Direktori : /home/bitrix/www/bitrix/modules/report/classes/general/ |
Current File : //home/bitrix/www/bitrix/modules/report/classes/general/report_helper.php |
<?php use Bitrix\Main\Entity; abstract class CReportHelper { const UF_DATETIME_SHORT_POSTFIX = '_DTSHORT'; const UF_TEXT_TRIM_POSTFIX = '_TRIMTX'; const UF_BOOLEAN_POSTFIX = '_BLINL'; protected static $userNameFormat = null; protected static $arUFId = null; protected static $ufInfo = null; protected static $ufEnumerations = null; protected static $ufFiles = array(); protected static $ufEmployees = array(); protected static $ufDiskFiles = array(); protected static $ufCrmElements = array(); protected static $ufCrmStatuses = array(); protected static $ufIblockElements = array(); protected static $ufIblockSections = array(); public static function getEntityName() { throw new \Bitrix\Main\SystemException('Method "getEntityName" must be defined in child class.'); } public static function getOwnerId() { throw new \Bitrix\Main\SystemException('Method "getOwnerId" must be defined in child class.'); } public static function getColumnList() { throw new \Bitrix\Main\SystemException('Method "getColumnList" must be defined in child class.'); } public static function getDefaultColumns() { throw new \Bitrix\Main\SystemException('Method "getDefaultColumns" must be defined in child class.'); } public static function getPeriodFilter($date_from, $date_to) { throw new \Bitrix\Main\SystemException('Method "getPeriodFilter" must be defined in child class.'); } protected static function prepareUFInfo() { if (!is_array(self::$arUFId) || count(self::$arUFId) <= 0 || is_array(self::$ufInfo)) return; self::$arUFId = array(); self::$ufInfo = array(); self::$ufEnumerations = array(); } public static function &getUFInfo() { static::prepareUFInfo(); return self::$ufInfo; } protected static function prepareUFEnumerations($usedUFMap = null) { if (!is_array(self::$ufEnumerations)) { self::$ufEnumerations = array(); } } public static function &getUFEnumerations($usedUFMap = null) { static::prepareUFEnumerations($usedUFMap); return self::$ufEnumerations; } public static function detectUserField($field) { static::prepareUFInfo(); $arUF = array( 'isUF' => false, 'ufInfo' => null ); if ($field instanceof \Bitrix\Main\Entity\ExpressionField && is_array(self::$ufInfo) && count(self::$ufInfo) > 0) { $ufKey = $field->getName(); $ufId = $field->getEntity()->getUFId(); if (is_string($ufId) && !empty($ufId) && array_key_exists($ufId, self::$ufInfo) && is_array(self::$ufInfo[$ufId]) && array_key_exists($ufKey, self::$ufInfo[$ufId])) { $arUF['isUF'] = true; $arUF['ufInfo'] = self::$ufInfo[$ufId][$ufKey]; } } return $arUF; } public static function getUserFieldDataType($arUF) { $result = false; if (is_array($arUF) && isset($arUF['isUF']) && $arUF['isUF'] === true && isset($arUF['ufInfo']) && is_array($arUF['ufInfo']) && isset($arUF['ufInfo']['USER_TYPE_ID'])) { $result = $arUF['ufInfo']['USER_TYPE_ID']; } return $result; } public static function getFieldDataType($field) { static::prepareUFInfo(); /** @var Entity\Field $field*/ $dataType = $field->getDataType(); // until the date type is not supported if ($dataType === 'date') $dataType = 'datetime'; $ufInfo = null; if ($field instanceof Entity\ExpressionField && is_array(self::$ufInfo) && count(self::$ufInfo) > 0) { $ufKey = $field->getName(); $ufId = $field->getEntity()->getUFId(); if (is_string($ufId) && !empty($ufId) && array_key_exists($ufId, self::$ufInfo) && is_array(self::$ufInfo[$ufId]) && array_key_exists($ufKey, self::$ufInfo[$ufId])) { $ufInfo = self::$ufInfo[$ufId][$ufKey]; } unset($ufKey); } if (is_array($ufInfo) && isset($ufInfo['USER_TYPE_ID'])) { switch ($ufInfo['USER_TYPE_ID']) { case 'integer': $dataType = 'integer'; break; case 'double': $dataType = 'float'; break; case 'boolean': $dataType = 'boolean'; break; case 'date': $dataType = 'datetime'; break; case 'datetime': $dataType = 'datetime'; break; case 'enumeration': $dataType = 'enum'; break; case 'employee': $dataType = 'employee'; break; case 'file': $dataType = 'file'; break; case 'disk_file': $dataType = 'disk_file'; break; case 'crm': $dataType = 'crm'; break; case 'crm_status': $dataType = 'crm_status'; break; case 'iblock_element': $dataType = 'iblock_element'; break; case 'iblock_section': $dataType = 'iblock_section'; break; } } return $dataType; } public static function getUserFieldEnumerationValue($valueKey, $ufInfo) { $value = ''; $ufId = isset($ufInfo['ENTITY_ID']) ? strval($ufInfo['ENTITY_ID']) : ''; $ufName = isset($ufInfo['FIELD_NAME']) ? strval($ufInfo['FIELD_NAME']) : ''; if (!empty($ufId) && !empty($ufName)) { if (!is_array(self::$ufEnumerations) || !isset(self::$ufEnumerations[$ufId][$ufName])) { static::prepareUFEnumerations(array($ufId => array($ufName => true))); } if (is_array(self::$ufEnumerations) && isset(self::$ufEnumerations[$ufId][$ufName][$valueKey]['VALUE'])) $value = self::$ufEnumerations[$ufId][$ufName][$valueKey]['VALUE']; } return $value; } public static function getUserFieldFileValue($valueKey, $ufInfo) { $valueKey = intval($valueKey); $value = ''; if ($valueKey > 0) { if (is_array(self::$ufFiles) && is_array(self::$ufFiles[$valueKey])) { $arFile = self::$ufFiles[$valueKey]; /* * save security * $src = $arFile['SRC']; $file = new CFile(); $value = '<a target="_blank" href="'.htmlspecialcharsbx($src).'" title="'. htmlspecialcharsbx($file->FormatSize($arFile['FILE_SIZE'])).'">'. htmlspecialcharsbx($arFile['FILE_NAME']).'