Direktori : /home/bitrix/www/bitrix/modules/sale/lib/location/ |
Current File : //home/bitrix/www/bitrix/modules/sale/lib/location/location.php |
<?php /** * Bitrix Framework * @package Bitrix\Sale\Location * @subpackage sale * @copyright 2001-2014 Bitrix */ namespace Bitrix\Sale\Location; use Bitrix\Main; use Bitrix\Main\DB; use Bitrix\Main\Entity; use Bitrix\Main\Localization\Loc; use Bitrix\Sale\Location\Name; use Bitrix\Sale\Location\Util\Assert; use Bitrix\Sale\Location\Search; use Bitrix\Sale\Location\DB\Helper; Loc::loadMessages(__FILE__); final class LocationTable extends Tree { public static function getFilePath() { return __FILE__; } public static function getTableName() { return 'b_sale_location'; } /** * Returns location with the specified code. * * @param string $code location code to search for * * @throws Bitrix\Main\ArgumentNullException * * @return Bitrix\Main\DB\Result location */ public static function getByCode($code = '', $parameters = array()) { $code = Assert::expectStringNotNull($code, '$code'); if(!is_array($parameters)) $parameters = array(); $parameters['filter']['=CODE'] = $code; $parameters['limit'] = 1; return self::getList($parameters); } public static function checkFields(Entity\Result $result, $primary, array $data) { parent::checkFields($result, $primary, $data); foreach(static::getEntity()->getFields() as $field) { $error = false; if($field->getName() == 'LATITUDE' && strlen($data['LATITUDE'])) { // latitude is set in data and not empty, it must lay between -90 and 90 if(!is_numeric($data['LATITUDE'])) $error = Loc::getMessage('SALE_LOCATION_LOCATION_ENTITY_LATITUDE_TYPE_ERROR'); elseif(($latitude = floatval($data['LATITUDE'])) && ($latitude < -90 || $latitude > 90)) $error = Loc::getMessage('SALE_LOCATION_LOCATION_ENTITY_LATITUDE_RANGE_ERROR'); } if($field->getName() == 'LONGITUDE' && strlen($data['LONGITUDE'])) { // longitude is set in data and not empty, it must lay between -180 and 180 if(!is_numeric($data['LONGITUDE'])) $error = Loc::getMessage('SALE_LOCATION_LOCATION_ENTITY_LONGITUDE_TYPE_ERROR'); elseif(($longitude = floatval($data['LONGITUDE'])) && ($longitude < -180 || $longitude > 180)) $error = Loc::getMessage('SALE_LOCATION_LOCATION_ENTITY_LONGITUDE_RANGE_ERROR'); } if($error !== false) { $result->addError(new Entity\FieldError( $field, $error, Entity\FieldError::INVALID_VALUE )); } } } public static function add(array $data) { return self::addExtended($data); } /** * Adds a new location * * @param mixed[] $data to be added. Additional data keys could be passed: * * <ul> * <li> * NAME string[] : add name string to a newly created location * </li> * <li> * EXTERNAL string[] : add external data records to a newly created location * </li> * </ul> * * @param mixed[] $additional an additional behaviour flags: * * <ul> * <li> * REBALANCE boolean (default: true) : do rebalance after add * </li> * </ul> * * @return \Bitrix\Main\Entity\AddResult the result of add operation */ public static function addExtended(array $data, array $additional = array()) { $resetLegacy = !isset($additional['RESET_LEGACY']) || $additional['RESET_LEGACY'] !== false; if(isset($data['EXTERNAL'])) { $external = $data['EXTERNAL']; unset($data['EXTERNAL']); } if(isset($data['NAME'])) { $name = $data['NAME']; unset($data['NAME']); } // force code to lowercase if(isset($data['CODE'])) $data['CODE'] = ToLower($data['CODE']); // you are not allowed to modify tree data over LocationTable::add() self::applyRestrictions($data); // store tree data and basic $addResult = parent::addExtended($data, $additional); // add connected data if($addResult->isSuccess()) { $primary = $addResult->getId(); // external if(isset($external)) ExternalTable::addMultipleForOwner($primary, $external); // names if(isset($name)) Name\LocationTable::addMultipleForOwner($primary, $name); if(intval($data['TYPE_ID']) > 0 && $resetLegacy) self::resetLegacy(intval($data['TYPE_ID'])); Search\Finder::setIndexInvalid(); $GLOBALS['CACHE_MANAGER']->ClearByTag('sale-location-data'); } return $addResult; } protected static function resetLegacy($typeId) { $type = TypeTable::getList(array('filter' => array('=ID' => $typeId), 'select' => array('CODE')))->fetch(); if(strlen($type['CODE']) && in_array($type['CODE'], array('COUNTRY', 'REGION', 'CITY'))) static::resetLegacyPath(); } public static function update($primary, array $data) { return self::updateExtended($primary, $data); } /** * Updates an existed location * * @param integer $primary location primary key of a element being updated * @param mixed[] $data new data to set. Additional data keys could be passed: * * <ul> * <li> * NAME string[] : update name string for specified location * </li> * <li> * EXTERNAL string[] : update external data records for specified location * </li> * </ul> * * @param mixed[] $additional an additional behaviour flags: * * <ul> * <li> * REBALANCE boolean (default: true) : do rebalancing after add * </li> * </ul> * * @return \Bitrix\Main\Entity\UpdateResult the result of update operation */ public static function updateExtended($primary, array $data, array $additional = array()) { $primary = Assert::expectIntegerPositive($primary, '$primary'); $resetLegacy = !isset($additional['RESET_LEGACY']) || $additional['RESET_LEGACY'] !== false; // first update parent, and if it succeed, do updates of the connected data if(isset($data['EXTERNAL'])) { $external = $data['EXTERNAL']; unset($data['EXTERNAL']); } if(isset($data['NAME'])) { $name = $data['NAME']; unset($data['NAME']); } // force code to lowercase if(isset($data['CODE'])) $data['CODE'] = ToLower($data['CODE']); // you are not allowed to modify tree data over LocationTable::update() self::applyRestrictions($data); $updResult = parent::updateExtended($primary, $data, $additional); // update connected data if($updResult->isSuccess()) { // external if(isset($external)) ExternalTable::updateMultipleForOwner($primary, $external); // names if(isset($name)) Name\LocationTable::updateMultipleForOwner($primary, $name); if($resetLegacy && (intval($data['TYPE_ID']) > 0 || isset($data['PARENT_ID']))) self::resetLegacy(intval($data['TYPE_ID'])); $GLOBALS['CACHE_MANAGER']->ClearByTag('sale-location-data'); if(isset($name) || isset($data['PARENT_ID'])) Search\Finder::setIndexInvalid(); } return $updResult; } public static function delete($primary) { return self::deleteExtended($primary); } /** * Deletes location from the tree * * @param $primary * @param array $additional * @return Entity\DeleteResult * @throws Main\ArgumentException * @throws Main\SystemException * @throws Tree\NodeNotFoundException */ public static function deleteExtended($primary, array $additional = array()) { $primary = Assert::expectIntegerPositive($primary, '$primary'); $resetLegacy = !isset($additional['RESET_LEGACY']) || $additional['RESET_LEGACY'] !== false; $deleteSubtree = !isset($additional['DELETE_SUBTREE']) || $additional['DELETE_SUBTREE'] !== false; // delete connected data of sub-nodes if($deleteSubtree) { $rangeSql = parent::getSubtreeRangeSqlForNode($primary); Name\LocationTable::deleteMultipleByParentRangeSql($rangeSql); ExternalTable::deleteMultipleByParentRangeSql($rangeSql); } if($resetLegacy) $data = static::getList(array('filter' => array('=ID' => $primary), 'select' => array('TYPE_ID')))->fetch(); $delResult = parent::deleteExtended($primary, $additional); // delete connected data if($delResult->isSuccess()) { Name\LocationTable::deleteMultipleForOwner($primary); ExternalTable::deleteMultipleForOwner($primary); if($resetLegacy && intval($data['TYPE_ID'])) { $type = TypeTable::getList(array('filter' => array('=ID' => $data['TYPE_ID']), 'select' => array('CODE')))->fetch(); if(strlen($type['CODE']) && in_array($type['CODE'], array('COUNTRY', 'REGION', 'CITY'))) static::resetLegacyPath(); } $GLOBALS['CACHE_MANAGER']->ClearByTag('sale-location-data'); Search\Finder::setIndexInvalid(); } return $delResult; } /** * * * */ public static function getExternalData($primary, $parameters = array()) { $primary = Assert::expectIntegerPositive($primary, '$primary'); if(!is_array($parameters) || empty($parameters)) $parameters = array(); $parameters['filter']['LOCATION_ID'] = $primary; return ExternalTable::getList($parameters); } // todo: make getList with SITE_ID parameter to have an ability to filter by SITE_ID using orm (even slowly) /** * Fetches a parent chain of a specified node, using its code * * Available keys in $behaviour * SHOW_LEAF : if set to true, return node itself in the result */ public static function getPathToNodeByCode($code, $parameters, $behaviour = array('SHOW_LEAF' => true)) { $code = Assert::expectStringNotNull($code, '$code'); return self::getPathToNodeByCondition(array('=CODE' => $code), $parameters, $behaviour); } public static function checkNodeIsParentOfNode($primary, $childPrimary, $behaviour = array('ACCEPT_CODE' => false, 'CHECK_DIRECT' => false)) { if(!$behaviour['ACCEPT_CODE']) return static::checkNodeIsParentOfNodeById($primary, $childPrimary, $behaviour); $primary = Assert::expectStringNotNull($primary, '$primary'); $childPrimary = Assert::expectStringNotNull($childPrimary, '$childPrimary'); return static::checkNodeIsParentOfNodeByFilters(array('=CODE' => $primary), array('=CODE' => $childPrimary), $behaviour); } public static function resetLegacyPath() { $dbConnection = Main\HttpApplication::getConnection(); $locTable = static::getTableName(); $types = array(); $res = TypeTable::getList(array( 'filter' => array('CODE' => array('COUNTRY', 'REGION', 'CITY')), 'select' => array('ID', 'CODE') )); while($item = $res->fetch()) $types[$item['CODE']] = $item['ID']; if(!empty($types)) { if(!$dbConnection->isTableExists('b_sale_loc_rebind')) $dbConnection->query("create table b_sale_loc_rebind (TARGET_ID ".Helper::getSqlForDataType('int').", LOCATION_ID ".Helper::getSqlForDataType('int').")"); else $dbConnection->query("truncate table b_sale_loc_rebind"); $sqlWhere = array(); foreach($types as $code => $id) $sqlWhere[] = "'".intval($id)."'"; $dbConnection->query("update ".$locTable." set COUNTRY_ID = NULL, REGION_ID = NULL, CITY_ID = NULL where TYPE_ID in (".implode(', ', $sqlWhere).")"); if(intval($types['REGION']) && intval($types['COUNTRY'])) { // countries for regions $dbConnection->query("insert into b_sale_loc_rebind (TARGET_ID, LOCATION_ID) select A.ID as ONE, B.ID as TWO from ".$locTable." A inner join ".$locTable." B on A.TYPE_ID = '".intval($types['REGION'])."' and B.TYPE_ID = '".intval($types['COUNTRY'])."' and B.LEFT_MARGIN <= A.LEFT_MARGIN and B.RIGHT_MARGIN >= A.RIGHT_MARGIN"); Helper::mergeTables($locTable, 'b_sale_loc_rebind', array('COUNTRY_ID' => 'LOCATION_ID'), array('ID' => 'TARGET_ID')); $dbConnection->query("truncate table b_sale_loc_rebind"); } if(intval($types['REGION']) && intval($types['CITY'])) { // regions for cities $dbConnection->query("insert into b_sale_loc_rebind (TARGET_ID, LOCATION_ID) select A.ID as ONE, B.ID as TWO from ".$locTable." A inner join ".$locTable." B on A.TYPE_ID = '".intval($types['CITY'])."' and B.TYPE_ID = '".intval($types['REGION'])."' and B.LEFT_MARGIN <= A.LEFT_MARGIN and B.RIGHT_MARGIN >= A.RIGHT_MARGIN"); Helper::mergeTables($locTable, 'b_sale_loc_rebind', array('REGION_ID' => 'LOCATION_ID'), array('ID' => 'TARGET_ID')); $dbConnection->query("truncate table b_sale_loc_rebind"); } if(intval($types['COUNTRY']) && intval($types['CITY'])) { // countries for cities $dbConnection->query("insert into b_sale_loc_rebind (TARGET_ID, LOCATION_ID) select A.ID as ONE, B.ID as TWO from ".$locTable." A inner join ".$locTable." B on A.TYPE_ID = '".intval($types['CITY'])."' and B.TYPE_ID = '".intval($types['COUNTRY'])."' and B.LEFT_MARGIN <= A.LEFT_MARGIN and B.RIGHT_MARGIN >= A.RIGHT_MARGIN"); Helper::mergeTables($locTable, 'b_sale_loc_rebind', array('COUNTRY_ID' => 'LOCATION_ID'), array('ID' => 'TARGET_ID')); } Helper::dropTable('b_sale_loc_rebind'); if(intval($types['COUNTRY'])) $dbConnection->query("update ".$locTable." set COUNTRY_ID = ID where TYPE_ID = '".intval($types['COUNTRY'])."'"); if(intval($types['REGION'])) $dbConnection->query("update ".