Direktori : /home/bitrix/www/bitrix/modules/sale/lib/location/admin/ |
Current File : //home/bitrix/www/bitrix/modules/sale/lib/location/admin/helper.php |
<? /** * This class is for internal use only, not a part of public API. * It can be changed at any time without notification. * * @access private */ namespace Bitrix\Sale\Location\Admin; use Bitrix\Main; use Bitrix\Main\Config; use Bitrix\Main\Localization\Loc; use Bitrix\Sale\Location; abstract class Helper { const DEBUG_MODE_OPT = 'location2_debug_mode'; const IMPORT_PAGE_URL = 'sale_location_import.php'; const REINDEX_PAGE_URL = 'sale_location_reindex.php'; const MIGRATION_PAGE_URL = 'sale_location_migration.php'; const LOCATION_LINK_DATA_CACHE_TAG = 'sale-location-data'; ##################################### #### Entity settings ##################################### abstract public function getEntityRoadMap(); public static function getEntityRoadCode() { return 'main'; } // this should be overlapped for each ancestor public static function getColumns($page) { // in the middle of extension, should be like this: //return array_merge(parent::getColumns(), self::getMap()); return self::getMap($page); } // get part of the whole field map for responsibility zone of the current entity // call this only with self:: public static function getMap($page) { static $flds; if($flds == null) $flds = static::readMap(self::getEntityRoadCode(), $page); return $flds; } ##################################### #### CRUD wrappers ##################################### // columns shown in all grids public static function getListGridColumns() { $columns = static::getColumns('list'); foreach($columns as &$col) $col['DEFAULT'] = true; return $columns; } // columns shown in all filters public static function getFilterColumns() { $columns = static::getColumns('list'); foreach($columns as &$col) $col['DEFAULT'] = true; return $columns; } // columns shown in all forms public static function getDetailPageRows() { return static::getColumns('list'); } // generalized filter to orm filter proxy public static function getParametersForList($proxed) { $columns = self::getMap('list'); // columns only for 'main' class $parameters = array(); // filter $filter = array(); if(is_array($proxed['FILTER']) && !empty($proxed['FILTER'])) { foreach($columns as $code => $fld) { if($fld['data_type'] == 'integer' || $fld['data_type'] == 'float') { // range or list expected if(is_array($proxed['FILTER'][$code])) { if(strlen($proxed['FILTER'][$code]['FROM']) && strlen($proxed['FILTER'][$code]['TO'])) // range { $filter['><'.$code] = array($proxed['FILTER'][$code]['FROM'], $proxed['FILTER'][$code]['TO']); } elseif(strlen($proxed['FILTER'][$code]['FROM'])) // greather than { $filter['>='.$code] = $proxed['FILTER'][$code]['FROM']; } elseif(strlen($proxed['FILTER'][$code]['TO'])) // less than { $filter['<='.$code] = $proxed['FILTER'][$code]['TO']; } } elseif(strlen($proxed['FILTER'][$code])) $filter['='.$code] = (string) $proxed['FILTER'][$code]; } else { if(strlen($proxed['FILTER'][$code])) $filter[static::getFilterModifier($fld['data_type']).$code] = $proxed['FILTER'][$code]; } } } if(!empty($filter)) $parameters['filter'] = $filter; // select foreach($columns as $code => $col) $parameters['select'][] = $code; // order if(is_array($proxed['ORDER']) && !empty($proxed['ORDER'])) $parameters['order'] = $proxed['ORDER']; // nav (unused) if(($page = intval($proxed['NAV']['PAGE_NUM'])) && ($lop = intval($proxed['NAV']['LOP']))) { $roadMap = static::getEntityRoadMap(); $road = $roadMap[self::getEntityRoadCode()]['name']; $class = $road.'Table'; $count = $class::getList(array( 'filter' => is_array($parameters['filter']) ? $parameters['filter'] : array(), 'select' => array('CNT'), 'runtime' => array( 'CNT' => array( 'data_type' => 'integer', 'expression' => array( 'count(%u)', 'ID' ) ) ) ))->fetch(); $bounds = Main\DB\Paginator::calculateQueryLimits($count['CNT'], $page, $lop); $parameters['offset'] = $bounds[0]; $parameters['limit'] = $bounds[1]; } return $parameters; } /* * $parameters: array of keys: FILTER (generalized), ID, OPERATION */ public static function performGridOperations($parameters) { $result = array( 'sucess' => true, 'errors' => array() ); @set_time_limit(0); if(is_array($parameters['ID']) && !empty($parameters['ID'])) { $parameters['ID'] = array_unique($parameters['ID']); foreach($parameters['ID'] as $id) { $res = static::delete($id); if(!