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Current File : //home/bitrix/www/bitrix/modules/main/lib/orm/query/query.php |
<?php namespace Bitrix\Main\ORM\Query; use Bitrix\Main; use Bitrix\Main\ORM\Entity; use Bitrix\Main\ORM\Fields\BooleanField; use Bitrix\Main\ORM\Fields\ExpressionField; use Bitrix\Main\ORM\Fields\Field; use Bitrix\Main\ORM\Fields\Relations\Reference; use Bitrix\Main\ORM\Fields\Relations\ManyToMany; use Bitrix\Main\ORM\Fields\Relations\OneToMany; use Bitrix\Main\ORM\Fields\ScalarField; use Bitrix\Main\ORM\Fields\TextField; use Bitrix\Main\ORM\Query\Filter\ConditionTree as Filter; use Bitrix\Main\ORM\Query\Filter\Expressions\ColumnExpression; /** * Query builder for Entities. * * Virtual WHERE methods (proxy to Filter): * * @method $this where(...$filter) * @see Filter::where() * * @method $this whereNot(...$filter) * @see Filter::whereNot() * * @method $this whereColumn(...$filter) * @see Filter::whereColumn() * * @method $this whereNull($column) * @see Filter::whereNull() * * @method $this whereNotNull($column) * @see Filter::whereNotNull() * * @method $this whereIn($column, $values) * @see Filter::whereIn() * * @method $this whereNotIn($column, $values) * @see Filter::whereNotIn() * * @method $this whereBetween($column, $valueMin, $valueMax) * @see Filter::whereBetween() * * @method $this whereNotBetween($column, $valueMin, $valueMax) * @see Filter::whereNotBetween() * * @method $this whereLike($column, $value) * @see Filter::whereLike() * * @method $this whereNotLike($column, $value) * @see Filter::whereNotLike() * * @method $this whereExists($query) * @see Filter::whereExists() * * @method $this whereNotExists($query) * @see Filter::whereNotExists() * * @method $this whereMatch($column, $value) * @see Filter::whereMatch() * * @method $this whereNotMatch($column, $value) * @see Filter::whereNotMatch() * * Virtual HAVING methods (proxy to Filter): * * @method $this having(...$filter) * @see Filter::where() * * @method $this havingNot(...$filter) * @see Filter::whereNot() * * @method $this havingColumn(...$filter) * @see Filter::whereColumn() * * @method $this havingNull($column) * @see Filter::whereNull() * * @method $this havingNotNull($column) * @see Filter::whereNotNull() * * @method $this havingIn($column, $values) * @see Filter::whereIn() * * @method $this havingNotIn($column, $values) * @see Filter::whereNotIn() * * @method $this havingBetween($column, $valueMin, $valueMax) * @see Filter::whereBetween() * * @method $this havingNotBetween($column, $valueMin, $valueMax) * @see Filter::whereNotBetween() * * @method $this havingLike($column, $value) * @see Filter::whereLike() * * @method $this havingNotLike($column, $value) * @see Filter::whereNotLike() * * @method $this havingExists($query) * @see Filter::whereExists() * * @method $this havingNotExists($query) * @see Filter::whereNotExists() * * @package Bitrix\Main\ORM */ class Query { /** @var Entity */ protected $entity; protected $select = array(), $group = array(), $order = array(), $limit = null, $offset = null, $countTotal = null; // deprecated array filter format protected $filter = array(), $where = array(), $having = array(); /** @var Filter */ protected $filterHandler; /** @var Filter */ protected $whereHandler; /** @var Filter */ protected $havingHandler; /** * @var Chain[] */ protected // all chain storages keying by alias $select_chains = array(), $group_chains = array(), $order_chains = array(); /** * @var Chain[] */ protected $filter_chains = array(), $where_chains = array(), $having_chains = array(); /** * @var Chain[] */ protected $select_expr_chains = array(), // from select expr "build_from" $having_expr_chains = array(), // from having expr "build_from" $hidden_chains = array(); // all expr "build_from" elements; /** @var Chain[] */ protected $runtime_chains; /** @var Chain[] */ protected $global_chains = array(); // keying by both def and alias /** @var string[] */ protected $query_build_parts; /** @var Expression */ protected static $expressionHelper; /** * Enable or Disable data doubling for 1:N relations in query filter * If disabled, 1:N entity fields in filter will be transformed to exists() subquery * @var bool */ protected $data_doubling_off = false; /** @var string */ protected $table_alias_postfix = ''; /** @var string Custom alias for the table of the init entity */ protected $custom_base_table_alias = null; /** @var array */ protected $join_map = array(); /** @var array list of used joins */ protected $join_registry; /** @var Union */ protected $unionHandler; /** @var bool */ protected $is_executing = false; /** @var string Last executed SQL query */ protected static $last_query; /** @var array Replaced field aliases */ protected $replaced_aliases; /** @var array Replaced table aliases */ protected $replaced_taliases; /** @var callable[] */ protected $selectFetchModifiers = array(); protected $cacheTtl = 0, $cacheJoins = false; /** * @param Entity|Query|string $source * * @throws Main\ArgumentException * @throws Main\SystemException */ public function __construct($source) { if ($source instanceof $this) { $this->entity = Entity::getInstanceByQuery($source); } elseif ($source instanceof Entity) { $this->entity = clone $source; } elseif (is_string($source)) { $this->entity = clone Entity::getInstance($source); } else { throw new Main\ArgumentException(sprintf( 'Unknown source type "%s" for new %s', gettype($source), __CLASS__ )); } $this->filterHandler = static::filter(); $this->whereHandler = static::filter(); $this->havingHandler = static::filter(); } /** * @param $method * @param $arguments * * @return $this * @throws Main\SystemException */ public function __call($method, $arguments) { // where and having proxies if (substr($method, 0, 6) === 'having') { $method = str_replace('having', 'where', $method); } if (substr($method, 0, 5) === 'where') { if (method_exists($this->filterHandler, $method)) { call_user_func_array( array($this->filterHandler, $method), $arguments ); return $this; } } throw new Main\SystemException("Unknown method `{$method}`"); } /** * Returns an array of fields for SELECT clause * * @return array */ public function getSelect() { return $this->select; } /** * Sets a list of fields for SELECT clause * * @param array $select * @return Query */ public function setSelect(array $select) { $this->select = $select; return $this; } /** * Adds a field for SELECT clause * * @param mixed $definition Field * @param string $alias Field alias like SELECT field AS alias * @return $this */ public function addSelect($definition, $alias = '') { if (strlen($alias)) { $this->select[$alias] = $definition; } else { $this->select[] = $definition; } return $this; } /** * Returns an array of filters for WHERE clause * * @return array */ public function getFilter() { return $this->filter; } /** * Sets a list of filters for WHERE clause * * @param array $filter * @return $this */ public function setFilter(array $filter) { $this->filter = $filter; return $this; } /** * Adds a filter for WHERE clause * * @param string $key * @param mixed $value * @return $this */ public function addFilter($key, $value) { if (is_null($key) && is_array($value)) { $this->filter[] = $value; } else { $this->filter[$key] = $value; } return $this; } /** * Returns an array of fields for GROUP BY clause * * @return array */ public function getGroup() { return $this->group; } /** * Sets a list of fields in GROUP BY clause * * @param mixed $group * @return $this */ public function setGroup($group) { $group = !is_array($group) ? array($group) : $group; $this->group = $group; return $this; } /** * Adds a field to the list of fields for GROUP BY clause * * @param $group * @return $this */ public function addGroup($group) { $this->group[] = $group; return $this; } /** * Returns an array of fields for ORDER BY clause * * @return array */ public function getOrder() { return $this->order; } /** * Sets a list of fields for ORDER BY clause. * Format: * setOrder('ID') -- ORDER BY `ID` ASC * setOrder(['ID' => 'DESC', 'NAME' => 'ASC]) -- ORDER BY `ID` DESC, `NAME` ASC * * @param mixed $order * * @return $this * @throws Main\ArgumentException * @throws Main\SystemException */ public function setOrder($order) { $this->order = array(); if (!is_array($order)) { $order = array($order); } foreach ($order as $k => $v) { if (is_numeric($k)) { $this->addOrder($v); } else { $this->addOrder($k, $v); } } return $this; } /** * Adds a filed to the list of fields for ORDER BY clause * * @param string $definition * @param string $order * * @return $this * @throws Main\ArgumentException * @throws Main\SystemException */ public function addOrder($definition, $order = 'ASC') { $order = strtoupper($order); if (!in_array($order, array('ASC', 'DESC'), true)) { throw new Main\ArgumentException(sprintf('Invalid order "%s"', $order)); } $connection = $this->entity->getConnection(); $helper = $connection->getSqlHelper(); if ($order == 'ASC') { $order = $helper->getAscendingOrder(); } else { $order = $helper->getDescendingOrder(); } $this->order[$definition] = $order; return $this; } /** * Returns a limit * * @return null|int */ public function getLimit() { return $this->limit; } /** * Sets a limit for LIMIT n clause * * @param int $limit * @return $this */ public function setLimit($limit) { $this->limit = $limit; return $this; } /** * Returns an offset * * @return null|int */ public function getOffset() { return $this->offset; } /** * Sets an offset for LIMIT n, m clause * @param int $offset * @return $this */ public function setOffset($offset) { $this->offset = $offset; return $this; } public function countTotal($count = null) { if ($count === null) { return $this->countTotal; } else { $this->countTotal = (bool) $count; return $this; } } /** * Puts additional query to union with current. * Accepts one ore more Query / SqlExpression. * * @return $this * @throws Main\ArgumentException * @throws Main\SystemException */ public function union() { foreach (func_get_args() as $arg) { $this->getUnionHandler()->addQuery(new UnionCondition($arg, false)); } return $this; } /** * Puts additional query to union (all) with current. * Accepts one ore more Query / SqlExpression. * * @return $this * @throws Main\ArgumentException * @throws Main\SystemException */ public function unionAll() { foreach (func_get_args() as $arg) { $this->getUnionHandler()->addQuery(new UnionCondition($arg, true)); } return $this; } /** * General order for all the union queries. * Has the same format as Query::setOrder(). * @see Query::setOrder() * * @param $order * * @return $this * @throws Main\SystemException */ public function setUnionOrder($order) { $this->getUnionHandler()->setOrder($order); return $this; } /** * General order for all the union queries. * Has the same format as Query::addOrder(). * @see Query::addOrder() * * @param string $definition * @param string $order * * @return $this * @throws Main\ArgumentException * @throws Main\SystemException */ public function addUnionOrder($definition, $order = 'ASC') { $this->getUnionHandler()->addOrder($definition, $order); return $this; } /** * General limit for all the union queries. * * @param $limit * * @return $this * @throws Main\SystemException */ public function setUnionLimit($limit) { $this->getUnionHandler()->setLimit($limit); return $this; } /** * General offset for all the union queries. * * @param $offset * * @return $this * @throws Main\SystemException */ public function setUnionOffset($offset) { $this->getUnionHandler()->setOffset($offset); return $this; } /** * @see disableDataDoubling * * @return $this */ public function enableDataDoubling() { $this->data_doubling_off = false; return $this; } /** * Replaces all 1:N relations in filter to ID IN (subquery SELECT ID FROM <1:N relation>) * Available for Entities with 1 primary field only * * @return $this */ public function disableDataDoubling() { if (count($this->entity->getPrimaryArray()) !== 1) { // mssql doesn't support constructions WHERE (col1, col2) IN (SELECT col1, col2 FROM SomeOtherTable) /* @see http://connect.microsoft.com/SQLServer/feedback/details/299231/add-support-for-ansi-standard-row-value-constructors */ trigger_error(sprintf( 'Disabling data doubling available for Entities with 1 primary field only. Number of primaries of your entity `%s` is %d.', $this->entity->getFullName(), count($this->entity->getPrimaryArray()) ), E_USER_WARNING); } else { $this->data_doubling_off = true; } return $this; } /** * Adds a runtime field (being created dynamically, opposite to being described statically in the entity map) * * @param string|null $name * @param array|Field $fieldInfo * * @return $this * @throws Main\ArgumentException * @throws Main\SystemException */ public function registerRuntimeField($name, $fieldInfo = null) { if ($name instanceof Field && $fieldInfo === null) { // short call for Field objects $fieldInfo = $name; $name = $fieldInfo->getName(); } elseif ((empty($name) || is_numeric($name)) && $fieldInfo instanceof Field) { $name = $fieldInfo->getName(); } // clone field as long as Field object could be initialized only once // there is no need to initialize original object if ($fieldInfo instanceof Field) { $fieldInfo = clone $fieldInfo; } // attach field to the entity $this->entity->addField($fieldInfo, $name); // force chain creation for further needs $chain = $this->getRegisteredChain($name, true); $this->registerChain('runtime', $chain); if ($chain->getLastElement()->getValue() instanceof ExpressionField) { $this->collectExprChains($chain, array('hidden')); } return $this; } public function setTableAliasPostfix($postfix) { $this->table_alias_postfix = $postfix; return $this; } public function getTableAliasPostfix() { return $this->table_alias_postfix; } /** * Sets a custom alias for the table of the init entity * * @param string $alias * * @return $this */ public function setCustomBaseTableAlias($alias) { $this->custom_base_table_alias = $alias; return $this; } /** * Returns new instance of Filter. * * Usage: * Query::filter()->where(...) * * Alternatively short calls Query::where* can be used. * @see Query::where() * * @return Filter */ public static function filter() { return new Filter; } /** * Used to create ExpressionField in a short way. * @see Filter::where() * * @return Expression */ public static function expr() { if (static::$expressionHelper === null) { static::$expressionHelper = new Expression; } return static::$expressionHelper; } /** * Builds and executes the query and returns the result * * @return Result * @throws Main\ObjectPropertyException * @throws Main\SystemException */ public function exec() { $this->is_executing = true; $query = $this->buildQuery(); $cacheId = ""; $ttl = 0; $result = null; if($this->cacheTtl > 0 && (empty($this->join_map) || $this->cacheJoins == true)) { $ttl = $this->entity->getCacheTtl($this->cacheTtl); } if($ttl > 0) { $cacheId = md5($query); $result = $this->entity->readFromCache($ttl, $cacheId, $this->countTotal); } if($result === null) { $result = $this->query($query); if($ttl > 0) { $result = $this->entity->writeToCache($result, $cacheId, $this->countTotal); } } $this->is_executing = false; return new Result($this, $result); } /** * Short alias for $result->fetch() * * @param Main\Text\Converter|null $converter * * @return array|false * @throws Main\ObjectPropertyException * @throws Main\SystemException */ public function fetch(\Bitrix\Main\Text\Converter $converter = null) { return $this->exec()->fetch($converter); } /** * Short alias for $result->fetchAll() * * @param Main\Text\Converter|null $converter * * @return array * @throws Main\ObjectPropertyException * @throws Main\SystemException */ public function fetchAll(\Bitrix\Main\Text\Converter $converter = null) { return $this->exec()->fetchAll($converter); } /** * Short alias for $result->fetchObject() * * @return null Actual type should be annotated by orm:annotate * @throws Main\ArgumentException * @throws Main\ObjectPropertyException * @throws Main\SystemException */ public function fetchObject() { return $this->exec()->fetchObject(); } /** * Short alias for $result->fetchCollection() * * @return null Actual type should be annotated by orm:annotate * @throws Main\ObjectPropertyException * @throws Main\SystemException */ public function fetchCollection() { return $this->exec()->fetchCollection(); } /** * @param $definition * @param null $alias * * @return $this * @throws Main\ArgumentException * @throws Main\SystemException */ protected function addToSelectChain($definition, $alias = null) { if ($definition instanceof ExpressionField) { if (empty($alias)) { $alias = $definition->getName(); } $this->registerRuntimeField($alias, $definition); $chain = $this->getRegisteredChain($alias); // add $this->registerChain('select', $chain); // recursively collect all "build_from" fields if ($chain->getLastElement()->getValue() instanceof ExpressionField) { $this->collectExprChains($chain, array('hidden', 'select_expr')); } } elseif (is_array($definition)) { // it is runtime field // now they are @deprecated in here throw new Main\ArgumentException( 'Expression as an array in `select` section is no more supported due to security reason.' .' Please use `runtime` parameter, or Query->registerRuntimeField method, or pass ExpressionField object instead of array.' ); } else { // localize definition (get last field segment e.g. NAME from REF1.REF2.NAME) $localDefinitionPos = strrpos($definition, '.'); if ($localDefinitionPos !== false) { $localDefinition = substr($definition, $localDefinitionPos+1); $localEntityDef = substr($definition, 0, $localDefinitionPos); $localChain = Chain::getChainByDefinition($this->entity, $localEntityDef.'.*'); $lastElemValue = $localChain->getLastElement()->getValue(); if ($lastElemValue instanceof Reference) { $localEntity = $lastElemValue->getRefEntity(); } elseif (is_array($lastElemValue)) { list($localEntity, ) = $lastElemValue; } else { $localEntity = $lastElemValue; } } else { $localDefinition = $definition; $localEntityDef = ""; $dataClass = $this->entity->getDataClass(); $localEntity = $dataClass::getEntity(); } // if there is a shell pattern in final segment, run recursively if ((strlen($localDefinition) > 1 && strpos($localDefinition, '*') !== false) || strpos($localDefinition, '?') !== false ) { // get fields by pattern foreach ($localEntity->getFields() as $field) { if ( ($field instanceof ScalarField || $field instanceof ExpressionField) && fnmatch($localDefinition, $field->getName()) ) { // build alias $customAlias = null; if ($alias !== null) { // put alias as a prefix $customAlias = $alias.$field->getName(); } // build definition $fieldDefinition = $field->getName(); if (!empty($localEntityDef)) { $fieldDefinition = $localEntityDef.'.'.$fieldDefinition; } $this->addToSelectChain($fieldDefinition, $customAlias); } } return $this; } // there is normal scalar field, or Reference, or Entity (all fields of) $chain = $this->getRegisteredChain($definition, true); if ($alias !