Direktori : /home/bitrix/www/bitrix/modules/sale/general/ |
Current File : //home/bitrix/www/bitrix/modules/sale/general/helper.php |
<? IncludeModuleLangFile(__FILE__); class CSaleHelper { public static function IsAssociativeArray($ar) { if (count($ar) <= 0) return false; $fl = false; $arKeys = array_keys($ar); $ind = -1; foreach ($arKeys as $key) { $ind++; if ($key."!" !== $ind."!" && "".$key !== "n".$ind) { $fl = true; break; } } return $fl; } /** * Writes to /bitrix/modules/sale.log * * @param string $text message to write * @param array $arVars array (varname => value) to print out variables * @param string $code log record tag */ public static function WriteToLog($text, $arVars = array(), $code = "") { $filename = $_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"]."/bitrix/modules/sale.log"; if ($f = fopen($filename, "a")) { fwrite($f, date("Y-m-d H:i:s")." - ".$code." - ".$text."\n"); if (is_array($arVars)) { foreach ($arVars as $varName => $varData) { fwrite($f, $varName.": "); fwrite($f, print_r($varData, true)); fwrite($f, "\n"); } } fwrite($f, "\n"); fclose($f); } } /** * @param $fieldId * @param $arField * @param $fieldName * @param $formName * @return string * @deprecated */ public static function getAdminHtml($fieldId, $arField, $fieldName, $formName) { $arField["VALUE"] = CSaleDeliveryHelper::getConfValue($arField); $resultHtml = ''; $name = htmlspecialcharsbx($fieldName.(strlen($fieldId) > 0 ? '['.$fieldId.']' : '')); if(isset($arField['PRE_TEXT'])) $resultHtml = $arField['PRE_TEXT'].' '; if(isset($arField['BLOCK_HIDEABLE'])) $resultHtml .= '<a href="javascript:void(0);" style="border-bottom: 1px dashed; text-decoration: none;">'; switch ($arField["TYPE"]) { case "TEXT_RO": //read only text $resultHtml .= htmlspecialcharsbx($arField["VALUE"]); break; case "CHECKBOX": $resultHtml .= '<input '. 'type="checkbox" '. 'name="'.$name.'" '. 'value="Y" '. ($arField["VALUE"] == "Y" ? "checked=\"checked\"" : ""); if(isset($arField['HIDE_BY_NAMES']) && is_array($arField['HIDE_BY_NAMES'])) $resultHtml .= 'onclick="hideFormElementsByNames(this, '.CUtil::PhpToJSObject($arField['HIDE_BY_NAMES']).');"'; $resultHtml .= '/>'; if(isset($arField['HIDE_BY_NAMES']) && is_array($arField['HIDE_BY_NAMES'])) { $resultHtml .= ' <script language="JavaScript"> BX.ready( function(){ var cbObj = document.forms["'.$formName.'"]["'.$name.'"]; if(cbObj) hideFormElementsByNames(cbObj, '.CUtil::PhpToJSObject($arField['HIDE_BY_NAMES']).'); } ); </script>'; } break; case "RADIO": foreach ($arField["VALUES"] as $value => $title) { $resultHtml .= '<input type="radio" id="hc_'.htmlspecialcharsbx($fieldId).'_'.htmlspecialcharsbx($value).'"'. 'name="'.$name.'" '. 'value="'.htmlspecialcharsbx($value).'"'. ($value == $arField["VALUE"] ? " checked=\"checked\"" : "").' />'. '<label for="hc_'.htmlspecialcharsbx($fieldId).'_'.htmlspecialcharsbx($value).'">'. htmlspecialcharsbx($title).'</label><br />'; } break; case "PASSWORD": $resultHtml .= '<input '. 'type="password" '. 'name="'.$name.'" '. 'value="'.htmlspecialcharsbx($arField["VALUE"]).'" />'; break; case "DROPDOWN": $resultHtml .= '<select name="'.$name.'" '; if(isset($arField['ONCHANGE'])) $resultHtml .= ' onchange = "'.$arField['ONCHANGE'].'"'; $resultHtml .='>'; foreach ($arField["VALUES"] as $value => $title) { $resultHtml .= '<option '. 'value="'.htmlspecialcharsbx($value).'"'. ($value == $arField["VALUE"] ? " selected=\"selected\"" : "").'>'. htmlspecialcharsbx($title). '</option>'; } $resultHtml .