Direktori : /home/bitrix/www/bitrix/modules/sale/lib/delivery/ |
Current File : //home/bitrix/www/bitrix/modules/sale/lib/delivery/externallocationmap.php |
<? namespace Bitrix\Sale\Delivery; use Bitrix\Main\Error; use Bitrix\Sale\Location\Comparator; use Bitrix\Sale\Result; use Bitrix\Main\Text\Encoding; use Bitrix\Main\SystemException; use Bitrix\Main\ArgumentNullException; use Bitrix\Sale\Location\ExternalTable; use Bitrix\Sale\Location\LocationTable; use Bitrix\Sale\Location\ExternalServiceTable; class ExternalLocationMap { //Dlivery idtifyer, stored in \Bitrix\Sale\Location\ExternalServiceTable : CODE const EXTERNAL_SERVICE_CODE = ''; //Path to file (if exist) were we can get prepared locations map const CSV_FILE_PATH = ''; const CITY_NAME_IDX = 0; const REGION_NAME_IDX = 1; const CITY_XML_ID_IDX = 2; /** * Abstract. * Must return in Result->data all locations from external delivery service. * @return Result. * @throws SystemException */ protected static function getAllLocations() { throw new SystemException('Must be impemented!'); } /** * Returns internal location id * @param string $externalCode * @return int * @throws \Bitrix\Main\ArgumentException */ public static function getInternalId($externalCode) { if(strlen($externalCode) <= 0) return 0; $srvId = static::getExternalServiceId(); if($srvId <= 0) return 0; $res = ExternalTable::getList(array( 'filter' => array( '=XML_ID' => $externalCode, '=SERVICE_ID' => $srvId ) )); if($loc = $res->fetch()) return $loc['ID']; return 0; } /** * Returns external location id * @param int $locationId * @return int|string * @throws \Bitrix\Main\ArgumentException */ public static function getExternalId($locationId) { if(strlen($locationId) <= 0) return ''; $srvId = static::getExternalServiceId(); if($srvId <= 0) return 0; $res = LocationTable::getList(array( 'filter' => array( array( 'LOGIC' => 'OR', '=CODE' => $locationId, '=ID' => $locationId ), '=EXTERNAL.SERVICE_ID' => $srvId ), 'select' => array( 'ID', 'CODE', 'XML_ID' => 'EXTERNAL.XML_ID' ) )); $result = ''; if($loc = $res->fetch()) $result = $loc['XML_ID']; if(strlen($result) <= 0) $result = self::getUpperCityExternalId($locationId, $srvId); return $result; } protected static function getUpperCityExternalId($locationId, $srvId) { $result = ''; $res = LocationTable::getList(array( 'filter' => array( array( 'LOGIC' => 'OR', '=CODE' => $locationId, '=ID' => $locationId ), ), 'select' => array( 'ID', 'CODE', 'LEFT_MARGIN', 'RIGHT_MARGIN', 'TYPE_CODE' => 'TYPE.CODE' ) )); if(!$loc = $res->fetch()) return ''; if($loc['TYPE_CODE'] == 'CITY') return ''; $res = LocationTable::getList(array( 'filter' => array( '<LEFT_MARGIN' => $loc['LEFT_MARGIN'], '>RIGHT_MARGIN' => $loc['RIGHT_MARGIN'], 'TYPE.CODE' => 'CITY', '=EXTERNAL.SERVICE_ID' => $srvId ), 'select' => array( 'ID', 'CODE', 'LEFT_MARGIN', 'RIGHT_MARGIN', 'XML_ID' => 'EXTERNAL.XML_ID' ) )); if($locParent = $res->fetch()) return $locParent['XML_ID']; return $result; } /** * Returns external location city id * @param int $locationId * @return int|string * @throws \Bitrix\Main\ArgumentException */ public static function getCityId($locationId) { if(strlen($locationId) <= 0) return 0; $res = LocationTable::getList(array( 'filter' => array( array( 'LOGIC' => 'OR', '=CODE' => $locationId, '=ID' => $locationId, ), array( '=TYPE.CODE' => 