Direktori : /home/bitrix/www/bitrix/modules/learning/admin/ |
Current File : //home/bitrix/www/bitrix/modules/learning/admin/learn_unilesson_edit.php |
<?php /** * This file is modified admin_lesson_edit.php (with added additional field for 'CODE' from admin_chapter_edit.php). * */ require_once($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . '/bitrix/modules/main/include/prolog_admin_before.php'); if (!CModule::IncludeModule('learning')) { require($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . '/bitrix/modules/main/include/prolog_admin_after.php'); // second system's prolog if (IsModuleInstalled('learning') && defined('LEARNING_FAILED_TO_LOAD_REASON')) echo LEARNING_FAILED_TO_LOAD_REASON; else CAdminMessage::ShowMessage(GetMessage('LEARNING_MODULE_NOT_FOUND')); require($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . '/bitrix/modules/main/include/epilog_admin.php'); // system's epilog exit(); } require_once($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . '/bitrix/modules/learning/prolog.php'); IncludeModuleLangFile($_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"].BX_ROOT."/modules/learning/options.php"); IncludeModuleLangFile(__FILE__); $APPLICATION->AddHeadScript('/bitrix/js/learning/rights_edit.js'); $aContext = array(); $oAccess = CLearnAccess::GetInstance($USER->GetID()); ClearVars(); $message = null; $bVarsFromForm = false; $LESSON_ID = intval($LESSON_ID); if (isset($g_learn_parentLessonId)) unset($g_learn_parentLessonId); if (isset($g_learn_currentLessonPath)) unset($g_learn_currentLessonPath); if (isset($g_learn_parentLessonPath)) unset($g_learn_parentLessonPath); if (isset($_POST['LESSON_PATH']) || isset($_GET['LESSON_PATH'])) { if (isset($_POST['LESSON_PATH'])) $g_learn_currentLessonPath = $_POST['LESSON_PATH']; else $g_learn_currentLessonPath = $_GET['LESSON_PATH']; $oPath = new CLearnPath(); $oPath->ImportUrlencoded ($g_learn_currentLessonPath); $arPath = $oPath->GetPathAsArray(); if (count($arPath) >= 2) { // pop current lesson id array_pop ($arPath); // remember parent path $oParentPath = new CLearnPath(); $oParentPath->SetPathFromArray($arPath); $g_learn_parentLessonPath = urldecode($oParentPath->ExportUrlencoded()); // pop parent lesson id $g_learn_parentLessonId = array_pop ($arPath); // If lesson was edited and unlinked from parent $g_parentLessonId // we must cleanup LESSON_PATH. Also we must cleanup lesson path if // it is wrong due to other reasons. // $arEdgesToParents = CLearnLesson::ListImmediateParents($LESSON_ID); // // $isLinkToParentFound = true; // foreach ($arEdgesToParents as $arEdgeToParent) // { // if ( (int) $arEdgeToParent['PARENT_LESSON'] === (int) $g_learn_parentLessonId ) // $isLinkToParentFound = true; // } // // if ( ! $isLinkToParentFound ) // { // if (isset($_POST['LESSON_PATH'])) // unset ($_POST['LESSON_PATH']); // // if (isset($_GET['LESSON_PATH'])) // unset ($_GET['LESSON_PATH']); // // unset ($g_learn_parentLessonId, $g_learn_parentLessonPath, $g_learn_currentLessonPath); // } } unset ($oPath, $oParentPath, $arPath); } // This argument transmitted when pended new lesson creation if (isset($_GET['PROPOSE_RETURN_LESSON_PATH'])) { if (isset($g_learn_parentLessonPath)) { throw new LearnException ( 'EA_LOGIC: PROPOSE_RETURN_LESSON_PATH and ' . 'LESSON_PATH are mutually exclusive arguments.', LearnException::EXC_ERR_ALL_LOGIC); } $g_learn_parentLessonPath = $_GET['PROPOSE_RETURN_LESSON_PATH']; $oPath = new CLearnPath(); $oPath->ImportUrlencoded ($g_learn_parentLessonPath); $g_learn_parentLessonId = $oPath->GetBottom(); if ($g_learn_parentLessonId === false) { throw new LearnException ( 'EA_LOGIC: PROPOSE_RETURN_LESSON_PATH given, ' . 'but there is no parent lesson in path', LearnException::EXC_ERR_ALL_LOGIC); } } // Place to $topCourseLessonId lesson id of top course, if top lesson is course. $topCourseLessonId = false; if (isset($g_learn_parentLessonPath) && strlen($g_learn_parentLessonPath)) { try { $oPath = new CLearnPath(); $oPath->ImportUrlencoded ($g_learn_parentLessonPath); $topLessonId = $oPath->GetTop(); // Is lesson the course? if (CLearnLesson::GetLinkedCourse($topLessonId) !== false) $topCourseLessonId = $topLessonId; } catch (Exception $e) { $topCourseLessonId = false; } unset ($oPath, $topLessonId); } // This argument can be transmitted on POST submit of form when creating new lesson if (isset($_GET['PARENT_LESSON_ID'])) $_POST['PARENT_LESSON_ID'] = $_GET['PARENT_LESSON_ID']; if (isset($_POST['PARENT_LESSON_ID'])) { $g_learn_parentLessonId = $_POST['PARENT_LESSON_ID']; } $createNewLesson = false; if ($_SERVER["REQUEST_METHOD"] == "POST" && strlen($Update)>0 && check_bitrix_sessid()) { $arEdgeProperties = array(); if ($LESSON_ID == 0) $createNewLesson = true; $was_errors = false; // Block 1: params, preview_text and detail_text if (array_key_exists('NAME', $_POST) && array_key_exists('DETAIL_TEXT', $_POST) ) { if ( (($LESSON_ID == 0) && $oAccess->IsBaseAccess(CLearnAccess::OP_LESSON_CREATE)) || (($LESSON_ID != 0) && $oAccess->IsLessonAccessible ($LESSON_ID, CLearnAccess::OP_LESSON_WRITE)) ) { $arPREVIEW_PICTURE = $_FILES["PREVIEW_PICTURE"]; $arPREVIEW_PICTURE["del"] = ${"PREVIEW_PICTURE_del"}; $arPREVIEW_PICTURE["MODULE_ID"] = "learning"; $arPREVIEW_PICTURE["description"] = ${"PREVIEW_PICTURE_descr"}; $arDETAIL_PICTURE = $_FILES["DETAIL_PICTURE"]; $arDETAIL_PICTURE["del"] = ${"DETAIL_PICTURE_del"}; $arDETAIL_PICTURE["MODULE_ID"] = "learning"; $arDETAIL_PICTURE["description"] = ${"DETAIL_PICTURE_descr"}; // If we are in context of parent lesson => there is edge params if (isset($g_learn_parentLessonId)) { $arEdgeProperties = array( 'SORT' => $_POST['EDGE_SORT'] ); } $arFields = Array( "ACTIVE" => ( ($ACTIVE !== 'Y') ? 'N' : 'Y'), "NAME" => $NAME, "KEYWORDS" => $KEYWORDS, "CODE" => $CODE, "DETAIL_PICTURE" => $arDETAIL_PICTURE, "DETAIL_TEXT" => $DETAIL_TEXT, "DETAIL_TEXT_TYPE" => $DETAIL_TEXT_TYPE, "PREVIEW_PICTURE" => $arPREVIEW_PICTURE, "PREVIEW_TEXT" => $PREVIEW_TEXT, "PREVIEW_TEXT_TYPE" => $PREVIEW_TEXT_TYPE ); if ($CONTENT_SOURCE == "file") { $arFields["DETAIL_TEXT_TYPE"] = "file"; $arFields["LAUNCH"] = $LAUNCH; } $USER_FIELD_MANAGER->EditFormAddFields('LEARNING_LESSONS', $arFields); $res = true; try { if ($LESSON_ID > 0) { $res = CLearnLesson::Update($LESSON_ID, $arFields); // If we are in context of parent lesson => update edges properties if ($res && isset($g_learn_parentLessonId) && $g_learn_parentLessonId > 0) { CLearnLesson::RelationUpdate ( $g_learn_parentLessonId, $LESSON_ID, $arEdgeProperties); } } else { // If we are in context of parent lesson => create linked lesson if (isset($g_learn_parentLessonId) && $g_learn_parentLessonId > 0) { $arNewEdgeProperties = array('SORT' => 500); if (isset($arEdgeProperties['SORT'])) $arNewEdgeProperties['SORT'] = $arEdgeProperties['SORT']; $LESSON_ID = CLearnLesson::Add( $arFields, false, // is course? $g_learn_parentLessonId, $arNewEdgeProperties); } else { $LESSON_ID = CLearnLesson::Add($arFields); } $res = ($LESSON_ID > 0); } // PUBLISH_PROHIBITED available in context of most parent course only if ( ($LESSON_ID > 0) && ($topCourseLessonId !== false) ) { $isProhibited = false; if ($_POST['PUBLISH_PROHIBITED'] === 'Y') $isProhibited = true; CLearnLesson::PublishProhibitionSetTo( $LESSON_ID, $topCourseLessonId, $isProhibited); } } catch (Exception $e) { $res = false; } if(!$res) { if($e = $APPLICATION->GetException()) $message = new CAdminMessage(GetMessage("LEARNING_ERROR"), $e); else $message = new CAdminMessage(GetMessage("LEARNING_ERROR")); $bVarsFromForm = true; $was_errors = true; } } else { if($e = $APPLICATION->GetException()) $message = new CAdminMessage(GetMessage("LEARNING_ERROR") . ': ' . GetMessage('LEARNING_ACCESS_D_FOR_EDIT_CONTENT'), $e); else $message = new CAdminMessage(GetMessage("LEARNING_ERROR") . ': ' . GetMessage('LEARNING_ACCESS_D_FOR_EDIT_CONTENT')); $bVarsFromForm = true; $res = false; $was_errors = true; } } // Block 2: relations (there is will be silently ignoring on insuficient permissions) // Process relations, data submitted from CLearnRelationHelper::RenderForm() if ( ( ! $createNewLesson ) && ($LESSON_ID > 0) && ( ! isset($_REQUEST['SKIP_RELATIONS_SAVING']) ) ) { $sort = false; // default sort order will be used for new edges if (isset($_POST['EDGE_SORT']) && ($_POST['EDGE_SORT'] > 0)) $sort = (int) $_POST['EDGE_SORT']; CLearnRelationHelper::ProccessPOST($oAccess, $LESSON_ID, $sort); } // Block 3: permissions if ( array_key_exists('LESSON_RIGHTS_marker', $_POST) && ($LESSON_ID > 0) && ( ! isset($_REQUEST['SKIP_RIGHTS_SAVING']) ) ) { $res = true; try { // Work with permissions if ($oAccess->IsLessonAccessible ($LESSON_ID, CLearnAccess::OP_LESSON_MANAGE_RIGHTS)) { // Process permissions $arPostedRights = array(); if (is_array($_POST['LESSON_RIGHTS'])) $arPostedRights = $_POST['LESSON_RIGHTS']; $arAccessSymbols = array(); $arTaskIds = array(); foreach ($arPostedRights as $key => $arData) { if (isset($arData['GROUP_CODE'])) $arAccessSymbols[] = $arData['GROUP_CODE']; elseif (isset($arData['TASK_ID'])) $arTaskIds[] = $arData['TASK_ID']; } if (count($arAccessSymbols) !== count($arTaskIds)) throw new LearnException('', LearnException::EXC_ERR_ALL_LOGIC | LearnException::EXC_ERR_ALL_GIVEUP); $arPermPairs = array(); if (count($arAccessSymbols) > 0) $arPermPairs = array_combine($arAccessSymbols, $arTaskIds); if ($arPermPairs === false) $arPermPairs = array(); // Save permissions $oAccess->SetLessonsPermissions (array($LESSON_ID => $arPermPairs)); } else { if($e = $APPLICATION->GetException()) $message = new CAdminMessage(GetMessage("LEARNING_ERROR") . ': ' . GetMessage('LEARNING_ACCESS_D_FOR_MANAGE_RIGHTS'), $e); else $message = new CAdminMessage(GetMessage("LEARNING_ERROR") . ': ' . GetMessage('LEARNING_ACCESS_D_FOR_MANAGE_RIGHTS')); $bVarsFromForm = true; $res = false; $was_errors = true; } } catch (Exception $e) { $res = false; $was_errors = true; } } if ( ! $was_errors ) { $currentLessonPath = ""; if (isset($g_learn_currentLessonPath)) { $currentLessonPath = $g_learn_currentLessonPath.