Direktori : /home/bitrix/www/bitrix/modules/sale/install/js/sale/ |
Current File : //home/bitrix/www/bitrix/modules/sale/install/js/sale/core_ui_etc.js |
(function(){ if(typeof BX.ui != 'object') BX.ui = {}; ////////////////////////////// // "delayed" loader ////////////////////////////// BX.ui.loader = function(opts, nf){ this.parentConstruct(BX.ui.loader, opts); BX.merge(this, { opts: { // default options timeout: 100 }, sys: { code: 'loader' } }); this.handleInitStack(nf, BX.ui.loader, opts); }; BX.extend(BX.ui.loader, BX.ui.widget); // the following functions can be overrided with inheritance BX.merge(BX.ui.loader.prototype, { // member of stack of initializers, must be defined even if do nothing init: function(){}, show: function(){ var ctx = this; var sv = this.vars; sv.timer = setTimeout(function(){ ctx.fireEvent('toggle', [true]); sv.timer = null; }, this.opts.timeout); }, hide: function(){ clearTimeout(this.vars.timer); if(this.vars.timer == null) this.fireEvent('toggle', [false]); } }); ////////////////////////////// // native scrollable div // DEPRECATED :) Use BX.ui.scrollablePager instead ////////////////////////////// BX.ui.scrollPaneNative = function(opts, nf){ this.parentConstruct(BX.ui.scrollPaneNative, opts); BX.merge(this, { opts: { // default options eventTimeout: 150, scrollError: 30 }, vars: { prevScrollTop: 0, atBottom: false }, sys: { code: 'scrollpanenative' } }); this.handleInitStack(nf, BX.ui.scrollPaneNative, opts); }; BX.extend(BX.ui.scrollPaneNative, BX.ui.widget); // the following functions can be overrided with inheritance BX.merge(BX.ui.scrollPaneNative.prototype, { // member of stack of initializers, must be defined even if do nothing init: function(){ this.ctrls.container = this.getControl('container'); //this.informContentChanged(); // just set some initial values this.pushFuncStack('bindEvents', BX.ui.scrollPaneNative); }, bindEvents: function(){ var ctx = this, sc = this.ctrls; BX.bind(sc.container, 'scroll', function(){ ctx.checkScrollState(); }); BX.bind(sc.container, 'mousewheel', function(e){ var wData = BX.getWheelData(e); var jam = false; var scrollTop = ctx.ctrls.container.scrollTop; var scrollHeight = ctx.ctrls.container.scrollHeight; var clientHeight = ctx.ctrls.container.clientHeight; if(wData > 0 && scrollTop == 0) // move up jam = true; if(wData < 0 && (scrollTop >= scrollHeight - clientHeight)) // move down jam = true; if(jam){ BX.PreventDefault(e); BX.eventCancelBubble(e); return false; } }); BX.bind(window, 'resize', function(){ ctx.checkScrollState(); }); BX(function(){ ctx.checkScrollState(); }); }, informContentChanged: function(){ this.vars.prevScrollTop = this.ctrls.container.scrollTop; this.vars.atBottom = false; this.checkScrollState(); }, dropScrollTop: function(){ this.ctrls.container.scrollTop = 0; this.checkScrollState(); }, scrollTo: function(pos){ // scroll only to vertical (y) is implemented var scrollTop = false; if(typeof pos.y == 'number') scrollTop = pos.y; else if(typeof pos.dy == 'number') scrollTop = this.ctrls.container.scrollTop + pos.dy; if(scrollTop !== false){ this.ctrls.container.scrollTop = scrollTop; } }, checkFreeBottomSpace: function(){ var sc = this.ctrls; return sc.container.scrollHeight <= sc.container.clientHeight; }, checkScrolledToEnd: function(){ var sc = this.ctrls, sv = this.vars, so = this.opts; var st = sc.container.scrollTop; if(sv.prevScrollTop == st) return; var atBottom = sc.container.scrollTop >= sc.container.scrollHeight - sc.container.clientHeight - so.scrollError; if(atBottom == sv.atBottom) // scrolled in the range of so.scrollError, not interesting return; sv.atBottom = atBottom; return sv.atBottom; }, checkScrollState: function(){ var ctx = this; if(!BX.type.isFunction(this.vars.checkFn)){ this.vars.checkFn = BX.throttle(function(){ if(ctx.checkFreeBottomSpace()) ctx.fireEvent('has-free-space'); if(ctx.checkScrolledToEnd()) ctx.fireEvent('scroll-to-end'); }, ctx.opts.eventTimeout, ctx); } this.vars.checkFn(); } }); ////////////////////////////// // widget with networking ////////////////////////////// BX.ui.networkIOWidget = function(opts, nf){ this.parentConstruct(BX.ui.networkIOWidget, opts); BX.merge(this, { opts: { // default options source: '/somewhere.php', pageSize: 5, // amount of variants to show paginatedRequest: true // if true, parameters for server-side paginator will be sent in the request }, vars: { // significant variables lastPage: 0, loader: {show: BX.DoNothing, hide: BX.DoNothing} }, ctrls: { // links to controls }, sys: { code: 