Direktori : /home/bitrix/www/bitrix/modules/mail/lib/helper/ |
Current File : //home/bitrix/www/bitrix/modules/mail/lib/helper/mailbox.php |
<?php namespace Bitrix\Mail\Helper; use Bitrix\Main; use Bitrix\Mail; abstract class Mailbox { const SYNC_TIMEOUT = 300; const SYNC_TIME_QUOTA = 280; protected $mailbox; protected $session; protected $startTime, $timeQuotaExceeded; protected $errors, $warnings; public static function createInstance($id, $throw = true) { $id = (int) $id; try { $mailbox = Mail\MailboxTable::getList(array( 'filter' => array('ID' => $id, 'ACTIVE' => 'Y'), 'select' => array('*', 'LANG_CHARSET' => 'SITE.CULTURE.CHARSET') ))->fetch(); if (empty($mailbox)) { throw new Main\ObjectException('no mailbox'); } if (!in_array($mailbox['SERVER_TYPE'], array('imap', 'controller', 'domain', 'crdomain'))) { throw new Main\ObjectException('unsupported mailbox type'); } if (in_array($mailbox['SERVER_TYPE'], array('controller', 'crdomain', 'domain'))) { $result = \CMailDomain2::getImapData(); // @TODO: request controller for 'controller' and 'crdomain' $mailbox['SERVER'] = $result['server']; $mailbox['PORT'] = $result['port']; $mailbox['USE_TLS'] = $result['secure']; } return new Mailbox\Imap($mailbox); // @TODO: other SERVER_TYPE } catch (\Exception $e) { if ($throw) { throw $e; } else { return false; } } } protected function __construct($mailbox) { $this->startTime = time(); if (defined('START_EXEC_PROLOG_BEFORE_1') && preg_match('/ (\d+)$/', START_EXEC_PROLOG_BEFORE_1, $matches)) { $startTime = $matches[1]; if ($startTime > 0 && $this->startTime >= $startTime) { $this->startTime = $startTime; } } $this->mailbox = $mailbox; if (empty($this->mailbox['OPTIONS']) || !is_array($this->mailbox['OPTIONS'])) { $this->mailbox['OPTIONS'] = array(); } $this->session = md5(uniqid('')); $this->warnings = new Main\ErrorCollection(); } public function getMailbox() { return $this->mailbox; } protected function isTimeQuotaExceeded() { return time() - $this->startTime > static::SYNC_TIME_QUOTA; } public function sync() { global $DB; if (time() - $this->mailbox['SYNC_LOCK'] < static::SYNC_TIMEOUT) { return 0; } $this->mailbox['SYNC_LOCK'] = time(); if ($this->isTimeQuotaExceeded()) { return 0; } $this->syncOutgoing(); $lockSql = sprintf( 'UPDATE b_mail_mailbox SET SYNC_LOCK = %u WHERE ID = %u AND (SYNC_LOCK IS NULL OR SYNC_LOCK < %u)', $this->mailbox['SYNC_LOCK'], $this->mailbox['ID'], $this->mailbox['SYNC_LOCK'] - static::SYNC_TIMEOUT ); if (!$DB->query($lockSql)->affectedRowsCount()) { return 0; } $mailboxSyncManager = new Mailbox\MailboxSyncManager($this->mailbox['USER_ID']); if ($this->mailbox['USER_ID'] > 0) { $mailboxSyncManager->setSyncStartedData($this->mailbox['ID']); } $this->session = md5(uniqid('')); $count = $this->syncInternal(); $success = $count !== false && empty($this->errors); $syncUnlock = $this->isTimeQuotaExceeded() ? 0 : -1; $interval = max(1, (int) $this->mailbox['PERIOD_CHECK']) * 60; $syncErrors = max(0, (int) $this->mailbox['OPTIONS']['sync_errors']); if ($count === false) { $syncErrors++; $maxInterval = 3600 * 24 * 7; for ($i = 1; $i < $syncErrors && $interval < $maxInterval; $i++) { $interval = min($interval * ($i + 1), $maxInterval); } } else { $syncErrors = 0; $interval = $syncUnlock < 0 ? $interval : min($count > 0 ? 