Direktori : /home/bitrix/www/bitrix/modules/sale/lib/internals/ |
Current File : //home/bitrix/www/bitrix/modules/sale/lib/internals/input.php |
<?php namespace Bitrix\Sale\Internals\Input; use Bitrix\Main\Event; use Bitrix\Main\EventManager, Bitrix\Main\SystemException, Bitrix\Main\Localization\Loc; use Bitrix\Main\EventResult; use Bitrix\Sale\ResultError; Loc::loadMessages(__FILE__); // TODO integrate with input.js on adding multiple item class Manager { static function initJs() { static $done = false; if (! $done) { $done = true; \CJSCore::RegisterExt('input', array( 'js' => '/bitrix/js/sale/input.js', 'lang' => '/bitrix/modules/sale/lang/'.LANGUAGE_ID.'/lib/internals/input.php', )); \CJSCore::Init(array('input')); print('<div style="display:none">'); $GLOBALS['APPLICATION']->IncludeComponent("bitrix:sale.location.selector.".\Bitrix\Sale\Location\Admin\LocationHelper::getWidgetAppearance(), "", array( "ID" => '', "CODE" => '', "INPUT_NAME" => 'SALE_LOCATION_SELECTOR_RESOURCES', "PROVIDE_LINK_BY" => 'code', "FILTER_BY_SITE" => 'Y', "SHOW_DEFAULT_LOCATIONS" => 'Y', "SEARCH_BY_PRIMARY" => 'Y', "JS_CONTROL_GLOBAL_ID" => 'SALE_LOCATION_SELECTOR_RESOURCES', //"INITIALIZE_BY_GLOBAL_EVENT" => 'sale-event-never-happen', "USE_JS_SPAWN" => 'Y' ), false, array('HIDE_ICONS' => 'Y') ); print('</div>'); } } protected static $types = array(); /** Return html representation of value. * @param array $input - input settings values * @param mixed $value - value to render * @return string - html * @throws SystemException */ static function getViewHtml(array $input, $value = null) { if (! static::$initialized) static::initialize(); if ($type = static::$types[$input['TYPE']]) return call_user_func(array($type['CLASS'], __FUNCTION__), $input, $value); else throw new SystemException('invalid input type in '.print_r($input, true), 0, __FILE__, __LINE__); } /** Return html input control for value. * @param string $name - name for input control (eg: 'email', 'person[1][name]') * @param array $input - input settings values * @param mixed $value - value to render * @return string - html * @throws SystemException */ static function getEditHtml($name, array $input, $value = null) { if (! static::$initialized) static::initialize(); if ($type = static::$types[$input['TYPE']]) return call_user_func(array($type['CLASS'], __FUNCTION__), $name, $input, $value); else throw new SystemException('invalid input type in '.print_r($input, true), 0, __FILE__, __LINE__); } /** * @param $name * @param array $input * @param null $value * @return mixed * @throws SystemException */ static function getFilterEditHtml($name, array $input, $value = null) { if (! static::$initialized) static::initialize(); if ($type = static::$types[$input['TYPE']]) return call_user_func(array($type['CLASS'], __FUNCTION__), $name, $input, $value); else throw new SystemException('invalid input type in '.print_r($input, true), 0, __FILE__, __LINE__); } /** Get user input validation errors. * @param array $input - input settings values * @param string|array|null $value - value to validate * @return array - empty array on success OR array ([error code] => error message) on failure * @throws \Bitrix\Main\SystemException */ static function getError(array $input, $value) { if (! static::$initialized) static::initialize(); if ($type = static::$types[$input['TYPE']]) return call_user_func(array($type['CLASS'], __FUNCTION__), $input, $value); else throw new SystemException('invalid input type in '.print_r($input, true), 0, __FILE__, __LINE__); } /** * @param array $input * @param $value * * @return mixed * @throws SystemException */ static function getRequiredError(array $input, $value) { if (! static::$initialized) static::initialize(); if ($type = static::$types[$input['TYPE']]) { return call_user_func(array($type['CLASS'], __FUNCTION__), $input, $value); } else { throw new SystemException('invalid input type in '.print_r($input, true), 0, __FILE__, __LINE__); } } /** Get normalized user input value (for example to save to database). * Before saving to database check value for errors with Manager::getError! * @param array $input - input settings values * @param string|array|null $value - value to normalize * @return mixed result * @throws \Bitrix\Main\SystemException */ static function getValue(array $input, $value) { if (! static::$initialized) static::initialize(); if ($type = static::$types[$input['TYPE']]) return call_user_func(array($type['CLASS'], __FUNCTION__), $input, $value); else throw new SystemException('invalid input type in '.print_r($input, true), 0, __FILE__, __LINE__); } /** Get multiple value. * @param array $input * @param mixed $value * @return array - if value is single, wrap it in array (except null, which gets empty array) * @throws \Bitrix\Main\SystemException */ static function asMultiple(array $input, $value) { if (! static::$initialized) static::initialize(); if ($type = static::$types[$input['TYPE']]) return call_user_func(array($type['CLASS'], __FUNCTION__), $value); else throw new SystemException('invalid input type in '.print_r($input, true), 0, __FILE__, __LINE__); } /** Get settings inputs for user control. * @param array $input - input settings values * @param string|null $reload - javascript form reload