($createNewLesson && $LESSON_ID > 0 ? ".".$LESSON_ID : ""); } if (strlen($apply) <= 0) { if (strlen($return_url) > 0) { LocalRedirect( str_replace( array("#LESSON_ID#", "#LESSON_PATH#"), array($LESSON_ID, $currentLessonPath), $return_url ) ); } else { $uriParentLessonPath = ""; if (!$createNewLesson && isset($g_learn_parentLessonPath)) { $uriParentLessonPath = '&LESSON_PATH=' . urlencode($g_learn_parentLessonPath); } elseif (isset($g_learn_currentLessonPath)) { $uriParentLessonPath = '&LESSON_PATH=' . urlencode($g_learn_currentLessonPath); } LocalRedirect( "/bitrix/admin/learn_unilesson_admin.php?lang=".LANG. "&PARENT_LESSON_ID=".intval(isset($g_learn_parentLessonId) ? $g_learn_parentLessonId : 0). $uriParentLessonPath. GetFilterParams("filter_", false, array()) ); } } LocalRedirect("/bitrix/admin/learn_unilesson_edit.php?lang=" . LANG . "&LESSON_ID=" . ($LESSON_ID + 0) . "&LESSON_PATH=". urlencode($currentLessonPath) . "&lessonTabControl_active_tab=" . urlencode($_REQUEST['lessonTabControl_active_tab']) . GetFilterParams("filter_", false)); } } $bBadCourse = false; $isBtnsDisabled = true; if (($LESSON_ID > 0) && $oAccess->IsLessonAccessible ($LESSON_ID, CLearnAccess::OP_LESSON_WRITE)) { $isBtnsDisabled = false; } elseif ($LESSON_ID == 0) { if (isset($g_learn_parentLessonId) && $g_learn_parentLessonId > 0) { if ($oAccess->IsBaseAccess(CLearnAccess::OP_LESSON_LINK_DESCENDANTS | CLearnAccess::OP_LESSON_LINK_TO_PARENTS) || ( $oAccess->IsLessonAccessible($g_learn_parentLessonId, CLearnAccess::OP_LESSON_LINK_DESCENDANTS) && $oAccess->IsBaseAccessForCR(CLearnAccess::OP_LESSON_LINK_TO_PARENTS) )) { $isBtnsDisabled = false; } } else { if ($oAccess->IsBaseAccess (CLearnAccess::OP_LESSON_CREATE)) { $isBtnsDisabled = false; } } } elseif ( ($LESSON_ID > 0) && CLearnAccessMacroses::CanUserEditLessonRights (array('lesson_id' => $LESSON_ID)) ) { $isBtnsDisabled = false; } elseif ( ($LESSON_ID > 0) && CLearnAccessMacroses::CanUserPerformAtLeastOneRelationAction (array('lesson_id' => $LESSON_ID)) ) { $isBtnsDisabled = false; } if (($LESSON_ID > 0) && $oAccess->IsLessonAccessible ($LESSON_ID, CLearnAccess::OP_LESSON_READ)) $APPLICATION->SetTitle(GetMessage("LEARNING_LESSONS").": ".GetMessage("LEARNING_EDIT_TITLE")); elseif (($LESSON_ID == 0) && $oAccess->IsBaseAccess(CLearnAccess::OP_LESSON_CREATE)) $APPLICATION->SetTitle(GetMessage('LEARNING_LESSONS').": ".GetMessage("LEARNING_NEW_TITLE")); else $bBadCourse = true; //Defaults $str_ACTIVE = "Y"; $str_DETAIL_TEXT_TYPE = $str_PREVIEW_TEXT_TYPE = "text"; $str_EDGE_SORT = '500'; $str_PUBLISH_PROHIBITED = 'N'; // Are we in context of parent lesson? $result = false; if (isset($g_learn_parentLessonId)) { $str_PARENT_LESSON_ID = $g_learn_parentLessonId; if ($LESSON_ID > 0) { // Get lesson data as immediate child of parent lesson. // It needs for getting edges data (SORT). $result = CLearnLesson::GetListOfImmediateChilds( $str_PARENT_LESSON_ID, // parent of current lesson array(), // sort order array('LESSON_ID' => $LESSON_ID)); // get data for current lesson only } } else { if (isset($str_PARENT_LESSON_ID)) unset ($str_PARENT_LESSON_ID); if ($LESSON_ID > 0) $result = CLearnLesson::GetByID($LESSON_ID); } // Now $str_PARENT_LESSON_ID exists only if in GET and/or POST request was PARENT_LESSON_ID if (($topCourseLessonId !== false) && ($LESSON_ID > 0)) { if (CLearnLesson::IsPublishProhibited($LESSON_ID, $topCourseLessonId)) $str_PUBLISH_PROHIBITED = 'Y'; } if( ! ($result && $result->ExtractFields("str_")) ) $LESSON_ID = 0; if ($bVarsFromForm) { $ACTIVE = ($ACTIVE != "Y"? "N":"Y"); /** * Resolving dependencies for new data structure * was: * $DB->InitTableVarsForEdit("b_learn_lesson", "", "str_"); */ $arVarsOnForm = array ( 'TIMESTAMP_X', 'ACTIVE', 'CODE', 'NAME', 'KEYWORDS', 'PREVIEW_TEXT', 'PREVIEW_TEXT_TYPE', 'DETAIL_TEXT', 'DETAIL_TEXT_TYPE', 'LAUNCH'); // Only in context of parent lesson if (isset($str_PARENT_LESSON_ID)) { $arVarsOnForm[] = 'EDGE_SORT'; } // Only in context of most top course if ($topCourseLessonId !