Direktori : /home/bitrix/www/bitrix/modules/sale/lib/location/admin/ |
Current File : //home/bitrix/www/bitrix/modules/sale/lib/location/admin/locationhelper.php |
<? /** * This class is for internal use only, not a part of public API. * It can be changed at any time without notification. * * @access private */ namespace Bitrix\Sale\Location\Admin; use Bitrix\Main; use Bitrix\Main\Localization\Loc; use Bitrix\Sale\Location; Loc::loadMessages(__FILE__); final class LocationHelper extends NameHelper { const LIST_PAGE_URL = 'sale_location_node_list.php'; const EDIT_PAGE_URL = 'sale_location_node_edit.php'; const MENU_MAX_ITEMS_IN = 100; const MENU_LOCATION_PARENT_TAG = 'menu_sale_location_tree'; const MENU_ITEMS_QUERY_STRING_TAG = 'menu_sale_location_tree'; const MENU_ITEMS_QUERY_STRING_DELIMITER = ':'; const URL_PARAM_PARENT_ID = 'find_PARENT_ID'; const URL_PARAM_ID = 'id'; ##################################### #### Entity settings ##################################### /** * Function returns instructions from where and which columns we take to show in UI * @return string Entity class name */ public function getEntityRoadMap() { return array( 'main' => array( 'name' => 'Bitrix\Sale\Location\Location', 'pages' => array( 'list' => array( //'excludedColumns' => array('PARENT_ID') ), 'detail' => array( 'excludedColumns' => array() ), ) ), 'name' => array( 'name' => 'Bitrix\Sale\Location\Name\Location', 'pages' => array( 'list' => array( 'includedColumns' => array('NAME', 'SHORT_NAME') ), 'detail' => array( 'includedColumns' => array('NAME', 'SHORT_NAME') ) ) ), 'external' => array( 'name' => 'Bitrix\Sale\Location\External', 'pages' => array( 'detail' => array( 'includedColumns' => array('ID', 'XML_ID', 'SERVICE_ID') ) ) ), ); } ############################################## ############################################## ############################################## public static function getFilterColumns() { $columns = static::getColumns('list'); foreach($columns as $code => &$col) { $col['DEFAULT'] = in_array($code, array('ID', 'TYPE_ID', 'NAME_'.ToUpper(LANGUAGE_ID), 'SORT')); } return $columns; } public static function getListGridColumns() { $columns = static::getFilterColumns(); unset($columns['PARENT_ID']); return $columns; } // generalized filter to orm filter proxy public static function getParametersForList($proxed) { $parameters = parent::getParametersForList($proxed); if(isset($parameters['order']['TYPE_ID'])) // sorting by TYPE_ID, being set, should work in different way { $parameters['order']['TYPE.SORT'] = $parameters['order']['TYPE_ID']; unset($parameters['order']['TYPE_ID']); } return $parameters; } public static function getFormData($id) { $formData = parent::getFormData($id); // external data as a separate independent table $formData = array_merge($formData, static::getExternalData($id)); return $formData; } ############################################## ############################################## ############################################## // high-level validators used when accepting data typed in form. There can be some misspelling, etc, so additional buisness-logic required public static function validateUpdateRequest($data) { $errors = parent::validateUpdateRequest($data); // if type is set in data and not empty, it must exist $typeError = false; if(intval($data['TYPE_ID'])) { $type = Location\TypeTable::getList(array('select' => array('ID'), 'filter' => array('=ID' => intval($data['TYPE_ID']))))->fetch(); if(!