action * @return array - ([setting name] => input array) * @throws \Bitrix\Main\SystemException */ static function getSettings(array $input, $reload = null) { if (! static::$initialized) static::initialize(); if ($type = static::$types[$input['TYPE']]) return call_user_func(array($type['CLASS'], __FUNCTION__), $input, $reload); else throw new SystemException('invalid input type in '.print_r($input, true), 0, __FILE__, __LINE__); } /** Get settings, common to all input types. * @param array $input - input settings values * @param string|null $reload - javascript form reload action * @return array - ([setting name] => input array) */ static function getCommonSettings(array $input, $reload = null) { if (! static::$initialized) static::initialize(); $typeOptions = array(); foreach (static::$types as $k => $v) $typeOptions[$k] = $v['NAME']." [$k]"; return array( 'TYPE' => array('TYPE' => 'ENUM', 'LABEL' => Loc::getMessage('INPUT_TYPE'), 'OPTIONS' => $typeOptions, 'REQUIRED' => 'Y', 'ONCHANGE' => $reload), 'REQUIRED' => array('TYPE' => 'Y/N' , 'LABEL' => Loc::getMessage('INPUT_REQUIRED')), 'MULTIPLE' => array('TYPE' => 'Y/N' , 'LABEL' => Loc::getMessage('INPUT_MULTIPLE'), 'ONCLICK' => $reload), 'VALUE' => array('LABEL' => Loc::getMessage('INPUT_VALUE'), 'REQUIRED' => 'N') + $input, ); } /** Get all registered types. * @return array - ([TYPE NAME] => array('CLASS', 'NAME', ...)) */ static function getTypes() { if (! static::$initialized) static::initialize(); return static::$types; } /** Register new type. * @param string $name - type name * @param array $type - type parameters * 'CLASS' => __NAMESPACE__.'ClassName' * 'NAME' => Loc::getMessage('CLASS_LOCALIZED_NAME') * @return void * @throws SystemException */ static function register($name, array $type) { if (static::$types[$name]) throw new SystemException('duplicate type '.$name, 0, __FILE__, __LINE__); if (! class_exists($type['CLASS'])) throw new SystemException('undefined CLASS in '.print_r($type, true), 0, __FILE__, __LINE__); if (! is_subclass_of($type['CLASS'], __NAMESPACE__.'\Base')) throw new SystemException($type['CLASS'].' does not implement Input\Base', 0, __FILE__, __LINE__); static::$types[$name] = $type; } protected static $initialized; protected function initialize() { static::$initialized = true; /** @var Event $event */ $event = new Event('sale', 'registerInputTypes', static::$types); $event->send(); if ($event->getResults()) { foreach($event->getResults() as $eventResult) { if ($eventResult->getType() != EventResult::SUCCESS) continue; if ($params = $eventResult->getParameters()) { if(!empty($params) && is_array($params)) { static::$types = array_merge(static::$types, $params); } } } } } } abstract class Base { const MULTITAG = 'div'; /** Check if value is multiple. * @param $value * @return bool */ static function isMultiple($value) { return is_array($value); } /** Get single value. * @param $value * @return mixed - if value is multiple, get first meaningful value (which is not null) */ static function asSingle($value) { if (static::isMultiple($value)) { $v = null; foreach ($value as $v) if ($v) // !== null) TODO maybe?? break; return $v; } else { return $value; } } static function asMultiple($value) { if (static::isMultiple($value)) { return array_diff($value, array("", NULL, false)); } else { return $value === null ? array() : array($value); } } public static function getViewHtml(array $input, $value = null) { if ($value === null) $value = $input['VALUE']; if ($input['MULTIPLE'] == 'Y') { $tag = isset($input['MULTITAG']) ? htmlspecialcharsbx($input['MULTITAG']) : static::MULTITAG; list ($startTag, $endTag) = $tag ? array("<$tag>", "</$tag>") : array('', ''); $html = ''; foreach (static::asMultiple($value) as $value) $html .= $startTag.static::getViewHtmlSingle($input, $value).$endTag; return $html; } else { return static::getViewHtmlSingle($input, static::asSingle($value)); } } public static function getViewHtmlSingle(array $input, $value) { $output = $valueText = htmlspecialcharsbx($value); if ($input['IS_EMAIL'] == 'Y') { $output = '<a href="mailto:'.$valueText.'">'.$valueText.'</a>'; } return $output; } public static function getEditHtml($name, array $input, $value = null) { $name = htmlspecialcharsbx($name); if ($value === null) $value = $input['VALUE']; $html = ''; if ($input['HIDDEN'] == 'Y') { $html .= static::getHiddenRecursive($name , $input['MULTIPLE'] == 'Y' ? static::asMultiple($value) : static::asSingle($value) , static::extractAttributes($input, array('DISABLED'=>''), array('FORM'=>''), false)); } else { if ($input['MULTIPLE'] == 'Y') { $tag = isset($input['MULTITAG']) ? htmlspecialcharsbx($input['MULTITAG']) : static::MULTITAG; list ($startTag, $endTag) = $tag ? array("<$tag>", "</$tag>") : array('', ''); $index = -1; foreach (static::asMultiple($value) as $value) { $namix = $name.'['.(++$index).']'; $html .= $startTag .static::getEditHtmlSingle($namix, $input, $value) .static::getEditHtmlSingleDelete($namix, $input) .$endTag; } $replace = '##INPUT##NAME##'; if ($input['DISABLED'] !== 'Y') // TODO $html .= static::getEditHtmlInsert($tag, $replace, $name , static::getEditHtmlSingle($replace, $input, null).static::getEditHtmlSingleDelete($replace, $input) , static::getEditHtmlSingleAfterInsert()); } else { $html .