== false) $arVarsOnForm[] = 'PUBLISH_PROHIBITED'; foreach ($arVarsOnForm as $k => $varName) { if (!is_array(${$varName})) ${'str_' . $varName} = htmlspecialcharsbx(${$varName}); else { $tmp = array(); foreach (${$varName} as $key => $value) $tmp[$key] = htmlspecialcharsbx($value); ${'str_' . $varName} = $tmp; unset ($tmp); } } } $aTabs = array( array( "DIV" => "edit1", "ICON"=>"main_user_edit", "TAB" => GetMessage("LEARNING_EDIT_PARAM_SECTION"), "TITLE"=>GetMessage("LEARNING_EDIT_PARAM_SECTION") ), array( "DIV" => "edit2", "ICON"=>"main_user_edit", "TAB" => GetMessage("LEARNING_ADMIN_TAB2"), "TITLE"=>GetMessage("LEARNING_ADMIN_TAB2_EX") ), array( "DIV" => "edit3", "ICON"=>"main_user_edit", "TAB" => GetMessage("LEARNING_ADMIN_TAB3"), "TITLE"=>GetMessage("LEARNING_ADMIN_TAB3_EX") ) ); if (($LESSON_ID > 0) && CLearnAccessMacroses::CanUserViewLessonRelations (array('lesson_id' => $LESSON_ID))) { $arOPathes = CLearnLesson::GetListOfParentPathes($LESSON_ID); $tabName = GetMessage("LEARNING_ADMIN_TAB4"); $aTabs[] = array( "DIV" => "edit4", "ICON"=>"main_user_edit", "TAB" => $tabName, "TITLE"=>GetMessage("LEARNING_ADMIN_TAB4_EX") ); } if (($LESSON_ID > 0) && CLearnAccessMacroses::CanUserViewLessonRights (array('lesson_id' => $LESSON_ID))) { $aTabs[] = array( "DIV" => "edit5", "ICON"=>"main_user_edit", "TAB" => GetMessage("LEARNING_PERMISSIONS"), "TITLE"=>GetMessage("LEARNING_PERMISSIONS") ); } $aTabs[] = $USER_FIELD_MANAGER->EditFormTab('LEARNING_LESSONS'); //$tabControl = new CAdminTabControl("lessonTabControl", $aTabs); $tabControl = new CAdminForm("lessonTabControl", $aTabs); require($_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"]."/bitrix/modules/main/include/prolog_admin_after.php"); if ($message) echo $message->Show(); if (!$bBadCourse): // Back to lessons list available only if there is parentLessonPath exists if (isset($g_learn_parentLessonPath)) { $aContext = array( array( "ICON" => "btn_list", "TEXT" => GetMessage("MAIN_ADMIN_MENU_LIST"), "LINK" => "learn_unilesson_admin.php?lang=" . LANG . "&LESSON_PATH=" . urlencode($g_learn_parentLessonPath) . GetFilterParams("filter_"), "TITLE" => GetMessage("MAIN_ADMIN_MENU_LIST") ), ); } else { // To all lessons list $aContext = array( array( 'ICON' => 'btn_list', 'TEXT' => GetMessage('LEARNING_ALL_LESSONS'), 'LINK' => 'learn_unilesson_admin.php?lang=' . LANG . '&set_filter=Y' . '&PARENT_LESSON_ID=-2', // magic number '-2' is means 'List lessons, without relation to parent' 'TITLE' => GetMessage('LEARNING_ALL_LESSONS') ) ); } if ($LESSON_ID > 0) { $aContext[] = array( "ICON" => "btn_delete", "TEXT" => GetMessage("MAIN_ADMIN_MENU_DELETE"), "LINK" => "javascript:if(confirm('" . GetMessage("LEARNING_CONFIRM_DEL_MESSAGE") . "'))window.location='learn_unilesson_admin.php?lang=" . LANG . "&action=delete&ID=" . $LESSON_ID . '' . "&" . bitrix_sessid_get() . urlencode(GetFilterParams("filter_", false)) . "';", ); /* // If we are in context of parent lesson - we can unlink current lesson from parent if (isset($g_learn_parentLessonId)) { $aContext[] = array( "ICON" => "btn_delete", "TEXT" => GetMessage("LEARNING_UNLINK_LESSON_FROM_PARENT"), "LINK" => "javascript:if(confirm('" . GetMessage("LEARNING_CONFIRM_UNLINK_LESSON_FROM_PARENT") . "'))window.location='learn_unilesson_admin.php?lang=" . LANG . '&action=unlink' . '&ID=' . urlencode($g_learn_currentLessonPath) . "&" . bitrix_sessid_get() . urlencode(GetFilterParams("filter_", false)) . "';", ); } */ } $context = new CAdminContextMenu($aContext); $context->Show(); if(COption::GetOptionString("learning", "use_htmledit", "Y")=="Y" && CModule::IncludeModule("fileman")) { //TODO:This dirty hack will be replaced by special method like calendar do echo '<div style="display:none">'; CFileMan::AddHTMLEditorFrame( "SOME_TEXT", "", "SOME_TEXT_TYPE", "text", array( 'height' => 450, 'width' => '100%' ), "N", 0, "", "", false ); echo '</div>'; } ?> <script type="text/javascript"> function toggleSource() { if (document.lessonTabControl_form.CONTENT_SOURCE[0].checked) { document.getElementById("source_field[0]").style.display = ""; if (document.getElementById("source_field[1]")) document.getElementById("source_field[1]").style.display = ""; document.getElementById("source_file").style.display = "none"; } else { document.getElementById("source_field[0]").style.display = "none"; if (document.getElementById("source_field[1]")) document.getElementById("source_field[1]").style.display = "none"; document.getElementById("source_file").style.display = ""; } } </script> <? CAdminFileDialog::ShowScript(Array ( "event" => "OpenFileBrowserWindMedia", "arResultDest" => Array("FUNCTION_NAME" => "SetUrl"), "arPath" => Array("SITE" => $_GET["site"], "PATH" =>(strlen($str_FILENAME)>0 ? GetDirPath($str_FILENAME) : '')), "select" => 'F',// F - file only, D - folder only, "operation" => 'O',// O - open, S - save "showUploadTab" => true, "showAddToMenuTab" => false, "fileFilter" => 'wmv,flv,mp4,wma,mp3',//'' - don't shjow select, 'image' - only images; "ext1,ext2" - Only files with ext1 and ext2 extentions; "allowAllFiles" => true, "SaveConfig" => true ) ); ?> <?php function CustomizeEditor() { ob_start(); ?> <div class="bxed-dialog"> <table class="bx-image-dialog-tbl"> <tr> <td class="bx-par-title"><?echo GetMessage("LEARNING_PATH_TO_FILE")?>:</td> <td class="bx-par-val" colspan="3"> <input type="text" size="30" id="mediaPath" /> <input type="button" value="..." id="OpenFileBrowserWindMedia_button"> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="bx-par-title"><?echo GetMessage("LEARNING_WIDTH")?