Direktori : /home/bitrix/www/bitrix/modules/main/lib/orm/query/ |
Current File : //home/bitrix/www/bitrix/modules/main/lib/orm/query/result.php |
<?php /** * Bitrix Framework * @package bitrix * @subpackage main * @copyright 2001-2018 Bitrix */ namespace Bitrix\Main\ORM\Query; use Bitrix\Main\ArgumentException; use Bitrix\Main\DB\ArrayResult; use \Bitrix\Main\DB\Result as BaseResult; use Bitrix\Main\ORM\Fields\ExpressionField; use Bitrix\Main\ORM\Entity; use Bitrix\Main\ORM\Fields\Field; use Bitrix\Main\ORM\Fields\IReadable; use Bitrix\Main\ORM\Fields\Relations\ManyToMany; use Bitrix\Main\ORM\Fields\Relations\OneToMany; use Bitrix\Main\ORM\Objectify\Collection; use Bitrix\Main\ORM\Objectify\IdentityMap; use Bitrix\Main\ORM\Objectify\State; use Bitrix\Main\ORM\Objectify\EntityObject; use Bitrix\Main\ORM\Fields\Relations\Reference; use Bitrix\Main\ORM\Fields\ScalarField; use Bitrix\Main\SystemException; /** * Decorates base Result, adds new method fetchObject(). * @package bitrix * @subpackage main */ class Result extends BaseResult { /** @var BaseResult */ protected $result; /** @var Query */ protected $query; /** @var Chain[][] Result chains map by entity path */ protected $selectChainsMap = []; /** @var EntityObject|string Cache for object class of init entity */ protected $objectClass; /** @var IdentityMap */ protected $identityMap; /** @var bool Status of base object fetching initialization */ protected $objectInitPassed = false; /** @var array Column names (chain aliases) of primary fields in result */ protected $primaryAliases; public function __construct(Query $query, BaseResult $result) { $this->query = $query; $this->result = $result; } public function getFields() { return $this->result->getFields(); } public function getSelectedRowsCount() { return $this->result->getSelectedRowsCount(); } protected function fetchRowInternal() { return $this->result->fetchRowInternal(); } /** * @return null Actual type should be annotated by orm:annotate * @throws SystemException * @throws ArgumentException */ final public function fetchObject() { // TODO when join, add primary and hide it in ARRAY result, but use for OBJECT fetch // e.g. when first fetchObject, remove data modifier that cuts 'unexpected' primary fields // base object initialization $this->initializeFetchObject(); // array data $row = $this->result->fetch(); if (empty($row)) { return null; } if (is_object($row) && $row instanceof EntityObject) { // all rows has already been fetched in initializeFetchObject return $row; } // get primary of base object $basePrimaryValues = []; foreach ($this->primaryAliases as $primaryName => $primaryAlias) { /** @var ScalarField $primaryField */ $primaryField = $this->query->getEntity()->getField($primaryName); $primaryValue = $primaryField->cast($row[$primaryAlias]); $basePrimaryValues[$primaryName] = $primaryValue; } // check for object in identity map $baseAddToIM = false; $objectClass = $this->objectClass; /** @var EntityObject $object */ $object = $this->identityMap->get($objectClass, $basePrimaryValues); if (empty($object)) { $object = new $objectClass(false); // set right state $object->sysChangeState(State::ACTUAL); // add to identityMap later, when primary is set $baseAddToIM = true; } /** @var EntityObject[] $relEntityCache Last reference and relation object that has been woken up by definition */ $relEntityCache = []; // go through select chains foreach ($this->query->getSelectChains() as $selectChain) { // object for current chain element, for the first element is object of init entity $currentObject = $object; // accumulated definition from the first to the current chain element $currentDefinitionParts = []; $currentDefinition = null; // cut first element as long as it is init entity $iterableElements = array_slice($selectChain->getAllElements(), 1); // dive deep from the start to the end of chain foreach ($iterableElements as $element) { /** @var $element ChainElement $field */ $field = $element->getValue(); if (!