$res['success']) { $result['success'] = false; $result['errors'] = array_merge($result['errors'], $res['errors']); } } } else if(is_array($parameters['FILTER'])) // filter can be empty { $entityClass = static::getEntityClass(); $parameters = Helper::getParametersForList($parameters); // from generalized to orm $glParams = array('select' => array('ID')); if(is_array($parameters['filter']) && !empty($parameters['filter'])) $glParams['filter'] = $parameters['filter']; $resItems = $entityClass::getList($glParams); while ($item = $resItems->fetch()) { /* Locations have tree-style structure so * we could have deleted some of them * during previous iterations. Let's check this. */ if(!$entityClass::getById($item['ID'])->fetch()) continue; /**/ $res = static::delete($item['ID']); if(!$res['success']) { $result['success'] = false; $result['errors'] = array_merge($result['errors'], $res['errors']); } } } return $result; } // get data to display in a form public static function getFormData($id) { $parameters = static::proxyListRequest('detail'); $parameters['filter']['='.static::getPrimaryFieldName()] = $id; $formData = static::getList($parameters)->fetch(); if(!is_array($formData) || empty($formData)) throw new Main\SystemException(Loc::getMessage('SALE_LOCATION_E_ITEM_NOT_FOUND')); return $formData; } public static function makeSafeDisplay(&$value, $code) { $columns = static::getColumns(''); if(!empty($columns[$code])) { if(!strlen($value) && strlen($columns[$code]['default'])) $value = $columns[$code]['default']; switch($columns[$code]['data_type']) { case 'integer': $value = intval($value); break; case 'float': $value = floatval($value); break; default: $value = htmlspecialcharsbx($value); } } else $value = htmlspecialcharsbx($value); return $value; } ############################################## ############################################## ############################################## public static function validateUpdateRequest($data) { return array(); } // this function could be much more complicated in the derivative classes public static function proxyUpdateRequest($data) { unset($data['ID']); // drop id if presents $proxed = array(); $columns = static::getColumns('list'); foreach($columns as $code => $void) { if(isset($data[$code])) $proxed[$code] = $data[$code]; } return $proxed; } // an adapter from CAdminList + CAdminFilter to ORM getList() logic // deprecated: too strong relation with admin grid, replaced with getParametersForList public static function proxyListRequest($page) { global $by; global $order; $columns = self::getMap($page); // columns only for 'main' class $parameters = array('filter' => array()); foreach($columns as $code => $col) $parameters['select'][] = $code; $filter = array(); if(self::checkUseFilter()) { foreach($columns as $code => $fld) { $from = 'find_'.$code.'_1'; $to = 'find_'.$code.'_2'; if($fld['data_type'] == 'integer' && (isset($GLOBALS[$from]) || isset($GLOBALS[$to]))) { // range expected if(strlen($GLOBALS[$from]) && strlen($GLOBALS[$to])) // range { $filter['><'.$code] = array($GLOBALS[$from], $GLOBALS[$to]); } elseif(strlen($GLOBALS[$from])) // greather than { $filter['>='.$code] = $GLOBALS[$from]; } elseif(strlen($GLOBALS[$to])) // less than { $filter['<='.$code] = $GLOBALS[$to]; } } else { if(strlen($GLOBALS['find_'.$code])) $filter[static::getFilterModifier($fld['data_type']).$code] = $GLOBALS['find_'.$code]; } } } if(!empty($filter)) $parameters['filter'] = $filter; if(strlen($by)) { $columns = static::getColumns($page); // check if that column really exists, for the whole extension hierarchy if(isset($columns[$by])) $parameters['order'] = array($by => isset($order) ? $order : 'asc'); } return $parameters; } // crud over entity: add public static function add($data) { $success = true; $id = false; $entityClass = static::getEntityClass(); $data = static::convertToArray($data); $data = static::proxyUpdateRequest($data); $errors = static::validateUpdateRequest($data); if(empty($errors)) { $res = $entityClass::add($data); if(!