>:</td> <td width="80px"><input type="text" size="3" id="mediaWidth" /></td> <td><?echo GetMessage("LEARNING_HEIGHT")?>:</td> <td class="bx-par-val"><input type="text" size="3" id="mediaHeight" /></td> </tr> </table> </div> <?php $dialogHTML = ob_get_clean()?> <script type="text/javascript"> var pEditor; var pElement; function SetUrl(filename, path, site) { if (path.substr(-1) == "/") { path = path.substr(0, path.length - 1); } var url = path+'/'+filename; BX("mediaPath").value = url; if(BX("mediaPath").onchange) BX("mediaPath").onchange(); } function _mediaParser(_str, pMainObj) { // **** Parse WMV **** // b1, b3 - quotes // b2 - id of the div // b4 - javascript config var ReplaceWMV = function(str, b1, b2, b3, b4) { var id = b2, JSConfig, w, h, prPath; try {eval('JSConfig = ' + b4); } catch (e) { JSConfig = false; } if (!id || !JSConfig) return ''; var w = (parseInt(JSConfig.width) || 50); var h = (parseInt(JSConfig.height) || 25); var arTagParams = {file: JSConfig.file}; var bxTag = pMainObj.GetBxTag(id); if (bxTag && bxTag && bxTag.tag == "media") { arTagParams.id = id; } return '<img id="' + pMainObj.SetBxTag(false, {tag: 'media', params: arTagParams}) + '" src="/bitrix/images/1.gif" style="border: 1px solid rgb(182, 182, 184); background-color: rgb(226, 223, 218); background-image: url(/bitrix/images/learning/icons/media.gif); background-position: center center; background-repeat: no-repeat; width: '+w+'px; height: '+h+'px;" width="'+w+'" height="'+h+'" />'; } _str = _str.replace(/<script.*?silverlight\.js.*?<\/script>\s*?<script.*?wmvplayer\.js.*?<\/script>\s*?<div.*?id\s*?=\s*?("|\')(.*?)\1.*?<\/div>\s*?<script.*?jeroenwijering\.Player\(document\.getElementById\(("|\')\2\3.*?wmvplayer\.xaml.*?({.*?})\).*?<\/script>/ig, ReplaceWMV); // **** Parse FLV **** var ReplaceFLV = function(str, attr) { attr = attr.replace(/[\r\n]+/ig, ' '); attr = attr.replace(/\s+/ig, ' '); attr = jsUtils.trim(attr); var arParams = {}, arFlashvars = {}, w, h, id, prPath; attr.replace(/([^\w]??)(\w+?)\s*=\s*("|\')([^\3]+?)\3/ig, function(s, b0, b1, b2, b3) { b1 = b1.toLowerCase(); if (b1 == 'src' || b1 == 'type' || b1 == 'allowscriptaccess' || b1 == 'allowfullscreen' || b1 == 'pluginspage' || b1 == 'wmode') return ''; arParams[b1] = b3; return b0; }); id = arParams.id; if (!id || !arParams.flashvars) return str; arParams.flashvars.replace(/(\w+?)=((?:\s|\S)*?)&/ig, function(s, name, val) { arFlashvars[name] = val; return ''; }); var w = (parseInt(arParams.width) || 50); var h = (parseInt(arParams.height) || 25); var arTagParams = {file: arFlashvars["file"]}; var bxTag = pMainObj.GetBxTag(id); if (bxTag && bxTag && bxTag.tag == "media") { arTagParams.id = id; } return '<img id="' + pMainObj.SetBxTag(false, {tag: 'media', params: arTagParams}) + '" src="/bitrix/images/1.gif" style="border: 1px solid rgb(182, 182, 184); background-color: rgb(226, 223, 218); background-image: url(/bitrix/images/learning/icons/media.gif); background-position: center center; background-repeat: no-repeat; width: '+w+'px; height: '+h+'px;" width="'+w+'" height="'+h+'" />'; } _str = _str.replace(/<object.*?>.*?<embed((?:\s|\S)*?player\/mediaplayer\/player\.swf(?:\s|\S)*?)(?:>\s*?<\/embed)?(?:\/?)?>.*?<\/object>/ig, ReplaceFLV); return _str; } arContentParsers.unshift(_mediaParser); function _mediaUnParser(_node, pMainObj) { bxTag = pMainObj.GetBxTag(_node.arAttributes["id"]); if (bxTag && bxTag.tag && bxTag.tag == "media") { var ext = bxTag.params.file.substr(bxTag.params.file.length - 3); 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?>"> <?php // PARENT_LESSON_ID transmitted only when new lesson creating pended and if (($LESSON_ID == 0) && isset($g_learn_parentLessonId)) { ?> <input type="hidden" name="PARENT_LESSON_ID" value="<?php echo ($g_learn_parentLessonId + 0); ?>"> <?php } if (isset($g_learn_currentLessonPath)) { ?> <input type="hidden" name="LESSON_PATH" value="<?php echo htmlspecialcharsbx($g_learn_currentLessonPath); ?>"> <?php } $tabControl->EndEpilogContent(); if ($LESSON_ID > 0) $bContentReadOnly = ! CLearnAccessMacroses::CanUserEditLesson (array('lesson_id' => $LESSON_ID)); else $bContentReadOnly = ! $oAccess->IsBaseAccess(CLearnAccess::OP_LESSON_CREATE); $tabControl->Begin(); $tabControl->BeginNextFormTab(); ?> <!-- ID --> <?php $tabControl->BeginCustomField("LESSON_ID", "ID", false);?> <?if($LESSON_ID > 0):?> <tr> <td><?echo $tabControl->GetCustomLabelHTML()?>:</td> <td><?=$str_LESSON_ID?></td> </tr> <? endif; ?> <?php $tabControl->EndCustomField("LESSON_ID");?> <!-- Timestamp_X --> <?php $tabControl->BeginCustomField("TIMESTAMP_X", GetMessage("LEARNING_LAST_UPDATE"), false);?> <?if($LESSON_ID > 0):?> <tr> <td><?echo $tabControl->GetCustomLabelHTML()?>:</td> <td><?=$str_TIMESTAMP_X?></td> </tr> <? endif; ?> <?php $tabControl->EndCustomField("TIMESTAMP_X");?> <!