Direktori : /home/bitrix/www/bitrix/modules/iblock/lib/propertyindex/ |
Current File : //home/bitrix/www/bitrix/modules/iblock/lib/propertyindex/facet.php |
<?php /** * Bitrix Framework * @package bitrix * @subpackage iblock */ namespace Bitrix\Iblock\PropertyIndex; use Bitrix\Catalog; class Facet { protected $iblockId = 0; protected $valid = false; protected $skuIblockId = 0; protected $skuPropertyId = 0; protected $sectionFilter = array(); protected $priceFilter = null; protected $toCurrencyId = 0; protected $convertCurrencyId = array(); /** @var \Bitrix\Iblock\PropertyIndex\Dictionary */ protected $dictionary = null; /** @var \Bitrix\Iblock\PropertyIndex\Storage */ protected $storage = null; protected static $catalog = null; protected $sectionId = 0; protected $where = array(); /** * @param integer $iblockId Information block identifier. */ public function __construct($iblockId) { $this->iblockId = intval($iblockId); $this->valid = \CIBlock::getArrayByID($this->iblockId, "PROPERTY_INDEX") === "Y"; if (self::$catalog === null) { self::$catalog = \Bitrix\Main\Loader::includeModule("catalog"); } if (self::$catalog) { $catalogInfo = \CCatalogSKU::getInfoByProductIBlock($this->iblockId); if (!empty($catalogInfo) && is_array($catalogInfo)) { $this->skuIblockId = $catalogInfo["IBLOCK_ID"]; $this->skuPropertyId = $catalogInfo["SKU_PROPERTY_ID"]; $this->valid = $this->valid && \CIBlock::getArrayByID($this->skuIblockId, "PROPERTY_INDEX") === "Y"; } } $this->dictionary = new Dictionary($this->iblockId); $this->storage = new Storage($this->iblockId); $this->valid = $this->valid && $this->dictionary->isExists(); } /** * Returns true if filter rewrite is possible. * * @return boolean */ public function isValid() { return $this->valid; } /** * Returns iblock identifier. * * @return integer */ public function getIblockId() { return $this->iblockId; } /** * Returns SKU iblock identifier. * * @return integer */ public function getSkuIblockId() { return $this->skuIblockId; } /** * Returns SKU property identifier. * * @return integer */ public function getSkuPropertyId() { return $this->skuPropertyId; } /** * Returns facet storage object. * * @return \Bitrix\Iblock\PropertyIndex\Storage */ public function getStorage() { return $this->storage; } /** * Returns facet dictionary object. * * @return \Bitrix\Iblock\PropertyIndex\Dictionary */ public function getDictionary() { return $this->dictionary; } /** * Returns string by its identifier in the dictionary. * * @param integer $valueId Value identifier for dictionary lookup. * * @return string */ public function lookupDictionaryValue($valueId) { return $this->dictionary->getStringById($valueId); } /** * Returns filter join with index tables. * <p> * $filter parameters same as for CIBlockElement::getList * <p> * $facetTypes allows to get only "checkboxes" or "prices" and such. * * @param array $filter Filter to apply additionally to filter elements. * @param array $facetTypes Which facet types will be used. * @param integer $facetId Which facet category filter should not be applied. * * @return \Bitrix\Main\DB\Result|false */ public function query(array $filter, array $facetTypes = array(), $facetId = 0) { $connection = \Bitrix\Main\Application::getConnection(); $sqlHelper = $connection->getSqlHelper(); $facetFilter = $this->getFacetFilter($facetTypes); if (!$facetFilter) { return false; } if ($filter) { $filter["IBLOCK_ID"] = $this->iblockId; $element = new \CIBlockElement; $element->strField = "ID"; $element->prepareSql(array("ID"), $filter, false, false); $elementFrom = $element->sFrom; $elementWhere = $element->sWhere; } else { $elementFrom = ""; $elementWhere = ""; } $facets = array(); if ($facetId) { $facets[] = array( "where" => $this->getWhere($facetId), "facet" => array($facetId), ); } else { foreach ($facetFilter as $facetId) { $where = $this->getWhere($facetId); $found = false; foreach ($facets as $i => $facetWhereAndFacets) { if ($facetWhereAndFacets["where"] == $where) { $facets[$i]["facet"][] = $facetId; $found = true; break; } } if (!