'network-io-widget' } }); this.handleInitStack(nf, BX.ui.networkIOWidget, opts); }; BX.extend(BX.ui.networkIOWidget, BX.ui.widget); // the following functions can be overrided with inheritance BX.merge(BX.ui.networkIOWidget.prototype, { // member of stack of initializers, must be defined even if do nothing init: function(){ }, downloadBundle: function(parameters){ var so = this.opts, sv = this.vars, sc = this.ctrls, ctx = this; sv.loader.show(parameters.options); BX.ajax({ url: so.source, method: 'post', dataType: 'json', async: true, processData: true, emulateOnload: true, start: true, data: BX.merge(ctx.refineRequest(parameters.request, parameters.options), ctx.getNavParams(parameters.options)), //cache: true, onsuccess: function(result){ //try{ sv.loader.hide(parameters.options); if(result.result){ result.data = ctx.refineResponce(result.data, parameters.request, parameters.options); if(typeof result.data == 'undefined') result.data = []; if(BX.type.isFunction(parameters.callbacks.onLoad)) parameters.callbacks.onLoad.apply(ctx, [result.data]); }else ctx.showError({errors: result.errors, type: 'server-logic', options: parameters.options}); if(BX.type.isFunction(parameters.callbacks.onComplete)) parameters.callbacks.onComplete.call(ctx); //}catch(e){console.dir(e);} }, onfailure: function(type, e){ sv.loader.hide(parameters.options); ctx.showError({errors: [e.message], type: type, options: parameters.options, exception: e}); if(BX.type.isFunction(parameters.callbacks.onComplete)) parameters.callbacks.onComplete.call(ctx); if(BX.type.isFunction(parameters.callbacks.onError)) parameters.callbacks.onError.apply(ctx, [type, e]); } }); }, getNavParams: function(options){ return this.opts.paginatedRequest ? { PAGE_SIZE: this.opts.pageSize, PAGE: this.vars.lastPage } : {}; }, // show internal or ajax call errors, but not logic errors (like "not found or smth") showError: function(parameters){ BX.debug(parameters); }, // this function is called just before request send, i.e. it`s look like a 'query proxy' refineRequest: function(query, options){ return query; }, // responce 'proxy-back' refineResponce: function(responce, request, options){ return responce; } }); // additionals BX.deferred = function(options){ this.timer = null; this.actions = { done: [], fail: [] }; this.result = null; this.done = function(fn){ if(BX.type.isFunction(fn)) this.actions.done.push(fn); }; this.fail = function(fn){ if(BX.type.isFunction(fn)) this.actions.fail.push(fn); }; this.resolve = function(){ if(this.result === false) // already failed, too late return; this.result = true; this.callActions('done', arguments); }; this.reject = function(){ if(this.result === true) // already completed, too late return; this.result = false; this.callActions('fail', arguments); }; this.startRace = function(timeout, result){ var ctx = this; this.timer = setTimeout(function(){result ? ctx.resolve() : ctx.reject()}, timeout || 300); }; this.stopRace = function(){ clearTimeout(this.timer); }; this.callActions = function(actType, args) { for(var k in this.actions[actType]) if(this.actions[actType].hasOwnProperty(k)) this.actions[actType][k].apply(this, args); }; return this; }; BX.semaphore = function(fn, ctx, options){ /* options = options || {}; options.limit = options.limit || 1; options.duplicates = options.duplicates || 'drop'; // also could be "pend" */ var lock = false; return function(){ ctx = ctx || this; if(lock) return; lock = true; fn.apply(ctx, arguments); lock = false; }; }; BX.util.wrapSubstring = function(haystack, chunks, wrapTagName, escapeParts){ if(haystack.length == 0) return ''; if(escapeParts){ haystack = BX.util.htmlspecialchars(haystack); wrapTagName = BX.util.htmlspecialchars(wrapTagName); } if(chunks.length == 0) return haystack; var scan = ''; var search = ''; var searched = {}; for(var k in chunks) { if(!chunks.hasOwnProperty(k)) continue; search = chunks[k].toString().toLowerCase(); scan = haystack.toLowerCase(); if(typeof searched[search] != 'undefined') continue; var i = scan.indexOf(search); if(i >= 0){ var left = haystack.slice(0, i); var middle = haystack.slice(i, i + search.length); var right = haystack.slice(i + search.length, haystack.length); haystack = left + '#A#'+middle+'#B#' + right; } searched[search] = true; } return haystack.replace(/#A#/g, '<'+wrapTagName+'>').replace(/#B#/g, '</'+wrapTagName+'>'); } BX.util.getObjectLength = function(obj){ if(typeof obj != 'object') return 0; if("length" in obj) return obj.length; var cnt = 0; for(var k in obj){ if(obj.hasOwnProperty(k)) cnt++; } return cnt; }; })();