Direktori : /home/bitrix/www/bitrix/modules/main/classes/mysql/ |
Current File : //home/bitrix/www/bitrix/modules/main/classes/mysql/database.php |
<?php /** * Bitrix Framework * @package bitrix * @subpackage main * @copyright 2001-2014 Bitrix */ require_once($_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"]."/bitrix/modules/main/classes/general/database.php"); /******************************************************************** * MySQL database classes ********************************************************************/ abstract class CDatabaseMysql extends CAllDatabase { var $version; public $escL = '`', $escR = '`'; public $alias_length = 256; function GetVersion() { if($this->version) return $this->version; $rs = $this->Query("SELECT VERSION() as R", false, "FILE: ".__FILE__."<br> LINE: ".__LINE__); if($ar = $rs->Fetch()) { $version = trim($ar["R"]); preg_match("#[0-9]+\\.[0-9]+\\.[0-9]+#", $version, $arr); $version = $arr[0]; $this->version = $version; return $version; } else { return false; } } function StartTransaction() { $this->Query("START TRANSACTION"); } function Commit() { $this->Query("COMMIT", true); } function Rollback() { $this->Query("ROLLBACK", true); } //Connect to database function Connect($DBHost, $DBName, $DBLogin, $DBPassword, $connectionName = "") { $this->type = "MYSQL"; $this->DBHost = $DBHost; $this->DBName = $DBName; $this->DBLogin = $DBLogin; $this->DBPassword = $DBPassword; $this->bConnected = false; if (!defined("DBPersistent")) define("DBPersistent",true); if(defined("DELAY_DB_CONNECT") && DELAY_DB_CONNECT===true) return true; else return $this->DoConnect($connectionName); } abstract protected function QueryInternal($sql); abstract protected function GetError(); function Query($strSql, $bIgnoreErrors=false, $error_position="", $arOptions=array()) { global $DB; $this->DoConnect(); $this->db_Error=""; if($this->DebugToFile || $DB->ShowSqlStat) $start_time = microtime(true); //We track queries for DML statements //and when there is no one we can choose //to run query against master connection //or replicated one $connectionPool = \Bitrix\Main\Application::getInstance()->getConnectionPool(); if($connectionPool->isMasterOnly()) { //We requested to process all queries //by master connection } elseif($this->bModuleConnection ) { //In case of dedicated module database //were is nothing to do } elseif(isset($arOptions["fixed_connection"])) { //We requested to process this query //by current connection } elseif($this->bNodeConnection) { //It is node so nothing to do } else { if(isset($arOptions["ignore_dml"])) { $connectionPool->ignoreDml(true); } $connection = $connectionPool->getSlaveConnection($strSql); if(isset($arOptions["ignore_dml"])) { $connectionPool->ignoreDml(false); } if($connection !== null) { if(!isset($this->obSlave)) { $nodeId = $connection->getNodeId(); ob_start(); $conn = CDatabase::GetDBNodeConnection($nodeId, true); ob_end_clean(); if(is_object($conn)) { $this->obSlave = $conn; } else { self::$arNodes[$nodeId]["ONHIT_ERROR"] = true; CClusterDBNode::SetOffline($nodeId); } } if(is_object($this->obSlave)) { return $this->obSlave->Query($strSql, $bIgnoreErrors, $error_position, $arOptions); } } } $result = $this->QueryInternal($strSql); if($this->DebugToFile || $DB->ShowSqlStat) { /** @noinspection PhpUndefinedVariableInspection */ $exec_time = round(microtime(true) - $start_time, 10); if($DB->ShowSqlStat) $DB->addDebugQuery($strSql, $exec_time, $connectionPool->isSlavePossible()? $this->node_id: -1); if($this->DebugToFile) $this->startSqlTracker()->writeFileLog($strSql, $exec_time, "CONN: ".$this->getThreadId()); } if(!