</a>'; */ $file = new CFile(); $value = htmlspecialcharsbx($arFile['FILE_NAME'].' ('.$file->FormatSize($arFile['FILE_SIZE']).')'); } else { $value = htmlspecialcharsbx(GetMessage('REPORT_FILE_NOT_FOUND')); } } return $value; } public static function getUserFieldFileValueForChart($valueKey, $ufInfo) { $valueKey = intval($valueKey); $value = ''; if ($valueKey > 0) { if (is_array(self::$ufFiles) && is_array(self::$ufFiles[$valueKey])) { $arFile = self::$ufFiles[$valueKey]; $value = htmlspecialcharsbx($arFile['FILE_NAME']); } else { $value = htmlspecialcharsbx(GetMessage('REPORT_FILE_NOT_FOUND')); } } return $value; } public static function getUserFieldDiskFileValue($valueKey, $ufInfo) { $valueKey = intval($valueKey); $value = ''; if ($valueKey > 0) { if (is_array(self::$ufDiskFiles) && is_array(self::$ufDiskFiles[$valueKey])) { $arDiskFile = self::$ufDiskFiles[$valueKey]; $src = isset($arDiskFile['DOWNLOAD_URL']) ? strval($arDiskFile['DOWNLOAD_URL']) : ''; $file = new CFile(); if (!empty($src)) { $value = '<a target="_blank" href="'.htmlspecialcharsbx($src).'" title="'. htmlspecialcharsbx($file->FormatSize($arDiskFile['SIZE'])).'">'. htmlspecialcharsbx($arDiskFile['NAME']).'</a>'; } else { $value = htmlspecialcharsbx($arDiskFile['NAME'].' ('.$file->FormatSize($arDiskFile['SIZE']).')'); } } else { $value = htmlspecialcharsbx(GetMessage('REPORT_FILE_NOT_FOUND')); } } return $value; } public static function getUserFieldDiskFileValueForChart($valueKey, $ufInfo) { $valueKey = intval($valueKey); $value = ''; if ($valueKey > 0) { if (is_array(self::$ufDiskFiles) && is_array(self::$ufDiskFiles[$valueKey])) { $arFile = self::$ufDiskFiles[$valueKey]; $value = htmlspecialcharsbx($arFile['NAME']); } else { $value = htmlspecialcharsbx(GetMessage('REPORT_FILE_NOT_FOUND')); } } return $value; } public static function getUserFieldEmployeeValue($valueKey, $ufInfo) { $valueKey = intval($valueKey); $value = ''; if ($valueKey > 0) { if (is_array(self::$ufEmployees) && is_array(self::$ufEmployees[$valueKey])) { $employeeName = CUser::FormatName(self::getUserNameFormat(), self::$ufEmployees[$valueKey], true); if (!empty($employeeName)) { $employeeLink = str_replace( array('#ID#', '#USER_ID#'), urlencode($valueKey), COption::GetOptionString('intranet', 'path_user', '/company/personal/user/#USER_ID#/') ); if (empty($employeeLink)) $value = $employeeName; else $value = '<a href="'.$employeeLink.'">'.$employeeName.'</a>'; } } else { $value = htmlspecialcharsbx(GetMessage('REPORT_USER_NOT_FOUND')); } } return $value; } public static function getUserFieldEmployeeValueForChart($valueKey, $ufInfo) { $valueKey = intval($valueKey); $value = ''; if ($valueKey > 0) { if (is_array(self::$ufEmployees) && is_array(self::$ufEmployees[$valueKey])) { $employeeName = CUser::FormatName(self::getUserNameFormat(), self::$ufEmployees[$valueKey], true); if (!empty($employeeName)) $value = $employeeName; } else { $value = htmlspecialcharsbx(GetMessage('REPORT_USER_NOT_FOUND')); } } return $value; } public static function getUserFieldCrmValue($valueKey, $ufInfo) { $valueKey = trim(strval($valueKey)); $value = ''; if (strlen($valueKey) > 0) { $prefixByType = array( 'lead' => 'L', 'contact' => 'C', 'company' => 'CO', 'deal' => 'D', 'quote' => 'Q' ); $maxPrefixLength = 2; // 'CO' $singleTypePrefix = ''; if (is_array($ufInfo['SETTINGS'])) { $supportedTypes = array(); foreach ($ufInfo['SETTINGS'] as $type => $supported) { if ($supported === 'Y') $supportedTypes[$type] = true; } $supportedTypes = array_keys($supportedTypes); if (count($supportedTypes) === 1) { if (isset($prefixByType[strtolower($supportedTypes[0])])) $singleTypePrefix = $prefixByType[strtolower($supportedTypes[0])]; } unset($supportedTypes, $type, $supported); } $prefix = ''; if (($pos = strpos(substr($valueKey, 0, $maxPrefixLength + 1), '_')) !== false && $pos > 0) $prefix = substr($valueKey, 0, $pos); if (empty($prefix)) $valueKey = $singleTypePrefix . '_' . $valueKey; unset($prefix, $pos); if (is_array(self::$ufCrmElements) && is_array(self::$ufCrmElements[$valueKey])) { $element = self::$ufCrmElements[$valueKey]; $item = explode('_', $valueKey); $arEntityType = array_flip($prefixByType); if (strlen($item[0]) > 0 && strlen($item[1]) > 0) { $entityTitle = $entityLink = ''; switch ($item[0]) { case 'L': case 'CO': case 'D': $entityTitle = $element['TITLE']; break; case 'C': $entityTitle = CUser::FormatName( static::getUserNameFormat(), array( 'LOGIN' => '', 'NAME' => $element['NAME'], 'SECOND_NAME' => $element['SECOND_NAME'], 'LAST_NAME' => $element['LAST_NAME'] ), false, false ); break; } if (isset($arEntityType[$item[0]])) { $entityLink = CComponentEngine::MakePathFromTemplate( COption::GetOptionString('crm', 'path_to_'.$arEntityType[$item[0]].'_show'), array($arEntityType[$item[0]].'_id' => $element['ID']) ); } if (strlen($entityTitle) > 0) { if (strlen($entityLink) > 0) { $value = '<a target="_blank" href="'.$entityLink.'">'. htmlspecialcharsbx($entityTitle).'