Direktori : /home/bitrix/www/bitrix/modules/main/lib/ |
Current File : //home/bitrix/www/bitrix/modules/main/lib/eventmanager.php |
<?php /** * Bitrix Framework * @package bitrix * @subpackage main * @copyright 2001-2014 Bitrix */ namespace Bitrix\Main; use Bitrix\Main\Diag; use Bitrix\Main\IO; class EventManager { /** * @var EventManager */ protected static $instance; protected $handlers = array(); protected $isHandlersLoaded = false; protected static $cacheKey = "b_module_to_module"; protected function __construct() { } /** * @static * @return EventManager */ public static function getInstance() { if (!isset(self::$instance)) { $c = __CLASS__; self::$instance = new $c; } return self::$instance; } protected function addEventHandlerInternal($fromModuleId, $eventType, $callback, $includeFile, $sort, $version) { $arEvent = array( "FROM_MODULE_ID" => $fromModuleId, "MESSAGE_ID" => $eventType, "CALLBACK" => $callback, "SORT" => $sort, "FULL_PATH" => $includeFile, "VERSION" => $version, "TO_NAME" => $this->formatEventName(array("CALLBACK" => $callback)), ); $fromModuleId = strtoupper($fromModuleId); $eventType = strtoupper($eventType); if (!isset($this->handlers[$fromModuleId]) || !is_array($this->handlers[$fromModuleId])) { $this->handlers[$fromModuleId] = array(); } $arEvents = &$this->handlers[$fromModuleId]; if (!isset($arEvents[$eventType]) || !is_array($arEvents[$eventType]) || empty($arEvents[$eventType])) { $arEvents[$eventType] = array($arEvent); $iEventHandlerKey = 0; } else { $newEvents = array(); $iEventHandlerKey = max(array_keys($arEvents[$eventType])) + 1; //$iEventHandlerKey = count($arEvents[$eventType]); foreach ($arEvents[$eventType] as $key => $value) { if ($value["SORT"] > $arEvent["SORT"]) { $newEvents[$iEventHandlerKey] = $arEvent; } $newEvents[$key] = $value; } $newEvents[$iEventHandlerKey] = $arEvent; $arEvents[$eventType] = $newEvents; } return $iEventHandlerKey; } public function addEventHandler($fromModuleId, $eventType, $callback, $includeFile = false, $sort = 100) { return $this->addEventHandlerInternal($fromModuleId, $eventType, $callback, $includeFile, $sort, 2); } /** * @param $fromModuleId * @param $eventType * @param $callback * @param bool $includeFile * @param int $sort * @return int */ public function addEventHandlerCompatible($fromModuleId, $eventType, $callback, $includeFile = false, $sort = 100) { return $this->addEventHandlerInternal($fromModuleId, $eventType, $callback, $includeFile, $sort, 1); } public function removeEventHandler($fromModuleId, $eventType, $iEventHandlerKey) { $fromModuleId = strtoupper($fromModuleId); $eventType = strtoupper($eventType); if (is_array($this->handlers[$fromModuleId][$eventType])) { if (isset($this->handlers[$fromModuleId][$eventType][$iEventHandlerKey])) { unset($this->handlers[$fromModuleId][$eventType][$iEventHandlerKey]); return true; } } return false; } public function unRegisterEventHandler($fromModuleId, $eventType, $toModuleId, $toClass = "", $toMethod = "", $toPath = "", $toMethodArg = array()) { $toMethodArg = ((!is_array($toMethodArg) || is_array($toMethodArg) && empty($toMethodArg)) ? "" : serialize($toMethodArg)); $con = Application::getConnection(); $sqlHelper = $con->getSqlHelper(); $strSql = "DELETE FROM b_module_to_module ". "WHERE FROM_MODULE_ID='".$sqlHelper->forSql($fromModuleId)."'". " AND MESSAGE_ID='".$sqlHelper->forSql($eventType)."' ". " AND TO_MODULE_ID='".$sqlHelper->forSql($toModuleId)."' ". (($toClass != "") ? " AND TO_CLASS='".$sqlHelper->forSql($toClass)."' " : " AND (TO_CLASS='' OR TO_CLASS IS NULL) "). (($toMethod != "") ? " AND TO_METHOD='".$sqlHelper->forSql($toMethod)."'": " AND (TO_METHOD='' OR TO_METHOD IS NULL) "). (($toPath != "" && $toPath !== 1/*controller disconnect correction*/) ? " AND TO_PATH='".$sqlHelper->forSql($toPath)."'" : " AND (TO_PATH='' OR TO_PATH IS NULL) "). (($toMethodArg != "") ? " AND TO_METHOD_ARG='".