$type) $typeError = true; } else $typeError = true; if($typeError) $errors[] = Loc::getMessage('SALE_LOCATION_ADMIN_LOCATION_HELPER_ENTITY_TYPE_ID_UNKNOWN_ERROR'); // formally check service ids in EXTERNAL parameter if(is_array($data['EXTERNAL']) && !empty($data['EXTERNAL'])) { $services = self::getExternalServicesList(); foreach($data['EXTERNAL'] as $external) { if(!isset($services[$external['SERVICE_ID']])) { $errors[] = Loc::getMessage('SALE_LOCATION_ADMIN_LOCATION_HELPER_ENTITY_UNKNOWN_EXTERNAL_SERVICE_ID_ERROR'); break; } } } if(is_array($data['NAME']) && !empty($data['NAME'])) { $hasValidName = false; foreach($data['NAME'] as $lang => $fields) { if(!empty($fields['NAME'])) { $hasValidName = true; break; } } if(!$hasValidName) { $errors[] = Loc::getMessage('SALE_LOCATION_ADMIN_LOCATION_HELPER_ENTITY_NAME_EMPTY_ERROR'); } } return $errors; } public static function proxyUpdateRequest($data) { $externals = $data['EXTERNAL']; unset($data['EXTERNAL']); if(is_array($externals) && !empty($externals)) { foreach($externals as $eId => $external) { if(!strlen($external['XML_ID'])) unset($externals[$eId]); } } $data = parent::proxyUpdateRequest($data); if(!empty($externals)) $data['EXTERNAL'] = $externals; return $data; } public static function proxyListRequest($page = 'list') { $parameters = parent::proxyListRequest($page); if($page == 'list') // filter by parent_id in list { if(!isset($parameters['filter']['=PARENT_ID'])) // value has not came from filter { if(isset($_REQUEST['find_PARENT_ID'])) $parameters['filter']['=PARENT_ID'] = intval($_REQUEST['find_PARENT_ID']); //else // $parameters['filter']['=PARENT_ID'] = 0; } } if(isset($parameters['order']['TYPE_ID'])) // sorting by TYPE_ID, being set, should work in different way { $parameters['order']['TYPE.SORT'] = $parameters['order']['TYPE_ID']; unset($parameters['order']['TYPE_ID']); } return $parameters; } // crud over entity: update public static function update($primary, $data, $batch = false) { $success = true; $entityClass = static::getEntityClass(); $data = static::convertToArray($data); $data = static::proxyUpdateRequest($data); $errors = static::validateUpdateRequest($data); if(empty($errors)) { $res = $entityClass::update($primary, $data, array('RESET_LEGACY' => !$batch)); if(!$res->isSuccess()) { $success = false; $errors = $res->getErrorMessages(); } } else $success = false; return array( 'success' => $success, 'errors' => $errors ); } // crud over entity: delete public static function delete($primary, $batch = false) { $success = true; $errors = array(); $entityClass = static::getEntityClass(); $res = $entityClass::deleteExtended($primary, array('RESET_LEGACY' => !$batch)); if(!$res->isSuccess()) { $success = false; $errors = $res->getErrorMessages(); } return array( 'success' => $success, 'errors' => $errors ); } ##################################### #### Entity-specific ##################################### public static function checkFirstImportDone() { return \Bitrix\Main\Config\Option::get('sale', 'sale_locationpro_import_performed', '') == 'Y'; } public static function getParentId($id) { if(!