Direktori : /home/bitrix/www/bitrix/modules/sale/lang/en/admin/ |
Current File : //home/bitrix/www/bitrix/modules/sale/lang/en/admin/tax_exempt.php |
<? $MESS["TAX_TITLE"] = "Taxes"; $MESS["ERROR_DEL_TAX"] = "Error deleting the tax"; $MESS["SALE_ADD_TAX"] = "Add"; $MESS["TAX_NAV"] = "Taxes"; $MESS["TAX_ID"] = "ID"; $MESS["TAX_TIMESTAMP"] = "Modification date"; $MESS["TAX_LID"] = "Site"; $MESS["TAX_NAME"] = "Name"; $MESS["TAX_DESCRIPTION"] = "Description"; $MESS["TAX_ACTIONS"] = "Actions"; $MESS["TAX_EDIT_DESCR"] = "Tax settings modification"; $MESS["SALE_EDIT"] = "Modify"; $MESS["SALE_DELETE_DESCR"] = "Delete a tax"; $MESS["TAX_DEL_CONF"] = "Are your sure you want to delete this tax? Tax rates also will be deleted."; $MESS["TAX_DEL"] = "Delete"; $MESS["ERROR_EMPTY_NAME"] = "Empty tax name"; $MESS["ERROR_EMPTY_LANG"] = "Site is not defined"; $MESS["ERROR_EDIT_TAX"] = "Tax modification error"; $MESS["ERROR_ADD_TAX"] = "Error adding a tax"; $MESS["SALE_EDIT_RECORD"] = "Edit tax #ID#"; $MESS["SALE_NEW_RECORD"] = "Tax addition"; $MESS["SALE_RECORDS_LIST"] = "Taxes"; $MESS["SALE_TAX_LIST"] = "Taxes"; $MESS["SALE_TAX_RATE_LIST"] = "Tax rates"; $MESS["SALE_PT_PROPS"] = "Tax properties"; $MESS["SALE_SAVE"] = "Save"; $MESS["SALE_ADD"] = "Add"; $MESS["SALE_APPLY"] = "Apply"; $MESS["SALE_RESET"] = "Reset"; $MESS["TAX_RATE_DESCR"] = "Tax rates"; $MESS["SALE_TAX_RATE"] = "Rates"; $MESS["SALE_DELETE_ERROR"] = "Error deleting a tax rate"; $MESS["SALE_SECTION_TITLE"] = "Tax rates"; $MESS["SALE_F_LANG"] = "Site"; $MESS["SALE_ALL"] = "(all)"; $MESS["SALE_F_TAX"] = "Tax"; $MESS["SALE_F_PERSON_TYPE"] = "Payer type"; $MESS["SALE_F_LOCATION"] = "Location"; $MESS["SALE_F_SUBMIT"] = "Submit"; $MESS["SALE_F_DEL"] = "Remove Filter"; $MESS["SALE_ADD_RATE"] = "Add"; $MESS["RATE_PERSON_TYPE"] = "Payer type"; $MESS["RATE_VALUE"] = "Rate"; $MESS["RATE_ACTIVE"] = "Active"; $MESS["RATE_IS_INPRICE"] = "Included in the price"; $MESS["RATE_APPLY_ORDER"] = "Tax priority index"; $MESS["RATE_YES"] = "Yes"; $MESS["RATE_NET"] = "No"; $MESS["RATE_EDIT_DESCR"] = "Modify tax rate properties"; $MESS["RATE_DELETE_DESCR"] = "Delete tax rate"; $MESS["TAX_RATE_DEL_CONF"] = "Are you sure you want to delete this tax rate?"; $MESS["RATE_LIST"] = "Tax rates"; $MESS["ERROR_NO_TAX_ID"] = "Tax is not set"; $MESS["ERROR_NO_VALUE"] = "tax rate is not set"; $MESS["ERROR_PERCENT_OR_CURRENCY"] = "Set the rate value in percents OR chose a currency if tax rate is a fixed sum of money."; $MESS["ERROR_NO_LOCATION"] = "No Locations were specified"; $MESS["ERROR_EDIT_TAX_RATE"] = "Error modifying tax rate"; $MESS["ERROR_ADD_TAX_RATE"] = "Error adding tax rate"; $MESS["TAX_RATE_EDIT_RECORD"] = "Edit the tax rate # #ID#"; $MESS["TAX_RATE_NEW_RECORD"] = "Add tax rate"; $MESS["FP_PARAMS"] = "Tax rate properties"; $MESS["F_TAX_ID"] = "Tax"; $MESS["SALE_ANY"] = "(any)"; $MESS["F_LOCATION1"] = "Locations"; $MESS["F_LOCATION2"] = "Location groups"; $MESS["RATE_ORDER_NOTES"] = "Tax rates at the same priority are added, others are compounded (percents on percents)."; $MESS["TAX_EXEMPT_TITLE"] = "Tax exemption"; $MESS["EXEMPT_NAV"] = "Groups"; $MESS["EXEMPT_NAME"] = "User Group Name"; $MESS["EXEMPT_DESCR"] = "User Group Description"; $MESS["EXEMPT_EDIT_DESCR"] = "Modify tax exemption"; $MESS["EXEMPT_EDIT"] = "Modify"; $MESS["EXEMPT_EDIT_RECORD"] = "Modifying tax exemption for group #ID#"; $MESS["EXEMPT_RECORDS_LIST"] = "Group List"; $MESS["EXEMPT_PT_PROPS"] = "Properties"; $MESS["F_TAX_LIST"] = "Tax exemption"; $MESS["EXEMPT_COUNT"] = "Taxes"; $MESS["TAX_FCODE"] = "Mnemonic code"; $MESS["STEN_2FLIST"] = "Tax list"; $MESS["STEN_NEW_TAX"] = "Add a new tax"; $MESS["STEN_DELETE_TAX"] = "Delete tax"; $MESS["STEN_DELETE_TAX_CONFIRM"] = "Are you sure you want to delete this tax? All the related tax rates will be also deleted."; $MESS["STEN_TAB_TAX"] = "Tax"; $MESS["STEN_TAB_TAX_DESCR"] = "Tax parameters"; $MESS["STREN_2FLIST"] = "Tax rate list"; $MESS["STREN_NEW_RATE"] = "Add a new tax rate"; $MESS["STREN_DELETE_RATE"] = "Delete tax rate"; $MESS["STREN_DELETE_RATE_CONFIRM"] = "Are you sure you want to delete this tax rate?"; $MESS["STREN_TAB_RATE"] = "Tax rate"; $MESS["STREN_TAB_RATE_DESCR"] = "Tax rate parameters"; $MESS["STEEN_2FLIST"] = "User group list"; $MESS["STEEN_TAB_EXMPT"] = "Tax exemption"; $MESS["STEEN_TAB_EXMPT_DESCR"] = "Tax exemption"; $MESS["STAN_ADD_NEW"] = "New tax"; $MESS["STAN_ADD_NEW_ALT"] = "Click to add a new tax"; $MESS["STRAN_ADD_NEW"] = "New tax rate"; $MESS["STRAN_ADD_NEW_ALT"] = "Click to add a new tax rate"; ?>