== null) { // custom alias $chain = clone $chain; $chain->setCustomAlias($alias); } $last_elem = $chain->getLastElement(); // fill if element is not scalar /** @var null|Entity $expand_entity */ $expand_entity = null; if ($last_elem->getValue() instanceof Reference) { $expand_entity = $last_elem->getValue()->getRefEntity(); } elseif (is_array($last_elem->getValue())) { list($expand_entity, ) = $last_elem->getValue(); } elseif ($last_elem->getValue() instanceof Entity) { $expand_entity = $last_elem->getValue(); } elseif ($last_elem->getValue() instanceof OneToMany) { $expand_entity = $last_elem->getValue()->getRefEntity(); } elseif ($last_elem->getValue() instanceof ManyToMany) { $expand_entity = $last_elem->getValue()->getRefEntity(); } if (!$expand_entity && $alias !== null) { // we have a single field, let's check its custom alias if ( $this->entity->hasField($alias) && ( // if it's not the same field $this->entity->getFullName() !== $last_elem->getValue()->getEntity()->getFullName() || $last_elem->getValue()->getName() !== $alias ) ) { // deny aliases eq. existing fields throw new Main\ArgumentException(sprintf( 'Alias "%s" matches already existing field "%s" of initial entity "%s". '. 'Please choose another name for alias.', $alias, $alias, $this->entity->getFullName() )); } } if ($expand_entity) { // add all fields of entity foreach ($expand_entity->getFields() as $exp_field) { // except for references and expressions if ($exp_field instanceof ScalarField) { $exp_chain = clone $chain; $exp_chain->addElement(new ChainElement( $exp_field )); // custom alias if ($alias !== null) { $fieldAlias = $alias . $exp_field->getName(); // deny aliases eq. existing fields if ($this->entity->hasField($fieldAlias)) { throw new Main\ArgumentException(sprintf( 'Alias "%s" + field "%s" match already existing field "%s" of initial entity "%s". '. 'Please choose another name for alias.', $alias, $exp_field->getName(), $fieldAlias, $this->entity->getFullName() )); } $exp_chain->setCustomAlias($fieldAlias); } // add $this->registerChain('select', $exp_chain); } } } else { // scalar field that defined in entity $this->registerChain('select', $chain); // it would be nice here to register field as a runtime when it has custom alias // it will make possible to use aliased fields as a native init entity fields // e.g. in expressions or in data_doubling=off filter // collect buildFrom fields (recursively) if ($chain->getLastElement()->getValue() instanceof ExpressionField) { $this->collectExprChains($chain, array('hidden', 'select_expr')); } } } return $this; } /** * @param $filter * @param string $section * * @throws Main\ArgumentException * @throws Main\SystemException */ public function setFilterChains(&$filter, $section = 'filter') { foreach ($filter as $filter_def => &$filter_match) { if ($filter_def === 'LOGIC') { continue; } if (!is_numeric($filter_def)) { $sqlWhere = new \CSQLWhere(); $csw_result = $sqlWhere->makeOperation($filter_def); list($definition, ) = array_values($csw_result); // do not register it in global chain registry - get it in a smuggled way // - we will do the registration later after UF rewriting and data doubling checking $chain = $this->getRegisteredChain($definition); if (!$chain) { // try to find it in filter chains if it is 2nd call of method (when dividing filter for where/having) // and chain is still not registered in global (e.g. when forcesDataDoublingOff) if (isset($this->filter_chains[$definition])) { $chain = $this->filter_chains[$definition]; } else { $chain = Chain::getChainByDefinition($this->entity, $definition); } } // dirty hack for UF multiple fields: replace text UF_SMTH by UF_SMTH_SINGLE $dstField = $chain->getLastElement()->getValue(); $dstEntity = $dstField->getEntity(); if ($dstField instanceof ExpressionField && count($dstField->getBuildFromChains()) == 1) { // hold entity, but get real closing field $dstBuildFromChains = $dstField->getBuildFromChains(); /** @var Chain $firstChain */ $firstChain = $dstBuildFromChains[0]; $dstField = $firstChain->getLastElement()->getValue(); } // check for base linking if ($dstField instanceof TextField && $dstEntity->hasField($dstField->getName().'_SINGLE')) { $utmLinkField = $dstEntity->getField($dstField->getName().'_SINGLE'); if ($utmLinkField instanceof ExpressionField) { $buildFromChains = $utmLinkField->getBuildFromChains(); // check for back-reference if (count($buildFromChains) == 1 && $buildFromChains[0]->hasBackReference()) { $endField = $buildFromChains[0]->getLastElement()->getValue(); // and final check for entity name if (strpos($endField->getEntity()->getName(), 'Utm')) { $expressionChain = clone $chain; $expressionChain->removeLastElement(); $expressionChain->addElement(new ChainElement(clone $utmLinkField)); $expressionChain->forceDataDoublingOff(); $chain = $expressionChain; // rewrite filter definition unset($filter[$filter_def]); $filter[$filter_def.'_SINGLE'] = $filter_match; $definition .= '_SINGLE'; } } } } // continue $registerChain = true; // if data doubling disabled and it is back-reference - do not register, it will be overwritten if ($chain->forcesDataDoublingOff() || ($this->data_doubling_off && $chain->hasBackReference())) { $registerChain = false; } if ($registerChain) { $this->registerChain($section, $chain, $definition); // fill hidden select if ($chain->getLastElement()->getValue() instanceof ExpressionField) { $this->collectExprChains($chain); } } else { // hide from global registry to avoid "join table" // but we still need it in filter chains $this->filter_chains[$chain->getAlias()] = $chain; $this->filter_chains[$definition] = $chain; // and we will need primary chain in filter later when overwriting data-doubling $this->getRegisteredChain($this->entity->getPrimary(), true); } } elseif (is_array($filter_match)) { $this->setFilterChains($filter_match, $section); } } } /** * @param Filter $where * @param string $section * * @throws Main\ArgumentException * @throws Main\SystemException */ public function setFilterHandlerChains(Filter $where, $section = 'filter') { foreach ($where->getConditions() as $condition) { if ($condition instanceof Filter) { // subfilter $this->setFilterHandlerChains($condition, $section); } else { $definition = $condition->getDefinition(); // check for runtime fields if ($definition instanceof Field) { // register runtime field $this->registerRuntimeField($definition); // rewrite definition in filter - replace field with its name $definition = $definition->getName(); $condition->setDefinition($definition); } // check if it's a regular condition, not kind of boolean/exists expression if ($definition !== null) { // regular condition $chain = $this->getRegisteredChain($definition); if (!$chain) { // try to find it in filter chains if it is 2nd call of method (when dividing filter for where/having) // and chain is still not registered in global (e.g. when forcesDataDoublingOff) if (isset($this->filter_chains[$definition])) { $chain = $this->filter_chains[$definition]; } else { $chain = Chain::getChainByDefinition($this->entity, $definition); } } // dirty hack for UF multiple fields: replace text UF_SMTH by UF_SMTH_SINGLE $dstField = $chain->getLastElement()->getValue(); $dstEntity = $dstField->getEntity(); if ($dstField instanceof ExpressionField && count($dstField->getBuildFromChains()) == 1) { // hold entity, but get real closing field $dstBuildFromChains = $dstField->getBuildFromChains(); /** @var Chain $firstChain */ $firstChain = $dstBuildFromChains[0]; $dstField = $firstChain->getLastElement()->getValue(); } // check for base linking if ($dstField instanceof TextField && $dstEntity->hasField($dstField->getName().'_SINGLE')) { $utmLinkField = $dstEntity->getField($dstField->getName().'_SINGLE'); if ($utmLinkField instanceof ExpressionField) { $buildFromChains = $utmLinkField->getBuildFromChains(); // check for back-reference if (count($buildFromChains) == 1 && $buildFromChains[0]->hasBackReference()) { $endField = $buildFromChains[0]->getLastElement()->getValue(); // and final check for entity name if (strpos($endField->getEntity()->getName(), 'Utm')) { $expressionChain = clone $chain; $expressionChain->removeLastElement(); $expressionChain->addElement(new ChainElement(clone $utmLinkField)); $expressionChain->forceDataDoublingOff(); $chain = $expressionChain; // rewrite filter definition $definition .