Direktori : /home/bitrix/www/bitrix/modules/report/lib/ |
Current File : //home/bitrix/www/bitrix/modules/report/lib/sharing.php |
<?php namespace Bitrix\Report; use Bitrix\Report\Internals\SharingTable; use Bitrix\Main\Loader; use CExtranet; use CPHPCache; use CSocNetLogDestination; use Bitrix\Main\Error; use Bitrix\Main\ErrorCollection; class Sharing { const ERROR_SHARING_ADD = 'REPORT_SHARING_ADD_12000'; const ERROR_SHARING_UPDATE = 'REPORT_SHARING_UPDATE_12001'; const ERROR_SHARING_DELETE = 'REPORT_SHARING_DELETE_12002'; const CODE_USER = 'U'; const CODE_GROUP = 'G'; const CODE_SOCNET_GROUP = 'SG'; const CODE_DEPARTMENT = 'DR'; const TYPE_USER = 'users'; const TYPE_GROUP = 'groups'; const TYPE_SOCNET_GROUP = 'sonetgroups'; const TYPE_DEPARTMENT = 'department'; /** @var ErrorCollection */ protected $errorCollection; protected $reportId; public function __construct($reportId) { $this->reportId = intval($reportId); $this->errorCollection = new ErrorCollection; } /** * The method changes the share. * @param $listNewEntity - List new reports. */ public function changeSharing($listNewEntity) { $listSharingRow = $this->getByReportId(); if(!empty($listNewEntity) && is_array($listNewEntity)) { $newEntityData = array(); foreach($listNewEntity as $entityId => $entityData) { switch($entityData['right']) { case RightsManager::ACCESS_READ: case RightsManager::ACCESS_EDIT: $newEntityData[$entityId]['ENTITY'] = $entityId; $newEntityData[$entityId]['RIGHTS'] = $entityData['right']; $newEntityData[$entityId]['REPORT_ID'] = $this->reportId; break; } } $overwriteSharing = $deleteSharing = $addSharing = array(); foreach($listSharingRow as $sharingRow) { if(array_key_exists($sharingRow['ENTITY'], $newEntityData)) { if($newEntityData[$sharingRow['ENTITY']]['RIGHTS'] != $sharingRow['RIGHTS']) { $overwriteSharing[$sharingRow['ENTITY']] = $newEntityData[$sharingRow['ENTITY']]; $overwriteSharing[$sharingRow['ENTITY']]['ID'] = $sharingRow['ID']; } elseif($newEntityData[$sharingRow['ENTITY']]['RIGHTS'] == $sharingRow['RIGHTS']) { unset($newEntityData[$sharingRow['ENTITY']]); } } else { $deleteSharing[$sharingRow['ENTITY']] = $sharingRow; } } $addSharing = array_diff_key($newEntityData, $overwriteSharing); if($addSharing) $this->addToManyEntity($addSharing); if($overwriteSharing) $this->updateManyEntity($overwriteSharing); if($deleteSharing) $this->deleteManyEntity($deleteSharing); } else { $this->deleteManyEntity($listSharingRow); } $cache = new CPHPCache; $cache->cleanDir('/report/sharing/'.$this->reportId); } /** * @return Error[] */ public function getErrors() { return $this->errorCollection->toArray(); } /** * Get an array shared entity. * @param $reportId. * @return array * @throws \Bitrix\Main\ArgumentException */ public static function getEntityOfSharing($reportId) { $reportId = intval($reportId); $entitySharing = array(); $cacheTime = defined('BX_COMP_MANAGED_CACHE') ? 3153600 : 3600*4; $cacheId = 'report-sharing-'.$reportId; $cacheDir = '/report/sharing/'.$reportId; $cache = new CPHPCache; if($cache->initCache($cacheTime, $cacheId, $cacheDir)) { $entitySharing = $cache->getVars(); } else { $cache->startDataCache(); $result = SharingTable::getList(array( 'select' => array('ID', 'ENTITY', 'RIGHTS'), 'filter' => array('=REPORT_ID' => $reportId), )); while($data = $result->fetch()) { $entitySharing[] = array( 'ENTITY' => $data['ENTITY'], 'RIGHTS' => $data['RIGHTS'], ); } $cache->endDataCache($entitySharing); } return $entitySharing; } /** * Get an array user data for sharing. * @param $userId * @return array */ public static function getUserData($userId) { $userData = array(); $userId = intval($userId); $users = \CUser::getList($by='id', $order='asc', array('ID' => $userId), array('FIELDS' => array('ID', 'PERSONAL_PHOTO', 'NAME', 'LAST_NAME')) ); $user = $users->fetch(); if ($user) { $avatar = self::getImage($user['PERSONAL_PHOTO']); $userData['name'] = \CUser::formatName(\CSite::getNameFormat(false), $user, false, false); $userData['avatar'] = $avatar ? $avatar['src'] : '/bitrix/js/report/css/images/default_avatar.png'; $userData['link'] = self::getUserUrl($userId); $userData['access'] = RightsManager::ACCESS_READ; } return $userData; } /** * Parses entity code to get entity type and entity id. * Ex. SG444 = array('SG', 444) * @param $entity * @return array|null */ public static function parseEntityValue($entity) { preg_match( '%(' . self::CODE_USER . '|' . self::CODE_SOCNET_GROUP . '|' . self::CODE_DEPARTMENT . '){1,2}([0-9]+)%u', $entity, $m ); list(, $code, $id) = $m; if($code === null || $id === null) { return null; } switch($code) { case self::CODE_USER: return array(self::TYPE_USER, $id); case self::CODE_GROUP: return array(self::TYPE_GROUP, $id); case self::CODE_SOCNET_GROUP: return array(self::TYPE_SOCNET_GROUP, $id); case self::CODE_DEPARTMENT: return array(self::TYPE_DEPARTMENT, $id); } return null; } /** * Get an array of desired size depending on the type of entity. * @param $type * @param $id * @return array * @throws \Bitrix\Main\LoaderException */ public static function getTypeData($type, $id) { $typeData = array(); if($type == self::TYPE_USER) { $typeData = self::getUserData($id); } elseif($type == self::TYPE_GROUP) { } elseif($type == self::TYPE_SOCNET_GROUP) { if(Loader::includeModule('socialnetwork')) { $query = \CSocNetGroup::getList(array(), array('ID' => $id), false, false, array('IMAGE_ID', 'NAME')); while($group = $query->fetch()) { $typeData['name'] = $group['NAME']; $avatar = self::getImage($group['IMAGE_ID']); $typeData['avatar'] = $avatar?$avatar['src']:'/bitrix/js/report/css/images/default_groupe.png'; } } } elseif($type == self::TYPE_DEPARTMENT) { if(Loader::includeModule('socialnetwork')) { $structure = \CSocNetLogDestination::getStucture(); if(!empty($structure['department']['DR' . $id])) { $typeData['name'] = $structure['department']['DR' . $id]['name']; $typeData['avatar'] = '/bitrix/js/report/css/images/default_groupe.png'; } } } return $typeData; } /** * Get socnet destination. * @param $userId * @param array $selected * @return array * @throws \Bitrix\Main\LoaderException */ public static function getSocNetDestination($userId, $selected = array()) { if(!Loader::includeModule('socialnetwork')) { return array(); } global $CACHE_MANAGER; if (!is_array($selected)) { $selected = array(); } if (method_exists('CSocNetLogDestination','getDestinationSort')) { $destination = array( 'LAST' => array() ); $lastDestination = CSocNetLogDestination::getDestinationSort(array( "DEST_CONTEXT" => "REPORT_SHARE" )); CSocNetLogDestination::fillLastDestination($lastDestination, $destination['LAST']); } else { $destination = array( 'LAST' => array( 'SONETGROUPS' => CSocNetLogDestination::getLastSocnetGroup(), 'DEPARTMENT' => CSocNetLogDestination::getLastDepartment(), 'USERS' => CSocNetLogDestination::getLastUser() ) ); } $cacheTtl = defined("BX_COMP_MANAGED_CACHE") ? 3153600 : 3600*4; $cacheId = 'dest_group_'.$userId; $cacheDir = '/report/dest/'.$userId; $cache = new CPHPCache; if($cache->initCache($cacheTtl, $cacheId, $cacheDir)) { $destination['SONETGROUPS'] = $cache->getVars(); } else { $cache->startDataCache(); $destination['SONETGROUPS'] = CSocNetLogDestination::getSocnetGroup( array('GROUP_CLOSED' => 'N', 'features' => array("files", array("view")))); if(defined("BX_COMP_MANAGED_CACHE")) { $CACHE_MANAGER->startTagCache($cacheDir); $CACHE_MANAGER->registerTag("sonet_feature_all_G_files"); foreach($destination['SONETGROUPS'] as $val) { $CACHE_MANAGER->registerTag("sonet_features_G_".