Direktori : /home/bitrix/www/bitrix/modules/landing/lib/ |
Current File : //home/bitrix/www/bitrix/modules/landing/lib/site.php |
<?php namespace Bitrix\Landing; use \Bitrix\Main\Localization\Loc; Loc::loadMessages(__FILE__); class Site extends \Bitrix\Landing\Internals\BaseTable { /** * Internal class. * @var string */ public static $internalClass = 'SiteTable'; /** * Get public url for site. * @param int $id Site id. * @param boolean $full Return full site url with relative path. * @return string */ public static function getPublicUrl($id, $full = true) { $res = self::getList(array( 'select' => array( 'DOMAIN_PROTOCOL' => 'DOMAIN.PROTOCOL', 'DOMAIN_NAME' => 'DOMAIN.DOMAIN', 'CODE', 'SMN_SITE_ID' ), 'filter' => array( 'ID' => $id, '=DELETED' => ['Y', 'N'] ) )); if ($row = $res->fetch()) { $bitrix24 = Manager::isB24(); if (!$bitrix24) { $pubPath = Manager::getPublicationPath( null, $row['SMN_SITE_ID'] ? $row['SMN_SITE_ID'] : null ); $pubPath = rtrim($pubPath, '/'); } // force https if (Manager::isHttps()) { $row['DOMAIN_PROTOCOL'] = \Bitrix\Landing\Internals\DomainTable::PROTOCOL_HTTPS; } return $row['DOMAIN_PROTOCOL'] . '://' . $row['DOMAIN_NAME'] . (!$bitrix24 ? $pubPath : '') . (!$bitrix24 && $full ? $row['CODE'] : ''); } return ''; } /** * Get hooks of Site. * @param int $id Site id. * @return array Array of Hook. */ public static function getHooks($id) { return Hook::getForSite($id); } /** * Get additional fields of Landing. * @param int $id Landing id. * @return array Array of Field. */ public static function getAdditionalFields($id) { $fields = array(); // now we can get additional fields only from hooks foreach (self::getHooks($id) as $hook) { $fields += $hook->getPageFields(); } return $fields; } /** * Save additional fields for Site. * @param int $id Site id. * @param array $data Data array. * @return void */ public static function saveAdditionalFields($id, array $data) { // now we can get additional fields only from hooks Hook::saveForSite($id, $data); } /** * Get existed site types. * @return array */ public static function getTypes() { static $types = null; if ($types !== null) { return $types; } $types = array( 'PAGE' => Loc::getMessage('LANDING_TYPE_PAGE'), 'STORE' => Loc::getMessage('LANDING_TYPE_STORE'), 'SMN' => Loc::getMessage('LANDING_TYPE_SMN'), 'PREVIEW' => Loc::getMessage('LANDING_TYPE_PREVIEW') ); return $types; } /** * Get default site type. * @return string */ public static function getDefaultType() { return 'PAGE'; } /** * Delete site by id. * @param int $id Site id. * @return \Bitrix\Main\Result */ public static function delete($id) { $result = parent::delete($id); return $result; } /** * Mark entity as deleted. * @param int $id Entity id. * @return \Bitrix\Main\Result */ public static function markDelete($id) { return parent::update($id, array( 'DELETED' => 'Y' )); } /** * Mark entity as restored. * @param int $id Entity id. * @return \Bitrix\Main\Result */ public static function markUnDelete($id) { return parent::update($id, array( 'DELETED' => 'N' )); } /** * Get full data for site with pages. * @param int $siteForExport Site id. * @param array $params Some params. * @return array */ public static function fullExport($siteForExport, $params = array()) { $version = 3;//used in demo/class.php $tplsXml = array(); $export = array(); Landing::setEditMode( isset($params['edit_mode']) && $params['edit_mode'] === 'Y' ); if (!is_array($params)) { $params = array(); } $params['hooks_files'] = array( 'METAOG_IMAGE', 'BACKGROUND_PICTURE' ); // check params if ( !isset($params['hooks_disable']) || !is_array($params['hooks_disable']) ) { $params['hooks_disable'] = array(); } if ( isset($params['code']) && preg_match('/[^a-z0-9]/i', $params['code']) ) { throw new \Bitrix\Main\Config\ConfigurationException( Loc::getMessage('LANDING_EXPORT_ERROR') ); } // additional hooks for disable $params['hooks_disable'][] = 'B24BUTTON_CODE'; $params['hooks_disable'][] = 'FAVICON_PICTURE'; // get all templates $res = Template::getList(array( 'select' => array( 'ID', 'XML_ID' ) )); while ($row = $res->fetch()) { $tplsXml[$row['ID']] = $row['XML_ID']; } // gets pages count $res = Landing::getList(array( 'select' => array( 'CNT' ), 'filter' => array( 'SITE_ID' => $siteForExport ), 'runtime' => array( new \Bitrix\Main\Entity\ExpressionField( 'CNT', 'COUNT(*)' ) ) )); if ($pagesCount = $res->fetch()) { $pagesCount = $pagesCount['CNT']; } else { return array(); } // get all pages from the site $res = Landing::getList(array( 'select' => array( 'ID', 'CODE', 'RULE', 'TITLE', 'DESCRIPTION', 'TPL_ID', 'FOLDER', 'FOLDER_ID', 'SITE_ID', 'SITE_CODE' => 'SITE.CODE', 'SITE_TYPE' => 'SITE.TYPE', 'SITE_TPL_ID' => 'SITE.TPL_ID', 'SITE_TITLE' => 'SITE.TITLE', 'SITE_DESCRIPTION' => 'SITE.DESCRIPTION', 'LANDING_ID_INDEX' => 'SITE.LANDING_ID_INDEX', 'LANDING_ID_404' => 'SITE.LANDING_ID_404' ), 'filter' => array( 'SITE_ID' => $siteForExport, //'=ACTIVE' => 'Y', //'=SITE.ACTIVE' => 'Y' ), 'order' => array( 'ID' => 'asc' ) )); if (!($row = $res->fetch())) { return array(); } do { if (empty($export)) { $export = array( 'code' => isset($params['code']) ? $params['code'] : trim($row['SITE_CODE'], '/'), 'code_mainpage' => '', 'name' => isset($params['name']) ? $params['name'] : $row['SITE_TITLE'], 'description' => isset($params['description']) ? $params['description'] : $row['SITE_DESCRIPTION'], 'preview' => isset($params['preview']) ? $params['preview'] : '', 'preview2x' => isset($params['preview2x']) ? $params['preview2x'] : '', 'preview3x' => isset($params['preview3x']) ? $params['preview3x'] : '', 'preview_url' => isset($params['preview_url']) ? $params['preview_url'] : '', 'show_in_list' => 'Y', 'type' => strtolower($row['SITE_TYPE']), 'version' => $version, 'fields' => array( 'ADDITIONAL_FIELDS' => array(), 'TITLE' => isset($params['name']) ? $params['name'] : $row['SITE_TITLE'], 'LANDING_ID_INDEX' => $row['LANDING_ID_INDEX'], 'LANDING_ID_404' => $row['LANDING_ID_404'] ), 'layout' => array(), 'folders' => array(), 'syspages' => array(), 'items' => array() ); // site tpl if ($row['SITE_TPL_ID']) { $export['layout'] = array( 'code' => $tplsXml[$row['SITE_TPL_ID']], 'ref' => TemplateRef::getForSite($row['SITE_ID']) ); } // sys pages foreach (Syspage::get($siteForExport) as $syspage) { $export['syspages'][$syspage['TYPE']] = $syspage['LANDING_ID']; } // site hooks $hookFields = &$export['fields']['ADDITIONAL_FIELDS']; foreach (Hook::getForSite($row['SITE_ID']) as $hCode => $hook) { if ($hCode == 'SETTINGS') { continue; } foreach ($hook->getFields() as $fCode => $field) { $hCodeFull = $hCode . '_' . $fCode; if (!in_array($hCodeFull, $params['hooks_disable'])) { $hookFields[$hCodeFull] = $field->getValue(); if (!$hookFields[$hCodeFull]) { unset($hookFields[$hCodeFull]); } else if ( in_array($hCodeFull, $params['hooks_files']) && intval($hookFields[$hCodeFull]) > 0 ) { $hookFields[$hCodeFull] = File::getFilePath( $hookFields[$hCodeFull] ); if ($hookFields[$hCodeFull]) { $hookFields[$hCodeFull] = Manager::getUrlFromFile( $hookFields[$hCodeFull] ); } } } } } unset($hookFields); } // fill one page $export['items'][$row['ID']] = array( 'old_id' => $row['ID'], 'code' => $pagesCount > 1 ? $export['code'] . '/' . $row['CODE'] : $export['code'], 