</a>'; } else $value = htmlspecialcharsbx($entityTitle); } } } } return $value; } public static function getUserFieldCrmValueForChart($valueKey, $ufInfo) { $valueKey = trim(strval($valueKey)); $value = ''; if (strlen($valueKey) > 0) { $prefixByType = array( 'lead' => 'L', 'contact' => 'C', 'company' => 'CO', 'deal' => 'D', 'quote' => 'Q' ); $maxPrefixLength = 2; // 'CO' $singleTypePrefix = ''; if (is_array($ufInfo['SETTINGS'])) { $supportedTypes = array(); foreach ($ufInfo['SETTINGS'] as $type => $supported) { if ($supported === 'Y') $supportedTypes[$type] = true; } $supportedTypes = array_keys($supportedTypes); if (count($supportedTypes) === 1) { if (isset($prefixByType[strtolower($supportedTypes[0])])) $singleTypePrefix = $prefixByType[strtolower($supportedTypes[0])]; } unset($supportedTypes, $type, $supported); } $prefix = ''; if (($pos = strpos(substr($valueKey, 0, $maxPrefixLength + 1), '_')) !== false && $pos > 0) $prefix = substr($valueKey, 0, $pos); if (empty($prefix)) $valueKey = $singleTypePrefix . '_' . $valueKey; unset($prefix, $pos); if (is_array(self::$ufCrmElements) && is_array(self::$ufCrmElements[$valueKey])) { $element = self::$ufCrmElements[$valueKey]; $item = explode('_', $valueKey); if (strlen($item[0]) > 0 && strlen($item[1]) > 0) { switch ($item[0]) { case 'L': case 'CO': case 'D': $value = $element['TITLE']; break; case 'C': $value = CUser::FormatName( static::getUserNameFormat(), array( 'LOGIN' => '', 'NAME' => $element['NAME'], 'SECOND_NAME' => $element['SECOND_NAME'], 'LAST_NAME' => $element['LAST_NAME'] ), false, false ); break; } } } } return htmlspecialcharsbx($value); } public static function getUserFieldCrmStatusValue($valueKey, $ufInfo) { $entityType = isset($ufInfo['SETTINGS']['ENTITY_TYPE']) ? strval($ufInfo['SETTINGS']['ENTITY_TYPE']) : ''; $valueKey = trim(strval($valueKey)); $value = ''; if (!empty($entityType) && strlen($valueKey) > 0) { if (is_array(self::$ufCrmStatuses) && isset(self::$ufCrmStatuses[$entityType][$valueKey])) $value = htmlspecialcharsbx(self::$ufCrmStatuses[$entityType][$valueKey]); } return $value; } public static function getUserFieldIblockElementValue($valueKey, $ufInfo) { $valueKey = intval($valueKey); $value = ''; if ($valueKey > 0) { if (is_array(self::$ufIblockElements) && is_array(self::$ufIblockElements[$valueKey])) { $element = self::$ufIblockElements[$valueKey]; $elementLink = ''; $elementName = $element['~NAME']; if (!empty($element['~DETAIL_PAGE_URL'])) $elementLink = $element['~DETAIL_PAGE_URL']; if (strlen($elementName) > 0) { if (strlen($elementLink) > 0) { $value = '<a target="_blank" href="'.$elementLink.'">'. htmlspecialcharsbx($elementName).'</a>'; } else $value = htmlspecialcharsbx($elementName); } } } return $value; } public static function getUserFieldIblockElementValueForChart($valueKey, $ufInfo) { $valueKey = intval($valueKey); $value = ''; if ($valueKey > 0) { if (is_array(self::$ufIblockElements) && is_array(self::$ufIblockElements[$valueKey])) { $element = self::$ufIblockElements[$valueKey]; $elementName = $element['~NAME']; if (strlen($elementName) > 0) $value = htmlspecialcharsbx($elementName); } } return $value; } public static function getUserFieldIblockSectionValue($valueKey, $ufInfo) { $valueKey = intval($valueKey); $value = ''; if ($valueKey > 0) { if (is_array(self::$ufIblockSections) && is_array(self::$ufIblockSections[$valueKey])) { $section = self::$ufIblockSections[$valueKey]; $sectionLink = ''; $sectionName = $section['~NAME']; if (!empty($section['~SECTION_PAGE_URL'])) $sectionLink = $section['~SECTION_PAGE_URL']; if (strlen($sectionName) > 0) { if (strlen($sectionLink) > 0) { $value = '<a target="_blank" href="'.$sectionLink.'">'. htmlspecialcharsbx($sectionName).'</a>'; } else $value = htmlspecialcharsbx($sectionName); } } } return $value; } public static function getUserFieldIblockSectionValueForChart($valueKey, $ufInfo) { $valueKey = intval($valueKey); $value = ''; if ($valueKey > 0) { if (is_array(self::$ufIblockSections) && is_array(self::$ufIblockSections[$valueKey])) { $section = self::$ufIblockSections[$valueKey]; $sectionName = $section['~NAME']; if (strlen($sectionName) > 0) $value = htmlspecialcharsbx($sectionName); } } return $value; } public static function setRuntimeFields(\Bitrix\Main\Entity\Base $entity, $sqlTimeInterval) { // do nothing here, could be overwritten in children } public static function getCustomColumnTypes() { return array(); } public static function getGrcColumns() { return array(); } public static function getCalcVariations() { return array( 'integer' => array( 'MIN', 'AVG', 'MAX', 'SUM', 'COUNT_DISTINCT' ), 'float' => array( 'MIN', 'AVG', 'MAX', 'SUM', 'COUNT_DISTINCT' ), 'string' => array( 'COUNT_DISTINCT' ), 'text' => array( 'COUNT_DISTINCT' ), 'boolean' => array( 'SUM' ), 'datetime' => array( 'MIN', 'MAX', 'COUNT_DISTINCT' ), 'enum' => array( 'COUNT_DISTINCT' ), 'file' => array( 'COUNT_DISTINCT' ), 'disk_file' => array( 'COUNT_DISTINCT' ), 'employee' => array( 'COUNT_DISTINCT' ), 'crm' => array( 'COUNT_DISTINCT' ), 'crm_status' => array( 'COUNT_DISTINCT' ), 'iblock_element' => array( 'COUNT_DISTINCT' ), 'iblock_section' => array( 'COUNT_DISTINCT' ) ); } public static function getCompareVariations() { return array( 'integer' => array( 'EQUAL', 'GREATER_OR_EQUAL', 'GREATER', 'LESS', 'LESS_OR_EQUAL', 'NOT_EQUAL' ), 'float' => array( 'EQUAL', 'GREATER_OR_EQUAL', 'GREATER', 'LESS', 'LESS_OR_EQUAL', 'NOT_EQUAL' ), 'string' => array( 