60 : 600, $interval); } $this->mailbox['OPTIONS']['sync_errors'] = $syncErrors; $this->mailbox['OPTIONS']['next_sync'] = time() + $interval; $unlockSql = sprintf( "UPDATE b_mail_mailbox SET SYNC_LOCK = %d, OPTIONS = '%s' WHERE ID = %u AND SYNC_LOCK = %u", $syncUnlock, $DB->forSql(serialize($this->mailbox['OPTIONS'])), $this->mailbox['ID'], $this->mailbox['SYNC_LOCK'] ); if ($DB->query($unlockSql)->affectedRowsCount()) { $this->mailbox['SYNC_LOCK'] = $syncUnlock; } $this->pushSyncStatus( array( 'new' => $count, 'complete' => $this->mailbox['SYNC_LOCK'] < 0, ), true ); if ($this->mailbox['USER_ID'] > 0) { $mailboxSyncManager->setSyncStatus($this->mailbox['ID'], $success, time()); } return $count; } public function getSyncStatus() { return -1; } protected function pushSyncStatus($params, $force = false) { if (Main\Loader::includeModule('pull')) { $status = $this->getSyncStatus(); \CPullWatch::addToStack( 'mail_mailbox_' . $this->mailbox['ID'], array( 'module_id' => 'mail', 'command' => 'mailbox_sync_status', 'params' => array_merge( array( 'id' => $this->mailbox['ID'], 'status' => sprintf('%.3f', $status), ), $params ), ) ); if ($force) { \Bitrix\Pull\Event::send(); } } } protected function listMessages($params = array(), $fetch = true) { $filter = array( '=MAILBOX_ID' => $this->mailbox['ID'], ); if (!empty($params['filter'])) { $filter = array_merge((array) $params['filter'], $filter); } $params['filter'] = $filter; $result = Mail\MailMessageUidTable::getList($params); return $fetch ? $result->fetchAll() : $result; } protected function registerMessage(&$fields, $id = null) { $now = new Main\Type\DateTime(); if (!empty($id)) { $exists = Mail\MailMessageUidTable::getList(array( 'select' => array( 'ID', 'MESSAGE_ID', ), 'filter' => array( '=ID' => $id, '=MAILBOX_ID' => $this->mailbox['ID'], ), ))->fetch(); } if (!empty($exists)) { $fields['MESSAGE_ID'] = $exists['MESSAGE_ID']; $result = Mail\MailMessageUidTable::update( array( 'ID' => $exists['ID'], 'MAILBOX_ID' => $this->mailbox['ID'], ), array_merge( $fields, array( 'TIMESTAMP_X' => $now, ) ) ); } else { $result = Mail\MailMessageUidTable::add(array_merge( array( 'MESSAGE_ID' => 0, ), $fields, array( 'MAILBOX_ID' => $this->mailbox['ID'], 'SESSION_ID' => $this->session, 'TIMESTAMP_X' => $now, 'DATE_INSERT' => $now, ) )); } return $result->isSuccess(); } protected function updateMessagesRegistry(array $filter, array $fields, $mailData = array()) { return Mail\MailMessageUidTable::updateList( array_merge( $filter, array( '=MAILBOX_ID' => $this->mailbox['ID'], ) ), $fields, $mailData ); } protected function unregisterMessages($filter) { return Mail\MailMessageUidTable::deleteList( array_merge( $filter, array( '=MAILBOX_ID' => $this->mailbox['ID'], ) ) ); } protected function linkMessage($uid, $id) { $result = Mail\MailMessageUidTable::update( array( 'ID' => $uid, 'MAILBOX_ID' => $this->mailbox['ID'], ), array( 'MESSAGE_ID' => $id, ) ); return $result->isSuccess(); } protected function cacheMessage(&$body, $params = array()) { return \CMailMessage::addMessage( $this->mailbox['ID'], $body, $this->mailbox['CHARSET'] ?: $this->mailbox['LANG_CHARSET'], $params ); } public function mail(array $params) { class_exists('Bitrix\Mail\Helper'); $message = new Mail\DummyMail($params); $messageUid = $this->createMessage($message); Mail\Internals\MessageUploadQueueTable::add(array( 'ID' => $messageUid, 'MAILBOX_ID' => $this->mailbox['ID'], )); \CAgent::addAgent( sprintf( 'Bitrix\Mail\Helper::syncOutgoingAgent(%u);', $this->mailbox['ID'] ), 'mail', 'N', 60 ); } protected function createMessage(Main\Mail\Mail $message, array $fields = array()) { $messageUid = sprintf('%x%x', time(), rand(0, 0xffffffff)); $messageId = $this->cacheMessage( sprintf( '%1$s%3$s%3$s%2$s', $message->getHeaders(), $message->getBody(), $message->getMailEol() ), array( 'outcome' => true, 'seen' => true, 'trackable' => true, ) ); $fields = array_merge( $fields, array( 'ID' => $messageUid, 'INTERNALDATE' => new Main\Type\DateTime, 'IS_SEEN' => 'Y', 'MESSAGE_ID' => $messageId, ) ); $this->registerMessage($fields); return $messageUid; } public function syncOutgoing() { $res = $this->listMessages( array( 'runtime' => array( new \Bitrix\Main\Entity\ReferenceField( 'UPLOAD_QUEUE', 'Bitrix\Mail\Internals\MessageUploadQueueTable', array( '=this.ID' => 'ref.ID', '=this.MAILBOX_ID' => 'ref.MAILBOX_ID', ), array( 'join_type' => 'INNER', ) ), ), 'select' => array( '*', '__' => 'MESSAGE.*', 'UPLOAD_STAGE' => 'UPLOAD_QUEUE.SYNC_STAGE', ), 'filter' => array( '>=UPLOAD_QUEUE.SYNC_STAGE' => 0, '<UPLOAD_QUEUE.SYNC_LOCK' => time() - static::SYNC_TIMEOUT, ), ), false ); while ($excerpt = $res->fetch()) { $this->syncOutgoingMessage($excerpt); if ($this->isTimeQuotaExceeded()) { break; } } } protected function syncOutgoingMessage($excerpt) { global $DB; $lockSql = sprintf( "UPDATE b_mail_message_upload_queue SET SYNC_LOCK = %u, SYNC_STAGE = %u WHERE ID = '%s' AND MAILBOX_ID = %u AND SYNC_LOCK < %u", $syncLock = time(), max(1, $excerpt['UPLOAD_STAGE']), $DB->forSql($excerpt['ID']), $excerpt['MAILBOX_ID'], $syncLock - static::SYNC_TIMEOUT ); if (!$DB->query($lockSql)->affectedRowsCount()) { return; } $outgoingBody = $excerpt['__BODY_HTML']; $excerpt['__files'] = Mail\Internals\MailMessageAttachmentTable::getList(array( 'select' => array( 'ID', 'FILE_ID', 'FILE_NAME', ), 'filter' => array( '=MESSAGE_ID' => $excerpt['__ID'], ), ))->fetchAll(); $attachments = array(); if (!empty($excerpt['__files']) && is_array($excerpt['__files'])) { $hostname = \COption::getOptionString('main', 'server_name', 'localhost'); if (defined('BX24_HOST_NAME') && BX24_HOST_NAME != '') { $hostname = BX24_HOST_NAME; } else if (defined('SITE_SERVER_NAME') && SITE_SERVER_NAME != '') { $hostname = SITE_SERVER_NAME; } foreach ($excerpt['__files'] as $item) { $file = \CFile::makeFileArray($item['FILE_ID']); $contentId = sprintf( 'bxacid.%s@%s.mail', hash('crc32b', $file['external_id'].$file['size'].