= static::getEditHtmlSingle($name, $input, static::asSingle($value)); } } if ($input['ADDITIONAL_HIDDEN'] === 'Y') { $html .= static::getHiddenRecursive($name , $input['MULTIPLE'] == 'Y' ? static::asMultiple($value) : static::asSingle($value) , static::extractAttributes($input, array(), array('FORM'=>''), false)); } return $html; } /** @return string */ public static function getEditHtmlSingle($name, array $input, $value) { throw new SystemException("you must implement [getEditHtmlSingle] or override [getEditHtml] in yor class", 0, __FILE__, __LINE__); } public static function getEditHtmlSingleDelete($name, array $input) { return '<label> '.Loc::getMessage('INPUT_DELETE').' <input type="checkbox" onclick="' ."this.parentNode.previousSibling.disabled = this.checked;" .'"> </label>'; } public static function getEditHtmlInsert($tag, $replace, $name, $sample, $after) { $name = \CUtil::JSEscape($name); $sample = \CUtil::JSEscape(htmlspecialcharsbx($sample)); return '<input type="button" value="'.Loc::getMessage('INPUT_ADD').'" onclick="' ."var parent = this.parentNode;" ."var container = document.createElement('$tag');" ."container.innerHTML = '$sample'.replace(/$replace/g, '{$name}['+parent.childNodes.length+']');" ."parent.insertBefore(container, this);" .$after.'">'; } public static function getEditHtmlSingleAfterInsert() { return "container.firstChild.focus();"; } public static function getError(array $input, $value) { $errors = array(); if ($value === null) $value = $input['VALUE']; if ($input['MULTIPLE'] == 'Y') { $index = -1; foreach (static::asMultiple($value) as $value) { if (($value !== '' && $value !== null) && ($error = static::getErrorSingle($input, $value))) { $errors[++$index] = $error; } } } else { $value = static::asSingle($value); if ($value !== '' && $value !== null) { return static::getErrorSingle($input, $value); } } return $errors; } /** * @param array $input * @param $value * * @return bool */ public static function getRequiredError(array $input, $value) { $errors = array(); if ($value === null) $value = $input['VALUE']; if ($input['MULTIPLE'] == 'Y') { $index = -1; foreach (static::asMultiple($value) as $value) { if ($value === '' || $value === null) { if ($input['REQUIRED'] == 'Y') $errors[++$index] = array('REQUIRED' => Loc::getMessage('INPUT_REQUIRED_ERROR')); } } } else { $value = static::asSingle($value); if ($value === '' || $value === null) { return ($input['REQUIRED'] == 'Y') ? array('REQUIRED' => Loc::getMessage('INPUT_REQUIRED_ERROR')) : array(); } } return $errors; } /** * @param array $input * @param $value * * @throws SystemException */ public static function getErrorSingle(array $input, $value) { throw new SystemException("you must implement [getErrorSingle] or override [getError] in yor class", 0, __FILE__, __LINE__); } public static function getValue(array $input, $value) { if ($input['DISABLED'] == 'Y') return null; // TODO maybe?? if ($value === null) $value = $input['VALUE']; if ($input['MULTIPLE'] == 'Y') { $values = array(); foreach (static::asMultiple($value) as $value) { $value = static::getValueSingle($input, $value); if ($value !== null) $values []= $value; } return $values ? $values : null; } else { return static::getValueSingle($input, static::asSingle($value)); } } public static function getValueSingle(array $input, $value) { return $value; } public static function getSettings(array $input, $reload) { return array(); // no settings } // utils protected static function getHiddenRecursive($name, $value, $attributes) { if (is_array($value)) { $html = ''; foreach ($value as $k => $v) $html .= self::getHiddenRecursive($name.'['.htmlspecialcharsbx($k).']', $v, $attributes); return $html; } else { return '<input type="hidden" name="'.$name.'" value="'.htmlspecialcharsbx($value).'"'.$attributes.'>'; } } /** @deprecated */ protected static function extractAttributes(array $input, array $boolean, array $other, $withGlobal = true) { $string = ''; // add boolean attributes with predefined values or no value unset($boolean['REQUIRED']); // TODO remove with HTML5 static $globalBoolean = array('CONTENTEDITABLE'=>'', 'DRAGGABLE'=>'true', 'SPELLCHECK'=>'', 'TRANSLATE'=>'yes'); if ($withGlobal) $boolean = $globalBoolean + $boolean; foreach (array_intersect_key($input, $boolean) as $k => $v) if ($v === 'Y' || $v === true) $string .= ' '.strtolower($k).($boolean[$k] ? '="'.$boolean[$k].'"' : ''); // add event attributes with values if ($withGlobal) { static $globalEvents = array( 'ONABORT'=>1, 'ONBLUR'=>1, 'ONCANPLAY'=>1, 'ONCANPLAYTHROUGH'=>1, 'ONCHANGE'=>1, 'ONCLICK'=>1, 'ONCONTEXTMENU'=>1, 'ONDBLCLICK'=>1, 'ONDRAG'=>1, 'ONDRAGEND'=>1, 'ONDRAGENTER'=>1, 'ONDRAGLEAVE'=>1, 'ONDRAGOVER'=>1, 'ONDRAGSTART'=>1, 'ONDROP'=>1, 'ONDURATIONCHANGE'=>1, 'ONEMPTIED'=>1, 'ONENDED'=>1, 'ONERROR'=>1, 'ONFOCUS'=>1, 'ONINPUT'=>1, 'ONINVALID'=>1, 'ONKEYDOWN'=>1, 'ONKEYPRESS'=>1, 'ONKEYUP'=>1, 'ONLOAD'=>1, 'ONLOADEDDATA'=>1, 'ONLOADEDMETADATA'=>1, 'ONLOADSTART'=>1, 'ONMOUSEDOWN'=>1, 'ONMOUSEMOVE'=>1, 'ONMOUSEOUT'=>1, 'ONMOUSEOVER'=>1, 'ONMOUSEUP'=>1, 'ONMOUSEWHEEL'=>1, 'ONPAUSE'=>1, 'ONPLAY'=>1, 'ONPLAYING'=>1, 'ONPROGRESS'=>1, 'ONRATECHANGE'=>1, 'ONREADYSTATECHANGE'=>1, 'ONRESET'=>1, 'ONSCROLL'=>1, 'ONSEEKED'=>1, 'ONSEEKING'=>1, 'ONSELECT'=>1, 'ONSHOW'=>1, 'ONSTALLED'=>1, 'ONSUBMIT'=>1, 'ONSUSPEND'=>1, 'ONTIMEUPDATE'=>1, 'ONVOLUMECHANGE'=>1, 'ONWAITING'=>1, ); $events = array_intersect_key($input, $globalEvents); $other = array_diff_key($other, $events); foreach ($events as $k => $v) if ($v) $string .