'EQUAL', 'START_WITH', 'CONTAINS', 'NOT_CONTAINS', 'NOT_EQUAL' ), 'text' => array( 'EQUAL', 'START_WITH', 'CONTAINS', 'NOT_CONTAINS', 'NOT_EQUAL' ), 'boolean' => array( 'EQUAL' ), 'datetime' => array( 'EQUAL', 'GREATER_OR_EQUAL', 'GREATER', 'LESS', 'LESS_OR_EQUAL', 'NOT_EQUAL' ), '\Bitrix\Main\User' => array( 'EQUAL' ), '\Bitrix\Socialnetwork\Workgroup' => array( 'EQUAL' ), 'enum' => array( 'EQUAL', 'NOT_EQUAL' ), 'file' => array( 'EQUAL', 'NOT_EQUAL' ), 'disk_file' => array( 'EQUAL', 'NOT_EQUAL' ), 'employee' => array( 'EQUAL', 'NOT_EQUAL' ), 'crm' => array( 'EQUAL', 'NOT_EQUAL' ), 'crm_status' => array( 'EQUAL', 'NOT_EQUAL' ), 'iblock_element' => array( 'EQUAL', 'NOT_EQUAL' ), 'iblock_section' => array( 'EQUAL', 'NOT_EQUAL' ) ); } public static function buildHTMLSelectTreePopup($tree, $withReferencesChoose = false, $level = 0) { $html = ''; $i = 0; foreach($tree as $treeElem) { $isLastElem = (++$i == count($tree)); $fieldDefinition = $treeElem['fieldName']; $branch = $treeElem['branch']; $fieldType = null; $customColumnTypes = static::getCustomColumnTypes(); if (array_key_exists($fieldDefinition, $customColumnTypes)) { $fieldType = $customColumnTypes[$fieldDefinition]; } else { $fieldType = $treeElem['field'] ? static::getFieldDataType($treeElem['field']) : null; } // file fields is not filtrable if ($withReferencesChoose && ($fieldType === 'file' || $fieldType === 'disk_file')) continue; if (empty($branch)) { // single field $htmlElem = static::buildSelectTreePopupElelemnt( $treeElem['humanTitle'], $treeElem['fullHumanTitle'], $fieldDefinition, $fieldType, ($treeElem['isUF'] === true && is_array($treeElem['ufInfo'])) ? $treeElem['ufInfo'] : array() ); if ($isLastElem && $level > 0) { $htmlElem = str_replace( '<div class="reports-add-popup-item">', '<div class="reports-add-popup-item reports-add-popup-item-last">', $htmlElem ); } $html .= $htmlElem; } else { // add branch $scalarTypes = array('integer', 'float', 'string', 'text', 'boolean', 'file', 'disk_file', 'datetime', 'enum', 'employee', 'crm', 'crm_status', 'iblock_element', 'iblock_section'); if ($withReferencesChoose && (in_array($fieldType, $scalarTypes) || empty($fieldType)) ) { // ignore virtual branches (without references) continue; } $html .= sprintf('<div class="reports-add-popup-item reports-add-popup-it-node"> <span class="reports-add-popup-arrow"></span><span class="reports-add-popup-it-text">%s</span> </div>', $treeElem['humanTitle']); $html .= '<div class="reports-add-popup-it-children">'; // add self if ($withReferencesChoose) { $html .= static::buildSelectTreePopupElelemnt(GetMessage('REPORT_CHOOSE').'...', $treeElem['humanTitle'], $fieldDefinition, $fieldType); } $html .= static::buildHTMLSelectTreePopup($branch, $withReferencesChoose, $level+1); $html .= '</div>'; } } return $html; } public static function buildSelectTreePopupElelemnt($humanTitle, $fullHumanTitle, $fieldDefinition, $fieldType, $ufInfo = array()) { // replace by static:: when php 5.3 available $grcFields = static::getGrcColumns(); $isUF = false; $isMultiple = false; $ufId = $ufName = ''; if (is_array($ufInfo) && isset($ufInfo['ENTITY_ID']) && isset($ufInfo['FIELD_NAME'])) { $ufId = $ufInfo['ENTITY_ID']; $ufName = $ufInfo['FIELD_NAME']; if (isset($ufInfo['MULTIPLE']) && $ufInfo['MULTIPLE'] === 'Y') $isMultiple = true; $isUF = true; } $htmlCheckbox = sprintf( '<input type="checkbox" name="%s" title="%s" fieldType="%s" isGrc="%s" isUF="%s"%s class="reports-add-popup-checkbox" />', htmlspecialcharsbx($fieldDefinition), htmlspecialcharsbx($fullHumanTitle), htmlspecialcharsbx($fieldType), (int) in_array($fieldDefinition, $grcFields), (int)$isUF, ($isUF ? 'ufId="'.htmlspecialcharsbx($ufId).'"' : '').($isUF ? 'isMultiple="'.(int)$isMultiple.'" ufName="'.htmlspecialcharsbx($ufName).'"' : '') ); $htmlElem = sprintf('<div class="reports-add-popup-item"> <span class="reports-add-pop-left-bord"></span><span class="reports-add-popup-checkbox-block"> %s </span><span class="reports-add-popup-it-text%s">%s</span> </div>', $htmlCheckbox, $isUF ? ' uf' : '', htmlspecialcharsbx($humanTitle)); return $htmlElem; } public static function getCustomSelectFields($select, $fList) { return array(); } public static function fillFilterReferenceColumns(&$filters, &$fieldList) { foreach ($filters as &$filter) { foreach ($filter as &$fElem) { if (is_array($fElem) && $fElem['type'] == 'field') { $field = $fieldList[$fElem['name']]; if ($field instanceof Entity\ReferenceField) static::fillFilterReferenceColumn($fElem, $field); } } } } public static function fillFilterReferenceColumn(&$filterElement, Entity\ReferenceField $field) { if ($field->getRefEntityName() == '\Bitrix\Main\User') { // USER if ($filterElement['value']) { $res = CUser::GetByID($filterElement['value']); $user = $res->fetch(); if ($user) { $username = CUser::FormatName(static::getUserNameFormat(), $user, true, false); $filterElement['value'] = array('id' => $user['ID'], 'name' => $username); } else { $filterElement['value'] = array('id' => $filterElement['value'], 'name' => GetMessage('REPORT_USER_NOT_FOUND')); } } else { $filterElement['value'] = array('id' => ''); } } else if ($field->getRefEntityName() == '\Bitrix\Socialnetwork\Workgroup') { // GROUP if ($filterElement['value']) { $group = CSocNetGroup::GetByID($filterElement['value']); if ($group) { $filterElement['value'] = array(array('id' => $group['ID'], 'title' => $group['NAME'])); } else { $filterElement['value'] = array(array('id' => $filterElement['value'], 'title' => GetMessage('REPORT_PROJECT_NOT_FOUND'))); } } else { $filterElement['value'] = array(array('id' => '')); } } } public static function fillFilterUFColumns(&$filters, &$fieldList) { foreach ($filters as &$filter) { foreach ($filter as &$fElem) { if (is_array($fElem) && $fElem['type'] == 'field') { $field = $fieldList[$fElem['name']]; $arUF = static::detectUserField($field); if ($arUF['isUF'] && is_array($arUF['ufInfo']) && isset($arUF['ufInfo']['USER_TYPE_ID'])) static::fillFilterUFColumn($fElem, $field, $arUF['ufInfo']); } } } } public static function fillFilterUFColumn(&$filterElement, $field, $ufInfo) { if ($ufInfo['USER_TYPE_ID'] === 'employee') { $value = intval($filterElement['value']); if ($value > 0) { $user = new CUser(); $res = $user->GetByID($value); $arUser = $res->fetch(); if ($arUser) { $userName = CUser::FormatName(self::getUserNameFormat(), $arUser, true); $filterElement['value'] = array('id' => $arUser['ID'], 'name' => $userName); } else { $filterElement['value'] = array('id' => $filterElement['value'], 'name' => GetMessage('REPORT_USER_NOT_FOUND')); } } else { $filterElement['value'] = array('id' => ''); } } } public static function beforeFilterBackReferenceRewrite(&$filter, $viewColumns) { } public static function getEntityFilterPrimaryFieldName($fElem) { return 'ID'; } public static function confirmFilterBackReferenceRewrite($fElem, $chain) { return true; } public static function confirmSelectBackReferenceRewrite($elem, $chain) { return true; } public static function beforeViewDataQuery(&$select, &$filter, &$group, &$order, &$limit, &$options, &$runtime = null) { } public static function rewriteResultRowValues(&$row, &$columnInfo) { } public static function collectUFValues($rows, $columnInfo, $total) { // uf columns $fileColumns = array(); $diskFileColumns = array(); $employeeColumns = array(); $crmColumns = array(); $crmStatusColumns = array(); $iblockElementColumns = array(); $iblockSectionColumns = array(); if (is_array($columnInfo)) { foreach ($columnInfo as $k => $cInfo) { if ($cInfo['isUF'] && is_array($cInfo['ufInfo']) && isset($cInfo['ufInfo']['USER_TYPE_ID'])) { switch ($cInfo['ufInfo']['USER_TYPE_ID']) { case 'file': $fileColumns[$k] = true; break; case 'disk_file': $diskFileColumns[$k] = true; break; case 'employee': $employeeColumns[$k] = true; break; case 'crm': $crmColumns[$k] = true; break; case 'crm_status': $crmStatusColumns[$k] = true; break; case 'iblock_element': $iblockElementColumns[$k] = true; break; case 'iblock_section': $iblockSectionColumns[$k] = true; break; } } } } $arFileID = array(); $arDiskFileID = array(); $arEmployeeID = array(); $arCrmID = array(); $arCrmStatusID = array(); $arCrmStatusEntityType = array(); $arIblockElementID = array(); $arIblockSectionID = array(); if (count($fileColumns) > 0 || count($diskFileColumns) > 0 || count($employeeColumns) > 0 || count($crmColumns) > 0 || count($crmStatusColumns) > 0 || count($iblockElementColumns) > 0 || count($iblockSectionColumns) > 0) { foreach ($rows as $row) { foreach ($row as $k => $v) { // file if (isset($fileColumns[$k])) { if (is_array($v)) foreach ($v as $subv) { $value = intval($subv); if ($value > 0) $arFileID[] = $value; } else { $value = intval($v); if ($value > 0) $arFileID[] = $value; } } // disk file if (isset($diskFileColumns[$k])) { if (is_array($v)) foreach ($v as $subv) { $value = intval($subv); if ($value > 0) $arDiskFileID[] = $value; } else { $value = intval($v); if ($value > 0) $arDiskFileID[] = $value; } } // employee if (isset($employeeColumns[$k])) { if (is_array($v)) foreach ($v as $subv) { $value = intval($subv); if ($value > 0) $arEmployeeID[] = $value; } else { $value = intval($v); if ($value > 0) $arEmployeeID[] = $value; } } // crm if (isset($crmColumns[$k])) { $prefixByType = array( 'lead' => 'L', 'contact' => 'C', 'company' => 'CO', 'deal' => 'D', 'quote' => 'Q' ); $maxPrefixLength = 2; // 'CO' $singleTypePrefix = ''; if (is_array($columnInfo[$k]['ufInfo']['SETTINGS'])) { $supportedTypes = array(); foreach ($columnInfo[$k]['ufInfo']['SETTINGS'] as $type => $supported) { if ($supported === 'Y') $supportedTypes[$type] = true; } $supportedTypes = array_keys($supportedTypes); if (count($supportedTypes) === 1) { if (isset($prefixByType[strtolower($supportedTypes[0])])) $singleTypePrefix = $prefixByType[strtolower($supportedTypes[0])]; } unset($supportedTypes, $type, $supported); } if (is_array($v)) { foreach ($v as $subv) { $subv = strval($subv); if (strlen($subv) > 0) { $prefix = ''; if (($pos = strpos(substr($subv, 0, $maxPrefixLength + 1), '_')) !== false && $pos > 0) $prefix = substr($subv, 0, $pos); if (empty($prefix)) $subv = $singleTypePrefix . '_' . $subv; unset($prefix, $pos); $value = explode('_', trim($subv)); if (strlen($value[0]) > 0 && strlen($value[1]) > 0) { if (!is_array($arCrmID[$value[0]])) $arCrmID[$value[0]] = array(); $arCrmID[$value[0]][] = $value[1]; } } } } else { $v = strval($v); if (strlen($v) > 0) { $prefix = ''; if (($pos = strpos(substr($v, 0, $maxPrefixLength + 1), '_')) !