Mini Shell

Mini Shell

Direktori : /home/bitrix/www/bitrix/modules/sale/lang/en/admin/
Upload File :
Create Path :
Current File : //home/bitrix/www/bitrix/modules/sale/lang/en/admin/order_new.php

$MESS["NEWO_NO_SITE_SELECT"] = "Web store was not found.";
$MESS["NEWO_CUSTOM_FIELD"] = "Customize";
$MESS["NEWO_CUSTOM_FIELD_TITLE"] = "Customize form fields";
$MESS["NEWO_TO_PRINT"] = "Print order";
$MESS["NEWO_TO_PRINT_TITLE"] = "Print order";
$MESS["NEWO_DETAIL"] = "Order details";
$MESS["NEWO_DETAIL_TITLE"] = "Order details";
$MESS["NEWO_ORDER_DELETE"] = "Delete order";
$MESS["NEWO_ORDER_DELETE_TITLE"] = "Delete order";
$MESS["NEWO_CONFIRM_DEL_MESSAGE"] = "Are you sure you want to delete this order? This action cannot be undone.";
$MESS["SOE_ORDER_HEAD"] = "Order";
$MESS["NEWO_TITLE_ADD"] = "Add order to website #LID#";
$MESS["NEWO_TITLE_EDIT"] = "Edit order ##ID#";
$MESS["NEWO_DATE_ORDER"] = "Order date:";
$MESS["NEWO_SELECT_SITE"] = "Select website";
$MESS["NEWO_BUYER_NAME_NULL"] = "Customer is not specified";
$MESS["NEWO_BUYER"] = "Customer";
$MESS["NEWO_BUYER_SELECT"] = "Select customer";
$MESS["NEWO_BUYER_NEW"] = "Create new customer";
$MESS["NEWO_BUYER_ORDER_PROPS"] = "Order properties";
$MESS["NEWO_BUYER_PROFILE_NEW"] = "New profile";
$MESS["NEWO_BUYER_REG_MAIL_SEND"] = "Send to e-mail address";
$MESS["NEWO_BUYER_REG_NAME"] = "First name";
$MESS["NEWO_BUYER_REG_ERR_MAIL"] = "E-mail is not specified.";
$MESS["NEWO_BUYER_REG_ERR_PHONE"] = "Customer phone number is missing.";
$MESS["NEWO_BUYER_REG_ERR_NAME"] = "Customer name is missing.";
$MESS["NEWO_BUYER_REG_OK"] = "New customer #FIO# has been registered successfully.";
$MESS["NEWO_DELIVERY_SERVICE"] = "Delivery service";
$MESS["NEWO_CHOOSE_COUNTRY"] = "(select country)";
$MESS["NEWO_CHOOSE_CITY"] = "(select city)";
$MESS["NEWO_BASKET_CONTAINER"] = "Order Contents";
$MESS["NEWO_COUPON_RECALC"] = "Recalculate";
$MESS["NEWO_COUPON_NEW_DESC"] = "Discount coupons are only applicable to new products.";
$MESS["NEWO_CURRENT_ACCOUNT"] = "Pay from internal account";
$MESS["NEWO_PAY_FROM_ACCOUNT_NO"] = "Insufficient funds in the user account.";
$MESS["NEWO_PAY_FROM_ACCOUNT_YES"] = "Customer has <b>#MONEY#</b> on their internal account.";
$MESS["NEWO_PAY_FROM_ACCOUNT_ERR"] = "Error paying from the internal account.";
$MESS["NEWO_PAY_FROM_ACCOUNT_PAYED"] = "Order is already paid.";
$MESS["NEWO_WINDOW_HEAD"] = "Information";
$MESS["NEWO_ERR_ADDUSER"] = "Please specify the user before adding products.";
$MESS["NEWO_ERR_EMPTY_USER"] = "The user is not registered.";
$MESS["SALE_F_DISCOUNT"] = "Discount";
$MESS["SALE_F_SUMMA"] = "Item Total";
$MESS["SALE_F_BALANCE"] = "Balance";
$MESS["SOE_EMPTY_SITE"] = "The \"Website\" field is required.";
$MESS["SOE_EMPTY_USER"] = "The \"Customer\" field is required.";
$MESS["SOE_EMPTY_PERS_TYPE"] = "The \"Payer type\" field is required.";
$MESS["SOE_LENGTH_SUMPAID"] = "Field length exceeds limit.";
$MESS["SOE_PERSON_NOT_FOUND"] = "The payer type was not found.";
$MESS["SOE_NO_STATUS_PERMS"] = "You don't have permission to set the status \"#STATUS_ID#\".";
