Direktori : /home/bitrix/www/bitrix/modules/landing/lib/publicaction/ |
Current File : //home/bitrix/www/bitrix/modules/landing/lib/publicaction/landing.php |
<?php namespace Bitrix\Landing\PublicAction; use \Bitrix\Landing\Manager; use \Bitrix\Landing\File; use \Bitrix\Landing\Block as BlockCore; use \Bitrix\Landing\TemplateRef; use \Bitrix\Landing\Landing as LandingCore; use \Bitrix\Landing\PublicActionResult; use \Bitrix\Landing\Internals\HookDataTable; use \Bitrix\Main\Localization\Loc; Loc::loadMessages(__FILE__); class Landing { /** * Clear disallow keys from add/update fields. * @param array $fields * @return array */ protected static function clearDisallowFields($fields) { $disallow = array('RULE', 'TPL_CODE', 'ACTIVE'); if (is_array($fields)) { foreach ($fields as $k => $v) { if (in_array($k, $disallow)) { unset($fields[$k]); } } } return $fields; } /** * Get preview picture of landing. * @param int $lid Id of landing. * @return \Bitrix\Landing\PublicActionResult */ public static function getPreview($lid) { $result = new PublicActionResult(); $landing = LandingCore::createInstance($lid); if ($landing->exist()) { $result->setResult($landing->getPreview()); } $result->setError($landing->getError()); return $result; } /** * Get public url of landing. * @param int $lid Id of landing. * @return \Bitrix\Landing\PublicActionResult */ public static function getPublicUrl($lid) { $result = new PublicActionResult(); $landing = LandingCore::createInstance($lid); if ($landing->exist()) { $result->setResult( $landing->getPublicUrl() ); } $result->setError($landing->getError()); return $result; } /** * Get additional fields of landing. * @param int $lid Id of landing. * @return \Bitrix\Landing\PublicActionResult */ public static function getAdditionalFields($lid) { $result = new PublicActionResult(); $landing = LandingCore::createInstance($lid); if ($landing->exist()) { $fields = $landing->getAdditionalFields($landing->getId()); foreach ($fields as $key => $field) { $fields[$key] = $field->getValue(); if (!$fields[$key]) { unset($fields[$key]); } } $result->setResult( $fields ); } $result->setError($landing->getError()); return $result; } /** * Publication of landing. * @param int $lid Id of landing. * @return \Bitrix\Landing\PublicActionResult */ public static function publication($lid) { $result = new PublicActionResult(); $landing = LandingCore::createInstance($lid); if ($landing->exist()) { if ($landing->publication()) { $result->setResult(true); } } $result->setError($landing->getError()); return $result; } /** * Cancel publication of landing. * @param int $lid Id of landing. * @return \Bitrix\Landing\PublicActionResult */ public static function unpublic($lid) { $result = new PublicActionResult(); $landing = LandingCore::createInstance($lid); if ($landing->exist()) { $result->setResult( $landing->unpublic() ); } $result->setError($landing->getError()); return $result; } /** * Add new block to the landing. * @param int $lid Id of landing. * @param array $fields Data array of block. * @return \Bitrix\Landing\PublicActionResult */ public static function addBlock($lid, $fields) { LandingCore::setEditMode(); $result = new PublicActionResult(); $landing = LandingCore::createInstance($lid); if ($landing->exist()) { $data = array( 'PUBLIC' => 'N' ); if (isset($fields['ACTIVE'])) { $data['ACTIVE'] = $fields['ACTIVE']; } if (isset($fields['CONTENT'])) { $data['CONTENT'] = Manager::sanitize( $fields['CONTENT'], $bad ); } // sort if (isset($fields['AFTER_ID'])) { $blocks = $landing->getBlocks(); if (isset($blocks[$fields['AFTER_ID']])) { $data['SORT'] = $blocks[$fields['AFTER_ID']]->getSort() + 1; } } else { $data['SORT'] = -1; } $newBlockId = $landing->addBlock( isset($fields['CODE']) ? $fields['CODE'] : '', $data ); // re-sort $landing->resortBlocks(); // want return content ob block if ( isset($fields['RETURN_CONTENT']) && $fields['RETURN_CONTENT'] == 'Y' ) { $return = BlockCore::getBlockContent($newBlockId, true); } else { $return = $newBlockId; } $result->setResult($return); } $result->setError($landing->getError()); return $result; } /** * Delete the block from the landing. * @param