$locTable." set REGION_ID = ID where TYPE_ID = '".intval($types['REGION'])."'"); if(intval($types['CITY'])) $dbConnection->query("update ".$locTable." set CITY_ID = ID where TYPE_ID = '".intval($types['CITY'])."'"); } } public static function getCodeValidators() { return array( new Entity\Validator\Unique(), ); } public static function getMap() { return array( 'ID' => array( 'data_type' => 'integer', 'primary' => true, 'autocomplete' => true, 'title' => 'ID' ), 'CODE' => array( 'data_type' => 'string', 'title' => Loc::getMessage('SALE_LOCATION_LOCATION_ENTITY_CODE_FIELD'), 'required' => true, 'validation' => array(__CLASS__, 'getCodeValidators') ), 'LEFT_MARGIN' => array( 'data_type' => 'integer', ), 'RIGHT_MARGIN' => array( 'data_type' => 'integer', ), 'DEPTH_LEVEL' => array( 'data_type' => 'integer', ), 'SORT' => array( 'data_type' => 'integer', 'default_value' => 100, 'title' => Loc::getMessage('SALE_LOCATION_LOCATION_ENTITY_SORT_FIELD') ), 'PARENT_ID' => array( 'data_type' => 'integer', 'default_value' => 0, 'title' => Loc::getMessage('SALE_LOCATION_LOCATION_ENTITY_PARENT_ID_FIELD') ), 'TYPE_ID' => array( 'data_type' => 'integer', 'required' => true, 'title' => Loc::getMessage('SALE_LOCATION_LOCATION_ENTITY_TYPE_ID_FIELD') ), 'LATITUDE' => array( 'data_type' => 'float', 'title' => Loc::getMessage('SALE_LOCATION_LOCATION_ENTITY_LATITUDE_FIELD') ), 'LONGITUDE' => array( 'data_type' => 'float', 'title' => Loc::getMessage('SALE_LOCATION_LOCATION_ENTITY_LONGITUDE_FIELD') ), // virtual 'TYPE' => array( 'data_type' => 'Bitrix\Sale\Location\Type', 'reference' => array( '=this.TYPE_ID' => 'ref.ID' ), 'join_type' => "inner" ), 'NAME' => array( 'data_type' => 'Bitrix\Sale\Location\Name\Location', 'reference' => array( '=this.ID' => 'ref.LOCATION_ID' ), 'join_type' => "inner" ), 'PARENT' => array( 'data_type' => 'Bitrix\Sale\Location\Location', 'reference' => array( '=this.PARENT_ID' => 'ref.ID' ) ), 'PARENTS' => array( 'data_type' => 'Bitrix\Sale\Location\Location', 'reference' => array( '<=ref.LEFT_MARGIN' => 'this.LEFT_MARGIN', '>=ref.RIGHT_MARGIN' => 'this.RIGHT_MARGIN' ) ), 'CHILDREN' => array( 'data_type' => 'Bitrix\Sale\Location\Location', 'reference' => array( '=this.ID' => 'ref.PARENT_ID' ) ), 'EXTERNAL' => array( 'data_type' => 'Bitrix\Sale\Location\External', 'reference' => array( '=this.ID' => 'ref.LOCATION_ID' ) ), 'DEFAULT_SITE' => array( 'data_type' => 'Bitrix\Sale\Location\DefaultSite', 'reference' => array( '=this.CODE' => 'ref.LOCATION_CODE' ) ), 'CNT' => array( 'data_type' => 'integer', 'expression' => array( 'count(*)' ) ), 'CHILDREN_CNT' => array( 'data_type' => 'integer', 'expression' => array( 'count(%s)', 'CHILD.ID' ) ), 'IS_PARENT' => array( 'data_type' => 'boolean', 'expression' => array( 'case when count(%s) > 0 then 1 else 0 end', 'CHILD.ID' ) ), // do not remove unless you want migrator to be dead 'COUNTRY_ID' => array( 'data_type' => 'integer', ), 'REGION_ID' => array( 'data_type' => 'integer', ), 'CITY_ID' => array( 'data_type' => 'integer', ), 'LOC_DEFAULT' => array( 'data_type' => 'string', ), // deprecated aliases 'CHILD' => array( 'data_type' => 'Bitrix\Sale\Location\Location', 'reference' => array( '=this.ID' => 'ref.PARENT_ID' ) ), 'CHILD_CNT' => array( 'data_type' => 'integer', 'expression' => array( 'count(%s)', 'CHILD.ID' ) ), 'DEFAULT_SORT' => array( 'data_type' => 'Bitrix\Sale\Location\DefaultSiteTable', 'reference' => array( '=this.CODE' => 'ref.LOCATION_CODE' ) ), ); } /** * @deprecated */ public static function getListFast($parameters = array()) { // here $parameters conversion required if(isset($parameters['filter']['NAME'])) { $parameters['filter']['PHRASE'] = $parameters['filter']['NAME']; unset($parameters['filter']['NAME']); } if(isset($parameters['filter']['LANGUAGE_ID'])) { $parameters['filter']['NAME.LANGUAGE_ID'] = $parameters['filter']['LANGUAGE_ID']; unset($parameters['filter']['LANGUAGE_ID']); } return \Bitrix\Sale\Location\Search\Finder::find($parameters, array('USE_INDEX' => false, 'USE_ORM' => false)); } }