$MESS["SOE_EMPTY_ITEMS"] = "Order cannot be empty.";
$MESS["SOE_EMPTY_PROP"] = "The order field \"#NAME#\" is required.";
$MESS["SOE_PAYSYS_EMPTY"] = "Payment system is not specified.";
$MESS["SOE_PAYSYS_NOT_FOUND"] = "Payment system was not found.";
$MESS["SOE_EMPTY_DELIVERY"] = "Delivery service is not specified.";
$MESS["SOE_SAVE_ERROR"] = "Error saving the order.";
$MESS["SOE_ERROR_PAY_EDIT"] = "Error changing the order paid flag.";
$MESS["SOE_ERROR_CANCEL_EDIT"] = "Error changing the order cancellation flag.";
$MESS["SOE_ERROR_DELIVERY_EDIT"] = "Error changing the delivery allowed flag.";
$MESS["SOE_TO_LIST"] = "Orders";
$MESS["SOE_ORDER_TBL_HEAD"] = "Order ##ID# &nbsp;&nbsp;of #DATE#";
$MESS["SOE_DATE_UPDATE"] = "Last modified on";
$MESS["SOEN_TAB_ORDER"] = "Order";
$MESS["SOE_SITE"] = "Website";
$MESS["SOE_PERSON_TYPE"] = "Payer type";
$MESS["SOE_BUYER_COMMENT"] = "Customer comment";
$MESS["SOE_PAYMENT"] = "Payment Information";
$MESS["SOE_PAY_SYSTEM"] = "Payment system";
$MESS["SOE_NO"] = "no";
$MESS["SOE_SELECT"] = "select";
$MESS["SOE_ORDER_PAID"] = "Order paid";
$MESS["SOE_VOUCHER_NUM"] = "Bill #";
$MESS["SOE_VOUCHER_DATE"] = "Bill date";
$MESS["SOE_DELIVERY"] = "Delivery Information";
$MESS["SOE_DELIVERY_ALLOWED"] = "Clear for delivery";
$MESS["SOE_DEL_VOUCHER_NUM"] = "Waybill or tracking number";
$MESS["SOE_DEL_VOUCHER_DATE"] = "Waybill date";
$MESS["SOE_DELIVERY_COM"] = "Delivery service";
$MESS["SOE_DELIVERY_PRICE"] = "Delivery cost";
$MESS["SOE_AJAX_RECALC"] = "recalculate";
$MESS["SOE_AJAX_WAIT"] = "Please wait...";
$MESS["SOE_STATUS"] = "Order status";
$MESS["SOE_SUM"] = "Amount";
$MESS["SOE_ALREADY_PAID"] = "Already paid";
$MESS["SOE_CANCELED"] = "Canceled";
$MESS["SOE_CANCEL_REASON"] = "Reason for cancellation";
$MESS["SOE_TRACKING_NUMBER"] = "Tracking number";
$MESS["SOE_DEDUCTION"] = "Order Fulfillment Status";
$MESS["SOE_DEDUCTED"] = "Order shipped";
$MESS["SOE_DO_DEDUCT"] = "Fulfill order:";
$MESS["SOE_IS_DEDUCTED"] = "Fulfilled";
$MESS["SOE_ISNT_DEDUCTED"] = "Not fulfilled";
$MESS["SOE_PARTIALLY_DEDUCTED"] = "Now being fulfilled";
$MESS["SOE_CHANGE_DEDUCTION"] = "Fulfillment status";
$MESS["SOE_UNDO_DEDUCT_REASON"] = "Reason for cancellation";
$MESS["SOE_MARK"] = "Fulfillment Problem";
$MESS["SOE_MARKED"] = "Stop or delay order from being fulfilled";
$MESS["SOE_MARK_REASON"] = "Reason";
$MESS["SOE_ADDITIONAL"] = "Additional Information";
$MESS["SOE_COMMENT"] = "Comments ";
$MESS["SOE_COMMENT_NOTE"] = "(invisible to customer)";
$MESS["SALE_F_PHOTO"] = "Image";
$MESS["SALE_F_NAME"] = "Name";
$MESS["SALE_F_STORE"] = "Warehouse";
$MESS["SALE_F_PROPS"] = "Properties";
$MESS["SALE_F_PTYPE"] = "Price type";
$MESS["SALE_F_QUANTITY"] = "Quantity";
$MESS["SALE_F_STORE_AMOUNT"] = "Warehouse<br/>stock";
$MESS["SALE_F_STORE_BARCODE_FOUND"] = "Product<br/>found";
$MESS["SALE_F_ADD_STORE"] = "Add warehouse";
$MESS["SALE_SUBTAB_BARCODE_TABLE"] = "Bar coded products";
$MESS["SALE_F_PRICE"] = "Price";
$MESS["SOE_MORE_ITEMS"] = "Add product item";
$MESS["SOE_ADD_ITEMS"] = "Add product";
$MESS["SOE_NEW_ITEMS"] = "New product...";