= ' '.strtolower($k).'="'.$v.'"'; } // add other attributes with values static $globalOther = array( 'ACCESSKEY'=>1, 'CLASS'=>1, 'CONTEXTMENU'=>1, 'DIR'=>1, 'DROPZONE'=>1, 'LANG'=>1, 'STYLE'=>1, 'TABINDEX'=>1, 'TITLE'=>1, 'ID' => 1, 'XML:LANG'=>1, 'XML:SPACE'=>1, 'XML:BASE'=>1 ); if ($withGlobal) $other += $globalOther; foreach (array_intersect_key($input, $other) as $k => $v) if ($v) $string .= ' '.strtolower($k).'="'.htmlspecialcharsbx($v).'"'; // add data attributes if ($withGlobal && is_array($input['DATA'])) { foreach ($input['DATA'] as $k => $v) $string .= ' data-'.htmlspecialcharsbx($k).'="'.htmlspecialcharsbx($v).'"'; } return $string; } } /** * String */ class StringInput extends Base // String reserved in php 7 { protected static $patternDelimiters = array('/', '#', '~'); public static function getEditHtmlSingle($name, array $input, $value) { if ($input['MULTILINE'] == 'Y') { $attributes = static::extractAttributes($input, array('DISABLED'=>'', 'READONLY'=>'', 'AUTOFOCUS'=>'', 'REQUIRED'=>''), array('FORM'=>1, 'MAXLENGTH'=>1, 'PLACEHOLDER'=>1, 'DIRNAME'=>1, 'ROWS'=>1, 'COLS'=>1, 'WRAP'=>1)); return '<textarea name="'.$name.'"'.$attributes.'>'.htmlspecialcharsbx($value).'</textarea>'; } else { $attributes = static::extractAttributes($input, array('DISABLED'=>'', 'READONLY'=>'', 'AUTOFOCUS'=>'', 'REQUIRED'=>'', 'AUTOCOMPLETE'=>'on'), array('FORM'=>1, 'MAXLENGTH'=>1, 'PLACEHOLDER'=>1, 'DIRNAME'=>1, 'SIZE'=>1, 'LIST'=>1)); return '<input type="text" name="'.$name.'" value="'.htmlspecialcharsbx($value).'"'.$attributes.'>'; } } /** * @param $name * @param array $input * @param $value * @return string */ public static function getFilterEditHtml($name, array $input, $value) { return static::getEditHtmlSingle($name, $input, $value); } public static function getErrorSingle(array $input, $value) { $errors = array(); $value = trim($value); if ($input['MINLENGTH'] && strlen($value) < $input['MINLENGTH']) $errors['MINLENGTH'] = Loc::getMessage('INPUT_STRING_MINLENGTH_ERROR', array("#NUM#" => $input['MINLENGTH'])); if ($input['MAXLENGTH'] && strlen($value) > $input['MAXLENGTH']) $errors['MAXLENGTH'] = Loc::getMessage('INPUT_STRING_MAXLENGTH_ERROR', array("#NUM#" => $input['MAXLENGTH'])); if (strval(trim($input['PATTERN'])) != "") { $issetDelimiter = false; $pattern = trim($input['PATTERN']); if (isset($pattern[0]) && in_array($pattern[0], static::$patternDelimiters) && strrpos($pattern, $pattern[0]) !== false) { $issetDelimiter = true; } $matchPattern = $pattern; if (!$issetDelimiter) { $matchPattern = "/".$pattern."/"; } if (!preg_match($matchPattern, $value)) $errors['PATTERN'] = Loc::getMessage('INPUT_STRING_PATTERN_ERROR'); } return $errors; } static function getSettings(array $input, $reload) { $settings = array( 'MINLENGTH' => array('TYPE' => 'NUMBER', 'LABEL' => Loc::getMessage('INPUT_STRING_MINLENGTH'), 'MIN' => 0, 'STEP' => 1), 'MAXLENGTH' => array('TYPE' => 'NUMBER', 'LABEL' => Loc::getMessage('INPUT_STRING_MAXLENGTH'), 'MIN' => 0, 'STEP' => 1), 'PATTERN' => array('TYPE' => 'STRING', 'LABEL' => Loc::getMessage('INPUT_STRING_PATTERN' )), 'MULTILINE' => array('TYPE' => 'Y/N' , 'LABEL' => Loc::getMessage('INPUT_STRING_MULTILINE'), 'ONCLICK' => $reload), ); if ($input['MULTILINE'] == 'Y') { $settings['COLS'] = array('TYPE' => 'NUMBER', 'LABEL' => Loc::getMessage('INPUT_STRING_SIZE'), 'MIN' => 0, 'STEP' => 1); $settings['ROWS'] = array('TYPE' => 'NUMBER', 'LABEL' => Loc::getMessage('INPUT_STRING_ROWS'), 'MIN' => 0, 'STEP' => 1); } else { $settings['SIZE'] = array('TYPE' => 'NUMBER', 'LABEL' => Loc::getMessage('INPUT_STRING_SIZE'), 'MIN' => 0, 'STEP' => 1); } return $settings; } /** * @param $value * * @return bool */ public static function isDeletedSingle($value) { return is_array($value) && $value['DELETE']; } } Manager::register('STRING', array( 'CLASS' => __NAMESPACE__.'\StringInput', 'NAME' => Loc::getMessage('INPUT_STRING'), )); /** * Number */ class Number extends Base { public static function getEditHtmlSingle($name, array $input, $value) { // TODO HTML5 from IE10: remove SIZE; Add MIN, MAX, STEP; Change type="number" $size = 5; if (($s = strlen(strval($input['MIN']))) && $s > $size) $size = $s; if (($s = strlen(strval($input['MAX']))) && $s > $size) $size = $s; if (($s = strlen(strval($input['STEP']))) && $s > $size) $size = $s; $input['SIZE'] = $size; $attributes = static::extractAttributes($input, array('DISABLED'=>'', 'READONLY'=>'', 'AUTOFOCUS'=>'', 'REQUIRED'=>'', 'AUTOCOMPLETE'=>'on'), array('FORM'=>1, 'LIST'=>1, 'PLACEHOLDER'=>1, 'SIZE'=>1)); return '<input type="text" name="'.$name.'" value="'.htmlspecialcharsbx($value).'"'.$attributes.'