($id = intval($id))) return 0; $class = static::getEntityClass('main'); $item = $class::getList(array( 'filter' => array('=ID' => $id), 'select' => array('PARENT_ID') ))->fetch(); return $item['PARENT_ID']; } public static function getExternalData($id) { $res = Location\LocationTable::getExternalData($id); $result = array(); while($item = $res->Fetch()) $result['EXTERNAL'][$item['ID']] = $item; return $result; } public static function getExternalServicesList() { static $services; if($services == null) { $res = Location\ExternalServiceTable::getList(); $services = array(); while($item = $res->Fetch()) $services[$item['ID']] = $item; } return $services; } /** * @deprecated * * Use TypeHelper::getTypes() instead */ public static function getTypeList() { static $types; if($types == null) { $types = array(); $typesWithNames = Location\Admin\TypeHelper::getTypes(); foreach($typesWithNames as $type) { $types[intval($type['ID'])] = $type['NAME_CURRENT']; } } return $types; } public static function getExternalMap() { return static::readMap('external', 'detail'); } public static function checkRequestIsMenuRequest() { return strpos($_REQUEST['admin_mnu_menu_id'], self::MENU_ITEMS_QUERY_STRING_TAG) !== false; } public static function getLocationSubMenu() { // how it works: every time when we call for the next sub-level, we must // obtain not sublevel itself, but a whole parent-tree of it $queryParams = self::unPackItemsQueryString(); $requiredToShow = false; // three situations: // 1) node id comes in $_REQUEST['admin_mnu_menu_id'] parameter when user walks along left menu tree $id = false; if(self::checkRequestIsMenuRequest()) { $requiredToShow = true; $id = $queryParams['ID']; } if(!$id) { // 2) node id comes in $_REQUEST['id'] or in $_REQUEST['parent_id'] when user enters self::LIST_PAGE_URL or self::EDIT_PAGE_URL page $page = $GLOBALS['APPLICATION']->GetCurPage(); if($page == '/bitrix/admin/'.self::LIST_PAGE_URL || $page == '/bitrix/admin/'.self::EDIT_PAGE_URL) { $requiredToShow = true; /* if(intval($_REQUEST['id'])) $id = intval($_REQUEST['id']); */ if(intval($_REQUEST['find_PARENT_ID'])) $id = intval($_REQUEST['find_PARENT_ID']); elseif(intval($_REQUEST['parent_id'])) $id = intval($_REQUEST['parent_id']); } } // 3) there is no node id at all $tree = array(); if($requiredToShow) { $parameters = array( 'select' => array( 'ID', 'LOCATION_NAME' => 'NAME.NAME', 'DEPTH_LEVEL', 'PARENT_ID', 'CHILD_CNT' ), 'filter' => array( '=NAME.LANGUAGE_ID' => LANGUAGE_ID ), 'order' => array( 'LOCATION_NAME' => 'asc' // result always come sorted by LEFT_MARGIN, we must resort it by NAME ) ); if($id) { try { $res = Location\LocationTable::getParentTree($id, $parameters, array('SHOW_CHILDREN' => true)); } catch(Main\SystemException $e) { return array(); } } else { $res = Location\LocationTable::getChildren(false, $parameters); } $index = array(); while($item = $res->Fetch()) { $index[$item['PARENT_ID']][$item['ID']] = array( 'NAME' => htmlspecialcharsbx($item['LOCATION_NAME']), 'PARENT_ID' => intval($item['PARENT_ID']), 'CHILD_CNT' => intval($item['CHILD_CNT']) ); } unset($res); unset($item); self::appendMenuChildren($tree, 0, $index, $queryParams); } return $tree; } // transcendental thing that makes location menu work public static function packItemsQueryString($parameters = array()) { $inRequest = self::unPackItemsQueryString(); $query = array(self::MENU_ITEMS_QUERY_STRING_TAG, intval($parameters['ID'])); if(isset($parameters['LIMIT'])) // limit taken from the argument $query[] = intval($parameters['LIMIT']); else { if(self::checkRequestIsMenuRequest() && isset($inRequest['LIMIT'])) // limit taken from request $query[] = intval($inRequest['LIMIT']); else // limit taken by default $query[] = self::MENU_MAX_ITEMS_IN; } if(isset($parameters['SHOW_CHECKBOX'])) $query[] = $parameters['SHOW_CHECKBOX'] ? '1' : '0'; else { if(self::checkRequestIsMenuRequest() && isset($inRequest['SHOW_CHECKBOX'])) $query[] = $inRequest['SHOW_CHECKBOX'] ? '1' : '0'; else $query[] = '0'; } return implode(self::MENU_ITEMS_QUERY_STRING_DELIMITER, $query); } public static function unPackItemsQueryString() { $path = explode(self::MENU_ITEMS_QUERY_STRING_DELIMITER, $_REQUEST['admin_mnu_menu_id']); return array( 'ID' => intval($path[1]) ? intval($path[1]) : false, 'LIMIT' => intval($path[2]), 'SHOW_CHECKBOX' => !!