$MESS["SOE_JS_DEL_WITHOUT_DISCOUNT"] = "Delete without re-calculating discount on order";
$MESS["SOE_JS_DEL_WITH_DISCOUNT"] = "Delete and re-calculate discount on order";
$MESS["SOE_NO_ORDER"] = "The order was not found";
$MESS["SOE_ORDER_LOCKED"] = "The order was temporarily held by the customer ##ID# (#DATE#).";
$MESS["SOE_ORDER_LOCKED2"] = "The order was temporarily held by the customer #ID# (#DATE#)";
$MESS["SOE_JS_EDIT"] = "Edit";
$MESS["SOE_BASKET_EDIT"] = "Edit product item";
$MESS["SOE_ITEM_NAME"] = "Name";
$MESS["SOE_ITEM_PATH"] = "Item details URL";
$MESS["SOE_JS_CAT_XML_ID"] = "External catalog ID";
$MESS["SOE_JS_PROD_XML_ID"] = "External product ID";
$MESS["SOE_ITEM_PROPS"] = "Product properties in order";
$MESS["SOE_IP_NAME"] = "Name";
$MESS["SOE_IP_VALUE"] = "Value";
$MESS["SOE_IP_SORT"] = "Sort";
$MESS["SOE_IP_MORE"] = "More...";
$MESS["SOE_ITEM_DISCOUNT"] = "Discount";
$MESS["SOE_VAT"] = "Tax rate";
$MESS["SOE_WEIGHT"] = "Weight";
$MESS["SOE_ITEM_DESCR"] = "Price type";
$MESS["SOE_APPLY"] = "Save";
$MESS["SALE_CANCEL"] = "Cancel";
$MESS["ERROR_DEDUCT_ORDER"] = "Order cancellation error";
$MESS["SOD_NO_PERMS2DEDUCT"] = "You do not have permission to ship the order.";
$MESS["SALE_CONFIRM_DELETE"] = "Do you really want to delete this item?";
$MESS["SOE_NEW_ERR_PROD_ID"] = "The product ID is missing.";
$MESS["SOE_NEW_ERR_PROD_NAME"] = "The product name is missing.";
$MESS["SOE_BASKET_CATALOG_XML"] = "External catalog ID";
$MESS["SOE_BASKET_PRODUCT_XML"] = "External product ID";
$MESS["SOE_GRAMM"] = "gram";
$MESS["SOE_IZM"] = "pcs.";
$MESS["NEWO_DELIVERY_NO"] = "(none)";
$MESS["NEWO_DELIVERY_ERR"] = "Cannot calculate delivery cost.";
$MESS["NEWO_TITLE_STATUS"] = "Order parameters";
$MESS["NEWO_TITLE_BUYER"] = "Customer";
$MESS["NEWO_TITLE_ORDER"] = "Order contents";
$MESS["NEWO_COMMENTS"] = "Comments";
$MESS["NEWO_DASE_PRICE"] = "base price";
$MESS["NEWO_PRICE_DISCOUNT"] = "discount";
$MESS["NEWO_BREAK_LAST_NAME"] = "Last name";
$MESS["NEWO_BREAK_NAME"] = "First name";
$MESS["NEWO_BREAK_SECOND_NAME"] = "Middle name";
$MESS["NEWO_TOTAL_PRICE"] = "Total price";
$MESS["NEWO_TOTAL_PRICE_WITH_DISCOUNT"] = "Order total after discount";
$MESS["NEWO_TOTAL_PAY_ACCOUNT"] = "Paid from internal account";
$MESS["NEWO_SUBTAB_BASKET"] = "Shopping cart";
$MESS["NEWO_SUBTAB_ADD_ORDER"] = "Place new order";
$MESS["NEWO_SUBTAB_RECOM_REQUEST"] = "Customer suggestions";
$MESS["NEWO_SUBTAB_BASKET_NULL"] = "Shopping cart is empty";
$MESS["NEWO_ERR_BASKET_NULL"] = "The product is out of stock.";
$MESS["NEWO_ERR_STORE_WRONG_BARCODE"] = "Bad bar code \"#BARCODE#\" specified for \"#PRODUCT_NAME#\" at warehouse ##STORE_ID#.";
$MESS["NEWO_ERR_STORE_WRONG_INFO"] = "Error in fulfilling order: invalid information about \"#PRODUCT_NAME#\" in warehouse.";
$MESS["NEWO_ERR_STORE_WRONG_INFO_SAVING"] = "Invalid information about \"#PRODUCT_NAME#\" in warehouse.";
$MESS["NO_FOTO"] = "No image";
$MESS["SO_YES"] = "Yes";
$MESS["SO_NO"] = "No";
$MESS["NEWO_TOTAL_PAY_ACCOUNT2"] = "Already paid";
$MESS["SOD_PAY_ACCOUNT_BACK"] = "Move money back to internal account";