= '_SINGLE'; $condition->setDefinition($definition); } } } } // continue $registerChain = true; // if data doubling disabled and it is back-reference - do not register, it will be overwritten if ($chain->forcesDataDoublingOff() || ($this->data_doubling_off && $chain->hasBackReference())) { $registerChain = false; } if ($registerChain) { $this->registerChain($section, $chain, $definition); // fill hidden select if ($chain->getLastElement()->getValue() instanceof ExpressionField) { $this->collectExprChains($chain); } } else { // hide from global registry to avoid "join table" // but we still need it in filter chains $this->filter_chains[$chain->getAlias()] = $chain; $this->filter_chains[$definition] = $chain; // and we will need primary chain in filter later when overwriting data-doubling $this->getRegisteredChain($this->entity->getPrimary(), true); } } // when compare with column, put it in the chains too foreach ($condition->getAtomicValues() as $value) { if ($value instanceof ColumnExpression) { $valueDefinition = $value->getDefinition(); if (isset($this->filter_chains[$valueDefinition])) { $chain = $this->filter_chains[$valueDefinition]; } else { $chain = Chain::getChainByDefinition($this->entity, $valueDefinition); } $this->registerChain($section, $chain, $valueDefinition); } // set connection to correct escaping in expressions if ($value instanceof Main\DB\SqlExpression) { $value->setConnection($this->entity->getConnection()); } } } } } /** * @throws Main\ArgumentException * @throws Main\SystemException */ protected function divideFilter() { // divide filter to where and having $logic = isset($this->filter['LOGIC']) ? $this->filter['LOGIC'] : 'AND'; if ($logic == 'OR') { // if has aggr then move all to having if ($this->checkFilterAggregation($this->filter)) { $this->where = array(); $this->where_chains = array(); $this->having = $this->filter; $this->having_chains = $this->filter_chains; } else { $this->where = $this->filter; $this->where_chains = $this->filter_chains; $this->having = array(); $this->having_chains = array(); } } elseif ($logic == 'AND') { // we can separate root filters foreach ($this->filter as $k => $sub_filter) { if ($k === 'LOGIC') { $this->where[$k] = $sub_filter; $this->having[$k] = $sub_filter; continue; } $tmp_filter = array($k => $sub_filter); if ($this->checkFilterAggregation($tmp_filter)) { $this->having[$k] = $sub_filter; $this->setFilterChains($tmp_filter, 'having'); } else { $this->where[$k] = $sub_filter; $this->setFilterChains($tmp_filter, 'where'); } } } // collect "build_from" fields from having foreach ($this->having_chains as $chain) { if ($chain->getLastElement()->getValue() instanceof ExpressionField) { $this->collectExprChains($chain, array('hidden', 'having_expr')); } } } /** * @throws Main\ArgumentException * @throws Main\SystemException */ protected function divideFilterHandler() { $logic = $this->filterHandler->logic(); if ($logic == 'or') { // if has aggr then move all to having if ($this->checkFilterHandlerAggregation($this->filterHandler)) { $this->havingHandler = $this->filterHandler; $this->having_chains = $this->filter_chains; } else { $this->whereHandler = $this->filterHandler; $this->where_chains = $this->filter_chains; } } elseif ($logic == 'and') { // we can separate root filters foreach ($this->filterHandler->getConditions() as $condition) { $tmpFilter = static::filter()->addCondition($condition); if ($this->checkFilterHandlerAggregation($tmpFilter)) { $this->havingHandler->addCondition($tmpFilter); $this->setFilterHandlerChains($tmpFilter, 'having'); } else { $this->whereHandler->addCondition($condition); $this->setFilterHandlerChains($tmpFilter, 'where'); } } } // collect "build_from" fields from having foreach ($this->having_chains as $chain) { if ($chain->getLastElement()->getValue() instanceof ExpressionField) { $this->collectExprChains($chain, array('hidden', 'having_expr')); } } } /** * @param $filter * * @return bool * @throws Main\SystemException */ protected function checkFilterAggregation($filter) { foreach ($filter as $filter_def => $filter_match) { if ($filter_def === 'LOGIC') { continue; } $is_having = false; if (!is_numeric($filter_def)) { $sqlWhere = new \CSQLWhere(); $csw_result = $sqlWhere->makeOperation($filter_def); list($definition, ) = array_values($csw_result); $chain = $this->filter_chains[$definition]; $last = $chain->getLastElement(); $is_having = $last->getValue() instanceof ExpressionField && $last->getValue()->isAggregated(); } elseif (is_array($filter_match)) { $is_having = $this->checkFilterAggregation($filter_match); } if ($is_having) { return true; } } return false; } /** * @param Filter $filter * * @return bool * @throws Main\SystemException */ protected function checkFilterHandlerAggregation(Filter $filter) { foreach ($filter->getConditions() as $condition) { $is_having = false; if ($condition instanceof Filter) { // subfilter $is_having = $this->checkFilterHandlerAggregation($condition); } else { // check if it is not a boolean/exists condition if ($condition->getDefinition() !== null) { // regular condition $chain = $this->filter_chains[$condition->getDefinition()]; $last = $chain->getLastElement(); $is_having = $last->getValue() instanceof ExpressionField && $last->getValue()->isAggregated(); // check if value is a field and has aggregation if (!$is_having && $condition->getValue() instanceof ColumnExpression) { $chain = $this->filter_chains[$condition->getValue()->getDefinition()]; $last = $chain->getLastElement(); $is_having = $last->getValue() instanceof ExpressionField && $last->getValue()->isAggregated(); // actually if it has happened, we need to add group by the first column } } } if ($is_having) { return true; } } return false; } /** * @param Filter $filter * @param $section * * @throws Main\ArgumentException * @throws Main\SystemException */ protected function rewriteDataDoubling(Filter $filter, $section) { foreach ($filter->getConditions() as $condition) { if ($condition instanceof Filter) { //subfilter $this->rewriteDataDoubling($condition, $section); } elseif ($condition->getDefinition() !== null) { // regular condition $chain = $this->filter_chains[$condition->getDefinition()]; if ($chain->forcesDataDoublingOff() || ($this->data_doubling_off && $chain->hasBackReference())) { $primaryName = $this->entity->getPrimary(); $uniquePostfix = '_TMP'.rand(); // build subquery $dataClass = $this->entity->getDataClass(); $subQuery = $dataClass::query() ->addSelect($primaryName) ->where(clone $condition) ->setTableAliasPostfix(strtolower($uniquePostfix)); // change condition $condition->setColumn($primaryName); $condition->setOperator('in'); $condition->setValue($subQuery); // register primary's chain $idChain = $this->getRegisteredChain($primaryName); $this->registerChain($section, $idChain); } } } } /** * @param $definition * * @throws Main\SystemException */ protected function addToGroupChain($definition) { $chain = $this->getRegisteredChain($definition, true); $this->registerChain('group', $chain); if ($chain->getLastElement()->getValue() instanceof ExpressionField) { $this->collectExprChains($chain); } } /** * @param $definition * * @throws Main\SystemException */ protected function addToOrderChain($definition) { $chain = $this->getRegisteredChain($definition, true); $this->registerChain('order', $chain); if ($chain->getLastElement()->getValue() instanceof ExpressionField) { $this->collectExprChains($chain); } } /** * @param null $chains * * @throws Main\ArgumentException * @throws Main\SystemException */ protected function buildJoinMap($chains = null) { $connection = $this->entity->getConnection(); $helper = $connection->getSqlHelper(); $aliasLength = $helper->getAliasLength(); if (empty($chains)) { $chains = $this->global_chains; } foreach ($chains as $chain) { if ($chain->getLastElement()->getParameter('talias')) { // already been here continue; } // in NO_DOUBLING mode skip 1:N relations that presented in filter only if ($chain->forcesDataDoublingOff() || ($this->data_doubling_off && $chain->hasBackReference())) { $alias = $chain->getAlias(); if (isset($this->filter_chains[$alias]) && !isset($this->select_chains[$alias]) && !isset($this->select_expr_chains[$alias]) && !isset($this->group_chains[$alias]) && !isset($this->order_chains[$alias]) ) { continue; } } $prev_alias = $this->getInitAlias(false); $map_key = ''; /** * elements after init entity * @var $elements ChainElement[] * */ $elements = array_slice($chain->getAllElements(), 1); $currentDefinition = array(); foreach ($elements as $element) { $table_alias = null; /** * define main objects * @var $ref_field Reference * @var $dst_entity Entity */ if ($element->getValue() instanceof Reference) { // ref to another entity $ref_field = $element->getValue(); $dst_entity = $ref_field->getRefEntity(); } elseif (is_array($element->getValue())) { // link from another entity to this list($dst_entity, $ref_field) = $element->getValue(); } elseif ($element->getValue() instanceof OneToMany) { // the same as back reference $dst_entity = $element->getValue()->getRefEntity(); $ref_field = $element->getValue()->getRefField(); } elseif ($element->getValue() instanceof ManyToMany) { $mtm = $element->getValue(); // join mediator and remote entities in hidden mode // first, make new chain, remove everything after this mtm and remove mtm itself $tmpChain = clone $chain; $mtmDefinition = join('.', $currentDefinition); while ($tmpChain->getDefinition() != $mtmDefinition) { $tmpChain->removeLastElement(); } // then add backReference to mediator - mediator entity and local reference $tmpChain->addElement(new ChainElement([ $mtm->getMediatorEntity(), $mtm->getLocalReference() ])); // then add reference from mediator to remote entity $tmpChain->addElement(new ChainElement($mtm->getRemoteReference())); // now join this chain $this->registerChain('global', $tmpChain); $this->buildJoinMap([$tmpChain]); // and finally remember table alias for mtm element $prev_alias = $tmpChain->getLastElement()->getParameter('talias'); $element->setParameter('talias', $prev_alias); // skip any standard actions, continue with next element continue; } else { // scalar field // if it's a field of the init entity, use getInitAlias to use 'base' alias if ($prev_alias === $this->getInitAlias(false)) { $element->setParameter('talias', $this->getInitAlias()); } else { $element->setParameter('talias', $prev_alias.$this->table_alias_postfix); } continue; } // mapping if (empty($map_key)) { $map_key = join('.', $currentDefinition); } $map_key .= '/' . $ref_field->getName() . '/' . $dst_entity->getName(); $currentDefinition[] = $element->getDefinitionFragment(); if (isset($this->join_registry[$map_key])) { // already connected $table_alias = $this->join_registry[$map_key]; } else { // prepare reference $reference = $ref_field->getReference(); if ($element->getValue() instanceof Reference) { // ref to another entity if (is_null($table_alias)) { $table_alias = $prev_alias.'