Direktori : /home/bitrix/www/bitrix/modules/learning/classes/general/ |
Current File : //home/bitrix/www/bitrix/modules/learning/classes/general/clearnhelper.php |
<?php /** * WARNING: nobody shouldn't rely on this code, * because it's FOR INTERNAL USE ONLY. Any declared * function can be removed or changed in future versions. * This code can be changed without any notifications. * DON'T USE it nowhere. * * @deprecated * * @access private */ class CLearnHelper { const GRAPH_STATUS_NOT_SET = '1'; // status wasn't set yet (we must determine, is our tables updated to graph or not) const GRAPH_STATUS_LEGACY = '2'; const GRAPH_STATUS_UPDATED_TO_GRAPH = '3'; const GRAPH_STATUS_UNDEFINED = '4'; const MODULE_ID = 'learning'; const OPTION_ID = '~CLearnHelper::isUpdatedToGraph();'; const DEFAULT_VALUE = self::GRAPH_STATUS_NOT_SET; // be default const SITE_ID = ''; // request shared options for all sites const ACCESS_READ = 0x001; const ACCESS_MODIFY = 0x003; // includes ACCESS_READ /** * Don't relay on this function, it can be removed without any notifications. * @deprecated */ public static function PatchLessonContentLinks($strContent, $contextCourseId = false) { static $arCourseLinksPatterns = array( '?COURSE_ID={SELF}"', '?COURSE_ID={SELF}\'', '?COURSE_ID={SELF}&', '&COURSE_ID={SELF}"', '&COURSE_ID={SELF}\'', '&COURSE_ID={SELF}&' ); $argsCheck = is_string($strContent) && ($contextCourseId !== false) && ($contextCourseId > 0); if ( ! $argsCheck ) return ($strContent); $arCourseResolvedLinks = str_replace( '{SELF}', (string) ((int) $contextCourseId), $arCourseLinksPatterns ); $rc = str_replace( $arCourseLinksPatterns, $arCourseResolvedLinks, $strContent ); return ($rc); } /** * @return void */ public static function FireEvent ($eventName, $eventParams) { $events = GetModuleEvents('learning', $eventName); while ($arEvent = $events->Fetch()) ExecuteModuleEventEx($arEvent, array($eventParams)); } /** * This function builds subquery (for oracle) or comma-separated * list of lessons IDs (for mysql/mssql) for SQL WHERE clause, * which selects/contains all child lessons (only childs, * without parent lesson). This functions prevents cycling. * * Warning: currently * * @example * on oracle SQLClauseForAllSubLessons(13) returns subquery: * SELECT b_learn_lesson_edges.TARGET_NODE * FROM b_learn_lesson_edges * START WITH b_learn_lesson_edges.SOURCE_NODE=13 * CONNECT BY NOCYCLE PRIOR b_learn_lesson_edges.TARGET_NODE = b_learn_lesson_edges.SOURCE_NODE * * on mysql/mssql SQLClauseForAllSubLessons(13) returns list of child lessons: * 14, 16, 120, 875, 476 * * Any of this strings can be used in WHERE IN(...our string...) clause. * * Complete example: * <?php * $parentLessonId = 447; * $clauseChilds = CLearnHelper::SQLClauseForAllSubLessons($parentLessonId); * $strSql = " * SELECT * * FROM b_learn_lesson * WHERE ID IN ($clauseChilds) OR (ID = $parentLessonId)"; * // Selects list of all childs with parentLessonId included. * $CDBresult = $DB->Query ($strSql); * * @param int parent lesson id * @return string for using in WHERE IN() clause: sql subquery or * comma-separated list of lesson's ids. */ public static function SQLClauseForAllSubLessons ($parentLessonId) { global $DBType; if ( ! ( is_numeric($parentLessonId) && is_int($parentLessonId + 0) ) ) { throw new LearnException ( '$parentLessonId must be strictly castable to integer', LearnException::EXC_ERR_ALL_PARAMS); } if ($DBType === 'oracle') { // This subquery gets ids of all childs lesson for given $parentLessonId $rc = " SELECT b_learn_lesson_edges.TARGET_NODE FROM b_learn_lesson_edges START WITH b_learn_lesson_edges.SOURCE_NODE=" . ($parentLessonId + 0) . " CONNECT BY NOCYCLE PRIOR b_learn_lesson_edges.TARGET_NODE = b_learn_lesson_edges.SOURCE_NODE"; return ($rc); } elseif (($DBType === 'mysql') || ($DBType === 'mssql')) { // MySQL & MSSQL supports "WHERE IN(...)" clause for more than 10 000 elements $oTree = CLearnLesson::GetTree($parentLessonId, array('EDGE_SORT' => 'ASC'), array('CHECK_PERMISSIONS' => 'N')); $arChildLessonsIds = $oTree->GetLessonsIdListInTree(); // parent lesson id isn't included // We need escape data for SQL $arChildLessonsIdsEscaped = array_map('intval', $arChildLessonsIds); $sqlChildLessonsIdsList = implode (', ', $arChildLessonsIdsEscaped); // No childs => nothing must be selected if (strlen($sqlChildLessonsIdsList) == 0) $sqlChildLessonsIdsList = 'NULL'; // NULL != any value. NULL != NULL too. return ($sqlChildLessonsIdsList); } } /** * Linked from CAllCourse::MkOperationFilter($key); * This code writed not by me, but I rely on it in good state */ public static function MkOperationFilter($key) { if(substr($key, 0, 1)=="=") //Identical { $key = substr($key, 1); $cOperationType = "I"; } elseif(substr($key, 0, 2)=="!