== false && $pos > 0) $prefix = substr($v, 0, $pos); if (empty($prefix)) $v = $singleTypePrefix . '_' . $v; unset($prefix, $pos); $value = explode('_', trim($v)); if (strlen($value[0]) > 0 && strlen($value[1]) > 0) { if (!is_array($arCrmID[$value[0]])) $arCrmID[$value[0]] = array(); $arCrmID[$value[0]][] = $value[1]; } } } unset($maxPrefixLength); } // crm_status if (isset($crmStatusColumns[$k])) { if (!isset($arCrmStatusEntityType[$k])) { if (isset($columnInfo[$k]['ufInfo']['SETTINGS']['ENTITY_TYPE'])) { $arCrmStatusEntityType[$k] = strval($columnInfo[$k]['ufInfo']['SETTINGS']['ENTITY_TYPE']); } } if (!empty($arCrmStatusEntityType[$k])) { if (is_array($v)) foreach ($v as $subv) { if (strlen($subv) > 0) { if (!is_array($arCrmStatusID[$arCrmStatusEntityType[$k]])) $arCrmStatusID[$arCrmStatusEntityType[$k]] = array(); $arCrmStatusID[$arCrmStatusEntityType[$k]][] = $subv; } } else { if (strlen($v) > 0) { if (!is_array($arCrmStatusID[$arCrmStatusEntityType[$k]])) $arCrmStatusID[$arCrmStatusEntityType[$k]] = array(); $arCrmStatusID[$arCrmStatusEntityType[$k]][] = $v; } } } } // iblock_element if (isset($iblockElementColumns[$k])) { if (is_array($v)) foreach ($v as $subv) { $value = intval($subv); if ($value > 0) $arIblockElementID[] = $value; } else { $value = intval($v); if ($value > 0) $arIblockElementID[] = $value; } } // iblock_section if (isset($iblockSectionColumns[$k])) { if (is_array($v)) foreach ($v as $subv) { $value = intval($subv); if ($value > 0) $arIblockSectionID[] = $value; } else { $value = intval($v); if ($value > 0) $arIblockSectionID[] = $value; } } } } } // collect files if (count($fileColumns) > 0) { if (count($arFileID) > 0) $arFileID = array_unique($arFileID); $i = 0; $cnt = 0; $stepCnt = 500; $nIDs = count($arFileID); $arID = array(); $file = new CFile(); foreach ($arFileID as $fileID) { $arID[$cnt++] = $fileID; $i++; if ($cnt === $stepCnt || $i === $nIDs) { $res = $file->GetList(array(), array('@ID' => implode(',', $arID))); if (is_object($res)) { while ($arFile = $res->Fetch()) { if($arFile) { if(array_key_exists("~src", $arFile)) { if($arFile["~src"]) $arFile["SRC"] = $arFile["~src"]; else $arFile["SRC"] = $file->GetFileSRC($arFile, false, false); } else { $arFile["SRC"] = $file->GetFileSRC($arFile, false); } self::$ufFiles[intval($arFile['ID'])] = $arFile; } } } $cnt = 0; $arID = array(); } } } // collect disk files if (count($diskFileColumns) > 0) { if (count($arDiskFileID) > 0) $arDiskFileID = array_unique($arDiskFileID); $i = 0; $cnt = 0; $stepCnt = 500; $nIDs = count($arDiskFileID); $arID = array(); foreach ($arDiskFileID as $diskFileID) { $arID[$cnt++] = $diskFileID; $i++; if ($cnt === $stepCnt || $i === $nIDs) { $res = \Bitrix\Disk\AttachedObject::getList(array( 'filter' => array('ID' => $arID), 'select' => array( 'ID', 'NAME' => 'OBJECT.NAME', 'SIZE' => 'OBJECT.SIZE' ), )); $urlManager = \Bitrix\Disk\Driver::getInstance()->getUrlManager(); if (is_object($res)) { while ($arDiskFile = $res->Fetch()) { if($arDiskFile) { $arDiskFile['DOWNLOAD_URL'] = $urlManager->getUrlUfController( 'download', array('attachedId' => $arDiskFile['ID']) ); self::$ufDiskFiles[intval($arDiskFile['ID'])] = $arDiskFile; } } } $cnt = 0; $arID = array(); } } } // collect employees if (count($employeeColumns) > 0) { if (count($arEmployeeID) > 0) $arEmployeeID = array_unique($arEmployeeID); $i = 0; $cnt = 0; $stepCnt = 500; $nIDs = count($arEmployeeID); $arID = array(); foreach ($arEmployeeID as $employeeID) { $arID[$cnt++] = $employeeID; $i++; if ($cnt === $stepCnt || $i === $nIDs) { $res = \Bitrix\Main\UserTable::getList( array( 'filter' => array('ID' => $arID), 'select' => array('ID', 'LOGIN', 'NAME', 'LAST_NAME', 'SECOND_NAME', 'TITLE') ) ); if (is_object($res)) { while ($arUser = $res->fetch()) self::$ufEmployees[intval($arUser['ID'])] = $arUser; } $cnt = 0; $arID = array(); } } } // collect crm elements if (count($crmColumns) > 0 && CModule::IncludeModule('crm')) { foreach ($arCrmID as $typeIndex => $arSubID) { if (count($arSubID) > 0) $arCrmID[$typeIndex] = array_unique($arSubID); $i = 0; $cnt = 0; $stepCnt = 500; $nIDs = count($arSubID); $arID = array(); foreach ($arSubID as $crmID) { $arID[$cnt++] = $crmID; $i++; if ($cnt === $stepCnt || $i === $nIDs) { $res = null; switch ($typeIndex) { case 'L': $res = CCrmLead::GetList( array('ID' => 'DESC'), array('ID' => $arID), array('ID', 'TITLE', 'FULL_NAME', 'STATUS_ID') ); break; case 'C': $res = CCrmContact::GetList( array('ID' => 'DESC'), array('ID' => $arID), array( 'ID', 'NAME', 'SECOND_NAME', 'LAST_NAME', 'FULL_NAME', 'COMPANY_TITLE', 'PHOTO' ) ); break; case 'CO': $res = CCrmCompany::GetList( array('ID' => 'DESC'), array('ID' => $arID), array('ID', 'TITLE', 'COMPANY_TYPE', 'INDUSTRY', 'LOGO') ); break; case 'D': $res = CCrmDeal::GetList( array('ID' => 'DESC'), array('ID' => $arID), array('ID', 'TITLE', 'STAGE_ID', 'COMPANY_TITLE', 'CONTACT_FULL_NAME') ); break; } if (is_object($res)) { while ($arCrmElement = $res->Fetch()) self::$ufCrmElements[$typeIndex.'_'.