'name' => (isset($params['name']) && $pagesCount == 1) ? $params['name'] : $row['TITLE'], 'description' => (isset($params['description']) && $pagesCount == 1) ? $params['description'] : $row['DESCRIPTION'], 'preview' => (isset($params['preview']) && $pagesCount == 1) ? $params['preview'] : '', 'preview2x' => (isset($params['preview2x']) && $pagesCount == 1) ? $params['preview2x'] : '', 'preview3x' => (isset($params['preview3x']) && $pagesCount == 1) ? $params['preview3x'] : '', 'preview_url' => (isset($params['preview_url']) && $pagesCount == 1) ? $params['preview_url'] : '', 'show_in_list' => ($pagesCount == 1) ? 'Y' : 'N', 'type' => strtolower($row['SITE_TYPE']), 'version' => $version, 'fields' => array( 'TITLE' => (isset($params['name']) && $pagesCount == 1) ? $params['name'] : $row['TITLE'], 'RULE' => $row['RULE'], 'ADDITIONAL_FIELDS' => array(), ), 'layout' => $row['TPL_ID'] ? array( 'code' => $tplsXml[$row['TPL_ID']], 'ref' => TemplateRef::getForLanding($row['ID']) ) : array(), 'items' => array() ); // special code for index page if ( $pagesCount > 1 && $row['LANDING_ID_INDEX'] == $row['ID'] ) { $export['code_mainpage'] = $row['CODE']; } // special pages if ($row['LANDING_ID_INDEX'] == $row['ID']) { $export['fields']['LANDING_ID_INDEX'] = $export['items'][$row['ID']]['code']; } if ($row['LANDING_ID_404'] == $row['ID']) { $export['fields']['LANDING_ID_404'] = $export['items'][$row['ID']]['code']; } // page hooks $hookFields = &$export['items'][$row['ID']]['fields']['ADDITIONAL_FIELDS']; foreach (Hook::getForLanding($row['ID']) as $hCode => $hook) { if ($hCode == 'SETTINGS') { continue; } foreach ($hook->getFields() as $fCode => $field) { $hCodeFull = $hCode . '_' . $fCode; if (!in_array($hCodeFull, $params['hooks_disable'])) { $hookFields[$hCodeFull] = $field->getValue(); if (!$hookFields[$hCodeFull]) { unset($hookFields[$hCodeFull]); } else if ( in_array($hCodeFull, $params['hooks_files']) && intval($hookFields[$hCodeFull]) > 0 ) { $hookFields[$hCodeFull] = File::getFilePath( $hookFields[$hCodeFull] ); if ($hookFields[$hCodeFull]) { $hookFields[$hCodeFull] = Manager::getUrlFromFile( $hookFields[$hCodeFull] ); } } } } } unset($hookFields); // folders if ($row['FOLDER'] == 'Y') { if (!isset($export['folders'][$row['ID']])) { $export['folders'][$row['ID']] = array(); } } elseif ($row['FOLDER_ID']) { if (!isset($export['folders'][$row['FOLDER_ID']])) { $export['folders'][$row['FOLDER_ID']] = array(); } $export['folders'][$row['FOLDER_ID']][] = $row['ID']; } // fill page with blocks $landing = Landing::createInstance($row['ID']); if ($landing->exist()) { foreach ($landing->getBlocks() as $block) { if (!$block->isActive()) { continue; } $cards = array(); $nodes = array(); $styles = array(); $allAttrs = array(); $doc = $block->getDom(); $manifest = $block->getManifest(); // get actual cards content if (isset($manifest['cards'])) { foreach ($manifest['cards'] as $selector => $node) { $cards[$selector] = [ 'source' => [] ]; $resultList = $doc->querySelectorAll($selector); $resultListCnt = count($resultList); foreach ($resultList as $pos => $result) { $cards[$selector]['source'][$pos] = array( 'value' => $result->getAttribute('data-card-preset'), 'type' => Block::PRESET_SYM_CODE ); if (!$cards[$selector]['source'][$pos]['value']) { //@tmp for menu first item if (strpos($block->getCode(), 'menu') !== false) { $cards[$selector]['source'][$pos]['value'] = $resultListCnt > 0 ? 