=") //not Identical { $key = substr($key, 2); $cOperationType = "NI"; } elseif(substr($key, 0, 1)=="%") //substring { $key = substr($key, 1); $cOperationType = "S"; } elseif(substr($key, 0, 2)=="!%") //not substring { $key = substr($key, 2); $cOperationType = "NS"; } elseif(substr($key, 0, 1)=="?") //logical { $key = substr($key, 1); $cOperationType = "?"; } elseif(substr($key, 0, 2)=="><") //between { $key = substr($key, 2); $cOperationType = "B"; } elseif(substr($key, 0, 3)=="!><") //not between { $key = substr($key, 3); $cOperationType = "NB"; } elseif(substr($key, 0, 2)==">=") //greater or equal { $key = substr($key, 2); $cOperationType = "GE"; } elseif(substr($key, 0, 1)==">") //greater { $key = substr($key, 1); $cOperationType = "G"; } elseif(substr($key, 0, 2)=="<=") //less or equal { $key = substr($key, 2); $cOperationType = "LE"; } elseif(substr($key, 0, 1)=="<") //less { $key = substr($key, 1); $cOperationType = "L"; } elseif(substr($key, 0, 1)=="!") // not field LIKE val { $key = substr($key, 1); $cOperationType = "N"; } else $cOperationType = "E"; // field LIKE val return Array("FIELD"=>$key, "OPERATION"=>$cOperationType); } /** * This code writed not by me, but I rely on it in good state */ public static function FilterCreate($fname, $vals, $type, &$bFullJoin, $cOperationType=false, $bSkipEmpty = true) { global $DB; if(!is_array($vals)) $vals=Array($vals); if(count($vals)<1) return ""; if(is_bool($cOperationType)) { if($cOperationType===true) $cOperationType = "N"; else $cOperationType = "E"; } if($cOperationType=="G") $strOperation = ">"; elseif($cOperationType=="GE") $strOperation = ">="; elseif($cOperationType=="LE") $strOperation = "<="; elseif($cOperationType=="L") $strOperation = "<"; else $strOperation = "="; $bFullJoin = false; $bWasLeftJoin = false; $res = Array(); for($i=0; $i<count($vals); $i++) { $val = $vals[$i]; if(!$bSkipEmpty || strlen($val)>0 || (is_bool($val) && $val===false)) { switch ($type) { case "string_equal": if(strlen($val)<=0) $res[] = ($cOperationType=="N"?"NOT":""). "(". $fname." IS NULL OR ".$DB->Length($fname). "<=0)"; else $res[] = "(". ($cOperationType=="N"?" ".$fname." IS NULL OR NOT (":""). CCourse::_Upper($fname).$strOperation.CCourse::_Upper("'".$DB->ForSql($val)."'"). ($cOperationType=="N"?")":""). ")"; break; case "string": if($cOperationType=="?") { if(strlen($val)>0) $res[] = GetFilterQuery($fname, $val, "Y",array(),"N"); } elseif(strlen($val)<=0) { $res[] = ($cOperationType=="N"?"NOT":"")."(".$fname." IS NULL OR ".$DB->Length($fname)."<=0)"; } else { if($strOperation=="=") $res[] = "(". ($cOperationType=="N"?" ".$fname." IS NULL OR NOT (":""). (strtoupper($DB->type)=="ORACLE"?CCourse::_Upper($fname)." LIKE ".CCourse::_Upper("'".$DB->ForSqlLike($val)."'")." ESCAPE '\\'" : $fname." ".($strOperation=="="?"LIKE":$strOperation)." '".$DB->ForSqlLike($val)."'"). ($cOperationType=="N"?")":""). ")"; else $res[] = "(". ($cOperationType=="N"?" ".$fname." IS NULL OR NOT (":""). (strtoupper($DB->type)=="ORACLE"?CCourse::_Upper($fname). " ".$strOperation." ".CCourse::_Upper("'".$DB->ForSql($val)."'")." " : $fname." ".$strOperation." '".$DB->ForSql($val)."'"). ($cOperationType=="N"?")":""). ")"; } break; case "date": if(strlen($val)<=0) $res[] = ($cOperationType=="N"?"NOT":"")."(".$fname." IS NULL)"; else $res[] = "(". ($cOperationType=="N"?" ".$fname." IS NULL OR NOT (":""). $fname." ".$strOperation." ".$DB->CharToDateFunction($DB->ForSql($val), "FULL"). ($cOperationType=="N"?")":""). ")"; break; case "number": if(strlen($val)<=0) $res[] = ($cOperationType=="N"?"NOT":"")."