$sqlHelper->forSql($toMethodArg)."'" : " AND (TO_METHOD_ARG='' OR TO_METHOD_ARG IS NULL) "); $con->queryExecute($strSql); $this->clearLoadedHandlers(); } public function registerEventHandler($fromModuleId, $eventType, $toModuleId, $toClass = "", $toMethod = "", $sort = 100, $toPath = "", $toMethodArg = array()) { $this->registerEventHandlerInternal($fromModuleId, $eventType, $toModuleId, $toClass, $toMethod, $sort, $toPath, $toMethodArg, 2); } public function registerEventHandlerCompatible($fromModuleId, $eventType, $toModuleId, $toClass = "", $toMethod = "", $sort = 100, $toPath = "", $toMethodArg = array()) { $this->registerEventHandlerInternal($fromModuleId, $eventType, $toModuleId, $toClass, $toMethod, $sort, $toPath, $toMethodArg, 1); } protected function registerEventHandlerInternal($fromModuleId, $eventType, $toModuleId, $toClass, $toMethod, $sort, $toPath, $toMethodArg, $version) { $toMethodArg = ((!is_array($toMethodArg) || is_array($toMethodArg) && empty($toMethodArg)) ? "" : serialize($toMethodArg)); $con = Application::getConnection(); $sqlHelper = $con->getSqlHelper(); $sort = intval($sort); $fromModuleId = $sqlHelper->forSql($fromModuleId); $eventType = $sqlHelper->forSql($eventType); $toModuleId = $sqlHelper->forSql($toModuleId); $toClass = $sqlHelper->forSql($toClass); $toMethod = $sqlHelper->forSql($toMethod); $toPath = $sqlHelper->forSql($toPath); $toMethodArg = $sqlHelper->forSql($toMethodArg); $version = intval($version); $res = $con->query( "SELECT 'x' ". "FROM b_module_to_module ". "WHERE FROM_MODULE_ID='".$fromModuleId."'". " AND MESSAGE_ID='".$eventType."' ". " AND TO_MODULE_ID='".$toModuleId."' ". " AND TO_CLASS='".$toClass."' ". " AND TO_METHOD='".$toMethod."'". (($toPath == "") ? " AND (TO_PATH='' OR TO_PATH IS NULL)" : " AND TO_PATH='".$toPath."'"). (($toMethodArg == "") ? " AND (TO_METHOD_ARG='' OR TO_METHOD_ARG IS NULL)" : " AND TO_METHOD_ARG='".$toMethodArg."'") ); if (!$res->fetch()) { $con->queryExecute( "INSERT INTO b_module_to_module (SORT, FROM_MODULE_ID, MESSAGE_ID, TO_MODULE_ID, ". " TO_CLASS, TO_METHOD, TO_PATH, TO_METHOD_ARG, VERSION) ". "VALUES (".$sort.", '".$fromModuleId."', '".$eventType."', '".$toModuleId."', ". " '".$toClass."', '".$toMethod."', '".$toPath."', '".$toMethodArg."', ".$version.")" ); $this->clearLoadedHandlers(); } } protected function formatEventName($arEvent) { $strName = ''; if (isset($arEvent["CALLBACK"])) { if (is_array($arEvent["CALLBACK"])) { $strName .= (is_object($arEvent["CALLBACK"][0]) ? get_class($arEvent["CALLBACK"][0]) : $arEvent["CALLBACK"][0]).'::'.$arEvent["CALLBACK"][1]; } elseif (is_callable($arEvent["CALLBACK"])) { $strName .= "callable"; } else { $strName .= $arEvent["CALLBACK"]; } } else { $strName .= $arEvent["TO_CLASS"].'::'.$arEvent["TO_METHOD"]; } if (isset($arEvent['TO_MODULE_ID']) && !empty($arEvent['TO_MODULE_ID'])) { $strName .= ' ('.$arEvent['TO_MODULE_ID'].')'; } return $strName; } protected function loadEventHandlers() { $cache = Application::getInstance()->getManagedCache(); if ($cache->read(3600, self::$cacheKey)) { $arEvents = $cache->get(self::$cacheKey); } else { $arEvents = array(); $con = Application::getConnection(); $rs = $con->query(" SELECT FROM_MODULE_ID, MESSAGE_ID, SORT, TO_MODULE_ID, TO_PATH, TO_CLASS, TO_METHOD, TO_METHOD_ARG, VERSION FROM b_module_to_module m2m INNER JOIN b_module m ON (m2m.TO_MODULE_ID = m.ID) ORDER BY SORT "); while ($ar = $rs->fetch()) { $ar['TO_NAME'] = $this->formatEventName( array( "TO_MODULE_ID" => $ar["TO_MODULE_ID"], "TO_CLASS" => $ar["TO_CLASS"], "TO_METHOD" => $ar["TO_METHOD"] ) ); $ar["~FROM_MODULE_ID"] = strtoupper($ar["FROM_MODULE_ID"]); $ar["~MESSAGE_ID"] = strtoupper($ar["MESSAGE_ID"]); if (strlen($ar["TO_METHOD_ARG"]) > 0) { $ar["TO_METHOD_ARG"] = unserialize($ar["TO_METHOD_ARG"]); } else { $ar["TO_METHOD_ARG"] = array(); } $arEvents[] = $ar; } $cache->set(self::$cacheKey, $arEvents); } if (!is_array($arEvents)) { $arEvents = array(); } $handlers = $this->handlers; $hasHandlers = !empty($this->handlers); // compatibility with former event manager foreach ($arEvents as $ar) { $this->handlers[$ar["~FROM_MODULE_ID"]][$ar["~MESSAGE_ID"]][] = array( "SORT" => $ar["SORT"], "TO_MODULE_ID" => $ar["TO_MODULE_ID"], "TO_PATH" => $ar["TO_PATH"], "TO_CLASS" => $ar["TO_CLASS"], "TO_METHOD" => $ar["TO_METHOD"], "TO_METHOD_ARG" => $ar["TO_METHOD_ARG"], "VERSION" => $ar["VERSION"], "TO_NAME" => $ar["TO_NAME"], "FROM_DB" => true, ); } if ($hasHandlers) { // need to re-sort because of AddEventHandler() calls (before loadEventHandlers) $funcSort = create_function('$a, $b', 'if ($a["SORT"] == $b["SORT"]) return 0; return ($a["SORT"] < $b["SORT"]) ? -1 : 1;'); foreach (array_keys($handlers) as $moduleId) { foreach (array_keys($handlers[$moduleId]) as $event) { uasort($this->handlers[$moduleId][$event], $funcSort); } } } $this->isHandlersLoaded = true; } protected function clearLoadedHandlers() { $managedCache = Application::getInstance()->getManagedCache(); $managedCache->clean(self::$cacheKey); foreach($this->handlers as $module=>$types) { foreach($types as $type=>$events) { foreach($events as $i => $event) { if($event["FROM_DB"] == true) { unset($this->handlers[$module][$type][$i]); } } } } $this->isHandlersLoaded = false; } public function findEventHandlers($eventModuleId, $eventType, array $filter = null) { if (!$this->isHandlersLoaded) { $this->loadEventHandlers(); } $eventModuleId = strtoupper($eventModuleId); $eventType = strtoupper($eventType); if (!isset($this->handlers[$eventModuleId]) || !isset($this->handlers[$eventModuleId][$eventType])) { return array(); } $handlers = $this->handlers[$eventModuleId][$eventType]; if (!is_array($handlers)) { return array(); } if (is_array($filter) && !empty($filter)) { $handlersTmp = $handlers; $handlers = array(); foreach ($handlersTmp as $handler) { if (in_array($handler["TO_MODULE_ID"], $filter)) { $handlers[] = $handler; } } } return $handlers; } public function send(Event $event) { $handlers = $this->findEventHandlers($event->getModuleId(), $event->getEventType(), $event->getFilter()); foreach ($handlers as $handler) { $this->sendToEventHandler($handler, $event); } } protected function sendToEventHandler(array $handler, Event $event) { try { $result = true; $includeResult = true; $event->addDebugInfo($handler); if (isset($handler["TO_MODULE_ID"]) && !empty($handler["TO_MODULE_ID"]) && ($handler["TO_MODULE_ID"] != 'main')) { $result = Loader::includeModule($handler["TO_MODULE_ID"]); } elseif (isset($handler["TO_PATH"]) && !empty($handler["TO_PATH"])) { $path = ltrim($handler["TO_PATH"], "/"); if (($path = Loader::getLocal($path)) !== false) { $includeResult = include_once($path); } } elseif (isset($handler["FULL_PATH"]) && !empty($handler["FULL_PATH"]) && IO\File::isFileExists($handler["FULL_PATH"])) { $includeResult = include_once($handler["FULL_PATH"]); } $event->addDebugInfo($result); if ($result) { if (isset($handler["TO_METHOD_ARG"]) && is_array($handler["TO_METHOD_ARG"]) && !empty($handler["TO_METHOD_ARG"])) { $args = $handler["TO_METHOD_ARG"]; } else { $args = array(); } if ($handler["VERSION"] > 1) { $args[] = $event; } else { $args = array_merge($args, array_values($event->getParameters())); } $callback = null; if (isset($handler["CALLBACK"])) { $callback = $handler["CALLBACK"]; } elseif (!empty($handler["TO_CLASS"]) && !empty($handler["TO_METHOD"]) && class_exists($handler["TO_CLASS"])) { $callback = array($handler["TO_CLASS"], $handler["TO_METHOD"]); } if ($callback != null) { $result = call_user_func_array($callback, $args); } else { $result = $includeResult; } if (($result != null) && !($result instanceof EventResult)) { $result = new EventResult(EventResult::UNDEFINED, $result, $handler["TO_MODULE_ID"]); } $event->addDebugInfo($result); if ($result != null) { $event->addResult($result); } } } catch (\Exception $ex) { if ($event->isDebugOn()) { $event->addException($ex); } else { throw $ex; } } } }