Direktori : /home/bitrix/www/bitrix/modules/report/install/components/bitrix/report.construct/ |
Current File : //home/bitrix/www/bitrix/modules/report/install/components/bitrix/report.construct/component.php |
<? /** @global CUser $USER */ if (!defined("B_PROLOG_INCLUDED") || B_PROLOG_INCLUDED!==true)die(); $arParams['REPORT_ID'] = isset($arParams['REPORT_ID']) ? (int)$arParams['REPORT_ID'] : 0; $requiredModules = array('report'); foreach ($requiredModules as $requiredModule) { if (!CModule::IncludeModule($requiredModule)) { ShowError(GetMessage("F_NO_MODULE")); return 0; } } if (!isset($arParams['REPORT_HELPER_CLASS']) || strlen($arParams['REPORT_HELPER_CLASS']) < 1 || !class_exists($arParams['REPORT_HELPER_CLASS']) || !is_subclass_of($arParams['REPORT_HELPER_CLASS'], 'CReportHelper')) { ShowError(GetMessage("REPORT_HELPER_NOT_DEFINED")); return 0; } use Bitrix\Main\Entity; // <editor-fold defaultstate="collapsed" desc="calc variations"> $calcVariations = $arResult['calcVariations'] = call_user_func(array($arParams['REPORT_HELPER_CLASS'], 'getCalcVariations')); // </editor-fold> // <editor-fold defaultstate="collapsed" desc="filter compare variations"> $compareVariations = $arResult['compareVariations'] = call_user_func(array($arParams['REPORT_HELPER_CLASS'], 'getCompareVariations')); // </editor-fold> // <editor-fold defaultstate="collapsed" desc="period types"> $periodTypes = $arResult['periodTypes'] = array( 'month', 'month_ago', 'week', 'week_ago', 'days', 'after', 'before', 'interval', 'all' ); // </editor-fold> // <editor-fold defaultstate="collapsed" desc="chart types"> if ($arParams['USE_CHART']) { $arResult['chartTypes'] = array( array('id' => 'line', 'name' => GetMessage('REPORT_CHART_TYPE_LINE1'), 'value_types' => array( /*'boolean', 'date', 'datetime', */ 'float', 'integer'/*, 'string', 'text', 'enum', 'file', 'disk_file', 'employee', 'crm', 'crm_status', 'iblock_element', 'iblock_section'*/ )), array('id' => 'bar', 'name' => GetMessage('REPORT_CHART_TYPE_BAR1'), 'value_types' => array( /*'boolean', 'date', 'datetime', */ 'float', 'integer'/*, 'string', 'text', 'enum', 'file', 'disk_file', 'employee', 'crm', 'crm_status', 'iblock_element', 'iblock_section'*/ )), array('id' => 'pie', 'name' => GetMessage('REPORT_CHART_TYPE_PIE'), 'value_types' => array( /*'boolean', 'date', 'datetime', */ 'float', 'integer'/*, 'string', 'text', 'enum', 'file', 'disk_file', 'employee', 'crm', 'crm_status', 'iblock_element', 'iblock_section'*/ )) ); } // </editor-fold> $fieldList = array(); try { $userId = $USER->GetID(); // <editor-fold defaultstate="collapsed" desc="common initiazlize"> $ownerId = call_user_func(array($arParams['REPORT_HELPER_CLASS'], 'getOwnerId')); $entityName = call_user_func(array($arParams['REPORT_HELPER_CLASS'], 'getEntityName')); $entityFields = call_user_func(array($arParams['REPORT_HELPER_CLASS'], 'getColumnList')); // customize entity $initEntity = clone Entity\Base::getInstance($entityName); call_user_func(array($arParams['REPORT_HELPER_CLASS'], 'setRuntimeFields'), $initEntity, ''); $chains = CReport::generateChains($entityFields, $initEntity, ''); $arResult['fieldsTree'] = CReport::generateColumnTree($chains, $initEntity, $arParams['REPORT_HELPER_CLASS']); $fieldList = CReport::getUniqueFieldsByTree($arResult['fieldsTree']); $bGroupingMode = false; // custom columns types $customColumnTypes = call_user_func(array($arParams['REPORT_HELPER_CLASS'], 'getCustomColumnTypes')); if (!is_array($customColumnTypes)) $customColumnTypes = array(); $arResult['customColumnTypes'] = $customColumnTypes; // </editor-fold> // <editor-fold defaultstate="collapsed" desc="validation"> if ($arParams['ACTION'] == 'edit' || $arParams['ACTION'] == 'copy' || $arParams['ACTION'] == 'delete') { $result = Bitrix\Report\ReportTable::getById($arParams['REPORT_ID']); $report = $result->fetch(); if (empty($report)) { throw new BXUserException(sprintf(GetMessage('REPORT_NOT_FOUND'), $arParams['REPORT_ID'])); } $rightsManager = new Bitrix\Report\RightsManager($userId); if(!$rightsManager->canRead($report['ID'])) throw new BXUserException(GetMessage('REPORT_VIEW_PERMISSION_DENIED')); if ($arParams['ACTION'] === 'edit') { if(!$rightsManager->canEdit($report['ID']) || isset($report['MARK_DEFAULT']) && intval($report['MARK_DEFAULT']) > 0) throw new BXUserException(GetMessage('REPORT_DEFAULT_CAN_NOT_BE_EDITED')); } if($arParams['ACTION'] === 'delete' && !$rightsManager->canDelete($report['ID'])) { throw new BXUserException(GetMessage('REPORT_DEFAULT_CAN_NOT_BE_DELETED')); } $arResult['report'] = $report; } // </editor-fold> // <editor-fold defaultstate="collapsed" desc="sharing initiazlize"> if($arParams['ACTION'] == 'edit' || $arParams['ACTION'] == 'create' || $arParams['ACTION'] == 'copy') { $selected = array(); $reportId = intval($arParams['REPORT_ID']); $entitySharing = Bitrix\Report\Sharing::getEntityOfSharing($reportId); $entityList = array(); foreach($entitySharing as $entity) { list($type, $id) = Bitrix\Report\Sharing::parseEntityValue($entity['ENTITY']); $typeData = Bitrix\Report\Sharing::getTypeData($type, $id); $entityList[] = array( 'entityId' => $entity['ENTITY'], 'name' => $typeData['name'], 'right' => $entity['RIGHTS'], 'avatar' => $typeData['avatar'], 'type' => $type, ); } if($arParams['ACTION'] == 'copy') $entityList = array(); foreach($entityList as $entity) $selected[] = $entity['entityId']; $destination = Bitrix\Report\Sharing::getSocNetDestination($userId, $selected); $arResult['SHARING_DATA'] = array( 'members' => $entityList, 'maxAccess' => Bitrix\Report\RightsManager::ACCESS_READ, 'destination' => array( 'items' => array( 'users' => $destination['USERS'], 'groups' => array(), 'sonetgroups' => $destination['SONETGROUPS'], 'department' => $destination['DEPARTMENT'], 'departmentRelation' => $destination['DEPARTMENT_RELATION'], ), 'itemsLast' => array( 'users' => $destination['LAST']['USERS'], 'groups' => array(), 'sonetgroups' => $destination['LAST']['SONETGROUPS'], 'department' => $destination['LAST']['DEPARTMENT'], ), 'itemsSelected' => $destination['SELECTED'] ) ); } // </editor-fold> if($isPost && isset($_POST['EXPORT_REPORT'])) { if (!check_bitrix_sessid()) { throw new BXFormException(GetMessage('REPORT_CSRF')); } $reportId = intval($_POST['EXPORT_REPORT']); $rightsmanager = new Bitrix\Report\RightsManager($USER->GetID()); if(!$rightsmanager->canRead($reportId)) { $_SESSION['REPORT_LIST_ERROR'] = GetMessage('REPORT_ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED'); LocalRedirect($arParams['PATH_TO_REPORT_LIST']); } $queryObject = Bitrix\Report\ReportTable::getById($reportId); if($report = $queryObject->fetch()) { unset($report['ID']); unset($report['CREATED_BY']); unset($report['CREATED_DATE']); unset($report['MARK_DEFAULT']); $arResult['REPORT'] = $report; } $APPLICATION->RestartBuffer(); Header('Content-Type: text/csv'); Header('Content-Disposition: attachment;filename=report'.$reportId.'