$result) { $this->db_Error = $this->GetError(); $this->db_ErrorSQL = $strSql; if(!$bIgnoreErrors) { AddMessage2Log($error_position." MySql Query Error: ".$strSql." [".$this->db_Error."]", "main"); if ($this->DebugToFile) $this->startSqlTracker()->writeFileLog("ERROR: ".$this->db_Error, 0, "CONN: ".$this->getThreadId()); if($this->debug || (isset($_SESSION["SESS_AUTH"]["ADMIN"]) && $_SESSION["SESS_AUTH"]["ADMIN"])) echo $error_position."<br><font color=#ff0000>MySQL Query Error: ".htmlspecialcharsbx($strSql)."</font>[".htmlspecialcharsbx($this->db_Error)."]<br>"; $error_position = preg_replace("#<br[^>]*>#i","\n",$error_position); SendError($error_position."\nMySQL Query Error:\n".$strSql." \n [".$this->db_Error."]\n---------------\n\n"); if(file_exists($_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"].BX_PERSONAL_ROOT."/php_interface/dbquery_error.php")) include($_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"].BX_PERSONAL_ROOT."/php_interface/dbquery_error.php"); elseif(file_exists($_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"]."/bitrix/modules/main/include/dbquery_error.php")) include($_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"]."/bitrix/modules/main/include/dbquery_error.php"); else die("MySQL Query Error!"); die(); } return false; } $res = new CDBResult($result); $res->DB = $this; if($DB->ShowSqlStat) $res->SqlTraceIndex = count($DB->arQueryDebug) - 1; return $res; } abstract protected function DisconnectInternal($resource); //Closes database connection function Disconnect() { if(!DBPersistent && $this->bConnected) { $this->bConnected = false; if (!$this->bNodeConnection) { $fl = true; $app = \Bitrix\Main\Application::getInstance(); if ($app != null) { $con = $app->getConnection(); if ($con->isConnected()) { $con->disconnect(); $fl = false; } } if ($fl) $this->DisconnectInternal($this->db_Conn); } } foreach(self::$arNodes as $i => $arNode) { if(is_array($arNode) && array_key_exists("DB", $arNode)) { $this->DisconnectInternal($arNode["DB"]->db_Conn); unset(self::$arNodes[$i]["DB"]); } } } public static function CurrentTimeFunction() { return "now()"; } public static function CurrentDateFunction() { return "CURRENT_DATE"; } function DateFormatToDB($format, $field = false) { static $search = array( "YYYY", "MMMM", "MM", "MI", "DD", "HH", "GG", "G", "SS", "TT", ); static $replace = array( "%Y", "%M", "%m", "%i", "%d", "%H", "%h", "%l", "%s", "%p", ); $format = str_replace($search, $replace, $format); if (strpos($format, '%H') === false) { $format = str_replace("H", "%h", $format); } if (strpos($format, '%M') === false) { $format = str_replace("M", "%b", $format); } $lowerAmPm = false; if(strpos($format, 'T') !== false) { //lowercase am/pm $lowerAmPm = true; $format = str_replace("T", "%p", $format); } if($field === false) { $field = "#FIELD#"; } if($lowerAmPm) { return "REPLACE(REPLACE(DATE_FORMAT(".$field.", '".$format."'), 'PM', 'pm'), 'AM', 'am')"; } return "DATE_FORMAT(".$field.", '".$format."')"; } function DateToCharFunction($strFieldName, $strType="FULL", $lang=false, $bSearchInSitesOnly=false) { static $CACHE = array(); $id = $strType.",".$lang.",".$bSearchInSitesOnly; if(!isset($CACHE[$id])) { $CACHE[$id] = $this->DateFormatToDB(CLang::GetDateFormat($strType, $lang, $bSearchInSitesOnly), false); } $sFieldExpr = $strFieldName; //time zone if($strType == "FULL" && CTimeZone::Enabled()) { $diff = CTimeZone::GetOffset(); if($diff <> 0) $sFieldExpr = "DATE_ADD(".$strFieldName.", INTERVAL ".