>'; } /** * @param $name * @param array $input * @param $value * @return string */ public static function getFilterEditHtml($name, array $input, $value) { return static::getEditHtmlSingle($name, $input, $value); } public static function getErrorSingle(array $input, $value) { $errors = array(); if (is_numeric($value)) { $value = (double) $value; if (!empty($input['MIN']) && $value < $input['MIN']) $errors['MIN'] = Loc::getMessage('INPUT_NUMBER_MIN_ERROR', array("#NUM#" => $input['MIN'])); if (!empty($input['MAX']) && $value > $input['MAX']) $errors['MAX'] = Loc::getMessage('INPUT_NUMBER_MAX_ERROR', array("#NUM#" => $input['MAX'])); if ($input['STEP']) { $step = (double) $input['STEP']; $value = (double) abs($value - ($input['MIN'] ? $input['MIN'] : 0.0)); if (! ($value / pow(2.0, 53) > $step)) { $remainder = (double) abs($value - $step * round($value / $step)); $acceptableError = (double) ($step / pow(2.0, 24)); if ($acceptableError < $remainder && ($step - $acceptableError) > $remainder) $errors['STEP'] = Loc::getMessage('INPUT_NUMBER_STEP_ERROR', array("#NUM#" => $input['STEP'])); } } } else { $errors['NUMERIC'] = Loc::getMessage('INPUT_NUMBER_NUMERIC_ERROR'); } return $errors; } public static function getSettings(array $input, $reload) { return array( 'MIN' => array('TYPE' => 'NUMBER', 'LABEL' => Loc::getMessage('INPUT_NUMBER_MIN' )), 'MAX' => array('TYPE' => 'NUMBER', 'LABEL' => Loc::getMessage('INPUT_NUMBER_MAX' )), 'STEP' => array('TYPE' => 'NUMBER', 'LABEL' => Loc::getMessage('INPUT_NUMBER_STEP')), ); } } Manager::register('NUMBER', array( 'CLASS' => __NAMESPACE__.'\Number', 'NAME' => Loc::getMessage('INPUT_NUMBER'), )); /** * Either Y or N */ class EitherYN extends Base { public static function getViewHtmlSingle(array $input, $value) { return $value == 'Y' ? Loc::getMessage('INPUT_EITHERYN_Y') : Loc::getMessage('INPUT_EITHERYN_N'); } public static function getEditHtmlSingle($name, array $input, $value) { $hiddenAttributes = static::extractAttributes($input, array('DISABLED'=>''), array('FORM'=>1), false); $checkboxAttributes = static::extractAttributes($input, array('DISABLED'=>'', 'AUTOFOCUS'=>'', 'REQUIRED'=>''), array('FORM'=>1)); return '<input type="hidden" name="'.$name.'" value="N"'.$hiddenAttributes.'>' .'<input type="checkbox" name="'.$name.'" value="Y"'.($value == 'Y' ? ' checked' : '').$checkboxAttributes.'>'; } /** * @param $name * @param array $input * @param $value * @return string */ public static function getFilterEditHtml($name, array $input, $value) { $hiddenAttributes = static::extractAttributes($input, array('DISABLED'=>''), array('FORM'=>1), false); $checkboxAttributes = static::extractAttributes($input, array('DISABLED'=>'', 'AUTOFOCUS'=>'', 'REQUIRED'=>''), array('FORM'=>1)); return '<select name="'.$name.'" '.$hiddenAttributes.'> <option value="">'.Loc::getMessage('INPUT_EITHERYN_ALL').'</option> <option value="Y"'.($value=="Y" ? " selected" : '').' '.$checkboxAttributes.'>'.Loc::getMessage('INPUT_EITHERYN_Y').'</option> <option value="N"'.($value=="N" ? " selected" : '').' '.$checkboxAttributes.'>'.Loc::getMessage('INPUT_EITHERYN_N').'</option> </select>'; } public static function getErrorSingle(array $input, $value) { if ($input['REQUIRED'] == 'Y' && ($value === '' || $value === null)) return array('REQUIRED' => Loc::getMessage('INPUT_REQUIRED_ERROR')); return ($value == 'N' || $value == 'Y') ? array() : array('INVALID' => Loc::getMessage('INPUT_INVALID_ERROR')); } public static function getValueSingle(array $input, $value) { return $value == 'Y' ? 'Y' : 'N'; } } Manager::register('Y/N', array( 'CLASS' => __NAMESPACE__.'\EitherYN', 'NAME' => Loc::getMessage('INPUT_EITHERYN'), )); /** * Enumeration */ class Enum extends Base { private static function flatten(array $array) { $result = array(); foreach ($array as $key => $value) { if (is_array($value)) $result = array_merge($result, $value); else $result[$key] = $value; } return $result; } public static function getViewHtmlSingle(array $input, $value) // TODO optimize to getViewHtml { $options = $input['OPTIONS']; if (is_array($options)) { $options = self::flatten($options); if ($v = $options[$value]) $value = $v; } return htmlspecialcharsbx($value); } /** * @param $name * @param array $input * @param $value * @return string */ public static function getFilterEditHtml($name, array $input, $value) { return static::getEditHtml($name, $input, $value); } public static function getEditHtml($name, array $input, $value = null) { $options = $input['OPTIONS']; if (! is_array($options)) return Loc::getMessage('INPUT_ENUM_OPTIONS_ERROR'); $multiple = $input['MULTIPLE'] == 'Y'; $name = htmlspecialcharsbx($name); if ($value === null && isset($input['VALUE'])) $value = $input['VALUE']; $originalValue = $value; $html = ''; if ($input['HIDDEN'] == 'Y') { $html .= static::getHiddenRecursive($name , $multiple ? static::asMultiple($value) : static::asSingle($value) , static::extractAttributes($input, array('DISABLED'=>''), array('FORM'=>1), false)); } else { if ($value === null) $value = array(); else $value = $multiple ? array_flip(static::asMultiple($value)) : array(static::asSingle($value) => true); if ($input['MULTIELEMENT'] == 'Y') { $tag = isset($input['MULTITAG']) ? htmlspecialcharsbx($input['MULTITAG']) : static::MULTITAG; list ($startTag, $endTag) = $tag ? array("<$tag>", "</$tag>") : array('', ''); $attributes = static::extractAttributes($input, array('DISABLED'=>''), array('FORM'=>1), false); $type = 'radio'; if ($multiple) { $type = 'checkbox'; $name .= '[]'; } $html .