1 : 0; } else { $cards[$selector]['source'][$pos]['value'] = 0; } $cards[$selector]['source'][$pos]['type'] = Block::CARD_SYM_CODE; } } // attrs if ( isset($node['additional']['attrs']) && is_array($node['additional']['attrs']) ) { foreach ($node['additional']['attrs'] as $attr) { if (isset($attr['attribute'])) { if (!isset($allAttrs[$selector])) { $allAttrs[$selector] = []; } $allAttrs[$selector][] = $attr['attribute']; } } } } } // get actual data from nodes if (isset($manifest['nodes'])) { foreach ($manifest['nodes'] as $selector => $node) { $class = '\\Bitrix\\Landing\\Node\\' . $node['type']; $nodes[$selector] = $class::getNode($block, $selector); } } // get actual css from nodes if (isset($manifest['style']['nodes'])) { foreach ($manifest['style']['nodes'] as $selector => $node) { $styles[$selector] = array(); $resultList = $doc->querySelectorAll($selector); foreach ($resultList as $pos => $result) { if ($result->getNodeType() == $result::ELEMENT_NODE) { $styles[$selector][$pos] = $result->getClassName(); } } if (empty($styles[$selector])) { unset($styles[$selector]); } // attrs if ( isset($node['additional']['attrs']) && is_array($node['additional']['attrs']) ) { foreach ($node['additional']['attrs'] as $attr) { if (isset($attr['attribute'])) { if (!isset($allAttrs[$selector])) { $allAttrs[$selector] = []; } $allAttrs[$selector][] = $attr['attribute']; } } } } } // get actual css from block wrapper if (isset($manifest['style']['block'])) { $resultList = array( array_pop($doc->getChildNodesArray()) ); foreach ($resultList as $pos => $result) { if ($result && $result->getNodeType() == $result::ELEMENT_NODE) { $styles['#wrapper'][$pos] = $result->getClassName(); } } } // attrs if ( isset($manifest['style']['block']['additional']['attrs']) && is_array($manifest['style']['block']['additional']['attrs']) ) { $selector = '#wrapper'; foreach ($manifest['style']['block']['additional']['attrs'] as $attr) { if (isset($attr['attribute'])) { if (!isset($allAttrs[$selector])) { $allAttrs[$selector] = []; } $allAttrs[$selector][] = $attr['attribute']; } } } // get actual attrs from nodes if (isset($manifest['attrs'])) { foreach ($manifest['attrs'] as $selector => $item) { if (isset($item['attribute'])) { if (!isset($allAttrs[$selector])) { $allAttrs[$selector] = []; } $allAttrs[$selector][] = $item['attribute']; } else if (is_array($item)) { foreach ($item as $itemAttr) { if (isset($itemAttr['attribute'])) { if (!isset($allAttrs[$selector])) { $allAttrs[$selector] = []; } $allAttrs[$selector][] = $itemAttr['attribute']; } } } } } // remove some system attrs if (isset($allAttrs['.bitrix24forms'])) { unset($allAttrs['.bitrix24forms']); } // collect attrs $allAttrsNew = []; if (isset($allAttrs['#wrapper'])) { $allAttrsNew['#wrapper'] = []; $resultList = array( array_pop($doc->getChildNodesArray()) ); foreach ($resultList as $pos => $result) { foreach ($allAttrs['#wrapper'] as $attrKey) { if (!isset($allAttrsNew['#wrapper'][$pos])) { $allAttrsNew['#wrapper'][$pos] = []; } $allAttrsNew['#wrapper'][$pos][$attrKey] = $result->getAttribute($attrKey); } } unset($allAttrs['#wrapper']); } foreach ($allAttrs as $selector => $attr) { $resultList = $doc->querySelectorAll($selector); foreach ($resultList as $pos => $result) { if (!isset($allAttrsNew[$selector])) { $allAttrsNew[$selector] = []; } if (!isset($allAttrsNew[$selector][$pos])) { $allAttrsNew[$selector][$pos] = []; } foreach ($attr as $attrKey) { $allAttrsNew[$selector][$pos][$attrKey] = $result->getAttribute($attrKey); } unset($attrVal); } } $allAttrs = $allAttrsNew; unset($allAttrsNew); // repo blocks $repoBlock = array(); if ($block->getRepoId()) { $repoBlock = Repo::getBlock( $block->getRepoId() ); if ($repoBlock) { $repoBlock = array( 'app_code' => $repoBlock['block']['app_code'], 'xml_id' => $repoBlock['block']['xml_id'] ); } } $exportItem = array( 'old_id' => $block->getId(), 'code' => $block->getCode(), 'access' => $block->getAccess(), 'anchor' => $block->getLocalAnchor(), 'repo_block' => $repoBlock, 'cards' => $cards, 'nodes' => $nodes, 'style' => $styles, 'attrs' => $allAttrs ); foreach ($exportItem as $key => $item) { if (!