Direktori : /home/bitrix/www/bitrix/modules/sale/general/ |
Current File : //home/bitrix/www/bitrix/modules/sale/general/proxyresult.php |
<? class CSaleProxyResult extends CDBResult { private $parameters = array(); private $entityName = ''; public function __construct($parameters, $entityName) { $this->parameters = $parameters; $this->entityName = $entityName; parent::__construct(array()); } function NavStart($nPageSize = 20, $bShowAll = true, $iNumPage = false) { $this->InitNavStartVars(intval($nPageSize), $bShowAll, $iNumPage); // force to db resource type, although we got empty array on input $en = $this->entityName; $runtime = is_array($this->parameters['runtime']) ? $this->parameters['runtime'] : array(); $filter = is_array($this->parameters['filter']) ? $this->parameters['filter'] : array(); // to increase perfomance, have to throw away unused (in filter) runtimes foreach($runtime as $fld => $desc) { $found = false; foreach($filter as $condition => $value) { if(strpos($condition, $fld) !== false) { $found = true; break; } } if(!$found) unset($runtime[$fld]); } $count = $en::getList(array( 'filter' => $filter, 'select' => array('REC_CNT'), 'runtime' => array_merge($runtime, array( 'REC_CNT' => array( 'data_type' => 'integer', 'expression' => array( 'count(*)' ) ) )) ))->fetch(); $this->NavRecordCount = $count['REC_CNT']; // the following code was taken from DBNavStart() // here we could use Bitrix\Main\DB\Paginator //calculate total pages depend on rows count. start with 1 $this->NavPageCount = floor($this->NavRecordCount/$this->NavPageSize); if($this->NavRecordCount % $this->NavPageSize > 0) $this->NavPageCount++; //page number to display. start with 1 $this->NavPageNomer = ($this->PAGEN < 1 || $this->PAGEN > $this->NavPageCount? ($_SESSION[$this->SESS_PAGEN] < 1 || $_SESSION[$this->SESS_PAGEN] > $this->NavPageCount? 1:$_SESSION[$this->SESS_PAGEN]):$this->PAGEN); $parameters = $this->parameters; $parameters['limit'] = $this->NavPageSize; $parameters['offset'] = ($this->NavPageNomer - 1) * $this->NavPageSize; $res = $en::getList($parameters); $this->arResult = array(); while($item = $res->Fetch()) $this->arResult[] = $item; } }