-- Created by --> <?php $tabControl->BeginCustomField("CREATED_BY", GetMessage("LEARNING_AUTHOR"), false);?> <?if($LESSON_ID > 0):?> <tr> <td><?echo $tabControl->GetCustomLabelHTML()?>:</td> <td> <?php echo '[<a href="user_edit.php?ID=' . ($str_CREATED_BY + 0) . '&lang=' . LANG . '">' . $str_CREATED_BY . '</a>] ' . $str_CREATED_USER_NAME; ?> </td> </tr> <? endif; ?> <?php $tabControl->EndCustomField("CREATED_BY");?> <!-- Active --> <?php $tabControl->BeginCustomField("ACTIVE", GetMessage("LEARNING_ACTIVE"), false);?> <tr> <td><?echo $tabControl->GetCustomLabelHTML()?>:</td> <td><?php if ($bContentReadOnly) { if ($str_ACTIVE == 'Y') echo GetMessage('LEARNING_YES'); else echo GetMessage('LEARNING_NO'); } else { ?><input type="checkbox" name="ACTIVE" value="Y"<?if($str_ACTIVE=="Y")echo " checked"?>><?php } ?> </td> </tr> <?php $tabControl->EndCustomField("ACTIVE", '<input type="hidden" id="ACTIVE" name="ACTIVE" value="' . $str_ACTIVE . '">'); $tabControl->BeginCustomField("NAME", GetMessage("LEARNING_NAME"), false);?> <tr class="adm-detail-required-field"> <td><?echo $tabControl->GetCustomLabelHTML()?>:</td> <td valign="top"> <?php if ($bContentReadOnly) echo $str_NAME; else { ?> <input type="text" name="NAME" size="50" maxlength="255" value="<?echo $str_NAME?>"> <?php } ?> </td> </tr> <?php $tabControl->EndCustomField("NAME", '<input type="hidden" id="NAME" name="NAME" value="' . $str_NAME . '">'); $tabControl->BeginCustomField('CODE', GetMessage('LEARNING_CODE'), false);?> <!-- CODE --> <tr> <td><? echo $tabControl->GetCustomLabelHTML()?>:</td> <td> <?php if ($bContentReadOnly) echo $str_CODE; else { ?> <input type="text" name="CODE" size="20" maxlength="40" value="<?php echo $str_CODE; ?>"> <?php } ?> </td> </tr> <?php $tabControl->EndCustomField('CODE', '<input type="hidden" id="CODE" name="CODE" value="' . $str_CODE . '">'); $tabControl->BeginCustomField("KEYWORDS", GetMessage("LEARNING_KEYWORDS"), false);?> <tr> <td><?echo $tabControl->GetCustomLabelHTML()?>:</td> <td valign="top"> <?php if ($bContentReadOnly) echo $str_KEYWORDS; else { ?> <input type="text" name="KEYWORDS" size="50" maxlength="255" value="<?echo $str_KEYWORDS?>"> <?php } ?> </td> </tr> <?php $tabControl->EndCustomField("KEYWORDS", '<input type="hidden" id="KEYWORDS" name="KEYWORDS" value="' . $str_KEYWORDS . '">'); // If we are in context of parent lesson - show EDGE_SORT property if (isset($g_learn_parentLessonId)) { $resParentLessonData = CLearnLesson::GetByID($g_learn_parentLessonId); $arParentLessonData = $resParentLessonData->GetNext(); if (is_array($arParentLessonData)) { $tabControl->BeginCustomField("ZOMBIE_CONTEXT_PARENT_NAME", GetMessage("LEARNING_PARENT_CHAPTER_ID"), false); ?> <tr> <td><?echo $tabControl->GetCustomLabelHTML()?>:</td> <td><?php echo $arParentLessonData['NAME']; ?></td> </tr> <?php $tabControl->EndCustomField("ZOMBIE_CONTEXT_PARENT_NAME"); $tabControl->BeginCustomField('EDGE_SORT', GetMessage('LEARNING_SORT'), false); ?> <!-- Sort --> <tr> <td><? echo $tabControl->GetCustomLabelHTML()?>:</td> <td> <?php if ($bContentReadOnly) echo $str_EDGE_SORT; else { ?> <input type="text" name="EDGE_SORT" size="10" maxlength="10" value="<?php echo $str_EDGE_SORT; ?>"> <?php } ?> </td> </tr> <?php if ($bContentReadOnly) $tabControl->EndCustomField('EDGE_SORT'); else $tabControl->EndCustomField('EDGE_SORT', '<input type="hidden" id="EDGE_SORT" name="EDGE_SORT" value="' . $str_EDGE_SORT . '">'); } unset ($resParentLessonData, $arParentLessonData); } // PUBLISH_PROHIBITED - Only in context of most top course if ($topCourseLessonId !== false) { $resRootLessonData = CLearnLesson::GetByID($topCourseLessonId); $arRootLessonData = $resRootLessonData->Fetch(); if (is_array($arRootLessonData)) { $tabControl->BeginCustomField( 'PUBLISH_PROHIBITED', GetMessage('LEARNING_COURSE_ADM_PUBLISH_PROHIBITED'), false ); ?> <!-- PUBLISH_PROHIBITED --> <tr> <td><? echo $tabControl->GetCustomLabelHTML()?>:</td> <td> <label> <?php if ($bContentReadOnly) echo $str_PUBLISH_PROHIBITED; else { ?> <input type="checkbox" name="PUBLISH_PROHIBITED" value="Y" <?php if ($str_PUBLISH_PROHIBITED=="Y") echo "checked"; ?>> <?php } echo ' (' . str_replace( '#COURSE_NAME#', '«' . htmlspecialcharsbx($arRootLessonData['NAME']) . '»', GetMessage('LEARNING_COURSE_ADM_PUBLISH_PROHIBITED_CONTEXT') ) . ')'; ?> </label> </td> </tr> <?php if ($bContentReadOnly) $tabControl->EndCustomField('PUBLISH_PROHIBITED'); else $tabControl->EndCustomField('PUBLISH_PROHIBITED', '<input type="hidden" id="PUBLISH_PROHIBITED" name="PUBLISH_PROHIBITED" value="' . $str_PUBLISH_PROHIBITED . '">'); } unset ($resParentLessonData, $arRootLessonData); } $tabControl->BeginNextFormTab(); $tabControl->BeginCustomField("PREVIEW_TEXT", GetMessage("LEARNING_PREVIEW_TEXT"), false);?> <?if(COption::GetOptionString("learning", "use_htmledit", "Y")=="Y" && CModule::IncludeModule("fileman")):?> <tr> <td colspan="2" align="center"> <?php if ($bContentReadOnly) { ?