'CITY', '=PARENTS.TYPE.CODE' => 'CITY' ), ), 'select' => array( 'ID', 'CODE', 'TYPE_CODE' => 'TYPE.CODE', 'PID' => 'PARENTS.ID', ) )); if($loc = $res->fetch()) { return $loc['PID']; } return 0; } /** * Install locations map. * @return Result */ public static function install() { $result = new Result(); if(static::isInstalled()) return $result; $imported = static::importFromCsv($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'].static::CSV_FILE_PATH); if(intval($imported) <= 0) $result = static::refresh(); return $result; } /** * Uninstall locations map. * @return Result * @throws \Exception */ public static function unInstall() { $result = new Result(); if(!static::isInstalled()) return $result; $con = \Bitrix\Main\Application::getConnection(); $sqlHelper = $con->getSqlHelper(); $srvId = $sqlHelper->forSql(static::getExternalServiceId()); $con->queryExecute("DELETE FROM b_sale_loc_ext WHERE SERVICE_ID=".$srvId); ExternalServiceTable::delete($srvId); return $result; } /** * Check locations map was sat. * @return bool * @throws \Bitrix\Main\ArgumentException */ public static function isInstalled() { static $result = null; if($result === null) { $result = false; $res = ExternalServiceTable::getList(array( 'filter' => array( '=CODE' => static::EXTERNAL_SERVICE_CODE, '!=EXTERNAL.ID' => false ) )); if($res->fetch()) $result = true; } return $result; } /** * Refresh locations map. * @return Result * @throws ArgumentNullException */ public static function refresh() { set_time_limit(0); $result = new Result(); $res = static::getAllLocations(); if($res->isSuccess()) { $locations = $res->getData(); if(is_array($locations) && !empty($locations)) { $res = static::setMap($locations); if(!$res->isSuccess()) $result->addErrors($res->getErrors()); } } else { $result->addErrors($res->getErrors()); } return new Result(); } /** * Import locations map from csv file to database. * @param string $path * @return bool|int Quantity of mapped locations. * @throws \Bitrix\Main\ArgumentException * @throws \Exception */ public static function importFromCsv($path) { set_time_limit(0); if(strlen($path) <= 0) return 0; if(!\Bitrix\Main\IO\File::isFileExists($path)) return 0; $content = \Bitrix\Main\IO\File::getFileContents($path); if($content === false) return 0; $srvId = self::getExternalServiceId(); if(intval($srvId) < 0) return 0; $lines = explode("\n", $content); if(!is_array($lines)) return array(); $result = 0; foreach($lines as $line) { $columns = explode(';', $line); if(!is_array($columns) || count($columns) != 2) continue; $res = LocationTable::getList(array( 'filter' => array( '=CODE' => $columns[0], ), 'select' => array('ID') )); if($loc = $res->fetch()) if(self::setExternalLocation($srvId, $loc['ID'], $columns[1])) $result++; } return $result; } /** * Export locations map from database to file, csv format. * @param string $path * @return bool|int * @throws \Bitrix\Main\ArgumentException */ public static function exportToCsv($path) { set_time_limit(0); $srvId = static::getExternalServiceId(); if($srvId <= 0) return false; $res = LocationTable::getList(array( 'filter' => array( '=EXTERNAL.SERVICE_ID' => $srvId ), 'select' => array( 'CODE', 'XML_ID' => 'EXTERNAL.XML_ID' ) )); $content = ''; while($row = $res->fetch()) if(strlen($row['CODE']) > 0) $content .