$path[3] ); } public static function getListUrl($parent = false, $parameters = array()) { if(!is_array($parameters)) $parameters = array(); if($parent !== false) { //$parameters['filter'] = 'Y'; //$parameters['set_filter'] = 'Y'; $parameters[static::URL_PARAM_PARENT_ID] = intval($parent); //$parameters['adm_filter_applied'] = '0'; } return parent::getListUrl($parameters); } public static function getEditUrl($node = false, $parameters = array()) { if(!is_array($parameters)) $parameters = array(); if($node != false) $parameters[static::URL_PARAM_ID] = $node; return self::getUrl(static::EDIT_PAGE_URL, $parameters); } public static function appendMenuChildren(&$attachTo, $attachWhat, $index, $queryParams) { $i = 0; $overflow = false; $inChain = false; $limit = self::MENU_MAX_ITEMS_IN; // set always limited to self::MENU_MAX_ITEMS_IN (originally was intval($queryParams['LIMIT'])); if(empty($index)) return; if(is_array($index[$attachWhat])) { foreach($index[$attachWhat] as $id => $item) { if($limit && (!$overflow && $i >= $limit) || ($overflow && $inChain/* the previous item was significant */)) { $overflow = true; $attachTo[] = array( "text" => Loc::getMessage("SALE_MENU_LOCATION_THE_REST_OF"), "url" => static::getListUrl(intval($item['PARENT_ID'])), "module_id" => "sale", "parent_menu" => self::packItemsQueryString(array('ID' => $item['PARENT_ID'], 'LIMIT' => $limit, 'SHOW_CHECKBOX' => $queryParams['SHOW_CHECKBOX'])), ); } $inChain = isset($index[$id]); // this is important node - it belongs to the chain being displayed if(!$overflow || $inChain) { $node = array( "text" => ($queryParams['SHOW_CHECKBOX'] ? '<input type="checkbox" value="'.intval($id).'" /> ' : '').$item['NAME'], "fav_id" => intval($id), // allows javascript to know what item it is "url" => static::getListUrl(intval($id)), "module_id" => "sale", "items_id" => self::packItemsQueryString(array('ID' => $id, 'LIMIT' => $limit, 'SHOW_CHECKBOX' => $queryParams['SHOW_CHECKBOX'])), //"skip_chain" => true, // uncomment, if you dont want this menu item figure in breadcrumbs "parent_menu" => self::packItemsQueryString(array('ID' => $item['PARENT_ID'], 'LIMIT' => $limit, 'SHOW_CHECKBOX' => $queryParams['SHOW_CHECKBOX'])), "more_url" => array( // additional route, which will be treated as an alias when calculating selected menu path self::getEditUrl(intval($id)), // when editing existed node self::getEditUrl(false, array('parent_id' => intval($id))) // when adding a new node ) ); if($item['CHILD_CNT']) { $node['dynamic'] = true; $node['items'] = array(); if($inChain) self::appendMenuChildren($node['items'], $id, $index, $queryParams); } $attachTo[] = $node; } $i++; } } } public static function getLocationStringById($primary, $behaviour = array('INVERSE' => false, 'DELIMITER' => ', ', 'LANGUAGE_ID' => LANGUAGE_ID)) { return static::getLocationStringByCondition(array('=ID' => $primary), $behaviour); } public static function getLocationStringByCode($primary, $behaviour = array('INVERSE' => false, 