> <div> <?php echo GetMessage("LEARNING_DESC_TYPE") . 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'public' : 'admin'))) ); } ?> </td> </tr> <?else:?> <tr> <td align="center"><?echo GetMessage("LEARNING_DESC_TYPE")?>:</td> <td> <input type="radio" <?php if ($bContentReadOnly) echo ' disabled="disabled" '; ?> name="PREVIEW_TEXT_TYPE" value="text"<?if($str_PREVIEW_TEXT_TYPE!="html")echo " checked"?>> <?echo GetMessage("LEARNING_DESC_TYPE_TEXT")?> / <input type="radio" <?php if ($bContentReadOnly) echo ' disabled="disabled" '; ?> name="PREVIEW_TEXT_TYPE" value="html"<?if($str_PREVIEW_TEXT_TYPE=="html")echo " checked"?>> <?echo GetMessage("LEARNING_DESC_TYPE_HTML")?> </td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan="2"> <?php if ($bContentReadOnly) { ?> <div id="learn_unilesson_edit_preview_text_div"> <script type="text/javascript"> var iframe = document.createElement('iframe'); iframe.style.width = '100%'; iframe.style.height = '200px'; document.getElementById('learn_unilesson_edit_preview_text_div').appendChild(iframe); var idoc = iframe.contentWindow.document; idoc.write('<?php echo CUtil::JSEscape(htmlspecialcharsback($str_PREVIEW_TEXT)); ?>'); </script> </div> <?php } else { ?> <textarea style="width:100%; height:200px;" name="PREVIEW_TEXT" wrap="virtual"><?echo $str_PREVIEW_TEXT?></textarea> <?php } ?> </td> </tr> <?endif?> <?php $tabControl->EndCustomField("PREVIEW_TEXT", '<input type="hidden" id="PREVIEW_TEXT" name="PREVIEW_TEXT" value="' . $str_PREVIEW_TEXT . '">'. '<input type="hidden" id="PREVIEW_TEXT_TYPE" name="PREVIEW_TEXT_TYPE" value="' . $str_PREVIEW_TEXT_TYPE . '">' );?> <?php $tabControl->BeginCustomField("PREVIEW_PICTURE", GetMessage("LEARNING_PICTURE"), false);?> <tr> <?php if ( $bContentReadOnly && ! $str_PREVIEW_PICTURE) { ?> <td colspan="2" align="center"> <?php echo $tabControl->GetCustomLabelHTML() . ': ' . GetMessage('LEARNING_NO'); ?> </td> <?php } else { ?> <td valign="top" style="width:50%;"><?echo $tabControl->GetCustomLabelHTML()?></td> <td> <?php if ( ! $bContentReadOnly ) echo CFile::InputFile("PREVIEW_PICTURE", 20, $str_PREVIEW_PICTURE, false, 0, "IMAGE", "", 40) . '<br>'; if ($str_PREVIEW_PICTURE) { echo CFile::ShowImage($str_PREVIEW_PICTURE, 200, 200, "border=0", "", true); } ?> </td> <?php } ?> </tr> <?php $tabControl->EndCustomField("PREVIEW_PICTURE");?> <?$tabControl->BeginNextFormTab();?> <?php $tabControl->BeginCustomField("DESCRIPTION", GetMessage("LEARNING_DESCRIPTION"), false);?> <tr> <td valign="top" width="50%" align="right"><?echo GetMessage("LEARNING_CONTENT_SOURCE")?>:</td> <td valign="top" width="50%"> <label><input onClick="toggleSource()" <?php if ($bContentReadOnly) echo ' disabled="disabled" '; ?> type="radio" name="CONTENT_SOURCE" value="field"<?php echo $str_DETAIL_TEXT_TYPE!="file" ? " checked" : ""?>> <?echo GetMessage("LEARNING_CONTENT_SOURCE_FIELD")?></label><br /> <label><input onClick="toggleSource()" <?php if ($bContentReadOnly) echo ' disabled="disabled" '; ?> type="radio" name="CONTENT_SOURCE" value="file"<?php echo $str_DETAIL_TEXT_TYPE=="file" ? " checked" : ""?>> <?echo GetMessage("LEARNING_CONTENT_SOURCE_FILE")?> (pdf, html, text, jpg, png)</label> </td> </tr> <?if(COption::GetOptionString("learning", "use_htmledit", "Y")=="Y" && CModule::IncludeModule("fileman")): ?> <tr id="source_field[0]"> <td colspan="2" align="center"> <?php if ($bContentReadOnly) { ?> <div> <?php echo GetMessage("LEARNING_DESC_TYPE") . 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'public' : 'admin'))) ); } ?> </td> </tr> <?else:?> <tr id="source_field[0]"> <td valign="top"><?echo GetMessage("LEARNING_DESC_TYPE")?></td> <td valign="top"> <input type="radio" <?php if ($bContentReadOnly) echo ' disabled="disabled" '; ?> name="DETAIL_TEXT_TYPE" value="text"<?if($str_DETAIL_TEXT_TYPE!="html")echo " checked"?>> <?echo GetMessage("LEARNING_DESC_TYPE_TEXT")?> / <input type="radio" <?php if ($bContentReadOnly) echo ' disabled="disabled" '; ?> name="DETAIL_TEXT_TYPE" value="html"<?if($str_DETAIL_TEXT_TYPE=="html")echo " checked"?>> <?echo GetMessage("LEARNING_DESC_TYPE_HTML")?> </td> </tr> <tr id="source_field[1]"> <td valign="top" align="center" colspan="2"> <?php if ($bContentReadOnly) { ?> <div id="learn_unilesson_edit_detail_text_div"> <script type="text/javascript"> var iframe = document.createElement('iframe'); iframe.style.width = '100%'; iframe.style.height = '200px'; document.getElementById('learn_unilesson_edit_detail_text_div').appendChild(iframe); var idoc = iframe.contentWindow.document; idoc.write('<?php echo CUtil::JSEscape(htmlspecialcharsback($str_DETAIL_TEXT)); ?>'); </script> </div> <?php } else { ?> <textarea style="width:100%; height:200px;" name="DETAIL_TEXT" wrap="virtual"><?echo $str_DETAIL_TEXT?></textarea> <?php } ?> </td> </tr> <?endif;?> <tr id="source_file"> <td valign="top" align="right"><?echo GetMessage("LEARNING_PATH_TO_FILE")?