= '</select>'; break; case "MULTISELECT": $resultHtml .= '<select name="'.$name.'" multiple="multiple">'; foreach ($arField["VALUES"] as $value => $title) $resultHtml .= '<option '. 'value="'.htmlspecialcharsbx($value).'"'. (in_array($value, $arField["VALUE"]) ? " selected=\"selected\"" : "").'>'. htmlspecialcharsbx($title). '</option>'; $resultHtml .= '</select>'; break; case "SECTION": case "TEXT_CENTERED": case "MULTI_CONTROL_STRING": $resultHtml .= htmlspecialcharsbx($arField["TITLE"]); break; case "CUSTOM": $resultHtml .= $arField["VALUE"]; break; default: $resultHtml .= '<input type="text"'. 'name="'.$name.'" '. 'value="'.htmlspecialcharsbx($arField["VALUE"]).'" '. (isset($arField["SIZE"]) ? 'size="'.$arField["SIZE"].'"' : ''). '/>'; } if(isset($arField['BLOCK_HIDEABLE'])) $resultHtml .= '</a>'; if(isset($arField['POST_TEXT'])): $resultHtml .= ' '.$arField['POST_TEXT']; endif; return $resultHtml; } public static function getAdminMultilineControl($arMultiControlQuery) { $resultHtml = ''; if(is_array($arMultiControlQuery)) { reset($arMultiControlQuery); $key = key($arMultiControlQuery); if(isset($arMultiControlQuery[$key]['ITEMS']) && isset($arMultiControlQuery[$key]['CONFIG'])) { $multiHtml = implode(' ', $arMultiControlQuery[$key]['ITEMS']); $resultHtml = self::wrapAdminHtml($multiHtml, $arMultiControlQuery[$key]['CONFIG']); } } return $resultHtml; } public static function wrapAdminHtml($controlHtml, &$arConfig) { $wrapHtml = ''; $tdStyle = isset($arConfig["TOP_LINE"]) && $arConfig["TOP_LINE"] == "Y" ? ' border-top: 1px solid #DDDDDD;' : ''; switch ($arConfig["TYPE"]) { case "SECTION": $wrapHtml .= '<tr class="heading"><td colspan="2">'.$controlHtml.'</td></tr>'; break; case "TEXT_CENTERED": $wrapHtml .= '<tr'; if(isset($arConfig["BLOCK_HIDEABLE"])) $wrapHtml .= ' onclick="BX.Sale.PaySystem.toggleNextSiblings(this,'.intval($arConfig["BLOCK_LENGTH"]).');" class="ps-admin-hide" '; $wrapHtml .= '><td style="text-align: center; font-weight: bold;'.$tdStyle.'" colspan="2">'.$controlHtml; if(isset($arConfig["BLOCK_DELETABLE"])) $wrapHtml .= ' <a href="javascript:void(0);" onclick="BX.Sale.PaySystem.deleteObjectAndNextSiblings(this,'.intval($arConfig["BLOCK_LENGTH"]).',2);" style="border-bottom: 1px dashed; text-decoration: none;">'.GetMessage("SALE_HELPER_DELETE").'</a>'; $wrapHtml .= '</td></tr>'; break; default: $wrapHtml .= '<tr>'. '<td style="'.$tdStyle.'" class="field-name"'.(($arConfig["TYPE"] == "MULTISELECT") ? ' valign="top"' : '').' width="40%" align="right">'.htmlspecialcharsbx($arConfig["TITLE"]).':</td>'. '<td style="'.$tdStyle.'" valign="top" width="60%">'. $controlHtml. '</td>'. '</tr>'; } return $wrapHtml; } public static function getOptionOrImportValues($optName, $importFuncName = false, $arFuncParams = array(), $siteId = "") { $arResult = array(); if(strlen(trim($optName)) >= 0) { $optValue = COption::GetOptionString('sale', $optName, '', $siteId); $arOptValue = unserialize($optValue); if(empty($arOptValue)) { if($importFuncName !== false && is_callable($importFuncName)) { $arResult = call_user_func_array($importFuncName, $arFuncParams); COption::SetOptionString('sale', $optName, serialize($arResult), false, $siteId); } } else { $arResult = $arOptValue; } } return $arResult; } private static function getShopLocationParams($siteId = false) { $loc_diff = COption::GetOptionString('sale', 'ADDRESS_different_set', 'N'); if ($loc_diff == "Y" && ($siteId !