($field instanceof Field)) { // ignore old-style back references, OneToMany is expected instead // skip for the next chain continue 2; } // actualize current definition $currentDefinitionParts[] = $field->getName(); $currentDefinition = join('.', $currentDefinitionParts); // is it runtime field? then ->tmpSet() $isRuntimeField = !empty($this->query->getRuntimeChains()[$currentDefinition]); if ($field instanceof IReadable) { // normalize value $value = $field->cast($row[$selectChain->getAlias()]); // set value as actual to the object $isRuntimeField ? $currentObject->sysSetRuntime($field->getName(), $value) : $currentObject->sysSetActual($field->getName(), $value); } else { // define remote entity definition // check if this reference has already been woken up // main part of current chain (w/o last element) should be the same if (!empty($relEntityCache[$currentDefinition])) { $currentObject = $relEntityCache[$currentDefinition]; continue; } // else it will be set after object identification // define remote entity of reference $remoteEntity = $field->getRefEntity(); // define values and primary of remote object // we can set all values at one time and skip other iterations with values of this object $remotePrimary = $remoteEntity->getPrimaryArray(); $remoteObjectValues = []; $remotePrimaryValues = []; foreach ($this->selectChainsMap[$currentDefinition] as $remoteChain) { /** @var ScalarField|ExpressionField $remoteField */ $remoteField = $remoteChain->getLastElement()->getValue(); $remoteValue = $remoteField->cast($row[$remoteChain->getAlias()]); $remoteObjectValues[$remoteField->getName()] = $remoteValue; } foreach ($remotePrimary as $primaryName) { if (!isset($remoteObjectValues[$primaryName])) { throw new SystemException(sprintf( 'Primary of %s was not found in database result', $remoteEntity->getDataClass() )); } $remotePrimaryValues[$primaryName] = $remoteObjectValues[$primaryName]; } // compose relative object if ($field instanceof Reference) { // get object via identity map $remoteObject = $this->composeRemoteObject($remoteEntity, $remotePrimaryValues, $remoteObjectValues); // set remoteObject to baseObject $isRuntimeField ? $currentObject->sysSetRuntime($field->getName(), $remoteObject) : $currentObject->sysSetActual($field->getName(), $remoteObject); } elseif ($field instanceof OneToMany || $field instanceof ManyToMany) { // get collection of remote objects if ($isRuntimeField) { if (empty($currentObject->sysGetRuntime($field->getName()))) { // create new collection and set as value for current object $collection = $remoteEntity->createCollection(); $currentObject->sysSetRuntime($field->getName(), $collection); } else { $collection = $currentObject->sysGetRuntime($field->getName()); } } else { if (empty($currentObject->sysGetValue($field->getName()))) { // create new collection and set as value for current object $collection = $remoteEntity->createCollection(); $currentObject->sysSetActual($field->getName(), $collection); } else { $collection = $currentObject->sysGetValue($field->getName()); } } // define remote object if (!$collection->hasByPrimary($remotePrimaryValues)) { // get object via identity map $remoteObject = $this->composeRemoteObject($remoteEntity, $remotePrimaryValues, $remoteObjectValues); // add to collection $collection->sysAddActual($remoteObject); } else { $remoteObject = $collection->getByPrimary($remotePrimaryValues); } } else { throw new SystemException('Unknown chain element value while fetching object'); } // switch current object, further chain elements belong to this object $currentObject = $remoteObject; // save as ready object for current row $relEntityCache[$currentDefinition] = $remoteObject; } } } if ($baseAddToIM) { // save to identityMap $this->identityMap->put($object); } return $object; } /** * @return null Actual type should be annotated by orm:annotate * @throws \Bitrix\Main\SystemException */ final public function fetchCollection() { // base object initialization $this->initializeFetchObject(true); /** @var Collection $collection */ $collection = $this->query->getEntity()->createCollection(); while ($object = $this->fetchObject()) { $collection->sysAddActual($object); } return $collection; } /** * One-time initialization actions when fetch objects * * @param bool $asCollection * * @throws \Bitrix\Main\SystemException */ protected function initializeFetchObject($asCollection = false) { if (empty($this->objectInitPassed)) { // validate query if (!empty($this->query->getGroupChains())) { throw new SystemException( 'Result of query with aggregation could not be fetched as an object' ); } // initialize if (empty($this->identityMap)) { // identity map could have been set before first fetch $this->identityMap = new IdentityMap; } $this->objectClass = $this->query->getEntity()->getObjectClass(); $this->buildSelectChainsMap(); $this->definePrimaryAliases(); // values will be cast anyway based on original fields, not just associated with column types //$this->setStrictValueConverters(); $this->objectInitPassed = true; // if there are back references, fetch everything and make virtual ArrayResult if (!