>:</td> <td valign="top"> <?php if ($bContentReadOnly) echo $str_LAUNCH; else { ?> <input type="text" name="LAUNCH" size="50" maxlength="255" value="<?echo $str_LAUNCH?>"> <?php } ?> </td> </tr> <script type="text/javascript">toggleSource()</script> <?php $tabControl->EndCustomField("DESCRIPTION", '<input type="hidden" id="DESCRIPTION" name="DESCRIPTION" value="' . $str_DESCRIPTION . '">' . '<input type="hidden" id="DETAIL_TEXT_TYPE" name="DETAIL_TEXT_TYPE" value="' . $str_DETAIL_TEXT_TYPE . '">' . '<input type="hidden" id="LAUNCH" name="LAUNCH" value="' . $str_LAUNCH . '">' );?> <?php $tabControl->BeginCustomField("DETAIL_PICTURE", GetMessage("LEARNING_PICTURE"), false);?> <tr> <?php if ( $bContentReadOnly && ! $str_DETAIL_PICTURE) { ?> <td colspan="2" align="center"> <?php echo $tabControl->GetCustomLabelHTML() . ': ' . GetMessage('LEARNING_NO'); ?> </td> <?php } else { ?> <td valign="top" style="width:50%;"><?echo $tabControl->GetCustomLabelHTML()?></td> <td> <?php if ( ! $bContentReadOnly ) echo CFile::InputFile("DETAIL_PICTURE", 20, $str_DETAIL_PICTURE, false, 0, "IMAGE", "", 40) . '<br>'; if ($str_DETAIL_PICTURE) { echo CFile::ShowImage($str_DETAIL_PICTURE, 200, 200, "border=0", "", true); } ?> </td> <?php } ?> </tr> <?php $tabControl->EndCustomField("DETAIL_PICTURE"); // Tab: Relations if (($LESSON_ID > 0) && CLearnAccessMacroses::CanUserViewLessonRelations (array('lesson_id' => $LESSON_ID))) { $tabControl->BeginNextFormTab(); $tabControl->BeginCustomField("_RELATIONS", '', false); echo '<tr><td>'; CLearnRelationHelper::RenderForm($oAccess, $LESSON_ID, $arOPathes); echo '</td></tr>'; $tabControl->EndCustomField("_RELATIONS", '<input type="hidden" id="SKIP_RELATIONS_SAVING" name="SKIP_RELATIONS_SAVING" value="Y">'); } else { /* $tabControl->BeginNextFormTab(); $tabControl->BeginCustomField("_RELATIONS", '', false); if ($LESSON_ID > 0) { echo '<tr><td>' . GetMessage('LEARNING_ACCESS_D_FOR_EDIT_CONTENT') . '</td></tr>'; } else { echo '<tr><td>' . GetMessage('LEARNING_EDIT_FORM_WILL_BE_AVAILABLE_AFTER_LESSON_CREATION') . '</td></tr>'; } $tabControl->EndCustomField("_RELATIONS", '<input type="hidden" id="SKIP_RELATIONS_SAVING" name="SKIP_RELATIONS_SAVING" value="Y">'); */ } if (($LESSON_ID > 0) && CLearnAccessMacroses::CanUserViewLessonRights (array('lesson_id' => $LESSON_ID))) { $readOnly = true; if (CLearnAccessMacroses::CanUserEditLessonRights (array('lesson_id' => $LESSON_ID))) $readOnly = false; $tabControl->BeginNextFormTab(); $tabControl->BeginCustomField("__GESGSTR", '', false); CLearnRenderRightsEdit::RenderLessonRightsTab ($USER->GetID(), 'LESSON_RIGHTS', $LESSON_ID, $readOnly); if ($readOnly) echo '<input type="hidden" id="SKIP_RIGHTS_SAVING" name="SKIP_RIGHTS_SAVING" value="Y">'; $tabControl->EndCustomField("__GESGSTR"); } else { /* $tabControl->BeginNextFormTab(); $tabControl->BeginCustomField("__GESGSTR", '', false); if ($LESSON_ID > 0) { echo '<tr><td>' . GetMessage('LEARNING_ACCESS_D_FOR_MANAGE_RIGHTS') . '</td></tr>'; } else { echo '<tr><td>' . GetMessage('LEARNING_EDIT_FORM_WILL_BE_AVAILABLE_AFTER_LESSON_CREATION') . '</td></tr>'; } $tabControl->EndCustomField("__GESGSTR", '<input type="hidden" id="SKIP_RIGHTS_SAVING" name="SKIP_RIGHTS_SAVING" value="Y">'); */ } $uriParentLessonPath = ""; if ($LESSON_ID === 0 && isset($g_learn_currentLessonPath)) { $uriParentLessonPath = '&LESSON_PATH=' . urlencode($g_learn_currentLessonPath); } elseif (isset($g_learn_parentLessonPath)) { $uriParentLessonPath = '&LESSON_PATH=' . urlencode($g_learn_parentLessonPath); } if (isset($g_learn_currentLessonPath)) $uriCurrentLessonPath = '&LESSON_PATH=' . urlencode($g_learn_currentLessonPath); else $uriCurrentLessonPath = ''; $tabControl->BeginNextFormTab(); $tabControl->BeginCustomField("UFS", '', false); $USER_FIELD_MANAGER->EditFormShowTab('LEARNING_LESSONS', $bVarsFromForm, $LESSON_ID); $tabControl->EndCustomField("UFS"); $tabControl->Buttons( array( 'disabled' => $isBtnsDisabled, "back_url" => "/bitrix/admin/learn_unilesson_admin.php?lang=". LANG . $uriParentLessonPath . GetFilterParams("filter_", false) ) ); $tabControl->arParams["FORM_ACTION"] = $APPLICATION->GetCurPage() . "?lang=" . LANG . $uriCurrentLessonPath . GetFilterParams("filter_"); $tabControl->Show(); //$tabControl->End(); $tabControl->ShowWarnings($tabControl->GetName(), $message); else: //if (!$bBadCourse) $aContext = array( array( "ICON" => "btn_list", "TEXT"=>GetMessage("MAIN_ADMIN_MENU_LIST"), "LINK"=>"learn_unilesson_admin.php?lang=" . LANG . '&PARENT_LESSON_ID=-1' . GetFilterParams("filter_"), "TITLE"=>GetMessage("LEARNING_BACK_TO_ADMIN") ), ); $context = new CAdminContextMenu($aContext); $context->Show(); CAdminMessage::ShowMessage(GetMessage("LEARNING_BAD_COURSE")); endif; require($_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"]."/bitrix/modules/main/include/epilog_admin.php");?>