$found) { $facets[] = array( "where" => $where, "facet" => array($facetId), ); } } } $sqlUnion = array(); foreach ($facets as $facetWhereAndFacets) { $where = $facetWhereAndFacets["where"]; $facetFilter = $facetWhereAndFacets["facet"]; $sqlSearch = array("1=1"); if (empty($where)) { $sqlUnion[] = " SELECT F.FACET_ID ,F.VALUE ,MIN(F.VALUE_NUM) MIN_VALUE_NUM ,MAX(F.VALUE_NUM) MAX_VALUE_NUM ".($connection instanceof \Bitrix\Main\DB\MysqlCommonConnection ?",MAX(case when LOCATE('.', F.VALUE_NUM) > 0 then LENGTH(SUBSTRING_INDEX(F.VALUE_NUM, '.', -1)) else 0 end)" :",MAX(".$sqlHelper->getLengthFunction("ABS(F.VALUE_NUM) - FLOOR(ABS(F.VALUE_NUM))")."+1-".$sqlHelper->getLengthFunction("0.1").")" )." VALUE_FRAC_LEN ,COUNT(DISTINCT F.ELEMENT_ID) ELEMENT_COUNT FROM ".($elementFrom ?$elementFrom." INNER JOIN ".$this->storage->getTableName()." F ON BE.ID = F.ELEMENT_ID" :$this->storage->getTableName()." F" )." WHERE F.SECTION_ID = ".$this->sectionId." and F.FACET_ID in (".implode(",", $facetFilter).") ".$elementWhere." GROUP BY F.FACET_ID, F.VALUE "; continue; } elseif (count($where) == 1) { $fcJoin = "INNER JOIN ".$this->storage->getTableName()." FC on FC.ELEMENT_ID = BE.ID"; foreach ($where as $facetWhere) { $sqlWhere = $this->whereToSql($facetWhere, "FC"); if ($sqlWhere) $sqlSearch[] = $sqlWhere; } } elseif (count($where) <= 5) { $subJoin = ""; $subWhere = ""; $i = 0; foreach ($where as $facetWhere) { if ($i == 0) $subJoin .= "FROM ".$this->storage->getTableName()." FC$i\n"; else $subJoin .= "INNER JOIN ".$this->storage->getTableName()." FC$i ON FC$i.ELEMENT_ID = FC0.ELEMENT_ID\n"; $sqlWhere = $this->whereToSql($facetWhere, "FC$i"); if ($sqlWhere) { if ($subWhere) $subWhere .= "\nAND ".$sqlWhere; else $subWhere .= $sqlWhere; } $i++; } $fcJoin = " INNER JOIN ( SELECT FC0.ELEMENT_ID $subJoin WHERE $subWhere ) FC on FC.ELEMENT_ID = BE.ID "; } else { $condition = array(); foreach ($where as $facetWhere) { $sqlWhere = $this->whereToSql($facetWhere, "FC0"); if ($sqlWhere) $condition[] = $sqlWhere; } $fcJoin = " INNER JOIN ( SELECT FC0.ELEMENT_ID FROM ".$this->storage->getTableName()." FC0 WHERE FC0.SECTION_ID = ".$this->sectionId." AND ( (".implode(")OR(", $condition).") ) GROUP BY FC0.ELEMENT_ID HAVING count(DISTINCT FC0.FACET_ID) = ".count($condition)." ) FC on FC.ELEMENT_ID = BE.ID "; } $sqlUnion[] = " SELECT F.FACET_ID ,F.VALUE ,MIN(F.VALUE_NUM) MIN_VALUE_NUM ,MAX(F.VALUE_NUM) MAX_VALUE_NUM ".($connection instanceof \Bitrix\Main\DB\MysqlCommonConnection ?",MAX(case when LOCATE('.', F.VALUE_NUM) > 0 then LENGTH(SUBSTRING_INDEX(F.VALUE_NUM, '.', -1)) else 0 end)" :",MAX(".$sqlHelper->getLengthFunction("ABS(F.VALUE_NUM) - FLOOR(ABS(F.VALUE_NUM))")."+1-".$sqlHelper->getLengthFunction("0.1").")" )." VALUE_FRAC_LEN ,COUNT(DISTINCT F.ELEMENT_ID) ELEMENT_COUNT FROM ".$this->storage->getTableName()." F INNER JOIN ( SELECT BE.ID FROM ".($elementFrom ?$elementFrom :"b_iblock_element BE" )." ".$fcJoin." WHERE ".implode(" AND ", $sqlSearch)." ".$elementWhere." ) E ON E.ID = F.ELEMENT_ID WHERE F.SECTION_ID = ".$this->sectionId." and F.FACET_ID in (".implode(",", $facetFilter).") GROUP BY F.FACET_ID, F.VALUE "; } $result = $connection->query(implode("\nUNION ALL\n", $sqlUnion)); return $result; } /** * Returns array of facets id filtered against $facetTypes. * * @param array $facetTypes Filter types. * * @return integer[] */ protected function getFacetFilter(array $facetTypes) { $facetFilter = array(); foreach ($this->getSectionFilterProperty($this->sectionId) as $propertyId => $propertyType) { if (!