$asCollection && $this->query->hasBackReference()) { /** @var Collection $collection */ $collection = $this->fetchCollection(); $this->result = new ArrayResult($collection->getAll()); } } } /** * Builds chains map by entity path */ protected function buildSelectChainsMap() { foreach ($this->query->getSelectChains() as $selectChain) { $this->selectChainsMap[$selectChain->getDefinition(-1)][] = $selectChain; } } /** * Builds base object primary aliases map */ protected function definePrimaryAliases() { $primaryNames = $this->query->getEntity()->getPrimaryArray(); foreach ($this->query->getSelectChains() as $selectChain) { $field = $selectChain->getLastElement()->getValue(); // get 0-level simple fields: entity + field if ($field->getEntity()->getDataClass() === $this->query->getEntity()->getDataClass() && in_array($field->getName(), $primaryNames)) { $this->primaryAliases[$field->getName()] = $selectChain->getAlias(); if (count($this->primaryAliases) == count($primaryNames)) { break; } } } if (count($this->primaryAliases) != count($primaryNames)) { throw new SystemException(sprintf( 'Primary of %s was not found in database result', $this->query->getEntity()->getDataClass() )); } } /** * Low-level data type cast */ protected function setStrictValueConverters() { foreach ($this->query->getSelectChains() as $selectChain) { $alias = $selectChain->getAlias(); if (!isset($this->result->converters[$alias])) { $this->result->converters[$alias] = [ $this->result->getFields()[$alias], 'convertValueFromDb' ]; } } } /** * @param Entity $entity * @param $primaryValues * @param $objectValues * * @return EntityObject * @throws SystemException * @throws \Bitrix\Main\ArgumentException */ protected function composeRemoteObject($entity, $primaryValues, $objectValues) { // try to get remote object from identity map /** @var $remoteObject EntityObject */ $objectClass = $entity->getObjectClass(); $remoteObject = $this->identityMap->get($objectClass, $primaryValues); // do we have a new object to add to identity map $addToIM = false; if (empty($remoteObject)) { // define new object $remoteObject = new $objectClass(false); // set right state $remoteObject->sysChangeState(State::ACTUAL); // add to identityMap later, when primary is set $addToIM = true; } // set all values of remote object foreach ($objectValues as $fieldName => $objectValue) { $remoteObject->sysSetActual($fieldName, $objectValue); } // save to identityMap if ($addToIM) { $this->identityMap->put($remoteObject); } return $remoteObject; } /** * Sets custom identity map * * @param IdentityMap $map * * @return Result */ public function setIdentityMap(IdentityMap $map) { $this->identityMap = $map; return $this; } /** * @return IdentityMap */ public function getIdentityMap() { return $this->identityMap; } // decorate other methods public function getResource() { return $this->result->getResource(); } public function setReplacedAliases(array $replacedAliases) { $this->result->setReplacedAliases($replacedAliases); } public function addReplacedAliases(array $replacedAliases) { $this->result->addReplacedAliases($replacedAliases); } public function setSerializedFields(array $serializedFields) { $this->result->setSerializedFields($serializedFields); } public function addFetchDataModifier($fetchDataModifier) { $this->result->addFetchDataModifier($fetchDataModifier); } public function fetchRaw() { return $this->result->fetchRaw(); } public function fetch(\Bitrix\Main\Text\Converter $converter = null) { return $this->result->fetch($converter); } public function fetchAll(\Bitrix\Main\Text\Converter $converter = null) { return $this->result->fetchAll($converter); } public function getTrackerQuery() { return $this->result->getTrackerQuery(); } public function getConverters() { return $this->result->getConverters(); } public function setConverters($converters) { $this->result->setConverters($converters); } public function setCount($n) { $this->result->setCount($n); } public function getCount() { return $this->result->getCount(); } public function getIterator() { return $this->result->getIterator(); } }