$file['name']), hash('crc32b', $hostname) ); $attachments[] = array( 'ID' => $contentId, 'NAME' => $item['FILE_NAME'], 'PATH' => $file['tmp_name'], 'CONTENT_TYPE' => $file['type'], ); $outgoingBody = preg_replace( sprintf('/aid:%u/i', $item['ID']), sprintf('cid:%s', $contentId), $outgoingBody ); } } foreach (array('FROM', 'REPLY_TO', 'TO', 'CC', 'BCC') as $field) { $field = sprintf('__FIELD_%s', $field); $excerpt[$field] = explode(',', $excerpt[$field]); foreach ($excerpt[$field] as $k => $item) { unset($excerpt[$field][$k]); $address = new Main\Mail\Address($item); if ($address->validate()) { if ($address->getName()) { $excerpt[$field][] = sprintf( '%s <%s>', sprintf('=?%s?B?%s?=', SITE_CHARSET, base64_encode($address->getName())), $address->getEmail() ); } else { $excerpt[$field][] = $address->getEmail(); } } } $excerpt[$field] = join(', ', $excerpt[$field]); } $outgoingParams = array( 'CHARSET' => LANG_CHARSET, 'CONTENT_TYPE' => 'html', 'ATTACHMENT' => $attachments, 'TO' => $excerpt['__FIELD_TO'], 'SUBJECT' => $excerpt['__SUBJECT'], 'BODY' => $outgoingBody, 'HEADER' => array( 'From' => $excerpt['__FIELD_FROM'], 'Reply-To' => $excerpt['__FIELD_REPLY_TO'], //'To' => $excerpt['__FIELD_TO'], 'Cc' => $excerpt['__FIELD_CC'], 'Bcc' => $excerpt['__FIELD_BCC'], //'Subject' => $excerpt['__SUBJECT'], 'Message-Id' => sprintf('<%s>', $excerpt['__MSG_ID']), 'In-Reply-To' => sprintf('<%s>', $excerpt['__IN_REPLY_TO']), 'X-Bitrix-Mail-Message-UID' => $excerpt['ID'], ), ); $context = new Main\Mail\Context(); $context->setCategory(Main\Mail\Context::CAT_EXTERNAL); $context->setPriority(Main\Mail\Context::PRIORITY_NORMAL); if ($excerpt['UPLOAD_STAGE'] < 2) { $success = Main\Mail\Mail::send(array_merge( $outgoingParams, array( 'TRACK_READ' => array( 'MODULE_ID' => 'mail', 'FIELDS' => array('msgid' => $excerpt['__MSG_ID']), 'URL_PAGE' => '/pub/mail/read.php', ), //'TRACK_CLICK' => array( // 'MODULE_ID' => 'mail', // 'FIELDS' => array('msgid' => $excerpt['__MSG_ID']), //), 'CONTEXT' => $context, ) )); if (!$success) { // @TODO: to limit attempts return false; } } $needUpload = empty($this->mailbox['OPTIONS']['deny_upload_outcome']); // @TODO: use option if ($context->getSmtp() && strtolower($context->getSmtp()->getHost()) == 'smtp.gmail.com') { $needUpload = false; } if ($needUpload) { Mail\Internals\MessageUploadQueueTable::update( array( 'ID' => $excerpt['ID'], 'MAILBOX_ID' => $excerpt['MAILBOX_ID'], ), array( 'SYNC_STAGE' => 2, ) ); class_exists('Bitrix\Mail\Helper'); $message = new Mail\DummyMail(array_merge( $outgoingParams, array( 'HEADER' => array_merge( $outgoingParams['HEADER'], array( 'To' => $outgoingParams['TO'], 'Subject' => $outgoingParams['SUBJECT'], ) ), ) )); if ($this->uploadMessage($message, $excerpt)) { Mail\Internals\MessageUploadQueueTable::delete(array( 'ID' => $excerpt['ID'], 'MAILBOX_ID' => $excerpt['MAILBOX_ID'], )); } } else { Mail\Internals\MessageUploadQueueTable::update( array( 'ID' => $excerpt['ID'], 'MAILBOX_ID' => $excerpt['MAILBOX_ID'], ), array( 'SYNC_STAGE' => -1, 'SYNC_LOCK' => 0, ) ); } return; } /** * @deprecated */ public function resortTree($message = null) { global $DB; $worker = function ($id, $msgId, &$i) { global $DB; $stack = array( array( array($id, $msgId, false), ), ); $excerpt = array(); do { $level = array_pop($stack); while ($level) { list($id, $msgId, $skip) = array_shift($level); if (!