int $lid Id of landing. * @param int $block Block id. * @return \Bitrix\Landing\PublicActionResult */ public static function deleteBlock($lid, $block) { LandingCore::setEditMode(); $result = new PublicActionResult(); $landing = LandingCore::createInstance($lid); if ($landing->exist()) { $result->setResult($landing->deleteBlock($block)); $landing->resortBlocks(); } $result->setError($landing->getError()); return $result; } /** * Mark delete or not the block. * @param int $lid Id of landing. * @param int $block Block id. * @param boolean $mark Mark. * @return \Bitrix\Landing\PublicActionResult */ public static function markDeletedBlock($lid, $block, $mark = true) { LandingCore::setEditMode(); $result = new PublicActionResult(); $landing = LandingCore::createInstance($lid); if ($landing->exist()) { $result->setResult( $landing->markDeletedBlock($block, $mark) ); $landing->resortBlocks(); } $result->setError($landing->getError()); return $result; } /** * Mark undelete the block. * @param int $lid Id of landing. * @param int $block Block id. * @return \Bitrix\Landing\PublicActionResult */ public static function markUnDeletedBlock($lid, $block) { return self::markDeletedBlock($lid, $block, false); } /** * Sort the block on the landing. * @param int $lid Id of landing. * @param int $block Block id. * @param string $action Code: up or down. * @return \Bitrix\Landing\PublicActionResult */ private static function sort($lid, $block, $action) { $result = new PublicActionResult(); $landing = LandingCore::createInstance($lid); if ($landing->exist()) { if ($action == 'up') { $result->setResult($landing->upBlock($block)); } else { $result->setResult($landing->downBlock($block)); } $landing->resortBlocks(); } $result->setError($landing->getError()); return $result; } /** * Sort up the block on the landing. * @param int $lid Id of landing. * @param int $block Block id. * @return \Bitrix\Landing\PublicActionResult */ public static function upBlock($lid, $block) { LandingCore::setEditMode(); return self::sort($lid, $block, 'up'); } /** * Sort down the block on the landing. * @param int $lid Id of landing. * @param int $block Block id. * @return \Bitrix\Landing\PublicActionResult */ public static function downBlock($lid, $block) { LandingCore::setEditMode(); return self::sort($lid, $block, 'down'); } /** * Show/hide the block on the landing. * @param int $lid Id of landing. * @param int $block Block id. * @param string $action Code: show or hide. * @return \Bitrix\Landing\PublicActionResult */ private static function activate($lid, $block, $action) { $result = new PublicActionResult(); $landing = LandingCore::createInstance($lid); if ($landing->exist()) { if ($action == 'show') { $result->setResult($landing->showBlock($block)); } else { $result->setResult($landing->hideBlock($block)); } } $result->setError($landing->getError()); return $result; } /** * Activate the block on the landing. * @param int $lid Id of landing. * @param int $block Block id. * @return \Bitrix\Landing\PublicActionResult */ public static function showBlock($lid, $block) { LandingCore::setEditMode(); return self::activate($lid, $block, 'show'); } /** * Dectivate the block on the landing. * @param int $lid Id of landing. * @param int $block Block id. * @return \Bitrix\Landing\PublicActionResult */ public static function hideBlock($lid, $block) { LandingCore::setEditMode(); return self::activate($lid, $block, 'hide'); } /** * Copy/move other block to this landing. * @param int $lid Id of landing. * @param int $block Block id. * @param array $params Params array. * @return \Bitrix\Landing\PublicActionResult */ private static function changeParentOfBlock($lid, $block, $params) { $result = new PublicActionResult(); $landing = LandingCore::createInstance($lid); $afterId = isset($params['AFTER_ID']) ? $params['AFTER_ID'] : 0; if ($landing->exist()) { if ($params['MOVE']) { $res = $landing->moveBlock($block, $afterId); } else { $res = $landing->copyBlock($block, $afterId); } if ( isset($params['RETURN_CONTENT']) && $params['RETURN_CONTENT'] == 'Y' ) { $result->setResult(array( 'result' => $res > 0, 'content' => BlockCore::getBlockContent($res, true) )); } else { $result->setResult($res); } } $result->setError($landing->getError()); return $result; } /** * Copy other block to this landing. * @param int $lid Id of landing. * @param int $block Block id. * @param array $params Params array. * @return \Bitrix\Landing\PublicActionResult */ public static function copyBlock($lid, $block, $params = array()) { if (!is_array($params)) { $params = array(); } $params['MOVE'] = false; LandingCore::setEditMode(); return self::changeParentOfBlock($lid, $block, $params); } /** * Move other block to this landing. * @param int $lid Id of landing. * @param int $block Block id. * @param array $params Params array. * @return \Bitrix\Landing\PublicActionResult */ public static function moveBlock($lid, $block, $params = array()) { if (!is_array($params)) { $params = array(); } $params['MOVE'] = true; LandingCore::setEditMode(); return self::changeParentOfBlock($lid, $block, $params); } /** * Remove entities of Landing - images / blocks. * @param int $lid Landing id. * @param array $data Data for remove. * @return PublicActionResult */ public static function removeEntities($lid, $data) { $result = new PublicActionResult(); LandingCore::setEditMode(); $landing = LandingCore::createInstance($lid); if ($landing->exist()) { $blocks = $landing->getBlocks(); if (isset($data['blocks']) && is_array($data['blocks'])) { foreach ($data['blocks'] as $block) { self::deleteBlock($lid, $block); unset($blocks[$block]); } } if (isset($data['images']) && is_array($data['images'])) { foreach ($data['images'] as $item) { if (isset($blocks[$item['block']])) { File::deleteFromBlock($item['block'], $item['image']); } } } $result->setResult(true); } $result->setError($landing->getError()); return $result; } /** * Get available landings. * @param array $params Params ORM array. * @return \Bitrix\Landing\PublicActionResult */ public static function getList($params = array()) { $result = new PublicActionResult(); if (isset($params['get_preview'])) { $preview = !!$params['get_preview']; unset($params['get_preview']); } else { $preview = false; } $params['select'] = ['*']; $params['check_area'] = true; if (isset($params['check_area'])) { $checkArea = !!$params['check_area']; unset($params['check_area']); } else { $checkArea = false; } $data = array(); $res = LandingCore::getList($params); while ($row = $res->fetch()) { if ($preview && isset($row['ID'])) { $landing = LandingCore::createInstance($row['ID']); $row['PREVIEW'] = $landing->getPreview(); } if ($checkArea && isset($row['ID'])) { $data[$row['ID']] = $row; } else { $checkArea = false; $data[] = $row; } } // landing is area? if ($checkArea) { $areas = TemplateRef::landingIsArea( array_keys($data) ); foreach ($areas as $lid => $isA) { $data[$lid]['IS_AREA'] = $isA; } } $result->setResult(array_values($data)); return $result; } /** * Create new landing. * @param array $fields Landing data. * @return \Bitrix\Landing\PublicActionResult */ public static function add($fields) { $result = new PublicActionResult(); $error = new \Bitrix\Landing\Error; $fields = self::clearDisallowFields($fields); $fields['ACTIVE'] = 'N'; $res = LandingCore::add($fields); if ($res->isSuccess()) { $result->setResult($res->getId()); } else { $error->addFromResult($res); $result->setError($error); } return $result; } /** * Update landing. * @param int $lid Landing id. * @param array $fields Landing new data. * @return \Bitrix\Landing\PublicActionResult */ public static function update($lid, $fields) { $result = new PublicActionResult(); $error = new \Bitrix\Landing\Error; $fields = self::clearDisallowFields($fields); $res = LandingCore::update($lid, $fields); if ($res->isSuccess()) { $result->setResult(true); } else { $error->addFromResult($res); $result->setError($error); } return $result; } /** * Delete landing. * @param int $lid Landing id. * @return \Bitrix\Landing\PublicActionResult */ public static function delete($lid) { $result = new PublicActionResult(); $error = new \Bitrix\Landing\Error; $res = LandingCore::delete($lid); if ($res->isSuccess()) { $result->setResult(true); } else { $error->addFromResult($res); $result->setError($error); } return $result; } /** * Copy landing. * @param int $lid Landing id. * @param int $toSiteId Site id (if you want copy in another site). * @return \Bitrix\Landing\PublicActionResult */ public static function copy($lid, $toSiteId = false) { $result = new PublicActionResult(); $error = new \Bitrix\Landing\Error; LandingCore::disableCheckDeleted(); $landingRow = LandingCore::getList(array( 'filter' => array( 'ID' => $lid ) ))->fetch(); $landing = LandingCore::createInstance($lid); if ($landing->exist()) { if (!