= $row['CODE'].";".$row['XML_ID']."\n"; return \Bitrix\Main\IO\File::putFileContents($path, $content); } /** * If exist returns id, if not exist create it * @return int External service Id * @throws \Bitrix\Main\ArgumentException * @throws \Exception */ public static function getExternalServiceId() { if(strlen(static::EXTERNAL_SERVICE_CODE) <=0) throw new SystemException('EXTERNAL_SERVICE_CODE must be defined!'); static $result = null; if($result !== null) return $result; $res = ExternalServiceTable::getList(array( 'filter' => array('=CODE' => static::EXTERNAL_SERVICE_CODE) )); if($srv = $res->fetch()) { $result = $srv['ID']; return $result; } $res = ExternalServiceTable::add(array('CODE' => static::EXTERNAL_SERVICE_CODE)); if(!$res->isSuccess()) { $result = 0; return $result; } $result = $res->getId(); return $result; } /** * Decodes data from utf8 if we need * @param $str * @return bool|string */ protected static function utfDecode($str) { if(strtolower(SITE_CHARSET) != 'utf-8') $str = Encoding::convertEncoding($str, 'UTF-8', SITE_CHARSET); return $str; } /** * Convert find location by city and region names and add mapping to base * @param array $cities * @return Result * @throws ArgumentNullException * @throws \Bitrix\Main\ArgumentException * @throws \Exception */ protected static function setMap(array $cities) { $result = new Result(); if(empty($cities)) throw new ArgumentNullException('cities'); $xmlIdExist = array(); $locationIdExist = array(); $xmlIds = array_keys($cities); $srvId = static::getExternalServiceId(); $res = ExternalTable::getList(array( 'filter' => array( '=SERVICE_ID' => $srvId ) )); while($map = $res->fetch()) { $xmlIdExist[] = $map['XML_ID']; $locationIdExist[] = $map['LOCATION_ID']; //we already have this location if(in_array($map['XML_ID'], $xmlIds)) unset($cities[$map['XML_ID']]); } //nothing to import if(empty($cities)) return $result; foreach($cities as $city) { $xmlId = $city[self::CITY_XML_ID_IDX]; $locId = static::getLocationIdByNames($city[static::CITY_NAME_IDX], '', '', $city[static::REGION_NAME_IDX]); if(intval($locId) > 0 && !in_array($xmlId, $xmlIdExist) && !in_array($locId, $locationIdExist)) { ExternalTable::add(array( 'SERVICE_ID' => $srvId, 'LOCATION_ID' => $locId, 'XML_ID' => $xmlId )); $xmlIdExist[] = $xmlId; $locationIdExist[] = $locId; } unset($cities[$xmlId]); } return $result; } /** * @param int $srvId * @param int $locationId * @param string $xmlId * @param bool $updateExist * @return \Bitrix\Main\Entity\AddResult|\Bitrix\Main\Entity\Result|\Bitrix\Main\Entity\UpdateResult * @throws ArgumentNullException * @throws \Bitrix\Main\ArgumentException * @throws \Exception */ public static function setExternalLocation2($srvId, $locationId, $xmlId, $updateExist = false) { if(strlen($xmlId) <= 0) throw new ArgumentNullException('code'); if(strlen($srvId) <= 0) throw new ArgumentNullException('srvId'); if(intval($locationId) <= 0) throw new ArgumentNullException('locationId'); static $locCache = array(); if(!isset($locCache[$srvId])) { $locCache[$srvId] = array(); $eRes = ExternalTable::getList(array( 'filter' => array( '=SERVICE_ID' => $srvId, ), 'select' => array('ID', 'SERVICE_ID', 'LOCATION_ID', 'XML_ID') )); while($loc = $eRes->fetch()) $locCache[$srvId][$loc['LOCATION_ID'].'##'.