$res->isSuccess()) { $success = false; $errors = $res->getErrorMessages(); } else $id = $res->getId(); } else $success = false; return array( 'success' => $success, 'errors' => $errors, 'id' => $id ); } // crud over entity: update public static function update($primary, $data) { $success = true; $entityClass = static::getEntityClass(); $data = static::convertToArray($data); $data = static::proxyUpdateRequest($data); $errors = static::validateUpdateRequest($data); if(empty($errors)) { $res = $entityClass::update($primary, $data); if(!$res->isSuccess()) { $success = false; $errors = $res->getErrorMessages(); } } else $success = false; return array( 'success' => $success, 'errors' => $errors ); } // crud over entity: delete public static function delete($primary) { $success = true; $errors = array(); $entityClass = static::getEntityClass(); $res = $entityClass::delete($primary); if(!$res->isSuccess()) { $success = false; $errors = $res->getErrorMessages(); } return array( 'success' => $success, 'errors' => $errors ); } // function calculates limit and offset for sql select query, based on current request and session // variables, then forms fake old-style database result public static function getList($parameters = array(), $tableId = false, $navigation = 20, $params = array()) { $entityClass = static::getEntityClass(); $navNum = $GLOBALS['NavNum'] + 1; $unique = md5($GLOBALS['APPLICATION']->GetCurPage()); $showAll = $_SESSION[$unique.'SESS_ALL_'.$navNum] || $_GET['SHOWALL_'.$navNum]; if ($params["uiMode"]) { $result = new \CSaleProxyAdminUiResult($parameters, $entityClass, $tableId); } elseif(ADMIN_SECTION === true && strlen($tableId)) { $result = new \CSaleProxyAdminResult($parameters, $entityClass, $tableId); // being in admin and knowing table, do admin result api call } else { $result = new \CSaleProxyResult($parameters, $entityClass); // otherwise - public api call } if(!$showAll && $navigation !== false) { if($navigation === true) { $result->NavStart(); } else { $result->NavStart($navigation); } } else { $result->NavStart(); } // temporal fix $result->bShowAll = false; return $result; } public static function convertToArray($data) { if(!is_array($data)) { $converted = array(); foreach($data as $key => $value) $converted[$key] = $value; $data = $converted; } foreach($data as &$value) { if(is_string($value)) $value = trim($value); } return $data; } // deprecated: not optimal public static function getIdsByFilter($listFilter) { $ids = array(); $entityClass = static::getEntityClass(); $res = $entityClass::getList(array( 'select' => array('ID'), 'filter' => is_array($listFilter) ? $listFilter : array() )); while($item = $res->fetch()) { $ids[] = intval($item['ID']); } return $ids; } public static function getPrimaryFieldName() { $map = static::getEntityRoadMap(); return strlen($map['main']['primaryFieldName']) ? $map['main']['primaryFieldName'] : 'ID'; } // returns element name by it`s primary public static function getNameToDisplay($id) { if(!($id = intval($id))) return ''; $entityClass = static::getEntityClass('main'); $item = $entityClass::getById($id)->fetch(); return $item['CODE']; } public static function getListUrl($parameters = array()) { return self::getUrl(static::LIST_PAGE_URL, $parameters); } public static function getEditUrl($parameters = array()) { return self::getUrl(static::EDIT_PAGE_URL, $parameters); } public static function getImportUrl() { return self::getUrl(static::IMPORT_PAGE_URL, array()); } public static function getReindexUrl() { return self::getUrl(static::REINDEX_PAGE_URL, array()); } public static function getMigrationUrl() { return self::getUrl(static::MIGRATION_PAGE_URL, array()); } public static function getUrl($page, $parameters = array()) { if(!is_array($parameters)) $parameters = array(); $parameters['lang'] = LANGUAGE_ID; $selfFolderUrl = (defined("SELF_FOLDER_URL") ? SELF_FOLDER_URL : "/bitrix/admin/"); $packed = self::packUrlParameters($parameters); return $selfFolderUrl.$page.(strlen($packed) ? '?'.$packed : ''); } ##################################### #### Utilily methods for CRUD ##################################### // deprecated: too strong relation with admin grid public static function checkUseFilter() { return $GLOBALS['filter'] == 'Y' && !$GLOBALS['del_filter']; } public static function readMap($entityRoadCode, $page = 'list') { $roads = static::getEntityRoadMap(); $road = $roads[$entityRoadCode]; if(!