_'.strtolower($ref_field->getName()); if (strlen($table_alias.$this->table_alias_postfix) > $aliasLength) { $old_table_alias = $table_alias; $table_alias = 'TALIAS_' . (count($this->replaced_taliases) + 1); $this->replaced_taliases[$table_alias] = $old_table_alias; } } $alias_this = $prev_alias; $alias_ref = $table_alias; $isBackReference = false; $definition_this = join('.', array_slice($currentDefinition, 0, -1)); $definition_ref = join('.', $currentDefinition); } elseif (is_array($element->getValue()) || $element->getValue() instanceof OneToMany) { if (is_null($table_alias)) { $table_alias = Entity::camel2snake($dst_entity->getName()) . '_' . strtolower($ref_field->getName()); $table_alias = $prev_alias.'_'.$table_alias; if (strlen($table_alias.$this->table_alias_postfix) > $aliasLength) { $old_table_alias = $table_alias; $table_alias = 'TALIAS_' . (count($this->replaced_taliases) + 1); $this->replaced_taliases[$table_alias] = $old_table_alias; } } $alias_this = $table_alias; $alias_ref = $prev_alias; $isBackReference = true; $definition_this = join('.', $currentDefinition); $definition_ref = join('.', array_slice($currentDefinition, 0, -1)); } else { throw new Main\SystemException(sprintf('Unknown reference element `%s`', $element->getValue())); } // replace this. and ref. to real definition if ($reference instanceof Filter) { $csw_reference = $this->prepareJoinFilterReference( $reference, $alias_this.$this->table_alias_postfix, $alias_ref.$this->table_alias_postfix, $definition_this, $definition_ref, $isBackReference ); } else { $csw_reference = $this->prepareJoinReference( $reference, $alias_this.$this->table_alias_postfix, $alias_ref.$this->table_alias_postfix, $definition_this, $definition_ref, $isBackReference ); } // double check after recursive call in prepareJoinReference if (!isset($this->join_registry[$map_key])) { $join = array( 'type' => $ref_field->getJoinType(), 'table' => $dst_entity->getDBTableName(), 'alias' => $table_alias.$this->table_alias_postfix, 'reference' => $csw_reference, 'map_key' => $map_key ); $this->join_map[] = $join; $this->join_registry[$map_key] = $table_alias; } } // set alias for each element $element->setParameter('talias', $table_alias.$this->table_alias_postfix); $prev_alias = $table_alias; } } } protected function buildSelect() { $sql = array(); foreach ($this->select_chains as $chain) { $sql[] = $chain->getSqlDefinition(true); } if (empty($sql)) { $sql[] = 1; } return "\n\t".join(",\n\t", $sql); } /** * @return string * @throws Main\SystemException */ protected function buildJoin() { $sql = array(); $csw = new \CSQLWhere; $connection = $this->entity->getConnection(); $helper = $connection->getSqlHelper(); foreach ($this->join_map as $join) { // prepare csw fields $csw_fields = $this->getJoinCswFields($join['reference']); $csw->setFields($csw_fields); if ($join['reference'] instanceof Filter) { $joinConditionSql = $join['reference']->getSql($this->global_chains); } else { $joinConditionSql = trim($csw->getQuery($join['reference'])); } // final sql $sql[] = sprintf('%s JOIN %s %s ON %s', $join['type'], $this->quoteTableSource($join['table']), $helper->quote($join['alias']), $joinConditionSql ); } return "\n".join("\n", $sql); } /** * @return string * @throws Main\ArgumentException * @throws Main\SystemException */ protected function buildWhere() { $sql = array(); // old array filter if (!empty($this->where)) { $csw = new \CSQLWhere; $csw_fields = $this->getFilterCswFields($this->where); $csw->setFields($csw_fields); $sql[] = trim($csw->getQuery($this->where)); } // new QueryFilter if ($this->whereHandler && $this->whereHandler->hasConditions()) { // rewrite data doubling $this->rewriteDataDoubling($this->whereHandler, 'where'); $sql[] = $this->whereHandler->getSql($this->where_chains); } return join(' AND ', array_filter($sql)); } /** * @return string * @throws Main\SystemException */ protected function buildGroup() { $sql = array(); if (!empty($this->group_chains) || !empty($this->having_chains) || $this->checkChainsAggregation($this->select_chains) || $this->checkChainsAggregation($this->order_chains) ) { // add non-aggr fields to group foreach ($this->global_chains as $chain) { $alias = $chain->getAlias(); // skip constants if ($chain->isConstant()) { continue; } if (isset($this->select_chains[$alias]) || isset($this->order_chains[$alias]) || isset($this->having_chains[$alias])) { if (isset($this->group_chains[$alias])) { // skip already grouped continue; } elseif (!$chain->hasAggregation() && !$chain->hasSubquery()) { // skip subqueries and already aggregated $this->registerChain('group', $chain); } elseif (!$chain->hasAggregation() && $chain->hasSubquery() && $chain->getLastElement()->getValue() instanceof ExpressionField) { // but include build_from of subqueries $sub_chains = $chain->getLastElement()->getValue()->getBuildFromChains(); foreach ($sub_chains as $sub_chain) { // build real subchain starting from init entity $real_sub_chain = clone $chain; foreach (array_slice($sub_chain->getAllElements(), 1) as $sub_chain_elem) { $real_sub_chain->addElement($sub_chain_elem); } // add to query $this->registerChain('group', $this->global_chains[$real_sub_chain->getAlias()]); } } } elseif (isset($this->having_expr_chains[$alias])) { if (!$chain->hasAggregation() && $chain->hasSubquery()) { $this->registerChain('group', $chain); } } } } foreach ($this->group_chains as $chain) { $connection = $this->entity->getConnection(); $sqlDefinition = $chain->getSqlDefinition(); $valueField = $chain->getLastElement()->getValue(); if ($valueField instanceof ExpressionField) { $valueField = $valueField->getValueField(); } if (($connection instanceof Main\DB\OracleConnection || $connection instanceof Main\DB\MssqlConnection) && $valueField instanceof TextField) { // softTextCast $sqlDefinition = $connection->getSqlHelper()->softCastTextToChar($sqlDefinition); } $sql[] = $sqlDefinition; } return join(', ', $sql); } /** * @return string * @throws Main\ArgumentException * @throws Main\SystemException */ protected function buildHaving() { $sql = array(); // old array filter if (!empty($this->having)) { $csw = new \CSQLWhere; $csw_fields = $this->getFilterCswFields($this->having); $csw->setFields($csw_fields); $sql[] = trim($csw->getQuery($this->having)); } // new QueryFilter if ($this->havingHandler && $this->havingHandler->hasConditions()) { // rewrite data doubling $this->rewriteDataDoubling($this->havingHandler, 'having'); $sql[] = $this->havingHandler->getSql($this->having_chains); } return join(' AND ', array_filter($sql)); } /** * @return string * @throws Main\SystemException */ protected function buildOrder() { $sql = array(); foreach ($this->order_chains as $chain) { $sort = isset($this->order[$chain->getDefinition()]) ? $this->order[$chain->getDefinition()] : $this->order[$chain->getAlias()]; $connection = $this->entity->getConnection(); // define value field $valueField = $chain->getLastElement()->getValue(); if ($valueField instanceof ExpressionField) { $valueField = $valueField->getValueField(); } // get final sql definition if (isset($this->select_chains[$chain->getAlias()])) { // optimization for fields that are in select already $sqlDefinition = $connection->getSqlHelper()->quote($chain->getAlias()); } else { $sqlDefinition = $chain->getSqlDefinition(); } if (($connection instanceof Main\DB\OracleConnection || $connection instanceof Main\DB\MssqlConnection) && $valueField instanceof TextField) { // softTextCast $sqlDefinition = $connection->getSqlHelper()->softCastTextToChar($sqlDefinition); } $sql[] = $sqlDefinition. ' ' . $sort; } return join(', ', $sql); } /** * @return mixed|string * @throws Main\ArgumentException * @throws Main\SystemException */ protected function buildQuery() { $connection = $this->entity->getConnection(); $helper = $connection->getSqlHelper(); if ($this->query_build_parts === null) { foreach ($this->select as $key => $value) { $this->addToSelectChain($value, is_numeric($key) ? null : $key); } $this->setFilterChains($this->filter); $this->divideFilter(); if ($this->filterHandler) { $this->setFilterHandlerChains($this->filterHandler); $this->divideFilterHandler(); } foreach ($this->group as $value) { $this->addToGroupChain($value); } foreach ($this->order as $key => $value) { $this->addToOrderChain($key); } $this->buildJoinMap(); $sqlSelect = $this->buildSelect(); $sqlJoin = $this->buildJoin(); $sqlWhere = $this->buildWhere(); $sqlGroup = $this->buildGroup(); $sqlHaving = $this->buildHaving(); $sqlOrder = $this->buildOrder(); $sqlFrom = $this->quoteTableSource($this->entity->getDBTableName()); $sqlFrom .= ' '.$helper->quote($this->getInitAlias()); $sqlFrom .= ' '.$sqlJoin; $this->query_build_parts = array_filter(array( 'SELECT' => $sqlSelect, 'FROM' => $sqlFrom, 'WHERE' => $sqlWhere, 'GROUP BY' => $sqlGroup, 'HAVING' => $sqlHaving, 'ORDER BY' => $sqlOrder )); } $build_parts = $this->query_build_parts; foreach ($build_parts as $k => &$v) { $v = $k . ' ' . $v; } $query = join("\n", $build_parts); list($query, $replaced) = $this->replaceSelectAliases($query); $this->replaced_aliases = $replaced; if ($this->limit > 0) { $query = $helper->getTopSql($query, $this->limit, $this->offset); } // union if (!empty($this->unionHandler)) { $query = "({$query})"; foreach ($this->unionHandler->getQueries() as $union) { $query .= " ".