$MESS["ORDER_SITE"] = "Website";
$MESS["NEWO_PRODUCTS_MES"] = "The shopping cart contains items that cannot be added to order: ";
$MESS["NEWO_PRODUCTS_NA"] = "Out of stock";
$MESS["NEWO_PRODUCTS_DELAY"] = "Saved for later";
$MESS["NEWO_PRODUCTS_SUB"] = "Backordered";
$MESS["NEWO_POPUP_CAN_BUY_NOT"] = "Out of stock";
$MESS["NEWO_POPUP_FROM"] = "from ";
$MESS["NEWO_POPUP_DONT_CAN_BUY"] = "out of stock";
$MESS["NEWO_POPUP_TO_BASKET"] = "Add to cart";
$MESS["NEWO_POPUP_TO_ORDER"] = "Checkout";
$MESS["NEWO_POPUP_TO_BASKET_NOT"] = "Out of stock";
$MESS["NEWO_ERR_PRODUCT_NULL_BALANCE"] = "#NAME# is out of stock";
$MESS["NEWO_ERR_STORE_NO_BARCODES"] = "Delivery error: no bar codes specified for \"#PRODUCT_NAME#\" at warehouse ##STORE_ID#.";
$MESS["NEWO_WARNING_BALANCE"] = "<br>Limited stock<br>";
$MESS["NEWO_ORDER_RECOUNT_HINT"] = "When an order is recalculated, the order discount and delivery values are taken from the e-store settings.";
$MESS["NEWO_DELETE_BARCODE_MANUALLY"] = "You have to delete the bar codes manually after editing the product quantity.";
$MESS["NEWO_NO_PRODUCT_STORES"] = "This product is out of stock at the warehouses.";
$MESS["NEWO_STORE_ADD_BARCODES"] = "Add bar&nbsp;codes";
$MESS["NEWO_ENTER_QUANTITY"] = "Enter quantity in stock<br/>at the warehouse";
$MESS["NEWO_STORE_BARCODES"] = "Product&nbsp;bar&nbsp;codes";
$MESS["NEWO_STORE_FORM_ADD_BARCODES"] = "Enter bar codes";
$MESS["NEWO_STORE_DELETE_BARCODE"] = "Delete bar code";
$MESS["ERROR_MARK_ORDER"] = "Error adding the order problem description";
$MESS["SOD_NO_PERMS2MARK"] = "You do not have permission to delay or stop fulfillment.";
$MESS["NEWO_BASE_CATALOG_PRICE"] = "Catalog price";
$MESS["SOE_TO_UNLOCK"] = "Unlock order";
$MESS["NEW_ORDER_RELATED_PROPS"] = "Payment and delivery properties";
$MESS["NEWO_COLUMNS_SETTINGS"] = "Product view settings";
$MESS["NEWO_SELECTED_COLUMNS"] = "Selected columns";
$MESS["NEWO_AVAILABLE_COLUMNS"] = "Available columns";
$MESS["NEWO_ADD_COLUMN"] = "Add column";
$MESS["NEWO_DELETE_COLUMN"] = "Delete column";
$MESS["NEWO_UP"] = "Up";
$MESS["NEWO_MOVE_UP"] = "Move up";
$MESS["NEWO_DOWN"] = "Down";
$MESS["NEWO_MOVE_DOWN"] = "Move down";
$MESS["NEW_COLUMN_PROPS"] = "Properties";
$MESS["NEW_COLUMN_SUM"] = "Total";
$MESS["SOE_TOTAL_NUMBER"] = "Total products: #NUMBER#";
$MESS["SOE_PROP_COUNT_LIMIT"] = "Too many properties are selected. Only the first 20 properties will be visible.";
$MESS["SOE_DELIVERY_PRICE_DIFF"] = "Delivery discount";
$MESS["NEWO_UP_RATIO"] = "Increase by #RATIO#";
$MESS["NEWO_DOWN_RATIO"] = "Decrease by #RATIO#";
$MESS["SOE_SHOW_SET"] = "Expand";
$MESS["SOE_HIDE_SET"] = "Hide";
$MESS["NEW_ERROR_SEVERAL_P_D"] = "Attention! The order contains one or more partial shipments or payments. Use the new order edit form to continue.";
$MESS["COUPONS_RECALC_BLOCKED"] = "Cannot apply the coupon because the order has already been paid. New coupons can be applied only when updating order details (delivery address, payment system, owner), or when changing products in the order.";

Zerion Mini Shell 1.0