$diff." SECOND)"; } return str_replace("#FIELD#", $sFieldExpr, $CACHE[$id]); } function CharToDateFunction($strValue, $strType="FULL", $lang=false) { $sFieldExpr = "'".CDatabase::FormatDate($strValue, CLang::GetDateFormat($strType, $lang), ($strType=="SHORT"? "YYYY-MM-DD":"YYYY-MM-DD HH:MI:SS"))."'"; //time zone if($strType == "FULL" && CTimeZone::Enabled()) { $diff = CTimeZone::GetOffset(); if($diff <> 0) $sFieldExpr = "DATE_ADD(".$sFieldExpr.", INTERVAL -(".$diff.") SECOND)"; } return $sFieldExpr; } function DatetimeToTimestampFunction($fieldName) { $timeZone = ""; if (CTimeZone::Enabled()) { static $diff = false; if($diff === false) $diff = CTimeZone::GetOffset(); if($diff <> 0) $timeZone = $diff > 0? "+".$diff: $diff; } return "UNIX_TIMESTAMP(".$fieldName.")".$timeZone; } function DatetimeToDateFunction($strValue) { return 'DATE('.$strValue.')'; } // 1 if date1 > date2 // 0 if date1 = date2 // -1 if date1 < date2 function CompareDates($date1, $date2) { $s_date1 = $this->CharToDateFunction($date1); $s_date2 = $this->CharToDateFunction($date2); $strSql = " SELECT if($s_date1 > $s_date2, 1, if ($s_date1 < $s_date2, -1, if ($s_date1 = $s_date2, 0, 'x') )) as RES "; $z = $this->Query($strSql, false, "FILE: ".__FILE__."<br> LINE: ".__LINE__); $zr = $z->Fetch(); return $zr["RES"]; } abstract function LastID(); function PrepareFields($strTableName, $strPrefix = "str_", $strSuffix = "") { $arColumns = $this->GetTableFields($strTableName); foreach($arColumns as $arColumn) { $column = $arColumn["NAME"]; $type = $arColumn["TYPE"]; global $$column; $var = $strPrefix.$column.$strSuffix; global $$var; switch ($type) { case "int": $$var = intval($$column); break; case "real": $$var = doubleval($$column); break; default: $$var = $this->ForSql($$column); } } } function PrepareInsert($strTableName, $arFields, $strFileDir="", $lang=false) { $strInsert1 = ""; $strInsert2 = ""; $arColumns = $this->GetTableFields($strTableName); foreach($arColumns as $strColumnName => $arColumnInfo) { $type = $arColumnInfo["TYPE"]; if(isset($arFields[$strColumnName])) { $value = $arFields[$strColumnName]; if($value === false) { $strInsert1 .= ", `".$strColumnName."`"; $strInsert2 .= ", NULL "; } else { $strInsert1 .= ", `".$strColumnName."`"; switch ($type) { case "datetime": case "timestamp": if(strlen($value)<=0) $strInsert2 .= ", NULL "; else $strInsert2 .= ", ".CDatabase::CharToDateFunction($value, "FULL", $lang); break; case "date": if(strlen($value)<=0) $strInsert2 .= ", NULL "; else $strInsert2 .= ", ".CDatabase::CharToDateFunction($value, "SHORT", $lang); break; case "int": $strInsert2 .= ", '".intval($value)."'"; break; case "real": $value = doubleval($value); if(!is_finite($value)) { $value = 0; } $strInsert2 .= ", '".$value."'"; break; default: $strInsert2 .= ", '".$this->ForSql($value)."'"; } } } elseif(array_key_exists("~".$strColumnName, $arFields)) { $strInsert1 .= ", `".$strColumnName."`"; $strInsert2 .= ", ".$arFields["~".$strColumnName]; } } if($strInsert1!="") { $strInsert1 = substr($strInsert1, 2); $strInsert2 = substr($strInsert2, 2); } return array($strInsert1, $strInsert2); } function PrepareUpdate($strTableName, $arFields, $strFileDir="", $lang = false, $strTableAlias = "") { $arBinds = array(); return $this->PrepareUpdateBind($strTableName, $arFields, $strFileDir, $lang, $arBinds, $strTableAlias); } function PrepareUpdateBind($strTableName, $arFields, $strFileDir, $lang, &$arBinds, $strTableAlias = "") { $arBinds = array(); if ($strTableAlias != "") $strTableAlias .= "."; $strUpdate = ""; $arColumns = $this->GetTableFields($strTableName); foreach($arColumns as $strColumnName => $arColumnInfo) { $type = $arColumnInfo["TYPE"]; if(isset($arFields[$strColumnName])) { $value = $arFields[$strColumnName]; if($value === false) { $strUpdate .