$union->getSql(); } // union sort if ($this->unionHandler->getOrder()) { $sqlUnionOrder = array(); foreach ($this->unionHandler->getOrder() as $definition => $sort) { $sqlDefinition = $connection->getSqlHelper()->quote( $this->global_chains[$definition]->getAlias() ); $sqlUnionOrder[] = $sqlDefinition . ' ' . $sort; } $query .= ' ORDER BY ' . join(', ', $sqlUnionOrder); } // union limit if ($this->unionHandler->getLimit()) { $query = $helper->getTopSql($query, $this->unionHandler->getLimit(), $this->unionHandler->getOffset()); } } return $query; } /** * @param $filter * * @return array * @throws Main\ArgumentException * @throws Main\SystemException */ protected function getFilterCswFields(&$filter) { $fields = array(); foreach ($filter as $filter_def => &$filter_match) { if ($filter_def === 'LOGIC') { continue; } if (!is_numeric($filter_def)) { $sqlWhere = new \CSQLWhere(); $csw_result = $sqlWhere->makeOperation($filter_def); list($definition, $operation) = array_values($csw_result); $chain = $this->filter_chains[$definition]; $last = $chain->getLastElement(); // need to create an alternative of CSQLWhere in D7.Entity $field_type = $last->getValue()->getDataType(); $callback = null; // rewrite type & value for CSQLWhere if (in_array($operation, array('SE', 'SN'), true) && in_array($filter_match, array(null, true, false), true) ) { $field_type = 'callback'; if ($filter_match === null) { $callback = array($this, 'nullEqualityCallback'); } else { // just boolean expression, without operator // e.g. WHERE EXISTS(...) $callback = array($this, 'booleanStrongEqualityCallback'); } } elseif ($field_type == 'integer') { $field_type = 'int'; } elseif ($field_type == 'boolean') { $field_type = 'string'; /** @var BooleanField $field */ $field = $last->getValue(); $values = $field->getValues(); if (is_numeric($values[0]) && is_numeric($values[1])) { $field_type = 'int'; } if (is_scalar($filter_match)) { $filter_match = $field->normalizeValue($filter_match); } } elseif ($field_type == 'float') { $field_type = 'double'; } elseif ($field_type == 'enum' || $field_type == 'text') { $field_type = 'string'; } $sqlDefinition = $chain->getSqlDefinition(); // data-doubling-off mode /** @see disableDataDoubling */ if ($chain->forcesDataDoublingOff() || ($this->data_doubling_off && $chain->hasBackReference())) { $primaryName = $this->entity->getPrimary(); $uniquePostfix = '_TMP'.rand(); // build subquery $subQuery = new Query($this->entity); $subQuery->addSelect($primaryName); $subQuery->addFilter($filter_def, $filter_match); $subQuery->setTableAliasPostfix(strtolower($uniquePostfix)); $subQuerySql = $subQuery->getQuery(); // proxying subquery as value to callback $filter_match = $subQuerySql; $callback = array($this, 'dataDoublingCallback'); $field_type = 'callback'; // change sql definition $idChain = $this->getRegisteredChain($primaryName); $sqlDefinition = $idChain->getSqlDefinition(); } // set entity connection to the sql expressions if ($filter_match instanceof Main\DB\SqlExpression) { $filter_match->setConnection($this->entity->getConnection()); } //$is_having = $last->getValue() instanceof ExpressionField && $last->getValue()->isAggregated(); // if back-reference found (Entity:REF) // if NO_DOUBLING mode enabled, then change getSQLDefinition to subquery exists(...) // and those chains should not be in joins if it is possible /*if (!$this->data_doubling && $chain->hasBackReference()) { $field_type = 'callback'; $init_query = $this; $callback = function ($field, $operation, $value) use ($init_query, $chain) { $init_entity = $init_query->getEntity(); $init_table_alias = CBaseEntity::camel2snake($init_entity->getName()).$init_query->getTableAliasPostfix(); $filter = array(); // add primary linking with main query foreach ($init_entity->getPrimaryArray() as $primary) { $filter['='.$primary] = new CSQLWhereExpression('?#', $init_table_alias.'.'.$primary); } // add value filter $filter[CSQLWhere::getOperationByCode($operation).$chain->getDefinition()] = $value; // build subquery $query_class = __CLASS__; $sub_query = new $query_class($init_entity); $sub_query->setFilter($filter); $sub_query->setTableAliasPostfix('_sub'); return 'EXISTS(' . $sub_query->getQuery() . ')'; }; }*/ $fields[$definition] = array( 'TABLE_ALIAS' => 'table', 'FIELD_NAME' => $sqlDefinition, 'FIELD_TYPE' => $field_type, 'MULTIPLE' => '', 'JOIN' => '', 'CALLBACK' => $callback ); } elseif (is_array($filter_match)) { $fields = array_merge($fields, $this->getFilterCswFields($filter_match)); } } return $fields; } /** * @param $reference * @param $alias_this * @param $alias_ref * @param $baseDefinition * @param $refDefinition * @param $isBackReference * * @return array * @throws Main\ArgumentException * @throws Main\SystemException */ protected function prepareJoinReference($reference, $alias_this, $alias_ref, $baseDefinition, $refDefinition, $isBackReference) { $new = array(); foreach ($reference as $k => $v) { if ($k === 'LOGIC') { $new[$k] = $v; continue; } if (is_numeric($k)) { // subfilter, recursive call $new[$k] = $this->prepareJoinReference($v, $alias_this, $alias_ref, $baseDefinition, $refDefinition, $isBackReference); } else { // key $sqlWhere = new \CSQLWhere(); $csw_result = $sqlWhere->makeOperation($k); list($field, $operation) = array_values($csw_result); if (strpos($field, 'this.') === 0) { // parse the chain $definition = str_replace(\CSQLWhere::getOperationByCode($operation).'this.', '', $k); $absDefinition = strlen($baseDefinition) ? $baseDefinition . '.' . $definition : $definition; $chain = $this->getRegisteredChain($absDefinition, true); if (!$isBackReference) { // make sure these fields will be joined before the main join $this->buildJoinMap(array($chain)); } else { $chain->getLastElement()->setParameter('talias', $alias_this); } // recursively collect all "build_from" fields if ($chain->getLastElement()->getValue() instanceof ExpressionField) { $this->collectExprChains($chain); $buildFrom = $chain->getLastElement()->getValue()->getBuildFromChains(); foreach ($buildFrom as $bf) { // set base chain $baseChain = clone $chain; // remove the last one - expression itself $baseChain->removeLastElement(); // remove parent entity for this child $bf->removeFirstElement(); // set new parents $bf->prepend($baseChain); } $this->buildJoinMap($buildFrom); } $k = \CSQLWhere::getOperationByCode($operation).$chain->getSqlDefinition(); } elseif (strpos($field, 'ref.') === 0) { $definition = str_replace(\CSQLWhere::getOperationByCode($operation).'ref.', '', $k); $absDefinition = strlen($refDefinition) ? $refDefinition . '.' . $definition : $definition; $chain = $this->getRegisteredChain($absDefinition, true); if ($isBackReference) { // make sure these fields will be joined before the main join $this->buildJoinMap(array($chain)); } else { $chain->getLastElement()->setParameter('talias', $alias_ref); } // recursively collect all "build_from" fields if ($chain->getLastElement()->getValue() instanceof ExpressionField) { $this->collectExprChains($chain); $this->buildJoinMap($chain->getLastElement()->getValue()->getBuildFromChains()); } $k = \CSQLWhere::getOperationByCode($operation).$chain->getSqlDefinition(); } else { throw new Main\SystemException(sprintf('Unknown reference key `%s`, it should start with "this." or "ref."', $k)); } // value if (is_array($v)) { // field = expression $v = new \CSQLWhereExpression($v[0], array_slice($v, 1)); } elseif ($v instanceof Main\DB\SqlExpression) { // set entity connection $v->setConnection($this->entity->getConnection()); } elseif (!is_object($v)) { if (strpos($v, 'this.') === 0) { $definition = str_replace('this.', '', $v); $absDefinition = strlen($baseDefinition) ? $baseDefinition . '.' . $definition : $definition; $chain = $this->getRegisteredChain($absDefinition, true); if (!$isBackReference) { // make sure these fields will be joined before the main join $this->buildJoinMap(array($chain)); } else { $chain->getLastElement()->setParameter('talias', $alias_this); } // recursively collect all "build_from" fields if ($chain->getLastElement()->getValue() instanceof ExpressionField) { $this->collectExprChains($chain); $buildFrom = $chain->getLastElement()->getValue()->getBuildFromChains(); foreach ($buildFrom as $bf) { // set base chain $baseChain = clone $chain; // remove the last one - expression itself $baseChain->removeLastElement(); // remove parent entity for this child $bf->removeFirstElement(); // set new parents $bf->prepend($baseChain); } $this->buildJoinMap($buildFrom); } $field_def = $chain->getSqlDefinition(); } elseif (strpos($v, 'ref.') === 0) { $definition = str_replace('ref.', '', $v); $absDefinition = strlen($refDefinition) ? $refDefinition . '.' . $definition : $definition; $chain = $this->getRegisteredChain($absDefinition, true); if ($isBackReference) { // make sure these fields will be joined before the main join $this->buildJoinMap(array($chain)); } else { $chain->getLastElement()->setParameter('talias', $alias_ref); } $this->buildJoinMap(array($chain)); // recursively collect all "build_from" fields if ($chain->getLastElement()->getValue() instanceof ExpressionField) { $this->collectExprChains($chain); $this->buildJoinMap($chain->getLastElement()->getValue()->getBuildFromChains()); } $field_def = $chain->getSqlDefinition(); } else { throw new Main\SystemException(sprintf('Unknown reference value `%s`', $v)); } $v = new \CSQLWhereExpression('?