= self::getEditOptionsHtml($options, $value, ' checked', '<fieldset><legend>{GROUP}</legend>{OPTIONS}</fieldset>', $startTag.'<label><input type="'.$type.'" name="'.$name.'" value="{VALUE}"{SELECTED}'.$attributes.'> {TEXT} </label>'.$endTag ); } else // select { $attributes = static::extractAttributes($input, array('DISABLED'=>'', 'AUTOFOCUS'=>'', 'REQUIRED'=>''), array('FORM'=>1, 'SIZE'=>1)); $html .= '<select'.$attributes.' name="'.$name.($multiple ? '[]" multiple>' : '">'); $html .= self::getEditOptionsHtml($options, $value, ' selected', '<optgroup label="{GROUP}">{OPTIONS}</optgroup>', '<option value="{VALUE}"{SELECTED}>{TEXT}</option>' ); $html .= '</select>'; } } if ($input['ADDITIONAL_HIDDEN'] === 'Y') { $html .= static::getHiddenRecursive($name , $multiple ? static::asMultiple($originalValue) : static::asSingle($originalValue) , static::extractAttributes($input, array(), array('FORM'=>1), false)); } return $html; } private static function getEditOptionsHtml(array $options, array $selected, $selector, $group, $option) { $result = ''; foreach ($options as $key => $value) { $result .= is_array($value) ? str_replace( array('{GROUP}', '{OPTIONS}'), array( htmlspecialcharsEx($key), self::getEditOptionsHtml($value, $selected, $selector, $group, $option), ), $group ) : str_replace( array('{VALUE}', '{SELECTED}', '{TEXT}'), array( htmlspecialcharsEx($key), isset($selected[$key]) ? $selector : '', htmlspecialcharsEx($value) ?: htmlspecialcharsEx($key), ), $option ); } return $result; } public static function getErrorSingle(array $input, $value) // TODO optimize to getError { $options = $input['OPTIONS']; if (is_array($options)) { $options = self::flatten($options); return isset($options[$value]) ? array() : array('INVALID' => Loc::getMessage('INPUT_INVALID_ERROR')); } else { return array('OPTIONS' => Loc::getMessage('INPUT_ENUM_OPTIONS_ERROR')); } } static function getSettings(array $input, $reload) { $settings = array( // TODO maybe??? 'OPTIONS' => array('TYPE' => 'TUPLE'), 'MULTIELEMENT' => array('TYPE' => 'Y/N', 'LABEL' => Loc::getMessage('INPUT_ENUM_MULTIELEMENT'), 'ONCLICK' => $reload), ); if ($input['MULTIELEMENT'] != 'Y') $settings['SIZE'] = array('TYPE' => 'NUMBER', 'LABEL' => Loc::getMessage('INPUT_ENUM_SIZE'), 'MIN' => 0, 'STEP' => 1); return $settings; } } Manager::register('ENUM', array( 'CLASS' => __NAMESPACE__.'\Enum', 'NAME' => Loc::getMessage('INPUT_ENUM'), )); /** * File * Must use: File::getPostWithFiles before using this type! */ class File extends Base { /** Normalize $_FILES structure and join it with $_POST. * Must be called before using File type! * * PHP default $_FILES structure: * * Array([name] => Array([0] => photo.jpg , [1] => ) * [type] => Array([0] => image/jpeg , [1] => ) * [tmp_name] => Array([0] => /tmp/dsk4le5se, [1] => ) * [error] => Array([0] => 0 , [1] => 4) * [size] => Array([0] => 45673 , [1] => 0)) * * Normalized files structure: * * Array( * [0] => Array( * [name] => photo.jpg * [type] => image/jpeg * [tmp_name] => /tmp/dsk4le5se * [error] => 0 * [size] => 45673 * ) * [1] => Array( * [name] => * [type] => * [tmp_name] => * [error] => 4 * [size] => * ) * ) * * Example: <input type="file" name="PROFILE[5][PHOTOS][]"> - will be normalized as expected in post * * @param array $post - $_POST * @param array $files - $_FILES * @return array - post + fixed files */ static function getPostWithFiles(array $post, array $files) { foreach ($files as $key => $file) { if (! is_array($post[$key])) $post[$key] = array(); foreach ($file as $property => $value) { if (is_array($value)) self::getPostWithFilesRecursive($post[$key], $value, $property); else $post[$key][$property] = $value; } } return $post; } private static function getPostWithFilesRecursive(array &$root, array $values, $property) { foreach ($values as $key => $value) { if (! is_array($root[$key])) $root[$key] = array(); if (is_array($value)) self::getPostWithFilesRecursive($root[$key], $value, $property); else $root[$key][$property] = $value; } } /** @deprecated * Load file array from database. * @param $value * @return array - file array */ static function loadInfo($value) { if (! $multiple = static::isMultiple($value)) $value = array($value); foreach ($value as &$file) $file = self::loadInfoSingle($file); return $multiple ? $value : reset($value); } /** deprecated */ static function loadInfoSingle($file) { if (is_array($file)) { if ($file['SRC']) return $file; // already loaded $fileId = $file['ID']; } else { $fileId = $file; } if ($fileId && is_numeric($fileId) && ($row = \CFile::GetFileArray($fileId))) { $file = (is_array($file) ? $file : array('ID' => $fileId)) + $row; } return $file; } /** Check if file is marked for deletion. * @param $value * @return bool */ static function isDeletedSingle($value) { return is_array($value) && $value['DELETE']; } /** Check if file is uploaded. * @param $value * @return bool */ static function isUploadedSingle($value) { return is_array($value) && $value['error'] == UPLOAD_ERR_OK && is_uploaded_file($value['tmp_name']); } // input methods /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// static function isMultiple($value) { return is_array($value) && ! isset($value['ID']); } public static function getViewHtmlSingle(array $input, $value) { if (! is_array($value)) $value = array('ID' => $value); if ($src = $value['SRC']) { $attributes = ' href="'.htmlspecialcharsbx($src).'" title="'.htmlspecialcharsbx(Loc::getMessage('INPUT_FILE_DOWNLOAD')).'"'; if (\CFile::IsImage($src, $value['CONTENT_TYPE']) && $value['FILE_SIZE'] > 100000) { $previewImage = \CFile::ResizeImageGet($value['ID'], array(200,200), BX_RESIZE_IMAGE_PROPORTIONAL); if (is_array($previewImage)) $src = $previewImage['src']; } $content = \CFile::IsImage($value['SRC'], $value['CONTENT_TYPE']) ? '<img src="'.