= ", $strTableAlias`".$strColumnName."` = NULL"; } else { switch ($type) { case "int": $value = intval($value); break; case "real": $value = doubleval($value); if(!is_finite($value)) { $value = 0; } break; case "datetime": case "timestamp": if(strlen($value)<=0) $value = "NULL"; else $value = CDatabase::CharToDateFunction($value, "FULL", $lang); break; case "date": if(strlen($value)<=0) $value = "NULL"; else $value = CDatabase::CharToDateFunction($value, "SHORT", $lang); break; default: $value = "'".$this->ForSql($value)."'"; } $strUpdate .= ", $strTableAlias`".$strColumnName."` = ".$value; } } elseif(is_set($arFields, "~".$strColumnName)) { $strUpdate .= ", $strTableAlias`".$strColumnName."` = ".$arFields["~".$strColumnName]; } } if($strUpdate!="") $strUpdate = substr($strUpdate, 2); return $strUpdate; } function Insert($table, $arFields, $error_position="", $DEBUG=false, $EXIST_ID="", $ignore_errors=false) { if (!is_array($arFields)) return false; $str1 = ""; $str2 = ""; foreach ($arFields as $field => $value) { $str1 .= ($str1 <> ""? ", ":"")."`".$field."`"; if (strlen($value) <= 0) $str2 .= ($str2 <> ""? ", ":"")."''"; else $str2 .= ($str2 <> ""? ", ":"").$value; } if (strlen($EXIST_ID)>0) { $strSql = "INSERT INTO ".$table."(ID,".$str1.") VALUES ('".$this->ForSql($EXIST_ID)."',".$str2.")"; } else { $strSql = "INSERT INTO ".$table."(".$str1.") VALUES (".$str2.")"; } if ($DEBUG) echo "<br>".htmlspecialcharsEx($strSql)."<br>"; $res = $this->Query($strSql, $ignore_errors, $error_position); if ($res === false) return false; if (strlen($EXIST_ID) > 0) return $EXIST_ID; else return $this->LastID(); } function Update($table, $arFields, $WHERE="", $error_position="", $DEBUG=false, $ignore_errors=false, $additional_check=true) { $rows = 0; if(is_array($arFields)) { $ar = array(); foreach($arFields as $field => $value) { if (strlen($value)<=0) $ar[] = "`".$field."` = ''"; else $ar[] = "`".$field."` = ".$value.""; } if (!empty($ar)) { $strSql = "UPDATE ".$table." SET ".implode(", ", $ar)." ".$WHERE; if ($DEBUG) echo "<br>".htmlspecialcharsEx($strSql)."<br>"; $w = $this->Query($strSql, $ignore_errors, $error_position); if (is_object($w)) { $rows = $w->AffectedRowsCount(); if ($DEBUG) echo "affected_rows = ".$rows."<br>"; if ($rows <= 0 && $additional_check) { $w = $this->Query("SELECT 'x' FROM ".$table." ".$WHERE, $ignore_errors, $error_position); if (is_object($w)) { if ($w->Fetch()) $rows = $w->SelectedRowsCount(); if ($DEBUG) echo "num_rows = ".$rows."<br>"; } } } } } return $rows; } public function Add($tablename, $arFields, $arCLOBFields = Array(), $strFileDir="", $ignore_errors=false, $error_position="", $arOptions=array()) { global $DB; if(!isset($this) || !is_object($this) || !isset($this->type)) { return $DB->Add($tablename, $arFields, $arCLOBFields, $strFileDir, $ignore_errors, $error_position, $arOptions); } else { $arInsert = $this->PrepareInsert($tablename, $arFields, $strFileDir); $strSql = "INSERT INTO ".$tablename."(".$arInsert[0].") ". "VALUES(".$arInsert[1].")"; $this->Query($strSql, $ignore_errors, $error_position, $arOptions); return $this->LastID(); } } function TopSql($strSql, $nTopCount) { $nTopCount = intval($nTopCount); if($nTopCount>0) return $strSql."\nLIMIT ".$nTopCount; else return $strSql; } abstract function ForSqlLike($strValue, $iMaxLength = 0); function InitTableVarsForEdit($tablename, $strIdentFrom="str_", $strIdentTo="str_", $strSuffixFrom="", $bAlways=false) { $fields = $this->GetTableFields($tablename); foreach($fields as $strColumnName => $field) { $varnameFrom = $strIdentFrom.$strColumnName.