$arCrmElement['ID']] = $arCrmElement; } $cnt = 0; $arID = array(); } } } } // collect crm statuses if (count($crmStatusColumns) > 0 && CModule::IncludeModule('crm')) { foreach ($arCrmStatusID as $entityType => $arSubID) { if (count($arSubID) > 0) $arCrmID[$entityType] = array_unique($arSubID); $res = null; $res = CCrmStatus::GetStatusList($entityType); if (is_array($res) && count($res) > 0) { foreach ($arSubID as $crmStatusID) { if (isset($res[$crmStatusID])) if (!isset(self::$ufCrmStatuses[$entityType])) self::$ufCrmStatuses[$entityType] = array(); self::$ufCrmStatuses[$entityType][$crmStatusID] = $res[$crmStatusID]; } } } } // collect iblock elements if (count($iblockElementColumns) > 0 && CModule::IncludeModule('iblock')) { if (count($arIblockElementID) > 0) $arIblockElementID = array_unique($arIblockElementID); $i = 0; $cnt = 0; $stepCnt = 500; $nIDs = count($arIblockElementID); $arID = array(); foreach ($arIblockElementID as $iblockElementID) { $arID[$cnt++] = $iblockElementID; $i++; if ($cnt === $stepCnt || $i === $nIDs) { $res = CIBlockElement::GetList(array('SORT'=>'ASC'), array('=ID' => $arID)); if (is_object($res)) { while ($arIblockElement = $res->GetNext()) self::$ufIblockElements[intval($arIblockElement['ID'])] = $arIblockElement; } $cnt = 0; $arID = array(); } } } // collect iblock sections if (count($iblockSectionColumns) > 0 && CModule::IncludeModule('iblock')) { if (count($arIblockSectionID) > 0) $arIblockSectionID = array_unique($arIblockSectionID); $i = 0; $cnt = 0; $stepCnt = 500; $nIDs = count($arIblockSectionID); $arID = array(); foreach ($arIblockSectionID as $iblockSectionID) { $arID[$cnt++] = $iblockSectionID; $i++; if ($cnt === $stepCnt || $i === $nIDs) { $res = CIBlockSection::GetList( array('left_margin' => 'asc'), array('ID' => $arID), false, array('ID', 'NAME', 'SECTION_PAGE_URL') ); if (is_object($res)) { while ($arIblockSection = $res->GetNext()) self::$ufIblockSections[intval($arIblockSection['ID'])] = $arIblockSection; } $cnt = 0; $arID = array(); } } } } public static function formatResults(&$rows, &$columnInfo, $total) { foreach ($rows as &$row) { foreach ($row as $k => &$v) { if (!array_key_exists($k, $columnInfo)) { continue; } $cInfo = $columnInfo[$k]; if (is_array($v)) { foreach ($v as &$subv) { // replace by static:: when php 5.3 available self::formatResultValue($k, $subv, $row, $cInfo, $total); } } else { // replace by static:: when php 5.3 available self::formatResultValue($k, $v, $row, $cInfo, $total); } } } unset($row, $v, $subv); } public static function formatResultValue($k, &$v, &$row, &$cInfo, $total, &$customChartValue = null) { /** @var Entity\Field $field */ $field = $cInfo['field']; $dataType = self::getFieldDataType($field); $isUF = false; $ufInfo = null; if (isset($cInfo['isUF']) && $cInfo['isUF']) { $isUF = true; $ufInfo = $cInfo['ufInfo']; } if ($isUF && $dataType == 'float' && (empty($cInfo['aggr']) || $cInfo['aggr'] !== 'COUNT_DISTINCT') && !strlen($cInfo['prcnt'])) { $precision = $defaultPrecision = 1; if (is_array($ufInfo) && is_array($ufInfo['SETTINGS']) && isset($ufInfo['SETTINGS']['PRECISION'])) $precision = (int)$ufInfo['SETTINGS']['PRECISION']; if ($precision < 0) $precision = $defaultPrecision; $v = round($v, $precision); } elseif ($isUF && $dataType === 'enum' && !empty($v) && (empty($cInfo['aggr']) || $cInfo['aggr'] !== 'COUNT_DISTINCT') && !strlen($cInfo['prcnt'])) { $v = htmlspecialcharsbx(static::getUserFieldEnumerationValue($v, $ufInfo)); } elseif ($isUF && $dataType === 'file' && !empty($v) && (empty($cInfo['aggr']) || $cInfo['aggr'] !== 'COUNT_DISTINCT') && !strlen($cInfo['prcnt'])) { $valueKey = $v; $v = static::getUserFieldFileValue($valueKey, $ufInfo); // unformatted value for charts $customChartValue['exist'] = true; $customChartValue['type'] = 'string'; $customChartValue['value'] = static::getUserFieldFileValueForChart($valueKey, $ufInfo); } elseif ($isUF && $dataType === 'disk_file' && !empty($v) && (empty($cInfo['aggr']) || $cInfo['aggr'] !== 'COUNT_DISTINCT') && !strlen($cInfo['prcnt'])) { $valueKey = $v; $v = static::getUserFieldDiskFileValue($valueKey, $ufInfo); // unformatted value for charts $customChartValue['exist'] = true; $customChartValue['type'] = 'string'; $customChartValue['value'] = static::getUserFieldDiskFileValueForChart($valueKey, $ufInfo); } elseif ($isUF && $dataType === 'employee' && !empty($v) && (empty($cInfo['aggr']) || $cInfo['aggr'] !== 'COUNT_DISTINCT') && !strlen($cInfo['prcnt'])) { $valueKey = $v; $v = static::getUserFieldEmployeeValue($valueKey, $ufInfo); // unformatted value for charts $customChartValue['exist'] = true; $customChartValue['type'] = 'string'; $customChartValue['value'] = static::getUserFieldEmployeeValueForChart($valueKey, $ufInfo); } elseif ($isUF && $dataType === 'crm' && !empty($v) && (empty($cInfo['aggr']) || $cInfo['aggr'] !== 'COUNT_DISTINCT') && !strlen($cInfo['prcnt'])) { $valueKey = $v; $v = static::getUserFieldCrmValue($valueKey, $ufInfo); // unformatted value for charts $customChartValue['exist'] = true; $customChartValue['type'] = 'string'; $customChartValue['value'] = static::getUserFieldCrmValueForChart($valueKey, $ufInfo); } elseif ($isUF && $dataType === 'crm_status' && !empty($v) && (empty($cInfo['aggr']) || $cInfo['aggr'] !== 'COUNT_DISTINCT') && !strlen($cInfo['prcnt'])) { $valueKey = $v; $v = static::getUserFieldCrmStatusValue($valueKey, $ufInfo); } elseif ($isUF && $dataType === 'iblock_element' && !empty($v) && (empty($cInfo['aggr']) || $cInfo['aggr'] !