$loc['XML_ID']] = $loc['ID']; } if(!empty($locCache[$srvId][$locationId.'##'.$xmlId])) { if($updateExist) { $res = ExternalTable::update( $locCache[$srvId][$locationId.'##'.$xmlId], array( 'SERVICE_ID' => $srvId, 'XML_ID' => $xmlId, 'LOCATION_ID' => $locationId )); return $res; } else { $result = new \Bitrix\Main\Entity\UpdateResult(); $result->addError(new Error('External location already exists', 'EXTERNAL_LOCATION_EXISTS')); return $result; } } else { $res = ExternalTable::add(array( 'SERVICE_ID' => $srvId, 'XML_ID' => $xmlId, 'LOCATION_ID' => $locationId )); $locCache[$srvId][$locationId.'##'.$xmlId] = $res->getId(); return $res; } } /** * @param int $srvId * @param int $locationId * @param string $xmlId * @param bool $updateExist * @return bool * @throws ArgumentNullException * @throws \Bitrix\Main\ArgumentException * @throws \Exception */ public static function setExternalLocation($srvId, $locationId, $xmlId, $updateExist = false) { $result = self::setExternalLocation2($srvId, $locationId, $xmlId, $updateExist); return $result->isSuccess(); } protected static function isNormalizedTableFilled() { $count = 0; $con = \Bitrix\Main\Application::getConnection(); $res = $con->query("SELECT COUNT(1) AS COUNT FROM b_sale_hdaln"); if($row = $res->fetch()) $count = intval($row['COUNT']); return $count > 0; } /** * Fill table b_sale_hdaln with locations with normalized names */ public static function fillNormalizedTable($startId = false, $timeout = 0) { set_time_limit(0); $startTime = mktime(true); $lastProcessedId = 0; $con = \Bitrix\Main\Application::getConnection(); $sqlHelper = $con->getSqlHelper(); if(intval($startId) <= 0) $con->queryExecute("DELETE FROM b_sale_hdaln"); $query = "SELECT L.ID, L.LEFT_MARGIN, L.RIGHT_MARGIN, N.NAME_UPPER FROM b_sale_location AS L INNER JOIN b_sale_loc_name AS N ON L.ID = N.LOCATION_ID INNER JOIN b_sale_loc_type AS T ON L.TYPE_ID = T.ID WHERE N.LANGUAGE_ID = 'ru' AND (T.CODE = 'VILLAGE' OR T.CODE = 'CITY')"; if($startId !== false) $query .= " AND L.ID > ".strval(intval($startId)); $query .= " ORDER BY ID ASC"; $res = $con->query($query); while($loc = $res->fetch()) { $con->queryExecute(" INSERT INTO b_sale_hdaln (LOCATION_ID, LEFT_MARGIN, RIGHT_MARGIN, NAME) VALUES( ".intval($loc['ID']).", ".intval($loc['LEFT_MARGIN']).", ".intval($loc['RIGHT_MARGIN']).", '".$sqlHelper->forSql( preg_replace( '/\s*(\(.*\))/i'.BX_UTF_PCRE_MODIFIER, '', \Bitrix\Sale\Location\Comparator::flatten($loc['NAME_UPPER'])) )."' ) "); $lastProcessedId = $loc['ID']; if($timeout > 0 && (mktime(true)-$startTime) >= $timeout) break; } return $lastProcessedId; } public static function getLocationIdByNames($name, $city, $subregion, $region, $country = '', $exactOnly = false) { $nameNorm = Comparator::normalizeEntity($name, 'LOCALITY'); $subregionNorm = null; $regionNorm = null; $cityNorm = null; $searchNames = array($name); if(!$exactOnly) $searchNames = array_merge($searchNames, \Bitrix\Sale\Location\Comparator::getLocalityNamesArray($nameNorm['NAME'], $nameNorm['TYPE'])); $searchNames = array_map(array('\Bitrix\Sale\Location\Comparator', 'flatten'), $searchNames); $searchNames = array_map(function($name){return "'".