$facetTypes || in_array($propertyType, $facetTypes)) { $facetFilter[] = $propertyId * 2; } } if (!$facetTypes || in_array(Storage::PRICE, $facetTypes)) { foreach ($this->getFilterPrices() as $priceId) { $facetFilter[] = 1 + $priceId * 2; } } return $facetFilter; } /** * Returns where condition without facet given. * * @param integer $facetToExclude Facet id. * * @return array */ protected function getWhere($facetToExclude) { $where = array(); foreach ($this->where as $facetWhere) { if ($facetWhere["FACET_ID"] != $facetToExclude) $where[] = $facetWhere; } return $where; } /** * Converts structured $where array into sql condition or empty string. * * @param array $where Structured condition. * @param string $tableAlias Table alias to use in sql. * @param string $subsectionsCondition If not empty will be added. * * @return string */ public function whereToSql(array $where, $tableAlias, $subsectionsCondition = "") { $sqlWhere = ""; $sectionCondition = "$tableAlias.SECTION_ID = ".$this->sectionId; $facetCondition = "$tableAlias.FACET_ID = ".$where["FACET_ID"]; switch ($where["TYPE"]) { case Storage::DICTIONARY: case Storage::STRING: if ($where["OP"] == "=") { $sqlWhere = $sectionCondition ." AND ".$facetCondition ." AND $tableAlias.VALUE_NUM = 0" ." AND $tableAlias.VALUE in (".implode(", ", $where["VALUES"]).")" ; } break; case Storage::NUMERIC: if ($where["OP"] == ">=" || $where["OP"] == "<=") { $sqlWhere = $sectionCondition ." AND ".$facetCondition ." AND $tableAlias.VALUE_NUM ".$where["OP"]." ".$where["VALUES"][0] ." AND $tableAlias.VALUE = 0" ; } elseif ($where["OP"] == "><") { $sqlWhere = $sectionCondition ." AND ".$facetCondition ." AND $tableAlias.VALUE_NUM BETWEEN ".$where["VALUES"][0]." AND ".$where["VALUES"][1] ." AND $tableAlias.VALUE = 0" ; } break; case Storage::DATETIME: if ($where["OP"] == ">=" || $where["OP"] == "<=") { $sqlWhere = $sectionCondition ." AND ".$facetCondition ." AND $tableAlias.VALUE_NUM ".$where["OP"]." ".$where["VALUES"][0] ; } elseif ($where["OP"] == "><") { $sqlWhere = $sectionCondition ." AND ".$facetCondition ." AND $tableAlias.VALUE_NUM BETWEEN ".$where["VALUES"][0]." AND ".$where["VALUES"][1] ; } elseif ($where["OP"] == "=") { $sqlWhere = $sectionCondition ." AND ".$facetCondition ." AND $tableAlias.VALUE_NUM in (".implode(", ", $where["VALUES"]).")" ; } break; case Storage::PRICE: //TODO AND FC.VALUE = 0 if (($where["OP"] == ">=" || $where["OP"] == "<=")) { $sqlWhere = $sectionCondition ." AND ".$facetCondition ; if ($this->toCurrencyId && $this->convertCurrencyId) { $sqlOr = array(); foreach ($this->convertCurrencyId as $currency => $currencyDictionaryId) { $convertedPrice = \CCurrencyRates::convertCurrency($where["VALUES"][0], $this->toCurrencyId, $currency); $sqlOr[] = "($tableAlias.VALUE = $currencyDictionaryId AND $tableAlias.VALUE_NUM ".$where["OP"]." $convertedPrice)"; } $sqlWhere .= " AND (".implode(" OR ", $sqlOr).")"; } else { $sqlWhere .= " AND $tableAlias.VALUE_NUM ".$where["OP"]." ".$where["VALUES"][0]; } } elseif ($where["OP"] == "><") { $sqlWhere = $sectionCondition ." AND ".$facetCondition ; if ($this->toCurrencyId && $this->convertCurrencyId) { $sqlOr = array(); foreach ($this->convertCurrencyId as $currency => $currencyDictionaryId) { $convertedPrice1 = \CCurrencyRates::convertCurrency($where["VALUES"][0], $this->toCurrencyId, $currency); $convertedPrice2 = \CCurrencyRates::convertCurrency($where["VALUES"][1], $this->toCurrencyId, $currency); $sqlOr[] = "($tableAlias.VALUE = $currencyDictionaryId AND $tableAlias.VALUE_NUM BETWEEN $convertedPrice1 AND $convertedPrice2)"; } $sqlWhere .= " AND (".implode(" OR ", $sqlOr).")"; } else { $sqlWhere .