Direktori : /home/bitrix/www/bitrix/modules/sale/lib/location/db/ |
Current File : //home/bitrix/www/bitrix/modules/sale/lib/location/db/blockinserter.php |
<? /** * This class is for internal use only, not a part of public API. * It can be changed at any time without notification. * * @access private */ namespace Bitrix\Sale\Location\DB; use Bitrix\Main; use Bitrix\Sale\Location\DB\Helper; class BlockInserter { protected $tableName = ''; protected $tableMap = array(); protected $fldVector = array(); protected $insertHead = ''; protected $insertTail = ''; protected $index = 0; protected $bufferSize = 0; protected $buffer = ''; protected $map = array(); protected $autoIncFld = false; protected $dbType = false; protected $mtu = 0; protected $dbConnection = null; protected $dbHelper = null; protected $callbacks = array(); const RED_LINE = 100; public function __construct($parameters = array()) { $this->dbConnection = Main\HttpApplication::getConnection(); $this->dbHelper = $this->dbConnection->getSqlHelper(); $map = array(); if(strlen($parameters['entityName'])) { $table = $parameters['entityName']; $this->tableName = $table::getTableName(); $this->tableMap = $table::getMap(); // filter map throught $parameters['exactFields'] if(is_array($parameters['exactFields']) && !empty($parameters['exactFields'])) { foreach($parameters['exactFields'] as $fld) { if(!isset($this->tableMap[$fld])) throw new Main\SystemException('Field does not exist in ORM class, but present in "exactFields" parameter: '.$fld, 0, __FILE__, __LINE__); $map[] = $fld; $this->fldVector[$fld] = true; } } else { foreach($this->tableMap as $fld => $params) { $map[] = $fld; $this->fldVector[$fld] = true; } } } elseif(strlen($parameters['tableName'])) { $this->tableName = $this->dbHelper->forSql($parameters['tableName']); $this->tableMap = $parameters['exactFields']; // $this->tableMap as $fld => $params - is the right way! /* required for $loc2site = new DB\BlockInserter(array( 'tableName' => 'b_sale_loc_2site', 'exactFields' => array( 'LOCATION_ID' => array('data_type' => 'integer'), 'SITE_ID' => array('data_type' => 'string') ), 'parameters' => array( 'mtu' => 9999, 'autoIncrementFld' => 'ID' ) )); */ foreach($this->tableMap as $fld => $params) { $map[] = $fld; $this->fldVector[$fld] = true; } } // automatically insert to this field an auto-increment value // beware of TransactSQL`s IDENTITY_INSERT when setting autoIncrementFld to a database-driven auto-increment field if(strlen($parameters['parameters']['autoIncrementFld'])) { $this->autoIncFld = $this->dbHelper->forSql($this->autoIncFld); $this->autoIncFld = $parameters['parameters']['autoIncrementFld']; if(!isset($this->fldVector[$this->autoIncFld])) { $map[] = $this->autoIncFld; $this->fldVector[$this->autoIncFld] = true; $this->tableMap[$this->autoIncFld] = array('data_type' => 'integer'); } $this->initIndexFromField(); } $this->dbType = Main\HttpApplication::getConnection()->getType(); if(!($this->mtu = intval($parameters['parameters']['mtu']))) $this->mtu = 9999; $dbMtu = Helper::getMaxTransferUnit(); if($this->mtu > $dbMtu) $this->mtu = $dbMtu; $this->insertHead = Helper::getBatchInsertHead($this->tableName, $map); $this->insertTail = Helper::getBatchInsertTail(); if(is_callable($parameters['parameters']['CALLBACKS']['ON_BEFORE_FLUSH'])) $this->callbacks['ON_BEFORE_FLUSH'] = $parameters['parameters']['CALLBACKS']['ON_BEFORE_FLUSH']; $this->map = $map; } // this method is buggy when table is empty public function initIndexFromField($fld = 'ID') { if(!strlen($fld)) throw new Main\SystemException('Field is not set'); $fld = $this->dbHelper->forSql($fld); $sql = 'select MAX('.$fld.') as VAL from '.$this->tableName; $res = $this->dbConnection->query($sql)->fetch(); $this->index = intval($res['VAL']); /* $sql = 'select '.$fld.' from '.$this->tableName.' order by '.$fld.' desc'; $sql = $this->dbHelper->getTopSql($sql, 1); $res = $this->dbConnection->query($sql)->fetch(); $this->index = intval($res[$this->autoIncFld]); */ return $this->index; } public function getIndex() { return $this->index; } public function dropAutoIncrementRestrictions() { if($this->autoIncFld === false) return false; return Helper::dropAutoIncrementRestrictions($this->tableName); } public function restoreAutoIncrementRestrictions() { if($this->autoIncFld === false) return false; return Helper::restoreAutoIncrementRestrictions($this->tableName); } public function resetAutoIncrementFromIndex() { Helper::resetAutoIncrement($this->tableName, $this->getIndex() + 1); } public function insert($row) { if(!is_array($row) || empty($row)) return; $this->index++; $this->bufferSize++; if($this->autoIncFld !== false) { $row[$this->autoIncFld] = $this->index; Helper::incrementSequenceForTable($this->tableName); // if this is oracle and we insert auto increment key directly, we must provide sequence increment manually } $sql = Helper::getBatchInsertValues($row, $this->tableName, $this->fldVector, $this->map); /* MySQL & MsSQL: insert into b_test (F1,F2) values ('one','two'),('one1','two1'),('one2','two2') Oracle: insert all into b_test (F1,F2) values ('one','two') into b_test (F1,F2) values ('one1','two1') into b_test (F1,F2) values ('one2','two2') select * from dual */ $nextBuffer = (empty($this->buffer) ? $this->insertHead : $this->buffer.Helper::getBatchInsertSeparator()).$sql; // here check length if(defined(SITE_CHARSET) && SITE_CHARSET == 'UTF-8') $len = mb_strlen($nextBuffer); else $len = strlen($nextBuffer); if(($this->mtu - (strlen($nextBuffer) + 100)) < self::RED_LINE) { $this->flush(); // flushing the previous buffer (now $this->buffer == '') $this->buffer = $this->insertHead.$sql; } else $this->buffer = $nextBuffer; return $this->index; } public function flush() { if(!strlen($this->buffer)) return; if(isset($this->callbacks['ON_BEFORE_FLUSH'])) call_user_func($this->callbacks['ON_BEFORE_FLUSH']); $this->buffer .= ' '.$this->insertTail; $restrDropped = $this->dropAutoIncrementRestrictions(); Main\HttpApplication::getConnection()->query($this->buffer); if($restrDropped) $this->restoreAutoIncrementRestrictions(); $this->buffer = ''; $this->bufferSize = 0; } }