$name."'";}, $searchNames); if(empty($searchNames)) return 0; $con = \Bitrix\Main\Application::getConnection(); $sqlHelper = $con->getSqlHelper(); $margins = array(); $res = $con->query(" SELECT N.LOCATION_ID AS LOCATION_ID, N.LEFT_MARGIN AS LEFT_MARGIN, N.RIGHT_MARGIN AS RIGHT_MARGIN, N.NAME AS NAME FROM b_sale_hdaln AS N LEFT JOIN b_sale_loc_ext AS E ON N.LOCATION_ID = E.LOCATION_ID AND E.SERVICE_ID = ".$sqlHelper->forSql(self::getExternalServiceId())." WHERE E.LOCATION_ID IS NULL AND NAME IN (".implode(', ', $searchNames).")"); $results = array(); $exact = array(); while($loc = $res->fetch()) { if(Comparator::isEntityEqual($loc['NAME'], $nameNorm, 'LOCALITY')) { $margins[] = array($loc['LOCATION_ID'], $loc['LEFT_MARGIN'], $loc['RIGHT_MARGIN'], $loc['NAME']); $results[$loc['LOCATION_ID']] = array('NAME' => true); if($loc['NAME'] == $nameNorm["NAME"]) $exact[] = $loc['LOCATION_ID']; } } if(empty($margins)) return 0; $marginFilter = array('LOGIC' => 'OR'); foreach($margins as $v) $marginFilter[] = array('<LEFT_MARGIN' => $v[1], '>RIGHT_MARGIN' => $v[2]); $res = LocationTable::getList(array( 'filter' => array( '=NAME.LANGUAGE_ID' => LANGUAGE_ID, '=TYPE.CODE' => array('SUBREGION', 'REGION', 'CITY'), $marginFilter ), 'select' => array( 'ID', 'PARENTS_NAME_UPPER' => 'NAME.NAME_UPPER', 'PARENTS_TYPE_CODE' => 'TYPE.CODE', 'LEFT_MARGIN', 'RIGHT_MARGIN' ) )); while($loc = $res->fetch()) { $ids = self::getIdByMargin($loc['LEFT_MARGIN'], $loc['RIGHT_MARGIN'], $margins); foreach($ids as $id) { if(in_array(false, $results[$id], true)) continue; $found = null; if($loc['PARENTS_TYPE_CODE'] == 'REGION' && strlen($region) > 0) { if(!is_array($regionNorm)) $regionNorm = Comparator::normalizeEntity($region, 'REGION'); $found = Comparator::isEntityEqual($loc['PARENTS_NAME_UPPER'], $regionNorm, 'REGION'); } elseif(strlen($subregion) > 0 && $loc['PARENTS_TYPE_CODE'] == 'SUBREGION') { if(!is_array($subregionNorm)) $subregionNorm = Comparator::normalizeEntity($subregion, 'SUBREGION'); $found = Comparator::isEntityEqual($loc['PARENTS_NAME_UPPER'], $subregionNorm, 'SUBREGION'); } elseif(strlen($city) > 0 && $loc['PARENTS_TYPE_CODE'] == 'CITY') { if(!is_array($cityNorm)) $subregionNorm = Comparator::normalizeEntity($city, 'LOCALITY'); $found = Comparator::isEntityEqual($loc['PARENTS_NAME_UPPER'], $cityNorm, 'LOCALITY'); } if($found !== null) { $isInExact = in_array($id, $exact); $results[$id][$loc['PARENTS_TYPE_CODE']] = $found; if($results[$id]['REGION'] === true && $results[$id]['SUBREGION'] === true && $isInExact) return $id; if($found === false && $isInExact) { $key = array_search($id, $exact); if($key !== false) unset($exact[$key]); } } } } if(!empty($exact)) foreach($exact as $e) if(!in_array(false, $results[$e], true)) return $e; $resCandidates = array(); foreach($results as $id => $result) { if(!in_array(false, $result, true)) { $resCandidates[$id] = count($result); } } if(empty($resCandidates)) return 0; if(count($resCandidates) > 1) { arsort($resCandidates); reset($resCandidates); } return key($resCandidates); } protected static function getIdByMargin($parentLeft, $parentRight, $lMargins) { $result = array(); foreach($lMargins as $m) { if($m[1] > $parentLeft && $m[2] < $parentRight) $result[] = $m[0]; } return $result; } protected static function getNameByMargin($parentLeft, $parentRight, $lMargins) { foreach($lMargins as $m) { if($m[1] > $parentLeft && $m[2] < $parentRight) return $m[3]; } return 0; } }