$src.'" border="0" alt="" style="max-height:100px; max-width:100px">' : htmlspecialcharsbx($value['ORIGINAL_NAME']); } else { $attributes = ''; $content = htmlspecialcharsbx($value['ORIGINAL_NAME']); } if (! $content) $content = $value['FILE_NAME']; if (! $content) $content = $value['ID']; return "<a$attributes>$content</a>"; } /** * @param $name * @param array $input * @param $value * @return string */ public static function getFilterEditHtml($name, array $input, $value) { return static::getEditHtmlSingle($name, $input, $value); } public static function getEditHtmlSingle($name, array $input, $value) { if (! is_array($value)) { $value = array('ID' => $value); } if ($value['DELETE']) { unset($value['ID']); } $input['ONCHANGE'] = "var anchor = this.previousSibling.previousSibling;". "if (anchor.firstChild) anchor.removeChild(anchor.firstChild);". "anchor.appendChild(document.createTextNode(this.value.split(/(\\\\|\\/)/g).pop()));". $input['ONCHANGE']; // TODO HTML5 add MULTIPLE $fileAttributes = static::extractAttributes($input, array('DISABLED'=>'', 'AUTOFOCUS'=>'', 'REQUIRED'=>''), array('FORM'=>1, 'ACCEPT'=>1)); $otherAttributes = static::extractAttributes($input, array('DISABLED'=>''), array('FORM'=>1), false); return static::getViewHtmlSingle($input, $value) .'<input type="hidden" name="'.$name.'[ID]" value="'.htmlspecialcharsbx($value['ID']).'"'.$otherAttributes.'>' .'<input type="file" name="'.$name.'" style="position:absolute; visibility:hidden"'.$fileAttributes.'>' .'<input type="button" value="'.Loc::getMessage('INPUT_FILE_BROWSE').'" onclick="this.previousSibling.click()">' .( $input['NO_DELETE'] ? '' : '<label> '.Loc::getMessage('INPUT_DELETE').' <input type="checkbox" name="'.$name.'[DELETE]" onclick="' ."var button = this.parentNode.previousSibling, file = button.previousSibling;" ."button.disabled = file.disabled = this.checked;" .'"'.$otherAttributes.'> </label>' ); } public static function getEditHtmlSingleDelete($name, array $input) { return ''; } public static function getErrorSingle(array $input, $value) { if (is_array($value)) { if ($value['DELETE']) { return $input['REQUIRED'] == 'Y' ? array('REQUIRED' => Loc::getMessage('INPUT_REQUIRED_ERROR')) : array(); } elseif (is_uploaded_file($value['tmp_name'])) { $errors = array(); if ($input['MAXSIZE'] && $value['size'] > $input['MAXSIZE']) $errors['MAXSIZE'] = Loc::getMessage('INPUT_FILE_MAXSIZE_ERROR'); // TODO check: file name, mime type, extension //$info = pathinfo($value['name']); if ($error = \CFile::CheckFile($value, 0, false, $input['ACCEPT'])) $errors['CFILE'] = $error; return $errors; } else { switch ($value['error']) { case UPLOAD_ERR_OK: return array(); //file uploaded successfully case UPLOAD_ERR_INI_SIZE: case UPLOAD_ERR_FORM_SIZE: return array('MAXSIZE' => Loc::getMessage('INPUT_FILE_MAXSIZE_ERROR')); case UPLOAD_ERR_PARTIAL: return array('PARTIAL' => Loc::getMessage('INPUT_FILE_PARTIAL_ERROR')); case UPLOAD_ERR_NO_FILE: return $input['REQUIRED'] == 'Y' && (! is_numeric($value['ID']) || $value['DELETE']) ? array('REQUIRED' => Loc::getMessage('INPUT_REQUIRED_ERROR')) : array(); // TODO case UPLOAD_ERR_NO_TMP_DIR UPLOAD_ERR_CANT_WRITE UPLOAD_ERR_EXTENSION default: return array('INVALID' => Loc::getMessage('INPUT_INVALID_ERROR')); } } } elseif (is_numeric($value)) { // TODO check if file id exists maybe ??? return array(); } else { return array('INVALID' => Loc::getMessage('INPUT_INVALID_ERROR')); } } public static function getValueSingle(array $input, $value) { if (is_array($value)) { if ($value['DELETE']) return null; $value = $value['ID']; } return is_numeric($value) ? $value : null; } public static function getSettings(array $input, $reload) { return array( 'MAXSIZE' => array('TYPE' => 'NUMBER', 'LABEL' => Loc::getMessage('INPUT_FILE_MAXSIZE'), 'MIN' => 0, 'STEP' => 1), 'ACCEPT' => array('TYPE' => 'STRING', 'LABEL' => Loc::getMessage('INPUT_FILE_ACCEPT' ), 'PLACEHOLDER' => 'png, doc, zip'), ); } } Manager::register('FILE', array( 'CLASS' => __NAMESPACE__.'\File', 'NAME' => Loc::getMessage('INPUT_FILE'), )); /** * Date */ class Date extends Base { public static function getEditHtmlSingle($name, array $input, $value) { $showTime = $input['TIME'] == 'Y'; // TODO HTML5 input="date|datetime|datetime-local" & min & max & step(date:integer|datetime..:float) $textAttributes = static::extractAttributes($input, array('DISABLED'=>'', 'AUTOCOMPLETE'=>'on', 'AUTOFOCUS'=>'', 'READONLY'=>'', 'REQUIRED'=>''), array('FORM'=>1, 'LIST'=>1)); $buttonAttributes = static::extractAttributes($input, array('DISABLED'=>''), array(), false); return '<input type="text" name="'.$name.'" size="'.($showTime ? 20 : 10).'" value="'.htmlspecialcharsbx($value).'"'.$textAttributes.'>' .'<input type="button" value="'.Loc::getMessage('INPUT_DATE_SELECT').'"'