.csv'); $this->IncludeComponentTemplate('csv'); die(); } if (!empty($_POST) && (!empty($_POST['report_select_columns']) || $arParams['ACTION'] == 'delete_confirmed')) { // <editor-fold defaultstate="collapsed" desc="POST action"> $formErr = ''; // check csrf if (!check_bitrix_sessid('csrf_token')) { throw new BXFormException(GetMessage('REPORT_CSRF')); } // delete if (empty($formErr) && $arParams['ACTION'] == 'delete_confirmed') { CReport::Delete($arParams['REPORT_ID']); $url = CComponentEngine::MakePathFromTemplate( $arParams["PATH_TO_REPORT_LIST"], array() ); LocalRedirect($url); exit; } // <editor-fold defaultstate="collapsed" desc="prepare title"> $title = !empty($_POST['report_title']) ? trim((string) $_POST['report_title']) : ''; if (empty($title)) { $formErr = GetMessage('REPORT_TITLE_NOT_SELECTED'); } $description = !empty($_POST['report_description']) ? trim((string) $_POST['report_description']) : ''; // </editor-fold> // <editor-fold defaultstate="collapsed" desc="preapre period"> if (!empty($_POST['F_DATE_TYPE']) && in_array($_POST['F_DATE_TYPE'], $periodTypes, true)) { $period = array('type' => $_POST['F_DATE_TYPE']); switch ($_POST['F_DATE_TYPE']) { case 'days': $days = !empty($_POST['F_DATE_DAYS']) ? (int) $_POST['F_DATE_DAYS'] : 1; $period['value'] = $days ? $days : 1; break; case 'after': $date = !empty($_POST['F_DATE_TO']) ? (string) $_POST['F_DATE_TO'] : ConvertTimeStamp(false, 'SHORT'); $date = MakeTimeStamp($date); $period['value'] = $date ? $date : time(); break; case 'before': $date = !empty($_POST['F_DATE_FROM']) ? (string) $_POST['F_DATE_FROM'] : ConvertTimeStamp(false, 'SHORT'); $date = MakeTimeStamp($date); $period['value'] = $date ? $date + (3600*24-1) : time() + (3600*24-1); break; case 'interval': $date_f = !empty($_POST['F_DATE_FROM']) ? (string) $_POST['F_DATE_FROM'] : ConvertTimeStamp(false, 'SHORT'); $date_f = MakeTimeStamp($date_f); $date_t = !empty($_POST['F_DATE_TO']) ? (string) $_POST['F_DATE_TO'] : ConvertTimeStamp(false, 'SHORT'); $date_t = MakeTimeStamp($date_t); if ($date_f || $date_t) { $period['value'][0] = $date_f ? $date_f : time(); $period['value'][1] = $date_t ? $date_t + (3600*24-1) : time() + (3600*24-1); } break; default: $period['value'] = null; } } else { $period = array('type' => 'month', 'value' => null); } // </editor-fold> // <editor-fold defaultstate="collapsed" desc="prepare select fields"> $select = array(); foreach ($_POST['report_select_columns'] as $k => $v) { if (!is_numeric($k)) { // probably it's example of column (%s) continue; } $row = array(); // valid field definition if (array_key_exists($v['name'], $fieldList)) { /** @var Entity\Field $field */ $field = $fieldList[$v['name']]; // save definition $row['name'] = $v['name']; // save alias if (!empty($v['alias'])) { $row['alias'] = $v['alias']; } // save aggregation if (!empty($v['calc'])) { if (array_key_exists($v['name'], $calcVariations)) { $calcVars = $calcVariations[$v['name']]; } else { $calcVars = $calcVariations[call_user_func(array($arParams['REPORT_HELPER_CLASS'], 'getFieldDataType'), $field)]; } if (in_array($v['calc'], $calcVars, true)) { $row['aggr'] = $v['calc']; } } // save prcnt if (strlen($v['prcnt'])) { if ($v['prcnt'] == 'self_column' || array_key_exists($v['prcnt'], $_POST['report_select_columns'])) { $row['prcnt'] = $v['prcnt']; } } // save grouping if (isset($v['grouping'])) { $bGroupingMode = true; $row['grouping'] = true; } if (isset($v['grouping_subtotal'])) $row['grouping_subtotal'] = true; $select[$k] = $row; } } if (empty($select)) { $formErr = GetMessage('REPORT_NO_COLUMN_SELECTED'); } // </editor-fold> // <editor-fold defaultstate="collapsed" desc="prepare sorting"> $sortFieldKey = (int) $_POST['reports_sort_select']; $sortType = 'ASC'; if (array_key_exists('reports_sort_type_select', $_POST) && $_POST['reports_sort_type_select'] == 'DESC') { $sortType = 'DESC'; } // </editor-fold> // <editor-fold defaultstate="collapsed" desc="prepare filters"> $filter = array(); // step 1. validation and normalize format, remove failed filters and fields foreach ($_POST['filters'] as $fId => $filterInfo) { // validate logic if ( !array_key_exists('logic', $filterInfo) || ($filterInfo['logic'] !== 'AND' && $filterInfo['logic'] !== 'OR') ) { continue; } $iFilterItems = array(); foreach ($filterInfo as $key => $subFilter) { // collect fields and subfilters if ($key === 'logic') { continue; } if ($subFilter['type'] == 'field') { // validate field and calc if ( array_key_exists($subFilter['name'], $fieldList) && CReport::isValidFilterCompareVariation( $subFilter['name'], call_user_func(array($arParams['REPORT_HELPER_CLASS'], 'getFieldDataType'), $fieldList[$subFilter['name']]), $subFilter['compare'], $compareVariations ) ) { $iFilterItems[] = $subFilter; } } else if ($subFilter['type'] == 'filter') { // hold link to another filter $iFilterItems[] = $subFilter; } } if (!empty($iFilterItems)) { $iFilterItems['LOGIC'] = $filterInfo['logic']; $filter[$fId] = $iFilterItems; } } // step 2. replace (link) sub-filters if it still exists $filter = array_reverse($filter, true); // start from end foreach ($filter as $fId => &$filterInfo) { foreach ($filterInfo as $key => $subFilter) { if (is_array($subFilter) && $subFilter['type'] == 'filter') { $sfId = $subFilter['name']; if (array_key_exists($sfId, $filter)) { //$filterInfo[$key] = &$filter[$sfId]; } else { unset($filterInfo[$key]); } } } // remove empty filters if (count($filterInfo) == 1 && array_key_exists('LOGIC', $filterInfo)) { unset($filter[$fId]); } } $filter = array_reverse($filter, true); // restore order $iFilter = $filter; // </editor-fold> // <editor-fold defaultstate="collapsed" desc="prepare limit"> $limit = !empty($_POST['report_filter_limit']) && is_numeric($_POST['report_filter_limit']) ? $_POST['report_filter_limit'] : null; // </editor-fold> // <editor-fold defaultstate="collapsed" desc="prepare red negative values"> $redNegativeValues = ($_POST['report_red_neg_vals'] === 'on') ? true : false; // </editor-fold> // <editor-fold defaultstate="collapsed" desc="prepare helper specific settings"> // use columns selection of price types if ($_POST['helper_spec_ucspt'] === 'on') { $helperSpecSettings = array('ucspt' => true); } // </editor-fold> // <editor-fold defaultstate="collapsed" desc="prepare chart settings"> if ($arParams['USE_CHART']) { if (!empty($_REQUEST['display_chart'])) { $chart = array( 'display' => true ); $chartTypeIds = array(); foreach ($arResult['chartTypes'] as $chartTypeInfo) $chartTypeIds[] = $chartTypeInfo['id']; if (isset($_REQUEST['chart_type']) && in_array($_REQUEST['chart_type'], $chartTypeIds)) { $chart['type'] = $_REQUEST['chart_type']; if (isset($_REQUEST['chart_x']) && isset($_REQUEST['chart_y']) && is_array($_REQUEST['chart_y'])) { $chart['x_column'] = intval($_REQUEST['chart_x']); foreach ($_REQUEST['chart_y'] as $k => $v) { if (is_numeric($k)) $chart['y_columns'][intval($k)] = intval($v); } } } } } // </editor-fold> // <editor-fold defaultstate="collapsed" desc="prepare mobile settings"> $mobile = null; if ($_POST['report_mobile_enabled'] === 'on') { $mobile = array('enabled' => true); } // </editor-fold> // <editor-fold defaultstate="collapsed" desc="prepare sharing data"> $sharingData = array(); if(!empty($_POST['sharing_entity']) && is_array($_POST['sharing_entity'])) { foreach($_POST['sharing_entity'] as $entityId => $entity) { $sharingData[$entityId]['right'] = $entity; } } // </editor-fold> // combine $reportSettings = array( 'title' => $title, 'description' => $description, 'owner' => $ownerId, 'entity' => $entityName, 'period' => $period, 'select' => $select, 'filter' => $iFilter, 'sort' => $sortFieldKey, 'sort_type' => $sortType, 'limit' => $limit, 'red_neg_vals' => $redNegativeValues, 'grouping_mode' => $bGroupingMode ); if (isset($helperSpecSettings)) $reportSettings['helper_spec'] = $helperSpecSettings; if ($arParams['USE_CHART']) $reportSettings['chart'] = $chart; if (is_array($mobile) && count($mobile) > 0) $reportSettings['mobile'] = $mobile; if (!empty($formErr)) { throw new BXFormException($formErr); } // save $ID = false; if ($arParams['ACTION'] == 'create' || $arParams['ACTION'] == 'copy') { $ID = CReport::Add($reportSettings); } else if ($arParams['ACTION'] == 'edit') { $ID = $arParams['REPORT_ID']; CReport::Update($ID, $reportSettings); } if($ID) { $sharing = new Bitrix\Report\Sharing($ID); $sharing->changeSharing($sharingData); } $url = CComponentEngine::MakePathFromTemplate( $arParams["PATH_TO_REPORT_VIEW"], array('report_id' => $ID) ); LocalRedirect($url); exit; // </editor-fold> } else { // <editor-fold defaultstate="collapsed" desc="initialize default values"> if ($arParams['ACTION'] == 'edit' || $arParams['ACTION'] == 'copy') { $settings = unserialize($arResult['report']['SETTINGS']); call_user_func_array( array($arParams['REPORT_HELPER_CLASS'], 'fillFilterUFColumns'), array(&$settings['filter'], &$fieldList) ); call_user_func_array( array($arParams['REPORT_HELPER_CLASS'], 'fillFilterReferenceColumns'), array(&$settings['filter'], &$fieldList) ); $arResult['preSettings'] = $settings; // change title if ($arParams['ACTION'] == 'copy') { $arResult['report']['TITLE'] .= ' ('.GetMessage('REPORT_TITLE_COPY').')'; } } else { // default preset for new report $arResult['preSettings'] = array( 'select' => call_user_func(array($arParams['REPORT_HELPER_CLASS'], 'getDefaultColumns')) ); } // </editor-fold> $arResult['ufInfo'] = call_user_func(array($arParams['REPORT_HELPER_CLASS'], 'getUFInfo')); } } catch (Exception $e) { //throw $e; if ($e instanceof BXFormException) { $arResult['FORM_ERROR'] = $e->getMessage(); // refill form $arResult['report']['TITLE'] = $reportSettings['title']; unset($reportSettings['title']); call_user_func_array( array($arParams['REPORT_HELPER_CLASS'], 'fillFilterReferenceColumns'), array(&$reportSettings['filter'], &$fieldList) ); $arResult['preSettings'] = $reportSettings; } else { $arResult['ERROR'] = $e->getMessage(); } /*else if ($e instanceof BXUserException) { $arResult['ERROR'] = $e->getMessage(); } else { $arResult['ERROR'] = GetMessage('REPORT_UNKNOWN_ERROR'); }*/ } $arResult['randomString'] = $this->randString(); $this->IncludeComponentTemplate(); // <editor-fold defaultstate="collapsed" desc="tree structure description"> // format fields parameters to chains and build fields tree //array( // array($originalDefinition, $elem, $subTree), // array(str, scalar, null) // array(str, entity, array( // array(str, scalar, null) // array(str, scalar, null) // )) //) // </editor-fold>