$toSiteId) { $toSiteId = $landing->getSiteId(); } $res = LandingCore::add(array( 'CODE' => $landingRow['CODE'], 'ACTIVE' => $landingRow['ACTIVE'], 'PUBLIC' => $landingRow['PUBLIC'], 'TITLE' => $landingRow['TITLE'], 'XML_ID' => $landingRow['XML_ID'], 'DESCRIPTION' => $landingRow['DESCRIPTION'], 'TPL_ID' => $landingRow['TPL_ID'], 'SITE_ID' => $toSiteId, 'SITEMAP' => $landingRow['SITEMAP'], 'FOLDER' => $landingRow['FOLDER'], 'FOLDER_ID' => ($toSiteId == $landing->getSiteId()) ? $landingRow['FOLDER_ID'] : null )); // landing allready create, just copy the blocks if ($res->isSuccess()) { LandingCore::setEditMode(); $landingNew = LandingCore::createInstance($res->getId()); if ($landingNew->exist()) { $landingNew->copyAllBlocks($landing->getId()); // copy hook data \Bitrix\Landing\Hook::copyLanding( $landingRow['ID'], $landingNew->getId() ); $result->setResult($landingNew->getId()); } $result->setError( $landingNew->getError() ); } else { $error->addFromResult($res); $result->setError($error); } } $result->setError($landing->getError()); LandingCore::enableCheckDeleted(); return $result; } /** * Mark entity as deleted. * @param int $lid Entity id. * @param boolean $mark Mark. * @return \Bitrix\Landing\PublicActionResult */ public static function markDelete($lid, $mark = true) { $result = new PublicActionResult(); $error = new \Bitrix\Landing\Error; if ($mark) { $res = LandingCore::markDelete($lid); } else { $res = LandingCore::markUnDelete($lid); } if ($res->isSuccess()) { $result->setResult($res->getId()); } else { $error->addFromResult($res); $result->setError($error); } return $result; } /** * Mark entity as undeleted. * @param int $lid Entity id. * @return \Bitrix\Landing\PublicActionResult */ public static function markUnDelete($lid) { return self::markDelete($lid, false); } /** * Upload file by url or from FILE. * @param int $lid Landing id. * @param string $picture File url / file array. * @param string $ext File extension. * @param array $params Some file params. * @return \Bitrix\Landing\PublicActionResult */ public static function uploadFile($lid, $picture, $ext = false, $params = array()) { static $internal = true; $result = new PublicActionResult(); $error = new \Bitrix\Landing\Error; $landing = LandingCore::createInstance($lid); if ($landing->exist()) { $file = Manager::savePicture($picture, $ext, $params); if ($file) { File::addToLanding($lid, $file['ID']); $result->setResult(array( 'id' => $file['ID'], 'src' => $file['SRC'] )); } else { $error->addError( 'FILE_ERROR', Loc::getMessage('LANDING_FILE_ERROR') ); $result->setError($error); } } $result->setError($landing->getError()); return $result; } /** * Set some content to the Head section. * @param int $lid Landing id. * @param $content Some content. * @return \Bitrix\Landing\PublicActionResult */ public static function updateHead($lid, $content) { static $internal = true; $result = new PublicActionResult(); $landing = LandingCore::createInstance($lid); $result->setResult(false); if ($landing->exist()) { // fix module security $content = str_replace('<st yle', '<style', $content); $content = str_replace('<li nk ', '<link ', $content); $fields = array( 'ENTITY_ID' => $lid, 'ENTITY_TYPE' => \Bitrix\Landing\Hook::ENTITY_TYPE_LANDING, 'HOOK' => 'FONTS', 'CODE' => 'CODE' ); $res = HookDataTable::getList(array( 'select' => array( 'ID' ), 'filter' => $fields )); if ($row = $res->fetch()) { HookDataTable::update( $row['ID'], array( 'VALUE' => $content ) ); } else { $fields['VALUE'] = $content; HookDataTable::add($fields); } $result->setResult(true); } $result->setError($landing->getError()); return $result; } }