$item) { unset($exportItem[$key]); } } $export['items'][$row['ID']]['items']['#block' . $block->getId()] = $exportItem; } } } while ($row = $res->fetch()); if ($export['code_mainpage']) { $export['code'] = $export['code'] . '/' . $export['code_mainpage']; } unset($export['code_mainpage']); $pages = $export['items']; $export['items'] = array(); // prepare for export tpls if (isset($export['layout']['ref'])) { foreach ($export['layout']['ref'] as &$lid) { if (isset($pages[$lid])) { $lid = $pages[$lid]['code']; } } unset($lid); } // ... folders $newFolders = array(); foreach ($export['folders'] as $lid => $infolder) { if (isset($pages[$lid])) { $export['folders'][$pages[$lid]['code']] = array(); foreach ($infolder as $flid) { if (isset($pages[$flid])) { $export['folders'][$pages[$lid]['code']][] = $pages[$flid]['code']; } } } unset($export['folders'][$lid]); } // ... syspages foreach ($export['syspages'] as &$lid) { if (isset($pages[$lid])) { $lid = $pages[$lid]['code']; } } unset($lid); // ... pages foreach ($pages as $page) { if (isset($page['layout']['ref'])) { foreach ($page['layout']['ref'] as &$lid) { if (isset($pages[$lid])) { $lid = $pages[$lid]['code']; } } unset($lid); } $export['items'][$page['code']] = $page; } return $export; } /** * Get md5 hash for site, using http host. * @param int $id Site id. * @param string Domain name for this site. * @return string */ public static function getPublicHash($id, $domain = null) { static $hashes = []; static $domains = []; if (isset($hashes[$id])) { return $hashes[$id]; } $hash = []; if (Manager::isB24()) { $hash[] = Manager::getHttpHost(); } else { // detect domain if ($domain === null) { if (!isset($domains[$id])) { $domains[$id] = ''; $res = self::getList(array( 'select' => array( 'SITE_DOMAIN' => 'DOMAIN.DOMAIN' ), 'filter' => array( 'ID' => $id ) )); if ($row = $res->fetch()) { $domains[$id] = $row['SITE_DOMAIN']; } } $domain = $domains[$id]; } $hash[] = $domain; } $hash[] = rtrim(Manager::getPublicationPath($id), '/'); if (!Manager::isB24()) { $hash[] = LICENSE_KEY; } $hashes[$id] = md5(implode('', $hash)); return $hashes[$id]; } /** * Event handler for check existing pages of main module's site. * @param string Main site id. * @return bool */ public static function onBeforeMainSiteDelete($siteId) { $res = Landing::getList(array( 'select' => array( 'ID' ), 'filter' => array( '=SITE.SMN_SITE_ID' => $siteId ) )); if ($res->fetch()) { Manager::getApplication()->throwException( Loc::getMessage('LANDING_CLB_ERROR_DELETE_SMN'), 'ERROR_DELETE_SMN' ); return false; } return true; } /** * Event handler for delete pages of main module's site. * @param string Main site id. * @return void */ public static function onMainSiteDelete($siteId) { $realSiteId = null; // delete pages $res = Landing::getList(array( 'select' => array( 'ID', 'SITE_ID' ), 'filter' => array( '=SITE.SMN_SITE_ID' => $siteId, '=SITE.DELETED' => ['Y', 'N'], '=DELETED' => ['Y', 'N'] ) )); while ($row = $res->fetch()) { $realSiteId = $row['SITE_ID']; Landing::delete($row['ID'], true); } // detect site if (!$realSiteId) { $res = self::getList(array( 'select' => array( 'ID' ), 'filter' => array( '=SMN_SITE_ID' => $siteId, '=DELETED' => ['Y', 'N'] ) )); if ($row = $res->fetch()) { $realSiteId = $row['ID']; } } // and delete site if ($realSiteId) { self::delete($realSiteId); } } }