$strSuffixFrom; $varnameTo = $strIdentTo.$strColumnName; global ${$varnameFrom}, ${$varnameTo}; if((isset(${$varnameFrom}) || $bAlways)) { if(is_array(${$varnameFrom})) { ${$varnameTo} = array(); foreach(${$varnameFrom} as $k => $v) ${$varnameTo}[$k] = htmlspecialcharsbx($v); } else ${$varnameTo} = htmlspecialcharsbx(${$varnameFrom}); } } } function GetTableFieldsList($table) { return array_keys($this->GetTableFields($table)); } abstract function GetTableFields($table); function LockTables($str) { register_shutdown_function(array(&$this, "UnLockTables")); $this->Query("LOCK TABLE ".$str, false, '', array("fixed_connection"=>true)); } function UnLockTables() { $this->Query("UNLOCK TABLES", true, '', array("fixed_connection"=>true)); } function Concat() { $str = ""; $ar = func_get_args(); if (is_array($ar)) $str .= implode(" , ", $ar); if (strlen($str)>0) $str = "concat(".$str.")"; return $str; } function IsNull($expression, $result) { return "ifnull(".$expression.", ".$result.")"; } function Length($field) { return "length($field)"; } function ToChar($expr, $len=0) { return $expr; } function TableExists($tableName) { $tableName = preg_replace("/[^A-Za-z0-9%_]+/i", "", $tableName); $tableName = Trim($tableName); if (strlen($tableName) <= 0) return False; $dbResult = $this->Query("SHOW TABLES LIKE '".$this->ForSql($tableName)."'", false, '', array("fixed_connection"=>true)); if ($arResult = $dbResult->Fetch()) return True; else return False; } public function GetIndexName($tableName, $arColumns, $bStrict = false) { if(!is_array($arColumns) || count($arColumns) <= 0) return ""; $rs = $this->Query("SHOW INDEX FROM `".$this->ForSql($tableName)."`", true, '', array("fixed_connection"=>true)); if(!$rs) return ""; $arIndexes = array(); while($ar = $rs->Fetch()) $arIndexes[$ar["Key_name"]][$ar["Seq_in_index"]-1] = $ar["Column_name"]; $strColumns = implode(",", $arColumns); foreach($arIndexes as $Key_name => $arKeyColumns) { ksort($arKeyColumns); $strKeyColumns = implode(",", $arKeyColumns); if($bStrict) { if($strKeyColumns === $strColumns) return $Key_name; } else { if(substr($strKeyColumns, 0, strlen($strColumns)) === $strColumns) return $Key_name; } } return ""; } function Instr($str, $toFind) { return "INSTR($str, $toFind)"; } abstract protected function getThreadId(); } abstract class CDBResultMysql extends CAllDBResult { public function __construct($res = null) { parent::__construct($res); } /** @deprecated */ public function CDBResultMysql($res = null) { self::__construct($res); } /** * Returns next row of the select result in form of associated array * * @return array */ function Fetch() { global $DB; if($this->bNavStart || $this->bFromArray) { if(!is_array($this->arResult)) { $res = false; } elseif($res = current($this->arResult)) { next($this->arResult); } } else { if($this->SqlTraceIndex) { $start_time = microtime(true); } $res = $this->FetchInternal(); if($this->SqlTraceIndex) { /** @noinspection PhpUndefinedVariableInspection */ $exec_time = round(microtime(true) - $start_time, 10); $DB->addDebugTime($this->SqlTraceIndex, $exec_time); $DB->timeQuery += $exec_time; } } return $res; } abstract protected function FetchRow(); protected function FetchInternal() { if($this->resultObject !== null) { $res = $this->resultObject->fetch(); } else { $res = $this->FetchRow(); if(!