(".$fname." IS NULL)"; else $res[] = "(". ($cOperationType=="N"?" ".$fname." IS NULL OR NOT (":""). $fname." ".$strOperation." '".DoubleVal($val). ($cOperationType=="N"?"')":"'"). ")"; break; /* case "number_above": if(strlen($val)<=0) $res[] = ($cOperationType=="N"?"NOT":"")."(".$fname." IS NULL)"; else $res[] = ($cOperationType=="N"?" ".$fname." IS NULL OR NOT ":"")."(".$fname." ".$strOperation." '".$DB->ForSql($val)."')"; break; */ } // INNER JOIN in this case if(strlen($val)>0 && $cOperationType!="N") $bFullJoin = true; else $bWasLeftJoin = true; } } $strResult = ""; for($i=0; $i<count($res); $i++) { if($i>0) $strResult .= ($cOperationType=="N"?" AND ":" OR "); $strResult .= $res[$i]; } if (count($res) > 1) $strResult = "(".$strResult.")"; if($bFullJoin && $bWasLeftJoin && $cOperationType!="N") $bFullJoin = false; return $strResult; } /** * @return boolean true, if data tables updated to graph (new native mode) * otherwise returns false (it means, we must work in legacy mode) */ public static function isUpdatedToGraph() { if (self::getUpdatedToGraphStatus() === self::GRAPH_STATUS_UPDATED_TO_GRAPH) return true; else return false; } /** * @param string $status one of this values: * self::GRAPH_STATUS_LEGACY - if not updated to grpah yet (legacy mode) * self::GRAPH_STATUS_UPDATED_TO_GRAPH - if updated to graph, * self::GRAPH_STATUS_UNDEFINED - if status is undefined (update in progress or interrupted) * @return boolean true if saved successfully, false otherwise. */ public static function setUpdatedToGraphStatus($status) { $description = ''; $isSaved = COption::SetOptionString(self::MODULE_ID, self::OPTION_ID, $status, $description, self::SITE_ID); return ($isSaved); } /** * @return string $status one of this values: * self::GRAPH_STATUS_LEGACY - if not updated to graph (it means, we must work in legacy mode) * self::GRAPH_STATUS_UPDATED_TO_GRAPH - if update to graph, * self::GRAPH_STATUS_UNDEFINED - if status is undefined (update in progress or interrupted) */ public static function getUpdatedToGraphStatus() { $rc = COption::GetOptionString(self::MODULE_ID, self::OPTION_ID, self::DEFAULT_VALUE, self::SITE_ID); // status wasn't set yet (we must determine, is our tables updated to graph or not) if ($rc === self::DEFAULT_VALUE) { // Set determined mode in global options self::setUpdatedToGraphStatus(self::GRAPH_STATUS_LEGACY); } $allowed_statuses = array ( self::GRAPH_STATUS_LEGACY, self::GRAPH_STATUS_UPDATED_TO_GRAPH, self::GRAPH_STATUS_UNDEFINED ); if ( ! in_array($rc, $allowed_statuses, true) ) { AddMessage2Log('Invalid COption ~CLearnHelper::isUpdatedToGraph();: `' . $rc . '`;', 'learning'); $rc = self::GRAPH_STATUS_UNDEFINED; } return ($rc); } public static function IsBaseFilenameSafe($filename) { $isUnSafe = IsFileUnsafe($filename) || HasScriptExtension($filename) || ( ! (preg_match("#^[^\\\/:*?\"\'~%<>|]+$#is", $filename) > 0) ); return ( ! $isUnSafe ); } public static function CopyDirFiles($path_from, $path_to, $ReWrite = True, $Recursive = False) { if (strpos($path_to."/", $path_from."/")===0 || realpath($path_to) === realpath($path_from)) return false; if (is_dir($path_from)) { CheckDirPath($path_to."/"); } elseif(is_file($path_from)) { $p = bxstrrpos($path_to, "/"); $path_to_dir = substr($path_to, 0, $p); CheckDirPath($path_to_dir."/"); if (file_exists($path_to) && !$ReWrite) return False; @copy($path_from, $path_to); if(is_file($path_to)) @chmod($path_to, BX_FILE_PERMISSIONS); return True; } else { return True; } if ($handle = @opendir($path_from)) { while (($file = readdir($handle)) !== false) { if ($file == "." || $file == "..") continue; // skip files with non-safe names if ( ! CLearnHelper::IsBaseFilenameSafe($file) ) continue; if (is_dir($path_from."/".$file) && $Recursive) { self::CopyDirFiles($path_from."/".$file, $path_to."/".$file, $ReWrite, $Recursive); } elseif (is_file($path_from."/".$file)) { if (file_exists($path_to."/".$file) && !$ReWrite) continue; @copy($path_from."/".$file, $path_to."/".$file); @chmod($path_to."/".$file, BX_FILE_PERMISSIONS); } } @closedir($handle); return true; } return false; } }