#', $field_def); } else { throw new Main\SystemException(sprintf('Unknown reference value `%s`, it should start with "this." or "ref."', $v)); } $new[$k] = $v; } } return $new; } /** * @param Filter $reference * @param $alias_this * @param $alias_ref * @param $baseDefinition * @param $refDefinition * @param $isBackReference * @param $firstCall * * @return Filter * @throws Main\ArgumentException * @throws Main\SystemException */ protected function prepareJoinFilterReference(Filter $reference, $alias_this, $alias_ref, $baseDefinition, $refDefinition, $isBackReference, $firstCall = true) { // do not make an impact on original reference object if ($firstCall) { $reference = clone $reference; } foreach ($reference->getConditions() as $condition) { if ($condition instanceof Filter) { // subfilter, recursive call $this->prepareJoinFilterReference( $condition, $alias_this, $alias_ref, $baseDefinition, $refDefinition, $isBackReference, false ); } else { // regular condition $field = $condition->getDefinition(); if (strpos($field, 'this.') === 0) { // parse the chain $definition = str_replace('this.', '', $field); $absDefinition = strlen($baseDefinition) ? $baseDefinition . '.' . $definition : $definition; $chain = $this->getRegisteredChain($absDefinition, true); if (!$isBackReference) { // make sure these fields will be joined before the main join $this->buildJoinMap(array($chain)); } else { $chain->getLastElement()->setParameter('talias', $alias_this); } // recursively collect all "build_from" fields if ($chain->getLastElement()->getValue() instanceof ExpressionField) { $this->collectExprChains($chain); $buildFrom = $chain->getLastElement()->getValue()->getBuildFromChains(); foreach ($buildFrom as $bf) { // set base chain $baseChain = clone $chain; // remove the last one - expression itself $baseChain->removeLastElement(); // remove parent entity for this child $bf->removeFirstElement(); // set new parents $bf->prepend($baseChain); } $this->buildJoinMap($buildFrom); } $condition->setColumn($absDefinition); } elseif (strpos($field, 'ref.') === 0) { $definition = str_replace('ref.', '', $field); if (strpos($definition, '.') !== false) { throw new Main\ArgumentException(sprintf( 'Reference chain `%s` is not allowed here. First-level definitions only.', $field )); } $absDefinition = strlen($refDefinition) ? $refDefinition . '.' . $definition : $definition; $chain = $this->getRegisteredChain($absDefinition, true); if ($isBackReference) { // make sure these fields will be joined before the main join $this->buildJoinMap(array($chain)); } else { $chain->getLastElement()->setParameter('talias', $alias_ref); } // recursively collect all "build_from" fields if ($chain->getLastElement()->getValue() instanceof ExpressionField) { $this->collectExprChains($chain); $this->buildJoinMap($chain->getLastElement()->getValue()->getBuildFromChains()); } $condition->setColumn($absDefinition); } else { throw new Main\SystemException(sprintf('Unknown reference key `%s`, it should start with "this." or "ref."', $field)); } // value $v = $condition->getValue(); if ($v instanceof Main\DB\SqlExpression) { // set entity connection $v->setConnection($this->entity->getConnection()); } elseif ($v instanceof ColumnExpression) { if (strpos($v->getDefinition(), 'this.') === 0) { $definition = str_replace('this.', '', $v->getDefinition()); $absDefinition = strlen($baseDefinition) ? $baseDefinition . '.' . $definition : $definition; $chain = $this->getRegisteredChain($absDefinition, true); if (!$isBackReference) { // make sure these fields will be joined before the main join $this->buildJoinMap(array($chain)); } else { $chain->getLastElement()->setParameter('talias', $alias_this); } // recursively collect all "build_from" fields if ($chain->getLastElement()->getValue() instanceof ExpressionField) { $this->collectExprChains($chain); $buildFrom = $chain->getLastElement()->getValue()->getBuildFromChains(); foreach ($buildFrom as $bf) { // set base chain $baseChain = clone $chain; // remove the last one - expression itself $baseChain->removeLastElement(); // remove parent entity for this child $bf->removeFirstElement(); // set new parents $bf->prepend($baseChain); } $this->buildJoinMap($buildFrom); } $v->setDefinition($absDefinition); } elseif (strpos($v->getDefinition(), 'ref.') === 0) { $definition = str_replace('ref.', '', $v->getDefinition()); if (strpos($definition, '.') !== false) { throw new Main\ArgumentException(sprintf( 'Reference chain `%s` is not allowed here. First-level definitions only.', $v->getDefinition() )); } $absDefinition = strlen($refDefinition) ? $refDefinition . '.' . $definition : $definition; $chain = $this->getRegisteredChain($absDefinition, true); if ($isBackReference) { // make sure these fields will be joined before the main join $this->buildJoinMap(array($chain)); } else { $chain->getLastElement()->setParameter('talias', $alias_ref); } $this->buildJoinMap(array($chain)); // recursively collect all "build_from" fields if ($chain->getLastElement()->getValue() instanceof ExpressionField) { $this->collectExprChains($chain); $this->buildJoinMap($chain->getLastElement()->getValue()->getBuildFromChains()); } $v->setDefinition($absDefinition); } } } } return $reference; } protected function getJoinCswFields($reference) { $fields = array(); foreach ($reference as $k => $v) { if ($k === 'LOGIC') { continue; } if (is_numeric($k)) { $fields = array_merge($fields, $this->getJoinCswFields($v)); } else { // key $sqlWhere = new \CSQLWhere(); $csw_result = $sqlWhere->makeOperation($k); list($field, ) = array_values($csw_result); $fields[$field] = array( 'TABLE_ALIAS' => 'alias', 'FIELD_NAME' => $field, 'FIELD_TYPE' => 'string', 'MULTIPLE' => '', 'JOIN' => '' ); // no need to add values as csw fields } } return $fields; } /** * @param $chain * * @return bool * @throws Main\SystemException */ protected function checkChainsAggregation($chain) { /** @var Chain[] $chains */ $chains = is_array($chain) ? $chain : array($chain); foreach ($chains as $chain) { $last = $chain->getLastElement(); $is_aggr = $last->getValue() instanceof ExpressionField && $last->getValue()->isAggregated(); if ($is_aggr) { return true; } } return false; } /** * The most magic method. Do not edit without strong need, and for sure run tests after. * * @param Chain $chain * @param array $storages * * @throws Main\SystemException */ protected function collectExprChains(Chain $chain, $storages = array('hidden')) { $last_elem = $chain->getLastElement(); $bf_chains = $last_elem->getValue()->getBuildFromChains(); $pre_chain = clone $chain; //$pre_chain->removeLastElement(); foreach ($bf_chains as $bf_chain) { // collect hidden chain $tmp_chain = clone $pre_chain; // exclude init entity /** @var ChainElement[] $bf_elements */ $bf_elements = array_slice($bf_chain->getAllElements(), 1); // add elements foreach ($bf_elements as $bf_element) { $tmp_chain->addElement($bf_element); } //if (!($bf_chain->getLastElement()->getValue() instanceof ExpressionField)) { foreach ($storages as $storage) { $reg_chain = $this->registerChain($storage, $tmp_chain); } // replace "build_from" chain end by registered chain end // actually it's better and more correctly to replace the whole chain $bf_chain->removeLastElement(); /** @var Chain $reg_chain */ $bf_chain->addElement($reg_chain->getLastElement()); } // check elements to recursive collect hidden chains foreach ($bf_elements as $bf_element) { if ($bf_element->getValue() instanceof ExpressionField) { $this->collectExprChains($tmp_chain); } } } } /** * @return Union * @throws Main\SystemException */ protected function getUnionHandler() { if ($this->unionHandler === null) { $this->unionHandler = new Union($this->entity->getConnection()); } return $this->unionHandler; } public function registerChain($section, Chain $chain, $opt_key = null) { $alias = $chain->getAlias(); if (isset($this->global_chains[$alias])) { if ($this->global_chains[$alias]->getDefinition() == $chain->getDefinition()) { $reg_chain = $this->global_chains[$alias]; } else { // we have a collision // like book.author_id and book.author.id have the same aliases, but different definitions // in most of the cases it's not a problem, there would be the same expected data // but we need register this chain separately to be available for internal usage $reg_chain = $chain; $this->global_chains[$reg_chain->getDefinition()] = $chain; } } else { $reg_chain = $chain; $def = $reg_chain->getDefinition(); $this->global_chains[$alias] = $chain; $this->global_chains[$def] = $chain; } $storage_name = $section . '_chains'; // in case of collision do not rewrite by alias if (!isset($this->{$storage_name}[$alias])) { $this->{$storage_name}[$alias] = $reg_chain; } if (!is_null($opt_key)) { $this->{$storage_name}[$opt_key] = $reg_chain; } return $reg_chain; } /** * @param $key * @param bool $force_create * * @return Chain|bool * @throws Main\ArgumentException * @throws Main\SystemException */ public function getRegisteredChain($key, $force_create = false) { if (isset($this->global_chains[$key])) { return $this->global_chains[$key]; } if ($force_create) { $chain = Chain::getChainByDefinition($this->entity, $key); $this->registerChain('global', $chain); return $chain; } return false; } public function booleanStrongEqualityCallback($field, $operation, $value) { $value = ($operation == 'SE') ? $value : !$value; return ($value ? '' : 'NOT ') . $field; } public function nullEqualityCallback($field, $operation, /** @noinspection PhpUnusedParameterInspection */ $value) { return $field.' IS '.($operation == 'SE' ? '' : 'NOT ') . 'NULL'; } public function dataDoublingCallback($field, /** @noinspection PhpUnusedParameterInspection */ $operation, $value) { return $field.' IN ('.