== 'COUNT_DISTINCT') && !strlen($cInfo['prcnt'])) { $valueKey = $v; $v = static::getUserFieldIblockElementValue($valueKey, $ufInfo); // unformatted value for charts $customChartValue['exist'] = true; $customChartValue['type'] = 'string'; $customChartValue['value'] = static::getUserFieldIblockElementValueForChart($valueKey, $ufInfo); } elseif ($isUF && $dataType === 'iblock_section' && !empty($v) && (empty($cInfo['aggr']) || $cInfo['aggr'] !== 'COUNT_DISTINCT') && !strlen($cInfo['prcnt'])) { $valueKey = $v; $v = static::getUserFieldIblockSectionValue($valueKey, $ufInfo); // unformatted value for charts $customChartValue['exist'] = true; $customChartValue['type'] = 'string'; $customChartValue['value'] = static::getUserFieldIblockSectionValueForChart($valueKey, $ufInfo); } elseif ($dataType == 'datetime' && !empty($v) && (empty($cInfo['aggr']) || $cInfo['aggr'] !== 'COUNT_DISTINCT') && !strlen($cInfo['prcnt']) ) { $v = ($v instanceof \Bitrix\Main\Type\DateTime || $v instanceof \Bitrix\Main\Type\Date) ? ConvertTimeStamp($v->getTimestamp(), 'SHORT') : ''; } elseif ($dataType == 'float' && !empty($v) && !$isUF && !strlen($cInfo['prcnt'])) { $v = round($v, 1); } elseif (substr($k, -11) == '_SHORT_NAME' && (empty($cInfo['aggr']) || $cInfo['aggr'] == 'GROUP_CONCAT')) { $v = str_replace( array('#NOBR#', '#/NOBR#'), array('<NOBR>', '</NOBR>'), htmlspecialcharsbx($v)); } elseif (substr($k, -6) == '_PRCNT' && !strlen($cInfo['prcnt'])) { $v = round($v, 2). '%'; } elseif ($dataType == 'boolean' && empty($cInfo['aggr'])) { if ($isUF && empty($v)) $v = 0; if (strlen($v)) { // get bool value "yes/no" /** @var Entity\BooleanField $field */ $boolValues = ($isUF ? array(0, 1) : $field->GetValues()); $fValues = array_flip($boolValues); $fValue = (bool) $fValues[$v]; $mess = 'REPORT_BOOLEAN_VALUE_' . ($fValue ? 'TRUE' : 'FALSE'); $v = htmlspecialcharsbx(GetMessage($mess)); } } elseif (strlen($cInfo['prcnt'])) { if ($cInfo['prcnt'] == 'self_column') { if (array_key_exists('TOTAL_'.$k, $total) && $total['TOTAL_'.$k] > 0) { $v = round($v / $total['TOTAL_'.$k] * 100, 2); } else { $v = '--'; } } else { $v = round($v, 2); } $v = $v . '%'; } else { $v = htmlspecialcharsbx($v); } } public static function formatResultsTotal(&$total, &$columnInfo, &$customChartTotal = null) { foreach ($total as $k => $v) { // remove prefix TOTAL_ $original_k = substr($k, 6); $cInfo = $columnInfo[$original_k]; $field = $cInfo['field']; $dataType = self::getFieldDataType($field); $isUF = false; $ufInfo = null; if (isset($cInfo['isUF']) && $cInfo['isUF']) { $isUF = true; $ufInfo = $cInfo['ufInfo']; } if ($field->getName() == 'ID' && empty($cInfo['aggr']) && !strlen($cInfo['prcnt'])) { unset($total[$k]); } elseif (strlen($cInfo['prcnt'])) { if ($cInfo['prcnt'] == 'self_column') { if (array_key_exists($k, $total) && $v > 0) { $v = round($v / $total[$k] * 100, 2); } else { $v = '--'; } } else { $v = round($v, 2); } $total[$k] = $v . '%'; } elseif (substr($k, -6) == '_PRCNT' && !strlen($cInfo['prcnt'])) { $total[$k] = round($v, 2). '%'; } elseif ($isUF && $dataType == 'float') { $precision = $defaultPrecision = 1; if (is_array($ufInfo) && is_array($ufInfo['SETTINGS']) && isset($ufInfo['SETTINGS']['PRECISION'])) $precision = (int)$ufInfo['SETTINGS']['PRECISION']; if ($precision < 0) $precision = $defaultPrecision; $total[$k] = round($v, $precision); } } } public static function getDefaultElemHref($elem, $fList) { return ''; } public static function getDefaultReports() { return array(); } public static function getFirstVersion() { // usually it's first version of default reports return '11.0.1'; } public static function getCurrentVersion() { // usually it's version of helper's module return '11.0.1'; } public static function setUserNameFormat($userNameFormat) { self::$userNameFormat = $userNameFormat; } public static function getUserNameFormat() { if (self::$userNameFormat === null) { $site = new CSite(); self::$userNameFormat = $site->GetNameFormat(false); } return self::$userNameFormat; } public static function renderUserSearch($id, $searchInputId, $dataInputId, $componentName, $siteId = '', $nameFormat = '', $delay = 0) { $id = strval($id); $searchInputId = strval($searchInputId); $dataInputId = strval($dataInputId); $componentName = strval($componentName); $siteId = strval($siteId); if($siteId === '') { $siteId = SITE_ID; } $nameFormat = strval($nameFormat); if($nameFormat === '') { $nameFormat = CSite::getNameFormat(false); } $delay = intval($delay); if($delay < 0) { $delay = 0; } echo '<input type="text" id="', htmlspecialcharsbx($searchInputId) ,'" style="width:200px;">', '<input type="hidden" id="', htmlspecialcharsbx($dataInputId),'" name="', htmlspecialcharsbx($dataInputId),'" value="">'; echo '<script type="text/javascript">', 'BX.ready(function(){', 'BX.ReportUserSearchPopup.deletePopup("', $id, '");', 'BX.ReportUserSearchPopup.create("', $id, '", { searchInput: BX("', CUtil::jSEscape($searchInputId), '"), dataInput: BX("', CUtil::jSEscape($dataInputId),'"), componentName: "', CUtil::jSEscape($componentName),'", user: {} }, ', $delay,');', '});</script>'; $GLOBALS['APPLICATION']->includeComponent( 'bitrix:intranet.user.selector.new', '', array( 'MULTIPLE' => 'N', 'NAME' => $componentName, 'INPUT_NAME' => $searchInputId, 'SHOW_EXTRANET_USERS' => 'NONE', 'POPUP' => 'Y', 'SITE_ID' => $siteId, 'NAME_TEMPLATE' => $nameFormat, 'ON_CHANGE' => 'reports.onResponsiblesChange', ), null, array('HIDE_ICONS' => 'Y') ); } }