= " AND $tableAlias.VALUE_NUM BETWEEN ".$where["VALUES"][0]." AND ".$where["VALUES"][1]; } } break; } if ($sqlWhere && $subsectionsCondition !== '') { $sqlWhere .= " and ".$tableAlias.".".$subsectionsCondition; } return $sqlWhere; } /** * Returns list of properties IDs linked to the section according their "TYPE". * Property has to be not only linked to the section, but has to be marked as smart filter one. * - N - maps to Indexer::NUMERIC * - S - to Indexer::STRING * - F, E, G, L - to Indexer::DICTIONARY * * @param integer $sectionId Section for with properties will be returned. * * @return integer[] */ protected function getSectionFilterProperty($sectionId) { if (!isset($this->sectionFilter[$sectionId])) { $properties = array(); foreach(\CIBlockSectionPropertyLink::getArray($this->iblockId, $sectionId) as $PID => $link) { if($link["SMART_FILTER"] === "Y") { if ($link["PROPERTY_TYPE"] === "N") $properties[$link["PROPERTY_ID"]] = Storage::NUMERIC; elseif ($link["USER_TYPE"] === "DateTime") $properties[$link["PROPERTY_ID"]] = Storage::DATETIME; elseif ($link["PROPERTY_TYPE"] === "S") $properties[$link["PROPERTY_ID"]] = Storage::STRING; else $properties[$link["PROPERTY_ID"]] = Storage::DICTIONARY; } } if ($this->skuIblockId) { foreach(\CIBlockSectionPropertyLink::getArray($this->skuIblockId, $sectionId) as $PID => $link) { if($link["SMART_FILTER"] === "Y") { if ($link["PROPERTY_TYPE"] === "N") $properties[$link["PROPERTY_ID"]] = Storage::NUMERIC; elseif ($link["USER_TYPE"] === "DateTime") $properties[$link["PROPERTY_ID"]] = Storage::DATETIME; elseif ($link["PROPERTY_TYPE"] === "S") $properties[$link["PROPERTY_ID"]] = Storage::STRING; else $properties[$link["PROPERTY_ID"]] = Storage::DICTIONARY; } } } $this->sectionFilter[$sectionId] = $properties; } return $this->sectionFilter[$sectionId]; } /** * Sets section context for further filtering. * <p> * Returns this object instance for calls chaining. * * @param integer $sectionId Section identifier. * * @return \Bitrix\Iblock\PropertyIndex\Facet */ public function setSectionId($sectionId) { $this->sectionId = intval($sectionId); return $this; } /** * Sets prices for further filtering. * <p> * Returns this object instance for calls chaining. * * @param array $prices Prices identifiers. * * @return \Bitrix\Iblock\PropertyIndex\Facet */ public function setPrices(array $prices) { $this->priceFilter = array(); foreach ($prices as $priceInfo) { $this->priceFilter[] = (int)$priceInfo["ID"]; } return $this; } /** * Returns list of price IDs for storing in the index. * * @return integer[] */ protected function getFilterPrices() { if (!isset($this->priceFilter)) { $this->priceFilter = array(); if (self::$catalog) { $priceList = Catalog\GroupTable::getList(array( 'select' => array('ID'), 'order' => array('ID' => 'ASC') )); while($price = $priceList->fetch()) { $this->priceFilter[] = (int)$price['ID']; } unset($price, $priceList); } } return $this->priceFilter; } /** * Adds a condition for further filtering. * * @param integer $propertyId Iblock property identifier. * @param string $operator Comparing operator. * @param float $value Value to compare. * * @return void */ public function addNumericPropertyFilter($propertyId, $operator, $value) { $facetId = $this->storage->propertyIdToFacetId($propertyId); if ($operator == "<=" || $operator == ">=") { $this->where[$operator.$facetId] = array( "TYPE" => Storage::NUMERIC, "OP" => $operator, "FACET_ID" => $facetId, "VALUES" => array(doubleval($value)), ); if (isset($this->where[">=".$facetId]) && isset($this->where["<=".$facetId])) { $this->where["><".$facetId] = array( "TYPE" => Storage::NUMERIC, "OP" => "><", "FACET_ID" => $facetId, "VALUES" => array( $this->where[">=".