.$buttonAttributes.' onclick="' ."BX.calendar({node:this, field:'$name', form:'', bTime:".($showTime ? 'true' : 'false').", bHideTime:false});" .'">'; } /** * @param $name * @param array $input * @param $value * @return string */ public static function getFilterEditHtml($name, array $input, $value) { return static::getEditHtmlSingle($name, $input, $value); } public static function getEditHtmlSingleDelete($name, array $input) { return '<label> '.Loc::getMessage('INPUT_DELETE').' <input type="checkbox" onclick="' ."var disabled = this.checked;" ."var button = this.parentNode.previousSibling;" ."button.disabled = disabled;" ."button.previousSibling.disabled = disabled;" .'"> </label>'; } public static function getErrorSingle(array $input, $value) { return CheckDateTime($value, FORMAT_DATE) ? array() : array('INVALID' => Loc::getMessage('INPUT_INVALID_ERROR')); } static function getSettings(array $input, $reload) { return array( 'TIME' => array('TYPE' => 'Y/N', 'LABEL' => Loc::getMessage('INPUT_DATE_TIME'), 'ONCLICK' => $reload), // TODO min, max, step ); } } Manager::register('DATE', array( 'CLASS' => __NAMESPACE__.'\Date', 'NAME' => Loc::getMessage('INPUT_DATE'), )); /** * Location */ class Location extends Base { public static function getViewHtmlSingle(array $input, $value) { if((string) $value == '') return ''; try { $result = \Bitrix\Sale\Location\LocationTable::getPathToNodeByCode($value, array( 'select' => array('CHAIN' => 'NAME.NAME'), 'filter' => array('NAME.LANGUAGE_ID' => LANGUAGE_ID), )); $path = array(); while($row = $result->fetch()) $path[] = $row['CHAIN']; return htmlspecialcharsbx(implode(', ', $path)); } catch(\Bitrix\Main\SystemException $e) { return ''; } } /** * @param $name * @param array $input * @param $value * @return string */ public static function getFilterEditHtml($name, array $input, $value) { return static::getEditHtml($name, $input, $value); } public static function getEditHtml($name, array $input, $value = null) { $name = htmlspecialcharsbx($name); if ($value === null) $value = $input['VALUE']; $html = ''; if ($input['HIDDEN'] == 'Y') { $html .= static::getHiddenRecursive($name , $input['MULTIPLE'] == 'Y' ? static::asMultiple($value) : static::asSingle($value) , static::extractAttributes($input, array('DISABLED'=>''), array('FORM'=>1), false)); } else { $selector = md5("location input selector $name"); $input["LOCATION_SELECTOR"] = $selector; if ($onChange = $input['ONCHANGE']) { $functionName = 'OnLocationChange'.$selector; $html .= "<script>function $functionName (){ $onChange }; BX.proxy($functionName, this);</script>"; $input['JS_CALLBACK'] = $functionName; } else { $input['JS_CALLBACK'] = null; } if ($input['MULTIPLE'] == 'Y') { $tag = isset($input['MULTITAG']) ? htmlspecialcharsbx($input['MULTITAG']) : static::MULTITAG; list ($startTag, $endTag) = $tag ? array("<$tag>", "</$tag>") : array('', ''); $index = -1; $values = static::asMultiple($value); if (empty($value)) { $values = array(null); } foreach ($values as $value) $html .= $startTag .static::getEditHtmlSingle($name.'['.(++$index).']', $input, $value) .$endTag; $replace = '##INPUT##NAME##'; if ($input['DISABLED'] !== 'Y') // TODO $html .= static::getEditHtmlInsert($tag, $replace, $name , static::getEditHtmlSingle($replace, $input, null) , "var location = BX.locationSelectors['$selector'].spawn(container, {selectedItem: false, useSpawn: false});" ."location.clearSelected();" //."location.focus();" // TODO ); } else { $html .= static::getEditHtmlSingle($name, $input, static::asSingle($value)); } } if ($input['ADDITIONAL_HIDDEN'] === 'Y') { $html .= static::getHiddenRecursive($name , $input['MULTIPLE'] == 'Y' ? static::asMultiple($value) : static::asSingle($value) , static::extractAttributes($input, array(), array('FORM'=>1), false)); } return $html; } public static function getEditHtmlSingle($name, array $input, $value) { $filterMode = isset($input['IS_FILTER_FIELD']) && $input['IS_FILTER_FIELD'] === true; $isSearchLine = isset($input['IS_SEARCH_LINE']) && $input['IS_SEARCH_LINE'] === true; $parameters = array( 'CODE' => $value, 'INPUT_NAME' => $name, 'PROVIDE_LINK_BY' => 'code', 'SELECT_WHEN_SINGLE' => 'N', 'FILTER_BY_SITE' => 'N', 'SHOW_DEFAULT_LOCATIONS' => 'N', 'SEARCH_BY_PRIMARY' => 'N', 'JS_CONTROL_GLOBAL_ID' => $input["LOCATION_SELECTOR"], 'JS_CALLBACK' => $input['JS_CALLBACK'] ); ob_start(); if($filterMode) { print('<div style="width: 100%; margin-left: 12px">'); $parameters['INITIALIZE_BY_GLOBAL_EVENT'] = 'onAdminFilterInited'; // this allows js logic to be initialized after admin filter $parameters['GLOBAL_EVENT_SCOPE'] = 'window'; } $GLOBALS['APPLICATION']->IncludeComponent( 'bitrix:sale.location.selector.'.($filterMode || $isSearchLine ? 'search' : \Bitrix\Sale\Location\Admin\Helper::getWidgetAppearance()), '', $parameters, false ); if($filterMode) { print('</div>'); } $html = ob_get_contents(); ob_end_clean(); return $html; } public static function getErrorSingle(array $input, $value) { return \Bitrix\Sale\Location\LocationTable::getByCode($value)->fetch() ? array() : array('INVALID' => Loc::getMessage('INPUT_INVALID_ERROR')); } } Manager::register('LOCATION', array( 'CLASS' => __NAMESPACE__.'\Location', 'NAME' => Loc::getMessage('INPUT_LOCATION'), ));