$val["entityId"]); $CACHE_MANAGER->registerTag("sonet_group_".$val["entityId"]); } $CACHE_MANAGER->registerTag("sonet_user2group_U".$userId); $CACHE_MANAGER->endTagCache(); } $cache->endDataCache($destination['SONETGROUPS']); } $destUser = array(); $destination['SELECTED'] = array(); foreach ($selected as $ind => $code) { if (substr($code, 0 , 2) == 'DR') { $destination['SELECTED'][$code] = "department"; } elseif (substr($code, 0 , 2) == 'UA') { $destination['SELECTED'][$code] = "groups"; } elseif (substr($code, 0 , 2) == 'SG') { $destination['SELECTED'][$code] = "sonetgroups"; } elseif (substr($code, 0 , 1) == 'U') { $destination['SELECTED'][$code] = "users"; $destUser[] = str_replace('U', '', $code); } } // intranet structure $structure = CSocNetLogDestination::getStucture(); $destination['DEPARTMENT'] = $structure['department']; $destination['DEPARTMENT_RELATION'] = $structure['department_relation']; $destination['DEPARTMENT_RELATION_HEAD'] = $structure['department_relation_head']; if (Loader::includeModule('extranet') && !CExtranet::isIntranetUser()) { $destination['EXTRANET_USER'] = 'Y'; $destination['USERS'] = CSocNetLogDestination::getExtranetUser(); } else { if(is_array($destination['LAST']['USERS'])) { foreach ($destination['LAST']['USERS'] as $value) $destUser[] = str_replace('U', '', $value); } $destination['EXTRANET_USER'] = 'N'; $destination['USERS'] = CSocNetLogDestination::getUsers(array('id' => $destUser)); } return $destination; } /** * Removes all related entities by removing report. * @param $reportId * @throws \Exception */ public static function onReportDelete($reportId) { $reportId = intval($reportId); $result = SharingTable::getList(array( 'select' => array('ID'), 'filter'=>array('=REPORT_ID' => $reportId), )); while($data = $result->fetch()) SharingTable::delete($data['ID']); } protected function getByReportId() { $listSharingRow = array(); $result = SharingTable::getList(array( 'filter'=>array('=REPORT_ID' => $this->reportId), )); while($data = $result->fetch()) $listSharingRow[] = $data; return $listSharingRow; } protected function addToManyEntity(array $listData) { foreach($listData as $data) { $fields = array( 'REPORT_ID' => $data['REPORT_ID'], 'ENTITY' => $data['ENTITY'], 'RIGHTS' => $data['RIGHTS'], ); $result = SharingTable::add($fields); if(!$result->isSuccess()) { foreach($result->getErrorMessages() as $errorMessage) $this->errorCollection->add(array(new Error($errorMessage, self::ERROR_SHARING_ADD))); } } } protected function updateManyEntity(array $listData) { foreach($listData as $data) { $fields = array( 'RIGHTS' => $data['RIGHTS'] ); $result = SharingTable::update($data['ID'], $fields); if(!$result->isSuccess()) { foreach($result->getErrorMessages() as $errorMessage) $this->errorCollection->add(array(new Error($errorMessage, self::ERROR_SHARING_UPDATE))); } } } protected function deleteManyEntity(array $listData) { foreach($listData as $data) { $result = SharingTable::delete($data['ID']); if(!$result->isSuccess()) { foreach($result->getErrorMessages() as $errorMessage) $this->errorCollection->add(array(new Error($errorMessage, self::ERROR_SHARING_DELETE))); } } } protected static function getUserUrl($userId) { $userPage = \COption::getOptionString('socialnetwork', 'user_page', false, SITE_ID); if(!$userPage) { $userPage = SITE_DIR.'company/personal/'; } return $userPage.'user/'.$userId.'/'; } protected static function getImage($imageId) { return \CFile::resizeImageGet($imageId, array('width' => 21, 'height' => 21), \BX_RESIZE_IMAGE_EXACT, false); } }