== false || defined(SITE_ID))) { if($siteId === false) $siteId = SITE_ID; $locId = COption::GetOptionString('sale', 'location', '', $siteId); $locZip = COption::GetOptionString('sale', 'location_zip', '', $siteId); } else { $locId = COption::GetOptionString('sale', 'location', ''); $locZip = COption::GetOptionString('sale', 'location_zip', ''); if(strlen($locId) <= 0) { static $defSite = null; if (!isset($defSite)) $defSite = CSite::GetDefSite(); if($defSite) { $locId = COption::GetOptionString('sale', 'location', '', $defSite); $locZip = COption::GetOptionString('sale', 'location_zip', '', $defSite); } } } if((string) $locId != '') { $location = self::getLocationByIdHitCached($locId); if(intval($location['ID'])) $locId = $location['ID']; } return array( 'ID' => $locId, 'ZIP' => $locZip ); } public static function getShopLocationId($siteId) { static $shopLocationId = array(); if(!isset($shopLocationId[$siteId])) { $locParams = self::getShopLocationParams($siteId); if(isset($locParams['ID']) && strlen($locParams['ID']) > 0) $shopLocationId[$siteId] = $locParams['ID']; } return $shopLocationId[$siteId]; } public static function getShopLocationZIP() { static $shopLocationZip = ''; if(strlen($shopLocationZip) <= 0) { $locParams = self::getShopLocationParams(); if(isset($locParams['ZIP']) && strlen($locParams['ZIP']) > 0) $shopLocationZip = strval($locParams['ZIP']); } return $shopLocationZip; } public static function getShopLocation($siteId = false) { static $shopLocation = array(); if(empty($shopLocation)) { $shopLocationId = self::getShopLocationId($siteId); if(intval($shopLocationId) > 0) $shopLocation = CSaleLocation::GetByID($shopLocationId); } return $shopLocation; } public static function getCsvObject($filePath) { $csvFile = new CCSVData(); $csvFile->LoadFile($filePath); $csvFile->SetFieldsType("R"); $csvFile->SetFirstHeader(false); $csvFile->SetDelimiter(","); return $csvFile; } /** * Returns HTML code to show file (image or download link) * Similar to CFile::ShowFile but shows name of the file in the download link * * @param int $fileId - file id * @param array $arSize - width and height for image thumbnail * @return string */ public static function getFileInfo($fileId, $arSize = array("WIDTH" => 90, "HEIGHT" => 90)) { $resultHTML = ""; $arFile = CFile::GetFileArray($fileId); if ($arFile) { $is_image = CFile::IsImage($arFile["FILE_NAME"], $arFile["CONTENT_TYPE"]); if ($is_image) $resultHTML = CFile::ShowImage($arFile["ID"], $arSize["WIDTH"], $arSize["HEIGHT"], "border=0", $arFile["SRC"], true); else $resultHTML = '<a href="'.$arFile["SRC"].'">'.$arFile["ORIGINAL_NAME"].'</a>'; } return $resultHTML; } public static function getIblockPropInfo($value, $propData, $arSize = array("WIDTH" => 90, "HEIGHT" => 90)) { $res = ""; if ($propData["MULTIPLE"] == "Y") { $arVal = array(); if (!is_array($value)) { if (strpos($value, ",") !== false) $arVal = explode(",", $value); else $arVal[] = $value; } else $arVal = $value; if (count($arVal) > 0) { foreach ($arVal as $key => $val) { if ($propData["PROPERTY_TYPE"] == "F") { if (strlen($res) > 0) $res .= "<br/> ".CSaleHelper::getFileInfo(trim($val), $arSize); else $res = CSaleHelper::getFileInfo(trim($val), $arSize); } else { if (strlen($res) > 0) $res .= ", ".$val; else $res = $val; } } } } else { if ($propData["PROPERTY_TYPE"] == "F") $res = CSaleHelper::getFileInfo($value, $arSize); else $res = $value; } return $res; } public static function getLocationByIdHitCached($id) { static $result = array(); if(!isset($result[$id])) $result[$id] = CSaleLocation::GetByIDForLegacyDelivery($id); return $result[$id]; } }