Direktori : /home/bitrix/www/bitrix/modules/sale/general/ |
Current File : //home/bitrix/www/bitrix/modules/sale/general/order_user_props.php |
<? IncludeModuleLangFile(__FILE__); class CAllSaleOrderUserProps { /* public static function TranslateLocationPropertyValues($personTypeId, &$orderProps) { if(CSaleLocation::isLocationProMigrated()) { // location ID to CODE $dbOrderProps = CSaleOrderProps::GetList( array("SORT" => "ASC"), array( 'PERSON_TYPE_ID' => $personTypeId ), false, false, array("ID", "NAME", "TYPE", "IS_LOCATION", "IS_LOCATION4TAX", "IS_PROFILE_NAME", "IS_PAYER", "IS_EMAIL", "REQUIED", "SORT", "IS_ZIP", "CODE", "MULTIPLE") ); while($item = $dbOrderProps->fetch()) { if($item['TYPE'] == 'LOCATION' && strlen($orderProps[$item['ID']])) $orderProps[$item['ID']] = CSaleLocation::getLocationCodeByID($orderProps[$item['ID']]); } } } */ /** * @param $userId * @param $profileId * @param $profileName * @param $personTypeId * @param $orderProps * @param $arErrors * * @return bool|int */ static function DoSaveUserProfile($userId, $profileId, $profileName, $personTypeId, $orderProps, &$arErrors) { $profileId = intval($profileId); $arIDs = array(); if ($profileId > 0) { $dbProfile = CSaleOrderUserProps::GetList( array(), array("ID" => $profileId), false, false, array("ID", "NAME", "USER_ID", "PERSON_TYPE_ID") ); $arProfile = $dbProfile->Fetch(); if (!$arProfile) { $arErrors[] = array("CODE" => "PROFILE_NOT_FOUND", "TEXT" => GetMessage('SKGOUP_PROFILE_NOT_FOUND')); return false; } if ($arProfile["USER_ID"] != $userId || $arProfile["PERSON_TYPE_ID"] != $personTypeId) { $arErrors[] = array("CODE" => "PARAM", "TEXT" => GetMessage('SKGOUP_PARRAMS_ERROR')); return false; } //if (strlen($profileName) > 0 && $profileName != $arProfile["NAME"]) if (strlen($profileName) > 0) { $arFields = array("NAME" => $profileName, "USER_ID" => $userId); CSaleOrderUserProps::Update($profileId, $arFields); } $dbUserPropsValues = CSaleOrderUserPropsValue::GetList( array(), array("USER_PROPS_ID" => $profileId), false, false, array("ID", "ORDER_PROPS_ID") ); while ($arUserPropsValue = $dbUserPropsValues->Fetch()) $arIDs[$arUserPropsValue["ORDER_PROPS_ID"]] = $arUserPropsValue["ID"]; } if (!is_array($orderProps)) { $dbOrderPropsValues = CSaleOrderPropsValue::GetList( array(), array("ORDER_ID" => intval($orderProps)), false, false, array("ORDER_PROPS_ID", "VALUE") ); $orderProps = array(); while ($arOrderPropsValue = $dbOrderPropsValues->Fetch()) $orderProps[$arOrderPropsValue["ORDER_PROPS_ID"]] = $arOrderPropsValue["VALUE"]; } /* TRANSLATION_CUT_OFF else { // map location ID to CODE, if taken from parameters static::TranslateLocationPropertyValues($personTypeId, $orderProps); } */ $utilPropertyList = array(); $dbOrderProperties = CSaleOrderProps::GetList( array(), array("PERSON_TYPE_ID" => $personTypeId, "ACTIVE" => "Y", "USER_PROPS" => "Y"), false, false, array("ID", "TYPE", "NAME", "CODE", "UTIL", "MULTIPLE") ); while ($arOrderProperty = $dbOrderProperties->Fetch()) { if ($arOrderProperty['UTIL'] == "Y") { $utilPropertyList[] = $arIDs[$arOrderProperty["ID"]]; } $curVal = $orderProps[$arOrderProperty["ID"]]; if (($arOrderProperty["TYPE"] == "MULTISELECT") && is_array($curVal)) $curVal = implode(",", $curVal); if (($arOrderProperty["TYPE"] == "FILE") && is_array($curVal)) { $fileList = array(); foreach ($curVal as $fileDat) { $fileList[] = $fileDat['ID']; } $curVal = serialize($fileList); } if ($arOrderProperty["MULTIPLE"] === "Y" & is_array($curVal)) { $curVal = serialize($curVal); } if (strlen($curVal) > 0) { if ($profileId <= 0) { if (strlen($profileName) <= 0) $profileName = GetMessage("SOA_PROFILE")." ".Date("Y-m-d"); $arFields = array( "NAME" => $profileName, "USER_ID" => $userId, "PERSON_TYPE_ID" => $personTypeId ); $profileId = CSaleOrderUserProps::Add($arFields); } if (array_key_exists($arOrderProperty["ID"], $arIDs)) { $arFields = Array( "NAME" => $arOrderProperty["NAME"], "VALUE" => $curVal ); CSaleOrderUserPropsValue::Update($arIDs[$arOrderProperty["ID"]], $arFields); unset($arIDs[$arOrderProperty["ID"]]); } else { $arFields = array( "USER_PROPS_ID" => $profileId, "ORDER_PROPS_ID" => $arOrderProperty["ID"], "NAME" => $arOrderProperty["NAME"], "VALUE" => $curVal ); CSaleOrderUserPropsValue::Add($arFields); } } } foreach ($arIDs as $id) { if (!empty($utilPropertyList) && in_array($id, $utilPropertyList)) continue; CSaleOrderUserPropsValue::Delete($id); } return $profileId; } public static function DoLoadProfiles($userId, $personTypeId = null) { $userId = intval($userId); if ($userId <= 0) return null; $arResult = array(); $arFilter = array("USER_ID" => $userId); if ($personTypeId != null) $arFilter["PERSON_TYPE_ID"] = $personTypeId; $dbProfile = CSaleOrderUserProps::GetList( array("DATE_UPDATE" => "DESC", "NAME" => "ASC"), $arFilter, false, false, array("ID", "NAME", "PERSON_TYPE_ID", "DATE_UPDATE") ); while ($arProfile = $dbProfile->GetNext()) { if (!array_key_exists($arProfile["PERSON_TYPE_ID"], $arResult)) $arResult[$arProfile["PERSON_TYPE_ID"]] = array(); $arResult[$arProfile["PERSON_TYPE_ID"]][$arProfile["ID"]] = array("NAME" => $arProfile["NAME"], "VALUES" => array(), "VALUES_ORIG" => array()); $dbProps = CSaleOrderUserPropsValue::GetList( array(), array("USER_PROPS_ID" => $arProfile["ID"]), false, false, array("ORDER_PROPS_ID", "NAME", "VALUE", "VALUE_ORIG") ); while ($arProps = $dbProps->GetNext()) { $arResult[$arProfile["PERSON_TYPE_ID"]][$arProfile["ID"]]["VALUES"][$arProps["ORDER_PROPS_ID"]] = $arProps["VALUE"]; if(isset($arProps["VALUE_ORIG"])) $arResult[$arProfile["PERSON_TYPE_ID"]][$arProfile["ID"]]["VALUES_ORIG"][$arProps["ORDER_PROPS_ID"]] = $arProps["VALUE_ORIG"]; } } if (count($arResult) > 0) { if ($personTypeId != null) $arResult = $arResult[$personTypeId]; } return $arResult; } function GetByID($ID) { global $DB; $ID = IntVal($ID); $strSql = "SELECT * ". "FROM b_sale_user_props ". "WHERE ID = ".$ID.""; $db_res = $DB->Query($strSql, false, "File: ".__FILE__."<br>Line: ".__LINE__); if ($res = $db_res->Fetch()) { return $res; } return False; } function CheckFields($ACTION, &$arFields, $ID = 0) { global $DB, $USER; if ((is_set($arFields, "PERSON_TYPE_ID") || $ACTION=="ADD") && IntVal($arFields["PERSON_TYPE_ID"])<=0) { $GLOBALS["APPLICATION"]->ThrowException(GetMessage("SKGOUP_EMPTY_PERS_TYPE"), "ERROR_NO_PERSON_TYPE_ID"); return false; } if (false && !$USER->IsAuthorized()) { $GLOBALS["APPLICATION"]->ThrowException(GetMessage("SKGOUP_UNAUTH"), "ERROR_NO_AUTH"); return false; } if (!is_set($arFields, "USER_ID")) $arFields["USER_ID"] = IntVal($USER->GetID()); if ((is_set($arFields, "USER_ID") || $ACTION=="ADD") && IntVal($arFields["USER_ID"]) <= 0) { $GLOBALS["APPLICATION"]->ThrowException(GetMessage("SKGOUP_NO_USER_ID"), "ERROR_NO_PERSON_TYPE_ID"); return false; } return True; } function Update($ID, $arFields) { global $DB; $ID = IntVal($ID); if (!CSaleOrderUserProps::CheckFields("UPDATE", $arFields)) return false; $strUpdate = $DB->PrepareUpdate("b_sale_user_props", $arFields); $strSql = "UPDATE b_sale_user_props SET ". " ".$strUpdate.", ". " DATE_UPDATE = ".$DB->GetNowFunction()." ". "WHERE ID = ".$ID." "; $DB->Query($strSql, false, "File: ".__FILE__."<br>Line: ".__LINE__); return $ID; } function ClearEmpty() { global $DB; $strSql = "SELECT UP.ID ". "FROM b_sale_user_props UP ". " LEFT JOIN b_sale_user_props_value UPV ON (UP.ID = UPV.USER_PROPS_ID) ". "WHERE UPV.ID IS NULL "; $db_res = $DB->Query($strSql, false, "File: ".__FILE__."<br>Line: ".__LINE__); while ($res = $db_res->Fetch()) { $DB->Query("DELETE FROM b_sale_user_props WHERE ID = ".$res["ID"].""); } } function Delete($ID) { global $DB; $ID = IntVal($ID); $DB->Query("DELETE FROM b_sale_user_props_value WHERE USER_PROPS_ID = ".$ID."", true); return $DB->Query("DELETE FROM b_sale_user_props WHERE ID = ".$ID."", true); } function OnUserDelete($ID) { $ID = IntVal($ID); $db_res = CSaleOrderUserProps::GetList(($b="ID"), ($o="ASC"), Array("USER_ID"=>$ID)); while ($ar_res = $db_res->Fetch()) { CSaleOrderUserProps::Delete(IntVal($ar_res["ID"])); } return True; } } ?>