$value.')'; } /** * @param $query * * @return Main\DB\ArrayResult|Main\DB\Result * @throws Main\ArgumentException * @throws Main\Db\SqlQueryException * @throws Main\SystemException */ protected function query($query) { // check nosql configuration $connection = $this->entity->getConnection(); $configuration = $connection->getConfiguration(); /** @var Main\DB\Result $result */ $result = null; if (isset($configuration['handlersocket']['read'])) { // optimize through nosql $nosqlConnectionName = $configuration['handlersocket']['read']; $nosqlConnection = Main\Application::getInstance()->getConnectionPool()->getConnection($nosqlConnectionName); $isNosqlCapable = NosqlPrimarySelector::checkQuery($nosqlConnection, $this); if ($isNosqlCapable) { $nosqlResult = NosqlPrimarySelector::relayQuery($nosqlConnection, $this); $result = new Main\DB\ArrayResult($nosqlResult); // add data converters if (!empty($nosqlResult)) { /** @var callable[] $converters */ $converters = []; foreach ($this->getSelectChains() as $selectChain) { $field = $selectChain->getLastElement()->getValue(); if ($field instanceof ScalarField) { $converter = $connection->getSqlHelper()->getConverter($field); if (is_callable($converter)) { $converter[$selectChain->getAlias()] = $converter; } } } if (!empty($converters)) { $result->setConverters($converters); } } } } if ($result === null) { // regular SQL query $cnt = null; if ($this->countTotal) { $buildParts = $this->query_build_parts; //remove order unset($buildParts['ORDER BY']); //remove select $buildParts['SELECT'] = "1 cntholder"; foreach ($buildParts as $k => &$v) { $v = $k . ' ' . $v; } $cntQuery = join("\n", $buildParts); // select count $cntQuery = /** @lang text */ "SELECT COUNT(cntholder) AS TMP_ROWS_CNT FROM ({$cntQuery}) xxx"; $cnt = $connection->queryScalar($cntQuery); } $result = $connection->query($query); $result->setReplacedAliases($this->replaced_aliases); if($this->countTotal) { $result->setCount($cnt); } static::$last_query = $query; } if ($this->isFetchModificationRequired()) { $result->addFetchDataModifier(array($this, 'fetchDataModificationCallback')); } return $result; } /** * Being called in Db\Result as a data fetch modifier * @param $data */ public function fetchDataModificationCallback(&$data) { // entity-defined callbacks foreach ($this->selectFetchModifiers as $alias => $modifiers) { foreach ($modifiers as $modifier) { $data[$alias] = call_user_func_array($modifier, array($data[$alias], $this, $data, $alias)); } } } /** * Check if fetch data modification required, also caches modifier-callbacks * @return bool * @throws Main\SystemException */ public function isFetchModificationRequired() { $this->selectFetchModifiers = array(); foreach ($this->select_chains as $chain) { if ($chain->getLastElement()->getValue()->getFetchDataModifiers()) { $this->selectFetchModifiers[$chain->getAlias()] = $chain->getLastElement()->getValue()->getFetchDataModifiers(); } } return !empty($this->selectFetchModifiers) || !empty($this->files); } /** * @param $query * * @return array * @throws Main\SystemException */ protected function replaceSelectAliases($query) { $connection = $this->entity->getConnection(); $helper = $connection->getSqlHelper(); $length = (int) $helper->getAliasLength(); $leftQuote = $helper->getLeftQuote(); $rightQuote = $helper->getRightQuote(); $replaced = array(); preg_match_all( '/ AS '.preg_quote($leftQuote).'([a-z0-9_]{'.($length+1).',})'.preg_quote($rightQuote).'/i', $query, $matches ); if (!empty($matches[1])) { foreach ($matches[1] as $alias) { $newAlias = 'FALIAS_'.count($replaced); $replaced[$newAlias] = $alias; $query = str_replace( ' AS ' . $helper->quote($alias), ' AS ' . $helper->quote($newAlias) . '/* '.$alias.' */', $query ); } } return array($query, $replaced); } /** * @param $source * * @return string * @throws Main\SystemException */ public function quoteTableSource($source) { // don't quote subqueries if (!preg_match('/\s*\(\s*SELECT.*\)\s*/is', $source)) { $source = $this->entity->getConnection()->getSqlHelper()->quote($source); } return $source; } public function __clone() { $this->entity = clone $this->entity; foreach ($this->select as $k => $v) { if ($v instanceof ExpressionField) { $this->select[$k] = clone $v; } } } /** * @return bool * @throws Main\SystemException */ public function hasBackReference() { if (empty($this->global_chains)) { throw new Main\SystemException('Query has not been executed or built'); } foreach ($this->global_chains as $chain) { if ($chain->hasBackReference()) { return true; } } return false; } /** * @return array|Chain[] */ public function getChains() { return $this->global_chains; } /** * @return array|Chain[] */ public function getGroupChains() { return $this->group_chains; } /** * @return array */ public function getHiddenChains() { return $this->hidden_chains; } /** * @return array|Chain[] */ public function getHavingChains() { return $this->having_chains; } /** * @return array|Chain[] */ public function getFilterChains() { return $this->filter_chains; } /** * @return array|Chain[] */ public function getOrderChains() { return $this->order_chains; } /** * @return array|Chain[] */ public function getSelectChains() { return $this->select_chains; } /** * @return array|Chain[] */ public function getWhereChains() { return $this->where_chains; } /** * @return Chain[] */ public function getRuntimeChains() { return $this->runtime_chains; } public function getJoinMap() { return $this->join_map; } /** * Builds and returns SQL query string * * @return string * @throws Main\ArgumentException * @throws Main\SystemException */ public function getQuery() { return $this->buildQuery(); } /** * Returns last executed query string * * @return string */ public static function getLastQuery() { return static::$last_query; } public function getEntity() { return $this->entity; } /** * Builds SQL filter conditions for WHERE. * Useful for external calls: building SQL for mass UPDATEs or DELETEs * * @param Entity $entity * @param array|Filter $filter the same format as for setFilter/where * * @return string * @throws Main\ArgumentException * @throws Main\SystemException */ public static function buildFilterSql(Entity $entity, $filter) { $query = new static($entity); if ($filter instanceof Filter) { // new object filter $query->where($filter); } else { // old array filter $query->setFilter($filter); } $query->setCustomBaseTableAlias($entity->getDBTableName())->buildQuery(); return $query->query_build_parts['WHERE']; } /** * @param bool $withPostfix * * @return string * @throws Main\SystemException */ public function getInitAlias($withPostfix = true) { if ($this->custom_base_table_alias !== null) { return $this->custom_base_table_alias; } $init_alias = strtolower($this->entity->getCode()); // add postfix if ($withPostfix) { $init_alias .= $this->table_alias_postfix; } // check length $connection = $this->entity->getConnection(); $aliasLength = $connection->getSqlHelper()->getAliasLength(); if (strlen($init_alias) > $aliasLength) { $init_alias = 'base'; // add postfix if ($withPostfix) { $init_alias .= $this->table_alias_postfix; } } return $init_alias; } public function getReplacedAliases() { return $this->replaced_aliases; } /* * Sets cache TTL in seconds. * @param int $ttl * @return $this */ public function setCacheTtl($ttl) { $this->cacheTtl = (int)$ttl; return $this; } /** * Enables or disables caching of queries with joins. * @param bool $mode * @return $this */ public function cacheJoins($mode) { $this->cacheJoins = (bool)$mode; return $this; } public function dump() { echo '<pre>'; echo 'last query: '; var_dump(static::$last_query); echo PHP_EOL; echo 'size of select_chains: '.count($this->select_chains); echo PHP_EOL; foreach ($this->select_chains as $num => $chain) { echo ' chain ['.$num.'] has '.$chain->getSize().' elements: '.PHP_EOL; $chain->dump(); echo PHP_EOL; } echo PHP_EOL.PHP_EOL; echo 'size of where_chains: '.count($this->where_chains); echo PHP_EOL; foreach ($this->where_chains as $num => $chain) { echo ' chain ['.$num.'] has '.$chain->getSize().' elements: '.PHP_EOL; $chain->dump(); echo PHP_EOL; } echo PHP_EOL.PHP_EOL; echo 'size of group_chains: '.count($this->group_chains); echo PHP_EOL; foreach ($this->group_chains as $num => $chain) { echo ' chain ['.$num.'] has '.$chain->getSize().' elements: '.PHP_EOL; $chain->dump(); echo PHP_EOL; } echo PHP_EOL.PHP_EOL; echo 'size of having_chains: '.count($this->having_chains); echo PHP_EOL; foreach ($this->having_chains as $num => $chain) { echo ' chain ['.$num.'] has '.$chain->getSize().' elements: '.PHP_EOL; $chain->dump(); echo PHP_EOL; } echo PHP_EOL.PHP_EOL; echo 'size of filter_chains: '.count($this->filter_chains); echo PHP_EOL; foreach ($this->filter_chains as $num => $chain) { echo ' chain ['.$num.'] has '.$chain->getSize().' elements: '.PHP_EOL; $chain->dump(); echo PHP_EOL; } echo PHP_EOL.PHP_EOL; echo 'size of select_expr_chains: '.count($this->select_expr_chains); echo PHP_EOL; foreach ($this->select_expr_chains as $num => $chain) { echo ' chain ['.$num.'] has '.$chain->getSize().' elements: '.PHP_EOL; $chain->dump(); echo PHP_EOL; } echo PHP_EOL.PHP_EOL; echo 'size of hidden_chains: '.count($this->hidden_chains); echo PHP_EOL; foreach ($this->hidden_chains as $num => $chain) { echo ' chain ['.$num.'] has '.$chain->getSize().' elements: '.PHP_EOL; $chain->dump(); echo PHP_EOL; } echo PHP_EOL.PHP_EOL; echo 'size of global_chains: '.count($this->global_chains); echo PHP_EOL; foreach ($this->global_chains as $num => $chain) { echo ' chain ['.$num.'] has '.$chain->getSize().' elements: '.PHP_EOL; $chain->dump(); echo PHP_EOL; } echo PHP_EOL.PHP_EOL; var_dump($this->join_map); echo '</pre>'; } }