$res) { return false; } $this->AfterFetch($res); } return $res; } function NavQuery($strSql, $cnt, $arNavStartParams, $bIgnoreErrors = false) { global $DB; if(isset($arNavStartParams["SubstitutionFunction"])) { $arNavStartParams["SubstitutionFunction"]($this, $strSql, $cnt, $arNavStartParams); return null; } if(isset($arNavStartParams["bDescPageNumbering"])) $bDescPageNumbering = $arNavStartParams["bDescPageNumbering"]; else $bDescPageNumbering = false; $this->InitNavStartVars($arNavStartParams); $this->NavRecordCount = $cnt; if($this->NavShowAll) $this->NavPageSize = $this->NavRecordCount; //calculate total pages depend on rows count. start with 1 $this->NavPageCount = ($this->NavPageSize>0 ? floor($this->NavRecordCount/$this->NavPageSize) : 0); if($bDescPageNumbering) { $makeweight = 0; if($this->NavPageSize > 0) $makeweight = ($this->NavRecordCount % $this->NavPageSize); if($this->NavPageCount == 0 && $makeweight > 0) $this->NavPageCount = 1; //page number to display $this->NavPageNomer = ( $this->PAGEN < 1 || $this->PAGEN > $this->NavPageCount ? ($_SESSION[$this->SESS_PAGEN] < 1 || $_SESSION[$this->SESS_PAGEN] > $this->NavPageCount ? $this->NavPageCount : $_SESSION[$this->SESS_PAGEN] ) : $this->PAGEN ); //rows to skip $NavFirstRecordShow = 0; if($this->NavPageNomer != $this->NavPageCount) $NavFirstRecordShow += $makeweight; $NavFirstRecordShow += ($this->NavPageCount - $this->NavPageNomer) * $this->NavPageSize; $NavLastRecordShow = $makeweight + ($this->NavPageCount - $this->NavPageNomer + 1) * $this->NavPageSize; } else { if($this->NavPageSize > 0 && ($this->NavRecordCount % $this->NavPageSize > 0)) $this->NavPageCount++; //calculate total pages depend on rows count. start with 1 if($this->PAGEN >= 1 && $this->PAGEN <= $this->NavPageCount) $this->NavPageNomer = $this->PAGEN; elseif($_SESSION[$this->SESS_PAGEN] >= 1 && $_SESSION[$this->SESS_PAGEN] <= $this->NavPageCount) $this->NavPageNomer = $_SESSION[$this->SESS_PAGEN]; elseif($arNavStartParams["checkOutOfRange"] !== true) $this->NavPageNomer = 1; else return null; //rows to skip $NavFirstRecordShow = $this->NavPageSize*($this->NavPageNomer-1); $NavLastRecordShow = $this->NavPageSize*$this->NavPageNomer; } $NavAdditionalRecords = 0; if(is_set($arNavStartParams, "iNavAddRecords")) $NavAdditionalRecords = $arNavStartParams["iNavAddRecords"]; if(!$this->NavShowAll) $strSql .= " LIMIT ".$NavFirstRecordShow.", ".($NavLastRecordShow - $NavFirstRecordShow + $NavAdditionalRecords); if(is_object($this->DB)) $res_tmp = $this->DB->Query($strSql, $bIgnoreErrors); else $res_tmp = $DB->Query($strSql, $bIgnoreErrors); // Return false on sql errors (if $bIgnoreErrors == true) if ($bIgnoreErrors && ($res_tmp === false)) return false; $this->result = $res_tmp->result; $this->DB = $res_tmp->DB; if($this->SqlTraceIndex) $start_time = microtime(true); $temp_arrray = array(); $temp_arrray_add = array(); $tmp_cnt = 0; while($ar = $this->FetchInternal()) { $tmp_cnt++; if (intval($NavLastRecordShow - $NavFirstRecordShow) > 0 && $tmp_cnt > ($NavLastRecordShow - $NavFirstRecordShow)) $temp_arrray_add[] = $ar; else $temp_arrray[] = $ar; } if($this->SqlTraceIndex) { /** @noinspection PhpUndefinedVariableInspection */ $exec_time = round(microtime(true) - $start_time, 10); $DB->addDebugTime($this->SqlTraceIndex, $exec_time); $DB->timeQuery += $exec_time; } $this->arResult = (!empty($temp_arrray)? $temp_arrray : false); $this->arResultAdd = (!empty($temp_arrray_add)? $temp_arrray_add : false); $this->nSelectedCount = $cnt; $this->bDescPageNumbering = $bDescPageNumbering; $this->bFromLimited = true; return null; } } if(defined("BX_USE_MYSQLI") && BX_USE_MYSQLI === true) { require_once($_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"]."/bitrix/modules/main/classes/mysql/database_mysqli.php"); } else { require_once($_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"]."/bitrix/modules/main/classes/mysql/database_mysql.php"); }