'DELIMITER' => ', ', 'LANGUAGE_ID' => LANGUAGE_ID)) { return static::getLocationStringByCondition(array('=CODE' => $primary), $behaviour); } protected static function getLocationStringByCondition($condition, $behaviour = array('INVERSE' => false, 'DELIMITER' => ', ', 'LANGUAGE_ID' => LANGUAGE_ID)) { if(isset($behaviour) && !is_array($behaviour)) $behaviour = array(); if(!isset($behaviour['DELIMITER'])) $behaviour['DELIMITER'] = ', '; if(!isset($behaviour['LANGUAGE_ID'])) $behaviour['LANGUAGE_ID'] = LANGUAGE_ID; try { $res = Location\LocationTable::getPathToNodeByCondition($condition, array('select' => array('LNAME' => 'NAME.NAME'), 'filter' => array('=NAME.LANGUAGE_ID' => $behaviour['LANGUAGE_ID']))); $path = array(); while($item = $res->fetch()) { $path[] = $item['LNAME']; } if($behaviour['INVERSE']) $path = array_reverse($path); return implode($behaviour['DELIMITER'], $path); } catch(\Bitrix\Main\SystemException $e) { return ''; } } public static function getLocationsByZip($zip, $parameters = array()) { $zip = trim($zip); if(!strlen($zip) || !preg_match('#^\d+$#', $zip)) throw new Main\SystemException('Empty or incorrect zip code passed'); if(!is_array($parameters)) $parameters = array(); $parameters['filter'][] = array( 'LOGIC' => 'OR', array('=SERVICE.CODE' => 'ZIP'), array('=SERVICE.CODE' => 'ZIP_LOWER') ); $parameters['filter']['=XML_ID'] = $zip; $parameters['order']['SERVICE_CODE'] = 'ASC'; $parameters['select'][] = '*'; $parameters['select']['SERVICE_CODE'] = 'SERVICE.CODE'; return \Bitrix\Sale\Location\ExternalTable::getList($parameters); } public static function getZipByLocation($locationCode, $parameters = array()) { if(strlen($locationCode) <= 0) return new \Bitrix\Main\DB\ArrayResult(array()); if(!is_array($parameters)) $parameters = array(); $parameters['filter'][] = array( 'LOGIC' => 'OR', array('=SERVICE.CODE' => 'ZIP'), array('=SERVICE.CODE' => 'ZIP_LOWER') ); $parameters['order']['SERVICE_CODE'] = 'ASC'; $parameters['filter']['=LOCATION.CODE'] = $locationCode; $parameters['select'][] = '*'; $parameters['select']['SERVICE_CODE'] = 'SERVICE.CODE'; return \Bitrix\Sale\Location\ExternalTable::getList($parameters); } public static function checkLocationMigrated() { return Main\Config\Option::get('sale', 'sale_locationpro_migrated', '') == 'Y'; } // checks if new location enabled or not public static function checkLocationEnabled() { return static::checkLocationMigrated(); } // informers public static function informAdminLocationDatabaseFailure() { static::deleteInformer('SALE_LOCATIONPRO_DATABASE_FAILURE'); $fields = array( "MESSAGE" => Loc::getMessage('SALE_LOCATION_ADMIN_LOCATION_HELPER_DATABASE_FAILURE', array( '#ANCHOR_IMPORT_URL#' => '<a target="_blank" href="'.static::getImportUrl().'">', '#ANCHOR_END#' => '</a>' )), "TAG" => 'SALE_LOCATIONPRO_DATABASE_FAILURE', "MODULE_ID" => "sale", "ENABLE_CLOSE" => "Y", "PUBLIC_SECTION" => "N" ); \CAdminNotify::Add($fields); } public static function deleteInformer($informerTag) { if((string) $informerTag == '') return; $rsAdminNotify = \CAdminNotify::GetList(array(), array('MODULE_ID'=>'sale', 'TAG' => $informerTag)); if ($arAdminNotify = $rsAdminNotify->Fetch()) { \CAdminNotify::DeleteByTag($informerTag); } } /** * @deprecated */ public static function getLocationPathDisplay($primary) { if(!strlen($primary)) return ''; if((string) $primary === (string) intval($primary)) return static::getLocationStringById($primary); else return static::getLocationStringByCode($primary); } }