$skip) { $excerpt[] = $id; $DB->query(sprintf( 'UPDATE b_mail_message SET LEFT_MARGIN = %2$u, RIGHT_MARGIN = %3$u WHERE ID = %1$u', $id, ++$i, ++$i )); if (!empty($msgId)) { $replies = array(); $res = Mail\MailMessageTable::getList(array( 'select' => array( 'ID', 'MSG_ID', ), 'filter' => array( '=MAILBOX_ID' => $this->mailbox['ID'], '=IN_REPLY_TO' => $msgId, ), 'order' => array( 'FIELD_DATE' => 'ASC', ), )); while ($item = $res->fetch()) { if (!in_array($item['ID'], $excerpt)) { $replies[] = array($item['ID'], $item['MSG_ID'], false); } } if ($replies) { array_unshift($level, array($id, $msgId, true)); array_push($stack, $level, $replies); $i--; continue 2; } } } else { $DB->query(sprintf( 'UPDATE b_mail_message SET RIGHT_MARGIN = %2$u WHERE ID = %1$u', $id, ++$i )); } } } while ($stack); }; if (!empty($message)) { if (empty($message['ID'])) { throw new Main\ArgumentException("Argument 'message' is not valid"); } $item = $DB->query(sprintf( 'SELECT GREATEST(M1, M2) AS I FROM (SELECT (SELECT RIGHT_MARGIN FROM b_mail_message WHERE MAILBOX_ID = %1$u AND RIGHT_MARGIN > 0 ORDER BY LEFT_MARGIN ASC LIMIT 1) M1, (SELECT RIGHT_MARGIN FROM b_mail_message WHERE MAILBOX_ID = %1$u AND RIGHT_MARGIN > 0 ORDER BY LEFT_MARGIN DESC LIMIT 1) M2 ) M', $this->mailbox['ID'] ))->fetch(); $i = empty($item['I']) ? 0 : $item['I']; $worker($message['ID'], $message['MSG_ID'], $i); } else { $DB->query(sprintf( 'UPDATE b_mail_message SET LEFT_MARGIN = 0, RIGHT_MARGIN = 0 WHERE MAILBOX_ID = %u', $this->mailbox['ID'] )); $i = 0; $res = $DB->query(sprintf( "SELECT ID, MSG_ID FROM b_mail_message M WHERE MAILBOX_ID = %u AND ( IN_REPLY_TO IS NULL OR IN_REPLY_TO = '' OR NOT EXISTS ( SELECT 1 FROM b_mail_message WHERE MAILBOX_ID = M.MAILBOX_ID AND MSG_ID = M.IN_REPLY_TO ) )", $this->mailbox['ID'] )); while ($item = $res->fetch()) { $worker($item['ID'], $item['MSG_ID'], $i); } // crosslinked messages $query = sprintf( 'SELECT ID, MSG_ID FROM b_mail_message WHERE MAILBOX_ID = %u AND LEFT_MARGIN = 0 ORDER BY FIELD_DATE ASC LIMIT 1', $this->mailbox['ID'] ); while ($item = $DB->query($query)->fetch()) { $worker($item['ID'], $item['MSG_ID'], $i); } } } /** * @deprecated */ public function incrementTree($message) { if (empty($message['ID'])) { throw new Main\ArgumentException("Argument 'message' is not valid"); } if (!empty($message['IN_REPLY_TO'])) { $item = Mail\MailMessageTable::getList(array( 'select' => array( 'ID', 'MSG_ID', 'LEFT_MARGIN', 'RIGHT_MARGIN', ), 'filter' => array( '=MAILBOX_ID' => $this->mailbox['ID'], '=MSG_ID' => $message['IN_REPLY_TO'], ), 'order' => array( 'LEFT_MARGIN' => 'ASC', ), ))->fetch(); if (!empty($item)) { $message = $item; $item = Mail\MailMessageTable::getList(array( 'select' => array( 'ID', 'MSG_ID', ), 'filter' => array( '=MAILBOX_ID' => $this->mailbox['ID'], '<LEFT_MARGIN' => $item['LEFT_MARGIN'], '>RIGHT_MARGIN' => $item['RIGHT_MARGIN'], ), 'order' => array( 'LEFT_MARGIN' => 'ASC', ), 'limit' => 1, ))->fetch(); if (!empty($item)) { $message = $item; } } } $this->resortTree($message); } abstract protected function syncInternal(); abstract protected function uploadMessage(Main\Mail\Mail $message, array $excerpt); public function getErrors() { return $this->errors; } public function getWarnings() { return $this->warnings; } }