOPIC_ID = 'params0002'; const ERROR_PARAMS_ENTITY_ID = 'params0003'; private static $topics = array(); private static $users = array(); /* @var \Bitrix\Forum\Comments\User */ protected $user; /* @var \Bitrix\Forum\Comments\Entity */ protected $entity; /** @var array */ protected $forum; /** @var array */ protected $topic; /** @var ErrorCollection */ protected $errorCollection; public function __construct($forumId, $entity, $userId = 0) { global $USER; $this->errorCollection = new ErrorCollection(); $this->setUser($userId ?: $USER->getId()); $this->setForum($forumId); $this->setEntity($entity); $this->setTopic(); } protected function setEntity(array $id) { if (($id = array_change_key_case($id, CASE_LOWER)) && $id["id"] > 0) $this->entity = $id; else throw new ArgumentException(Loc::getMessage("FORUM_CM_WRONG_ENTITY"), self::ERROR_PARAMS_ENTITY_ID); } /** * Returns entity which manage all rights. For example forum topic or task * @return Entity */ public function getEntity() { if ($this->entity instanceof Entity) return $this->entity; if (!is_array($this->entity)) throw new ArgumentTypeException("entity"); $id = $this->entity; $protoEntity = Entity::getEntityByType($id["type"]); if (is_null($protoEntity)) { $protoEntity = Entity::getEntityByType("default"); if (!array_key_exists('xml_id', $id) || empty($id["xml_id"])) $id['xml_id'] = strtoupper($id["type"]."_".$id['id']); } elseif (!array_key_exists('xml_id', $id) || empty($id["xml_id"])) $id['xml_id'] = $protoEntity["xmlIdPrefix"]."_".$id['id']; if (!Loader::includeModule($protoEntity["moduleId"])) throw new SystemException("Module {$protoEntity["moduleId"]} is not included."); $this->entity = new $protoEntity["className"]($id, $this->getForum()); if (! $this->entity instanceof Entity) throw new SystemException("Entity Class does not descended from \\Bitrix\\Forum\\Comments\\Entity."); return $this->entity; } protected function setTopic() { if (!array_key_exists($this->getEntity()->getXmlId(), self::$topics)) { $dbRes = \CForumTopic::getList(null, array( "FORUM_ID" => $this->forum["ID"], "XML_ID" => $this->getEntity()->getXmlId() )); self::$topics[$this->getEntity()->getXmlId()] = (($res = $dbRes->fetch()) && $res ? $res : null); } $this->topic = self::$topics[$this->getEntity()->getXmlId()]; return $this; } protected function createTopic() { $topic = array( 'TITLE' => $this->getEntity()->getXmlId(), 'TAGS' => '', 'MESSAGE' => $this->getEntity()->getXmlId(), 'AUTHOR_ID' => 0 ); /** @var $request \Bitrix\Main\HttpRequest */ $request = \Bitrix\Main\Context::getCurrent()->getRequest(); $post = array_merge($request->getQueryList()->toArray(), $request->getPostList()->toArray()); $event = new Event("forum", "OnCommentTopicAdd", array($this->getEntity()->getType(), $this->getEntity()->getId(), $post, &$topic)); $event->send(); if (strlen($topic["AUTHOR_NAME"]) <= 0) $topic["AUTHOR_NAME"] = ($topic["AUTHOR_ID"] <= 0 ? Loc::getMessage("FORUM_USER_SYSTEM") : self::getUserName($topic["AUTHOR_ID"])); $topic = array_merge($topic, array( "FORUM_ID" => $this->forum["ID"], 'TITLE' => $topic["TITLE"], 'TAGS' => $topic["TAGS"], 'MESSAGE' => $topic["MESSAGE"], "USER_START_ID" => $topic["AUTHOR_ID"], "USER_START_NAME" => $topic["AUTHOR_NAME"], "LAST_POSTER_NAME" => $topic["AUTHOR_NAME"], "XML_ID" => $this->getEntity()->getXmlId(), "APPROVED" => "Y" )); if (($tid = \CForumTopic::add($topic)) > 0) { if ($this->forum["ALLOW_HTML"] != "Y") $topic['MESSAGE'] = strip_tags($topic['MESSAGE']); $fields = Array( "POST_MESSAGE" => $topic['MESSAGE'], "AUTHOR_ID" => $topic["AUTHOR_ID"], "AUTHOR_NAME" => $topic["AUTHOR_NAME"], "FORUM_ID" => $topic["FORUM_ID"], "TOPIC_ID" => $tid, "APPROVED" => $topic["APPROVED"], "NEW_TOPIC" => "Y", "XML_ID" => $this->getEntity()->getXmlId(), "PARAM1" => $this->getEntity()->getType(), "PARAM2" => $this->getEntity()->getId() ); if ((\CForumMessage::add($fields)) > 0) { $event = new Event("forum", "OnAfterCommentTopicAdd", array($this->getEntity()->getType(), $this->getEntity()->getId(), $tid)); $event->send(); self::$topics[$this->getEntity()->getXmlId()] = $topic + array("ID" => $tid); return self::$topics[$this->getEntity()->getXmlId()]; } \CForumTopic::delete($tid); } $this->errorCollection->add(array(new Error(Loc::getMessage("FORUM_CM_TOPIC_IS_NOT_CREATED"), self::ERROR_PARAMS_TOPIC_ID))); return null; } /** * Returns forum topic * @return array */ public function getTopic() { return $this->topic; } /** * @return bool */ public function hasErrors() { return $this->errorCollection->hasErrors(); } /** * @return array */ public function getErrors() { return $this->errorCollection->toArray(); } protected static function checkForumId(&$forumId) { $res = (is_integer($forumId) || is_string($forumId) ? intval($forumId) : 0); if ($res > 0) { $forumId = $res; // TODO Complete forum verifying return true; } return false; } protected function setForum($id) { if (!$this->checkForumId($id)) throw new ArgumentTypeException(Loc::getMessage("FORUM_CM_FORUM_IS_WRONG"), self::ERROR_PARAMS_FORUM_ID); $this->forum = \CForumNew::getByIDEx($id, SITE_ID); if (!$this->forum) throw new ArgumentException(Loc::getMessage("FORUM_CM_FORUM_IS_LOST"), self::ERROR_PARAMS_FORUM_ID); return $this; } /** * Returns forum * @return array */ public function getForum() { return $this->forum; } /** * Redefines forum params * * @param array $params Array(key=>value, key2=>value2) of fields to redefine forum fields. * @return $this */ public function setForumFields(array $params) { foreach ($params as $key => $val) { if (array_key_exists($key, $this->forum)) $this->forum[$key] = $val; } return $this; } /** * @param $userId * @return User */ protected function setUser($userId) { $this->user = new \Bitrix\Forum\Comments\User($userId); return $this->user; } /** * @return User */ public function getUser() { return $this->user; } /** * @return \CMain */ public function getApplication() { global $APPLICATION; return $APPLICATION; } private static function getUserFromForum($userId) { if ($userId > 0 && !array_key_exists($userId, self::$users)) { self::$users[$userId] = \CForumUser::getListEx(array(), array("USER_ID" => $userId))->fetch(); if(!self::$users[$userId]) { self::$users[$userId] = \CUser::getById($userId)->fetch(); self::$users[$userId]["SHOW_NAME"] = \COption::getOptionString("forum", "USER_SHOW_NAME", "Y"); } } return self::$users[$userId]; } protected function getUserName($userId) { $user = self::getUserFromForum($userId); $name = ""; if (is_array($user)) { $name = ($user["SHOW_NAME"] == "Y" ? trim($user["NAME"]." ".$user["LAST_NAME"]) : ""); $name = (empty($name) ? $user["LOGIN"] : $name); } return $name; } }