$facetId]["VALUES"][0], $this->where["<=".$facetId]["VALUES"][0] ), ); unset($this->where[">=".$facetId]); unset($this->where["<=".$facetId]); } } } /** * Adds a condition for further filtering. * * @param integer $priceId Catalog price identifier. * @param string $operator Comparing operator. * @param float $value Value to compare. * * @return void */ public function addPriceFilter($priceId, $operator, $value) { $facetId = $this->storage->priceIdToFacetId($priceId); if ($operator == "<=" || $operator == ">=") { $this->where[$operator.$facetId] = array( "TYPE" => Storage::PRICE, "OP" => $operator, "FACET_ID" => $facetId, "VALUES" => array(doubleval($value)), ); if (isset($this->where[">=".$facetId]) && isset($this->where["<=".$facetId])) { $this->where["><".$facetId] = array( "TYPE" => Storage::PRICE, "OP" => "><", "FACET_ID" => $facetId, "VALUES" => array( $this->where[">=".$facetId]["VALUES"][0], $this->where["<=".$facetId]["VALUES"][0] ), ); unset($this->where[">=".$facetId]); unset($this->where["<=".$facetId]); } } } /** * Adds a condition for further filtering. * * @param integer $propertyId Iblock property identifier. * @param string $operator Comparing operator. * @param float $value Value to compare. * * @return void */ public function addDictionaryPropertyFilter($propertyId, $operator, $value) { $facetId = $this->storage->propertyIdToFacetId($propertyId); if ($operator == "=") { if (isset($this->where[$facetId])) { $this->where[$facetId]["VALUES"][] = intval($value); } else { $this->where[$facetId] = array( "TYPE" => Storage::DICTIONARY, "OP" => $operator, "FACET_ID" => $facetId, "VALUES" => array(intval($value)), ); } } } /** * Adds a condition for further filtering. * * @param integer $propertyId Iblock property identifier. * @param string $operator Comparing operator. * @param float $value Timestamp to compare. * * @return void */ public function addDatetimePropertyFilter($propertyId, $operator, $value) { $facetId = $this->storage->propertyIdToFacetId($propertyId); if ($operator == "<=" || $operator == ">=") { $this->where[$operator.$facetId] = array( "TYPE" => Storage::DATETIME, "OP" => $operator, "FACET_ID" => $facetId, "VALUES" => array(intval($value)), ); if (isset($this->where[">=".$facetId]) && isset($this->where["<=".$facetId])) { $this->where["><".$facetId] = array( "TYPE" => Storage::DATETIME, "OP" => "><", "FACET_ID" => $facetId, "VALUES" => array( $this->where[">=".$facetId]["VALUES"][0], $this->where["<=".$facetId]["VALUES"][0] ), ); unset($this->where[">=".$facetId]); unset($this->where["<=".$facetId]); } } elseif ($operator == "=") { if (isset($this->where[$operator.$facetId])) { $this->where[$operator.$facetId]["VALUES"][] = intval($value); } else { $this->where[$operator.$facetId] = array( "TYPE" => Storage::DATETIME, "OP" => $operator, "FACET_ID" => $facetId, "VALUES" => array(intval($value)), ); } } } /** * Returns true if not filters were applied. * * @return boolean */ public function isEmptyWhere() { return empty($this->where); } /** * When called subsequent queries will use currency conversion for filtering. * Works only with 'currency' module installed. * * @param string $toCurrencyId Valid currency id for price value passed into addPriceFilter method. * @param array $convertCurrencyId Array of valid currencies ids. * * @return void */ public function enableCurrencyConversion($toCurrencyId, array $convertCurrencyId) { if (\Bitrix\Main\Loader::includeModule('currency')) { $this->toCurrencyId = $toCurrencyId; $this->convertCurrencyId = array(); foreach ($convertCurrencyId as $currency) { $currencyDictionaryId = $this->dictionary->getStringId($currency, false); if ($currency) $this->convertCurrencyId[$currency] = $currencyDictionaryId; } } } }