$road['name']) throw new Main\SystemException('Undefined entity name in entity map'); if(!strlen($page)) $page = 'list'; $flds = array(); $class = $road['name'].'Table'; $excluded = $road['pages'][$page]['excludedColumns']; $included = $road['pages'][$page]['includedColumns']; $map = $class::getMap(); if(is_array($road['additional']) && !empty($road['additional'])) $map = array_merge($map, $road['additional']); foreach($map as $fldCode => $fldDesc) { if((strlen($fldDesc['title']) || $fldDesc['required'] || $fldDesc['primary'] || $fldCode == 'ID')) { if(is_array($excluded) && in_array($fldCode, $excluded)) continue; if(is_array($included) && !in_array($fldCode, $included)) continue; $fldDesc['title'] = strlen($fldDesc['title']) ? htmlspecialcharsbx($fldDesc['title']) : $fldCode; $fldDesc['ownerEntity'] = $road['name']; // map can be cumulative, from several entites, so we need to know who is an owner $flds[$fldCode] = $fldDesc; } } return $flds; } protected static function getFilterModifier($type) { return $type == 'string' ? '?' : '='; } protected static function packUrlParameters($parameters = array()) { $params = array(); foreach($parameters as $param => $value) { if(strlen($value)) { if(strpos($param, '=') === 0) { // value goes as-is, unsafe $param = substr($param, 1); } else $value = urlencode($value); $params[] = urlencode($param).'='.$value; } } return implode('&', $params); } protected static function getEntityClass($code = '') { $entityRoad = static::getEntityRoadMap(); $entityName = $entityRoad[strlen($code) ? $code : self::getEntityRoadCode()]['name']; if(!$entityName) throw new Main\SystemException('Undefined entity name in helper'); return $entityName.'Table'; } public static function getWidgetAppearance() { $appearance = Config\Option::get("sale", "sale_location_selector_appearance"); if(!strlen($appearance) || !in_array($appearance, array('search', 'steps'))) return 'steps'; return $appearance; } protected static function normalizeList($list, $expectNumeric = true) { $list = array_unique(array_values($list)); foreach($list as $i => $id) { if($expectNumeric) { if(intval($id) != $id) unset($list[$i]); $list[$i] = intval($id); if(!$list[$i]) unset($list[$i]); } else { if(!strlen($list[$i])) unset($list[$i]); } } return $list; } // proxy between $_REQUEST and resulting array to save links between entites and locations public static function prepareLinksForSaving($connectorClass, $links) { $useIds = !$connectorClass::getUseCodes(); $useGroups = $connectorClass::getUseGroups(); $l = $connectorClass::DB_LOCATION_FLAG; $g = $connectorClass::DB_GROUP_FLAG; if(isset($links[$l])) { if(is_string($links[$l])) $links[$l] = explode(':', $links[$l]); } else $links[$l] = array(); $links[$l] = self::normalizeList($links[$l], $useIds); if(!$useGroups) unset($links[$g]); else { if(isset($links[$g])) { if(is_string($links[$g])) $links[$g] = explode(':', $links[$g]); } else $links[$g] = array(); $links[$g] = self::normalizeList($links[$g], $useIds); } return $links; } public static function resetLocationsForEntity($entityId, $locations, $entityName, $expectCodes = false) { $locList = array(); if(is_array($locations) && !empty($locations)) { foreach($locations as $loc) { if($loc['LOCATION_TYPE'] == 'L') $locList[Location\Connector::DB_LOCATION_FLAG][] = $loc['LOCATION_ID']; elseif($loc['LOCATION_TYPE'] == 'G') $locList[Location\Connector::DB_GROUP_FLAG][] = $loc['LOCATION_ID']; } } $entityClass = $entityName.'Table'; try { if(!empty($locList) && !$expectCodes) { $locList[Location\Connector::DB_LOCATION_FLAG] = $entityClass::normalizeLocationList($locList[Location\Connector::DB_LOCATION_FLAG]); $gf = Location\Connector::DB_GROUP_FLAG; if(!empty($locList[$gf])) { $groupCodes = array(); $locList[$gf] = array_flip($locList[$gf]); // here we must get codes by ids for groups. There will be no thousands of groups, so we can do the following: $res = Location\GroupTable::getList(array('select' => array('ID', 'CODE'))); while($item = $res->fetch()) { if(isset($locList[$gf][$item['ID']])) $groupCodes[$item['CODE']] = 1; } $locList[$gf] = array_keys($groupCodes); } } $entityClass::resetMultipleForOwner($entityId, $locList); } catch(Exception $e) { } } }